forked from public/bol

81 lines
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import {BoLUtility} from "./bol-utility.js";
export default function registerHooks() {
* Ready hook loads tables, and override's foundry's entity link functions to provide extension to pseudo entities
Hooks.once("ready", async () => {
console.info("BOL | System Initialized.");
Hooks.on("renderPause", ((_app, html) => {
html.find("img").attr("src", "systems/bol/ui/pause2.webp")
Hooks.on('renderChatLog', (log, html, data) => BoLUtility.chatListeners(html))
Hooks.on('renderChatMessage', (message, html, data) => BoLUtility.chatMessageHandler(message, html, data))
* Create a macro when dropping an entity on the hotbar
* Item - open roll dialog for item
* Actor - open actor sheet
* Journal - open journal sheet
Hooks.on("hotbarDrop", async (bar, data, slot) => {
// Create item macro if rollable item - weapon, spell, prayer, trait, or skill
if (data.type == "Item") {
let item = data.data;
// Create a macro to open the actor sheet of the actor dropped on the hotbar
else if (data.type == "Actor") {
let actor = game.actors.get(data.id);
let command = `/*\nPersonnalisez la macro selon vos besoins en suivant les exemples suivants : \ngame.bol.macros.rollMacro('attribute', 'vigor|agility|mind|appeal', adv, mod);\ngame.bol.macros.rollMacro('aptitude', 'init|melee|ranged|def', adv, mod);\n*/\ngame.bol.macros.rollMacro('attribute', 'vigor', 0, 0);`;
let macro = game.macros.entities.find(m => (m.name === actor.name) && (m.command === command));
if (!macro) {
macro = await Macro.create({
name: actor.name,
type: "script",
img: "icons/svg/dice-target.svg",
command: command
}, {displaySheet: false})
game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot);
// Create a macro to open the journal sheet of the journal dropped on the hotbar
else if (data.type == "JournalEntry") {
let journal = game.journal.get(data.id);
let command = `game.journal.get("${data.id}").sheet.render(true)`
let macro = game.macros.entities.find(m => (m.name === journal.name) && (m.command === command));
if (!macro) {
macro = await Macro.create({
name: journal.name,
type: "script",
img: (journal.img) ? journal.img : "icons/svg/book.svg",
command: command
}, {displaySheet: false})
game.user.assignHotbarMacro(macro, slot);
return false;
/********************************************************************************** */
Hooks.on("renderActorDirectory", (app, html, data) => {
if (game.user.isGM) {
const button = document.createElement('button');
button.style.width = '95%';
button.innerHTML = game.i18n.localize("BOL.ui.pclistbutton")
button.addEventListener('click', () => {