forked from public/fvtt-yggdrasill
820 lines
30 KiB
820 lines
30 KiB
/* -------------------------------------------- */
import { YggdrasillUtility } from "./yggdrasill-utility.js";
import { YggdrasillRoll } from "./yggdrasill-roll-dialog.js";
/* -------------------------------------------- */
const statusEffects = [
{ yggdrasill: true, id: 'epuise', label: 'Epuisé', icon: 'icons/svg/stoned.svg' },
{ yggdrasill: true, id: 'blesse', label: 'Blessé', icon: 'icons/svg/blood.svg' },
{ yggdrasill: true, id: 'meurtri', label: 'Meurtri', icon: 'icons/svg/falling.svg' }
const armeCategorieToCompetence = { "lutte": "Lutte", "improvisee": "Armes Improvisées", "courte":"Armes courtes", "longue": "Armes longues", "deuxmains": "Armes à deux mains",
"hast": "Armes d'Hast", "tir": "Armes de tir", "jet": "Lancer" }
const attackMode = {
"classique": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "agilite",
"malus": 0,
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": 0,
"label": "Attaque Classique",
"description": "Attaque classique"
"force": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "puissance",
"malus": 0,
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": "puissance;1",
"label": "Attaque en Force",
"description": "Attaque en Force : Malus: 0, +PUI en dégats"
"devastatrice": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "puissance",
"malus": "puissance;1",
"bonusdegats": "puissance;3",
"protection": 0,
"label": "Attaque Dévastatrice",
"description": "Attaque Dévastratrice : Malus -PUI, +PUI*3 en dégats"
"precise": {
"categName": "esprit",
"caracName": "perception",
"malus": "0",
"bonusdegats": 0,
"protection": "perception;1",
"label": "Attaque Précise",
"description": "Attaque précise : Malus : 0, protection réduite de -PER"
"visee": {
"categName": "esprit",
"caracName": "perception",
"malus": "perception;1",
"bonusdegats": 0,
"protection": "perception;3",
"label": "Attaque Visée",
"description": "Attaque visée : Malus : -PER, protection réduite de -PER"
const tirMode = {
"pose": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "agilite",
"malus": 0,
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": 0,
"label": "Tir posé",
"description": "Tir posé"
"arrettir": {
"categName": "ame",
"caracName": "instinct",
"malus": 0,
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": "instinct;1",
"label": "Tir d'Arrêt (Tir)",
"description": "Tir d'Arrêt (Tir) : Malus: 0, +INS en dégats"
"arretjet": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "puissance",
"malus": 0,
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": "puissance;1",
"label": "Tir d'Arrêt (Jet)",
"description": "Tir d'Arrêt (Jet) : Malus: 0, +PUI en dégats"
"impacttir": {
"categName": "ame",
"caracName": "instinct",
"malus": "instinct;1",
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": "instinct;3",
"label": "Tir d'Impact (Tir)",
"description": "Tir d'Impact (Tir) : Malus: -INS, +INS*3 en dégats"
"impactjet": {
"categName": "corps",
"caracName": "puissance",
"malus": "puissance;1",
"protection": 0,
"bonusdegats": "puissance;3",
"label": "Attaque d'Impact (Jet)",
"description": "Attaque d'Impact (Jet) : Malus: -PUI, +PUI*3 en dégats"
"precision": {
"categName": "esprit",
"caracName": "perception",
"malus": "0",
"bonusdegats": 0,
"protection": "perception;1",
"label": "Tir de Précision",
"description": "Tir de Précision : Malus : 0, protection réduite de -PER"
"vise": {
"categName": "esprit",
"caracName": "perception",
"malus": "perception;1",
"bonusdegats": 0,
"protection": "perception;3",
"label": "Tir Visée",
"description": "Tir visée : Malus : -PER, protection réduite de -PER"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Extend the base Actor entity by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system.
* @extends {Actor}
export class YggdrasillActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Override the create() function to provide additional SoS functionality.
* This overrided create() function adds initial items
* Namely: Basic skills, money,
* @param {Object} data Barebones actor data which this function adds onto.
