diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md new file mode 100644 index 0000000..342626b --- /dev/null +++ b/changelog.md @@ -0,0 +1,18 @@ +# +# + +Alignement sur SWADE v1.1.X et traductions de clés manquantes + +# + +Alignement sur SWADE v1.1.X + +# + + Repository migration + + +# + + Migration of the the module,change of the module owner + Corrections sur le manifest diff --git a/fr.json b/fr.json index 71aa8e3..c87f674 100644 --- a/fr.json +++ b/fr.json @@ -1,304 +1,546 @@ { - "ACTOR.TypeCharacter": "Personnage", - "ACTOR.TypeNpc": "PNJ", - "ACTOR.TypeVehicle": "Véhicule", - "ITEM.TypeAbility": "Capacité", - "ITEM.TypeArmor": "Armure", - "ITEM.TypeEdge": "Atout", - "ITEM.TypeGear": "Équipement", - "ITEM.TypeHindrance": "Handicap", - "ITEM.TypePower": "Pouvoir", - "ITEM.TypeShield": "Bouclier", - "ITEM.TypeSkill": "Compétence", - "ITEM.TypeWeapon": "Arme", - "SWADE.About": "Description", - "SWADE.ActionCard": "Carte d'action", - "SWADE.Actions": "Actions", - "SWADE.ActionsEffects": "Actions et Effets", - "SWADE.Actors": "Personnages", - "SWADE.Add": "Ajout", - "SWADE.AddBenny": "Ajouter un Jeton", - "SWADE.Addi": "Additionel", - "SWADE.AddStats": "Caractéristiques additionelles", - "SWADE.Adv": "Progressions", - "SWADE.Aiming": "Viser", - "SWADE.All": "Tous", - "SWADE.AllBenniesRefresh": "Réinitialiser tous les Jetons", - "SWADE.AltSkill": "Comp. alternative", - "SWADE.Ammo": "Munitions", - "SWADE.AmmoManagement": "Gestion des munitions", - "SWADE.AmmoManagementDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, et si c'est applicable, les actions soustraient des munitions du chargeur de votre arme. Les cartes d'objet ont aussi un nouveau bouton recharger et vous ne pourrez pas faire d'attaque si vous n'avez pas assez de munitions.", - "SWADE.AnimalSmarts": "Intellect animal", - "SWADE.Ap": "PA", - "SWADE.APLong": "Pénétration d'armure", - "SWADE.Arcane": "Arcanes", - "SWADE.ArcBack": "Arcanes", - "SWADE.Armor": "Armure", - "SWADE.Armors": "Armures", - "SWADE.Arms": "Bras", - "SWADE.AttrAgi": "Agilité", - "SWADE.AttrAgiShort": "Agi", - "SWADE.Attributes": "Attributs", - "SWADE.AttributeTest": "Jet d'Attribut", - "SWADE.AttrSma": "Intellect", - "SWADE.AttrSmaShort": "Int", - "SWADE.AttrSpr": "Âme", - "SWADE.AttrSprShort": "Âme", - "SWADE.AttrStr": "Force", - "SWADE.AttrStrShort": "For", - "SWADE.AttrVig": "Vigueur", - "SWADE.AttrVigShort": "Vig", - "SWADE.AutoCalc": "Calculs automatiques", - "SWADE.AutoCalcParry": "Calculer la Parade automatiquement, bouclier inclus", - "SWADE.AutoInit": "Initiative automatique", - "SWADE.AutoInitDesc": "Pioche automatiquement l'initiative à chaque tour", - "SWADE.AutoLink": "Lier automatiquement les Jokers", - "SWADE.AutoLinkDesc": "Les Joker PNJ auront leur pion lié lorsque leur statut sera basculé d'Extra à Joker", - "SWADE.AutoReload": "Rechargement auto.", - "SWADE.Bennies": "Jetons", - "SWADE.BenniesAddMessage": "a obtenu un nouveau Jeton !", - "SWADE.BenniesGive": "Donner un Jeton", - "SWADE.BenniesGMAddMessage": "Le MJ a obtenu un nouveau Jeton !", - "SWADE.BenniesGMRefreshMessage": "Les Jetons du MJ ont été réinitialisés !", - "SWADE.BenniesMax": "Réinitialisation des Jetons", - "SWADE.BenniesRefresh": "Réinitialiser les Jetons", - "SWADE.BenniesRefreshAllMessage": "Tous les Jetons ont été réinitialisés !", - "SWADE.BenniesRefreshMessage": "Les Jetons ont été réinitialisés !", - "SWADE.BenniesSpend": "Dépenser un Jeton", - "SWADE.BenniesSpendMessage": "dépense un Jeton", - "SWADE.Berserk": "Enragé", - "SWADE.Biography": "Historique", - "SWADE.BleedingOut": "Hémorragie", - "SWADE.Bound": "Immobilisé", - "SWADE.Cancel": "Annuler", - "SWADE.CardSound": "Son de pioche de carte", - "SWADE.CardSoundDesc": "Joue un son lorsque l'Initiative est piochée", - "SWADE.Cargo": "Cargaison", - "SWADE.CargoWeight": "Poids cargaison", - "SWADE.CarryWeight": "Encombrement", - "SWADE.Class": "Classification", - "SWADE.CommunityCharSheet": "Ancienne fiche de personnage", - "SWADE.CommunityItemSheet": "Fiche d'objet communautaire", - "SWADE.CommunityNPCSheet": "Fiche de PNJ communautaire", - "SWADE.CommunityVicSheet": "Fiche de véhicule communautaire", - "SWADE.Cone": "Gabarit de cône", - "SWADE.ConfigInit": "Configurer l'Initiative", - "SWADE.Conv": "Conviction", - "SWADE.ConvictionActivate": "Fait appel à sa Conviction !", - "SWADE.ConvictionActive": "Conviction active", - "SWADE.ConvictionEnd": "vacille dans sa Conviction", - "SWADE.ConvictionExtend": "Voulez-vous maintenir votre Conviction ?", - "SWADE.Cover": "Couvert", - "SWADE.CoverShield": "Couvert de bouclier", - "SWADE.CreateInitChat": "Créer un message dans le chat pour l'Initiative", - "SWADE.Crew": "Équipage requis", - "SWADE.CurPP": "Pt de pouvoir actuels", - "SWADE.Curr": "Actuel", - "SWADE.Currency": "Argent", - "SWADE.CurrentBennies": "Jetons actuels", - "SWADE.Defending": "Défense totale", - "SWADE.Del": "Supprimer", - "SWADE.Derived": "Caractéristiques dérivées", - "SWADE.Desc": "Description", - "SWADE.Details": "Détails", - "SWADE.DiceConf": "Configuration des dés", - "SWADE.DiceConfDesc": "Configurer les options pour l'intégration SWADE/Dice So Nice", - "SWADE.DiceConfLabel": "Ouvrir la Configuration des dés", - "SWADE.Die": "Dé", - "SWADE.Diseased": "Malade", - "SWADE.Distr": "Distrait", - "SWADE.Dmg": "Dégâts", - "SWADE.DmgModUni": "Modificateur de dégâts (universel)", - "SWADE.DmgOver": "Remplacement des dégâts", - "SWADE.DSNNone": "- Aucun -", - "SWADE.Dur": "Durée", - "SWADE.Ed": "Modifier", - "SWADE.EdEdge": "Modifier Atout", - "SWADE.Edges": "Atouts", - "SWADE.EdgesHindrances": "Atouts et Handicaps", - "SWADE.EdHind": "Modifier Handicap", - "SWADE.EditSkill": "Modifier Compétence", - "SWADE.Effects": "Effets actifs", - "SWADE.EnableBennyNotify": "Notifications des Jetons", - "SWADE.EnableBennyNotifyDesc": "Affiche des messages dans le chat lorsque les Jetons sont modifiés.", - "SWADE.EnableConv": "Activer la Conviction", - "SWADE.EnableConvDesc": "Active la règle d'univers Conviction", - "SWADE.Enabled": "Activé", - "SWADE.EnableWoundPace": "Ajuster l'Allure avec les Blessures", - "SWADE.EnableWoundPaceDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, l'Allure est automatiquement affectée par les Blessures", - "SWADE.Encumbered": "Encombré", - "SWADE.Entangled": "Entravé", - "SWADE.Eqd": "Éqpé", - "SWADE.Equippable": "Équipable", - "SWADE.Equipped": "Équipé", - "SWADE.Expand": "Agrandir", - "SWADE.Extra": "Extra", - "SWADE.Fatigue": "Fatigue", - "SWADE.FatigueMax": "Fatigue max.", - "SWADE.Flying": "En Vol", - "SWADE.Formula": "Formule", - "SWADE.FreeReroll": "Relance gratuite", - "SWADE.Frightened": "Effrayé", - "SWADE.General": "Général", - "SWADE.GM": "Meneur de Jeu", - "SWADE.GmBennies": "Jetons du MJ", - "SWADE.GmBenniesDesc": "Détermine combien de Jetons le MJ reçoit après une réinitialisation", - "SWADE.GrantsPowers": "Accorde des pouvoirs", - "SWADE.GroupRoll": "Jet de groupe", - "SWADE.Handling": "Manœuvrabilité", - "SWADE.HasMaxValue": "A une valeur max.", - "SWADE.HasPowers": "A des pouvoirs", - "SWADE.Head": "Tête", - "SWADE.HeartAttack": "Arrêt cardiaque", - "SWADE.Hesitant": "Hésitant", - "SWADE.HideNpcItemChatCards": "Cacher les cartes du chat d'objets des PNJ", - "SWADE.HideNpcItemChatCardsDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, les cartes du chat d'objets des PNJ sont automatiquement envoyées en message privé à tous les Meneurs de Jeu au lieu d'être envoyées en chat public", - "SWADE.HideWC": "Cache le Joker des PNJ", - "SWADE.HideWCDesc": "Ne montre pas le signe Joker aux joueurs pour les PNJ", - "SWADE.Hindrances": "Handicaps", - "SWADE.HitLocations": "Localisation", - "SWADE.Holding": "En attente", - "SWADE.IgnWounds": "Ignorer les Blessures", - "SWADE.ImprovedLevelHeaded": "Sang-froid", - "SWADE.Incap": "Incapacité", - "SWADE.InclArmor": "Calcule automatiquement la Résistance, armure incluse", - "SWADE.Init": "Initiative", - "SWADE.InitDraw": "pioche son Initiative !", - "SWADE.Inv": "Inventaire", - "SWADE.Invisible": "Invisible", - "SWADE.Item": "Objet", - "SWADE.Items": "Objets", - "SWADE.JokersWild": "Un joker, c'est fou !", - "SWADE.JokersWildDesc": "Donner un Jeton à tous les PJ lorsque l'un d'entre eux tire un joker", - "SWADE.Label": "Label", - "SWADE.LBT": "Grand gabarit", - "SWADE.Legs": "Jambes", - "SWADE.LevelHeaded": "Tête froide", - "SWADE.LinkAttr": "Attribut lié", - "SWADE.Mag": "Coups", - "SWADE.MajHind": "Handicap Majeur", - "SWADE.Major": "(Majeur)", - "SWADE.ManCheck": "Jet de Manœuvre", - "SWADE.Max": "Max.", - "SWADE.MaxCargo": "Encombrement max. cargaison", - "SWADE.MaxMods": "Mods Maximums", - "SWADE.MaxPP": "Pt de pouvoir max.", - "SWADE.MBT": "Gabarit moyen", - "SWADE.MeleeWeapons": "Armes de contact", - "SWADE.Minor": "(Mineur)", - "SWADE.MinStr": "Force min.", - "SWADE.MinStrLong": "Force minimale", - "SWADE.MinStrShort": "For min.", - "SWADE.Misc": "Divers", - "SWADE.Mod": "Modificateur", - "SWADE.ModHint": "Assurez-vous que votre modificateur inclut un + ou un -", - "SWADE.Mods": "Mods", - "SWADE.ModSlots": "Emplacements de Mods", - "SWADE.Name": "Nom", - "SWADE.NaturalArmor": "Armure naturelle", - "SWADE.NoAmmoSet": "Il n'y a pas de munitions affectées", - "SWADE.NoBennies": "Vous n'avez plus de Jetons !", - "SWADE.NoCardsLeft": "Il n'y a plus assez de cartes dans le paquet !", - "SWADE.NotEnoughAmmo": "Vous n'avez pas assez de munitions pour effectuer cette action !", - "SWADE.NotEnoughAmmoToReload": "Il n'y a pas assez de munitions pour une recharge complète", - "SWADE.Notes": "Notes", - "SWADE.NPCAmmoFromInventory": "Les PNJ utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", - "SWADE.OfficialSheet": "Fiche officielle Savage Worlds par Pinnacle", - "SWADE.Ok": "Ok", - "SWADE.OldCard": "Ancienne carte", - "SWADE.OnFire": "En feu", - "SWADE.Operator": "Conducteur", - "SWADE.OpSkill": "Compétence de manœuvre", - "SWADE.OutOfControl": "Hors de contrôle", - "SWADE.Pace": "Allure", - "SWADE.Parry": "Parade", - "SWADE.ParryBase": "Compétence liée à la Parade", - "SWADE.ParryBaseDesc": "Le nom de la Compétence qui sera utilisée pour calculer la Parade du personnage", - "SWADE.Passengers": "Passagers", - "SWADE.PCAmmoFromInventory": "Les PJ utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", - "SWADE.PCAmmoFromInventoryDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, il est possible de marquer un objet « Équipement » comme munitions. Il sera utilisé pour recharger l'arme.", - "SWADE.PickACard": "Piocher une carte", - "SWADE.Poisoned": "Empoisonné", - "SWADE.Pow": "Pouvoirs", - "SWADE.PP": "Points de pouvoir", - "SWADE.PPShort": "Pt de pouvoir", - "SWADE.Price": "Prix", - "SWADE.Prone": "À terre", - "SWADE.Protection": "protection", - "SWADE.Quantity": "Quantité", - "SWADE.QuickAccess": "Accès rapide", - "SWADE.Race": "Espèce", - "SWADE.RacialAbilities": "Capacités innées", - "SWADE.RangedWeapons": "Armes à distance", - "SWADE.Rank": "Rang", - "SWADE.Reach": "Allonge", - "SWADE.Redraw": "Re-piocher", - "SWADE.Refresh": "Rafraichir cette carte", - "SWADE.Reload": "Recharger", - "SWADE.ReloadSuccess": "L'arme a été rechargée avec succès", - "SWADE.ReloadUnneeded": "Cette arme est déjà complètement chargée", - "SWADE.Req": "Prérequis", - "SWADE.RerollWithBenny": "Relancer avec un Jeton", - "SWADE.Rng": "Portée", - "SWADE.RoF": "CdT", - "SWADE.Roll": "Jeter", - "SWADE.RollExample": "ex. +1d6x= or -2", - "SWADE.RollMode": "Mode de jet", - "SWADE.RollRaise": "Avec Prouesse", - "SWADE.RollRun": "Cliquez pour courir", - "SWADE.Running": "Course", - "SWADE.RunningDie": "Dé de Course", - "SWADE.SBT": "Petit gabarit", - "SWADE.Scale": "Échelle", - "SWADE.SettingConf": "Configuration des règles", - "SWADE.SettingConfDesc": "Ajustez le système pour qu'il s'adapte à l'univers auquel vous jouez", - "SWADE.SettingConfLabel": "Ouvrir la Configuration des règles", - "SWADE.Shaken": "Secoué", - "SWADE.Shields": "Boucliers", - "SWADE.ShotsUsed": "Mun. utilisées", - "SWADE.ShowBennyAnimation": "Montrer l'animation du Jeton", - "SWADE.ShowBennyAnimationDesc": "Joue une animation en dépensant un jeton. Seulement disponible si Dice So Nice! est installé", - "SWADE.SitMod": "Modificateur de situation", - "SWADE.Size": "Taille", - "SWADE.SkillModUni": "Modificateur de comp. (universel)", - "SWADE.Skills": "Compétences", - "SWADE.SkillTest": "Jet de Compétence", - "SWADE.Smite": "Frappe", - "SWADE.Special": "Capacités spéciales", - "SWADE.SpecialAbilities": "Capacités spéciales", - "SWADE.SpecialAbility": "Capacité spéciale", - "SWADE.Status": "Statut", - "SWADE.Stunned": "Sonné", - "SWADE.Subtype": "Sous-type", - "SWADE.Summary": "Résumé", - "SWADE.Topspeed": "Vitesse Max", - "SWADE.Torch": "Torche", - "SWADE.Torso": "Torse", - "SWADE.Tough": "Résistance", - "SWADE.TraitMod": "Mod. Trait", - "SWADE.Trap": "Aspect", - "SWADE.Trapping": "Aspects", - "SWADE.Tweaks": "Ajustements", - "SWADE.Unequipped": "Non équipé", - "SWADE.Unskilled": "Non entraîné", - "SWADE.UseConv": "Fait appel à sa Conviction !", - "SWADE.VehicleAmmoFromInventory": "Les véhicules utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", - "SWADE.VehicleEdges": "Atouts du véhicule", - "SWADE.VehicleEdgesDesc": "Le véhicule utilise des Atouts et des Handicaps", - "SWADE.VehicleMod": "Mod de véhicule", - "SWADE.VehicleMods": "Mods du véhicules", - "SWADE.VehicleModsDesc": "Le véhicule a des emplacements de mods", - "SWADE.Vehicles": "Véhicules", - "SWADE.Vehicular": "Arme de véhicule", - "SWADE.Vuln": "Vulnérable", - "SWADE.Weapons": "Armes", - "SWADE.Weight": "Poids", - "SWADE.WildCard": "Joker", - "SWADE.WildDie": "Dé Joker", - "SWADE.WildDiePreset": "Thème du dé Joker", - "SWADE.WildDiePresetDesc": "Sélectionnez un thème DSN pour votre dé Joker. Sélectionnez « Personnalisé » si vous voulez créer le vôtre ou « Aucun » si vous ne voulez pas que votre dé Joker soit différent. Gardez à l'esprit que pour le moment, il n'y a que vous qui puissiez voir votre dé Joker personnalisé. Les autres joueurs le verrons différemment.", - "SWADE.Wound": "Blessure", - "SWADE.Wounds": "Blessures", - "SWADE.WoundsMax": "Blessures max.", - "SWADE.Wrecked": "Épave" -} + "SWADE.CommunityCharSheet": "Ancienne fiche de personnage", + "SWADE.CommunityNPCSheet": "Fiche de PNJ communautaire", + "SWADE.CommunityVicSheet": "Fiche de véhicule communautaire", + "SWADE.CommunityItemSheet": "Fiche d'objet communautaire", + "SWADE.Expand": "Agrandir", + "SWADE.OfficialSheet": "Fiche officielle Savage Worlds par Pinnacle", + "SWADE.ModHint": "Assurez-vous que votre modificateur inclut un + ou un -", + "ACTOR.TypeCharacter": "Personnage", + "ACTOR.TypeNpc": "PNJ", + "ACTOR.TypeVehicle": "Véhicule", + "ITEM.TypeWeapon": "Arme", + "ITEM.TypeArmor": "Armure", + "ITEM.TypeShield": "Bouclier", + "ITEM.TypeGear": "Équipement", + "ITEM.TypeEdge": "Atout", + "ITEM.TypeHindrance": "Handicap", + "ITEM.TypeSkill": "Compétence", + "ITEM.TypePower": "Pouvoir", + "ITEM.TypeAbility": "Capacité", + "CARD.TypeAdventure":" Cartes d'aventure", + "CARD.TypePoker":" Cartes de Poker", + "SWADE.Name": "Nom", + "SWADE.Tough": "Résistance", + "SWADE.Race": "Espèce", + "SWADE.Pace": "Allure", + "SWADE.Running": "Course", + "SWADE.RunningDie": "Dé de course", + "SWADE.RollRun": "Cliquez pour courir", + "SWADE.Adv": "Progressions", + "SWADE.Rank": "Rang", + "SWADE.Inv": "Inventaire", + "SWADE.Summary": "Résumé", + "SWADE.Pow": "Pouvoirs", + "SWADE.Wildcard": "Joker", + "SWADE.Extra": "Extra", + "SWADE.Bennies": "Jetons", + "SWADE.TraitMod": "Mod. Trait", + "SWADE.SkillTest": "Jet de compétence", + "SWADE.AttributeTest": "Jet d'attribut", + "SWADE.Attributes": "Attributs", + "SWADE.Derived": "Caractéristiques dérivées", + "SWADE.AttrAgi": "Agilité", + "SWADE.AttrSma": "Intellect", + "SWADE.AnimalSmarts": "Intellect animal", + "SWADE.AttrSpr": "Âme", + "SWADE.AttrStr": "Force", + "SWADE.AttrVig": "Vigueur", + "SWADE.Tweaks": "Ajustements", + "SWADE.AttrAgiShort": "Agi", + "SWADE.AttrSmaShort": "Int", + "SWADE.AttrSprShort": "Âme", + "SWADE.AttrStrShort": "For", + "SWADE.AttrVigShort": "Vig", + "SWADE.Skills": "Compétences", + "SWADE.Unskilled": "Non entraîné", + "SWADE.LinkAttr": "Attribut lié", + "SWADE.Die": "Dé", + "SWADE.WildDie": "Dé Joker", + "SWADE.Modifiers": "Modificateurs", + "SWADE.Modifier": "Modificateur", + "SWADE.BenniesSpend": "Dépenser un jeton", + "SWADE.BenniesGive": "Donner un jeton", + "SWADE.BenniesRefresh": "Réinitialiser les jetons", + "SWADE.AllBenniesRefresh": "Réinitialiser tous les jetons", + "SWADE.BenniesRefreshMessage": "Les jetons ont été réinitialisés !", + "SWADE.BenniesRefreshAllMessage": "Tous les Jjetons ont été réinitialisés !", + "SWADE.BenniesGMRefreshMessage": "Les jetons du MJ ont été réinitialisés !", + "SWADE.BenniesAddMessage": "a obtenu un nouveau jeton !", + "SWADE.BenniesGMAddMessage": "Le MJ a obtenu un nouveau jeton !", + "SWADE.BenniesSpendMessage": "dépense un jeton", + "SWADE.BenniesMax": "Réinitialisation des jetons", + "SWADE.EditSkill": "Modifier compétence", + "SWADE.EdEdge": "Modifier Atout", + "SWADE.EdHind": "Modifier Handicap", + "SWADE.Ed": "Modifier", + "SWADE.Del": "Supprimer", + "SWADE.Arcane": "Arcanes", + "SWADE.All": "Tous", + "SWADE.HasPowers": "A des pouvoirs", + "SWADE.Weapons": "Armes", + "SWADE.MeleeWeapons": "Armes de contact", + "SWADE.RangedWeapons": "Armes à distance", + "SWADE.Range._name": "Portée", + "SWADE.Armors": "Armures", + "SWADE.Shields": "Boucliers", + "SWADE.Biography": "Historique", + "SWADE.Shaken": "Secoué", + "SWADE.Distr": "Distrait", + "SWADE.Vuln": "Vulnérable", + "SWADE.Stunned": "Sonné", + "SWADE.Entangled": "Entravé", + "SWADE.Bound": "Immobilisé", + "SWADE.Aiming": "Viser", + "SWADE.Berserk": "Enragé", + "SWADE.Defending": "Défense totale", + "SWADE.Flying": "En vol", + "SWADE.Holding": "En attente", + "SWADE.Frightened": "Effrayé", + "SWADE.Encumbered": "Encombré", + "SWADE.Prone": "À terre", + "SWADE.BleedingOut": "Hémorragie", + "SWADE.Diseased": "Malade", + "SWADE.HeartAttack": "Arrêt cardiaque", + "SWADE.OnFire": "En feu", + "SWADE.Poisoned": "Empoisonné", + "SWADE.Cover.Shield": "Couvert de bouclier", + "SWADE.CoverShield": "Couvert de bouclier", + "SWADE.Reach": "Allonge", + "SWADE.Torch": "Torche", + "SWADE.Invisible": "Invisible", + "SWADE.Smite": "Frappe", + "SWADE.Armor": "Armure", + "SWADE.Protection": "protection", + "SWADE.Dmg": "Dégâts", + "SWADE.DmgOver": "Remplacement des dégâts", + "SWADE.Rng": "Portée", + "SWADE.Ap": "PA", + "SWADE.APLong": "Pénétration d'armure", + "SWADE.RoF": "CdT", + "SWADE.Mag": "Coups", + "SWADE.Parry": "Parade", + "SWADE.Cover._name": "Couvert", + "SWADE.Couvert._name": "Couvert", + "SWADE.Notes": "Notes", + "SWADE.ActionsEffects": "Actions et Effets", + "SWADE.Actions": "Actions", + "SWADE.DmgModUni": "Modificateur de dégâts (universel)", + "SWADE.SkillModUni": "Modificateur de comp. (universel)", + "SWADE.ShotsUsed": "Mun. utilisées", + "SWADE.NaturalArmor": "Armure naturelle", + "SWADE.HitLocations": "Localisation", + "SWADE.Head": "Tête", + "SWADE.Torso": "Torse", + "SWADE.Arms": "Bras", + "SWADE.Legs": "Jambes", + "SWADE.MinStrLong": "Force minimale", + "SWADE.MinStr": "Force min.", + "SWADE.MinStrShort": "For min.", + "SWADE.Desc": "Description", + "SWADE.Special": "Capacités spéciales", + "SWADE.Details": "Détails", + "SWADE.Equippable": "Équipable", + "SWADE.Misc": "Divers", + "SWADE.QuickAccess": "Accès rapide", + "SWADE.Effects": "Effets actifs", + "SWADE.Hindrances": "Handicaps", + "SWADE.MajHind": "Handicap majeur", + "SWADE.Major": "(majeur)", + "SWADE.Minor": "(mineur)", + "SWADE.Edges": "Atouts", + "SWADE.ArcBack": "Arcanes", + "SWADE.Req": "Prérequis", + "SWADE.Conv": "Conviction", + "SWADE.UseConv": "Fait appel à sa conviction !", + "SWADE.Hesitant": "Hésitant", + "SWADE.LevelHeaded": "Tête froide", + "SWADE.ImprovedLevelHeaded": "Sang-froid", + "SWADE.AutoCalc": "Calculs automatiques", + "SWADE.InclArmor": "Calcule automatiquement la résistance, armure incluse", + "SWADE.Label": "Label", + "SWADE.HasMaxValue": "A une valeur max.", + "SWADE.Enabled": "Activé", + "SWADE.Currency": "Argent", + "SWADE.CarryWeight": "Encombrement", + "SWADE.Eqd": "Éqpé", + "SWADE.Equipped": "Équipé", + "SWADE.Unequipped": "Non équipé", + "SWADE.Quantity": "Quantité", + "SWADE.Weight": "Poids", + "SWADE.Price": "Prix", + "SWADE.PP": "Points de pouvoir", + "SWADE.PPShort": "Pt de pouvoir", + "SWADE.CurPP": "Pt de pouvoir actuels", + "SWADE.MaxPP": "Pt de pouvoir max.", + "SWADE.Dur": "Durée", + "SWADE.Trap": "Aspect", + "SWADE.Wound": "Blessure", + "SWADE.Wounds": "Blessures", + "SWADE.WoundsMax": "Blessures max.", + "SWADE.Fatigue": "Fatigue", + "SWADE.FatigueMax": "Fatigue max.", + "SWADE.Incap": "Incapacité", + "SWADE.Init": "Initiative", + "SWADE.InitDraw": "pioche son initiative !", + "SWADE.JokersWild": "Un joker, c'est fou !", + "SWADE.General": "Général", + "SWADE.Addi": "Additionel", + "SWADE.Status": "Statut", + "SWADE.Handling": "Manœuvrabilité", + "SWADE.Topspeed": "Vitesse max", + "SWADE.OutOfControl": "Hors de contrôle", + "SWADE.Wrecked": "Épave", + "SWADE.Item": "Objet", + "SWADE.Cargo": "Cargaison", + "SWADE.MaxCargo": "Encombrement max. cargaison", + "SWADE.CargoWeight": "Poids cargaison", + "SWADE.Mods": "Mods", + "SWADE.ModSlots": "Emplacements de Mods", + "SWADE.MaxMods": "Mods Maximums", + "SWADE.Operator": "Conducteur", + "SWADE.ManCheck": "Jet de manœuvre", + "SWADE.AltSkill": "Comp. alternative", + "SWADE.Class": "Classification", + "SWADE.Vehicular": "Arme de véhicule", + "SWADE.VehicleMod": "Mod de véhicule", + "SWADE.OpSkill": "Compétence de manœuvre", + "SWADE.CardSound": "Son de pioche de carte", + "SWADE.CardSoundDesc": "Joue un son lorsque l'initiative est piochée", + "SWADE.AutoInit": "Initiative automatique", + "SWADE.AutoInitDesc": "Pioche automatiquement l'initiative à chaque tour", + "SWADE.CreateInitChat": "Créer un message dans le chat pour l'initiative", + "SWADE.HideWC": "Cache le Joker des PNJ", + "SWADE.HideWCDesc": "Ne montre pas le signe Joker aux joueurs pour les PNJ", + "SWADE.EnableConv": "Activer la conviction", + "SWADE.EnableConvDesc": "Active la règle d'univers conviction", + "SWADE.EnableWoundPace": "Ajuster l'allure avec les blessures", + "SWADE.EnableWoundPaceDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, l'allure est automatiquement affectée par les blessures", + "SWADE.AutoLink": "Lier automatiquement les jokers", + "SWADE.AutoLinkDesc": "Les Jokers PNJ auront leur pion lié lorsque leur statut sera basculé d'Extra à Joker", + "SWADE.GmBennies": "Jetons du MJ", + "SWADE.GmBenniesDesc": "Détermine combien de jetons le MJ reçoit après une réinitialisation", + "SWADE.EnableBennyNotify": "Notifications des jetons", + "SWADE.EnableBennyNotifyDesc": "Affiche des messages dans le chat lorsque les jetons sont modifiés.", + "SWADE.VehicleMods": "Mods du véhicules", + "SWADE.VehicleModsDesc": "Le véhicule a des emplacements de mods", + "SWADE.VehicleEdges": "Atouts du véhicule", + "SWADE.VehicleEdgesDesc": "Le véhicule utilise des Atouts et des Handicaps", + "SWADE.ShowBennyAnimation": "Montrer l'animation du Jeton", + "SWADE.ShowBennyAnimationDesc": "Joue une animation en dépensant un jeton. Seulement disponible si Dice So Nice! est installé", + "SWADE.WildDiePreset": "Thème du dé joker", + "SWADE.WildDiePresetDesc": "Sélectionnez un thème DSN pour votre dé joker. Sélectionnez « Personnalisé » si vous voulez créer le vôtre ou « Aucun » si vous ne voulez pas que votre dé Joker soit différent. Gardez à l'esprit que pour le moment, il n'y a que vous qui puissiez voir votre dé Joker personnalisé. Les autres joueurs le verrons différemment.", + "SWADE.AmmoManagement": "Gestion des munitions", + "SWADE.AmmoManagementDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, et si c'est applicable, les actions soustraient des munitions du chargeur de votre arme. Les cartes d'objet ont aussi un nouveau bouton recharger et vous ne pourrez pas faire d'attaque si vous n'avez pas assez de munitions.", + "SWADE.PCAmmoFromInventory": "Les PJ utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", + "SWADE.PCAmmoFromInventoryDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, il est possible de marquer un objet « Équipement » comme munitions. Il sera utilisé pour recharger l'arme.", + "SWADE.NPCAmmoFromInventory": "Les PNJ utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", + "SWADE.VehicleAmmoFromInventory": "Les véhicules utilisent les munitions de l'inventaire", + "SWADE.SettingConf": "Configuration des règles", + "SWADE.SettingConfLabel": "Ouvrir la configuration des règles", + "SWADE.SettingConfDesc": "Ajustez le système pour qu'il s'adapte à l'univers auquel vous jouez", + "SWADE.DiceConf": "Configuration des dés", + "SWADE.DiceConfDesc": "Configurer les options pour l'intégration SWADE/Dice So Nice", + "SWADE.DiceConfLabel": "Ouvrir la Configuration des dés", + "SWADE.Formula": "Formule", + "SWADE.SitMod": "Modificateur de situation", + "SWADE.RollMode": "Mode de jet", + "SWADE.RollExample": "ex. +1d6x= ou -2", + "SWADE.Roll": "Jeter", + "SWADE.RollRaise": "Avec Prouesse", + "SWADE.GroupRoll": "Jet de groupe", + "SWADE.Ok": "Ok", + "SWADE.Cancel": "Annuler", + "SWADE.Redraw": "Re-piocher", + "SWADE.Add": "Ajout", + "SWADE.ConfigInit": "Configurer l'initiative", + "SWADE.IgnWounds": "Ignorer les blessures", + "SWADE.Size": "Taille", + "SWADE.Scale": "Échelle", + "SWADE.PickACard": "Piocher une carte", + "SWADE.NoCardsLeft": "Il n'y a plus assez de cartes dans le paquet !", + "SWADE.OldCard": "Ancienne carte", + "SWADE.ActionCard": "Carte d'action", + "SWADE.ConvictionActive": "Conviction active", + "SWADE ConvictionActivate": "Fait appel à sa conviction !", + "SWADE.ConvictionExtend": "Voulez-vous maintenir votre conviction ?", + "SWADE.ConvictionEnd": "vacille dans sa conviction", + "SWADE.NoBennies": "Vous n'avez plus de jetons !", + "SWADE.SBT": "Petit gabarit", + "SWADE.MBT": "Gabarit moyen", + "SWADE.LBT": "Grand gabarit", + "SWADE.Cone": "Gabarit de cône", + "SWADE.GM": "Meneur de Jeu", + "SWADE.Vehicles": "Véhicules", + "SWADE.AddStats": "Caractéristiques additionelles", + "SWADE.Actors": "Personnages", + "SWADE.Items": "Objets", + "SWADE.Max": "Max.", + "SWADE.Curr": "Actuel", + "SWADE.DSNNone": "- Aucun -", + "SWADE.Reload": "Recharger", + "SWADE.Refresh": "Rafraichir cette carte", + "SWADE.Ammo": "Munitions", + "SWADE.ReloadUnneeded": "Cette arme est déjà complètement chargée", + "SWADE.ReloadSuccess": "L'arme a été rechargée avec succès", + "SWADE.NotEnoughAmmo": "Vous n'avez pas assez de munitions pour effectuer cette action !", + "SWADE.NotEnoughAmmoToReload": "Il n'y a pas assez de munitions pour une recharge complète", + "SWADE.AutoReload": "Rechargement auto.", + "SWADE.NoAmmoSet": "Il n'y a pas de munitions affectées", + "SWADE.Trapping": "Aspects", + "SWADE.AddBenny": "Ajouter un Jjton", + "SWADE.CurrentBennies": "Jetons actuels", + "SWADE.RerollWithBenny": "Relancer avec un jeton", + "SWADE.FreeReroll": "Relance gratuite", + "SWADE.HideNpcItemChatCards": "Cacher les cartes du chat d'objets des PNJ", + "SWADE.HideNpcItemChatCardsDesc": "Quand l'option est activée, les cartes du chat d'objets des PNJ sont automatiquement envoyées en message privé à tous les Meneurs de Jeu au lieu d'être envoyées en chat public", + "SWADE.JokersWildDesc": "Donner un jeton à tous les PJ lorsque l'un d'entre eux tire un joker", + "SWADE.ParryBase": "Compétence liée à la parade", + "SWADE.ParryBaseDesc": "Le nom de la Compétence qui sera utilisée pour calculer la parade du personnage", + "SWADE.AutoCalcParry": "Calculer la parade automatiquement, bouclier inclus", + "SWADE.Subtype": "Sous-type", + "SWADE.SpecialAbility": "Capacité spéciale", + "SWADE.SpecialAbilities": "Capacités spéciales", + "SWADE.RacialAbilities": "Capacités innées", + "SWADE.About": "Description", + "SWADE.EdgesHindrances": "Atouts et Handicaps", + "SWADE.GrantsPowers": "Accorde des pouvoirs", + "SWADE.Crew": "Équipage requis", + "SWADE.Passengers": "Passagers", + + "SWADE.ActAfterCurrentCombatant":"Agir après le combattant actuel", + "SWADE.ActNow": "Agir maintenant", + "SWADE.ActionDeckPresetDark":"Cartes d'action (Sombre)", + "SWADE.ActionDeckPresetLight":" Action Deck (Light)", + "SWADE.ActionDeckReset":" Reset Action Deck", + "SWADE.ActionDeckResetNotification":"Réinitialise les cartes d'action", + "SWADE.ActivateArcaneDevice":"Activer l'objet", + "SWADE.AddTokenFollowers":"Ajouter les tokens sélectionnés comme suivants", + "SWADE.AnimalSmartsMarker":"A", + "SWADE.ArcaneDevice":"Objet Arcanique", + "SWADE.ArcaneSkill":"Compétence d'arcane", + "SWADE.Archetype":"Archétype", + "SWADE.ArchetypeAbilities":"Capacités d'archetype", + "SWADE.ButtonReset":"Ré-initialisation", + "SWADE.ButtonSubmit":"Soumettre", + "SWADE.ConvictionActivate":"Faire appel à leur convictin!", + "SWADE.CoreSkill":"Compétence de base", + "SWADE.CoreSkills":"Compétences de base", + "SWADE.CoreSkillsDesc":" >-", + "SWADE.DrawInit":"Lancer l'initiative", + "SWADE.Follow":"Suivre {name}", + "SWADE.GroupByName":"Grouper par nom", + "SWADE.Hold":"Conserver", + "SWADE.LoseTurn":"Toggle Lose Turn", + "SWADE.MakeGroupLeader":"Faire un Chef de groupe", + "SWADE.PPCost":"Coût en PP", + "SWADE.RemoveGroupLeader":"Supprimer le chef de groupe", + "SWADE.SelectColor":"Selectionner une couleur", + "SWADE.SetGroupColor":"Choisir une couleur de groupe", + "SWADE.Unfollow":"Arrêter de suivre {name}", + "SWADE.WeaponsAndArmor":"Armes & Armuress", + "SWADE.WildCard":"Joker", + + "SWADE.String": "Texte", + "SWADE.Number": "Nombre", + "SWADE.Checkbox": "Checkbox", + "SWADE.Ace": "As", + "SWADE.NoPowerPoints": "Pas de Points de Pouvoir", + "SWADE.NoPowerPointsDesc": "Lorsque activé, cette option cache toutes les interactions avec les Points de Pouvoir", + "SWADE.WealthType": "Type de Richesse", + "SWADE.WealthDie": "Dé de Richesse", + "SWADE.WealthTypeDesc": "Choississez comment suivre la richesse des personnages et leur argent", + "SWADE.CurrencyName": "Nom de monnaie", + "SWADE.CurrencyNameDesc": "Nommez la monnaie utilisée", + "SWADE.TraitRolls": "Jets de Trait", + "SWADE.Trait": "Trait", + "SWADE.AltTrait": "Trait Alternatif", + "SWADE.ClickSuggestions": "Cliquez pour les suggestions", + "SWADE.Quick": "Rapide", + "SWADE.BonusDamage": "Bonus aux dégâts", + "SWADE.CoreSkillsPack": "Compendium des Compatences de base", + "SWADE.CoreSkillsPackDesc": "Choisissez le compendium d'ou proviennent les compétences de base", + "SWADE.Joker": "Joker", + "SWADE.Subtract": "Soustraire", + "SWADE.DmgRolls": "Jets de Dégats", + "SWADE.SubtractPPDesc": "Soustraire le cout en PP du total disponible", + "SWADE.AddPPDesc": "Ajouter le cout en PP au total disponible", + "SWADE.RightClickZoom": "Click droit pour zoomer", + "SWADE.SysMigrationWarning": "Votre installation de SWADE est ancienne et ne peut pas être migrée à la nouvelle version. La migration va être tentée, mais des erreurs peuvent se produire", + "SWADE.SomethingWrongWithCardComp": "Une erreur s'est produite avec le Compendium de Cartes, positionnement sur le réglage par défaut", + "SWADE.DeckShuffled": "Le paquet de cartes a été automatiquement mélangé", + "SWADE.BasePace": "Allure de base", + "SWADE.WarningPackLocked": "Vous ne pouvez pas éditer un Compendium verouillé. Dévérouillez le d'abord.", + "SWADE.ActionCardEditor": "Editeur de cartes d'action", + "SWADE.CardFace": "Figure", + "SWADE.CardValue": "Valeur", + "SWADE.CardSuit": "Suite", + "SWADE.IsJoker": "Est un Joker", + "SWADE.OpenACEditor": "Ouvert dans l'Editeur de cartes d'action", + "SWADE.Yes": "Oui", + "SWADE.No": "Non", + "SWADE.ShowCharacterSummary": "Afficher le résumé du personnage", + "SWADE.CharacterSummary": "Résumé de personnage", + "SWADE.CopyHtml": "Copier le HTML", + "SWADE.CopyMarkdown": "Copier le Markdown", + "SWADE.InitCardDeck": "Jeu de carte pour l'initiative", + "SWADE.Imperial": "Imperiale", + "SWADE.Metric": "Métrique", + "SWADE.WeightUnitLabel": "Unite de poids", + "SWADE.WeightUnitDesc": "Indique si les poids sont mesurés en livres ou en kilogrammes. Changer ce paramètre ne changera PAS le poids des items, uniquement le calcul de l'encombrement", + "SWADE.UseAttributeShorts": "Utiliser des noms d'attributs courts", + "SWADE.UseAttributeShortsDesc": "Activez cette option si vous voulez des noms d'attributs courts sur les fiches de PJs et PNJs (ie Agi au lieu de Agilité ...)", + "SWADE.BennyImageSheet": "Jeton", + "SWADE.BennyImageSheetDesc": "Sélectionnez l'image voulue pour les jetons sur la fiche de Personnage", + "SWADE.Benny3DFront": "Texture de face", + "SWADE.Benny3DFrontDesc": "Texture de face des jetons 3D", + "SWADE.Benny3DBack": "Texture arrière", + "SWADE.Benny3DBackDesc": "Texture arrière des jetons 3D", + "SWADE.ChangeBennyWarning": "Changer ces paramètres nécessite un rechargement de la page !", + "SWADE.3DBennies": "Jetons 3D", + "SWADE.HardChoices": "Choix Cornéliens", + "SWADE.HardChoicesDesc": "Cocher cette option activera les règles de Choix Cornéliens", + "SWADE.WealthSelectionNoneOther": "Aucun/Autre", + "SWADE.Benny3DFrontBump": "Relief texture de face", + "SWADE.Benny3DBackBump": "Relief texture arrière", + "SWADE.Benny3DFrontBumpDesc": "Rendu de texture de jetons de face", + "SWADE.Benny3DBackBumpDesc": "Rendu de texture de jetons arrière", + "SWADE.ActionTraitMod": "Modificateur de Trait d'Action", + "SWADE.ActionDmgMod": "Modificateur de dégâts", + "SWADE.ItemTraitMod": "Modificatteur de trait d'item", + "SWADE.ItemDmgMod": "Modification d'Item de dégâts", + "SWADE.Duplicates": "Doublons trouvés", + "SWADE.DuplicateItemsBodyText": "En ajoutant le {type} {name} à l'acteur {target}, les éléments dupliqués (nom/type) ont été trouvés. Les nouveaux items ont été renommés", + "SWADE.NoActionDeckFound": "Aucun jeu de cartes d'action trouvé, création en cours", + "SWADE.NoActionDeckDiscardPileFound": "Aucune défausse de carte d'action trouvée, création en cours", + "SWADE.InitDiscardPile": "Défausse de l'Initiative", + "SWADE.Wealth": "Richesse", + "SWADE.Characters": "Personnages", + "SWADE.SettingRules": "Règles d'Univers", + "SWADE.WorldBasics": "Bases du Monde", + "SWADE.CoreSkillsList": "Liste des compétences de base", + "SWADE.MAPenalty": "Pénalité d'actions multiples", + "SWADE.Mod.Custom.Add": "Ajouter un modificateur spécial", + "SWADE.Mod.Support": "Support", + "SWADE.Mod.Preset.Choose": "Choisissez une valeur pré-définie...", + "SWADE.Mod.Preset.Add": "Ajouter une valeur pré-définie", + "SWADE.Illumination._name": "Illumination", + "SWADE.Illumination.Dim": "Pénombre", + "SWADE.Illumination.Dark": "Obscurité", + "SWADE.Illumination.Pitch": "Noir", + "SWADE.Cover.Light": "Couvert léger", + "SWADE.Cover.Medium": "Couvert moyen", + "SWADE.Cover.Heavy": "Couvert important", + "SWADE.Cover.Total": "Couvert total", + "SWADE.Range.Medium": "Portée moyenne", + "SWADE.Range.Long": "Portée longue", + "SWADE.Range.Extreme": "Portée extrême", + "SWADE.ModOther": "Autres modificateurs", + "SWADE.Snapfire": "Tir Statique", + "SWADE.UnstablePlatform": "Plateforme instable", + "SWADE.CannotAddRaceToRace": "Vous ne pouvez ajouter une race/archétype à une race/archétype !", + "SWADE.ApplyEncumbrance": "Appliquer les pénalités d'Encombrement", + "SWADE.ApplyEncumbranceHint": "Appliquer les pénalités d'Encombrement. Gardez à l'esprit que cela n'effectue pas les tests de Vigueur pour résister à la Fatigue", + "SWADE.LayOutChaseWithDeck": "Utiliser les cartes pour gérer la poursuite", + "SWADE.ClearChaseCards": "Effacer les cartes de poursuite de la scène", + "SWADE.NoSceneAvailable": "Il n'y a pas de scène disponible, ou vous avez désactivez le canvas", + "SWADE.ChaseCardsCleared": "Toutes les cartes de poursuites ont été retirées de la scène.", + "SWADE.SetUpChase": "Paramétrer la poursuite", + "SWADE.NotADeckCompendium": "Aucun paquet de cartes dans le compendium selectionné", + "SWADE.ConvertToDeck": "Convertir en paquet de cartes", + "SWADE.Expiration.TabLabel": "Comportement du tour", + "SWADE.Expiration.Description": "

