forked from public/bol
81 lines
5.8 KiB
81 lines
5.8 KiB
"label": "Languages",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description"
"entries": {
"Argot des Mers": {
"name": "Sea Tongue",
"description": "<p>The Pirate Isles have a mixture of different people from all over the continent and beyond, and their languages have mixed and mingled to form a strange combination of the familiar and the unfamiliar. There is no written form.</p>"
"Axien": {
"name": "Axian",
"description": "<p>This (sometimes called Axish) is the language of the tribes of barbarians that live in the Axos mountain range. It is not at all well- known beyond the Axos Mountains, although there are believed to be some ancient texts written in times long gone – when Axian was spoken more widely – that have become lost in ancient caves hidden deep in those mountains.</p>"
"Beshaari": {
"name": "Beshaari",
"description": "<p>The desert nomads of Beshaar speak and write in their own language. Most of the people of Halakh speak Beshaari, although Lemurian is spoken in that city almost as much</p>"
"Céruléen": {
"name": "Giantish",
"description": "<p>The Blue Nomads speak their own language. It has no written form. Many of the merchants in Oomis learn Giantish as their second language.</p>"
"Chant du Vent": {
"name": "Windsong",
"description": "<p>The sing-song language of the Winged Folk. The language has the sound of breeze blowing through the crags of mountains, or high winds whistling around canyons and caverns. The language is very difficult for those other than Winged Folk to reproduce successfully. There is a written form, which is almost as difficult to translate.</p>"
"Démonique (Lire/Ecrire)": {
"name": "Sorceric (Read/write)",
"description": "<p>This is the ancient language of the Sorcerer-Kings. All their texts and manuals are written in this script. Magicians, alchemists, druids, and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately. The Magicians of Zalut converse strictly in Sorceric, unless dealing with outsiders.</p>"
"Démonique (Parler)": {
"name": "Sorceric (Spoken)",
"description": "<p>This is the ancient language of the Sorcerer-Kings. All their texts and manuals are written in this script. Magicians, alchemists, druids, and priests need to learn Sorceric if they wish to use the powerful magics and alchemies of this ancient race. Learning this language is painfully difficult, and requires both spoken and written forms to be taken separately. The Magicians of Zalut converse strictly in Sorceric, unless dealing with outsiders.</p>"
"Festreli": {
"name": "Festrelish",
"description": "<p>Although with a basis in Lemurian, Festrelish is now so different to be almost unintelligible to a Lemurian speaker.</p>"
"Ghatai": {
"name": "Ghatai",
"description": "<p>Langue des nomades du sud du Khanat, le ghataï s’apparente à un dialecte ancien du lémurien, avec de nombreux emprunts au pinxi (cf. ci-dessous), pour le vocabulaire notamment. Avec un peu d’ effort et beaucoup de patience, un locuteur du lémurien sera en mesure de communiquer de manière rudimentaire avec des gens qui parlent le ghataï. Cette langue, qui à l’origine ne possédait pas son propre système d’écriture, utilise désormais celui du pinxi.</p>"
"Grooth": {
"name": "Grooth",
"description": "<p>This is not really a fully developed language – more a collection of grunts as well as considerable displays of foot stamping, facial contortions and ape-like waving of arms. There is no written form. It is uncommon outside of the tribes of the Grooth.</p>"
"Kashtien": {
"name": "Kashtian",
"description": "<p>The inhabitants of the Kasht Swamp have their own language – each tribe speaking a variant of the basic language.</p>"
"Lemurien": {
"name": "Lemurian",
"description": "<p>Most people in Lemuria speak Lemurian. However, every city speaks a different dialect of Lemurian and that sometimes means the traveller can have difficulty understanding the locals. Sometimes you might be required to make a mind Task Roll to understand people from other cities.</p>"
"Malakutien": {
"name": "Malakutian",
"description": "<p>The people of Malakut and the surrounding area have their own language.</p>"
"Pinxi": {
"name": "Pinxi",
"description": "<p>la langue des Xi Lu, encore communément parlée par cette ethnie, même si la plupart des Xi Lu apprennent au moins des rudiments de gathaï, la langue officielle du gouvernement du grand khan.</p>"
"Shamite": {
"name": "Shamite",
"description": "<p>Shamballah has its own tongue, spoken in the city of Shamballah and surrounding areas.</p>"
"Valgardien": {
"name": "Valgardish",
"description": "<p>The people of Valgard speak and write in their own surprisingly elaborate language.</p>"
"Wei": {
"name": "Wei",
"description": "<p>Les Wei possèdent leur propre langue, difficile à maîtriser pour des étrangers en raison de ses sonorités particulières, avec un emploi abondant de claquements de langue. Les Wei n’ont pas d’écriture ; leur culture repose sur la transmission orale des savoirs et des coutumes.</p>"
"Yggdari": {
"name": "Ygddari",
"description": "<p>The ancient language of man is called Ygddari (or Old Tongue). Not many speak it and even fewer can read it. However, old texts are occasionally recovered from the ruins of Ygddar, Qiddesh, Qeb, Qar, and Oosal, and some skilled scribes are needed to translate their writings.</p>"
} |