import { BoLUtility } from "../system/bol-utility.js"; const _apt2attr = { init: "mind", melee: "agility", ranged: "agility", def: "vigor" } /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class BoLRoll { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static options() { return { classes: ["bol", "dialog"], width: 480, height: 'fit-content' }; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getDefaultAttribute(key) { return _apt2attr[key] } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static updateApplicableEffects(rollData) { let appEffects = [] for (let effect of rollData.bolEffects) { if ( ( == "always") || ( || (rollData.aptitude && ){ appEffects.push(effect) } } return appEffects } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildHoroscopeGroupList() { let horoscopes = game.settings.get("bol", "horoscope-group") let horoList = [{ id: -1, name: "Aucun", type: "malus", nbDice: 0 }] for (let id in horoscopes) { let horo = horoscopes[id] for (let i = 0; i < horo.availableDice; i++) { horoList.push({ id: id, name:, type: horo.type, nbDice: i + 1 }) } } return horoList } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getCommonRollData(actor, mode, attribute, aptitude = undefined) { let rollData = { mode: mode, actorId:, tokenId: actor.token?.id, img: actor.img, attribute: attribute, attrValue: attribute.value, aptValue: 0, careerBonus: 0, horoscopeBonus: 0, horoscopeMalus: 0, selectedHoroscope: [], armorAgiMalus: actor.getArmorAgiMalus(), armorInitMalus: actor.getArmorInitMalus(), horoscopeBonusList: actor.getHoroscopesBonus(), horoscopeMalusList: actor.getHoroscopesMalus(), config: game.bol.config, adv: "0", mod: 0, modRanged: 0, bolEffects: actor.boleffects, horoscopeGroupList: this.buildHoroscopeGroupList() } if (aptitude) { rollData.aptitude = aptitude rollData.aptValue = aptitude.value } rollData.bolApplicableEffects = this.updateApplicableEffects(rollData) return rollData } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static attributeCheck(actor, key="vigor", event=undefined, combatData=undefined) { let attribute = eval(`actor.system.attributes.${key}`) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "attribute", attribute) rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.attributeCheck') + " - " + game.i18n.localize(attribute.label) rollData.label = (attribute.label) ? game.i18n.localize(attribute.label) : null console.log(">>>>>>>>>>", rollData, actor) return this.displayRollDialog(rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static aptitudeCheck(actor, key="init", event=undefined, combatData=undefined) { let aptitude = eval(`actor.system.aptitudes.${key}`) let attrKey = this.getDefaultAttribute(key) let attribute = eval(`actor.system.attributes.${attrKey}`) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "aptitude", attribute, aptitude) rollData.label = (aptitude.label) ? game.i18n.localize(aptitude.label) : null rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.aptitudeCheck') + " - " + game.i18n.localize(aptitude.label) rollData.combatData = combatData // For initiative mainly return this.displayRollDialog(rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async detectDistance(weapon, target) { let visible, dist if (target && ( || { console.log("target", target, weapon) visible = canvas.effects.visibility.testVisibility(, { object: _token }) dist = Number(canvas.grid.measureDistances([{ ray: new Ray(, }], { gridSpaces: false })).toFixed(2) let range = Number( let rangeMsg = "" if (dist <= range) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 2) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 3) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 4) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 5) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 6) { rangeMsg = "" } else if (dist < range * 7) { rangeMsg = "" } ChatMessage.create({ content: await renderTemplate('systems/bol/templates/chat/chat-info-range.hbs', { weapon: weapon, attackerName:, defenderName:, weaponRange:, visible: visible, distance: dist, rangeMsg: rangeMsg }) }) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static weaponCheckWithWeapon(actor, weapon) { let target = BoLUtility.getTarget() let weaponData = weapon.system let attribute = eval(`actor.system.attributes.${}`) let aptitude = eval(`actor.system.aptitudes.