Les effets expirent lors du prochain tour de la cible, ou plus tard

", + "SWADE.Expiration.Behavior": "Comportement des expirations", + "SWADE.Expiration.BeginAuto": "Début du tour, automatique", + "SWADE.Expiration.BeginPrompt": "Début du tout, demande", + "SWADE.Expiration.EndAuto": "Fin du tour, automatique", + "SWADE.Expiration.EndPrompt": "Fin du tour, demande", + "SWADE.Expiration.None": "Aucun", + "SWADE.Expiration.LooseTurnOnHold": "perte du tour en attente", + "SWADE.RemoveEffectTitle": "Supprimer {label} ?", + "SWADE.RemoveEffectBody": "

Supprimer {label} de {parent}?

", + "SWADE.PPAbbreviation": "PP", + + "SWADE.ShowInChat": "Afficher dans le tchat", + "SWADE.ExpandDescription": "Agrandir pur montrer la description", + "SWADE.Favorite": "Favorite", + "SWADE.Equip": "Equiper", + "SWADE.RollDamage": "Lancer les dégats", + "SWADE.SystemLinks.Changelog": "Changelog", + "SWADE.SystemLinks.Wiki": "Wiki", + "SWADE.SystemLinks.ReportAnIssue": "Rapporter un problème", + "SWADE.Keybindings.OpenFavoriteCards.Name": "Ouvrir la main préférée", + "SWADE.Keybindings.OpenFavoriteCards.UserConfigLabel": "Main préférée", + "SWADE.Keybindings.OpenFavoriteCards.Hint": "Vous pouvez paramétrer votre main préférée dans la configuration utilisateur", + "SWADE.Keybindings.OpenFavoriteCards.NoCardsWarning": "Vous n'avez pas de main préférée", + "SWADE.Keybindings.Bennies.Name": "Dépenser/Recevoir un Jeton", + "SWADE.Keybindings.Bennies.Hint": "Appuyer pour dépenser un Jeton, gardez ALT appuyez tout en cliquant pour recevoir un Jeton", + "SWADE.OpenOrigin": "Ouvrir l'origine", + "SWADE.EffectsTemporary": "Effets temporaires", + "SWADE.EffectsPermanent": "Effets permanents", + "SWADE.Ranks.Novice": "Novice", + "SWADE.Ranks.Seasoned": "Aguerri", + "SWADE.Ranks.Veteran": "Vétéran", + "SWADE.Ranks.Heroic": "Héroïque", + "SWADE.Ranks.Legendary": "Légendaire", + "SWADE.Advances.EditorTitle": "Editeur avancé", + "SWADE.Advances.Toggle": "Activer/Desactiver le plan de progression", + "SWADE.Advances.Delete": "Supprimer la progression", + "SWADE.Advances.Planned": "Planifié", + "SWADE.Advances.Modes.Legacy": "Normal", + "SWADE.Advances.Modes.Expanded": "Etendu", + "SWADE.Advances.Types.Edge": "Nouvel atout", + "SWADE.Advances.Types.SingleSkill": "Augmentation d'une Compétence", + "SWADE.Advances.Types.TwoSkills": "Augmentation de 2 Compétences", + "SWADE.Advances.Types.Attribute": "Augmentation d'un Attribut", + "SWADE.Advances.Types.Hindrance": "Réduire un Handicap", + "SWADE.AddAdvance": "Ajouter une progression", + "SWADE.Appearance": "Apparence", + "SWADE.CharacterGoals": "Objectifs", + "SWADE.Background": "Background", + "SWADE.ActiveEffects.Add": "Ajouter un Active Effect", + "SWADE.ActiveEffects.Source": "Source", + "SWADE.Advances.Number": "Numéro d'avancement", + + "Actor": "Acteur", + "Vehicles": "Véhicules", + "Ground Vehicles": "Véhicules terrestres", + "Civilian Vehicles": "Véhicules civils", + "Futuristic Military Vehicles": "Véhicules militaires futuristes", + "World War II Military Vehicles": "Véhicules militaires de la Seconde Guerre mondiale", + "Aircraft": "Aviation", + "Civilian": "Civil", + "Bestiary": "Bestiaire", + "Modern Military Aircraft": "Avions militaires modernes", + "World War II Military Aircraft": "Avions Seconde Guerre mondiale", + "Watercraft": "Maritime", + "Equipment": "Equipement", + "Armor": "Armures", + "Ammo": "Munitions", + "Common Gear": "Matériel de base", + "Modern Firearms": "Armes à feu modernes", + "Personal Weapons": "Armes de contact", + "Special Weapons": "Armes spéciales", + "Natural/Improvised Weapons": "Armes naturelles/improvisées", + "Skills": "Compétences", + "Edges": "Atouts", + "Background Edges": "Atouts de background", + "Combat Edges": "Atouts de combat", + "Leadership Edges": "Atouts de commandement", + "Legendary Edges": "Atouts légendaires", + "Power Edges": "Atouts de pouvoirs", + "Professional Edges": "Atouts professionnels", + "Social Edges": "Atouts sociaux", + "Weird Edges": "Atouts étranges", + "Hindrances": "Handicaps", + "Powers": "Pouvoirs", + "Special Abilities": "Capacités spéciales", + "1. Characters": "1. Personnages", + "2. Gear": "2. Matériel", + "3. Rules": "3. Règles", + "5. Powers": "5. Pouvoirs", + "6. Bestiary": "6. Bestiaire", + "7. Game Mastering": "6. Conseils aux Maîtres de Jeu", + "Character Creation": "Création de personnages", + "The Adventure toolkit": "Boite à outils des aventures" +} diff --git a/module.json b/module.json index 161c5bd..da053f7 100644 --- a/module.json +++ b/module.json @@ -1,10 +1,11 @@ { "name": "swade-fr", "title": "SWADE - Traduction française", - "description": "Ajoute le français (FRANCE) au système SWADE.

Une traduction Babele des compendiums est inclue mais optionnelle. (Peut rentrer en conflit avec les objets des compendiums venant du module Core Rules sur les fiches de personnage, Babele traduisant bêtement les objets quand vous appuyez sur le bouton Traduire.)

*** Join the official Discord server: Official Discord

*** Rejoignez la communauté Francophone: Discord francophone

", - "version": "", + "description": "Ajoute le français (FRANCE) au système SWADE.

Une traduction Babele des compendiums est inclue mais optionnelle. (Encore en test, à utiliser à vos risques et périls !)