* @param {Object} options (Unused) Additional options which customize the creation workflow.
static async create(data, options) {
// Case of compendium global import
if (data instanceof Array) {
return super.create(data, options);
// If the created actor has items (only applicable to duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic
if (data.items) {
let actor = super.create(data, options);
return actor;
const competencesGen = await YggdrasillUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-yggdrasill.competences-generales");
const competencesMar = await YggdrasillUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-yggdrasill.competences-martiales");
const competencesMag = await YggdrasillUtility.loadCompendium("fvtt-yggdrasill.competences-magiques");
const competences = competencesGen.concat(competencesMar).concat(competencesMag);
data.items = => i.toObject());
return super.create(data, options);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
prepareBaseData() {
if ( this.type == "personnage") {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async prepareData() {
if ( this.type == "personnage") {
if (this.system.furor.value == 0)
await this.setEpuise();
await this.cleanEpuise();
if ( this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value < (this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max/4) )
await this.setMeurtri();
await this.cleanMeurtri();
if ( this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value < (this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max/2) )
await this.setBlesse();
await this.cleanBlesse();
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_preUpdate(changed, options, user) {
if ( changed.system?.caracsecondaire?.pv?.value ) {
if ( changed.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value < 0 )
changed.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value = 0;
if ( changed.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value > this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max )
changed.system.caracsecondaire.pv.value = this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max;
if ( changed.system?.furor?.value ) {
if ( changed.system.furor.value < 0 )
changed.system.furor.value = 0;
if ( changed.system.furor.value > this.system.furor.max )
changed.system.furor.value = this.system.furor.max;
super._preUpdate(changed, options, user);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetences() {
let comp = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'competence');
return comp;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
compareName( a, b) {
if ( < ) {
return -1;
if ( > ) {
return 1;
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getInitiativeScore() {
if ( this.type == 'personnage') {
return this.system.caracsecondaire.reaction.max;
} else {
return this.system.attributs.physique.values.defaut.value;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetencesGenerales() {
let comp = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'competence' && item.system.categorie == 'generale');
return comp.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetencesMartiales() {
let comp = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'competence' && item.system.categorie == 'martiale');
return comp.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetencesMagiques() {
let comp = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'competence' && item.system.categorie == 'magique');
return comp.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getDons( ) {
let dons = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'don');
return dons.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEffetsMagiques( ) {
let effets = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'effetmagique');
return effets.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEffetsDeRunes( ) {
let effets = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'effetderune');
return effets.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getMonnaies( ) {
let monnaies = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'monnaie');
return monnaies.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getFaiblesses( ) {
let faib = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'faiblesse');
return faib.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getBlessures( ) {
return this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'blessure');
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getToutEquipements() {
return this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'equipement' || item.type == 'armure' || item.type == 'armecc' || item.type == 'armedist' || item.type == 'bouclier');
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getArmes() {
return this.items.filter( item => (item.type == 'armecc' || item.type == 'armedist') && item.system.equipe );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getArmures() {
return this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'armure' && item.system.equipe );
getBoucliers() {
return this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'bouclier' && item.system.equipe );
getProuessesMartiales() {
let prouesse = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'prouesse' );
return prouesse.sort( this.compareName );
getSortsSejdr() {
let sort = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'sortsejdr' );
return sort.sort( this.compareName );
getSortsGaldr() {
