{ "label": "Heroic careers", "mapping": { "description": "system.description" }, "entries": { "Alchimiste (artificier/inventeur)": { "name": "Alchemist (Artificer, Inventor)", "description": "

Alchemist (Artificer, Inventor)

Alchemists are the scientists and inventors of Lemuria, and are often mistaken for wizards by those who do not understand science. They are masters of metallurgy and chemical processes, mixing and blending various ingredients together to create potions and tinctures, and have extensive knowledge of herbs and plants, often growing them in their own gardens.

Their work with chemicals and metals enables alchemists to produce perfumes, potions, powders, poisons, metal alloys, devices, machines, and other amazing creations. Some knowledgeable alchemists can splice living things to create bizarre and horrific chimeras. When making machines, alchemists work closely with blacksmiths to build their creations. For more information on Alchemy, see Chapter 6

Attributes: Mind is normally the most important attribute for alchemists, as they need to be able to make and read descriptive notes, understand ancient texts and diagrams, and build devices from the descriptions written by the Sorcerer-Kings.

Adventuring: This is not a terribly common career for Heroes as it requires much patience and little excitement. However, some of the more daring alchemists like to visit ancient sites to see the remains themselves, in case there are relics they’d recognise for their true worth that others would pass over.

Fighting: are very few circumstances where having ranks as an alchemist would help a character in combat.

Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Excellent Library, Excellent Workshop, Keen Scent, Learned, Poison Resistance, Savant

Suggested Flaws: Absent-Minded, City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Delicate, Non-Combatant, Obsession (knowledge or artefacts)

Perilous Career: For each rank above 2 in this career, the character must take a flaw (see the List of Boons and Flaws)

Languages: Alchemists need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately

" }, "Assassin (agent/espion)": { "name": "Assassin (Agent, Spy)", "description": "

Assassin (Agent, Spy

Blades-for-hire, perhaps agents in the service of the king, spies and assassins make killing and stealing in a discreet manner a way of life. They are adept at sneak attacks, killing, information gathering, disguises, city lore, persuasion, poisons, and lock picking. Their methods involve gathering intelligence on their subject from various (sometimes seedy) sources, circumventing security measures of all types, adopting disguises that allow them to get close to the target, and building up a broad selection of contacts. They are also patient, sometimes hiding out in a single spot for days to await the perfect opportunity to strike. It is widely acknowledged that the best assassins are from Halakh.

Attributes: All of the attributes are important for assassin characters.

Adventuring: Assassins and spies tend to be loners, so this isn’t a career that lends itself to an adventuring group. However, ex-assassins do have skills that might be welcome in an adventuring party.

Fighting: In combat, an assassin might gain a brief advantage in a surprise attack, such as when he strikes out of the shadows, or when he attacks by surprise using a concealed blade.

Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, City Dweller, Hunted, Infamous, Obsession (finish the mission).

" }, "Astrologue": { "name": "Astrologue", "description": "



Lorsque les dieux veulent communiquer avec les hommes, ils utilisent le plus souvent les rêves ou les oracles. Mais leurs messages sont généralement abscons, énigmatiques, mystérieux. Pour les déchiffrer, il est nécessaire de faire appel aux talents d’un voyant, d’un devin ou de quelque autre interprète des volontés célestes. Encore faut-il que les dieux aient le désir de révéler leurs secrets aux simples mortels. La plupart du temps, ils préfèrent s’amuser à fourvoyer les malheureux plutôt que de tenter de les sauver de leur destin tragique. En effet, les prêtres affirment que l’avenir est écrit et que les dieux connaissent le début et la fin de toute chose.


L’astrologie naquit lorsque les hommes, anxieux de connaître leur sort sans devoir attendre la bonne volonté des dieux, levèrent les yeux vers leur domaine et scrutèrent les signes qui s’y manifestaient. Car Hurm arbitre le destin de tout être et de toute chose, et Sa’Tel a consigné les décrets du roi des dieux sur la voûte céleste. Ils découvrirent ainsi que le destin pouvait se laisser augurer dans les étoiles du firmament, à condition de savoir interpréter les conjonctions et les transits des astres, et de connaître la signification de chaque corps et phénomène célestes. Mais il n’est pas donné à tout le monde de pouvoir déchiffrer les Glyphes sacrés que constituent les constellations.