*** Join the official Discord server: Official Discord

*** Rejoignez la communauté Francophone: Discord francophone

", + "version": "", "minimumCoreVersion" : "0.7.9", - "compatibleCoreVersion" : "0.8.9", + "compatibleCoreVersion" : "9", + "author": "BoboursToutCool, Gronyon, Kyane, LeRatierBretonnien, Sasmira, U~man,X.O. de Vorcen, Arnok13", "authors": [ { "name": "BoboursToutCool", @@ -59,9 +60,8 @@ "name": "French (FRANCE)", "path": "fr.json" } - ], - - "url": "https://gitlab.com/mesfoliesludiques/foundryvtt-swade-fr", - "manifest": "https://gitlab.com/mesfoliesludiques/foundryvtt-swade-fr/-/raw/master/module.json", - "download": "https://gitlab.com/mesfoliesludiques/foundryvtt-swade-fr/-/archive/master/foundryvtt-swade-fr-master.zip" + ], + "url": "https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/public//foundryvtt-swade-fr", + "manifest": "https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/public/foundryvtt-swade-fr/raw/branch/master/module.json", + "download": "https://www.uberwald.me/gitea/public/foundryvtt-swade-fr/archive/foundryvtt-swade-fr-" } diff --git a/tools/detect_missing_strings.lua b/tools/detect_missing_strings.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..34f22a0 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/detect_missing_strings.lua @@ -0,0 +1,39 @@ +package.path = package.path .. ";luajson/?.lua" +local JSON = require"json" + +local enjsonf = "../../swade/src/lang/en.yml" +local frjsonf = "../fr.json" + +local fp = io.open(enjsonf, "r") +local line = fp:read() +local entags = {} +while line do + --print("LINE", line) + local key, value = line:match("([%w%.]*):([>%-%+%p%s%w%d%.]*)" ) + if key then + entags[key] = value + end + line = fp:read() +end +fp:close() + +fp = io.open(frjsonf, "r") +local frtags = JSON.decode( fp:read("*a") ) +fp:close() + +local todisplay = {} +for tag, value in pairs(entags) do + if not frtags[tag] then + todisplay[#todisplay+1] = { tag=tag, value=value } + end +end + +table.sort(todisplay, function (a, b) + return a.tag < b.tag + end +) +for _, tagDef in pairs(todisplay) do + print('"'.. tagDef.tag ..'":"'.. tagDef.value..'",') +end + + diff --git a/tools/lpeg/lpcap.lua b/tools/lpeg/lpcap.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..06fbee8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/lpcap.lua @@ -0,0 +1,625 @@ +--[[ +LPEGLJ +lpcap.lua +Capture functions +Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. +based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua +Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy +http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ + +** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +** the following conditions: +** +** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +** +** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +** +** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] +--]] +local ffi = require "ffi" + +local Cclose = 0 +local Cposition = 1 +local Cconst = 2 +local Cbackref = 3 +local Carg = 4 +local Csimple = 5 +local Ctable = 6 +local Cfunction = 7 +local Cquery = 8 +local Cstring = 9 +local Cnum = 10 +local Csubst = 11 +local Cfold = 12 +local Cruntime = 13 +local Cgroup = 14 + +local MAXSTRCAPS = 10 + +local pushcapture +local addonestring + + +-- Goes back in a list of captures looking for an open capture +-- corresponding to a close + +local function findopen(cs, index) + local n = 0; -- number of closes waiting an open + while true do + index = index - 1 + if cs.ocap[index].kind == Cclose then + n = n + 1 -- one more open to skip + elseif cs.ocap[index].siz == 0 then + if n == 0 then + return index + end + n = n - 1 + end + end +end + + +local function checknextcap(cs, captop) + local cap = cs.cap; + -- not a single capture? ((cap)->siz != 0) + if cs.ocap[cap].siz == 0 then + local n = 0; -- number of opens waiting a close + -- look for corresponding close + while true do + cap = cap + 1 + if cap > captop then return end + if cs.ocap[cap].kind == Cclose then + n = n - 1 + if n + 1 == 0 then + break; + end + elseif cs.ocap[cap].siz == 0 then + n = n + 1 + end + end + end + cap = cap + 1; -- + 1 to skip last close (or entire single capture) + if cap > captop then return end + return true +end + + +-- Go to the next capture + +local function nextcap(cs) + local cap = cs.cap; + -- not a single capture? ((cap)->siz != 0) + if cs.ocap[cap].siz == 0 then + local n = 0; -- number of opens waiting a close + -- look for corresponding close + while true do + cap = cap + 1 + if cs.ocap[cap].kind == Cclose then + n = n - 1 + if n + 1 == 0 then + break; + end + elseif cs.ocap[cap].siz == 0 then + n = n + 1 + end + end + end + cs.cap = cap + 1; -- + 1 to skip last close (or entire single capture) +end + + +-- Push on the Lua stack all values generated by nested captures inside +-- the current capture. Returns number of values pushed. 'addextra' +-- makes it push the entire match after all captured values. The +-- entire match is pushed also if there are no other nested values, +-- so the function never returns zero. + +local function pushnestedvalues(cs, addextra, out, valuetable) + local co = cs.cap + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + -- no nested captures? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz ~= 0 then + local st = cs.ocap[co].s + local l = cs.ocap[co].siz - 1 + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(st, st + l - 1) or cs.stream(st, st + l - 1) + return 1; -- that is it + else + local n = 0; + while cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose do -- repeat for all nested patterns + n = n + pushcapture(cs, out, valuetable); + end + -- need extra? + if addextra or n == 0 then + local st = cs.ocap[co].s + local l = cs.ocap[cs.cap].s - cs.ocap[co].s + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(st, st + l - 1) or cs.stream(st, st + l - 1) + n = n + 1 + end + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 -- skip close entry + return n; + end +end + + +-- Push only the first value generated by nested captures + +local function pushonenestedvalue(cs, out, valuetable) + local n = pushnestedvalues(cs, false, out, valuetable) + for i = n, 2, -1 do + out.out[out.outindex] = nil + out.outindex = out.outindex - 1 + end +end + + +-- Try to find a named group capture with the name given at the top of +-- the stack; goes backward from 'cap'. + +local function findback(cs, cap, name, valuetable) + -- repeat until end of list + while cap > 0 do + cap = cap - 1 + local continue + if cs.ocap[cap].kind == Cclose then + cap = findopen(cs, cap); -- skip nested captures + elseif cs.ocap[cap].siz == 0 then + continue = true -- opening an enclosing capture: skip and get previous + end + if not continue and cs.ocap[cap].kind == Cgroup and cs.ocap[cap].idx ~= 0 then + local gname = valuetable[cs.ocap[cap].idx] -- get group name + -- right group? + if name == gname then + return cap; + end + end + end + error(("back reference '%s' not found"):format(name), 0) +end + + +-- Back-reference capture. Return number of values pushed. + +local function backrefcap(cs, out, valuetable) + local curr = cs.cap; + local name = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] -- reference name + cs.cap = findback(cs, curr, name, valuetable) -- find corresponding group + local n = pushnestedvalues(cs, false, out, valuetable); -- push group's values + cs.cap = curr + 1; + return n; +end + + +-- Table capture: creates a new table and populates it with nested +-- captures. + +local function tablecap(cs, out, valuetable) + local n = 0; + local t = {} + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + -- table is empty + if cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz == 0 then + while cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose do + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + -- named group? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind == Cgroup and cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx ~= 0 then + local groupname = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] -- push group name + pushonenestedvalue(cs, subout, valuetable) + t[groupname] = subout.out[1] + else + -- not a named group + local k = pushcapture(cs, subout, valuetable) + -- store all values into table + for i = 1, subout.outindex do + t[i + n] = subout.out[i] + end + n = n + k; + end + end + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 -- skip close entry + end + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = t + return 1; -- number of values pushed (only the table) +end + + +-- Table-query capture + +local function querycap(cs, out, valuetable) + local table = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + pushonenestedvalue(cs, subout, valuetable) -- get nested capture + -- query cap. value at table + if table[subout.out[1]] ~= nil then + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = table[subout.out[1]] + return 1 + end + return 0 +end + + +-- Fold capture + +local function foldcap(cs, out, valuetable) + local fce = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + -- no nested captures? + -- or no nested captures (large subject)? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz ~= 0 or + cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind == Cclose then + error("no initial value for fold capture", 0); + end + local subout = { outindex = 0; out = {} } + local n = pushcapture(cs, subout, valuetable) -- nested captures with no values? + if n == 0 then + error("no initial value for fold capture", 0); + end + local acumulator = subout.out[1] -- leave only one result for accumulator + while cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose do + local subout = { outindex = 0; out = {} } + n = pushcapture(cs, subout, valuetable); -- get next capture's values + acumulator = fce(acumulator, unpack(subout.out, 1, subout.outindex)) -- call folding function + end + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1; -- skip close entry + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = acumulator + return 1; -- only accumulator left on the stack +end + + +local function retcount(...) + return select('#', ...), { ... } +end + + +-- Function capture + +local function functioncap(cs, out, valuetable) + local fce = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] -- push function + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + local n = pushnestedvalues(cs, false, subout, valuetable); -- push nested captures + local count, ret = retcount(fce(unpack(subout.out, 1, n))) -- call function + for i = 1, count do + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = ret[i] + end + return count +end + + +-- Select capture + +local function numcap(cs, out, valuetable) + local idx = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] -- value to select + -- no values? + if idx == 0 then + nextcap(cs); -- skip entire capture + return 0; -- no value produced + else + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + local n = pushnestedvalues(cs, false, subout, valuetable) + -- invalid index? + if n < idx then + error(("no capture '%d'"):format(idx), 0) + else + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = subout.out[idx] -- get selected capture + return 1; + end + end +end + + +-- Calls a runtime capture. Returns number of captures removed by +-- the call, including the initial Cgroup. (Captures to be added are +-- on the Lua stack.) + +local function runtimecap(cs, close, s, out, valuetable) + local open = findopen(cs, close) + assert(cs.ocap[open].kind == Cgroup) + cs.ocap[close].kind = Cclose; -- closes the group + cs.ocap[close].s = s; + cs.cap = open; + local fce = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] -- push function to be called + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + local n = pushnestedvalues(cs, false, subout, valuetable); -- push nested captures + local count, ret = retcount(fce(cs.s or cs.stream, s, unpack(subout.out, 1, n))) -- call dynamic function + for i = 1, count do + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = ret[i] + end + return close - open -- number of captures of all kinds removed +end + +-- Collect values from current capture into array 'cps'. Current +-- capture must be Cstring (first call) or Csimple (recursive calls). +-- (In first call, fills %0 with whole match for Cstring.) +-- Returns number of elements in the array that were filled. + +local function getstrcaps(cs, cps, n) + local k = n + n = n + 1 + cps[k + 1].isstring = true; -- get string value + cps[k + 1].startstr = cs.ocap[cs.cap].s; -- starts here + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + -- nested captures? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz == 0 then + -- traverse them + while cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose do + -- too many captures? + if n >= MAXSTRCAPS then + nextcap(cs); -- skip extra captures (will not need them) + elseif cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind == Csimple then + -- string? + n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, n); -- put info. into array + else + cps[n + 1].isstring = false; -- not a string + cps[n + 1].origcap = cs.cap; -- keep original capture + nextcap(cs); + n = n + 1; + end + end + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 -- skip close + end + cps[k + 1].endstr = cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].s + cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz - 1 -- ends here + return n; +end + + +-- add next capture value (which should be a string) to buffer 'b' + +-- String capture: add result to buffer 'b' (instead of pushing +-- it into the stack) + +local function stringcap(cs, b, valuetable) + local cps = {} + for i = 1, MAXSTRCAPS do + cps[#cps + 1] = {} + end + local fmt = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + local n = getstrcaps(cs, cps, 0) - 1; -- collect nested captures + local i = 1 + -- traverse them + while i <= #fmt do + local c = fmt:sub(i, i) + -- not an escape? + if c ~= '%' then + b[#b + 1] = c -- add it to buffer + elseif fmt:sub(i + 1, i + 1) < '0' or fmt:sub(i + 1, i + 1) > '9' then + -- not followed by a digit? + i = i + 1 + b[#b + 1] = fmt:sub(i, i) + else + i = i + 1 + local l = fmt:sub(i, i) - '0'; -- capture index + if l > n then + error(("invalid capture index (%d)"):format(l), 0) + elseif cps[l + 1].isstring then + b[#b + 1] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(cps[l + 1].startstr, cps[l + 1].endstr - cps[l + 1].startstr + cps[l + 1].startstr - 1) or + cs.stream(cps[l + 1].startstr, cps[l + 1].endstr - cps[l + 1].startstr + cps[l + 1].startstr - 1) + else + local curr = cs.cap; + cs.cap = cps[l + 1].origcap; -- go back to evaluate that nested capture + if not addonestring(cs, b, "capture", valuetable) then + error(("no values in capture index %d"):format(l), 0) + end + cs.cap = curr; -- continue from where it stopped + end + end + i = i + 1 + end +end + + +-- Substitution capture: add result to buffer 'b' + +local function substcap(cs, b, valuetable) + local curr = cs.ocap[cs.cap].s; + -- no nested captures? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap].siz ~= 0 then + -- keep original text + b[#b + 1] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(curr, cs.ocap[cs.cap].siz - 1 + curr - 1) or + cs.stream(curr, cs.ocap[cs.cap].siz - 1 + curr - 1) + else + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 -- skip open entry + -- traverse nested captures + while cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose do + local next = cs.ocap[cs.cap].s; + b[#b + 1] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(curr, next - curr + curr - 1) or + cs.stream(curr, next - curr + curr - 1) -- add text up to capture + if addonestring(cs, b, "replacement", valuetable) then + curr = cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].s + cs.ocap[cs.cap - 1].siz - 1; -- continue after match + else + -- no capture value + curr = next; -- keep original text in final result + end + end + b[#b + 1] = cs.s and cs.s:sub(curr, curr + cs.ocap[cs.cap].s - curr - 1) or + cs.stream(curr, curr + cs.ocap[cs.cap].s - curr - 1) -- add last piece of text + end + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 -- go to next capture +end + + +-- Evaluates a capture and adds its first value to buffer 'b'; returns +-- whether there was a value + +function addonestring(cs, b, what, valuetable) + local tag = cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind + if tag == Cstring then + stringcap(cs, b, valuetable); -- add capture directly to buffer + return 1 + elseif tag == Csubst then + substcap(cs, b, valuetable); -- add capture directly to buffer + return 1 + else + local subout = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + local n = pushcapture(cs, subout, valuetable); + if n > 0 then + if type(subout.out[1]) ~= 'string' and type(subout.out[1]) ~= 'number' then + error(("invalid %s value (a %s)"):format(what, type(subout.out[1])), 0) + end + b[#b + 1] = subout.out[1] + return n + end + end +end + + +-- Push all values of the current capture into the stack; returns +-- number of values pushed + +function pushcapture(cs, out, valuetable) + local type = cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind + if type == Cposition then + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = cs.ocap[cs.cap].s + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1; + return 1; + elseif type == Cconst then + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + return 1; + elseif type == Carg then + local arg = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1 + if arg > cs.ptopcount then + error(("reference to absent extra argument #%d"):format(arg), 0) + end + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = cs.ptop[arg] + return 1; + elseif type == Csimple then + local k = pushnestedvalues(cs, true, out, valuetable) + local index = out.outindex + table.insert(out.out, index - k + 1, out.out[index]) + out[index + 1] = nil + return k; + elseif type == Cruntime then + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = valuetable[cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx] + cs.cap = cs.cap + 1; + return 1; + elseif type == Cstring then + local b = {} + stringcap(cs, b, valuetable) + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = table.concat(b) + return 1; + elseif type == Csubst then + local b = {} + substcap(cs, b, valuetable); + out.outindex = out.outindex + 1 + out.out[out.outindex] = table.concat(b) + return 1; + elseif type == Cgroup then + -- anonymous group? + if cs.ocap[cs.cap].idx == 0 then + return pushnestedvalues(cs, false, out, valuetable); -- add all nested values + else + -- named group: add no values + nextcap(cs); -- skip capture + return 0 + end + elseif type == Cbackref then + return backrefcap(cs, out, valuetable) + elseif type == Ctable then + return tablecap(cs, out, valuetable) + elseif type == Cfunction then + return functioncap(cs, out, valuetable) + elseif type == Cnum then + return numcap(cs, out, valuetable) + elseif type == Cquery then + return querycap(cs, out, valuetable) + elseif type == Cfold then + return foldcap(cs, out, valuetable) + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- Prepare a CapState structure and traverse the entire list of +-- captures in the stack pushing its results. 's' is the subject +-- string, 'r' is the final position of the match, and 'ptop' +-- the index in the stack where some useful values were pushed. +-- Returns the number of results pushed. (If the list produces no +-- results, push the final position of the match.) + +local function getcaptures(capture, s, stream, r, valuetable, ...) + local n = 0; + local cs = { cap = 0 } + local out = { outindex = 0; out = {} } + -- is there any capture? + if capture[cs.cap].kind ~= Cclose then + cs.ocap = capture + cs.s = s; + cs.stream = stream + cs.ptopcount, cs.ptop = retcount(...) + repeat -- collect their values + n = n + pushcapture(cs, out, valuetable) + until cs.ocap[cs.cap].kind == Cclose + end + -- no capture values? + if n == 0 then + if not r then + return + else + return r + end + end + assert(out.outindex < 7998, "(too many captures)") + return unpack(out.out, 1, out.outindex) +end + +local function getcapturesruntime(capture, s, stream, notdelete, min, max, captop, valuetable, ...) + local n = 0; + local cs = { cap = min } + local out = { outindex = 0; out = {} } + cs.ocap = capture + cs.s = s + cs.stream = stream + cs.ptopcount, cs.ptop = retcount(...) + local start = 0 + repeat -- collect their values + if not checknextcap(cs, max) then break end + local notdelete = notdelete or capture[cs.cap].kind == Cgroup and capture[cs.cap].idx ~= 0 and capture[cs.cap].candelete == 0 + pushcapture(cs, out, valuetable) + if notdelete then + start = cs.cap + else + n = n + cs.cap - start + for i = 0, captop - cs.cap - 1 do + ffi.copy(capture + start + i, capture + cs.cap + i, ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + end + max = max - (cs.cap - start) + captop = captop - (cs.cap - start) + cs.cap = start + end + until cs.cap == max + assert(out.outindex < 7998, "(too many captures)") + return n, out.out, out.outindex +end + +return { + getcaptures = getcaptures, + runtimecap = runtimecap, + getcapturesruntime = getcapturesruntime, +} + diff --git a/tools/lpeg/lpcode.lua b/tools/lpeg/lpcode.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..bd0639f --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/lpcode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1057 @@ +--[[ +LPEGLJ +lpcode.lua +Generating code from tree +Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. +based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua +Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy +http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ + +** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +** the following conditions: +** +** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +** +** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +** +** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] +--]] +local ffi = require "ffi" +require "lpvm" + +local band, bor, bnot, rshift, lshift = bit.band, bit.bor, bit.bnot, bit.rshift, bit.lshift + +local TChar = 0 +local TSet = 1 +local TAny = 2 -- standard PEG elements +local TTrue = 3 +local TFalse = 4 +local TRep = 5 +local TSeq = 6 +local TChoice = 7 +local TNot = 8 +local TAnd = 9 +local TCall = 10 +local TOpenCall = 11 +local TRule = 12 -- sib1 is rule's pattern, sib2 is 'next' rule +local TGrammar = 13 -- sib1 is initial (and first) rule +local TBehind = 14 -- match behind +local TCapture = 15 -- regular capture +local TRunTime = 16 -- run-time capture + + +local IAny = 0 -- if no char, fail +local IChar = 1 -- if char != val, fail +local ISet = 2 -- if char not in val, fail +local ITestAny = 3 -- in no char, jump to 'offset' +local ITestChar = 4 -- if char != val, jump to 'offset' +local ITestSet = 5 -- if char not in val, jump to 'offset' +local ISpan = 6 -- read a span of chars in val +local IBehind = 7 -- walk back 'val' characters (fail if not possible) +local IRet = 8 -- return from a rule +local IEnd = 9 -- end of pattern +local IChoice = 10 -- stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' +local IJmp = 11 -- jump to 'offset' +local ICall = 12 -- call rule at 'offset' +local IOpenCall = 13 -- call rule number 'offset' (must be closed to a ICall) +local ICommit = 14 -- pop choice and jump to 'offset' +local IPartialCommit = 15 -- update top choice to current position and jump +local IBackCommit = 16 -- "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' +local IFailTwice = 17 -- pop one choice and then fail +local IFail = 18 -- go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset +local IGiveup = 19 -- internal use +local IFullCapture = 20 -- complete capture of last 'off' chars +local IOpenCapture = 21 -- start a capture +local ICloseCapture = 22 +local ICloseRunTime = 23 + + +local Cclose = 0 +local Cposition = 1 +local Cconst = 2 +local Cbackref = 3 +local Carg = 4 +local Csimple = 5 +local Ctable = 6 +local Cfunction = 7 +local Cquery = 8 +local Cstring = 9 +local Cnum = 10 +local Csubst = 11 +local Cfold = 12 +local Cruntime = 13 +local Cgroup = 14 + + +local PEnullable = 0 +local PEnofail = 1 +local RuleLR = 0x10000 +local NOINST = -2 + + +local MAXBEHINDPREDICATE = 255 +local MAXRULES = 200 +local MAXOFF = 0xF + +-- number of siblings for each tree +local numsiblings = { + 0, 0, 0, -- char, set, any + 0, 0, -- true, false + 1, -- rep + 2, 2, -- seq, choice + 1, 1, -- not, and + 0, 0, 2, 1, -- call, opencall, rule, grammar + 1, -- behind + 1, 1 -- capture, runtime capture +} + + +local patternelement = ffi.typeof('PATTERN_ELEMENT') +local pattern = ffi.typeof('PATTERN') +local settype = ffi.typeof('int32_t[8]') +local fullset = settype(-1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1, -1) + +-- {====================================================== +-- Analysis and some optimizations +-- ======================================================= + +local codegen + + +-- Check whether a charset is empty (IFail), singleton (IChar), +-- full (IAny), or none of those (ISet). + +local function charsettype(cs) + local count = 0; + local candidate = -1; -- candidate position for a char + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + local b = cs[i]; + if b == 0 then + if count > 1 then + return ISet; -- else set is still empty + end + elseif b == -1 then + if count < (i * 32) then + return ISet; + else + count = count + 32; -- set is still full + end + -- byte has only one bit? + elseif band(b, (b - 1)) == 0 then + if count > 0 then + return ISet; -- set is neither full nor empty + -- set has only one char till now; track it + else + count = count + 1; + candidate = i; + end + else + return ISet; -- byte is neither empty, full, nor singleton + end + end + if count == 0 then + return IFail, 0 -- empty set + -- singleton; find character bit inside byte + elseif count == 1 then + local b = cs[candidate]; + local c = candidate * 32; + for i = 1, 32 do + if b == 1 then + c = c + i - 1 + break + end + b = rshift(b, 1) + end + return IChar, c + elseif count == 256 then + return IAny, 0 -- full set + else + assert(false) -- should have returned by now + end +end + + +-- A few basic operations on Charsets + +local function cs_complement(cs) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + cs[i] = bnot(cs[i]) + end +end + + +local function cs_equal(cs1, cs2) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + if cs1[i] ~= cs2[i] then + return + end + end + return true +end + + +-- computes whether sets st1 and st2 are disjoint + +local function cs_disjoint(st1, st2) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + if band(st1[i], st2[i]) ~= 0 then + return + end + end + return true +end + + +-- Convert a 'char' pattern (TSet, TChar, TAny) to a charset + +local function tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) + local val = settype() + if tree.p[index].tag == TSet then + ffi.copy(val, valuetable[tree.p[index].val], ffi.sizeof(val)) + return val + elseif tree.p[index].tag == TChar then + local b = tree.p[index].val + -- only one char + -- add that one + val[rshift(b, 5)] = lshift(1, band(b, 31)) + return val + elseif tree.p[index].tag == TAny then + ffi.fill(val, ffi.sizeof(val), 0xff) + return val + end +end + + +-- checks whether a pattern has captures + +local function hascaptures(tree, index) + if tree.p[index].tag == TCapture or tree.p[index].tag == TRunTime then + return true + elseif tree.p[index].tag == TCall then + return hascaptures(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) + else + local ns = numsiblings[tree.p[index].tag + 1] + if ns == 0 then + return + elseif ns == 1 then + return hascaptures(tree, index + 1) + elseif ns == 2 then + if hascaptures(tree, index + 1) then + return true + else + return hascaptures(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) + end + else + assert(false) + end + end +end + + +-- Checks how a pattern behaves regarding the empty string, +-- in one of two different ways: +-- A pattern is *nullable* if it can match without consuming any character; +-- A pattern is *nofail* if it never fails for any string +-- (including the empty string). +-- The difference is only for predicates; for patterns without +-- predicates, the two properties are equivalent. +-- (With predicates, &'a' is nullable but not nofail. Of course, +-- nofail => nullable.) +-- These functions are all convervative in the following way: +-- p is nullable => nullable(p) +-- nofail(p) => p cannot fail +-- (The function assumes that TOpenCall and TRunTime are not nullable: +-- TOpenCall must be checked again when the grammar is fixed; +-- TRunTime is an arbitrary choice.) + +local function checkaux(tree, pred, index, lrcall) + lrcall = lrcall or {} + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or + tag == TFalse or tag == TOpenCall then + return -- not nullable + elseif tag == TRep or tag == TTrue then + return true -- no fail + elseif tag == TNot or tag == TBehind then + -- can match empty, but may fail + if pred == PEnofail then + return + else + return true -- PEnullable + end + elseif tag == TAnd then + -- can match empty; fail iff body does + if pred == PEnullable then + return true + else + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) + end + -- can fail; match empty iff body does + elseif tag == TRunTime then + if pred == PEnofail then + return + else + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) + end + elseif tag == TSeq then + if not checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) then + return + else + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) + end + elseif tag == TChoice then + if checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) then + return true + else + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) + end + elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule then + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + 1, lrcall) + elseif tag == TCall then + --left recursive rule + if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then + local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps + if lrcall[lr] then + return + end + lrcall[lr] = true + end + return checkaux(tree, pred, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- number of characters to match a pattern (or -1 if variable) +-- ('count' avoids infinite loops for grammars) + +local function fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny then + return len + 1; + elseif tag == TFalse or tag == TTrue or tag == TNot or tag == TAnd or tag == TBehind then + return len; + elseif tag == TRep or tag == TRunTime or tag == TOpenCall then + return -1; + elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TRule or tag == TGrammar then + return fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) + elseif tag == TCall then + if count >= MAXRULES then + return -1; -- may be a loop + else + return fixedlenx(tree, count + 1, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) + end + elseif tag == TSeq then + len = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) + if (len < 0) then + return -1; + else + return fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) + end + elseif tag == TChoice then + local n1 = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + 1) + if n1 < 0 then return -1 end + local n2 = fixedlenx(tree, count, len, index + tree.p[index].ps) + if n1 == n2 then + return n1 + else + return -1 + end + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- Computes the 'first set' of a pattern. +-- The result is a conservative aproximation: +-- match p ax -> x' for some x ==> a in first(p). +-- match p '' -> '' ==> returns 1. +-- The set 'follow' is the first set of what follows the +-- pattern (full set if nothing follows it) + +local function getfirst(tree, follow, index, valuetable, lrcall) + lrcall = lrcall or {} + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny then + local firstset = tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) + return 0, firstset + elseif tag == TTrue then + local firstset = settype() + ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) + return 1, firstset + elseif tag == TFalse then + local firstset = settype() + return 0, firstset + elseif tag == TChoice then + local e1, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + local e2, csaux = getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + firstset[i] = bor(firstset[i], csaux[i]) + end + return bor(e1, e2), firstset + elseif tag == TSeq then + if not checkaux(tree, PEnullable, index + 1) then + return getfirst(tree, fullset, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + -- FIRST(p1 p2, fl) = FIRST(p1, FIRST(p2, fl)) + else + local e2, csaux = getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) + local e1, firstset = getfirst(tree, csaux, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + if e1 == 0 then -- 'e1' ensures that first can be used + return 0, firstset + -- one of the children has a matchtime? + elseif band(bor(e1, e2), 2) == 2 then + return 2, firstset -- pattern has a matchtime capture + else + return e2, firstset -- else depends on 'e2' + end + end + elseif tag == TRep then + local _, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + firstset[i] = bor(firstset[i], follow[i]) + end + return 1, firstset -- accept the empty string + elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule then + return getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + -- function invalidates any follow info. + elseif tag == TRunTime then + local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, fullset, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + if e ~= 0 then + return 2, firstset -- function is not "protected"? + else + return 0, firstset -- pattern inside capture ensures first can be used + end + elseif tag == TCall then + -- left recursive rule + if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then + local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps + if lrcall[lr] then + return 0, settype() + else + lrcall[lr] = true + end + end + return getfirst(tree, follow, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable, lrcall) + elseif tag == TAnd then + local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + for i = 0, 8 - 1 do + firstset[i] = band(firstset[i], follow[i]) + end + return e, firstset + elseif tag == TNot then + local firstset = tocharset(tree, index + 1, valuetable) + if firstset then + cs_complement(firstset) + return 1, firstset + end + local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) + return bor(e, 1), firstset -- always can accept the empty string + -- instruction gives no new information + elseif tag == TBehind then + -- call 'getfirst' to check for math-time captures + local e, firstset = getfirst(tree, follow, index + 1, valuetable, lrcall) + ffi.copy(firstset, follow, ffi.sizeof(firstset)) + return bor(e, 1), firstset -- always can accept the empty string + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- If it returns true, then pattern can fail only depending on the next +-- character of the subject + +local function headfail(tree, index, lrcall) + lrcall = lrcall or {} + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse then + return true + elseif tag == TTrue or tag == TRep or tag == TRunTime or tag == TNot or tag == TBehind then + return + elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TGrammar or tag == TRule or tag == TAnd then + return headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) + elseif tag == TCall then + -- left recursive rule + if bit.band(tree.p[index].cap, 0xffff) ~= 0 then + local lr = index + tree.p[index].ps + if lrcall[lr] then + return true + else + lrcall[lr] = true + end + end + return headfail(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) + elseif tag == TSeq then + if not checkaux(tree, PEnofail, index + tree.p[index].ps) then + return + else + return headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) + end + elseif tag == TChoice then + if not headfail(tree, index + 1, lrcall) then + return + else + return headfail(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps, lrcall) + end + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- Check whether the code generation for the given tree can benefit +-- from a follow set (to avoid computing the follow set when it is +-- not needed) + +local function needfollow(tree, index) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse or tag == TTrue or tag == TAnd or tag == TNot or + tag == TRunTime or tag == TGrammar or tag == TCall or tag == TBehind then + return + elseif tag == TChoice or tag == TRep then + return true + elseif tag == TCapture then + return needfollow(tree, index + 1) + elseif tag == TSeq then + return needfollow(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) + else + assert(false) + end +end + +-- ====================================================== + + +-- {====================================================== +-- Code generation +-- ======================================================= + + +-- code generation is recursive; 'opt' indicates that the code is +-- being generated under a 'IChoice' operator jumping to its end. +-- 'tt' points to a previous test protecting this code. 'fl' is +-- the follow set of the pattern. + + +local function addinstruction(code, op, val) + local size = code.size + if size >= code.allocsize then + code:doublesize() + end + code.p[size].code = op + code.p[size].val = val + code.size = size + 1 + return size +end + + +local function setoffset(code, instruction, offset) + code.p[instruction].offset = offset; +end + + +-- Add a capture instruction: +-- 'op' is the capture instruction; 'cap' the capture kind; +-- 'key' the key into ktable; 'aux' is optional offset + +local function addinstcap(code, op, cap, key, aux) + local i = addinstruction(code, op, bor(cap, lshift(aux, 4))) + setoffset(code, i, key) + return i +end + + +local function jumptothere(code, instruction, target) + if instruction >= 0 then + setoffset(code, instruction, target - instruction) + end +end + + +local function jumptohere(code, instruction) + jumptothere(code, instruction, code.size) +end + + +-- Code an IChar instruction, or IAny if there is an equivalent +-- test dominating it + +local function codechar(code, c, tt) + assert(tt ~= -1) + if tt >= 0 and code.p[tt].code == ITestChar and + code.p[tt].val == c then + addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) + else + addinstruction(code, IChar, c) + end +end + + +-- Code an ISet instruction + +local function coderealcharset(code, cs, valuetable) + local ind = #valuetable + 1 + valuetable[ind] = cs + return addinstruction(code, ISet, ind) +end + + +-- code a char set, optimizing unit sets for IChar, "complete" +-- sets for IAny, and empty sets for IFail; also use an IAny +-- when instruction is dominated by an equivalent test. + +local function codecharset(code, cs, tt, valuetable) + local op, c = charsettype(cs) + if op == IChar then + codechar(code, c, tt) + elseif op == ISet then + assert(tt ~= -1) + if tt >= 0 and code.p[tt].code == ITestSet and + cs_equal(cs, valuetable[code.p[tt].val]) then + addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) + else + coderealcharset(code, cs, valuetable) + end + else + addinstruction(code, op, c) + end +end + + +-- code a test set, optimizing unit sets for ITestChar, "complete" +-- sets for ITestAny, and empty sets for IJmp (always fails). +-- 'e' is true iff test should accept the empty string. (Test +-- instructions in the current VM never accept the empty string.) + +local function codetestset(code, cs, e, valuetable) + if e ~= 0 then + return NOINST -- no test + else + local pos = code.size + codecharset(code, cs, NOINST, valuetable) + local inst = code.p[pos] + local code = inst.code + if code == IFail then + inst.code = IJmp -- always jump + elseif code == IAny then + inst.code = ITestAny + elseif code == IChar then + inst.code = ITestChar + elseif code == ISet then + inst.code = ITestSet + else + assert(false) + end + return pos + end +end + + +-- Find the final destination of a sequence of jumps + +local function finaltarget(code, i) + while code.p[i].code == IJmp do + i = i + code.p[i].offset + end + return i +end + + +-- final label (after traversing any jumps) + +local function finallabel(code, i) + return finaltarget(code, i + code.p[i].offset) +end + +-- == behind n;

(where n = fixedlen(p)) + +local function codebehind(code, tree, index, valuetable) + if tree.p[index].val > 0 then + addinstruction(code, IBehind, tree.p[index].val) + end + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index + 1, valuetable) -- NOINST +end + + +-- Choice; optimizations: +-- - when p1 is headfail +-- - when first(p1) and first(p2) are disjoint; than +-- a character not in first(p1) cannot go to p1, and a character +-- in first(p1) cannot go to p2 (at it is not in first(p2)). +-- (The optimization is not valid if p1 accepts the empty string, +-- as then there is no character at all...) +-- - when p2 is empty and opt is true; a IPartialCommit can resuse +-- the Choice already active in the stack. + +local function codechoice(code, tree, fl, opt, p1, p2, valuetable) + local emptyp2 = tree.p[p2].tag == TTrue + local e1, st1 = getfirst(tree, fullset, p1, valuetable) + local _, st2 = getfirst(tree, fl, p2, valuetable) + if headfail(tree, p1) or (e1 == 0 and cs_disjoint(st1, st2)) then + -- == test (fail(p1)) -> L1 ; p1 ; jmp L2; L1: p2; L2: + local test = codetestset(code, st1, 0, valuetable) + local jmp = NOINST; + codegen(code, tree, fl, false, test, p1, valuetable) + if not emptyp2 then + jmp = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) + end + jumptohere(code, test) + codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, NOINST, p2, valuetable) + jumptohere(code, jmp) + elseif opt and emptyp2 then + -- p1? == IPartialCommit; p1 + jumptohere(code, addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0)) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, true, NOINST, p1, valuetable) + else + -- == + -- test(fail(p1)) -> L1; choice L1; ; commit L2; L1: ; L2: + local test = codetestset(code, st1, e1, valuetable) + local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, emptyp2, test, p1, valuetable) + local pcommit = addinstruction(code, ICommit, 0) + jumptohere(code, pchoice) + jumptohere(code, test) + codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, NOINST, p2, valuetable) + jumptohere(code, pcommit) + end +end + + +-- And predicate +-- optimization: fixedlen(p) = n ==> <&p> ==