let sort = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'sortgaldr' );
return sort.sort( this.compareName );
getRunes() {
let sort = this.items.filter( item => item.type == 'rune' );
return sort.sort( this.compareName );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async setEpuise( ) {
if (!this.system.status.epuise) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.epuise': true});
this.system.status.epuise = true;
/*let effect = this.getEffectByLabel('Epuisé');
if ( !effect ) {
let effect = statusEffects.find( ef => == 'epuise');
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [ effect ] );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async cleanEpuise() {
if (this.system.status.epuise) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.epuise': false});
this.system.status.epuise = false;
/*let effect = this.getEffectByLabel('Epuisé');
if ( effect ) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [ ]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async toggleEpuise( ) {
if ( this.system.status.epuise ) {
await this.cleanEpuise();
} else {
await this.setEpuise();
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isEpuise() {
return this.system.status.epuise;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async setBlesse( ) {
if (!this.system.status.blesse) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.blesse': true} );
this.system.status.blesse = true;
/*let effect = this.getEffectByLabel('Blessé');
if ( !effect ) {
let effect = statusEffects.find( ef => == 'blesse');
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [ effect ] );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async cleanBlesse() {
if (this.system.status.blesse) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.blesse': false} );
this.system.status.blesse = false;
/*let effect = this.getEffectByLabel('Blessé');
if ( effect ) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [ ]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isBlesse() {
return this.system.status.blesse;
//return this.getEffectByLabel('Blessé');
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async setMeurtri( ) {
await this.setBlesse();
if (!this.system.status.meurtri) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.meurtri': true});
this.system.status.meurtri = true;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async cleanMeurtri() {
if (this.system.status.meurtri) {
await this.update({ 'system.status.meurtri': false});
this.system.status.meurtri = false;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isMeurtri() {
return this.system.status.meurtri;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async decrementFuror( nbFuror) {
await this.update( { 'system.furor.value': this.system.furor.value - nbFuror } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCurrentFuror() {
return this.system.furor.value;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getActiveEffects(matching = it => true) {
return Array.from(this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").values()).filter(it => matching(it));
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEffectByLabel(label) {
return this.getActiveEffects().find(it => == label);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEffectById(id) {
return this.getActiveEffects().find(it => == id);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCarac( caracName ) {
for( let key in this.system.carac) {
let categ = this.system.carac[key];
for( let carac in categ.carac) {
if (carac.toLowerCase() == caracName.toLowerCase() ) {
return deepClone(categ.carac[carac]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeCaracSecondaire( ) {
if ( this.type == "personnage") {
let basecorps = this.system.carac.corps.carac;
let sumcorps = basecorps.puissance.value + basecorps.agilite.value + basecorps.vigueur.value
let baseesprit = this.system.carac.esprit.carac;
let sumesprit = baseesprit.intellect.value + baseesprit.perception.value + baseesprit.tenacite.value
let baseame = this.system.carac.ame.carac;
let sumame = baseame.charisme.value + baseame.communication.value + baseame.instinct.value
let newPV = (sumcorps*3) + (sumesprit *2) + sumame;
if ( newPV != this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.pv.max = newPV;
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.pv.max': newPV });
this.system.caracsecondaire.reaction.value = baseesprit.intellect.value + baseesprit.perception.value + baseame.instinct.value;
let newReac = baseesprit.intellect.value + baseesprit.perception.value + baseame.instinct.value;
if ( newReac != this.system.caracsecondaire.reaction.max) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.reaction.max = newReac
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.reaction.max': newReac });
this.system.caracsecondaire.defensephy.value = basecorps.agilite.value + basecorps.vigueur.value + baseame.instinct.value;
let newDef = basecorps.agilite.value + basecorps.vigueur.value + baseame.instinct.value;
if ( newDef != this.system.caracsecondaire.defensephy.max) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.defensephy.max = newDef
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.defensephy.max': newDef });
this.system.caracsecondaire.defensemen.value = baseesprit.tenacite.value + baseame.instinct.value + baseesprit.intellect.value;
newDef = baseesprit.tenacite.value + baseame.instinct.value + baseesprit.intellect.value;
