import { BoLDefaultRoll } from "../controllers/bol-rolls.js"; export class BoLUtility { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async init() { this.attackStore = {} } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async ready() { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static templateData(it) { return ?? {} } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static data(it) { if (it instanceof Actor || it instanceof Item || it instanceof Combatant) { return; } return it; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static storeRoll(roll) { this.lastRoll = roll } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getLastRoll() { return this.lastRoll } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createDirectOptionList(min, max) { let options = {}; for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) { options[`${i}`] = `${i}`; } return options; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildListOptions(min, max) { let options = []; for (let i = min; i <= max; i++) { options.push(``); } return options.join(""); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async showDiceSoNice(roll, rollMode) { if (game.modules.get("dice-so-nice")?.active) { if (game.dice3d) { let whisper = null; let blind = false; rollMode = rollMode ?? game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"); switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": //GM only blind = true; case "gmroll": //GM + rolling player whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); break; case "roll": //everybody whisper = this.getUsers(user =>; break; case "selfroll": whisper = []; break; } await game.dice3d.showForRoll(roll, game.user, true, whisper, blind); } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getUsers(filter) { return game.users.filter(filter).map(user =>; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name) { switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": return this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); case "gmroll": return this.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name); case "selfroll": return []; } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) { let recep1 = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name) || []; return recep1.concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients('GM')); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) { let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions); chatGM.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); chatGM.content = "Blind message of " + + "
" + chatOptions.content; console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM); game.socket.emit("system.fvtt-fragged-kingdom", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static sendAttackSuccess(attackDef) { if ( { // Broadcast to GM or process it directly in case of GM defense if (!game.user.isGM) { game.socket.emit("system.bol", { msg: "msg_attack_success", data: attackDef }); } else { BoLUtility.processAttackSuccess(attackDef); } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async chatListeners(html) { // Damage handling html.on("click", '.chat-damage-apply', event => { let rollData = BoLUtility.getLastRoll() $(`#${rollData.applyId}`).hide() BoLUtility.sendAttackSuccess(rollData) }); html.on("click", '.chat-damage-roll', event => { event.preventDefault(); let rollData = BoLUtility.getLastRoll() rollData.damageMode = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-damage-mode'].value; let bolRoll = new BoLDefaultRoll(rollData) bolRoll.rollDamage() }); html.on("click", '.transform-heroic-roll', event => { event.preventDefault(); let rollData = BoLUtility.getLastRoll() let r = new BoLDefaultRoll( rollData ) r.upgradeToCritical(); } ); html.on("click", '.hero-reroll', event => { event.preventDefault(); let rollData = BoLUtility.getLastRoll() rollData.reroll = false // Disable reroll option for second roll let r = new BoLDefaultRoll( rollData ) r.roll(); } ); html.on("click", '.damage-handling', event => { event.preventDefault(); let attackId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-attack-id'].value; let defenseMode = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-defense-mode'].value; let weaponId = (event.currentTarget.attributes['data-weapon-id']) ? event.currentTarget.attributes['data-weapon-id'].value : -1 if ( game.user.isGM) { BoLUtility.processDamageHandling(event, attackId, defenseMode, weaponId) } else { game.socket.emit("system.bol", { msg: "msg_damage_handling", data: {event: event, attackId: attackId, defenseMode: defenseMode, weaponId: weaponId} }); } }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async processDamageHandling(event, attackId, defenseMode, weaponId=-1) { if ( !game.user.isGM) { return; } BoLUtility.removeChatMessageId(BoLUtility.findChatMessageId(event.currentTarget)); //console.log("Damage Handling", event, attackId, defenseMode, weaponId) // Only GM process this let attackDef = this.attackStore[attackId] if (attackDef) { if (attackDef.defenseDone) return; // ?? Why ??? attackDef.defenseDone = true attackDef.defenseMode = defenseMode; if (defenseMode == 'damage-with-armor') { let armorFormula = attackDef.defender.getArmorFormula(); attackDef.rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula) attackDef.rollArmor.roll( {async: false} ); attackDef.armorProtect = (<0) ? 0 :; attackDef.finalDamage = - attackDef.armorProtect; attackDef.finalDamage = (attackDef.finalDamage<0) ? 0 : attackDef.finalDamage; attackDef.defender.sufferDamage(attackDef.finalDamage); } if (defenseMode == 'damage-without-armor') { attackDef.finalDamage =; attackDef.defender.sufferDamage(attackDef.finalDamage); } if (defenseMode == 'hero-reduce-damage') { let armorFormula = attackDef.defender.getArmorFormula(); attackDef.rollArmor = new Roll(armorFormula) attackDef.rollArmor.roll( {async: false} ); attackDef.armorProtect = (<0) ? 0 :; attackDef.rollHero = new Roll("1d6"); attackDef.rollHero.roll( {async: false} ); attackDef.finalDamage = - - attackDef.armorProtect; attackDef.finalDamage = (attackDef.finalDamage<0) ? 