${}`) let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "weapon", attribute, aptitude) // Compute distance this.detectDistance(weapon, target) // Manage specific case let fightOption = actor.getActiveFightOption() if (fightOption && == "fulldefense") { ui.notifications.warn(`{{}} est en Défense Totale ! Il ne peut pas attaquer ce round.`) return } // Update the roll structure rollData.weapon = weapon rollData.isRanged = || rollData.targetId = target?.id rollData.fightOption = fightOption rollData.defenderId = target? rollData.label = ( ? : game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.noWeaponName') rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.weaponAttack') + " : " + return this.displayRollDialog(rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static weaponCheck(actor, event) { const li = $(event.currentTarget).parents(".item") let weapon = actor.items.get("item-id")) if (!weapon) { ui.notifications.warn("Unable to find weapon !") return } weapon = foundry.utils.duplicate(weapon) return this.weaponCheckWithWeapon(actor, weapon) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static alchemyCheck(actor, event) { const li = $(event.currentTarget).parents(".item"); let alchemy = actor.items.get("item-id")); if (!alchemy) { ui.notifications.warn("Unable to find Alchemy !"); return; } alchemy = foundry.utils.duplicate(alchemy) let alchemyData = alchemy.system if ( < { ui.notifications.warn("Pas assez de Points de Création investis dans la Préparation !") return } let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "alchemy", actor.system.attributes.mind) rollData.alchemy = alchemy rollData.careerBonus = actor.getAlchemistBonus() rollData.pcCost = Number( rollData.pcCostCurrent = Number( rollData.mod = Number( rollData.label = rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.makeAlchemy') + "+" + console.log("ALCHEMY!", rollData); return this.displayRollDialog(rollData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static horoscopeCheck(actor, event, horoscopeType) { let target = BoLUtility.getTarget() let cost = (horoscopeType == "minor") ? 1 : 2 if (cost > actor.getAstrologyPoints()) { ui.notifications.warn(game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.astrologyNoPoints")) return } let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "horoscope", actor.system.attributes.mind) rollData.careerBonus = actor.getAstrologerBonus() rollData.horoscopeType = horoscopeType rollData.horoscopeTypeLabel = "BOL.ui." + horoscopeType rollData.astrologyPointsCost = cost rollData.label = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.makeHoroscope') rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.makeHoroscope') + " " + game.i18n.localize(rollData.horoscopeTypeLabel) rollData.targetId = target?.id console.log("HOROSCOPE!", rollData); return this.displayRollDialog(rollData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static spellCheckWithSpell(actor, spell) { let rollData = this.getCommonRollData(actor, "spell", actor.system.attributes.mind) rollData.spell = spell rollData.ppCurrent = Number(actor.system.resources.power.value), rollData.careerBonus = actor.getSorcererBonus(), rollData.ppCostArmor = actor.getPPCostArmor(), rollData.ppCost = Number(, rollData.mod = Number(, rollData.label =, rollData.description = game.i18n.localize('BOL.ui.focusSpell') + " : " + //console.log("SPELL!", spellDef) return this.displayRollDialog(rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static spellCheck(actor, event) { if (actor.system.resources.power.value <= 0) { ui.notifications.warn("Plus assez de points de Pouvoir !") return } const li = $(event.currentTarget).parents(".item") let spell = actor.items.get("item-id")) if (!spell) { ui.notifications.warn("Impossible de trouver ce sort !") return } spell = foundry.utils.duplicate(spell) return this.spellCheckWithSpell(actor, spell) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static updateTotalDice() { this.updateArmorMalus(this.rollData) this.updatePPCost(this.rollData) // get basic dices from boons/flaws let effectModifier = 0 this.rollData.bmDice = this.rollData.nbBoons - this.rollData.nbFlaws + this.rollData.bDice - this.rollData.mDice // add applicable bonus/malus dices effects for (let effect of this.rollData.bolApplicableEffects) { if ( == "1B") { this.rollData.bmDice++; } else if ( == "2B") { this.rollData.bmDice += 2; } else if ( == "1M") { this.rollData.bmDice--; } else if ( == "2M") { this.rollData.bmDice -= 2; } else { effectModifier += Number( } } this.rollData.bmDice += this.rollData.horoscopeBonus this.rollData.bmDice -= this.rollData.horoscopeMalus if (this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex && this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex > 0) { let horo = this.rollData.horoscopeGroupList[this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex] this.rollData.bmDice += (horo.type == "malus") ? -horo.nbDice : horo.nbDice; } // Keep track of the final effect modifier this.rollData.effectModifier = effectModifier // Final number of dices this.rollData.nbDice = 2 + Math.abs(this.rollData.bmDice) // Bonus or Malus ? if (this.rollData.bmDice == 0) { $('#roll-nbdice').val("2") } else { let letter = (this.rollData.bmDice > 0) ? "B" : "M" $('#roll-nbdice').val("2 + " + String(Math.abs(this.rollData.bmDice)) + letter) } let rollbase = this.rollData.attrValue + "+" + this.rollData.aptValue if (this.rollData.weapon && { rollbase = "" } $('#roll-modifier').val(rollbase + "+" + this.rollData.careerBonus + "+" + this.rollData.mod + "+" + this.rollData.modRanged + "+" + this.rollData.weaponModifier + "-" + this.rollData.defence + "-" + this.rollData.modArmorMalus + "-" + this.rollData.shieldMalus + "+" + this.rollData.attackModifier + "+" + this.rollData.appliedArmorMalus + "+" + effectModifier) // Rebuild lits of applicable effects let selectEffects = "" for (let effect of this.rollData.bolApplicableEffects) { selectEffects += `<option value="${}" selected>${}</option>` } $('#applicable-effects').html(selectEffects) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static preProcessFightOption(rollData) { rollData.damagesIgnoresArmor = false // Always reset flags rollData.modArmorMalus = 0 rollData.attackModifier = 0 let fgItem = rollData.fightOption if (fgItem) { console.log(fgItem) if ( == "armordefault") { rollData.modArmorMalus = rollData.armorMalus // Activate the armor malus rollData.damagesIgnoresArmor = true } if ( == "intrepid") { rollData.attackModifier += 2 } if ( == "defense") { rollData.attackModifier += -1 } if ( == "attack") { rollData.attackModifier += 1 } if ( == "twoweaponsdef" || == "twoweaponsatt") { rollData.attackModifier += -1 } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static updateArmorMalus(rollData) { rollData.appliedArmorMalus = 0 if (rollData.attribute.key == "agility") { $("#armor-agi-malus").show() rollData.appliedArmorMalus += rollData.armorAgiMalus } else { $("#armor-agi-malus").hide() } if (rollData.aptitude && rollData.aptitude.key == "init") { $("#armor-init-malus").show() rollData.appliedArmorMalus += rollData.armorInitMalus } else { $("#armor-init-malus").hide() } } /* ------------------------------ -------------- */ static updatePPCost(rollData) { $('#ppcost').html(rollData.ppCost + " + Armor(" + rollData.ppCostArmor + ")=" + Number(rollData.ppCost + rollData.ppCostArmor)) } /* ------------------------------ -------------- */ static rollDialogListener(html) { this.updateTotalDice() html.find('#optcond').change((event) => { // Dynamic change of PP cost of spell let pp = BoLUtility.computeSpellCost(this.rollData.spell, event.currentTarget.selectedOptions.length) this.rollData.ppCost = pp this.updatePPCost(this.rollData) }) html.find('#mod').change((event) => { this.rollData.mod = Number(event.currentTarget.value) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#modRanged').change((event) => { this.rollData.modRanged = Number(event.currentTarget.value) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#attr').change((event) => { let attrKey = event.currentTarget.value let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) this.rollData.attribute = foundry.utils.duplicate(actor.system.attributes[attrKey]) this.rollData.attrValue = actor.system.attributes[attrKey].value this.rollData.bolApplicableEffects = this.updateApplicableEffects(this.rollData) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#apt').change((event) => { let aptKey = event.currentTarget.value let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) this.rollData.aptitude = foundry.utils.duplicate(actor.system.aptitudes[aptKey]) this.rollData.aptValue = actor.system.aptitudes[aptKey].value this.rollData.bolApplicableEffects = this.updateApplicableEffects(this.rollData) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#applyShieldMalus').click((event) => { if (event.currentTarget.checked) { this.rollData.shieldMalus = this.rollData.shieldAttackMalus } else { this.rollData.shieldMalus = 0 } this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#career').change((event) => { let careers = $('#career').val() this.rollData.careerBonus = (!careers || careers.length == 0) ? 