Les sages capables de lire l’avenir dans les étoiles sont désignés sous le nom d’astrologues. Leur art consiste à établir des cartes du ciel et à en donner une interprétation afin de révéler le destin d’un individu et le sort que lui réservent les dieux, par exemple à l’occasion d’un voyage, d’un choix à faire, d’une tâche à entreprendre. Qu’ils soient princes, généraux, marchands, aventuriers ou simples paysans, tous consultent des astrologues, car même le héros le plus brave peut hésiter devant une quête en apparence impossible, à moins d’avoir l’assurance que les dieux lui souriront.




étudier les conjonctions et analyser le mouvement des astres requièrent une solide érudition et une intelligence pénétrante. Tout personnage voulant se lancer dans cette carrière aura donc intérêt à privilégier l’esprit. Mais pour l’astrologue qui serait moins doué dans l’établissement d’un thème astral précis, une bonne aura permettra d’énoncer des prédictions avec conviction, même si lui-même n’est pas vraiment certain de leur fiabilité...


À l’aventure


quitter son observatoire pour parcourir des centaines de lieues, affronter des dangers, risquer de se faire capturer et réduire en esclavage ? Parfois la connaissance est à ce prix. Même si un astrologue a plutôt tendance à vouloir rester en ville pour vendre ses horoscopes et examiner le ciel, il est des événements qui ne peuvent s’observer qu’à un endroit et à un moment précis. De plus, un groupe ne refusera probablement pas la présence d’un astrologue suffisamment doué pour déterminer si les conjonctures sont favorables avant de s’engager dans quelque périlleuse expédition.




pour sauver sa vie, un astrologue en situation critique fera comme la plupart des gens sensés : il cherchera à se cacher ou à fuir. Et surtout, jamais il ne se risquera à provoquer une réaction qui pourrait entraîner un affrontement physique. À moins, peut-être, que son horoscope ne lui prédise une issue favorable !


Idées d’Avantages


amis haut placés, beau parleur, bibliothèque savante, érudit, laboratoire fourni, savant.


Idées de Désavantages


chétif, distrait, foie jaune, gars de la ville, non-combattant, obsession, souffreteux.



" }, "Barbare (berserk/primitif)": { "name": "Barbarian (Berserker, Savage)", "description": "

Barbarian (Berserker, Savage)

These characters are not from the cities of Lemuria, but from the Axos Mountains, the Valgardian Northlands, the Beshaar Deserts, and other wildernesses of the continent. Barbarians are wild and untamed, like the lands they live in. They have natural skills in wilderness lore, survival, beast riding, intimidation, natural instincts, berserk rages, and so on.

Attributes: Living rough requires a certain degree of hardiness, and so barbarians are generally noted for their strength. A good agility is also useful.

Adventuring: Barbarian characters are natural adventurers and have the skills and abilities to survive where others wouldn’t.

Fighting: In combat, barbarians are generally brutal and unrefined. This might shock city folks not used to dealing with such savagery, so a barbarian could gain a brief advantage where the fight is hard and dirty.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Disease Immunity, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Jungle-Born, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Mountain-Born, Plains-Born, Quick Recovery, Battle Harness, Strength Feat, Swamp-Born, Thick Skin, Tundra-Born, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.

" }, "Bourreau (geôlier/esclavagiste)": { "name": "Executioner (Slaver, Torturer)", "description": "

Executioner (Slaver, Torturer)

Executioners are expected to carry out public slayings as required by local nobles and judges.

Torturers are tasked with locking up some of the most hardened criminals in the cities of Lemuria. They ply their unpleasant trade in the most squalid of conditions, deep underground, extracting information from reticent prisoners and enemies of the kings.

Torturers are skilled in interrogation and intimidation, and have a basic awareness of anatomy and first aid (you’ve got to make sure your prisoners are healthy before they are broken).

Slavers travel to foreign parts to capture or buy “savages” to bring back to the cities of Lemuria for sale as gladiators, labourers, servants, and harem slaves

Attributes: They are not often blessed with a great deal of appeal, but strength is handy for beheadings and for maintaining a hold on your captives.

Adventuring: Although torturers rarely leave their dank prisons, and don’t have much interest in adventure, the odd executioner may find himself exiled and forced to choose riches and wealth over pain and suffering. Slavers travel far and wide.

Fighting: In combat, executioners prefer two-handed axes and great swords, and some slavers will be handy with a whip. Executioners are not subtle, so skilled fighters will rarely fall to their combat style unless already prone and helpless.

Suggested Boons: Strength Feat, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Quick Recovery, Friends in Low Places, Trademark Weapon.

Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Cowardly, City Dweller, Drunkard, Fear of …, Greed, Illiterate, Lumbering, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Poor Eyesight, Poor Hearing, Ugly & Brutish, Unsettling, Unprepared, Zealot.

" }, "Chasseur (éclaireur/pisteur)": { "name": "Hunter (Scout, Tracker)", "description": "

Hunter (Scout, Tracker)

The hunter is a master of tracking prey through the wilderness and the wastelands. Once hunters locate their target, they’ll use stealth, traps and/or expert bowmanship to bring it down. They are at home in the wild and can survive there for long periods, returning to more civilised areas only when they have furs and hides to sell, or when they require the company of their fellow men (or women).

Attributes: Agility is important to a hunter, as are strength and mind to a slightly lesser degree.

Adventuring: Hunting dangerous beasts is adventure enough. However, hunters are also very familiar with the areas they hunt in and sometimes stumble across old trails, ancient ruins, and strange places during their travels. For this reason, they can be highly sought after as guides.

Fighting: In combat, a hunter may receive a career bonus if fighting a creature of a type he is familiar with, but the career is rarely useful against human opponents.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Beast-Friend, Desert- Born, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Mountain-Born, Night Sight, Plains-Born, Sneaky, Swamp-Born, Tools of the Trade

Suggested Flaws: Landlubber, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Taciturn.

" }, "Danseur (acrobate/saltimbanque)": { "name": "Dancer (Acrobat, Tumbler)", "description": "

Dancer (Acrobat, Tumbler)

Dancing is an important part of entertainment in Lemuria. Ceremonies and feasts will have dancers or acrobats. Dancers are athletic, showing feats of skill, agility, and coordination. Some dancers extend their skills to a few sleight of hand and juggling tricks, and others to exotic techniques using veils to barely conceal their nakedness.

Attributes: Dancers rely mostly on their agility and their appeal. Acrobats and tumblers tend to be stronger than they look.

Adventuring: These entertainers often travel around in troupes from city to city. This can lead to some dangerous situations on the road, from fierce monsters to brigands and thieves.

Fighting: In combat, a dancer might gain an advantage if her opponent is too busy examining her charms, or she might gain an edge performing a roll or diving tumble. However, dancing is not really a combat career and will rarely be of use against a skilled fighting man. Acrobats can make very good use of vines, ropes, and wall hangings in daring swashbuckling-style moves, though.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Attractive, Born Athlete, Deft Hands, Escape Artist, Quick Recovery, Sneaky.

Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Delicate, Non- Combatant.

" }, "Dresseur (maître des bêtes/montreur d’ours)": { "name": "Beastmaster (Animal Handler, Beast Trainer)", "description": "

Beastmaster (Animal Handler, Beast Trainer)

Beastmasters are in demand all over Lemuria for their special empathy and skill with animals. They train animals for riding, for pulling wagons, for combat, and even for the gladiatorial arena. Beastmasters can calm maddened creatures, are expert riders and wagoneers, can recognise whether creatures are dangerous and about to attack or not, and often have some skill in healing them if injured or sick. Some beastmasters rule their animals by fear and deprivation.

Attributes: Beastmasters have to have a strong personality, tempered with a good heart (in most cases) and steely determination. So appeal is the most important, but mind is a close runner-up.

Adventuring: Beastmasters are sought after by merchant with caravans, by nobles and commanders of armies to train and look after their mounts, by owners of gladiatorial arenas, and by adventurers who expect to come across strange beasts on their missions.

Fighting: Beastmasters know how to deal with beasts and where their weak spots are, so they will gain the occasional advantage if they ever have to fight them.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Beast-Friend, Born-in-the-Saddle, Keen Eyesight, Keen Hearing, Keen Scent, Night Sight, Poison Resistance, Battle Harness.

Suggested Flaws: Can’t Lie, Country Bumpkin, Hot-Headed, Illiterate.

" }, "Esclave (serf/serviteur)": { "name": "Slave (Serf, Thrall)", "description": "

Slave (Serf, Thrall)

Slavery is not exactly a career of choice for a heroic adventurer. Nevertheless, it can be useful in rounding out a character concept, and does provide the opportunity to pick up a few skills and techniques that other careers do not give.

The career provides skill in things like humility, going unnoticed, listening and sneaking, as well as cooking, cleaning, gardening, sewing, and manual labour. Some slaves (the strong ones or the troublemakers) are sold to gladiatorial arenas. In Zalut, if you are not a priest, an alchemist, or a magician, you are a slave.