; behind n +-- (valid only when 'p' has no captures) + +local function codeand(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) + local n = fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, index) + if n >= 0 and n <= MAXBEHINDPREDICATE and not hascaptures(tree, index) then + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index, valuetable) + if n > 0 then + addinstruction(code, IBehind, n) + end + else + -- default: Choice L1; p1; BackCommit L2; L1: Fail; L2: + local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index, valuetable) + local pcommit = addinstruction(code, IBackCommit, 0) + jumptohere(code, pchoice) + addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) + jumptohere(code, pcommit) + end +end + + +-- Captures: if pattern has fixed (and not too big) length, use +-- a single IFullCapture instruction after the match; otherwise, +-- enclose the pattern with OpenCapture - CloseCapture. + +local function codecapture(code, tree, fl, tt, index, valuetable) + local len = fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, index + 1) + if len >= 0 and len <= MAXOFF and not hascaptures(tree, index + 1) then + codegen(code, tree, fl, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) + addinstcap(code, IFullCapture, tree.p[index].cap, tree.p[index].val, len) + else + addinstcap(code, IOpenCapture, tree.p[index].cap, tree.p[index].val, 0) + codegen(code, tree, fl, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) + addinstcap(code, ICloseCapture, Cclose, 0, 0) + end +end + + +local function coderuntime(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) + addinstcap(code, IOpenCapture, Cgroup, tree.p[index].val, 0) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, index + 1, valuetable) + addinstcap(code, ICloseRunTime, Cclose, 0, 0) +end + + +-- Repetion; optimizations: +-- When pattern is a charset, can use special instruction ISpan. +-- When pattern is head fail, or if it starts with characters that +-- are disjoint from what follows the repetions, a simple test +-- is enough (a fail inside the repetition would backtrack to fail +-- again in the following pattern, so there is no need for a choice). +-- When 'opt' is true, the repetion can reuse the Choice already +-- active in the stack. + +local function coderep(code, tree, opt, fl, index, valuetable) + local st = tocharset(tree, index, valuetable) + if st then + local op = coderealcharset(code, st, valuetable) + code.p[op].code = ISpan; + else + local e1, st = getfirst(tree, fullset, index, valuetable) + if headfail(tree, index) or (e1 == 0 and cs_disjoint(st, fl)) then + -- L1: test (fail(p1)) -> L2;

; jmp L1; L2: + local test = codetestset(code, st, 0, valuetable) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, test, index, valuetable) + local jmp = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) + jumptohere(code, test) + jumptothere(code, jmp, test) + else + -- test(fail(p1)) -> L2; choice L2; L1:

; partialcommit L1; L2: + -- or (if 'opt'): partialcommit L1; L1:

; partialcommit L1; + local test = codetestset(code, st, e1, valuetable) + local pchoice = NOINST; + if opt then + jumptohere(code, addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0)) + else + pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) + end + local l2 = code.size + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) + local commit = addinstruction(code, IPartialCommit, 0) + jumptothere(code, commit, l2) + jumptohere(code, pchoice) + jumptohere(code, test) + end + end +end + + +-- Not predicate; optimizations: +-- In any case, if first test fails, 'not' succeeds, so it can jump to +-- the end. If pattern is headfail, that is all (it cannot fail +-- in other parts); this case includes 'not' of simple sets. Otherwise, +-- use the default code (a choice plus a failtwice). + +local function codenot(code, tree, index, valuetable) + local e, st = getfirst(tree, fullset, index, valuetable) + local test = codetestset(code, st, e, valuetable) + -- test (fail(p1)) -> L1; fail; L1: + if headfail(tree, index) then + addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) + else + -- test(fail(p))-> L1; choice L1;