0 : Math.max( => parseInt(i))) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#boon').change((event) => { let boons = $('#boon').val() this.rollData.nbBoons = (!boons || boons.length == 0) ? 0 : boons.length this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#flaw').change((event) => { let flaws = $('#flaw').val() this.rollData.nbFlaws = (!flaws || flaws.length == 0) ? 0 : flaws.length this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('.bdice').click((event) => { this.rollData.mDice = 0 this.rollData.bDice = Number(event.currentTarget.value) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('.mdice').click((event) => { this.rollData.bDice = 0 this.rollData.mDice = Number(event.currentTarget.value) this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#horoscope-bonus-applied').change((event) => { this.rollData.selectedHoroscope = [] for (let option of event.currentTarget.selectedOptions) { this.rollData.selectedHoroscope.push(foundry.utils.duplicate(this.rollData.horoscopeBonusList[Number(option.index)])) } let horoscopes = $('#horoscope-bonus-applied').val() this.rollData.horoscopeBonus = (!horoscopes || horoscopes.length == 0) ? 0 : horoscopes.length this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#horoscope-malus-applied').change((event) => { this.rollData.selectedHoroscope = [] for (let option of event.currentTarget.selectedOptions) { this.rollData.selectedHoroscope.push(foundry.utils.duplicate(this.rollData.horoscopeBonusList[Number(option.index)])) } let horoscopes = $('#horoscope-malus-applied').val() this.rollData.horoscopeMalus = (!horoscopes || horoscopes.length == 0) ? 0 : horoscopes.length this.updateTotalDice() }) html.find('#horoscope-group-applied').change((event) => { this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex = event.currentTarget.value this.updateTotalDice() }) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static preProcessWeapon(rollData, defender) { if (rollData.mode == "weapon") { rollData.weaponModifier = ?? 0 rollData.attackBonusDice = if (rollData.attackBonusDice) { rollData.adv = "1B" rollData.bDice = 1 } if (defender) { // If target is selected rollData.defence = defender.defenseValue rollData.armorMalus = defender.armorMalusValue rollData.defenderHeroPoints = defender.getHeroPoints() rollData.shieldBlock = 'none' let shields = defender.shields //console.log("Defender stats", defender) for (let shield of shields) { rollData.shieldBlock = ( ? 'blockall' : 'blockone'; rollData.shieldAttackMalus = ( ? : 1; } } } } /* ROLL DIALOGS */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async displayRollDialog(rollData, onEnter = "submit") { // initialize default flags/values const rollOptionTpl = `systems/bol/templates/dialogs/${rollData.mode}-roll-dialog.hbs` let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(rollData) let defender if (rollData.targetId) { let token = game.scenes.current.tokens.get(rollData.targetId) defender = } = rollData.boons = actor.bonusBoons rollData.flaws = actor.malusFlaws rollData.rollOwnerID = rollData.defence = 0 rollData.attackModifier = 0 // Used for fight options rollData.modArmorMalus = 0 // Used for fight options rollData.bDice = 0 rollData.mDice = 0 rollData.nbBoons = 0 rollData.nbFlaws = 0 rollData.nbDice = 0 rollData.isHeroAdversary = actor.isHeroAdversary() rollData.careerBonus = rollData.careerBonus ?? 0 rollData.modRanged = rollData.modRanged ?? 0 rollData.mod = rollData.mod ?? 