
172 lines
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2024-11-15 23:46:11 +01:00
"label": "Gods&Traits",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
2024-11-26 20:05:00 +01:00
"folders": {
"Dieux": "Gods",
"Pouvoirs démoniaques": "Demonic Powers"
2024-11-15 23:46:11 +01:00
"entries": {
"Afyra, Deesse de la Vie": {
"name": "Afyra, Goddess of Life",
"description": ""
"Charkond, Dieu de la Guerre et des Batailles": {
"name": "Charkond, God of War, Lord of Battle",
"description": ""
"Chiomalla, Deesse des Grains et des Moissons": {
"name": "Chiomalla, Goddess of Crops, Lady of the Harvest",
"description": ""
"Dyr, Dieu des Tempêtes et du Tonnerre": {
"name": "Dyr, God of Storms, the Thunder Lord",
"description": ""
"Fillana, déesse des étoiles": {
"name": "Fillana, Goddess of the Stars",
"description": ""
"Fyrzon la Sentinelle, lInébranlable": {
"name": "Fyrzon the Sentinel, the Steadfast",
"description": ""
"Grondil, le dieu bâtisseur": {
"name": "Grondil the Builder God",
"description": ""
"Hadron le Noir , seigneur du Néant": {
"name": "Hadron, Lord of the Void, the Dark One",
"description": ""
"Hurm, le père des dieux, seigneur du ciel": {
"name": "Hurm, Father-God, God of the Sky",
"description": ""
"Iondal le débauché": {
"name": "Iondal the Carouser",
"description": ""
"Karyzon, le seigneur des vents": {
"name": "Karyzon the Wind Lord",
"description": ""
"Knothakon, dieu de la sagesse, seigneur des âges": {
"name": "Knothakon, God of Wisdom, Lord of Aeons",
"description": ""
"Lilandra la séductrice": {
"name": "Lilandra the Seductress",
"description": ""
"Morgazzon, roi-démon de la folie": {
"name": "Morgazzon, The Demonlord of Madness",
"description": ""
"Nemmereth du long sommeil, dieu de la mort": {
"name": "Nemmereth of the Long Sleep, The Death God",
"description": ""
"Piandra, déesse de la chance, Dame Fortune": {
"name": "Piandra, The Goddess of Luck, Lady of Fortune",
"description": ""
"Quathoomar, dieu du voyage": {
"name": "Quathoomar, Lord of Travel, The Pathfinder",
"description": ""
"SaTel, dieu des étoiles": {
"name": "SaTel, The God of Stars",
"description": ""
"Shazzadion, dieu des mers": {
"name": "Shazzadion the Sea Lord",
"description": ""
"Tharungozoth le massacreur, seigneur des souffrances": {
"name": "Tharungozoth the Slaughterer, the Pain Lord",
"description": ""
"Yrzlak le dieu forgeron": {
"name": "Yrzlak the Godsmith",
"description": ""
"Zaggath, seigneur du Feu": {
"name": "Zaggath, Lord of Fire",
"description": ""
"Zalkyr le Lumineux, dieu du soleil": {
"name": "Zalkyr the Bright, Lord of Light, Sun God",
"description": ""
"Zylidith, seigneur du sang, dieu du sacrifice": {
"name": "Zylidith, Lord of Blood, God of the Sacrifice",
"description": ""
"Armes Améliorées": {
"name": "Enhanced Weaponry",
"description": "<p>The demon possesses some form of natural weaponry, such as claws, fangs, blades, beaks, clubbed tails, etc., or is more skilled at using normal weapons. The demon receives a bonus die to all Attack Rolls.</p>"
"Armure": {
"name": "Armour",
"description": "<p>The demon has bony plates, spines, thick hide, or other defences that provide protection against physical attacks. Protection is d6-2 (2).</p>"
"Attaques dévastatrices": {
"name": "Destructive Attacks",
"description": "<p>The demons attacks are particularly damaging. It causes the next higher damage level on the Beasts table (so a Greater Demon with this power causes d6 ×2 damage).</p>"
"Chair Malléable": {
"name": "Malleable Flesh",
"description": "<p>The demon is clay-like or squishy in a most disgusting way, and can form itself into weird shapes from completely flat, to amoeboid, to spherical, and can get into or out of any shackles or prison (except sorcerous ones).</p>"
"Cuirasssé": {
"name": "Heavily Armoured",
"description": "<p>This power provides d6 (4) protection, but at the cost of two Powers.</p>"
"Faculté de parole": {
"name": "Speech",
"description": "<p>The demon is capable of human speech</p>"
"Forme humaine": {
"name": "Human Form",
"description": "<p>The demon can take the shape of a human, but if injured or caused to fight, will normally morph back into its demonic form</p>"
"Intangible": {
"name": "Non-Corporeal",
"description": "<p>The demon lacks a physical body (in this dimension at least) and can only be harmed by sorcery or some alchemy</p>"
"Poison": {
"name": "Poison",
"description": "<p>The demon can exude a poisonous substance, which will immediately paralyse anything of man-size (medium) or smaller. Heroes get to make a Tough strength Task Roll to avoid paralysis. Once paralysed, the victim will die within an hour. Those affected get to make another Tough strength Task Roll to avoid death</p>"
"Progéniture": {
"name": "Offspring",
"description": "<p>The demon produces d6 offspring every week. They start as rabble for a week after spawning, advancing to Minor Demons, and then to Lesser Demons in another week, stopping at one level of demon lower than their sire so Minor Demons can only ever produce rabble.</p>"
"Régénération": {
"name": "Regeneration",
"description": "<p>The demon can regenerate a point of damage every round, and can remove the effects caused by a Precision Strike in two rounds.</p>"
"Savoir spécial": {
"name": "Special Knowledge",
"description": "<p>The demon has one career at rank 6.</p>"
"Séducteur": {
"name": "Seductive",
"description": "<p>The demon has unnatural appeal and can immediately make d6+6 rabble obey its orders to the letter. It can also seduce Heroes (who must make a mind-based Task Roll or become pliant to the demons requests).</p>"
"Sorcellerie": {
"name": "Sorcery",
"description": "<p>The demon can cast spells. Minor Demons have 2 Arcane Power, Lesser Demons have 5 Arcane Power, and Greater Demons have 10.</p>"
"Télépathie": {
"name": "Telepathy",
"description": "<p>The demon can implant messages and suggestions, as well as read minds</p>"
"Vulnérabilité": {
"name": "Vulnerability",
"description": "<p>In return for an extra Demonic Power, you can give a demon a weakness. The demon takes double damage from a particular source (magic, fire, electricity, iron, acid, etc.) or normal damage from a source that is not normally harmful to humans (sunlight, water, music, certain symbols, etc.)</p>"