0 : attackDef.finalDamage; attackDef.defender.sufferDamage(attackDef.finalDamage); attackDef.defender.subHeroPoints(1); } if (defenseMode == 'hero-in-extremis') { attackDef.finalDamage = 0; attackDef.weaponHero = attackDef.defender.weapons.find(item => item._id == weaponId); attackDef.defender.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("Item", [ weaponId ]); } ChatMessage.create({ alias:, whisper: BoLUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, content: await renderTemplate('systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/defense-result-card.hbs', { attackId:, attacker: attackDef.attacker, rollArmor: attackDef.rollArmor, rollHero: attackDef.rollHero, weaponHero : attackDef.weaponHero, armorProtect: attackDef.armorProtect, defender: attackDef.defender, defenseMode: attackDef.defenseMode, finalDamage: attackDef.finalDamage }) }) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createChatMessage(name, rollMode, chatOptions) { switch (rollMode) { case "blindroll": // GM only if (!game.user.isGM) { this.blindMessageToGM(chatOptions); chatOptions.whisper = []; chatOptions.content = "Message only to the GM"; } else { chatOptions.whisper = this.getUsers(user => user.isGM); } break; default: chatOptions.whisper = this.getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name); break; } chatOptions.alias = chatOptions.alias || name; ChatMessage.create(chatOptions); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static createChatWithRollMode(name, chatOptions) { this.createChatMessage(name, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), chatOptions); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isRangedWeapon(weapon) { return == 'ranged' ||; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static removeChatMessageId(messageId) { if (messageId){ game.messages.get(messageId)?.delete(); } } static findChatMessageId(current) { return BoLUtility.getChatMessageId(BoLUtility.findChatMessage(current)); } static getChatMessageId(node) { return node?.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id')?.value; } static findChatMessage(current) { return BoLUtility.findNodeMatching(current, it => it.classList.contains('chat-message') && it.attributes.getNamedItem('data-message-id')); } static findNodeMatching(current, predicate) { if (current) { if (predicate(current)) { return current; } return BoLUtility.findNodeMatching(current.parentElement, predicate); } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getTarget() { if (game.user.targets && game.user.targets.size == 1) { for (let target of game.user.targets) { return target; } } return undefined; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async rollBoL(rollData) { // Dice bonus/malus selection let nbDice = 2; let d6BM = 0; let mode = ""; if (rollData.d6Malus > rollData.d6Bonus) { d6BM = rollData.d6Malus - rollData.d6Bonus; mode = "kl2"; } if (rollData.d6Bonus > rollData.d6Malus) { d6BM = rollData.d6Bonus - rollData.d6Malus; mode = "kh2"; } nbDice += d6BM; // Final modifier let modifier = Number(rollData.bonusMalus); if (rollData.mode == 'career') { modifier += Number(rollData.attributes[rollData.rollAttribute].value) + Number(; } else if (rollData.mode == 'attribute') { modifier += rollData.attribute.value; } else if (rollData.mode == 'weapon') { modifier += Number(rollData.attributes[rollData.rollAttribute].value) + Number(rollData.aptitude.value) + Number(rollData.rangeModifier); modifier -=; } let formula = nbDice + "d6" + mode + "+" + modifier; console.log("Going to roll ", formula, rollData.attributes, rollData.rollAttribute); let myRoll = new Roll(formula).roll({ async: false }); await this.showDiceSoNice(myRoll, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode")); rollData.roll = myRoll; rollData.formula = formula; rollData.modifier = modifier; rollData.nbDice = nbDice; rollData.finalScore =; let actor = game.actors.get(rollData.actorId); actor.saveRollData(rollData); this.createChatWithRollMode(rollData.alias, { content: await renderTemplate(`systems/bol/templates/chat/chat-generic-result.hbs`, rollData) }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async processAttackSuccess(attackDef) { if (!game.user.isGM) { // Only GM process this return; } // Build and send the defense message to the relevant people (ie GM + defender) let defenderWeapons = attackDef.defender.weapons; console.log("DEF WEP", attackDef) this.attackStore[] = attackDef; // Store ! ChatMessage.create({ alias:, whisper: BoLUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, content: await renderTemplate('systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/defense-request-card.hbs', { attackId:, attacker: attackDef.attacker, defender: attackDef.defender, defenderWeapons: defenderWeapons, damageTotal: }) }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static onSocketMessage(sockmsg) { if ( == "msg_attack_success") { BoLUtility.processAttackSuccess(; } if ( == "msg_damage_handling") { BoLUtility.processDamageHandling(,, } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getDamageFormula(damageString, modifier=0, multiplier = 1) { if (damageString[0] == 'd') { damageString = "1" + damageString } // Help parsing if (modifier == null) modifier = 0; let formula = damageString if ( damageString.includes("d") || damageString.includes("D")) { var myReg = new RegExp('(\\d+)[dD]([\\d]+)([MB]*)?([\\+\\d]*)?', 'g'); let res = myReg.exec(damageString); let nbDice = parseInt(res[1]); let postForm = 'kh' + nbDice; let modIndex = 3; if (res[3]) { if (res[3] == 'M') { postForm = 'kl' + nbDice; nbDice++; modIndex = 4; } if (res[3] == 'B') { postForm = 'kh' + nbDice; nbDice++; modIndex = 4; } } formula = "(" + nbDice + "d" + res[2] + postForm + "+" + modifier +") *" + multiplier; } return formula; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async confirmDelete(actorSheet, li) { let itemId ="item-id"); let msgTxt = "

Are you sure to remove this Item ?"; let buttons = { delete: { icon: '', label: "Yes, remove it", callback: () => {"Item", [itemId]); li.slideUp(200, () => actorSheet.render(false)); } }, cancel: { icon: '', label: "Cancel" } } msgTxt += "

"; let d = new Dialog({ title: "Confirm removal", content: msgTxt, buttons: buttons, default: "cancel" }); d.render(true); } }