0 = foundry.utils.randomID(16) rollData.weaponModifier = 0 rollData.attackBonusDice = false rollData.armorMalus = 0 // Specific stuff this.preProcessWeapon(rollData, defender) this.preProcessFightOption(rollData) this.updateArmorMalus(rollData) this.updatePPCost(rollData) // Prepare blocking case if (rollData.shieldBlock == 'blockall') { rollData.shieldMalus = rollData.shieldAttackMalus; } else { rollData.shieldMalus = 0 } // Save this.rollData = rollData console.log("ROLLDATA", rollData) // Then display+process the dialog const rollOptionContent = await renderTemplate(rollOptionTpl, rollData); let d = new Dialog({ title: rollData.label, content: rollOptionContent, rollData: rollData, render: html => this.rollDialogListener(html), buttons: { cancel: { icon: '<i class="fas fa-times"></i>', label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.cancel"), callback: () => { } }, submit: { icon: '<i class="fas fa-check"></i>', label: game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.submit"), callback: (html) => { console.log("Submit Roll!!!!"); if (rollData.mode == 'spell' && rollData.ppCurrent < rollData.ppCost) { // Check PP available ui.notifications.warn("Pas assez de Points de Pouvoir !") return } rollData.registerInit = (rollData.aptitude && rollData.aptitude.key == 'init') ? $('#register-init').is(":checked") : false; const isMalus = (rollData.bmDice < 0) let rollbase = rollData.attrValue + rollData.aptValue if (rollData.weapon? { rollbase = 0 } let diceData = BoLUtility.getDiceData() let malusInit = rollData.combatData?.malusInit || 0 const modifiers = rollbase + rollData.careerBonus + rollData.mod + rollData.weaponModifier - rollData.defence - rollData.modArmorMalus + rollData.shieldMalus + rollData.attackModifier + rollData.appliedArmorMalus + rollData.effectModifier - malusInit const formula = (isMalus) ? rollData.nbDice + "d" + diceData.diceFormula + "kl2 + " + modifiers : rollData.nbDice + "d" + diceData.diceFormula + "kh2 + " + modifiers rollData.formula = formula rollData.modifiers = modifiers console.log("Rolldata before", rollData) let r = new BoLDefaultRoll(rollData); r.roll(); } } }, default: onEnter, close: () => { } }, this.options()); return d.render(true); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class BoLDefaultRoll { constructor(rollData) { this.rollData = rollData if (this.rollData.isSuccess == undefined) { // First init this.rollData.isSuccess = false; this.rollData.isCritical = false; this.rollData.isFumble = false; } if (this.rollData.optionsId) { BoLUtility.cleanupButtons(this.rollData.optionsId) } if (this.rollData.applyId) { BoLUtility.cleanupButtons(this.rollData.applyId) } this.rollData.optionsId = foundry.utils.randomID(16) this.rollData.applyId = foundry.utils.randomID(16) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async roll() { const r = new Roll(this.rollData.formula) await r.roll() let diceData = BoLUtility.getDiceData() //console.log("DICEDATA", diceData) const activeDice = r.terms[0].results.filter(r => const diceTotal = => r.result).reduce((a, b) => a + b) this.rollData.roll = r this.rollData.isFumble = (diceTotal <= diceData.criticalFailureValue) if ( this.rollData.isFumble ) { this.rollData.isSuccess = false this.rollData.isCritical = false this.rollData.isRealCritical = false this.rollData.isHeroic = false this.rollData.isFailure = true } else { this.rollData.isCritical = (diceTotal >= diceData.criticalSuccessValue) if ( this.rollData.isCritical) { this.rollData.isSuccess = true } else { this.rollData.isSuccess = ( >= diceData.successValue) } this.rollData.isRealCritical = (diceTotal >= diceData.criticalSuccessValue) this.rollData.isHeroic = (diceTotal >= diceData.criticalSuccessValue) this.rollData.isFailure = !this.rollData.isSuccess } this.rollData.isLegendary = false let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) if (this.rollData.reroll == undefined) { this.rollData.reroll = actor.heroReroll() } if (this.rollData.registerInit) { await actor.registerInit(this.rollData) this.rollData.initiativeRank = actor.getInitiativeRank(this.rollData) if (this.rollData.combatData) { // If combatData present let combat = game.combats.get(this.rollData.combatData.combatId) //console.log("SET INIT!!!!!", this.rollData.initiativeRank) combat.setInitiative(this.rollData.combatData.combatantId, this.rollData.initiativeRank) } } if (this.rollData.isSuccess && this.rollData.mode == "spell") { // PP cost management this.rollData.remainingPP = actor.spendPowerPoint(this.rollData.ppCost + this.rollData.ppCostArmor) } if (this.rollData.mode == "alchemy") { // PP cost management actor.resetAlchemyStatus(this.rollData.alchemy._id) } if (this.rollData.mode == "bougette" && this.rollData.isFailure) { actor.decBougette() } await this.sendChatMessage() if (this.rollData.mode == "horoscope") { // PP cost management actor.manageHoroscope(this.rollData) } if (this.rollData.selectedHoroscope.length > 0) { // PP cost management