Attributes: Slaves that are used for labour need good strength – female slaves normally find things better (or worse!) if they have appeal. Slaves used to run errands often need high agility. Clever slaves are normally considered to be troublemakers.

Adventuring: Adventurous slaves invariably do not remain enslaved for very long, unless it suits their purposes. A life on the run from slavery leads to adventure, whether wanted or not.

Fighting: The career is not really of any practical use in a fight. Still, slaves will mostly be ignored by warriors, maybe to their cost.

Suggested Boons: Escape Artist, Keen Hearing, Sneaky, Strength Feat.

Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Cursed, Fear of …, Feels the Cold, Illiterate, Landlubber, Mute, Non-Combatant, Poor Recovery, Taciturn.

" }, "Fermier (paysan/berger)": { "name": "Farmer (Herder, Peasant)", "description": "

Farmer (Herder, Peasant)

Farmers live outside the city, but often within half a day’s travel, so that they are able to get their produce to the city to feed the populace. They are hardy and hard-working, and are skilled in basic plant and animal lore, animal handling, cooking, baking and brewing, trading for basic goods, and such like.

Attributes: Farmers do not rely on any one attribute over any other, although appeal is probably the least important.

Adventuring: Farmers are not particularly adventurous, so something unusual or dreadful would have to happen to make a farmer leave his farm and take up a life of adventure.

Fighting: Farmers are not generally skilled combatants and so rarely receive any advantage from this career, except maybe when defending their own lands against raiders, or when turning an agricultural implement into a serviceable weapon.

Suggested Boons: Beast-Friend, Brawler, Carouser, Marked by the Gods.

Suggested Flaws: Country Bumpkin, Drunkard, Gullible, Landlubber, Lumbering, Taciturn, Ugly & Brutish, Unprepared.

" }, "Forgeron (armurier)": { "name": "Blacksmith (Armourer)", "description": "

Blacksmith (Armourer)

Often found helping alchemists to build their inventions, these craftspeople work hard at their forges – melting, bending, shaping, and fixing metal objects. They are skilled at weapon and armour making and repair. They craft tools and implements, and manufacture many other metallic items and objects, from shackles and cages, to the metal parts of galleys and sky-boats. Their skills lie in metallurgy, and the knowledge of weapons, armour, and metal goods. This helps them when bartering and haggling the price of metallic items.

Attributes: Blacksmiths are noted for their strength and their toughness – being able to work hard at their forge tends to develop their muscles and hardiness.

Adventuring: Blacksmiths aren’t really adventurers, although some do join mercenary companies to craft and maintain their weapons and armour.

Fighting: Although not a combatant, a blacksmith might receive a melee bonus if his opponent is wearing metallic armour and if he knows its design and weak points.

Suggested Boons: Brawler, Battle Harness, Excellent Workshop, Master Crafter, Strength Feat, Tools of the Trade, Trademark Weapon.

Suggested Flaws: Feels the Cold, Gullible, Hot- Headed, Taciturn, Unprepared.

" }, "Gladiateur (champion, belluaire)": { "name": "Gladiator (champion, myrmidon)", "description": "

Gladiator (champion, myrmidon)

Gladiators are specialists at individual combat. They are adept with a variety of weapons. They can fight humans or beasts in an entertaining fashion. Gladiators may have ended up in the arena as a slave or to pay off a debt – whatever the reason, they have survived to hear the howls of the crowd and their adversary at their feet. The best gladiators are often famous outside the arena, which can be to their advantage or to their detriment.

Attributes: Gladiators should be strong and agile, but the most popular ones also have plenty of appeal.

Adventuring: A life in the arena does not lend itself to a life of adventure. However, many Heroes have spent some of their time in a gladiatorial arena, either by choice, by circumstance, or by necessity

Fighting: They are especially good at fighting in a style that is designed for spectacular bloodletting rather than a simple quick kill. They might get a combat bonus on certain flashy moves, if not overused and, as usual, at the GM’s discretion.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Born Athlete, Brawler, Fearsome Looks, Hard-to-Kill, Marked by the Gods, Quick Recovery, Battle Harness, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.

Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Distinctive Appearance, Hot-Headed, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb.

" }, "Marchand (colporteur/négociant)": { "name": "Merchant (Peddler, Trader)", "description": "

Merchant (Peddler, Trader)

Merchants are not shopkeepers – they are wide- travelled adventurers, who seek new and exotic goods to sell from faraway places. As such, merchant characters pick up a range of useful skills like trading, appraisal, obtaining rare or unusual goods, persuasion, city lore, knowledge of distant places, and guild membership. If you want a strange or unusual item, speak to a merchant first.