; failtwice; L1: + local pchoice = addinstruction(code, IChoice, 0) + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) + addinstruction(code, IFailTwice, 0) + jumptohere(code, pchoice) + end + jumptohere(code, test) +end + + +-- change open calls to calls, using list 'positions' to find +-- correct offsets; also optimize tail calls + +local function correctcalls(code, positions, from, to) + for i = from, to - 1 do + if code.p[i].code == IOpenCall then + local n = code.p[i].offset; -- rule number + local rule = positions[n]; -- rule position + assert(rule == from or code.p[rule - 1].code == IRet) + -- call; ret ? + if bit.band(code.p[i].val, 0xffff) == 0 and code.p[finaltarget(code, i + 1)].code == IRet then + code.p[i].code = IJmp; -- tail call + else + code.p[i].code = ICall; + end + jumptothere(code, i, rule) -- call jumps to respective rule + end + end +end + + +-- Code for a grammar: +-- call L1; jmp L2; L1: rule 1; ret; rule 2; ret; ...; L2: + +local function codegrammar(code, tree, index, valuetable) + local positions = {} + local rulenumber = 1; + -- tree.p[rule].tag + local rule = index + 1 + assert(tree.p[rule].tag == TRule) + local LR = 0 + if band(RuleLR, tree.p[rule].cap) ~= 0 then LR = 1 end + local firstcall = addinstruction(code, ICall, LR) -- call initial rule + code.p[firstcall].aux = tree.p[rule].val + local jumptoend = addinstruction(code, IJmp, 0) -- jump to the end + jumptohere(code, firstcall) -- here starts the initial rule + while tree.p[rule].tag == TRule do + positions[rulenumber] = code.size -- save rule position + rulenumber = rulenumber + 1 + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, rule + 1, valuetable) -- code rule + addinstruction(code, IRet, 0) + rule = rule + tree.p[rule].ps + end + assert(tree.p[rule].tag == TTrue) + jumptohere(code, jumptoend) + correctcalls(code, positions, firstcall + 2, code.size) +end + + +local function codecall(code, tree, index, val) + local c = addinstruction(code, IOpenCall, tree.p[index].cap) -- to be corrected later + code.p[c].aux = val + assert(tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].tag == TRule) + setoffset(code, c, band(tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].cap, 0x7fff)) -- offset = rule number +end + + +local function codeseq(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, p1, p2, valuetable) + if needfollow(tree, p1) then + local _, fll = getfirst(tree, fl, p2, valuetable) -- p1 follow is p2 first + codegen(code, tree, fll, false, tt, p1, valuetable) + else + -- use 'fullset' as follow + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, tt, p1, valuetable) + end + -- can p1 consume anything? + if (fixedlenx(tree, 0, 0, p1) ~= 0) then + tt = NOINST; -- invalidate test + end + return codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, p2, valuetable) +end + + +-- Main code-generation function: dispatch to auxiliar functions +-- according to kind of tree + +-- code generation is recursive; 'opt' indicates that the code is being +-- generated as the last thing inside an optional pattern (so, if that +-- code is optional too, it can reuse the 'IChoice' already in place for +-- the outer pattern). 'tt' points to a previous test protecting this +-- code (or NOINST). 'fl' is the follow set of the pattern. + +function codegen(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, index, valuetable) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar then + return codechar(code, tree.p[index].val, tt) + elseif tag == TAny then + return addinstruction(code, IAny, 0) + elseif tag == TSet then + return codecharset(code, valuetable[tree.p[index].val], tt, valuetable) + elseif tag == TTrue then + elseif tag == TFalse then + return addinstruction(code, IFail, 0) + elseif tag == TSeq then + return codeseq(code, tree, fl, opt, tt, index + 1, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) + elseif tag == TChoice then + return codechoice(code, tree, fl, opt, index + 1, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) + elseif tag == TRep then + return coderep(code, tree, opt, fl, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TBehind then + return codebehind(code, tree, index, valuetable) + elseif tag == TNot then + return codenot(code, tree, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TAnd then + return codeand(code, tree, tt, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TCapture then + return codecapture(code, tree, fl, tt, index, valuetable) + elseif tag == TRunTime then + return coderuntime(code, tree, tt, index, valuetable) + elseif tag == TGrammar then + return codegrammar(code, tree, index, valuetable) + elseif tag == TCall then + return codecall(code, tree, index, tree.p[index].val) + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- Optimize jumps and other jump-like instructions. +-- * Update labels of instructions with labels to their final +-- destinations (e.g., choice L1; ... L1: jmp L2: becomes +-- choice L2) +-- * Jumps to other instructions that do jumps become those +-- instructions (e.g., jump to return becomes a return; jump +-- to commit becomes a commit) + +local function peephole(code) + local i = 0 + while i < code.size do + local tag = code.p[i].code + if tag == IChoice or tag == ICall or tag == ICommit or tag == IPartialCommit or + tag == IBackCommit or tag == ITestChar or tag == ITestSet or tag == ITestAny then + -- instructions with labels + jumptothere(code, i, finallabel(code, i)) -- optimize label + + elseif tag == IJmp then + local ft = finaltarget(code, i) + local tag = code.p[ft].code -- jumping to what? + -- instructions with unconditional implicit jumps + if tag == IRet or tag == IFail or tag == IFailTwice or tag == IEnd then + ffi.copy(code.p + i, code.p + ft, ffi.sizeof(patternelement)) -- jump becomes that instruction + elseif tag == ICommit or tag == IPartialCommit or tag == IBackCommit then + -- inst. with unconditional explicit jumps + local fft = finallabel(code, ft) + ffi.copy(code.p + i, code.p + ft, ffi.sizeof(patternelement)) -- jump becomes that instruction... + jumptothere(code, i, fft) -- but must correct its offset + i = i - 1 -- reoptimize its label + else + jumptothere(code, i, ft) -- optimize label + end + end + i = i + 1 + end +end + + +-- Compile a pattern + +local function compile(tree, index, valuetable) + local code = pattern() + codegen(code, tree, fullset, false, NOINST, index, valuetable) + addinstruction(code, IEnd, 0) + peephole(code) + ffi.C.free(tree.code) + tree.code = code +end + +local function pat_new(ct, size) + size = size or 0 + local allocsize = size + if allocsize < 10 then + allocsize = 10 + end + local pat = ffi.cast('PATTERN*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(pattern))) + assert(pat ~= nil) + pat.allocsize = allocsize + pat.size = size + pat.p = ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * allocsize) + assert(pat.p ~= nil) + ffi.fill(pat.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * allocsize) + return pat +end + +local function doublesize(ct) + ct.p = ffi.C.realloc(ct.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * ct.allocsize * 2) + assert(ct.p ~= nil) + ffi.fill(ct.p + ct.allocsize, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * ct.allocsize) + ct.allocsize = ct.allocsize * 2 +end + +local pattreg = { + doublesize = doublesize, +} + +local metareg = { + ["__new"] = pat_new, + ["__index"] = pattreg +} + +ffi.metatype(pattern, metareg) + +return { + checkaux = checkaux, + tocharset = tocharset, + fixedlenx = fixedlenx, + hascaptures = hascaptures, + compile = compile, +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/lpeg/lpeg.lua b/tools/lpeg/lpeg.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..de4fca3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/lpeg.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1373 @@ +--[[ +LPEGLJ +lpeglj.lua +Main module and tree generation +Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. +based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua +Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy +http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ + +** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +** the following conditions: +** +** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +** +** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +** +** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] +--]] + +assert(jit.version_num > 20000, "Use LuaJIT v2.0.1 or higher.") + +local ffi = require "ffi" +local lpcode = require "lpcode" +local lpprint = require "lpprint" +local lpvm = require "lpvm" + +local band, bor, bnot, rshift, lshift = bit.band, bit.bor, bit.bnot, bit.rshift, bit.lshift + +ffi.cdef [[ + int isalnum(int c); + int isalpha(int c); + int iscntrl(int c); + int isdigit(int c); + int isgraph(int c); + int islower(int c); + int isprint(int c); + int ispunct(int c); + int isspace(int c); + int isupper(int c); + int isxdigit(int c); +]] + +local MAXBEHIND = 255 +local MAXRULES = 200 +local VERSION = "" + +local TChar = 0 +local TSet = 1 +local TAny = 2 -- standard PEG elements +local TTrue = 3 +local TFalse = 4 +local TRep = 5 +local TSeq = 6 +local TChoice = 7 +local TNot = 8 +local TAnd = 9 +local TCall = 10 +local TOpenCall = 11 +local TRule = 12 -- sib1 is rule's pattern, sib2 is 'next' rule +local TGrammar = 13 -- sib1 is initial (and first) rule +local TBehind = 14 -- match behind +local TCapture = 15 -- regular capture +local TRunTime = 16 -- run-time capture + +local IAny = 0 -- if no char, fail +local IChar = 1 -- if char != val, fail +local ISet = 2 -- if char not in val, fail +local ITestAny = 3 -- in no char, jump to 'offset' +local ITestChar = 4 -- if char != val, jump to 'offset' +local ITestSet = 5 -- if char not in val, jump to 'offset' +local ISpan = 6 -- read a span of chars in val +local IBehind = 7 -- walk back 'val' characters (fail if not possible) +local IRet = 8 -- return from a rule +local IEnd = 9 -- end of pattern +local IChoice = 10 -- stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' +local IJmp = 11 -- jump to 'offset' +local ICall = 12 -- call rule at 'offset' +local IOpenCall = 13 -- call rule number 'offset' (must be closed to a ICall) +local ICommit = 14 -- pop choice and jump to 'offset' +local IPartialCommit = 15 -- update top choice to current position and jump +local IBackCommit = 16 -- "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' +local IFailTwice = 17 -- pop one choice and then fail +local IFail = 18 -- go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset +local IGiveup = 19 -- internal use +local IFullCapture = 20 -- complete capture of last 'off' chars +local IOpenCapture = 21 -- start a capture +local ICloseCapture = 22 +local ICloseRunTime = 23 + +local Cclose = 0 +local Cposition = 1 +local Cconst = 2 +local Cbackref = 3 +local Carg = 4 +local Csimple = 5 +local Ctable = 6 +local Cfunction = 7 +local Cquery = 8 +local Cstring = 9 +local Cnum = 10 +local Csubst = 11 +local Cfold = 12 +local Cruntime = 13 +local Cgroup = 14 + +local PEnullable = 0 +local PEnofail = 1 +local PEleftrecursion = 2 + +local newgrammar + +local RuleLR = 0x10000 +local Ruleused = 0x20000 +local BCapcandelete = 0x30000 + +local LREnable = false + +-- number of siblings for each tree +local numsiblings = { + 0, 0, 0, -- char, set, any + 0, 0, -- true, false + 1, -- rep + 2, 2, -- seq, choice + 1, 1, -- not, and + 0, 0, 2, 1, -- call, opencall, rule, grammar + 1, -- behind + 1, 1 -- capture, runtime capture +} + + + +local patternid = 0 +local valuetable = {} + +local funcnames = setmetatable({}, { __mode = 'k' }) + +local treepatternelement = ffi.typeof('TREEPATTERN_ELEMENT') +local treepattern = ffi.typeof('TREEPATTERN') +local patternelement = ffi.typeof('PATTERN_ELEMENT') +local pattern = ffi.typeof('PATTERN') +local settype = ffi.typeof('int32_t[8]') +local uint32 = ffi.typeof('uint32_t[1]') + +-- Fix a TOpenCall into a TCall node, using table 'postable' to +-- translate a key to its rule address in the tree. Raises an +-- error if key does not exist. + +local function fixonecall(postable, grammar, index, valuetable) + local name = valuetable[grammar.p[index].val] -- get rule's name + local n = postable[name] -- query name in position table + -- no position? + if not n then + error(("rule '%s' undefined in given grammar"):format(type(name) == 'table' and '(a table)' or name), 0) + end + grammar.p[index].tag = TCall; + grammar.p[index].ps = n - index -- position relative to node + grammar.p[index + grammar.p[index].ps].cap = bit.bor(grammar.p[index + grammar.p[index].ps].cap, Ruleused) +end + + +-- Transform left associative constructions into right +-- associative ones, for sequence and choice; that is: +-- (t11 + t12) + t2 => t11 + (t12 + t2) +-- (t11 * t12) * t2 => t11 * (t12 * t2) +-- (that is, Op (Op t11 t12) t2 => Op t11 (Op t12 t2)) + +local function correctassociativity(tree, index) + local t1 = index + 1 + assert(tree.p[index].tag == TChoice or tree.p[index].tag == TSeq) + while tree.p[t1].tag == tree.p[index].tag do + local n1size = tree.p[index].ps - 1; -- t1 == Op t11 t12 + local n11size = tree.p[t1].ps - 1; + local n12size = n1size - n11size - 1 + for i = 1, n11size do + ffi.copy(tree.p + index + i, tree.p + t1 + i, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement)) + end + tree.p[index].ps = n11size + 1 + tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].tag = tree.p[index].tag + tree.p[index + tree.p[index].ps].ps = n12size + 1 + end +end + + +-- Make final adjustments in a tree. Fix open calls in tree, +-- making them refer to their respective rules or raising appropriate +-- errors (if not inside a grammar). Correct associativity of associative +-- constructions (making them right associative). + +local function finalfix(fix, postable, grammar, index, valuetable) + + local tag = grammar.p[index].tag + --subgrammars were already fixed + if tag == TGrammar then + return + elseif tag == TOpenCall then + -- inside a grammar? + if fix then + fixonecall(postable, grammar, index, valuetable) + -- open call outside grammar + else + error(("rule '%s' used outside a grammar"):format(tostring(valuetable[grammar.p[index].val])), 0) + end + elseif tag == TSeq or tag == TChoice then + correctassociativity(grammar, index) + end + local ns = numsiblings[tag + 1] + if ns == 0 then + elseif ns == 1 then + return finalfix(fix, postable, grammar, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif ns == 2 then + finalfix(fix, postable, grammar, index + 1, valuetable) + return finalfix(fix, postable, grammar, index + grammar.p[index].ps, valuetable) + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +-- {====================================================== +-- Tree generation +-- ======================================================= + +local function newcharset() + local tree = treepattern(1) + valuetable[tree.id] = { settype() } + tree.p[0].tag = TSet + tree.p[0].val = 1 + return tree, valuetable[tree.id][1] +end + + +-- add to tree a sequence where first sibling is 'sib' (with size +-- 'sibsize') + +local function seqaux(tree, sib, start, sibsize) + tree.p[start].tag = TSeq; + tree.p[start].ps = sibsize + 1 + ffi.copy(tree.p + start + 1, sib.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * sibsize) +end + + +-- Build a sequence of 'n' nodes, each with tag 'tag' and 'val' got +-- from the array 's' (or 0 if array is NULL). (TSeq is binary, so it +-- must build a sequence of sequence of sequence...) + +local function fillseq(tree, tag, start, n, s) + -- initial n-1 copies of Seq tag; Seq ... + for i = 1, n - 1 do + tree.p[start].tag = TSeq + tree.p[start].ps = 2 + tree.p[start + 1].tag = tag + if s then + tree.p[start + 1].val = s:sub(i, i):byte() + end + start = start + tree.p[start].ps + end + tree.p[start].tag = tag -- last one does not need TSeq + if s then + tree.p[start].val = s:sub(n, n):byte() + end +end + + +-- Numbers as patterns: +-- 0 == true (always match); n == TAny repeated 'n' times; +-- -n == not (TAny repeated 'n' times) + +local function numtree(n) + if n == 0 then + local tree = treepattern(1) + tree.p[0].tag = TTrue + return tree + else + local tree, start + if n > 0 then + tree = treepattern(2 * n - 1) + start = 0 + -- negative: code it as !(-n) + else + n = -n; + tree = treepattern(2 * n) + tree.p[0].tag = TNot + start = 1 + end + fillseq(tree, TAny, start, n) -- sequence of 'n' any's + return tree; + end +end + + +-- Convert value to a pattern + +local function getpatt(val, name) + local typ = type(val) + if typ == 'string' then + -- empty? + if #val == 0 then + local pat = treepattern(1) + pat.p[0].tag = TTrue -- always match + return pat + else + local tree = treepattern(2 * (#val - 1) + 1) + fillseq(tree, TChar, 0, #val, val) -- sequence of '#val' chars + return tree + end + elseif typ == 'number' then + return numtree(val) + elseif typ == 'boolean' then + local pat = treepattern(1) + pat.p[0].tag = val and TTrue or TFalse + return pat + elseif typ == 'table' then + return newgrammar(val) + elseif typ == 'function' then + if name and type(name) == 'string' then + funcnames[val] = name + end + local pat = treepattern(2) + valuetable[pat.id] = { val } + pat.p[0].tag = TRunTime + pat.p[0].val = 1 + pat.p[1].tag = TTrue + return pat + elseif ffi.istype(treepattern, val) then + assert(val.treesize > 0) + return val + end + assert(false) +end + +local function copykeys(ktable1, ktable2) + local ktable, offset = {}, 0 + if not ktable1 and not ktable2 then + return ktable, 0 + elseif ktable1 then + for i = 1, #ktable1 do + ktable[#ktable + 1] = ktable1[i] + end + offset = #ktable1 + if not ktable2 then + return ktable, 0 + end + end + if ktable2 then + for i = 1, #ktable2 do + ktable[#ktable + 1] = ktable2[i] + end + end + assert(#ktable < 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + return ktable, offset +end + +local function correctkeys(tree, index, offset) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if (tag == TSet or tag == TRule or tag == TCall or tag == TRunTime or tag == TOpenCall or tag == TCapture) and + tree.p[index].val ~= 0 then + tree.p[index].val = tree.p[index].val + offset + end + local ns = numsiblings[tag + 1] + if ns == 0 then + elseif ns == 1 then + return correctkeys(tree, index + 1, offset) + elseif ns == 2 then + correctkeys(tree, index + 1, offset) + return correctkeys(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps, offset) + else + assert(false) + end +end + + + +-- create a new tree, with a new root and one sibling. + +local function newroot1sib(tag, pat) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat) + local tree = treepattern(1 + tree1.treesize) -- create new tree + valuetable[tree.id] = copykeys(valuetable[tree1.id]) + tree.p[0].tag = tag + ffi.copy(tree.p + 1, tree1.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree1.treesize) + return tree +end + + +-- create a new tree, with a new root and 2 siblings. + +local function newroot2sib(tag, pat1, pat2) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat1) + local tree2 = getpatt(pat2) + local tree = treepattern(1 + tree1.treesize + tree2.treesize) -- create new tree + local ktable, offset = copykeys(valuetable[tree1.id], valuetable[tree2.id]) + valuetable[tree.id] = ktable + tree.p[0].tag = tag + tree.p[0].ps = 1 + tree1.treesize + ffi.copy(tree.p + 1, tree1.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree1.treesize) + ffi.copy(tree.p + 1 + tree1.treesize, tree2.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree2.treesize) + if offset > 0 then + correctkeys(tree, 1 + tree1.treesize, offset) + end + return tree; +end + + +local function lp_P(val, name) + assert(type(val) ~= 'nil') + return getpatt(val, name) +end + + +-- sequence operator; optimizations: +-- false x => false, x true => x, true x => x +-- (cannot do x . false => false because x may have runtime captures) + +local function lp_seq(pat1, pat2) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat1) + local tree2 = getpatt(pat2) + -- false . x == false, x . true = x + if tree1.p[0].tag == TFalse or tree2.p[0].tag == TTrue then + return tree1 + -- true . x = x + elseif tree1.p[0].tag == TTrue then + return tree2 + else + return newroot2sib(TSeq, tree1, tree2) + end +end + + +-- choice operator; optimizations: +-- charset / charset => charset +-- true / x => true, x / false => x, false / x => x +-- (x / true is not equivalent to true) + +local function lp_choice(pat1, pat2) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat1) + local tree2 = getpatt(pat2) + local charset1 = lpcode.tocharset(tree1, 0, valuetable[tree1.id]) + local charset2 = lpcode.tocharset(tree2, 0, valuetable[tree2.id]) + if charset1 and charset2 then + local t, set = newcharset() + for i = 0, 7 do + set[i] = bor(charset1[i], charset2[i]) + end + return t + elseif lpcode.checkaux(tree1, PEnofail, 0) or tree2.p[0].tag == TFalse then + return tree1 -- true / x => true, x / false => x + elseif tree1.p[0].tag == TFalse then + return tree2 -- false / x => x + else + return newroot2sib(TChoice, tree1, tree2) + end +end + + +-- p^n + +local function lp_star(tree1, n) + local tree + n = tonumber(n) + assert(type(n) == 'number') + -- seq tree1 (seq tree1 ... (seq tree1 (rep tree1))) + if n >= 0 then + tree = treepattern((n + 1) * (tree1.treesize + 1)) + if lpcode.checkaux(tree1, PEnullable, 0) then + error("loop body may accept empty string", 0) + end + valuetable[tree.id] = copykeys(valuetable[tree1.id]) + local start = 0 + -- repeat 'n' times + for i = 1, n do + seqaux(tree, tree1, start, tree1.treesize) + start = start + tree.p[start].ps + end + tree.p[start].tag = TRep + ffi.copy(tree.p + start + 1, tree1.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree1.treesize) + -- choice (seq tree1 ... choice tree1 true ...) true + else + n = -n; + -- size = (choice + seq + tree1 + true) * n, but the last has no seq + tree = treepattern(n * (tree1.treesize + 3) - 1) + valuetable[tree.id] = copykeys(valuetable[tree1.id]) + local start = 0 + -- repeat (n - 1) times + for i = n, 2, -1 do + tree.p[start].tag = TChoice; + tree.p[start].ps = i * (tree1.treesize + 3) - 2 + tree.p[start + tree.p[start].ps].tag = TTrue; + start = start + 1 + seqaux(tree, tree1, start, tree1.treesize) + start = start + tree.p[start].ps + end + tree.p[start].tag = TChoice; + tree.p[start].ps = tree1.treesize + 1 + tree.p[start + tree.p[start].ps].tag = TTrue + ffi.copy(tree.p + start + 1, tree1.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree1.treesize) + end + return tree +end + + +-- #p == &p + +local function lp_and(pat) + return newroot1sib(TAnd, pat) +end + + +-- -p == !p + +local function lp_not(pat) + return newroot1sib(TNot, pat) +end + + +-- [t1 - t2] == Seq (Not t2) t1 +-- If t1 and t2 are charsets, make their difference. + +local function lp_sub(pat1, pat2) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat1) + local tree2 = getpatt(pat2) + local charset1 = lpcode.tocharset(tree1, 0, valuetable[tree1.id]) + local charset2 = lpcode.tocharset(tree2, 0, valuetable[tree2.id]) + if charset1 and charset2 then + local tree, set = newcharset() + for i = 0, 7 do + set[i] = band(charset1[i], bnot(charset2[i])) + end + return tree + else + local tree = treepattern(2 + tree1.treesize + tree2.treesize) + local ktable, offset = copykeys(valuetable[tree2.id], valuetable[tree1.id]) + valuetable[tree.id] = ktable + tree.p[0].tag = TSeq; -- sequence of... + tree.p[0].ps = 2 + tree2.treesize + tree.p[1].tag = TNot; -- ...not... + ffi.copy(tree.p + 2, tree2.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree2.treesize) + ffi.copy(tree.p + tree2.treesize + 2, tree1.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * tree1.treesize) + if offset > 0 then + correctkeys(tree, 2 + tree2.treesize, offset) + end + return tree + end +end + + +local function lp_set(val) + assert(type(val) == 'string') + local tree, set = newcharset() + for i = 1, #val do + local b = val:sub(i, i):byte() + set[rshift(b, 5)] = bor(set[rshift(b, 5)], lshift(1, band(b, 31))) + end + return tree +end + + +local function lp_range(...) + local args = { ... } + local top = #args + local tree, set = newcharset() + for i = 1, top do + assert(#args[i] == 2, args[i] .. " range must have two characters") + for b = args[i]:sub(1, 1):byte(), args[i]:sub(2, 2):byte() do + set[rshift(b, 5)] = bor(set[rshift(b, 5)], lshift(1, band(b, 31))) + end + end + return tree +end + + +-- Look-behind predicate + +local function lp_behind(pat) + local tree1 = getpatt(pat) + local n = lpcode.fixedlenx(tree1, 0, 0, 0) + assert(not lpcode.hascaptures(tree1, 0), "pattern have captures") + assert(n >= 0, "pattern may not have fixed length") + assert(n <= MAXBEHIND, "pattern too long to look behind") + local tree = newroot1sib(TBehind, pat) + tree.p[0].val = n; + return tree +end + + +-- Create a non-terminal + +local function lp_V(val, p) + assert(val, "non-nil value expected") + local tree = treepattern(1) + valuetable[tree.id] = { val } + tree.p[0].tag = TOpenCall + tree.p[0].val = 1 + tree.p[0].cap = p or 0 + return tree +end + + +-- Create a tree for a non-empty capture, with a body and +-- optionally with an associated value + +local function capture_aux(cap, pat, val) + local tree = newroot1sib(TCapture, pat) + tree.p[0].cap = cap + if val then + local ind = #valuetable[tree.id] + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern" .. ind) + valuetable[tree.id][ind] = val + tree.p[0].val = ind + end + return tree +end + + +-- Fill a tree with an empty capture, using an empty (TTrue) sibling. + +local function auxemptycap(tree, cap, par, start) + tree.p[start].tag = TCapture; + tree.p[start].cap = cap + if type(par) ~= 'nil' then + local ind = #valuetable[tree.id] + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + valuetable[tree.id][ind] = par + tree.p[start].val = ind + end + tree.p[start + 1].tag = TTrue; +end + + +-- Create a tree for an empty capture + +local function newemptycap(cap, par) + local tree = treepattern(2) + if type(par) ~= 'nil' then valuetable[tree.id] = {} end + auxemptycap(tree, cap, par, 0) + return tree +end + + +-- Captures with syntax p / v +-- (function capture, query capture, string capture, or number capture) + +local function lp_divcapture(pat, par, xxx) + local typ = type(par) + if typ == "function" then + return capture_aux(Cfunction, pat, par) + elseif typ == "table" then + return capture_aux(Cquery, pat, par) + elseif typ == "string" then + return capture_aux(Cstring, pat, par) + elseif typ == "number" then + local tree = newroot1sib(TCapture, pat) + assert(0 <= par and par <= 0xffff, "invalid number") + tree.p[0].cap = Cnum; + local ind = #valuetable[tree.id] + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + valuetable[tree.id][ind] = par + tree.p[0].val = ind + return tree + else + error("invalid replacement value", 0) + end +end + + +local function lp_substcapture(pat) + return capture_aux(Csubst, pat) +end + + +local function lp_tablecapture(pat) + return capture_aux(Ctable, pat, 0) +end + + +local function lp_groupcapture(pat, val) + if not val then + return capture_aux(Cgroup, pat) + else + return capture_aux(Cgroup, pat, val) + end +end + + +local function lp_foldcapture(pat, fce) + assert(type(fce) == 'function') + return capture_aux(Cfold, pat, fce) +end + + +local function lp_simplecapture(pat) + return capture_aux(Csimple, pat) +end + + +local function lp_poscapture() + return newemptycap(Cposition) +end + + +local function lp_argcapture(val) + assert(type(val) == 'number') + local tree = newemptycap(Carg, 0) + local ind = #valuetable[tree.id] + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + valuetable[tree.id][ind] = val + tree.p[0].val = ind + assert(0 < val and val <= 0xffff, "invalid argument index") + return tree +end + + +local function lp_backref(val) + return newemptycap(Cbackref, val) +end + + +-- Constant capture + +local function lp_constcapture(...) + local tree + local args = { ... } + local n = select('#', ...) -- number of values + -- no values? + if n == 0 then + tree = treepattern(1) -- no capture + tree.p[0].tag = TTrue + elseif n == 1 then + tree = newemptycap(Cconst, args[1]) -- single constant capture + -- create a group capture with all values + else + tree = treepattern(3 + 3 * (n - 1)) + valuetable[tree.id] = {} + tree.p[0].tag = TCapture + tree.p[0].cap = Cgroup + local start = 1 + for i = 1, n - 1 do + tree.p[start].tag = TSeq + tree.p[start].ps = 3 + auxemptycap(tree, Cconst, args[i], start + 1) + start = start + tree.p[start].ps + end + auxemptycap(tree, Cconst, args[n], start) + end + return tree +end + + +local function lp_matchtime(pat, fce, name) + assert(type(fce) == 'function') + if name and type(name) == 'string' then + funcnames[fce] = name + end + local tree = newroot1sib(TRunTime, pat) + local ind = #valuetable[tree.id] + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + valuetable[tree.id][ind] = fce + tree.p[0].val = ind + return tree +end + +-- ====================================================== + + + +-- ====================================================== +-- Grammar - Tree generation +-- ======================================================= + + +-- return index and the pattern for the +-- initial rule of grammar; +-- also add that index into position table. + +local function getfirstrule(pat, postab) + local key + -- access first element + if type(pat[1]) == 'string' then + key = pat[1] + else + key = 1 + end + local rule = pat[key] + if not rule then + error("grammar has no initial rule", 0) + end + -- initial rule not a pattern? + if not ffi.istype(treepattern, rule) then + error(("initial rule '%s' is not a pattern"):format(tostring(key)), 0) + end + postab[key] = 1 + return key, rule +end + + +-- traverse grammar, collect all its keys and patterns +-- into rule table. Create a new table (before all pairs key-pattern) to +-- collect all keys and their associated positions in the final tree +-- (the "position table"). +-- Return the number of rules and the total size +-- for the new tree. + +local function collectrules(pat) + local n = 1; -- to count number of rules + local postab = {} + local firstkeyrule, firstrule = getfirstrule(pat, postab) + local rules = { firstkeyrule, firstrule } + local size = 2 + firstrule.treesize -- TGrammar + TRule + rule + for key, val in pairs(pat) do + -- initial rule? + if key ~= 1 and tostring(val) ~= tostring(firstrule) then + -- value is not a pattern? + if not ffi.istype(treepattern, val) then + error(("rule '%s' is not a pattern"):format(tostring(key)), 0) + end + rules[#rules + 1] = key + rules[#rules + 1] = val + postab[key] = size + size = 1 + size + val.treesize + n = n + 1 + end + end + size = size + 1; -- TTrue to finish list of rules + return n, size, rules, postab +end + + +local function buildgrammar(grammar, rules, n, index, valuetable) + local ktable, offset = {}, 0 + -- add each rule into new tree + for i = 1, n do + local size = rules[i * 2].treesize + grammar.p[index].tag = TRule; + grammar.p[index].cap = i; -- rule number + grammar.p[index].ps = size + 1; -- point to next rule + local ind = #ktable + 1 + ktable[ind] = rules[i * 2 - 1] + grammar.p[index].val = ind + ffi.copy(grammar.p + index + 1, rules[i * 2].p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * size) -- copy rule + ktable, offset = copykeys(ktable, valuetable[rules[i * 2].id]) + if offset > 0 then + correctkeys(grammar, index + 1, offset) + end + index = index + grammar.p[index].ps; -- move to next rule + end + grammar.p[index].tag = TTrue; -- finish list of rules + return ktable +end + + +-- Check whether a tree has potential infinite loops + +local function checkloops(tree, index) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TRep and lpcode.checkaux(tree, PEnullable, index + 1) then + return true + elseif tag == TGrammar then + return -- sub-grammars already checked + else + local tag = numsiblings[tree.p[index].tag + 1] + if tag == 0 then + return + elseif tag == 1 then + return checkloops(tree, index + 1) + elseif tag == 2 then + if checkloops(tree, index + 1) then + return true + else + return checkloops(tree, index + tree.p[index].ps) + end + else + assert(false) + end + end +end + +-- Check whether a rule can be left recursive; returns PEleftrecursion in that +-- case; otherwise return 1 iff pattern is nullable. + +local function verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index, valuetable) + local tag = tree.p[index].tag + if tag == TChar or tag == TSet or tag == TAny or tag == TFalse then + return nullable; -- cannot pass from here + elseif tag == TTrue or tag == TBehind then + return true; + elseif tag == TNot or tag == TAnd or tag == TRep then + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, true, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TCapture or tag == TRunTime then + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TCall then + local rule = valuetable[tree.p[index].val] + if rule == rulename then return PEleftrecursion end + if passed[rule] and passed[rule] > MAXRULES then + return nullable + end + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) + -- only check 2nd child if first is nullable + elseif tag == TSeq then + local res = verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, false, index + 1, valuetable) + if res == PEleftrecursion then + return res + elseif not res then + return nullable + else + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) + end + -- must check both children + elseif tag == TChoice then + nullable = verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + 1, valuetable) + if nullable == PEleftrecursion then return nullable end + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + tree.p[index].ps, valuetable) + elseif tag == TRule then + local rule = valuetable[tree.p[index].val] + passed[rule] = (passed[rule] or 0) + 1 + return verifyrule(rulename, tree, passed, nullable, index + 1, valuetable) + elseif tag == TGrammar then + return lpcode.checkaux(tree, PEnullable, index) -- sub-grammar cannot be left recursive + else + assert(false) + end +end + + +local function verifygrammar(rule, index, valuetable) + -- check left-recursive rules + local LR = {} + local ind = index + 1 + while rule.p[ind].tag == TRule do + local rulename = valuetable[rule.p[ind].val] + -- used rule + if rulename then + if verifyrule(rulename, rule, {}, false, ind + 1, valuetable) == PEleftrecursion then + if not LREnable then + error(("rule '%s' may be left recursive"):format(rulename), 0) + end + LR[rulename] = true + end + end + ind = ind + rule.p[ind].ps + end + assert(rule.p[ind].tag == TTrue) + + for i = 0, rule.treesize - 1 do + if rule.p[i].tag == TRule and LR[valuetable[rule.p[i].val]] then + rule.p[i].cap = bor(rule.p[i].cap, RuleLR) --TRule can be left recursive + end + if rule.p[i].tag == TCall and LR[valuetable[rule.p[i].val]] then + if rule.p[i].cap == 0 then + rule.p[i].cap = 1 --TCall can be left recursive + end + end + end + + -- check infinite loops inside rules + ind = index + 1 + while rule.p[ind].tag == TRule do + -- used rule + if rule.p[ind].val then + if checkloops(rule, ind + 1) then + error(("empty loop in rule '%s'"):format(tostring(valuetable[rule.p[ind].val])), 0) + end + end + ind = ind + rule.p[ind].ps + end + assert(rule.p[ind].tag == TTrue) +end + + +-- Give a name for the initial rule if it is not referenced + +local function initialrulename(grammar, val, valuetable) + grammar.p[1].cap = bit.bor(grammar.p[1].cap, Ruleused) + -- initial rule is not referenced? + if grammar.p[1].val == 0 then + local ind = #valuetable + 1 + assert(ind <= 65536, "too many Lua values in pattern") + valuetable[ind] = val + grammar.p[1].val = ind + end +end + + +function newgrammar(pat) + -- traverse grammar. Create a new table (before all pairs key-pattern) to + -- collect all keys and their associated positions in the final tree + -- (the "position table"). + -- Return new tree. + + local n, size, rules, postab = collectrules(pat) + local grammar = treepattern(size) + local start = 0 + grammar.p[start].tag = TGrammar + grammar.p[start].val = n + valuetable[grammar.id] = buildgrammar(grammar, rules, n, start + 1, valuetable) + finalfix(true, postab, grammar, start + 1, valuetable[grammar.id]) + initialrulename(grammar, rules[1], valuetable[grammar.id]) + verifygrammar(grammar, 0, valuetable[grammar.id]) + return grammar +end + +-- ====================================================== + +-- remove duplicity from value table + +local function reducevaluetable(p) + local vtable = valuetable[p.id] + local value = {} + local newvaluetable = {} + + local function check(v) + if v > 0 then + local ord = value[vtable[v]] + if not ord then + newvaluetable[#newvaluetable + 1] = vtable[v] + ord = #newvaluetable + value[vtable[v]] = ord + end + return ord + end + return 0 + end + + local function itertree(p, index) + local tag = p.p[index].tag + if tag == TSet or tag == TCall or tag == TOpenCall or + tag == TRule or tag == TCapture or tag == TRunTime then + p.p[index].val = check(p.p[index].val) + end + local ns = numsiblings[tag + 1] + if ns == 0 then + elseif ns == 1 then + return itertree(p, index + 1) + elseif ns == 2 then + itertree(p, index + 1) + return