actor.removeHoroscopeMinor(this.rollData) } if (this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex && this.rollData.selectedGroupHoroscopeIndex > 0) { // PP cost management BoLUtility.removeGroupHoroscope(this.rollData) } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async sendChatMessage() { let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) this._buildChatMessage(this.rollData).then(async msgFlavor => { //console.log("MSG", msgFlavor ) let msg = await this.rollData.roll.toMessage({ user:, rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), flavor: msgFlavor, speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: actor }), }) this.rollData.roll = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.rollData.roll) // Remove object, keep data (v111 ready) msg.setFlag("world", "bol-roll-data", this.rollData) }) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ upgradeToLegendary() { // Force to Critical roll let diceData = BoLUtility.getDiceData() let maxValue = Number(diceData.diceFormula) * 2 this.rollData.isCritical = true this.rollData.isLegendary = true this.rollData.isRealCritical = false this.rollData.isSuccess = true this.rollData.isFailure = false this.rollData.roll = new Roll(maxValue + "+" + this.rollData.modifiers) this.rollData.reroll = false this.sendChatMessage() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ upgradeToHeroic() { // Force to Critical roll let diceData = BoLUtility.getDiceData() let maxValue = Number(diceData.diceFormula) * 2 this.rollData.isCritical = true this.rollData.isHeroic = true this.rollData.isLegendary = false this.rollData.isRealCritical = false this.rollData.isSuccess = true this.rollData.isFailure = false this.rollData.roll = new Roll(maxValue + "+" + this.rollData.modifiers) this.rollData.reroll = false this.sendChatMessage() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ setSuccess(flag) { this.rollData.isSuccess = flag } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async sendDamageMessage() { let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) this._buildDamageChatMessage(this.rollData).then(async msgFlavor => { let msg = await this.rollData.damageRoll.toMessage({ user:, flavor: msgFlavor, speaker: ChatMessage.getSpeaker({ actor: actor }), flags: { msgType: "default" } }) this.rollData.damageRoll = foundry.utils.duplicate(this.rollData.damageRoll) = undefined // Cleanup msg.setFlag("world", "bol-roll-data", this.rollData) }) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ getDamageAttributeValue(attrDamage, actorId = undefined) { let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) return actor.getDamageAttributeValue(attrDamage) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollDamage() { if (this.rollData.mode != "weapon") { // Only specific process in Weapon mode return } if (this.rollData.isSuccess) { if (!this.rollData.damageRoll) { let bonusDmg = 0 if (this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-6') { bonusDmg = 6 } if (this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-12' || this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-12-legend') { bonusDmg = 12 if (this.rollData.damageMode == 'damage-plus-12') { // In this case, the hero point is used (ie shortcut) let actor = BoLUtility.getActorFromRollData(this.rollData) actor.subHeroPoints(1) } } let attrDamageValue = this.getDamageAttributeValue( let weaponFormula = BoLUtility.getDamageFormula(this.rollData.weapon.system, this.rollData.fightOption) let damageFormula = weaponFormula + "+" + bonusDmg + "+" + attrDamageValue //console.log("Formula", weaponFormula, damageFormula, this.rollData.damageFormula = damageFormula this.rollData.damageRoll = new Roll(damageFormula) await this.rollData.damageRoll.roll() this.rollData.damageTotal = console.log("DAMAGE !!!", damageFormula, attrDamageValue, this.rollData) } BoLUtility.cleanupButtons(this.rollData.optionsId) this.sendDamageMessage() } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _buildDamageChatMessage(rollData) { const rollMessageTpl = 'systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/damage-roll-card.hbs'; return renderTemplate(rollMessageTpl, rollData) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _buildChatMessage(rollData) { const rollMessageTpl = 'systems/bol/templates/chat/rolls/default-roll-card.hbs' return renderTemplate(rollMessageTpl, rollData) } }