Attributes: Merchants need a quick mind and a degree of appeal to haggle and barter for their living.

Adventuring: A life on the road is a life of adventure, whether the merchant tries to avoid it or not. Many merchants actively seek out new lands and new markets, leading to many adventures.

Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Great Wealth, Savant, Silver Tongue.

Suggested Flaws: Greed, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Unprepared.

" }, "Marin (matelot/pirate)": { "name": "Sailor (Mariner, Pirate)", "description": "

Sailor (Mariner, Pirate)

Sailors are sea warriors and adventurers, are skilled in sea lore, navigation by stars, and boat handling, and have a good knowledge of local ports and nearby coastlines and islands.

Skilled mariners are always in demand and so they will rarely be refused working passage on board a galley. Rogues of the sea, pirates are skilled in seacraft and speak their own version of Lemurian, known as Sea-Tongue

Attributes: Sailors need strength, and some agility is useful too.

Adventuring: A life at sea is full of adventure – sea monsters, exotic places, strange people, sea battles and treasure maps are all food and drink to a mariner.

Fighting: Sailors may receive a combat bonus in actions at sea and possibly even against sea creatures that they might have some familiarity with or heard about.

Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Distinctive Appearance, Distrust of Sorcery, Drunkard, Fear of …, Greed, Hot Headed, Illiterate, Lustful, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb.

" }, "Médecin (guérisseur/rebouteux)": { "name": "Physician (Healer, Leech)", "description": "

Physician (Healer, Leech)

Physicians, and others who can heal injured or sick people, are very important individuals in the cities of Lemuria. With their great scale of knowledge and the importance of their job, they are held in high esteem in society. Most of the lowest-born citizens cannot afford the services of a physician, and are forced to use the services of charlatans and quacks.

Physicians are dispensers of potions and medicines and have practical skills in bone setting, surgery, and child delivery. They are knowledgeable of plant lore, first aid, and diseases and their cures. Many physicians have their own herb gardens, where they grow the exotic plants that are used in their medications. And some physicians practise a little basic alchemy (see Chapter 6). Physicians need to be literate.

Attributes: Mind is the most important attribute for a physician character.

Adventuring: Being a physician does not lend itself to a life of adventure, although physicians will be required by both sea and army captains.

Fighting: In combat, the physician’s career is not really of particular benefit to a character, although after the fight, they are often most welcome.

Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Disease Immunity, Excellent Library, Healing Touch, Learned, Poison Resistance.

Suggested Flaws: Can’t Lie, City Dweller, Combat Paralysis, Drunkard, Non-Combatant.

" }, "Mendiant (vagabond/clochard)": { "name": "Beggar (Hobo, Vagabond)", "description": "

Beggar (Hobo, Vagabond)

Beggars are vagrants or tramps, aimlessly wandering from place to place. They may do casual work here and there, they may sell a few small trinkets that they carry about in their backpacks, or they may have to beg for a few coins when times are really hard. Some even turn their hands to dishonest pursuits.

Attributes: There are no particular attributes that vagabonds are noted for, although it helps if begging to have a deformity, missing body part, or an unsocial disease (or at least to fake having one of these disabilities).

Adventuring: A life on the road means you will meet all sorts of people and can lead to adventure even if you are not actively seeking it.

Fighting: A vagabond is not normally a combatant, and therefore the only times having this career would be helpful in a fight is when the character is doing his best not to be noticed.

Suggested Boons: Deft Hands, Friends in Low Places, Low-Born, Sneaky.

Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Cravings, Cursed, Delicate, Distinctive Appearance, Drunkard, Illiterate, Missing Eye or Ear, Missing Limb, Morgazzon’s Curse, Non- Combatant, Poor Recovery, Untrustworthy.

" }, "Ménestrel (barde/poète)": { "name": "Minstrel (Bard, Poet)", "description": "

Minstrel (Bard, Poet)

As wandering entertainers, minstrels perform songs, music, poetry, and plays – telling tales of distant places and historical or fantastical events. They often create their own stories or memorise and embellish the work of others. Whilst most are travellers taking their songs and music from city to city, some are retained at the courts of nobles for their own entertainment.

These performers are happiest when playing to crowds and earning a few coins for their efforts. Some minstrels extend their art to a bit of juggling and possibly other sleight-of-hand trickery – this can be a good cover for a character who is also a thief. Because they travel and are great gossips, they learn ancient legends, are good orators, and have some knowledge of city and world lore. A minstrel is often a big hit with the ladies, having as they do a gift for saying the right thing.