itertree(p, index + p.p[index].ps) + else + assert(false) + end + end + + if p.treesize > 0 then + itertree(p, 0) + end + if p.code ~= nil then + for i = 0, p.code.size - 1 do + local code = p.code.p[i].code + if code == ICall or code == IJmp then + p.code.p[i].aux = check(p.code.p[i].aux) + elseif code == ISet or code == ITestSet or code == ISpan then + p.code.p[i].val = check(p.code.p[i].val) + elseif code == IOpenCapture or code == IFullCapture then + p.code.p[i].offset = check(p.code.p[i].offset) + end + end + end + valuetable[p.id] = newvaluetable +end + + +local function checkalt(tree) + local notchecked = {} + local notinalternativerules = {} + + local function iter(tree, index, choice, rule) + local tag = tree[index].tag + if tag == TCapture and bit.band(tree[index].cap, 0xffff) == Cgroup then + if not choice then + if rule then + notchecked[rule] = index + end + else + tree[index].cap = bit.bor(tree[index].cap, BCapcandelete) + end + elseif tag == TChoice then + choice = true + elseif tag == TRule then + rule = tree[index].val + if bit.band(tree[index].cap, 0xffff) - 1 == 0 then + notinalternativerules[rule] = notinalternativerules[rule] or true + end + elseif tag == TCall then + local r = tree[index].val + if not choice then + notinalternativerules[r] = notinalternativerules[r] or true + end + end + local sibs = numsiblings[tree[index].tag + 1] or 0 + if sibs >= 1 then + iter(tree, index + 1, choice, rule) + if sibs >= 2 then + return iter(tree, index + tree[index].ps, choice, rule) + end + end + end + + iter(tree, 0) + for k, v in pairs(notchecked) do + if not notinalternativerules[k] then + tree[v].cap = bit.bor(tree[v].cap, BCapcandelete) + end + end +end + + +local function prepcompile(p, index) + finalfix(false, nil, p, index, valuetable[p.id]) + checkalt(p.p) + lpcode.compile(p, index, valuetable[p.id]) + reducevaluetable(p) + return p.code +end + + +local function lp_printtree(pat, c) + assert(pat.treesize > 0) + if c then + finalfix(false, nil, pat, 0, valuetable[pat.id]) + end + lpprint.printtree(pat.p, 0, 0, valuetable[pat.id]) +end + + +local function lp_printcode(pat) + -- not compiled yet? + if pat.code == nil then + prepcompile(pat, 0) + end + lpprint.printpatt(pat.code, valuetable[pat.id]) +end + + +-- Main match function + +local function lp_match(pat, s, init, ...) + local p = ffi.istype(treepattern, pat) and pat or getpatt(pat) + p.code = p.code ~= nil and p.code or prepcompile(p, 0) + return lpvm.match(p, s, init, valuetable[p.id], ...) +end + +local function lp_streammatch(pat, init, ...) + local p = ffi.istype(treepattern, pat) and pat or getpatt(pat) + p.code = p.code ~= nil and p.code or prepcompile(p, 0) + return lpvm.streammatch(p, init, valuetable[p.id], ...) +end + +-- Only for testing purpose +-- stream emulation (send all chars from string one char after char) +local function lp_emulatestreammatch(pat, s, init, ...) + local p = ffi.istype(treepattern, pat) and pat or getpatt(pat) + p.code = p.code ~= nil and p.code or prepcompile(p, 0) + return lpvm.emulatestreammatch(p, s, init, valuetable[p.id], ...) +end + +-- {====================================================== +-- Library creation and functions not related to matching +-- ======================================================= + +local function lp_setmax(val) + lpvm.setmax(val) +end + +local function lp_setmaxbehind(val) + lpvm.setmaxbehind(val) +end + +local function lp_enableleftrecursion(val) + LREnable = val +end + +local function lp_version() + return VERSION +end + + +local function lp_type(pat) + if ffi.istype(treepattern, pat) then + return "pattern" + end +end + + +local function createcat(tab, catname, catfce) + local t, set = newcharset() + for i = 0, 255 do + if catfce(i) ~= 0 then + set[rshift(i, 5)] = bor(set[rshift(i, 5)], lshift(1, band(i, 31))) + end + end + tab[catname] = t +end + + +local function lp_locale(tab) + tab = tab or {} + createcat(tab, "alnum", function(c) return ffi.C.isalnum(c) end) + createcat(tab, "alpha", function(c) return ffi.C.isalpha(c) end) + createcat(tab, "cntrl", function(c) return ffi.C.iscntrl(c) end) + createcat(tab, "digit", function(c) return ffi.C.isdigit(c) end) + createcat(tab, "graph", function(c) return ffi.C.isgraph(c) end) + createcat(tab, "lower", function(c) return ffi.C.islower(c) end) + createcat(tab, "print", function(c) return ffi.C.isprint(c) end) + createcat(tab, "punct", function(c) return ffi.C.ispunct(c) end) + createcat(tab, "space", function(c) return ffi.C.isspace(c) end) + createcat(tab, "upper", function(c) return ffi.C.isupper(c) end) + createcat(tab, "xdigit", function(c) return ffi.C.isxdigit(c) end) + return tab +end + + +local function lp_new(ct, size) + local pat = ffi.new(ct, size) + pat.treesize = size + patternid = patternid + 1 + pat.id = patternid + return pat +end + + +local function lp_gc(ct) + valuetable[ct.id] = nil + if ct.code ~= nil then + ffi.C.free(ct.code.p) + ffi.C.free(ct.code) + end +end + +local function lp_eq(ct1, ct2) + return tostring(ct1) == tostring(ct2) +end + +local function lp_load(str, fcetab) + local pat, t = lpvm.load(str, fcetab, true) + valuetable[pat.id] = t + return pat +end + +local function lp_loadfile(fname, fcetab) + local pat, t = lpvm.loadfile(fname, fcetab, true) + valuetable[pat.id] = t + return pat +end + +local function lp_dump(ct, tree) + local funccount = 0 + -- not compiled yet? + if ct.code == nil then + prepcompile(ct, 0) + end + local out = {} + if tree then + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(ct.treesize), 4) + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(ct.p, ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * ct.treesize) + else + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(0), 4) + end + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(ct.code.size), 4) + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(ct.code.p, ct.code.size * ffi.sizeof(patternelement)) + local t = valuetable[ct.id] + local len = t and #t or 0 + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(len), 4) + if len > 0 then + for _, val in ipairs(t) do + local typ = type(val) + if typ == 'string' then + out[#out + 1] = 'str' + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(#val), 4) + out[#out + 1] = val + elseif typ == 'number' then + local val = tostring(val) + out[#out + 1] = 'num' + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(#val), 4) + out[#out + 1] = val + elseif typ == 'cdata' then + out[#out + 1] = 'cdt' + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(val, ffi.sizeof(val)) + elseif typ == 'function' then + out[#out + 1] = 'fnc' + funccount = funccount + 1 + local name = funcnames[val] or ('FNAME%03d'):format(funccount) + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(#name), 4) + out[#out + 1] = name + if not funcnames[val] and debug.getupvalue(val, 1) then + io.write(("Patterns function (%d) contains upvalue (%s) - use symbol name for function (%s).\n"):format(funccount, debug.getupvalue(val, 1), name), 0) + end + local data = string.dump(val, true) + out[#out + 1] = ffi.string(uint32(#data), 4) + out[#out + 1] = data + else + error(("Type '%s' NYI for dump"):format(typ), 0) + end + end + end + return table.concat(out) +end + +local function lp_save(ct, fname, tree) + local file = assert(io.open(fname, 'wb')) + file:write(lp_dump(ct, tree)) + file:close() +end + + +local pattreg = { + ["ptree"] = lp_printtree, + ["pcode"] = lp_printcode, + ["match"] = lp_match, + ["streammatch"] = lp_streammatch, + ["emulatestreammatch"] = lp_emulatestreammatch, + ["setmaxbehind"] = lp_setmaxbehind, + ["B"] = lp_behind, + ["V"] = lp_V, + ["C"] = lp_simplecapture, + ["Cc"] = lp_constcapture, + ["Cmt"] = lp_matchtime, + ["Cb"] = lp_backref, + ["Carg"] = lp_argcapture, + ["Cp"] = lp_poscapture, + ["Cs"] = lp_substcapture, + ["Ct"] = lp_tablecapture, + ["Cf"] = lp_foldcapture, + ["Cg"] = lp_groupcapture, + ["P"] = lp_P, + ["S"] = lp_set, + ["R"] = lp_range, + ["L"] = lp_and, + ["locale"] = lp_locale, + ["version"] = lp_version, + ["setmaxstack"] = lp_setmax, + ["type"] = lp_type, + ["enableleftrecursion"] = lp_enableleftrecursion, + ["enablememoization"] = lpvm.enablememoization, + ["enabletracing"] = lpvm.enabletracing, + ["save"] = lp_save, + ["dump"] = lp_dump, + ["load"] = lp_load, + ["loadfile"] = lp_loadfile, + ["__mul"] = lp_seq, + ["__add"] = lp_choice, + ["__pow"] = lp_star, + ["__len"] = lp_and, + ["__div"] = lp_divcapture, + ["__unm"] = lp_not, + ["__sub"] = lp_sub, +} + +local metareg = { + ["__gc"] = lp_gc, + ["__new"] = lp_new, + ["__mul"] = lp_seq, + ["__add"] = lp_choice, + ["__pow"] = lp_star, + ["__len"] = lp_and, + ["__div"] = lp_divcapture, + ["__unm"] = lp_not, + ["__sub"] = lp_sub, + ["__eq"] = lp_eq, + ["__index"] = pattreg +} + +ffi.metatype(treepattern, metareg) + +return pattreg diff --git a/tools/lpeg/lpprint.lua b/tools/lpeg/lpprint.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..86f6897 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/lpprint.lua @@ -0,0 +1,356 @@ +--[[ +LPEGLJ +lpprint.lua +Tree, code and debug print function (only for debuging) +Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. +based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua +Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy +http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ + +** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +** the following conditions: +** +** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +** +** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +** +** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] +--]] + +local ffi = require"ffi" +local band, rshift, lshift = bit.band, bit.rshift, bit.lshift + +ffi.cdef[[ + int isprint ( int c ); +]] + +local RuleLR = 0x10000 +local Ruleused = 0x20000 + +-- {====================================================== +-- Printing patterns (for debugging) +-- ======================================================= + +local TChar = 0 +local TSet = 1 +local TAny = 2 -- standard PEG elements +local TTrue = 3 +local TFalse = 4 +local TRep = 5 +local TSeq = 6 +local TChoice = 7 +local TNot = 8 +local TAnd = 9 +local TCall = 10 +local TOpenCall = 11 +local TRule = 12 -- sib1 is rule's pattern, sib2 is 'next' rule +local TGrammar = 13 -- sib1 is initial (and first) rule +local TBehind = 14 -- match behind +local TCapture = 15 -- regular capture +local TRunTime = 16 -- run-time capture + +local IAny = 0 -- if no char, fail +local IChar = 1 -- if char != aux, fail +local ISet = 2 -- if char not in val, fail +local ITestAny = 3 -- in no char, jump to 'offset' +local ITestChar = 4 -- if char != aux, jump to 'offset' +local ITestSet = 5 -- if char not in val, jump to 'offset' +local ISpan = 6 -- read a span of chars in val +local IBehind = 7 -- walk back 'aux' characters (fail if not possible) +local IRet = 8 -- return from a rule +local IEnd = 9 -- end of pattern +local IChoice = 10 -- stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' +local IJmp = 11 -- jump to 'offset' +local ICall = 12 -- call rule at 'offset' +local IOpenCall = 13 -- call rule number 'offset' (must be closed to a ICall) +local ICommit = 14 -- pop choice and jump to 'offset' +local IPartialCommit = 15 -- update top choice to current position and jump +local IBackCommit = 16 -- "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' +local IFailTwice = 17 -- pop one choice and then fail +local IFail = 18 -- go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset +local IGiveup = 19 -- internal use +local IFullCapture = 20 -- complete capture of last 'off' chars +local IOpenCapture = 21 -- start a capture +local ICloseCapture = 22 +local ICloseRunTime = 23 + +local Cclose = 0 +local Cposition = 1 +local Cconst = 2 +local Cbackref = 3 +local Carg = 4 +local Csimple = 5 +local Ctable = 6 +local Cfunction = 7 +local Cquery = 8 +local Cstring = 9 +local Cnum = 10 +local Csubst = 11 +local Cfold = 12 +local Cruntime = 13 +local Cgroup = 14 + + +-- number of siblings for each tree +local numsiblings = { + [TRep] = 1, + [TSeq] = 2, + [TChoice] = 2, + [TNot] = 1, + [TAnd] = 1, + [TRule] = 2, + [TGrammar] = 1, + [TBehind] = 1, + [TCapture] = 1, + [TRunTime] = 1, +} +local names = { + [IAny] = "any", + [IChar] = "char", + [ISet] = "set", + [ITestAny] = "testany", + [ITestChar] = "testchar", + [ITestSet] = "testset", + [ISpan] = "span", + [IBehind] = "behind", + [IRet] = "ret", + [IEnd] = "end", + [IChoice] = "choice", + [IJmp] = "jmp", + [ICall] = "call", + [IOpenCall] = "open_call", + [ICommit] = "commit", + [IPartialCommit] = "partial_commit", + [IBackCommit] = "back_commit", + [IFailTwice] = "failtwice", + [IFail] = "fail", + [IGiveup] = "giveup", + [IFullCapture] = "fullcapture", + [IOpenCapture] = "opencapture", + [ICloseCapture] = "closecapture", + [ICloseRunTime] = "closeruntime" +} + +local function printcharset(st) + io.write("["); + local i = 0 + while i <= 255 do + local first = i; + while band(st[rshift(i, 5)], lshift(1, band(i, 31))) ~= 0 and i <= 255 do + i = i + 1 + end + if i - 1 == first then -- unary range? + io.write(("(%02x)"):format(first)) + elseif i - 1 > first then -- non-empty range? + io.write(("(%02x-%02x)"):format(first, i - 1)) + end + i = i + 1 + end + io.write("]") +end + +local modes = { + [Cclose] = "close", + [Cposition] = "position", + [Cconst] = "constant", + [Cbackref] = "backref", + [Carg] = "argument", + [Csimple] = "simple", + [Ctable] = "table", + [Cfunction] = "function", + [Cquery] = "query", + [Cstring] = "string", + [Cnum] = "num", + [Csubst] = "substitution", + [Cfold] = "fold", + [Cruntime] = "runtime", + [Cgroup] = "group" +} + +local function printcapkind(kind) + io.write(("%s"):format(modes[kind])) +end + +local function printjmp(p, index) + io.write(("-> %d"):format(index + p[index].offset)) +end + +local function printrulename(p, index, rulenames) + if rulenames and rulenames[index + p[index].offset] then + io.write(' ', rulenames[index + p[index].offset]) + end +end + +local function printinst(p, index, valuetable, rulenames) + local code = p[index].code + if rulenames and rulenames[index] then + io.write(rulenames[index], '\n') + end + io.write(("%04d: %s "):format(index, names[code])) + if code == IChar then + io.write(("'%s'"):format(string.char(p[index].val))) + elseif code == ITestChar then + io.write(("'%s'"):format(string.char(p[index].val))) + printjmp(p, index) + printrulename(p, index, rulenames) + elseif code == IFullCapture then + printcapkind(band(p[index].val, 0x0f)); + io.write((" (size = %d) (idx = %s)"):format(band(rshift(p[index].val, 4), 0xF), tostring(valuetable[p[index].offset]))) + elseif code == IOpenCapture then + printcapkind(band(p[index].val, 0x0f)) + io.write((" (idx = %s)"):format(tostring(valuetable[p[index].offset]))) + elseif code == ISet then + printcharset(valuetable[p[index].val]); + elseif code == ITestSet then + printcharset(valuetable[p[index].val]) + printjmp(p, index); + printrulename(p, index, rulenames) + elseif code == ISpan then + printcharset(valuetable[p[index].val]); + elseif code == IOpenCall then + io.write(("-> %d"):format(p[index].offset)) + elseif code == IBehind then + io.write(("%d"):format(p[index].val)) + elseif code == IJmp or code == ICall or code == ICommit or code == IChoice or + code == IPartialCommit or code == IBackCommit or code == ITestAny then + printjmp(p, index); + if (code == ICall or code == IJmp) and p[index].aux > 0 then + io.write(' ', valuetable[p[index].aux]) + else + printrulename(p, index, rulenames) + end + end + io.write("\n") +end + + +local function printpatt(p, valuetable) + local ruleNames = {} + for i = 0, p.size - 1 do + local code = p.p[i].code + if (code == ICall or code == IJmp) and p.p[i].aux > 0 then + local index = i + p.p[i].offset + ruleNames[index] = valuetable[p.p[i].aux] + end + end + for i = 0, p.size - 1 do + printinst(p.p, i, valuetable, ruleNames) + end +end + + +local function printcap(cap, index, valuetable) + printcapkind(cap[index].kind) + io.write((" (idx: %s - size: %d) -> %d\n"):format(valuetable[cap[index].idx], cap[index].siz, cap[index].s)) +end + + +local function printcaplist(cap, limit, valuetable) + io.write(">======\n") + local index = 0 + while cap[index].s and index < limit do + printcap(cap, index, valuetable) + index = index + 1 + end + io.write("=======\n") +end + +-- ====================================================== + + + +-- {====================================================== +-- Printing trees (for debugging) +-- ======================================================= + +local tagnames = { + [TChar] = "char", + [TSet] = "set", + [TAny] = "any", + [TTrue] = "true", + [TFalse] = "false", + [TRep] = "rep", + [TSeq] = "seq", + [TChoice] = "choice", + [TNot] = "not", + [TAnd] = "and", + [TCall] = "call", + [TOpenCall] = "opencall", + [TRule] = "rule", + [TGrammar] = "grammar", + [TBehind] = "behind", + [TCapture] = "capture", + [TRunTime] = "run-time" +} + + +local function printtree(tree, ident, index, valuetable) + for i = 1, ident do + io.write(" ") + end + local tag = tree[index].tag + io.write(("%s"):format(tagnames[tag])) + if tag == TChar then + local c = tree[index].val + if ffi.C.isprint(c) then + io.write((" '%c'\n"):format(c)) + else + io.write((" (%02X)\n"):format(c)) + end + elseif tag == TSet then + printcharset(valuetable[tree[index].val]); + io.write("\n") + elseif tag == TOpenCall or tag == TCall then + io.write((" key: %s\n"):format(tostring(valuetable[tree[index].val]))) + elseif tag == TBehind then + io.write((" %d\n"):format(tree[index].val)) + printtree(tree, ident + 2, index + 1, valuetable); + elseif tag == TCapture then + io.write((" cap: %s n: %s\n"):format(modes[bit.band(tree[index].cap, 0xffff)], valuetable[tree[index].val])) + printtree(tree, ident + 2, index + 1, valuetable); + elseif tag == TRule then + local extra = bit.band(tree[index].cap, RuleLR) == RuleLR and ' left recursive' or '' + extra = extra .. (bit.band(tree[index].cap, Ruleused) ~= Ruleused and ' not used' or '') + io.write((" n: %d key: %s%s\n"):format(bit.band(tree[index].cap, 0xffff) - 1, valuetable[tree[index].val], extra)) + printtree(tree, ident + 2, index + 1, valuetable); + -- do not print next rule as a sibling + elseif tag == TGrammar then + local ruleindex = index + 1 + io.write((" %d\n"):format(tree[index].val)) -- number of rules + for i = 1, tree[index].val do + printtree(tree, ident + 2, ruleindex, valuetable); + ruleindex = ruleindex + tree[ruleindex].ps + end + assert(tree[ruleindex].tag == TTrue); -- sentinel + else + local sibs = numsiblings[tree[index].tag] or 0 + io.write("\n") + if sibs >= 1 then + printtree(tree, ident + 2, index + 1, valuetable); + if sibs >= 2 then + printtree(tree, ident + 2, index + tree[index].ps, valuetable) + end + end + end +end + +-- }====================================================== */ + +return { + printtree = printtree, + printpatt = printpatt, + printcaplist = printcaplist, + printinst = printinst +} \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/tools/lpeg/lpvm.lua b/tools/lpeg/lpvm.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1a86dc4 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/lpvm.lua @@ -0,0 +1,1041 @@ +--[[ +LPEGLJ +lpvm.lua +Virtual machine +Copyright (C) 2014 Rostislav Sacek. +based on LPeg v1.0 - PEG pattern matching for Lua +Lua.org & PUC-Rio written by Roberto Ierusalimschy +http://www.inf.puc-rio.br/~roberto/lpeg/ + +** Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining +** a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the +** "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including +** without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, +** distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to +** permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to +** the following conditions: +** +** The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be +** included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. +** +** THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, +** EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF +** MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. +** IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY +** CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, +** TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE +** SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. +** +** [ MIT license: http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php ] +--]] + +local ffi = require "ffi" +local lpcap = require "lpcap" +--[[ Only for debug purpose +local lpprint = require"lpprint" +--]] + +local band, rshift, lshift = bit.band, bit.rshift, bit.lshift + +-- {====================================================== +-- Virtual Machine +-- ======================================================= + +-- Interpret the result of a dynamic capture: false -> fail; +-- true -> keep current position; number -> next position. +-- Return new subject position. 'fr' is stack index where +-- is the result; 'curr' is current subject position; 'limit' +-- is subject's size. + +local MAXBEHINDPREDICATE = 255 -- max behind for Look-behind predicate +local MAXOFF = 0xF -- maximum for full capture +local MAXBEHIND = math.max(MAXBEHINDPREDICATE, MAXOFF) -- maximum before current pos +local INITBACK = 400 -- default maximum size for call/backtrack stack + +local IAny = 0 -- if no char, fail +local IChar = 1 -- if char != val, fail +local ISet = 2 -- if char not in val, fail +local ITestAny = 3 -- in no char, jump to 'offset' +local ITestChar = 4 -- if char != val, jump to 'offset' +local ITestSet = 5 -- if char not in val, jump to 'offset' +local ISpan = 6 -- read a span of chars in val +local IBehind = 7 -- walk back 'val' characters (fail if not possible) +local IRet = 8 -- return from a rule +local IEnd = 9 -- end of pattern +local IChoice = 10 -- stack a choice; next fail will jump to 'offset' +local IJmp = 11 -- jump to 'offset' +local ICall = 12 -- call rule at 'offset' +local IOpenCall = 13 -- call rule number 'offset' (must be closed to a ICall) +local ICommit = 14 -- pop choice and jump to 'offset' +local IPartialCommit = 15 -- update top choice to current position and jump +local IBackCommit = 16 -- "fails" but jump to its own 'offset' +local IFailTwice = 17 -- pop one choice and then fail +local IFail = 18 -- go back to saved state on choice and jump to saved offset +local IGiveup = 19 -- internal use +local IFullCapture = 20 -- complete capture of last 'off' chars +local IOpenCapture = 21 -- start a capture +local ICloseCapture = 22 +local ICloseRunTime = 23 + +local Cclose = 0 +local Cposition = 1 +local Cconst = 2 +local Cbackref = 3 +local Carg = 4 +local Csimple = 5 +local Ctable = 6 +local Cfunction = 7 +local Cquery = 8 +local Cstring = 9 +local Cnum = 10 +local Csubst = 11 +local Cfold = 12 +local Cruntime = 13 +local Cgroup = 14 + +local BCapcandelete = 0x30000 +local maxstack = INITBACK +local maxcapturedefault = 100 +local maxmemo = 1000 +local usememoization = false +local trace = false + +local FAIL = -1 +local LRFAIL = -1 +local VOID = -2 +local CHOICE = -3 +local CALL = -4 + +ffi.cdef [[ +typedef struct { + int code; + int val; + int offset; + int aux; + } PATTERN_ELEMENT; +typedef struct { + int allocsize; + int size; + PATTERN_ELEMENT *p; + } PATTERN; +typedef struct { + int tag; + int val; + int ps; + int cap; + } TREEPATTERN_ELEMENT; +typedef struct { + int id; + int treesize; + PATTERN *code; + TREEPATTERN_ELEMENT p[?]; + } TREEPATTERN; + +typedef struct { + double s; + double X; + double memos; + int p; + int caplevel; + int pA; + int valuetabletop; + } STACK; + +typedef struct { + double s; + int siz; + int idx; + int kind; + int candelete; + } CAPTURE; + +void *malloc( size_t size ); +void free( void *memblock ); +void *realloc( void *memblock, size_t size ); +]] + +local treepatternelement = ffi.typeof('TREEPATTERN_ELEMENT') +local treepattern = ffi.typeof('TREEPATTERN') +local patternelement = ffi.typeof('PATTERN_ELEMENT') +local pattern = ffi.typeof('PATTERN') +local settype = ffi.typeof('int32_t[8]') + +local function resdyncaptures(fr, curr, limit, checkstreamlen) + local typ = type(fr) + -- false value? + if not fr then + return FAIL -- and fail + elseif typ == 'boolean' then + -- true? + return curr -- keep current position + else + local res = fr -- new position + if res < curr or (limit and res > limit) or (not limit and checkstreamlen and not checkstreamlen(res - 2)) then + error("invalid position returned by match-time capture", 0) + end + return res + end + assert(false) +end + + +-- Add capture values returned by a dynamic capture to the capture list +-- 'base', nested inside a group capture. 'fd' indexes the first capture +-- value, 'n' is the number of values (at least 1). + +local function adddyncaptures(s, base, index, n, fd, valuetable) + -- Cgroup capture is already there + assert(base[index].kind == Cgroup and base[index].siz == 0) + base[index].idx = 0 -- make it an anonymous group + base[index + 1] = {} + -- add runtime captures + for i = 1, n do + base[index + i].kind = Cruntime + base[index + i].siz = 1 -- mark it as closed + local ind = #valuetable + 1 + valuetable[ind] = fd[i + 1] + base[index + i].idx = ind -- stack index of capture value + base[index + i].s = s + base[index + i + 1] = {} + end + base[index + n + 1].kind = Cclose -- close group + base[index + n + 1].siz = 1 + base[index + n + 1].s = s + base[index + n + 2] = {} +end + + +-- Opcode interpreter + +local function match(stream, last, o, s, op, valuetable, ...) + local arg = { ... } + local argcount = select('#', ...) + local len = #o + local ptr = ffi.cast('const unsigned char*', o) + s = s - 1 + local stackptr = 0 -- point to first empty slot in stack + local captop = 0 -- point to first empty slot in captures + local STACK = ffi.new("STACK[?]", INITBACK) + local CAPTURE = ffi.new("CAPTURE[?]", maxcapturedefault) + local CAPTURESTACK = { { capture = CAPTURE, captop = captop, maxcapture = maxcapturedefault } } + local capturestackptr = #CAPTURESTACK + local maxcapture = maxcapturedefault + local stacklimit = INITBACK + local L = {} + local Memo1, Memo2 = {}, {} + local memoind = 0 + local maxpointer = 2 ^ math.ceil(math.log(op.size) / math.log(2)) + local nocapturereleased = true + + local p = 0 -- current instruction + local streambufsize = 2 ^ 8 + local streambufsizemask = streambufsize - 1 -- faster modulo + local streambufs = {} + local streambufoffset = 0 + local streamstartbuffer = 0 + local streambufferscount = 0 + local level = -1 + + local function deletestreambuffers() + local min = s + for i = stackptr - 1, 0, -1 do + local val = STACK[i].s + if val >= 0 then + min = math.min(val, min) + end + end + + for i = captop - 1, 0, -1 do + local val = CAPTURE[i].s + if val >= 0 then + min = math.min(val, min) + end + end + for i = streamstartbuffer + 1, streambufoffset - streambufsize, streambufsize do + -- max behind for full capture and max behind for Look-behind predicate + if i + streambufsize + MAXBEHIND < min then + streambufs[i] = nil + streambufferscount = streambufferscount - 1 + else + streamstartbuffer = i - 1 + break + end + end + end + + local function addstreamdata(s, last) + local len = #s + local srcoffset = 0 + if streambufferscount > 128 then + deletestreambuffers() + end + repeat + local offset = bit.band(streambufoffset, streambufsizemask) + if offset > 0 then + local index = streambufoffset - offset + 1 + local count = math.min(len, streambufsize - offset) + ffi.copy(streambufs[index] + offset, s:sub(srcoffset + 1, srcoffset + 1 + count), count) + len = len - count + srcoffset = srcoffset + count + streambufoffset = streambufoffset + count + end + if len > 0 then + local index = streambufoffset - (bit.band(streambufoffset, streambufsizemask)) + 1 + local buf = ffi.new('unsigned char[?]', streambufsize) + streambufferscount = streambufferscount + 1 + streambufs[index] = buf + local count = math.min(len, streambufsize) + ffi.copy(buf, s:sub(srcoffset + 1, srcoffset + 1 + count), count) + len = len - count + srcoffset = srcoffset + count + streambufoffset = streambufoffset + count + end + if streambufoffset >= 2 ^ 47 then + error("too big input stream", 0) + end + until len == 0 + end + + local function getstreamchar(s) + local offset = bit.band(s, streambufsizemask) + local index = s - offset + 1 + return streambufs[index][offset] + end + + local checkstreamlen + + local function getstreamstring(st, en) + -- TODO Optimalize access + local str = {} + local i = st >= 0 and st or 1 + local to = en >= 0 and en or math.huge + while true do + if i > to then break end + if not checkstreamlen(i - 1) then return end + if last and (st < 0 or en < 0) then + for j = i, streambufoffset do + str[#str + 1] = string.char(getstreamchar(j - 1)) + end + en = en < 0 and streambufoffset + en + 1 or en + en = st > 0 and en - st + 1 or en + st = st < 0 and streambufoffset + st + 1 or 1 + return table.concat(str):sub(st, en) + else + str[#str + 1] = string.char(getstreamchar(i - 1)) + i = i + 1 + end + end + return table.concat(str) + end + + function checkstreamlen(index) + local str + while true do + if index < streambufoffset then + return true + else + if last then + s = streambufoffset + return false + end + local max = captop + for i = stackptr - 1, 0, -1 do + local val = STACK[i].X == CHOICE and STACK[i].caplevel or -1 + if val >= 0 then + max = math.min(val, max) + end + end + local n, out, outindex = lpcap.getcapturesruntime(CAPTURE, nil, getstreamstring, false, 0, max, captop, valuetable, unpack(arg, 1, argcount)) + if n > 0 then + for i = stackptr - 1, 0, -1 do + local val = STACK[i].caplevel + if val > 0 then + STACK[i].caplevel = STACK[i].caplevel - n + end + end + captop = captop - n + end + if outindex > 0 then + nocapturereleased = false + end + str, last = coroutine.yield(1, unpack(out, 1, outindex)) + addstreamdata(str) + end + end + end + + local function doublecapture() + maxcapture = maxcapture * 2 + local NEWCAPTURE = ffi.new("CAPTURE[?]", maxcapture) + ffi.copy(NEWCAPTURE, CAPTURE, ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE') * captop) + CAPTURE = NEWCAPTURE + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].capture = CAPTURE + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].maxcapture = maxcapture + end + + local function pushcapture() + CAPTURE[captop].idx = op.p[p].offset + CAPTURE[captop].kind = band(op.p[p].val, 0x0f) + CAPTURE[captop].candelete = band(op.p[p].val, BCapcandelete) ~= 0 and 1 or 0 + captop = captop + 1 + p = p + 1 + if captop >= maxcapture then + doublecapture() + end + end + + local function traceenter(typ, par) + level = level + (par or 0) + io.write(('%s+%s %s\n'):format((' '):rep(level), typ, valuetable[op.p[p].aux])) + end + + local function traceleave(inst) + io.write(('%s- %s\n'):format((' '):rep(level), valuetable[op.p[inst].aux])) + level = level - 1 + end + + local function tracematch(typ, start, par, from, to, inst, extra, ...) + local n, caps, capscount = lpcap.getcapturesruntime(CAPTURE, o, getstreamstring, true, start, captop, captop, valuetable, ...) + local capstr = {} + for i = 1, capscount do capstr[i] = tostring(caps[i]) end + extra = extra and '(' .. extra .. ')' or '' + io.write(('%s=%s %s%s %s %s \n'):format((' '):rep(level), typ, valuetable[op.p[inst].aux], extra, + o and o:sub(from, to) or getstreamstring(from, to), table.concat(capstr, " "))) + level = level - par + end + + local function fail() + -- pattern failed: try to backtrack + local X + repeat -- remove pending calls + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + if stackptr == -1 then + p = FAIL + return + end + s = STACK[stackptr].s + X = STACK[stackptr].X + if usememoization and X == CALL and STACK[stackptr].memos ~= VOID then + Memo1[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].memos * maxpointer] = FAIL + Memo2[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].memos * maxpointer] = FAIL + end + -- lvar.2 rest + if X == LRFAIL then + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr] = nil + capturestackptr = capturestackptr - 1 + CAPTURE = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].capture + maxcapture = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].maxcapture + L[STACK[stackptr].pA + s * maxpointer] = nil + end + if trace and (X == CALL or X == LRFAIL) then traceleave(STACK[stackptr].p - 1) end + until X == CHOICE or X >= 0 + p = STACK[stackptr].p + for i = #valuetable, STACK[stackptr].valuetabletop + 1, -1 do + table.remove(valuetable) + end + -- inc.2 + if X >= 0 then + s = X + capturestackptr = capturestackptr - 1 + CAPTURE = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].capture + captop = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].captop + maxcapture = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].maxcapture + local capture = L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer].capturecommit + while captop + capture.captop >= maxcapture do + doublecapture() + end + ffi.copy(CAPTURE + captop, capture.capture, capture.captop * ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + captop = captop + capture.captop + if trace then tracematch('', captop - capture.captop, 1, STACK[stackptr].s + 1, s, STACK[stackptr].p - 1, L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer].level, unpack(arg, 1, argcount)) end + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr + 1] = nil + L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer] = nil + else + captop = STACK[stackptr].caplevel + end + end + + local function doublestack() + if stackptr >= maxstack then + error(("backtrack stack overflow (current limit is %d)"):format(maxstack), 0) + end + stacklimit = stacklimit * 2 + stacklimit = (stacklimit > maxstack) and maxstack or stacklimit + local NEWSTACK = ffi.new("STACK[?]", stacklimit) + ffi.copy(NEWSTACK, STACK, ffi.sizeof('STACK') * stackptr) + STACK = NEWSTACK + end + + if stream then + addstreamdata(o) + len = nil + o = nil + ptr = nil + end + while true do + --[[ Only for debug + io.write(("s: |%s| stck:%d, caps:%d \n"):format(s + 1, stackptr, captop)) + if p ~= FAIL then + lpprint.printinst(op.p, p, valuetable) + lpprint.printcaplist(CAPTURE, captop, valuetable) + end + --]] + if p == FAIL then return -1 end + local code = op.p[p].code + if code == IEnd then + CAPTURE[captop].kind = Cclose + CAPTURE[captop].s = -1 + return 0, lpcap.getcaptures(CAPTURE, o, getstreamstring, nocapturereleased and s + 1, valuetable, ...) + elseif code == IRet then + if STACK[stackptr - 1].X == CALL then + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + if trace then tracematch('', STACK[stackptr].caplevel, 1, STACK[stackptr].s + 1, s, STACK[stackptr].p - 1, nil, ...) end + p = STACK[stackptr].p + if usememoization and STACK[stackptr].memos ~= VOID then + local dif = captop - STACK[stackptr].caplevel + local caps + if dif > 0 then + caps = ffi.new("CAPTURE[?]", dif) + ffi.copy(caps, CAPTURE + captop - dif, dif * ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + end + local val = { s, dif, caps } + Memo1[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].memos * maxpointer] = val + Memo2[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].memos * maxpointer] = val + end + else + local X = STACK[stackptr - 1].X + -- lvar.1 inc.1 + if X == LRFAIL or s > X then + if trace then tracematch('IB', 0, 0, STACK[stackptr - 1].s + 1, s, STACK[stackptr - 1].p - 1, L[STACK[stackptr - 1].pA + STACK[stackptr - 1].s * maxpointer].level + 1, ...) end + STACK[stackptr - 1].X = s + p = STACK[stackptr - 1].pA + s = STACK[stackptr - 1].s + local lambda = L[p + s * maxpointer] + lambda.level = lambda.level + 1 + lambda.X = STACK[stackptr - 1].X + STACK[stackptr - 1].caplevel = captop + STACK[stackptr - 1].valuetabletop = #valuetable + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].captop = captop + lambda.capturecommit = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr] + captop = 0 + CAPTURE = ffi.new("CAPTURE[?]", maxcapturedefault) + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr] = { capture = CAPTURE, captop = captop, maxcapture = maxcapturedefault } + maxcapture = maxcapturedefault + else + -- inc.3 + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + p = STACK[stackptr].p + s = STACK[stackptr].X + for i = #valuetable, STACK[stackptr].valuetabletop + 1, -1 do + table.remove(valuetable) + end + local lambda = L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer] + capturestackptr = capturestackptr - 1 + CAPTURE = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].capture + captop = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].captop + maxcapture = CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].maxcapture + local capture = lambda.capturecommit + while captop + capture.captop >= maxcapture do + doublecapture() + end + ffi.copy(CAPTURE + captop, capture.capture, capture.captop * ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + captop = captop + capture.captop + if trace then tracematch('', captop - capture.captop, 1, STACK[stackptr].s + 1, s, STACK[stackptr].p - 1, L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer].level, ...) end + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr + 1] = nil + L[STACK[stackptr].pA + STACK[stackptr].s * maxpointer] = nil + end + end + elseif code == IBehind then + local n = op.p[p].val + if n > s then + fail() + else + s = s - n + p = p + 1 + end + elseif code == IJmp then + if trace and op.p[p].aux ~= 0 then traceenter('TC') end + p = p + op.p[p].offset + elseif code == IChoice then + if stackptr == stacklimit then + doublestack() + end + STACK[stackptr].X = CHOICE + STACK[stackptr].p = p + op.p[p].offset + STACK[stackptr].s = s + STACK[stackptr].caplevel = captop + STACK[stackptr].valuetabletop = #valuetable + stackptr = stackptr + 1 + p = p + 1 + elseif code == ICall then + if stackptr == stacklimit then + doublestack() + end + local k = bit.band(op.p[p].val, 0xffff) + if k == 0 then + local pA = p + op.p[p].offset + local memo = Memo1[pA + s * maxpointer] + if usememoization and memo then + if trace then traceenter('M', 1) end + if memo == FAIL then + if trace then traceleave(p) end + fail() + else + local dif = memo[2] + if dif > 0 then + while captop + dif >= maxcapture do + doublecapture() + end + local caps = memo[3] + ffi.copy(CAPTURE + captop, caps, dif * ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + captop = captop + dif + end + if trace then tracematch('M', captop - dif, 1, s + 1, memo[1], p, nil, ...) end + s = memo[1] + p = p + 1 + end + else + if trace then traceenter('', 1) end + STACK[stackptr].X = CALL + STACK[stackptr].s = s + STACK[stackptr].p = p + 1 -- save return address + STACK[stackptr].pA = pA + STACK[stackptr].memos = s + STACK[stackptr].caplevel = captop + stackptr = stackptr + 1 + p = pA + if usememoization and not memo then + memoind = memoind + 1 + if memoind > maxmemo then + memoind = 0 + Memo1 = Memo2 + Memo2 = {} + end + end + end + else + local pA = p + op.p[p].offset + local X = L[pA + s * maxpointer] + -- lvar.1 lvar.2 + if not X then + if trace then traceenter('', 1) end + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr].captop = captop + local capture = ffi.new("CAPTURE[?]", maxcapturedefault) + capturestackptr = capturestackptr + 1 + CAPTURESTACK[capturestackptr] = { capture = capture, captop = captop, maxcapture = maxcapturedefault } + CAPTURE = capture + maxcapture = maxcapturedefault + captop = 0 + L[pA + s * maxpointer] = { X = LRFAIL, k = k, cs = capturestackptr, level = 0 } + STACK[stackptr].p = p + 1 + STACK[stackptr].pA = pA + STACK[stackptr].s = s + STACK[stackptr].X = LRFAIL + stackptr = stackptr + 1 + p = pA + elseif X.X == LRFAIL or k < X.k then + -- lvar.3 lvar.5 + fail() + else + -- lvar.4 + local capture = X.capturecommit + while captop + capture.captop >= maxcapture do + doublecapture() + end + ffi.copy(CAPTURE + captop, capture.capture, capture.captop * ffi.sizeof('CAPTURE')) + captop = captop + capture.captop + p = p + 1 + s = X.X + end + end + elseif code == ICommit then + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + p = p + op.p[p].offset + elseif code == IPartialCommit then + STACK[stackptr - 1].s = s + STACK[stackptr - 1].caplevel = captop + STACK[stackptr - 1].valuetabletop = #valuetable + p = p + op.p[p].offset + elseif code == IBackCommit then + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + s = STACK[stackptr].s + captop = STACK[stackptr].caplevel + for i = #valuetable, STACK[stackptr].valuetabletop + 1, -1 do + table.remove(valuetable) + end + p = p + op.p[p].offset + elseif code == IFailTwice then + stackptr = stackptr - 1 + fail() + elseif code == IFail then + fail() + elseif code == ICloseRunTime then + -- invalidate memo + for i = 0, stackptr - 1 do + STACK[i].memos = VOID + end + local cs = {} + cs.s = o + cs.stream = getstreamstring + cs.ocap = CAPTURE + cs.ptop = arg + cs.ptopcount = argcount + local out = { outindex = 0, out = {} } + local n = lpcap.runtimecap(cs, captop, s + 1, out, valuetable) -- call function + captop = captop - n + local res = resdyncaptures(out.out[1], s + 1, len and len + 1, checkstreamlen) -- get result + -- fail? + if res == FAIL then + fail() + else + s = res - 1 -- else update current position + n = out.outindex - 1 -- number of new captures + -- any new capture? + if n > 0 then + captop = captop + 1 + while captop + n + 1 >= maxcapture do + doublecapture() + end + captop = captop + n + 1 + -- add new captures to 'capture' list + adddyncaptures(s + 1, CAPTURE, captop - n - 2, n, out.out, valuetable) + end + p = p + 1 + end + elseif code == ICloseCapture then + local s1 = s + 1 + assert(captop > 0) + -- if possible, turn capture into a full capture + if CAPTURE[captop - 1].siz == 0 and + s1 - CAPTURE[captop - 1].s < 255 then + CAPTURE[captop - 1].siz = s1 - CAPTURE[captop - 1].s + 1 + p = p + 1 + else + CAPTURE[captop].siz = 1 + CAPTURE[captop].s = s + 1 + pushcapture() + end + elseif code == IOpenCapture then + CAPTURE[captop].siz = 0 + CAPTURE[captop].s = s + 1 + pushcapture() + elseif code == IFullCapture then + CAPTURE[captop].siz = band(rshift(op.p[p].val, 4), 0x0F) + 1 -- save capture size + CAPTURE[captop].s = s + 1 - band(rshift(op.p[p].val, 4), 0x0F) + pushcapture() + -- standard mode + elseif o then + if code == IAny then + if s < len then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestAny then + if s < len then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == IChar then + if s < len and ptr[s] == op.p[p].val then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestChar then + if s < len and ptr[s] == op.p[p].val then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == ISet then + local c = ptr[s] + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if s < len and band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) ~= 0 then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestSet then + local c = ptr[s] + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if s < len and band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) ~= 0 then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == ISpan then + while s < len do + local c = ptr[s] + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) == 0 then + break + end + s = s + 1 + end + p = p + 1 + end + else + -- stream mode + if code == IAny then + if checkstreamlen(s) then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestAny then + if checkstreamlen(s) then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == IChar then + if checkstreamlen(s) and getstreamchar(s) == op.p[p].val then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestChar then + if checkstreamlen(s) and getstreamchar(s) == op.p[p].val then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == ISet then + local c = checkstreamlen(s) and getstreamchar(s) + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if c and band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) ~= 0 then + p = p + 1 + s = s + 1 + else + fail() + end + elseif code == ITestSet then + local c = checkstreamlen(s) and getstreamchar(s) + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if c and band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) ~= 0 then + p = p + 1 + else + p = p + op.p[p].offset + end + elseif code == ISpan then + while checkstreamlen(s) do + local c = getstreamchar(s) + local set = valuetable[op.p[p].val] + if band(set[rshift(c, 5)], lshift(1, band(c, 31))) == 0 then + break + end + s = s + 1 + end + p = p + 1 + end + end + end +end + +local function setmax(val) + maxstack = val + if maxstack < INITBACK then + maxstack = INITBACK + end +end + +local function setmaxbehind(val) + MAXBEHIND = math.max(MAXBEHINDPREDICATE, MAXOFF, val or 0) +end + +local function enablememoization(val) + usememoization = val +end + +local function enabletracing(val) + trace = val +end + +-- Get the initial position for the match, interpreting negative +-- values from the end of the subject + +local function initposition(len, pos) + local ii = pos or 1 + -- positive index? + if (ii > 0) then + -- inside the string? + if ii <= len then + return ii - 1; -- return it (corrected to 0-base) + else + return len; -- crop at the end + end + else + -- negative index + -- inside the string? + if -ii <= len then + return len + ii -- return position from the end + else + return 0; -- crop at the beginning + end + end +end + +local function lp_match(pat, s, init, valuetable, ...) + local i = initposition(s:len(), init) + 1 + return select(2, match(false, true, s, i, pat.code, valuetable, ...)) +end + +local function lp_streammatch(pat, init, valuetable, ...) + local params = { ... } + local paramslength = select('#', ...) + local fce = coroutine.wrap(function(s, last) + return match(true, last, s, init or 1, pat.code, valuetable, unpack(params, 1, paramslength)) + end) + return fce +end + +local function retcount(...) + return select('#', ...), { ... } +end + +-- Only for testing purpose +-- stream emulation (send all chars from string one char after char) +local function lp_emulatestreammatch(pat, s, init, valuetable, ...) + local init = initposition(s:len(), init) + 1 + local fce = lp_streammatch(pat, init, valuetable, ...) + local ret, count = {}, 0 + for j = 1, #s do + local pcount, pret = retcount(fce(s:sub(j, j), j == #s)) -- one char + if pret[1] == -1 then + return -- fail + elseif pret[1] == 0 then + -- parsing finished + -- collect result + for i = 2, pcount do + ret[count + i - 1] = pret[i] + end + count = count + pcount - 1 + return unpack(ret, 1, count) + end + for i = 2, pcount do + ret[count + i - 1] = pret[i] + end + count = count + pcount - 1 + end + return select(2, fce(s, true)) -- empty string +end + +local function lp_load(str, fcetab, usemeta) + local index = 0 + assert(str) + local ptr = ffi.cast('const char*', str) + local patsize = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local len = ffi.sizeof(treepatternelement) * patsize + + local pat + if usemeta then + pat = treepattern(patsize) + else + pat = ffi.gc(ffi.cast('TREEPATTERN*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(treepattern, patsize))), + function(ct) + if ct.code ~= nil then + ffi.C.free(ct.code.p) + ffi.C.free(ct.code) + end + ffi.C.free(ct) + end) + ffi.fill(pat, ffi.sizeof(treepattern, patsize)) + pat.treesize = patsize + pat.id = 0 + end + ffi.copy(pat.p, ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + if usemeta then + pat.code = pattern() + else + pat.code = ffi.cast('PATTERN*', ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(pattern))) + assert(pat.code ~= nil) + pat.code.allocsize = 10 + pat.code.size = 0 + pat.code.p = ffi.C.malloc(ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * pat.code.allocsize) + assert(pat.code.p ~= nil) + ffi.fill(pat.code.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * pat.code.allocsize) + end + pat.code.size = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local len = pat.code.size * ffi.sizeof(patternelement) + local data = ffi.string(ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + local count = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local valuetable = {} + for i = 1, count do + local tag = ffi.string(ptr + index, 3) + index = index + 3 + --string + if tag == 'str' then + local len = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local val = ffi.string(ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + valuetable[#valuetable + 1] = val + elseif tag == 'num' then + --number + local len = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local val = ffi.string(ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + valuetable[#valuetable + 1] = tonumber(val) + elseif tag == 'cdt' then + --ctype + local val = settype() + ffi.copy(val, ptr + index, ffi.sizeof(settype)) + index = index + ffi.sizeof(settype) + valuetable[#valuetable + 1] = val + elseif tag == 'fnc' then + --function + local len = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local fname = ffi.string(ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + len = ffi.cast('uint32_t*', ptr + index)[0] + index = index + 4 + local val = ffi.string(ptr + index, len) + index = index + len + if fcetab and fcetab[fname] then + assert(type(fcetab[fname]) == 'function', ('"%s" is not function'):format(fname)) + valuetable[#valuetable + 1] = fcetab[fname] + else + valuetable[#valuetable + 1] = loadstring(val) + end + end + end + pat.code.allocsize = pat.code.size + pat.code.p = ffi.C.realloc(pat.code.p, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * pat.code.allocsize) + assert(pat.code.p ~= nil) + ffi.copy(pat.code.p, data, ffi.sizeof(patternelement) * pat.code.allocsize) + return pat, valuetable +end + +local function lp_loadfile(fname, fcetab, usemeta) + local file = assert(io.open(fname, 'rb')) + local pat, valuetable = lp_load(assert(file:read("*a")), fcetab, usemeta) + file:close() + return pat, valuetable +end + +-- ====================================================== + +return { + match = lp_match, + streammatch = lp_streammatch, + emulatestreammatch = lp_emulatestreammatch, + load = lp_load, + loadfile = lp_loadfile, + setmax = setmax, + setmaxbehind = setmaxbehind, + enablememoization = enablememoization, + enabletracing = enabletracing +} diff --git a/tools/lpeg/re.lua b/tools/lpeg/re.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3d00232 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/lpeg/re.lua @@ -0,0 +1,286 @@ +-- $Id: re.lua,v 1.44 2013/03/26 20:11:40 roberto Exp $ +-- 2014/08/15 changes rostislav + +-- imported functions and modules +local tonumber, print, error = tonumber, print, error +local setmetatable = setmetatable +local m = require"lpeglj" + +-- 'm' will be used to parse expressions, and 'mm' will be used to +-- create expressions; that is, 're' runs on 'm', creating patterns +-- on 'mm' +local mm = m + +-- pattern's metatable +local mt = getmetatable(mm.P(0)) +mt = m.version() == "" and m or mt + + + +-- No more global accesses after this point +local version = _VERSION +if version == "Lua 5.2" then _ENV = nil end + + +local any = m.P(1) + + +-- Pre-defined names +local Predef = { nl = m.P"\n" } + + +local mem +local fmem +local gmem + + +local function updatelocale () + mm.locale(Predef) + Predef.a = Predef.alpha + Predef.c = Predef.cntrl + Predef.d = Predef.digit + Predef.g = Predef.graph + Predef.l = Predef.lower + Predef.p = Predef.punct + Predef.s = Predef.space + Predef.u = Predef.upper + Predef.w = Predef.alnum + Predef.x = Predef.xdigit + Predef.A = any - Predef.a + Predef.C = any - Predef.c + Predef.D = any - Predef.d + Predef.G = any - Predef.g + Predef.L = any - Predef.l + Predef.P = any - Predef.p + Predef.S = any - Predef.s + Predef.U = any - Predef.u + Predef.W = any - Predef.w + Predef.X = any - Predef.x + mem = {} -- restart memoization + fmem = {} + gmem = {} + local mt = {__mode = "v"} + setmetatable(mem, mt) + setmetatable(fmem, mt) + setmetatable(gmem, mt) +end + + +updatelocale() + + + +local I = m.P(function (s,i) print(i, s:sub(1, i-1)); return i end) + + +local function getdef (id, defs) + local c = defs and defs[id] + if not c then error("undefined name: " .. id) end + return c +end + + +local function patt_error (s, i) + local msg = (#s < i + 20) and s:sub(i) + or s:sub(i,i+20) .. "..." + msg = ("pattern error near '%s'"):format(msg) + error(msg, 2) +end + +local function mult (p, n) + local np = mm.P(true) + while n >= 1 do + if n%2 >= 1 then np = np * p end + p = p * p + n = n/2 + end + return np +end + +local function equalcap (s, i, c) + if type(c) ~= "string" then return nil end + local e = #c + i + if type(s) == 'function' then -- stream mode + if s(i, e - 1) == c then return e else return nil end + else + if s:sub(i, e - 1) == c then return e else return nil end + end +end + + +local S = (Predef.space + "--" * (any - Predef.nl)^0)^0 + +local name = m.R("AZ", "az", "__") * m.R("AZ", "az", "__", "09")^0 + +local arrow = S * "<-" + +local seq_follow = m.P"/" + ")" + "}" + ":}" + "~}" + "|}" + (name * arrow) + -1 + +name = m.C(name) + + +-- a defined name only have meaning in a given environment +local Def = name * m.Carg(1) + +local num = m.C(m.R"09"^1) * S / tonumber + +local String = "'" * m.C((any - "'")^0) * "'" + + '"' * m.C((any - '"')^0) * '"' + + +local defined = "%" * Def / function (c,Defs) + local cat = Defs and Defs[c] or Predef[c] + if not cat then error ("name '" .. c .. "' undefined") end + return cat +end + +local Range = m.Cs(any * (m.P"-"/"") * (any - "]")) / mm.R + +local item = defined + Range + m.C(any) + +local Class = + "[" + * (m.C(m.P"^"^-1)) -- optional complement symbol + * m.Cf(item * (item - "]")^0, mt.__add) / + function (c, p) return c == "^" and any - p or p end + * "]" + +local function adddef (t, k, exp) + if t[k] then + error("'"..k.."' already defined as a rule") + else + t[k] = exp + end + return t +end + +local function firstdef (n, r) return adddef({n}, n, r) end + + +local function NT (n, b, p) + if not b then + error("rule '"..n.."' used outside a grammar") + else return mm.V(n, p or 0) + end +end + + +local exp = m.P{ "Exp", + Exp = S * ( m.V"Grammar" + + m.Cf(m.V"Seq" * ("/" * S * m.V"Seq")^0, mt.__add) ); + Seq = m.Cf(m.Cc(m.P"") * m.V"Prefix"^0 , mt.__mul) + * (#seq_follow + patt_error); + Prefix = "&" * S * m.V"Prefix" / mt.__len + + "!" * S * m.V"Prefix" / mt.__unm + + m.V"Suffix"; + Suffix = m.Cf(m.V"Primary" * S * + ( ( m.P"+" * m.Cc(1, mt.__pow) + + m.P"*" * m.Cc(0, mt.__pow) + + m.P"?" * m.Cc(-1, mt.__pow) + + "^" * ( m.Cg(num * m.Cc(mult)) + + m.Cg(m.C(m.S"+-" * m.R"09"^1) * m.Cc(mt.__pow)) + ) + + "->" * S * ( m.Cg((String + num) * m.Cc(mt.__div)) + + m.P"{}" * m.Cc(nil, m.Ct) + + m.Cg(Def / getdef * m.Cc(mt.__div)) + ) + + "=>" * S * m.Cg(Def / getdef * m.Cc(m.Cmt)) + ) * S + )^0, function (a,b,f) return f(a,b) end ); + Primary = "(" * m.V"Exp" * ")" + + String / mm.P + + Class + + defined + + "{:" * (name * ":" + m.Cc(nil)) * m.V"Exp" * ":}" / + function (n, p) return mm.Cg(p, n) end + + "=" * name / function (n) return mm.Cmt(mm.Cb(n), equalcap) end + + m.P"{}" / mm.Cp + + "{~" * m.V"Exp" * "~}" / mm.Cs + + "{|" * m.V"Exp" * "|}" / mm.Ct + + "{" * m.V"Exp" * "}" / mm.C + + m.P"." * m.Cc(any) + + (name * m.Cb("G") * (S * ":" * S * num)^-1 * -arrow + "<" * name * m.Cb("G") * (S * ":" * S * num)^-1 * ">") / NT; + Definition = name * arrow * m.V"Exp"; + Grammar = m.Cg(m.Cc(true), "G") * + m.Cf(m.V"Definition" / firstdef * m.Cg(m.V"Definition")^0, + adddef) / mm.P +} + +local pattern = S * m.Cg(m.Cc(false), "G") * exp / mm.P * (-any + patt_error) + + +local function compile (p, defs) + if mm.type(p) == "pattern" then return p end -- already compiled + local cp = pattern:match(p, 1, defs) + if not cp then error("incorrect pattern", 3) end + return cp +end + +local function match (s, p, i) + local cp = mem[p] + if not cp then + cp = compile(p) + mem[p] = cp + end + return cp:match(s, i or 1) +end + +local function streammatch (p, i) + local cp = mem[p] + if not cp then + cp = compile(p) + mem[p] = cp + end + return cp:streammatch(i or 1) +end + +-- Only for testing purpose +local function emulatestreammatch(s, p, i) + local cp = mem[p] + if not cp then + cp = compile(p) + mem[p] = cp + end + return cp:emulatestreammatch(s, i or 1) +end + +local function find (s, p, i) + local cp = fmem[p] + if not cp then + cp = compile(p) / 0 + cp = mm.P{ mm.Cp() * cp * mm.Cp() + 1 * mm.V(1) } + fmem[p] = cp + end + local i, e = cp:match(s, i or 1) + if i then return i, e - 1 + else return i + end +end + +local function gsub (s, p, rep) + local g = gmem[p] or {} -- ensure gmem[p] is not collected while here + gmem[p] = g + local cp = g[rep] + if not cp then + cp = compile(p) + cp = mm.Cs((cp / rep + 1)^0) + g[rep] = cp + end + return cp:match(s) +end + + +-- exported names +local re = { + compile = compile, + match = match, + streammatch = streammatch, + emulatestreammatch = emulatestreammatch, + find = find, + gsub = gsub, + updatelocale = updatelocale, +} + +if version == "Lua 5.1" then _G.re = re end + +return re diff --git a/tools/luajson/json.lua b/tools/luajson/json.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d8e0e13 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json.lua @@ -0,0 +1,25 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +package.path = package.path .. ";lpeg/?.lua" +local decode = require("json.decode") +local encode = require("json.encode") +local util = require("json.util") + +local _G = _G + +local _ENV = nil + +local json = { + _VERSION = "1.3.4", + _DESCRIPTION = "LuaJSON : customizable JSON decoder/encoder", + _COPYRIGHT = "Copyright (c) 2007-2014 Thomas Harning Jr. ", + decode = decode, + encode = encode, + util = util +} + +_G.json = json + +return json diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b2c357c --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,171 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local lpeg = require("lpeg") + +local error = error +local pcall = pcall + +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local merge = jsonutil.merge +local util = require("json.decode.util") + +local decode_state = require("json.decode.state") + +local setmetatable, getmetatable = setmetatable, getmetatable +local assert = assert +local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs +local string_char = require("string").char + +local type = type + +local require = require + +local _ENV = nil + +local modulesToLoad = { + "composite", + "strings", + "number", + "others" +} +local loadedModules = { +} + +local json_decode = {} + +json_decode.default = { + unicodeWhitespace = true, + initialObject = false, + nothrow = false +} + +local modes_defined = { "default", "strict", "simple" } + +json_decode.simple = {} + +json_decode.strict = { + unicodeWhitespace = true, + initialObject = true, + nothrow = false +} + +for _,name in ipairs(modulesToLoad) do + local mod = require("json.decode." .. name) + if mod.mergeOptions then + for _, mode in pairs(modes_defined) do + mod.mergeOptions(json_decode[mode], mode) + end + end + loadedModules[#loadedModules + 1] = mod +end + +-- Shift over default into defaultOptions to permit build optimization +local defaultOptions = json_decode.default +json_decode.default = nil + +local function generateDecoder(lexer, options) + -- Marker to permit detection of final end + local marker = {} + local parser = lpeg.Ct((options.ignored * lexer)^0 * lpeg.Cc(marker)) * options.ignored * (lpeg.P(-1) + util.unexpected()) + local decoder = function(data) + local state = decode_state.create(options) + local parsed = parser:match(data) + assert(parsed, "Invalid JSON data") + local i = 0 + while true do + i = i + 1 + local item = parsed[i] + if item == marker then break end + if type(item) == 'function' and item ~= jsonutil.undefined and item ~= jsonutil.null then + item(state) + else + state:set_value(item) + end + end + if options.initialObject then + assert(type(state.previous) == 'table', "Initial value not an object or array") + end + -- Make sure stack is empty + assert(state.i == 0, "Unclosed elements present") + return state.previous + end + if options.nothrow then + return function(data) + local status, rv = pcall(decoder, data) + if status then + return rv + else + return nil, rv + end + end + end + return decoder +end + +local function buildDecoder(mode) + mode = mode and merge({}, defaultOptions, mode) or defaultOptions + for _, mod in ipairs(loadedModules) do + if mod.mergeOptions then + mod.mergeOptions(mode) + end + end + local ignored = mode.unicodeWhitespace and util.unicode_ignored or util.ascii_ignored + -- Store 'ignored' in the global options table + mode.ignored = ignored + + --local grammar = { + -- [1] = mode.initialObject and (ignored * (object_type + array_type)) or value_type + --} + local lexer + for _, mod in ipairs(loadedModules) do + local new_lexer = mod.generateLexer(mode) + lexer = lexer and lexer + new_lexer or new_lexer + end + return generateDecoder(lexer, mode) +end + +-- Since 'default' is nil, we cannot take map it +local defaultDecoder = buildDecoder(json_decode.default) +local prebuilt_decoders = {} +for _, mode in pairs(modes_defined) do + if json_decode[mode] ~= nil then + prebuilt_decoders[json_decode[mode]] = buildDecoder(json_decode[mode]) + end +end + +--[[ +Options: + number => number decode options + string => string decode options + array => array decode options + object => object decode options + initialObject => whether or not to require the initial object to be a table/array + allowUndefined => whether or not to allow undefined values +]] +local function getDecoder(mode) + mode = mode == true and json_decode.strict or mode or json_decode.default + local decoder = mode == nil and defaultDecoder or prebuilt_decoders[mode] + if decoder then + return decoder + end + return buildDecoder(mode) +end + +local function decode(data, mode) + local decoder = getDecoder(mode) + return decoder(data) +end + +local mt = {} +mt.__call = function(self, ...) + return decode(...) +end + +json_decode.getDecoder = getDecoder +json_decode.decode = decode +json_decode.util = util +setmetatable(json_decode, mt) + +return json_decode diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/composite.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/composite.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..cd9c289 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/composite.lua @@ -0,0 +1,190 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local pairs = pairs +local type = type + +local lpeg = require("lpeg") + +local util = require("json.decode.util") +local jsonutil = require("json.util") + +local rawset = rawset + +local assert = assert +local tostring = tostring + +local error = error +local getmetatable = getmetatable + +local _ENV = nil + +local defaultOptions = { + array = { + trailingComma = true + }, + object = { + trailingComma = true, + number = true, + identifier = true, + setObjectKey = rawset + }, + calls = { + defs = nil, + -- By default, do not allow undefined calls to be de-serialized as call objects + allowUndefined = false + } +} + +local modeOptions = { + default = nil, + strict = { + array = { + trailingComma = false + }, + object = { + trailingComma = false, + number = false, + identifier = false + } + } +} + +local function BEGIN_ARRAY(state) + state:push() + state:new_array() +end +local function END_ARRAY(state) + state:end_array() + state:pop() +end + +local function BEGIN_OBJECT(state) + state:push() + state:new_object() +end +local function END_OBJECT(state) + state:end_object() + state:pop() +end + +local function END_CALL(state) + state:end_call() + state:pop() +end + +local function SET_KEY(state) + state:set_key() +end + +local function NEXT_VALUE(state) + state:put_value() +end + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, true, 'array', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, true, 'object', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, true, 'calls', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + + +local isPattern +if lpeg.type then + function isPattern(value) + return lpeg.type(value) == 'pattern' + end +else + local metaAdd = getmetatable(lpeg.P("")).__add + function isPattern(value) + return getmetatable(value).__add == metaAdd + end +end + + +local function generateSingleCallLexer(name, func) + if type(name) ~= 'string' and not isPattern(name) then + error("Invalid functionCalls name: " .. tostring(name) .. " not a string or LPEG pattern") + end + -- Allow boolean or function to match up w/ encoding permissions + if type(func) ~= 'boolean' and type(func) ~= 'function' then + error("Invalid functionCalls item: " .. name .. " not a function") + end + local function buildCallCapture(name) + return function(state) + if func == false then + error("Function call on '" .. name .. "' not permitted") + end + state:push() + state:new_call(name, func) + end + end + local nameCallCapture + if type(name) == 'string' then + nameCallCapture = lpeg.P(name .. "(") * lpeg.Cc(name) / buildCallCapture + else + -- Name matcher expected to produce a capture + nameCallCapture = name * "(" / buildCallCapture + end + -- Call func over nameCallCapture and value to permit function receiving name + return nameCallCapture +end + +local function generateNamedCallLexers(options) + if not options.calls or not options.calls.defs then + return + end + local callCapture + for name, func in pairs(options.calls.defs) do + local newCapture = generateSingleCallLexer(name, func) + if not callCapture then + callCapture = newCapture + else + callCapture = callCapture + newCapture + end + end + return callCapture +end + +local function generateCallLexer(options) + local lexer + local namedCapture = generateNamedCallLexers(options) + if options.calls and options.calls.allowUndefined then + lexer = generateSingleCallLexer(lpeg.C(util.identifier), true) + end + if namedCapture then + lexer = lexer and lexer + namedCapture or namedCapture + end + if lexer then + lexer = lexer + lpeg.P(")") * lpeg.Cc(END_CALL) + end + return lexer +end + +local function generateLexer(options) + local ignored = options.ignored + local array_options, object_options = options.array, options.object + local lexer = + lpeg.P("[") * lpeg.Cc(BEGIN_ARRAY) + + lpeg.P("]") * lpeg.Cc(END_ARRAY) + + lpeg.P("{") * lpeg.Cc(BEGIN_OBJECT) + + lpeg.P("}") * lpeg.Cc(END_OBJECT) + + lpeg.P(":") * lpeg.Cc(SET_KEY) + + lpeg.P(",") * lpeg.Cc(NEXT_VALUE) + if object_options.identifier then + -- Add identifier match w/ validation check that it is in key + lexer = lexer + lpeg.C(util.identifier) * ignored * lpeg.P(":") * lpeg.Cc(SET_KEY) + end + local callLexers = generateCallLexer(options) + if callLexers then + lexer = lexer + callLexers + end + return lexer +end + +local composite = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + generateLexer = generateLexer +} + +return composite diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/number.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/number.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..94ed3b8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/number.lua @@ -0,0 +1,100 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local lpeg = require("lpeg") +local tonumber = tonumber +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local merge = jsonutil.merge +local util = require("json.decode.util") + +local _ENV = nil + +local digit = lpeg.R("09") +local digits = digit^1 + +-- Illegal octal declaration +local illegal_octal_detect = #(lpeg.P('0') * digits) * util.denied("Octal numbers") + +local int = (lpeg.P('-') + 0) * (lpeg.R("19") * digits + illegal_octal_detect + digit) + +local frac = lpeg.P('.') * digits + +local exp = lpeg.S("Ee") * (lpeg.S("-+") + 0) * digits + +local nan = lpeg.S("Nn") * lpeg.S("Aa") * lpeg.S("Nn") +local inf = lpeg.S("Ii") * lpeg.P("nfinity") +local ninf = lpeg.P('-') * lpeg.S("Ii") * lpeg.P("nfinity") +local hex = (lpeg.P("0x") + lpeg.P("0X")) * lpeg.R("09","AF","af")^1 + +local defaultOptions = { + nan = true, + inf = true, + frac = true, + exp = true, + hex = false +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +modeOptions.strict = { + nan = false, + inf = false +} + +local nan_value = 0/0 +local inf_value = 1/0 +local ninf_value = -1/0 + +--[[ + Options: configuration options for number rules + nan: match NaN + inf: match Infinity + frac: match fraction portion (.0) + exp: match exponent portion (e1) + DEFAULT: nan, inf, frac, exp +]] +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'number', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +local function generateLexer(options) + options = options.number + local ret = int + if options.frac then + ret = ret * (frac + 0) + else + ret = ret * (#frac * util.denied("Fractions", "number.frac") + 0) + end + if options.exp then + ret = ret * (exp + 0) + else + ret = ret * (#exp * util.denied("Exponents", "number.exp") + 0) + end + if options.hex then + ret = hex + ret + else + ret = #hex * util.denied("Hexadecimal", "number.hex") + ret + end + -- Capture number now + ret = ret / tonumber + if options.nan then + ret = ret + nan / function() return nan_value end + else + ret = ret + #nan * util.denied("NaN", "number.nan") + end + if options.inf then + ret = ret + ninf / function() return ninf_value end + inf / function() return inf_value end + else + ret = ret + (#ninf + #inf) * util.denied("+/-Inf", "number.inf") + end + return ret +end + +local number = { + int = int, + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + generateLexer = generateLexer +} + +return number diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/others.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/others.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..9fab7a8 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/others.lua @@ -0,0 +1,62 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local lpeg = require("lpeg") +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local merge = jsonutil.merge +local util = require("json.decode.util") + +-- Container module for other JavaScript types (bool, null, undefined) + +local _ENV = nil + +-- For null and undefined, use the util.null value to preserve null-ness +local booleanCapture = + lpeg.P("true") * lpeg.Cc(true) + + lpeg.P("false") * lpeg.Cc(false) + +local nullCapture = lpeg.P("null") +local undefinedCapture = lpeg.P("undefined") + +local defaultOptions = { + allowUndefined = true, + null = jsonutil.null, + undefined = jsonutil.undefined +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +modeOptions.simple = { + null = false, -- Mapped to nil + undefined = false -- Mapped to nil +} +modeOptions.strict = { + allowUndefined = false +} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'others', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +local function generateLexer(options) + -- The 'or nil' clause allows false to map to a nil value since 'nil' cannot be merged + options = options.others + local valueCapture = ( + booleanCapture + + nullCapture * lpeg.Cc(options.null or nil) + ) + if options.allowUndefined then + valueCapture = valueCapture + undefinedCapture * lpeg.Cc(options.undefined or nil) + else + valueCapture = valueCapture + #undefinedCapture * util.denied("undefined", "others.allowUndefined") + end + return valueCapture +end + +local others = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + generateLexer = generateLexer +} + +return others diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/state.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/state.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..693d5df --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/state.lua @@ -0,0 +1,189 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] + +local setmetatable = setmetatable +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local assert = assert +local type = type +local next = next +local unpack = require("table").unpack or unpack + +local _ENV = nil + +local state_ops = {} +local state_mt = { + __index = state_ops +} + +function state_ops.pop(self) + self.previous_set = true + self.previous = self.active + local i = self.i + -- Load in this array into the active item + self.active = self.stack[i] + self.active_state = self.state_stack[i] + self.active_key = self.key_stack[i] + self.stack[i] = nil + self.state_stack[i] = nil + self.key_stack[i] = nil + + self.i = i - 1 +end + +function state_ops.push(self) + local i = self.i + 1 + self.i = i + + self.stack[i] = self.active + self.state_stack[i] = self.active_state + self.key_stack[i] = self.active_key +end + +function state_ops.put_object_value(self, trailing) + local object_options = self.options.object + if trailing and object_options.trailingComma then + if not self.active_key then + return + end + end + assert(self.active_key, "Missing key value") + object_options.setObjectKey(self.active, self.active_key, self:grab_value()) + self.active_key = nil +end + +function state_ops.put_array_value(self, trailing) + -- Safety check + if trailing and not self.previous_set and self.options.array.trailingComma then + return + end + local new_index = self.active_state + 1 + self.active_state = new_index + self.active[new_index] = self:grab_value() +end + +function state_ops.put_value(self, trailing) + if self.active_state == 'object' then + self:put_object_value(trailing) + else + self:put_array_value(trailing) + end +end + +function state_ops.new_array(self) + local new_array = {} + if jsonutil.InitArray then + new_array = jsonutil.InitArray(new_array) or new_array + end + self.active = new_array + self.active_state = 0 + self.active_key = nil + self:unset_value() +end + +function state_ops.end_array(self) + if self.previous_set or self.active_state ~= 0 then + -- Not an empty array + self:put_value(true) + end + if self.active_state ~= #self.active then + -- Store the length in + self.active.n = self.active_state + end +end + +function state_ops.new_object(self) + local new_object = {} + self.active = new_object + self.active_state = 'object' + self.active_key = nil + self:unset_value() +end + +function state_ops.end_object(self) + if self.previous_set or next(self.active) then + -- Not an empty object + self:put_value(true) + end +end + +function state_ops.new_call(self, name, func) + -- TODO setup properly + local new_call = {} + new_call.name = name + new_call.func = func + self.active = new_call + self.active_state = 0 + self.active_key = nil + self:unset_value() +end + +function state_ops.end_call(self) + if self.previous_set or self.active_state ~= 0 then + -- Not an empty array + self:put_value(true) + end + if self.active_state ~= #self.active then + -- Store the length in + self.active.n = self.active_state + end + local func = self.active.func + if func == true then + func = jsonutil.buildCall + end + self.active = func(self.active.name, unpack(self.active, 1, self.active.n or #self.active)) +end + + +function state_ops.unset_value(self) + self.previous_set = false + self.previous = nil +end + +function state_ops.grab_value(self) + assert(self.previous_set, "Previous value not set") + self.previous_set = false + return self.previous +end + +function state_ops.set_value(self, value) + assert(not self.previous_set, "Value set when one already in slot") + self.previous_set = true + self.previous = value +end + +function state_ops.set_key(self) + assert(self.active_state == 'object', "Cannot set key on array") + local value = self:grab_value() + local value_type = type(value) + if self.options.object.number then + assert(value_type == 'string' or value_type == 'number', "As configured, a key must be a number or string") + else + assert(value_type == 'string', "As configured, a key must be a string") + end + self.active_key = value +end + + +local function create(options) + local ret = { + options = options, + stack = {}, + state_stack = {}, + key_stack = {}, + i = 0, + active = nil, + active_key = nil, + previous = nil, + active_state = nil + + } + return setmetatable(ret, state_mt) +end + +local state = { + create = create +} + +return state diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/strings.