"name":"Chiomalla, Goddess of Crops, Lady of the Harvest",
"Dyr, Dieu des Tempêtes et du Tonnerre":{
"name":"Dyr, God of Storms, the Thunder Lord",
"Fillana, déesse des étoiles":{
"name":"Fillana, Goddess of the Stars",
"Fyrzon la Sentinelle, l’Inébranlable":{
"name":"Fyrzon the Sentinel, the Steadfast",
"Grondil, le dieu bâtisseur":{
"name":"Grondil the Builder God",
"Hadron le Noir , seigneur du Néant":{
"name":"Hadron, Lord of the Void, the Dark One",
"Hurm, le père des dieux, seigneur du ciel":{
"name":"Hurm, Father-God, God of the Sky",
"Iondal le débauché":{
"name":"Iondal the Carouser",
"Karyzon, le seigneur des vents":{
"name":"Karyzon the Wind Lord",
"Knothakon, dieu de la sagesse, seigneur des âges":{
"name":"Knothakon, God of Wisdom, Lord of Aeons",
"Lilandra la séductrice":{
"name":"Lilandra the Seductress",
"Morgazzon, roi-démon de la folie":{
"name":"Morgazzon, The Demonlord of Madness",
"Nemmereth du long sommeil, dieu de la mort":{
"name":"Nemmereth of the Long Sleep, The Death God",
"Piandra, déesse de la chance, Dame Fortune":{
"name":"Piandra, The Goddess of Luck, Lady of Fortune",
"Quathoomar, dieu du voyage":{
"name":"Quathoomar, Lord of Travel, The Pathfinder",
"Sa’Tel, dieu des étoiles":{
"name":"Sa’Tel, The God of Stars",
"Shazzadion, dieu des mers":{
"name":"Shazzadion the Sea Lord",
"Tharungozoth le massacreur, seigneur des souffrances":{
"name":"Tharungozoth the Slaughterer, the Pain Lord",
"Yrzlak le dieu forgeron":{
"name":"Yrzlak the Godsmith",
"Zaggath, seigneur du Feu":{
"name":"Zaggath, Lord of Fire",
"Zalkyr le Lumineux, dieu du soleil":{
"name":"Zalkyr the Bright, Lord of Light, Sun God",
"Zylidith, seigneur du sang, dieu du sacrifice":{
"name":"Zylidith, Lord of Blood, God of the Sacrifice",
"Armes Améliorées":{
"name":"Enhanced Weaponry",
"description":"<p>The demon possesses some form of natural weaponry, such as claws, fangs, blades, beaks, clubbed tails, etc., or is more skilled at using normal weapons. The demon receives a bonus die to all Attack Rolls.</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon has bony plates, spines, thick hide, or other defences that provide protection against physical attacks. Protection is d6-2 (2).</p>"
"Attaques dévastatrices":{
"name":"Destructive Attacks",
"description":"<p>The demon’s attacks are particularly damaging. It causes the next higher damage level on the Beasts table (so a Greater Demon with this power causes d6 ×2 damage).</p>"
"Chair Malléable":{
"name":"Malleable Flesh",
"description":"<p>The demon is clay-like or squishy in a most disgusting way, and can form itself into weird shapes – from completely flat, to amoeboid, to spherical, and can get into or out of any shackles or prison (except sorcerous ones).</p>"
"name":"Heavily Armoured",
"description":"<p>This power provides d6 (4) protection, but at the cost of two Powers.</p>"
"Faculté de parole":{
"description":"<p>The demon is capable of human speech</p>"
"Forme humaine":{
"name":"Human Form",
"description":"<p>The demon can take the shape of a human, but if injured or caused to fight, will normally morph back into its demonic form</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon lacks a physical body (in this dimension at least) and can only be harmed by sorcery or some alchemy</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon can exude a poisonous substance, which will immediately paralyse anything of man-size (medium) or smaller. Heroes get to make a Tough strength Task Roll to avoid paralysis. Once paralysed, the victim will die within an hour. Those affected get to make another Tough strength Task Roll to avoid death</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon produces d6 offspring every week. They start as rabble for a week after spawning, advancing to Minor Demons, and then to Lesser Demons in another week, stopping at one level of demon lower than their sire – so Minor Demons can only ever produce rabble.</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon can regenerate a point of damage every round, and can remove the effects caused by a Precision Strike in two rounds.</p>"
"Savoir spécial":{
"name":"Special Knowledge",
"description":"<p>The demon has one career at rank6.</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon has unnatural appeal and can immediately make d6+6 rabble obey its orders to the letter. It can also seduce Heroes (who must make a mind-based Task Roll or become pliant to the demon’s requests).</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon can cast spells. Minor Demons have 2 Arcane Power, Lesser Demons have 5 Arcane Power, and Greater Demons have 10.</p>"
"description":"<p>The demon can implant messages and suggestions, as well as read minds</p>"
"description":"<p>In return for an extra Demonic Power, you can give a demon a weakness. The demon takes double damage from a particular source (magic, fire, electricity, iron, acid, etc.) or normal damage from a source that is not normally harmful to humans (sunlight, water, music, certain symbols, etc.)</p>"