Attributes: Minstrels require appeal as well as agility and quick minds.

Adventuring: Minstrels are wanderers, so by their very nature they can get caught up in some dangerous escapades on the road. Some might also follow soldiers and adventurers, simply to be able to create heroic tales from first-hand experience.

Suggested Boons: Artistic, Attractive, Carouser, Detect Deception, Keen Hearing, Learned, Master of Disguise, Inspire, Silver Tongue, Tools of the Trade (instrument).

Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Delicate, Drunkard, Lustful, Non-Combatant.

" }, "Mercenaire (brigand/guerrier)": { "name": "Mercenary (Bandit, Warrior)", "description": "

Mercenary (Bandit, Warrior)

These warriors work for anyone who will pay for their services. Some form themselves into companies under a strong leader and others travel individually or in small bands to seek employment. Often these mercenary groups turn to banditry when not gainfully employed. Just about all the city-states of Lemuria have used mercenaries in their past conflicts and most will continue to do so. They tend to have skill in living rough, riding, intimidation, carousing, and in basic upkeep and repair of weapons and armour.

Attributes: Mercenaries should be strong and agile to be able to ply their trade of war.

Adventuring: Mercenaries, by nature, tend to be drifters – travelling across Lemuria to seek employment. Even when warring has ceased, there will be jobs guarding merchant caravans, treasure-hunting expeditions, and working for the nobility as bodyguards.

Fighting: Mercenaries are notorious for their ability to fight well when well paid, but to fight badly – or not at all – when conned or badly paid. In combat, they might receive a career bonus if the money is particularly good.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Blind Combat, Brawler, Born-in-the-Saddle, Carouser, Hard-to-Kill, Quick Recovery, Inspire, Battle Harness, Trademark Weapon, War Cry.

Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Greed, Hot-Headed, Lustful.

" }, "Noble (aristocrate/courtisan)": { "name": "Noble (Aristocrat, Courtier)", "description": "

Noble (Aristocrat, Courtier)

Often holding homes in the city and estates or villas outside the city, these characters are usually titled (though not necessarily deserving) and have some authority over the common people, peasants, and slaves. Nobles are often able to obtain credit, have high-ranking contacts, and are skilled in such things as bribery, browbeating, dress sense, and etiquette.

Attributes: Nobles need plenty of appeal as well as clever minds, although at the end of the day, money always talks whatever the circumstances.

Adventuring: Nobles are not notable adventurers, although they will often finance expeditions to remote areas to obtain artefacts or to carry out trade. Some more adventurous nobles will join expeditions to oversee them.

Fighting: In combat, having a career of noble will rarely be of any benefit whatsoever. However, some peasants or lower classes will have qualms about attacking their superiors. Also, nobles often lead armies (whether capable or not).

Suggested Boons: Attractive, Born-in-the-Saddle, Friends in High Places, Great Wealth, High-Born, Inspire.

Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Braggart, City Dweller, Cravings, Greed, Hot-Headed, Lustful.

" }, "Ouvrier (docker, manœuvre)": { "name": "Worker (Docker, Labourer)", "description": "

Worker (Docker, Labourer)

Workers are unskilled labourers – men who erect palisades, dig ditches, build homes, city walls and temples, or load and unload wagons and riverboats. Workers often move around doing a range of odd jobs here and there, many of which are seasonal or temporary. Workers will be skilled in heavy lifting, intimidation, carousing, and hard labour. Some of the tasks carried out by workers are also the work of slaves.

Attributes: Workers tend to find a high strength very useful in their physical endeavours.

Adventuring: Labour is dull and doesn’t really lead to a life of adventure. Therefore, a character with Worker as one of his careers is unlikely to have stuck it out for very long.

Fighting: Workers are not really fighters, although they do tend to settle their disputes with their fists. They might be given a bonus during a brawl, especially when grappling or choking someone.

Suggested Boons: Carouser, Brawler, Giant Strength, Hard-to-Kill, Strength Feat, Fearsome Looks, Poison Resistance, Tools of the Trade.

Suggested Flaws: Can’t Lie, Drunkard, Fear of …, Hot-Headed, Illiterate, Lumbering, Lustful, Poor Hearing, Taciturn, Unsettling.