if ( newDef != this.system.caracsecondaire.defensemen.max) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.defensemen.max = newDef
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.defensemen.max': newDef });
this.system.caracsecondaire.deplacement.value = basecorps.agilite.value + basecorps.vigueur.value;
let depl = basecorps.agilite.value + basecorps.vigueur.value;
if ( depl != this.system.caracsecondaire.deplacement.max) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.deplacement.max = depl
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.deplacement.max': depl });
this.system.caracsecondaire.capaenc.value = (basecorps.puissance.value * 2) + basecorps.vigueur.value;
let enc = (basecorps.puissance.value * 2) + basecorps.vigueur.value;
if ( enc != this.system.caracsecondaire.capaenc.max ) {
this.system.caracsecondaire.capaenc.max = enc
this.update( { 'system.caracsecondaire.capaenc.max': enc });
//console.log("CARAC SEC", this.system.caracsecondaire)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async equiperObject( equipementId ) {
let item = this.items.find( item => == equipementId );
if (item && item.system) {
let update = { _id:, "data.equipe": !item.system.equipe };
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCompetence( compId, niveau) {
let comp = this.items.find( item => item.type == 'competence' && == compId);
console.log("Comp updated!!!!", compId, niveau);
if (comp) {
const update = { _id:, 'system.niveau': niveau };
await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [update]); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Compétence inconnue", compId)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
buildListeActionsCombat( ) {
let armes = [];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollAttribute( attrkey, subAttrKey = 'defaut') {
let attr = duplicate(this.system.attributs[attrkey]);
console.log("ATTR : ", attr, attrkey, subAttrKey);
let subAttr = duplicate(this.system.attributs[attrkey].values[subAttrKey] );
if ( attr ) {
subAttr.label = subAttr.label || "";
let title = `Attribut : ${attr.label} ${subAttr.label} : ${subAttr.value}`;
let rollData = {
mode: "attribut",
actorImg: this.img,
attr: attr,
valuePhysique: this.system.attributs["physique"].values["defaut"].value,
subAttr: subAttr,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
title: title,
isBlesse: this.system.etat.etat == "blesse",
optionsBonusMalus: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(-15, +15),
bonusMalus: 0,
bonusdefense: 0,
optionsBD: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, +15),
optionsSR: YggdrasillUtility.buildSROptions( ),
sr: 0
let rollDialog = await YggdrasillRoll.create( this, rollData);
rollDialog.render( true );
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Attribut non trouvée");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCarac( categName, caracName) {
let carac = duplicate(this.system.carac[categName].carac[caracName]);
console.log("CARAC : ", carac, this.system.carac);
if ( carac) {
let rollData = {
mode: "carac",
actorImg: this.img,
img: `systems/fvtt-yggdrasill/images/icons/icon_carac_${categName}.png`,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
title: `Caractéristique ${carac.label} : ${carac.value}`,
selectedCarac: carac,
isEpuise: this.isEpuise(),
isBlesse: this.isBlesse(),
isMeurtri: this.isMeurtri(),
optionsBonusMalus: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(-15, +15),
bonusMalus: 0,
optionsFuror: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, this.getCurrentFuror() ),
furorUsage: 0,
optionsSR: YggdrasillUtility.buildSROptions( ),
optionsBD: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, +15),
sr: 0
let rollDialog = await YggdrasillRoll.create( this, rollData);
rollDialog.render( true );
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Caractéristique non trouvée");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCompetence( competenceId ) {
let competence = this.items.find( item => item.type == 'competence' && == competenceId);
if ( competence) {
let rollData = {
mode: "competence",
actorImg: this.img,
img: competence.img,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
title: `Compétence ${} : ${competence.system.niveau}`,
competence: duplicate(competence),
isEpuise: this.isEpuise(),
isBlesse: this.isBlesse(),
isMeurtri: this.isMeurtri(),
optionsBonusMalus: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(-15, +15),
bonusMalus: 0,
optionsFuror: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, this.getCurrentFuror() ),
furorUsage: 0,
optionsSR: YggdrasillUtility.buildSROptions( ),
sr: 0
let rollDialog = await YggdrasillRoll.create( this, rollData);
rollDialog.render( true );
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Compétence non trouvée");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getAttaqueData( mode ) {
let attackData = duplicate(attackMode[mode]);
if ( attackData){
attackData.mode = mode;
attackData.carac = duplicate(this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[attackData.caracName]);
if ( attackData.malus != 0) {
let malusTab = attackData.malus.split(';');
attackData.malus = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
if ( != 0) {
let malusTab =';');
| = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
if ( attackData.bonusdegats != 0) {
let malusTab = attackData.bonusdegats.split(';');
attackData.bonusdegats = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