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/strings.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4272f29 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/strings.lua @@ -0,0 +1,133 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local lpeg = require("lpeg") +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local util = require("json.decode.util") +local merge = jsonutil.merge + +local tonumber = tonumber +local string_char = require("string").char +local floor = require("math").floor +local table_concat = require("table").concat + +local error = error + +local _ENV = nil + +local function get_error(item) + local fmt_string = item .. " in string [%q] @ %i:%i" + return lpeg.P(function(data, index) + local line, line_index, bad_char, last_line = util.get_invalid_character_info(data, index) + local err = fmt_string:format(bad_char, line, line_index) + error(err) + end) * 1 +end + +local bad_unicode = get_error("Illegal unicode escape") +local bad_hex = get_error("Illegal hex escape") +local bad_character = get_error("Illegal character") +local bad_escape = get_error("Illegal escape") + +local knownReplacements = { + ["'"] = "'", + ['"'] = '"', + ['\\'] = '\\', + ['/'] = '/', + b = '\b', + f = '\f', + n = '\n', + r = '\r', + t = '\t', + v = '\v', + z = '\z' +} + +-- according to the table at http://da.wikipedia.org/wiki/UTF-8 +local function utf8DecodeUnicode(code1, code2) + code1, code2 = tonumber(code1, 16), tonumber(code2, 16) + if code1 == 0 and code2 < 0x80 then + return string_char(code2) + end + if code1 < 0x08 then + return string_char( + 0xC0 + code1 * 4 + floor(code2 / 64), + 0x80 + code2 % 64) + end + return string_char( + 0xE0 + floor(code1 / 16), + 0x80 + (code1 % 16) * 4 + floor(code2 / 64), + 0x80 + code2 % 64) +end + +local function decodeX(code) + code = tonumber(code, 16) + return string_char(code) +end + +local doSimpleSub = lpeg.C(lpeg.S("'\"\\/bfnrtvz")) / knownReplacements +local doUniSub = lpeg.P('u') * (lpeg.C(util.hexpair) * lpeg.C(util.hexpair) + bad_unicode) +local doXSub = lpeg.P('x') * (lpeg.C(util.hexpair) + bad_hex) + +local defaultOptions = { + badChars = '', + additionalEscapes = false, -- disallow untranslated escapes + escapeCheck = #lpeg.S('bfnrtv/\\"xu\'z'), -- no check on valid characters + decodeUnicode = utf8DecodeUnicode, + strict_quotes = false +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +modeOptions.strict = { + badChars = '\b\f\n\r\t\v', + additionalEscapes = false, -- no additional escapes + escapeCheck = #lpeg.S('bfnrtv/\\"u'), --only these chars are allowed to be escaped + strict_quotes = true +} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'strings', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +local function buildCaptureString(quote, badChars, escapeMatch) + local captureChar = (1 - lpeg.S("\\" .. badChars .. quote)) + (lpeg.P("\\") / "" * escapeMatch) + -- During error, force end + local captureString = captureChar^0 + (-#lpeg.P(quote) * bad_character + -1) + return lpeg.P(quote) * lpeg.Cs(captureString) * lpeg.P(quote) +end + +local function generateLexer(options) + options = options.strings + local quotes = { '"' } + if not options.strict_quotes then + quotes[#quotes + 1] = "'" + end + local escapeMatch = doSimpleSub + escapeMatch = escapeMatch + doXSub / decodeX + escapeMatch = escapeMatch + doUniSub / options.decodeUnicode + if options.escapeCheck then + escapeMatch = options.escapeCheck * escapeMatch + bad_escape + end + if options.additionalEscapes then + escapeMatch = options.additionalEscapes + escapeMatch + end + local captureString + for i = 1, #quotes do + local cap = buildCaptureString(quotes[i], options.badChars, escapeMatch) + if captureString == nil then + captureString = cap + else + captureString = captureString + cap + end + end + return captureString +end + +local strings = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + generateLexer = generateLexer +} + +return strings diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/decode/util.lua b/tools/luajson/json/decode/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..2493bf3 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/decode/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,121 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local lpeg = require("lpeg") +local select = select +local pairs, ipairs = pairs, ipairs +local tonumber = tonumber +local string_char = require("string").char +local rawset = rawset +local jsonutil = require("json.util") + +local error = error +local setmetatable = setmetatable + +local table_concat = require("table").concat + +local merge = require("json.util").merge + +local _ENV = nil + +local function get_invalid_character_info(input, index) + local parsed = input:sub(1, index) + local bad_character = input:sub(index, index) + local _, line_number = parsed:gsub('\n',{}) + local last_line = parsed:match("\n([^\n]+.)$") or parsed + return line_number, #last_line, bad_character, last_line +end + +local function build_report(msg) + local fmt = msg:gsub("%%", "%%%%") .. " @ character: %i %i:%i [%s] line:\n%s" + return lpeg.P(function(data, pos) + local line, line_index, bad_char, last_line = get_invalid_character_info(data, pos) + local text = fmt:format(pos, line, line_index, bad_char, last_line) + error(text) + end) * 1 +end +local function unexpected() + local msg = "unexpected character" + return build_report(msg) +end +local function denied(item, option) + local msg + if option then + msg = ("'%s' denied by option set '%s'"):format(item, option) + else + msg = ("'%s' denied"):format(item) + end + return build_report(msg) +end + +-- 09, 0A, 0B, 0C, 0D, 20 +local ascii_space = lpeg.S("\t\n\v\f\r ") +local unicode_space +do + local chr = string_char + local u_space = ascii_space + -- \u0085 \u00A0 + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xC2)) * lpeg.S(chr(0x85) .. chr(0xA0)) + -- \u1680 \u180E + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xE1)) * (lpeg.P(chr(0x9A, 0x80)) + chr(0xA0, 0x8E)) + -- \u2000 - \u200A, also 200B + local spacing_end = "" + for i = 0x80,0x8b do + spacing_end = spacing_end .. chr(i) + end + -- \u2028 \u2029 \u202F + spacing_end = spacing_end .. chr(0xA8) .. chr(0xA9) .. chr(0xAF) + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xE2, 0x80)) * lpeg.S(spacing_end) + -- \u205F + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xE2, 0x81, 0x9F)) + -- \u3000 + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xE3, 0x80, 0x80)) + -- BOM \uFEFF + u_space = u_space + lpeg.P(chr(0xEF, 0xBB, 0xBF)) + unicode_space = u_space +end + +local identifier = lpeg.R("AZ","az","__") * lpeg.R("AZ","az", "__", "09") ^0 + +local hex = lpeg.R("09","AF","af") +local hexpair = hex * hex + +local comments = { + cpp = lpeg.P("//") * (1 - lpeg.P("\n"))^0 * lpeg.P("\n"), + c = lpeg.P("/*") * (1 - lpeg.P("*/"))^0 * lpeg.P("*/") +} + +local comment = comments.cpp + comments.c + +local ascii_ignored = (ascii_space + comment)^0 + +local unicode_ignored = (unicode_space + comment)^0 + +-- Parse the lpeg version skipping patch-values +-- LPEG <= 0.7 have no version value... so 0.7 is value +local DecimalLpegVersion = lpeg.version and tonumber(lpeg.version():match("^(%d+%.%d+)")) or 0.7 + +local function setObjectKeyForceNumber(t, key, value) + key = tonumber(key) or key + return rawset(t, key, value) +end + +local util = { + unexpected = unexpected, + denied = denied, + ascii_space = ascii_space, + unicode_space = unicode_space, + identifier = identifier, + hex = hex, + hexpair = hexpair, + comments = comments, + comment = comment, + ascii_ignored = ascii_ignored, + unicode_ignored = unicode_ignored, + DecimalLpegVersion = DecimalLpegVersion, + get_invalid_character_info = get_invalid_character_info, + setObjectKeyForceNumber = setObjectKeyForceNumber +} + +return util diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..5a13adc --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode.lua @@ -0,0 +1,161 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local type = type +local assert, error = assert, error +local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable + +local ipairs, pairs = ipairs, pairs +local require = require + +local output = require("json.encode.output") + +local util = require("json.util") +local util_merge, isCall = util.merge, util.isCall + +local _ENV = nil + +--[[ + List of encoding modules to load. + Loaded in sequence such that earlier encoders get priority when + duplicate type-handlers exist. +]] +local modulesToLoad = { + "strings", + "number", + "calls", + "others", + "array", + "object" +} +-- Modules that have been loaded +local loadedModules = {} + +local json_encode = {} + +-- Configuration bases for client apps +local modes_defined = { "default", "strict" } + +json_encode.default = {} +json_encode.strict = { + initialObject = true -- Require an object at the root +} + +-- For each module, load it and its defaults +for _,name in ipairs(modulesToLoad) do + local mod = require("json.encode." .. name) + if mod.mergeOptions then + for _, mode in pairs(modes_defined) do + mod.mergeOptions(json_encode[mode], mode) + end + end + loadedModules[name] = mod +end + +-- NOTE: Nested not found, so assume unsupported until use case arises +local function flattenOutput(out, value) + assert(type(value) ~= 'table') + out = out or {} + out[#out + 1] = value + return out +end + +-- Prepares the encoding map from the already provided modules and new config +local function prepareEncodeMap(options) + local map = {} + for _, name in ipairs(modulesToLoad) do + local encodermap = loadedModules[name].getEncoder(options[name]) + for valueType, encoderSet in pairs(encodermap) do + map[valueType] = flattenOutput(map[valueType], encoderSet) + end + end + return map +end + +--[[ + Encode a value with a given encoding map and state +]] +local function encodeWithMap(value, map, state, isObjectKey) + local t = type(value) + local encoderList = assert(map[t], "Failed to encode value, unhandled type: " .. t) + for _, encoder in ipairs(encoderList) do + local ret = encoder(value, state, isObjectKey) + if false ~= ret then + return ret + end + end + error("Failed to encode value, encoders for " .. t .. " deny encoding") +end + + +local function getBaseEncoder(options) + local encoderMap = prepareEncodeMap(options) + if options.preProcess then + local preProcess = options.preProcess + return function(value, state, isObjectKey) + local ret = preProcess(value, isObjectKey or false) + if nil ~= ret then + value = ret + end + return encodeWithMap(value, encoderMap, state) + end + end + return function(value, state, isObjectKey) + return encodeWithMap(value, encoderMap, state) + end +end +--[[ + Retreive an initial encoder instance based on provided options + the initial encoder is responsible for initializing state + State has at least these values configured: encode, check_unique, already_encoded +]] +function json_encode.getEncoder(options) + options = options and util_merge({}, json_encode.default, options) or json_encode.default + local encode = getBaseEncoder(options) + + local function initialEncode(value) + if options.initialObject then + local errorMessage = "Invalid arguments: expects a JSON Object or Array at the root" + assert(type(value) == 'table' and not isCall(value, options), errorMessage) + end + + local alreadyEncoded = {} + local function check_unique(value) + assert(not alreadyEncoded[value], "Recursive encoding of value") + alreadyEncoded[value] = true + end + + local outputEncoder = options.output and options.output() or output.getDefault() + local state = { + encode = encode, + check_unique = check_unique, + already_encoded = alreadyEncoded, -- To unmark encoding when moving up stack + outputEncoder = outputEncoder + } + local ret = encode(value, state) + if nil ~= ret then + return outputEncoder.simple and outputEncoder.simple(ret) or ret + end + end + return initialEncode +end + +-- CONSTRUCT STATE WITH FOLLOWING (at least) +--[[ + encoder + check_unique -- used by inner encoders to make sure value is unique + already_encoded -- used to unmark a value as unique +]] +function json_encode.encode(data, options) + return json_encode.getEncoder(options)(data) +end + +local mt = {} +mt.__call = function(self, ...) + return json_encode.encode(...) +end + +setmetatable(json_encode, mt) + +return json_encode diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/array.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/array.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..3744409 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/array.lua @@ -0,0 +1,110 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local jsonutil = require("json.util") + +local type = type +local pairs = pairs +local assert = assert + +local table = require("table") +local math = require("math") +local table_concat = table.concat +local math_floor, math_modf = math.floor, math.modf + +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local util_IsArray = jsonutil.IsArray + +local _ENV = nil + +local defaultOptions = { + isArray = util_IsArray +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'array', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +--[[ + Utility function to determine whether a table is an array or not. + Criteria for it being an array: + * ExternalIsArray returns true (or false directly reports not-array) + * If the table has an 'n' value that is an integer >= 1 then it + is an array... may result in false positives (should check some values + before it) + * It is a contiguous list of values with zero string-based keys +]] +local function isArray(val, options) + local externalIsArray = options and options.isArray + + if externalIsArray then + local ret = externalIsArray(val) + if ret == true or ret == false then + return ret + end + end + -- Use the 'n' element if it's a number + if type(val.n) == 'number' and math_floor(val.n) == val.n and val.n >= 1 then + return true + end + local len = #val + for k,v in pairs(val) do + if type(k) ~= 'number' then + return false + end + local _, decim = math_modf(k) + if not (decim == 0 and 1<=k) then + return false + end + if k > len then -- Use Lua's length as absolute determiner + return false + end + end + + return true +end + +--[[ + Cleanup function to unmark a value as in the encoding process and return + trailing results +]] +local function unmarkAfterEncode(tab, state, ...) + state.already_encoded[tab] = nil + return ... +end +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + local function encodeArray(tab, state) + if not isArray(tab, options) then + return false + end + -- Make sure this value hasn't been encoded yet + state.check_unique(tab) + local encode = state.encode + local compositeEncoder = state.outputEncoder.composite + local valueEncoder = [[ + for i = 1, (composite.n or #composite) do + local val = composite[i] + PUTINNER(i ~= 1) + val = encode(val, state) + val = val or '' + if val then + PUTVALUE(val) + end + end + ]] + return unmarkAfterEncode(tab, state, compositeEncoder(valueEncoder, '[', ']', ',', tab, encode, state)) + end + return { table = encodeArray } +end + +local array = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + isArray = isArray, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return array diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/calls.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/calls.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..11dddfe --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/calls.lua @@ -0,0 +1,68 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local table = require("table") +local table_concat = table.concat + +local select = select +local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable +local assert = assert + +local jsonutil = require("json.util") + +local isCall, decodeCall = jsonutil.isCall, jsonutil.decodeCall + +local _ENV = nil + +local defaultOptions = { +} + +-- No real default-option handling needed... +local modeOptions = {} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'calls', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + + +--[[ + Encodes 'value' as a function call + Must have parameters in the 'callData' field of the metatable + name == name of the function call + parameters == array of parameters to encode +]] +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + local function encodeCall(value, state) + if not isCall(value) then + return false + end + local encode = state.encode + local name, params = decodeCall(value) + local compositeEncoder = state.outputEncoder.composite + local valueEncoder = [[ + for i = 1, (composite.n or #composite) do + local val = composite[i] + PUTINNER(i ~= 1) + val = encode(val, state) + val = val or '' + if val then + PUTVALUE(val) + end + end + ]] + return compositeEncoder(valueEncoder, name .. '(', ')', ',', params, encode, state) + end + return { + table = encodeCall, + ['function'] = encodeCall + } +end + +local calls = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return calls diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/number.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/number.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..290b440 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/number.lua @@ -0,0 +1,58 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local tostring = tostring +local assert = assert +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local huge = require("math").huge + +local _ENV = nil + +local defaultOptions = { + nan = true, + inf = true +} + +local modeOptions = {} +modeOptions.strict = { + nan = false, + inf = false +} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'number', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + + +local function encodeNumber(number, options) + if number ~= number then + assert(options.nan, "Invalid number: NaN not enabled") + return "NaN" + end + if number == huge then + assert(options.inf, "Invalid number: Infinity not enabled") + return "Infinity" + end + if number == -huge then + assert(options.inf, "Invalid number: Infinity not enabled") + return "-Infinity" + end + return tostring(number) +end + +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + return { + number = function(number, state) + return encodeNumber(number, options) + end + } +end + +local number = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return number diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/object.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/object.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4716d52 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/object.lua @@ -0,0 +1,77 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local pairs = pairs +local assert = assert + +local type = type +local tostring = tostring + +local table_concat = require("table").concat +local jsonutil = require("json.util") + +local _ENV = nil + +local defaultOptions = { +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'object', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +--[[ + Cleanup function to unmark a value as in the encoding process and return + trailing results +]] +local function unmarkAfterEncode(tab, state, ...) + state.already_encoded[tab] = nil + return ... +end +--[[ + Encode a table as a JSON Object ( keys = strings, values = anything else ) +]] +local function encodeTable(tab, options, state) + -- Make sure this value hasn't been encoded yet + state.check_unique(tab) + local encode = state.encode + local compositeEncoder = state.outputEncoder.composite + local valueEncoder = [[ + local first = true + for k, v in pairs(composite) do + local ti = type(k) + assert(ti == 'string' or ti == 'number' or ti == 'boolean', "Invalid object index type: " .. ti) + local name = encode(tostring(k), state, true) + if first then + first = false + else + name = ',' .. name + end + PUTVALUE(name .. ':') + local val = encode(v, state) + val = val or '' + if val then + PUTVALUE(val) + end + end + ]] + return unmarkAfterEncode(tab, state, compositeEncoder(valueEncoder, '{', '}', nil, tab, encode, state)) +end + +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + return { + table = function(tab, state) + return encodeTable(tab, options, state) + end + } +end + +local object = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return object diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/others.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/others.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b527044 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/others.lua @@ -0,0 +1,66 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local tostring = tostring + +local assert = assert +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local type = type + +local _ENV = nil + +-- Shortcut that works +local encodeBoolean = tostring + +local defaultOptions = { + allowUndefined = true, + null = jsonutil.null, + undefined = jsonutil.undefined +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +modeOptions.strict = { + allowUndefined = false +} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'others', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + local function encodeOthers(value, state) + if value == options.null then + return 'null' + elseif value == options.undefined then + assert(options.allowUndefined, "Invalid value: Unsupported 'Undefined' parameter") + return 'undefined' + else + return false + end + end + local function encodeBoolean(value, state) + return value and 'true' or 'false' + end + local nullType = type(options.null) + local undefinedType = options.undefined and type(options.undefined) + -- Make sure that all of the types handled here are handled + local ret = { + boolean = encodeBoolean, + ['nil'] = function() return 'null' end, + [nullType] = encodeOthers + } + if undefinedType then + ret[undefinedType] = encodeOthers + end + return ret +end + +local others = { + encodeBoolean = encodeBoolean, + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return others diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/output.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/output.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..8293b62 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/output.lua @@ -0,0 +1,91 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local type = type +local assert, error = assert, error +local table_concat = require("table").concat +local loadstring = loadstring or load + +local io = require("io") + +local setmetatable = setmetatable + +local output_utility = require("json.encode.output_utility") + +local _ENV = nil + +local tableCompositeCache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'v'}) + +local TABLE_VALUE_WRITER = [[ + ret[#ret + 1] = %VALUE% +]] + +local TABLE_INNER_WRITER = "" + +--[[ + nextValues can output a max of two values to throw into the data stream + expected to be called until nil is first return value + value separator should either be attached to v1 or in innerValue +]] +local function defaultTableCompositeWriter(nextValues, beginValue, closeValue, innerValue, composite, encode, state) + if type(nextValues) == 'string' then + local fun = output_utility.prepareEncoder(defaultTableCompositeWriter, nextValues, innerValue, TABLE_VALUE_WRITER, TABLE_INNER_WRITER) + local ret = {} + fun(composite, ret, encode, state) + return beginValue .. table_concat(ret, innerValue) .. closeValue + end +end + +-- no 'simple' as default action is just to return the value +local function getDefault() + return { composite = defaultTableCompositeWriter } +end + +-- BEGIN IO-WRITER OUTPUT +local IO_INNER_WRITER = [[ + if %WRITE_INNER% then + state.__outputFile:write(%INNER_VALUE%) + end +]] +local IO_VALUE_WRITER = [[ + state.__outputFile:write(%VALUE%) +]] + +local function buildIoWriter(output) + if not output then -- Default to stdout + output = io.output() + end + local function ioWriter(nextValues, beginValue, closeValue, innerValue, composite, encode, state) + -- HOOK OUTPUT STATE + state.__outputFile = output + if type(nextValues) == 'string' then + local fun = output_utility.prepareEncoder(ioWriter, nextValues, innerValue, IO_VALUE_WRITER, IO_INNER_WRITER) + local ret = {} + output:write(beginValue) + fun(composite, ret, encode, state) + output:write(closeValue) + return nil + end + end + + local function ioSimpleWriter(encoded) + if encoded then + output:write(encoded) + end + return nil + end + return { composite = ioWriter, simple = ioSimpleWriter } +end +local function getIoWriter(output) + return function() + return buildIoWriter(output) + end +end + +local output = { + getDefault = getDefault, + getIoWriter = getIoWriter +} + +return output diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/output_utility.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/output_utility.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..b6607d1 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/output_utility.lua @@ -0,0 +1,54 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local setmetatable = setmetatable +local assert, loadstring = assert, loadstring or load + +local _ENV = nil + +-- Key == weak, if main key goes away, then cache cleared +local outputCache = setmetatable({}, {__mode = 'k'}) +-- TODO: inner tables weak? + +local function buildFunction(nextValues, innerValue, valueWriter, innerWriter) + local putInner = "" + if innerValue and innerWriter then + -- Prepare the lua-string representation of the separator to put in between values + local formattedInnerValue = ("%q"):format(innerValue) + -- Fill in the condition %WRITE_INNER% and the %INNER_VALUE% to actually write + putInner = innerWriter:gsub("%%WRITE_INNER%%", "%%1"):gsub("%%INNER_VALUE%%", formattedInnerValue) + end + -- Template-in the value writer (if present) and its conditional argument + local functionCode = nextValues:gsub("PUTINNER(%b())", putInner) + -- %VALUE% is to be filled in by the value-to-write + valueWriter = valueWriter:gsub("%%VALUE%%", "%%1") + -- Template-in the value writer with its argument + functionCode = functionCode:gsub("PUTVALUE(%b())", valueWriter) + functionCode = [[ + return function(composite, ret, encode, state) + ]] .. functionCode .. [[ + end + ]] + return assert(loadstring(functionCode))() +end + +local function prepareEncoder(cacheKey, nextValues, innerValue, valueWriter, innerWriter) + local cache = outputCache[cacheKey] + if not cache then + cache = {} + outputCache[cacheKey] = cache + end + local fun = cache[nextValues] + if not fun then + fun = buildFunction(nextValues, innerValue, valueWriter, innerWriter) + cache[nextValues] = fun + end + return fun +end + +local output_utility = { + prepareEncoder = prepareEncoder +} + +return output_utility diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/encode/strings.lua b/tools/luajson/json/encode/strings.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d85a9 --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/encode/strings.lua @@ -0,0 +1,88 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local string_char = require("string").char +local pairs = pairs + +local jsonutil = require("json.util") +local util_merge = jsonutil.merge + +local _ENV = nil + +local normalEncodingMap = { + ['"'] = '\\"', + ['\\'] = '\\\\', + ['/'] = '\\/', + ['\b'] = '\\b', + ['\f'] = '\\f', + ['\n'] = '\\n', + ['\r'] = '\\r', + ['\t'] = '\\t', + ['\v'] = '\\v' -- not in official spec, on report, removing +} + +local xEncodingMap = {} +for char, encoded in pairs(normalEncodingMap) do + xEncodingMap[char] = encoded +end + +-- Pre-encode the control characters to speed up encoding... +-- NOTE: UTF-8 may not work out right w/ JavaScript +-- JavaScript uses 2 bytes after a \u... yet UTF-8 is a +-- byte-stream encoding, not pairs of bytes (it does encode +-- some letters > 1 byte, but base case is 1) +for i = 0, 255 do + local c = string_char(i) + if c:match('[%z\1-\031\128-\255]') and not normalEncodingMap[c] then + -- WARN: UTF8 specializes values >= 0x80 as parts of sequences... + -- without \x encoding, do not allow encoding > 7F + normalEncodingMap[c] = ('\\u%.4X'):format(i) + xEncodingMap[c] = ('\\x%.2X'):format(i) + end +end + +local defaultOptions = { + xEncode = false, -- Encode single-bytes as \xXX + processor = nil, -- Simple processor for the string prior to quoting + -- / is not required to be quoted but it helps with certain decoding + -- Required encoded characters, " \, and 00-1F (0 - 31) + encodeSet = '\\"/%z\1-\031', + encodeSetAppend = nil -- Chars to append to the default set +} + +local modeOptions = {} + +local function mergeOptions(options, mode) + jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'strings', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode]) +end + +local function getEncoder(options) + options = options and util_merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions + local encodeSet = options.encodeSet + if options.encodeSetAppend then + encodeSet = encodeSet .. options.encodeSetAppend + end + local encodingMap = options.xEncode and xEncodingMap or normalEncodingMap + local encodeString + if options.processor then + local processor = options.processor + encodeString = function(s, state) + return '"' .. processor(s:gsub('[' .. encodeSet .. ']', encodingMap)) .. '"' + end + else + encodeString = function(s, state) + return '"' .. s:gsub('[' .. encodeSet .. ']', encodingMap) .. '"' + end + end + return { + string = encodeString + } +end + +local strings = { + mergeOptions = mergeOptions, + getEncoder = getEncoder +} + +return strings diff --git a/tools/luajson/json/util.lua b/tools/luajson/json/util.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a4599db --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/json/util.lua @@ -0,0 +1,152 @@ +--[[ + Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document + Author: Thomas Harning Jr +]] +local type = type +local print = print +local tostring = tostring +local pairs = pairs +local getmetatable, setmetatable = getmetatable, setmetatable +local select = select + +local _ENV = nil + +local function foreach(tab, func) + for k, v in pairs(tab) do + func(k,v) + end +end +local function printValue(tab, name) + local parsed = {} + local function doPrint(key, value, space) + space = space or '' + if type(value) == 'table' then + if parsed[value] then + print(space .. key .. '= <' .. parsed[value] .. '>') + else + parsed[value] = key + print(space .. key .. '= {') + space = space .. ' ' + foreach(value, function(key, value) doPrint(key, value, space) end) + end + else + if type(value) == 'string' then + value = '[[' .. tostring(value) .. ']]' + end + print(space .. key .. '=' .. tostring(value)) + end + end + doPrint(name, tab) +end + +local function clone(t) + local ret = {} + for k,v in pairs(t) do + ret[k] = v + end + return ret +end + +local function inner_merge(t, remaining, from, ...) + if remaining == 0 then + return t + end + if from then + for k,v in pairs(from) do + t[k] = v + end + end + return inner_merge(t, remaining - 1, ...) +end + +--[[* + Shallow-merges tables in order onto the first table. + + @param t table to merge entries onto + @param ... sequence of 0 or more tables to merge onto 't' + + @returns table 't' from input +]] +local function merge(t, ...) + return inner_merge(t, select('#', ...), ...) +end + +-- Function to insert nulls into the JSON stream +local function null() + return null +end + +-- Marker for 'undefined' values +local function undefined() + return undefined +end + +local ArrayMT = {} + +--[[ + Return's true if the metatable marks it as an array.. + Or false if it has no array component at all + Otherwise nil to get the normal detection component working +]] +local function IsArray(value) + if type(value) ~= 'table' then return false end + local meta = getmetatable(value) + local ret = meta == ArrayMT or (meta ~= nil and meta.__is_luajson_array) + if not ret then + if #value == 0 then return false end + else + return ret + end +end +local function InitArray(array) + setmetatable(array, ArrayMT) + return array +end + +local CallMT = {} + +local function isCall(value) + return CallMT == getmetatable(value) +end + +local function buildCall(name, ...) + local callData = { + name = name, + parameters = {n = select('#', ...), ...} + } + return setmetatable(callData, CallMT) +end + +local function decodeCall(callData) + if not isCall(callData) then return nil end + return callData.name, callData.parameters +end + +local function doOptionMerge(options, nested, name, defaultOptions, modeOptions) + if nested then + modeOptions = modeOptions and modeOptions[name] + defaultOptions = defaultOptions and defaultOptions[name] + end + options[name] = merge( + {}, + defaultOptions, + modeOptions, + options[name] + ) +end + +local json_util = { + printValue = printValue, + clone = clone, + merge = merge, + null = null, + undefined = undefined, + IsArray = IsArray, + InitArray = InitArray, + isCall = isCall, + buildCall = buildCall, + decodeCall = decodeCall, + doOptionMerge = doOptionMerge +} + +return json_util diff --git a/tools/luajson/test_json.lua b/tools/luajson/test_json.lua new file mode 100644 index 0000000..09d086b --- /dev/null +++ b/tools/luajson/test_json.lua @@ -0,0 +1,95 @@ +package.path = package.path .. ";lua_scripts/libraries/luajson/?.lua" + +local JSON = require"json" + +local jsontest = [[{ 1:{"scn_ptz_id":"", +"scn_ptz_prepos":"Preset 176", +"scn_ptz_order":1, +"scn_ptz_duration":"30", +"scn_ptz_rally_delay":"2"} +, +2:{"scn_ptz_id":"","scn_ptz_prepos":"route","scn_ptz_order":2,"scn_ptz_duration":"30","scn_ptz_rally_delay":"2"} } +]] +local jsontest2 = [[{ + "extension":"mpg", + "id":1545148451781, + "name":"Foule_1280x720p.mpg", + "size":67240746, + "date":1545148451, + "mime":"video\/mpeg", + "filename":"1545148451781.mpg", + "dir":"\/home\/pixalarm_data\/fileprocessor_data", + "function_metadatas": + { + "function_faceblur": + { + "date":1545228627, + "current_frame":"845", + "polygons":[ + { + "polygon_id":"new_1", + "polygon_vertex":"[ + [0.14254859611231102,0.12476007677543186],[0.13174946004319654,0.4740882917466411], + [0.3898488120950324,0.6621880998080614],[0.4038876889848812,0.11516314779270634] + ]", + "polygon_frame_start":"1", + "polygon_frame_stop":"300", + "polygon_type":"full_blur" + }, + { + "polygon_id":"new_2", + "polygon_vertex":"[ + [0.6198704103671706,0.1727447216890595],[0.5496760259179265,0.6007677543186181], + [0.7775377969762419,0.7946257197696737],[0.9028077753779697,0.761996161228407], + [0.9481641468682506,0.2821497120921305],[0.7829373650107991,0.04798464491362764] + ]", + "polygon_frame_start":"200", + "polygon_frame_stop":"845", + "polygon_type":"no_blur" + } + ], + "framecuts":[ + ["17","110"], + ["248","298"], + ["488","620"], + ["378","428"] + ], + "face_selection":[ + { + "frame":"21", + "x":"0.5", + "y":"0.356" + }, + { + "frame":"108", + "x":"0.4289", + "y":"0.275" + }, + { + "frame":"294", + "x":"0.726", + "y":"0.2364" + } + ], + "blur_type":"blur", + "blur_area":"face" + } + }, + "total_frame":"845", + "status":"DECODE_FINISHED", + "fps":"25.00" +}]] + +local res = JSON.decode(jsontest2) +for k, v in pairs(res) do + print( k, v) +end + +res = JSON.decode( '{"content" : {},"date" : "2014-12-30T08:29:48Z","error" : {"code" : 0,"httpcode" : 200,"message" : ""},"status" : 1}' ) +for k, v in pairs(res) do + print( k, v) +end + +local jsondata = JSON.encode( res ) +print(jsondata) +