/* -------------------------------------------- */ // Import Modules import { BoLActor } from "./actor/actor.js" import { BoLActorSheet } from "./actor/actor-sheet.js" import { BoLVehicleSheet } from "./actor/vehicle-sheet.js" import { BoLHordeSheet } from "./actor/horde-sheet.js" import { BoLItem } from "./item/item.js" import { BoLItemSheet } from "./item/item-sheet.js" import { System, BOL } from "./system/config.js" import { preloadHandlebarsTemplates } from "./system/templates.js" import { registerHandlebarsHelpers } from "./system/helpers.js" import registerHooks from "./system/hooks.js" import { Macros } from "./system/macros.js" import { BoLUtility } from "./system/bol-utility.js" import { BoLCombatManager } from "./system/bol-combat.js" import { BoLTokenHud } from "./system/bol-action-hud.js" import { BoLHotbar } from "./system/bol-hotbar.js" import { BoLCommands } from "./system/bol-commands.js" import { BoLRoll } from "./controllers/bol-rolls.js" /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once('init', async function () { game.bol = { BoLActor, BoLItem, BoLHotbar, BoLRoll, BoLUtility, macros: Macros, config: BOL }; // Game socket game.socket.on("system.bol", sockmsg => { BoLUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); }) /** * Set an initiative formula for the system * @type {String} */ CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "2d6+@attributes.mind.value+@aptitudes.init.value", decimals: 2 }; // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = BoLActor; CONFIG.Item.documentClass = BoLItem; CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = BoLCombatManager; // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet("bol", BoLActorSheet, { types: ["character", "encounter"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet("bol", BoLVehicleSheet, { types: ["vehicle"], makeDefault: true }) Actors.registerSheet("bol", BoLHordeSheet, { types: ["horde"], makeDefault: true }) Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); Items.registerSheet("bol", BoLItemSheet, { makeDefault: true }); // Inot useful stuff BoLUtility.init() BoLTokenHud.init() BoLHotbar.init() BoLCommands.init() // Preload Handlebars Templates await preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); // Register Handlebars helpers registerHandlebarsHelpers(); // Register hooks registerHooks() if (typeof Babele !== 'undefined') { Babele.get().setSystemTranslationsDir("compendiums"); } }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ function welcomeMessage() { let content = `
` + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome1") + `

` + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome2") + "

" + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome3") + "

" + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome4") + "

" + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome5") + "
" + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.welcome6") let rulebook = game.modules.find( m => m.id === "bol-rulebook") if ( !rulebook ) { content += "

" + game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.bolRulebookMessage") + "

" } ChatMessage.create({ user: game.user.id, whisper: [game.user.id], content: content }) if (game.user.isGM && game.i18n.lang == 'en' && !game.modules.find(m => m.id == "babele") ){ ChatMessage.create({ user: game.user.id, whisper: [game.user.id], content: `
WARNING ! English language selected, but Babele module is not installed !
Please install babele from the module tab in Foundry interface.` } ) ui.notifications.warn("WARNING ! English language selected, but babele module is not installed !
Please install babele from the module tab in Foundry interface.") } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ Hooks.once('ready', async function () { BoLUtility.ready() import("https://www.uberwald.me/fvtt_appcount/count-class-ready.js").then(moduleCounter => { console.log("ClassCounter loaded", moduleCounter) moduleCounter.ClassCounter.registerUsageCount() }).catch(err => console.log("No stats available, giving up.") ) welcomeMessage() // User warning if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) { ui.notifications.info(game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.pcwarning")); ChatMessage.create({ content: game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.pcwarningmsg") + game.user.name, user: game.user._id }); } if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character && !game.user.character.prototypeToken.actorLink) { ui.notifications.info(game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.pcnotlinked")); ChatMessage.create({ content: game.i18n.localize("BOL.chat.pcnotlinkedmsg") + game.user.name, user: game.user._id }); } const damageFR = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "d3": "d3", "d6M": "d6M (Malus)", "d6": "d6", "d6B": "d6B (Bonus)", "d6BB": "d6B + dé bonus", } const damageEN = { "0": "0", "1": "1", "2": "2", "3": "3", "d3": "d3", "d6M": "d6L (Penalty)", "d6": "d6", "d6B": "d6H (Bonus)", "d6BB": "d6H + Bonus die", } if (game.i18n.lang === "fr") { game.bol.config.damageValues = damageFR; } else { game.bol.config.damageValues = damageEN; } })