" }, "Pilote des airs": { "name": "Sky-Pilot", "description": "


Sky-pilots are the elite of the fighting men of Satarla and are trained to fly the sky-boats of the Satarlan Sky-Navy. They are held in awe by those shackled by gravity. Along with their knowledge of piloting and general sky-boat maintenance, sky-pilots are also skilled navigators and highly observant, so they are much sought after as scouts, couriers and explorers. They are usually ex-soldiers, and most are nobles too.

Attributes: Mind, agility – and to a lesser extent appeal and strength – are all handy to an elite sky- pilot.

Adventuring: A sky-pilot is naturally a daring soul, so anyone coming from this career will still have a yearning for a life of adventure.

Fighting: Sky-pilots in combat will always have the advantage over any fighter unused to combat taking place in the skies.

Suggested Boons: Born Athlete, Friends in High Places, Great Wealth, Keen Eyesight, High-Born, Inspire, Marked by the Gods, Trademark Weapon.

Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Braggart, City Dweller, Hot-Headed.

" }, "Prêtre (druide/chaman)": { "name": "Priest (Druid, Shaman)", "description": "

Priest (Druid, Shaman)

Priests reside in their temples in the major cities of Lemuria – they lead worship of the gods. They also determine the will of the gods. Priests are knowledgeable in theology, ancient lore, astrology, astronomy, ancient languages, oratory, and must be literate. Their position gives them a special place in the minds of the rest of the populace, and this gives them great power over all aspects of the government, the military, and the populace in general.

Druids worship the Dark Lords and are less savoury – their form of worship includes human sacrifice. For more information on priests and druids, see Chapter 6.

Adventuring: Some priests are highly adventurous – seeking out ancient knowledge and artefacts of their gods. Others prefer the easy life and rarely leave the safety of their temples.

Fighting: Having the priest career will rarely, if ever, give you any advantage in combat. The only plus might be that gods-fearing fighters will be loath to attack a priest.

Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Friends in High Places, Inspire, Learned, Marked by the Gods, Nose for Magic, Resistance to Sorcery, Savant, Silver Tongue.

Suggested Flaws: Arrogant, Combat Paralysis, Cravings, Distrust of Sorcery, Morgazzon’s Curse, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Zealot.

Languages: Druids and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of the ancient race of the Sorcerer- Kings. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately.

" }, "Scribe (érudit/copiste)": { "name": "Scribe (Librarian, Scholar)", "description": "

Scribe (Librarian, Scholar)

Scribes are researchers and teachers, well- educated and knowledgeable on a wide variety of subjects – they are mathematicians, cartographers, astronomers, linguists, historians, and philosophers. Scribes are also skilled at debate as they discuss at length a variety of topics with other enlightened individuals. Scribes need to be clear of thought to do their laborious work of cataloguing volumes and copying texts. It goes without saying that they need to be literate.

Attributes: Mind is of primary importance to a scribe.

Adventuring: Scribes make poor adventurers, although to have some of the knowledge of a scribe would make such a character a useful addition to a party.

Fighting: Whilst scribes might have it that “the pen is mightier than the sword”, there are not actually many circumstances where having a career in scribe will have any discernible use in combat.

Suggested Boons: Excellent Library, Learned, Savant.

Suggested Flaws: Delicate, Can’t Lie, Combat Paralysis, Non-Combatant, City Dweller, Obsession.

" }, "Soldat (garde/milicien)": { "name": "Soldier (Guard, Militiaman)", "description": "

Soldier (Guard, Militiaman)

Soldiers are the paid guards in a city or in the standing armies of rich nobles. They are often stoic but of limited imagination. They will have some city lore, perhaps skills in intimidation and riding, as well as a limited amount of authority – especially the officers.

Attributes: Strength is normally most important for soldiers, although archers and cavalrymen could do with a bit of agility. Officers need to have plenty of appeal to lead their men, and quick minds to make sound battle plans.

Adventuring: Most soldiers are dull and uninspired. However, characters will use their time in the city guard to hone their weapon skills ready for their next adventure.

Fighting: Soldiers are not specialists of any sort but will sometimes gain a career bonus in combat, especially if fighting tactically as a part of a well- led unit.

Suggested Boons: Born Athlete, Born-in-the-Saddle, Brawler, Carouser, Hard-to-Kill, Inspire, Quick Recovery, Trademark Weapon.

Suggested Flaws: Braggart, Drunkard, Gullible, Lustful, Poor Hearing, Taciturn.