return attackData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getTirData( mode) {
let attackData = duplicate( tirMode[mode] );
if ( attackData){
attackData.mode = mode;
attackData.carac = duplicate(this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[attackData.caracName]);
if ( attackData.malus != 0) {
let malusTab = attackData.malus.split(';');
attackData.malus = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
if ( != 0) {
let malusTab =';');
| = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
if ( attackData.bonusdegats != 0) {
let malusTab = attackData.bonusdegats.split(';');
attackData.bonusdegats = this.system.carac[attackData.categName].carac[malusTab[0]].value * Number(malusTab[1])
return attackData;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollSort( sortId, magie) {
let sort = this.items.find( item => == sortId);
let competence = this.items.find( item => item.type == 'competence' &&;
console.log("SORT :", sortId, sort, competence );
let carac;
if ( magie == "sejdr") {
carac = duplicate(this.system.carac.ame.carac.instinct);
} else if ( magie == "rune") {
carac = duplicate(this.system.carac.ame.carac.communication);
} else {
carac = duplicate(this.system.carac.ame.carac.charisme);
if ( sort && competence) {
let rollData = {
mode: magie,
isMagie: true,
actorImg: this.img,
img: sort.img,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
title: magie + " - " +,
selectedCarac: carac,
agiliteCarac: duplicate(this.system.carac.corps.carac.agilite),
instinctCarac: duplicate(this.system.carac.ame.carac.instinct),
sort: duplicate(sort),
competence: duplicate(competence),
dureeGaldr: "1d5a",
nbCibles: "1",
zoneGaldr: "INS10cm3",
bonusdefense: 0,
isEpuise: this.isEpuise(),
isBlesse: this.isBlesse(),
isMeurtri: this.isMeurtri(),
optionsBonusMalus: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(-15, +15),
optionsBD: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, +15),
bonusMalus: 0,
optionsFuror: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, this.getCurrentFuror() ),
furorUsage: 0,
optionsSR: YggdrasillUtility.buildSROptions( ),
sr: 14,
puissanceRune: 1,
optionsPuissanceRune: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(1, 15),
supportRune: "peau",
let rollDialog = await YggdrasillRoll.create( this, rollData);
rollDialog.render( true );
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Sortilège ou Compétence non trouvée !", sort, compName);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollArme( armeId ) {
let arme = this.items.find( item => == armeId);
let compName = armeCategorieToCompetence[arme.system.categorie];
let competence = this.items.find( item => item.type == 'competence' && == compName);
console.log("ARME :", armeId, arme, competence );
if ( arme && competence) {
let attackDef
if (arme.type == 'armecc') {
attackDef = this.getAttaqueData("classique");
} else {
attackDef = this.getTirData("pose");
let rollData = {
mode: arme.type,
attackDef: attackDef,
actorImg: this.img,
img: competence.img,
rollMode: game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"),
title: "Attaque !",
selectedCarac: duplicate(this.system.carac.corps.carac.agilite),
arme: duplicate(arme),
competence: duplicate(competence),
bonusdefense: 0,
isEpuise: this.isEpuise(),
isBlesse: this.isBlesse(),
isMeurtri: this.isMeurtri(),
optionsBonusMalus: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(-15, +15),
optionsBD: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, +15),
bonusMalus: 0,
optionsFuror: YggdrasillUtility.buildListOptions(0, this.getCurrentFuror() ),
furorUsage: 0,
optionsSR: YggdrasillUtility.buildSROptions( ),
sr: 14
let rollDialog = await YggdrasillRoll.create( this, rollData);
rollDialog.render( true );
} else {
ui.notifications.warn("Arme ou Compétence Martiale non trouvée !", arme, compName);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getEncTotal( ) {
let encTotal = 0;
for( let item of this.items) {
if (item.type == "equipement" || item.type == "armecc"
|| item.type == "armedist" || item.type == "armure" || item.type == "monnaie" || item.type == "bouclier") {
encTotal += (item.system.enc * item.system.quantite);
for( let item of this.items) {
if (item.type == "bouclier" && item.system.equipe) {
encTotal -= (item.system.enc * item.system.quantite);
encTotal += (item.system.enccomb * item.system.quantite);
return encTotal;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getProtectionTotal( ) {
let protectionTotal = 0;
for( let item of this.items) {
if (item.type == "armure" && item.system.equipe) {
protectionTotal += Number(;
return protectionTotal;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getDpBouclier( ) {
let dpBouclier = 0;
for( let item of this.items) {
if (item.type == "bouclier" && item.system.equipe) {
dpBouclier += Number(item.system.defensebonus);
return dpBouclier;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async incrementeQuantite( objetId ) {
let objetQ = this.items.find( item => == objetId );
if (objetQ) {
let newQ = objetQ.system.quantite + 1;
const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': newQ }]); // pdates one EmbeddedEntity
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async decrementeQuantite( objetId ) {
let objetQ = this.items.find( item => == objetId );
if (objetQ) {
let newQ = objetQ.system.quantite - 1;
newQ = (newQ <= 0) ? 0 : newQ;
const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedDocuments('Item', [{ _id:, 'system.quantite': newQ }]); // pdates one EmbeddedEntity