" }, "Sorcier (magicien/enchanteur)": { "name": "Magician (Sorcerer, Witch)", "description": "

Magician (Sorcerer, Witch)

Magicians are both respected and feared. There are few who will deal with them willingly without great need, as a great many magicians are amoral at best, exceedingly evil at worst, and all of them are at least slightly unhinged. Magicians often live alone, with only a few servants or the occasional apprentice to attend them. Along with the knowledge of such esoteric lore as astrology, astronomy, and demonology, magicians research forbidden tomes of arcane knowledge, or make pacts with demons to learn Words of Power that can shape reality itself.

Magicians steeped in the Lore of the Void are mostly from Zalut, although there are minor magicians in just about every city of Lemuria (apart from Tyrus, where magicians are outlawed). For more information on magicians, see Chapter 6.

Attributes: Magicians need a powerful mind both for their studies and for the will to create and cast mighty spells.

Adventuring: Magicians aren’t usually great adventurers, preferring to leave that stuff to their hirelings and minions. However, sometimes they will venture out of their lairs to personally supervise or join an expedition, when they may gain something of great mystical significance at the end of it

Fighting: There are not many circumstances where being a magician helps in a fight using ordinary weapons. But then, the best magicians don’t need to use mundane weapons to kill someone.

Perilous Career: Sorcery is a fast track to power but it also brings its own price. For each rank taken as a magician beyond the first, take one extra flaw. This also applies if you advance in rank as a magician later on during the Saga

Suggested Flaws: Absent-Minded, Arrogant, Cravings, Delicate, Distinctive Appearance, Fear of..., Infamous, Morgazzon’s Curse, Non-Combatant, Obsession, Poor Recovery, Unsettling, Untrustworthy

Suggested Boons: Detect Deception, Excellent Library, Learned, Magic of the Sorcerer-Kings, Power of the Void, Resistance to Sorcery, Savant.

Languages: Magicians must know Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of the ancient race of the Sorcerer-Kings. Learning this language is painfully difficult – both spoken and written forms must be taken separately.

" }, "Tentatrice (courtisane/serveuse)": { "name": "Temptress (Courtesan, Serving wench)", "description": "

Temptress (Courtesan, Serving wench)

There are some who have honed seduction down to an art form. The temptress may be a nobleman’s mistress, a courtesan, or even a common tavern wench, but she uses her power over men for her own ends. She is as dangerous as she is beautiful: the sort that men fight battles and wars over. A temptress is skilled in fashion sense, savoir-faire, conversation, manipulation, and seduction. Some are even good at taking things from customers without them noticing.

Note that although Barbarians of Lemuria is designed to evoke the themes and feel of the classic sword-and-sorcery stories, this particular career is also open to men (using the career name lothario).

Attributes: Appeal is the most important attribute for a temptress. Agility and mind can be useful too.

Adventuring: Temptresses are usually not very adventurous (outside of the bedroom, at least!), so you’d need other careers to help explain your life of peril.

Fighting: This career is seldom helpful in combat, though a temptress may be able to add her career to distract guards.

Suggested Boons: Attractive, Beguiling, Carouser, Deft Fingers, Friends in High Places, Friends in Low Places, Inspire, Sneaky, Silver Tongue.

Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Delicate, Hot- Headed, Lustful, Non-Combatant, Unprepared.

" }, "Voleur (filou/crapule)": { "name": "Thief (Rogue, Scoundrel)", "description": "

Thief (Rogue, Scoundrel)

Perhaps you fell into a life of crime, or began as a young street urchin. In either case, you have a certain unique set of skills that most find unsavoury. Thieves, scoundrels, and other ne’er- do-wells will have skill in such things as city lore, climbing, burglary, sneaking, picking pockets, skulduggery, and gambling, and may be part of some “guild” organisation. Malakut is known as the City of Thieves, as you will almost certainly be robbed at some time or another if you stay in the city for any length of time.

Attributes: Thieves require agility for their trade, but a quick mind also helps.

Adventuring: Good thieves are sought after by adventurers looking to break into temples and tombs where there are locks and traps guarding the treasures.

Fighting: Thieves usually need to avoid combat where possible, so will normally only gain a career bonus in combat when trying to get away – and not always then, if up against well-trained city guards.

Suggested Boons: Alert, Carouser, Deft Hands, Escape Artist, Friends in Low Places, Keen Hearing, Low-Born, Night Sight, Sneaky, Tools of the Trade (lock picks).

Suggested Flaws: City Dweller, Cowardly, Greed, Hunted, Infamous, Illiterate, Poor Recovery, Untrustworthy.

" } } }