forked from public/swade-fr-content
update compendiums
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"label": "SWADE Bestiary",
"label": "SWADE Bestiaire",
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"label": "SWADE Edges",
"label": "SWADE Atouts",
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
@ -48,555 +48,693 @@
"id": "Ace",
"name": "Ace"
"name": "Ace",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Aces are pilots and drivers who have a special affinity with their car, boat, plane, or other vehicle. They ignore two points of penalties to any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Boating]{Boating}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Driving]{Driving}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Piloting]{Piloting} roll, and may spend @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies} to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Soak Rolls]{Soak} damage for any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{vehicles} they control or command, using the appropriate Boating, Driving, or Piloting skill instead of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor}. Each success and raise negates a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Acrobat",
"name": "Acrobat"
"name": "Acrobat",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The Acrobat gets one free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} totals that involve balance, tumbling, or grappling. It doesn’t affect rolls to interrupt actions, climb, swim, or throw</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Alertness",
"name": "Alertness"
"name": "Alertness",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Not much gets by this hero. He’s very observant and perceptive, and adds +2 to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls to hear, see, or otherwise sense the world around him.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Ambidextrous",
"name": "Ambidextrous"
"name": "Ambidextrous",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Your warrior is as deft with his left hand as he is with his right. He ignores the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Off-Hand Attacks]{Off-Hand Penalty}</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If holding a weapon in each hand, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Ambidextrous]{Ambidextrous} characters may stack @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} bonuses (if any) from both weapons.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Gifted)",
"name": "Arcane Background (Gifted)"
"name": "Arcane Background (Gifted)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<ul>\n<li>Arcane Skill: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Focus]{Focus} (Spirit)</li>\n<li>Starting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers}: 1</li>\n<li>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}: 15</li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character has innate abilities that don’t fit into the usual tropes of magic, miracles, or psionics. Their powers may be low-level super powers, divine gifts, or even alien abilities, and are often very unusual or unique for their setting</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Magic)",
"name": "Arcane Background (Magic)"
"name": "Arcane Background (Magic)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<ul>\n<li>Arcane Skill: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Spellcasting]{Spellcasting} (Smarts)</li>\n<li>Starting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers}: 3</li>\n<li>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}: 10</li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Magicians range from powerful wizards to vile cultists. They draw on raw supernatural energy to fuel their eldritch fires. This energy infuses the worlds in which they live, and is drawn forth with gestures, words of power, or ancient runes.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Miracles)",
"name": "Arcane Background (Miracles)"
"name": "Arcane Background (Miracles)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<ul>\n<li>Arcane Skill: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} (Spirit)</li>\n<li>Starting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers}: 3</li>\n<li>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}: 10</li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those who invoke miracles draw their power from a divine presence of some sort, including gods, nature, or spirits. Their powers are usually invoked with a few words of prayer or by performing established rituals. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those who cast miracles are champions of their particular religions. They typically have @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrances} that pertain to their service, such as @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Vow]{Vow} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Obligation]{Obligation}. They might also have @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Connections]{Connections} to others of their religion who can help them out when their divine energies wane</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Psionics)",
"name": "Arcane Background (Psionics)"
"name": "Arcane Background (Psionics)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<ul>\n<li>Arcane Skill: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Psionics]{Psionics} (Smarts)</li>\n<li>Starting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers}: 3</li>\n<li>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}: 10</li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Psionicists tap into their own mental energy to manipulate matter, read minds, and far more. Some are agents in the employ of a vast government agency, while others are often on the run from them! Some may have years of training or they might have developed their incredible powers in isolation</span> </p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Background (Weird Science)",
"name": "Arcane Background (Weird Science)"
"name": "Arcane Background (Weird Science)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<ul>\n<li>Arcane Skill: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Weird Science](Smarts)</li>\n<li>Starting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers}: 2</li>\n<li>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}: 15</li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Weird scientists use strange and powerful inventions beyond the normal technological level of the setting. Such creations might be possible due to super fuels, alien discoveries, or the raw intellect of rare super-geniuses who push the boundaries of science.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A weird scientist’s </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trappings]{Trappings}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> must always include the item they’re associated with. The </span><span class=\"fontstyle3\"><em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Burst]{burst} </em></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">power might manifest through a magical flamethrower in <em>Deadlands: Weird West</em></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><em> </em>, for instance, while “Dr. Gabriel’s Wondrous Restorative Elixir!” is a </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle3\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Healing]{healing} </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">potion.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Weird scientists must have their devices at hand to activate their powers (but see<strong> </strong></span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Jury Rig</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">, below).<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">O</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">ther characters can’t activate the inventor’s creations. They might not understand the strange mechanisms required to make it work, the device might not be “calibrated” or portioned for other users, or it might just “fritz out” for anyone but the creator. While this may seem a bit strange narratively, the “magic”—and the Power Points—come from the inventor so he must be the one to activate it.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Creating devices for others is possible—it just requires an </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>Arcane Device </strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">and the </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Artificer]{Artificer} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Edge .</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The inventor can </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">use </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">his devices on others, of course, including administering drinks from his magical elixirs or giving them injections of some miraculous super serum he’s created. If Dr. Gabriel administers his elixir, for example, he rolls to activate the power normally. If he </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">gives </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">someone the bottle to use later, they’ll find it’s lost its potency.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle3\"><strong>Jury Rig</strong>: </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Weird scientists must usually activate their powers through their assigned device, but they can improvise other ways if needed at a -2 penalty. This requires a decent rationale relative to the setting and the GM’s permission.</span></p>\n<p> </p>\n<h2><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Example</span></h2>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Gabe is captured by evil aliens and all his equipment is taken. He’s placed in a holding cell and decides he’ll use the overhead lights and whatever the aliens use for electricity to create a makeshift </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle3\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Blast]{blast}</span></em><span class=\"fontstyle2\">. The GM agrees this will work, but only once since it will destroy the lights and short out the cell’s energy in the process.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /></span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arcane Resistance",
"name": "Arcane Resistance"
"name": "Arcane Resistance",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Magic and the supernatural hold little sway with this individual. Whether by nature, heritage, or training he’s particularly resistant to magic, psionics, weird science, and other supernatural energies. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Arcane skills targeting the hero suffer a <strong>-2</strong> penalty (even if cast by allies!) and magical damage is reduced by<strong> 2</strong> as well.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Aristocrat",
"name": "Aristocrat"
"name": "Aristocrat",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This individual was born into privilege or came into it later in life. She may or may not have money (the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Rich]{Rich} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Filthy Rich]{Filthy Rich} Edge), but she still walks in the elite social circles of the setting.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Aristocrats add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} when </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle3\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Networking]{Networking} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">with the local elite, captains of industry, nobles, or other aristocrats. They also add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} rolls made to know the etiquette of the upper class, recognize family trees or heraldry, or recall gossip concerning others of their station</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Artificer",
"name": "Artificer"
"name": "Artificer",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those who tangle with supernatural forces sometimes find ways to imbue powers into items. They may turn an ordinary blade into a magic sword, grant powerful potions to their friends, or even bless holy relics with divine grace.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" />Artificers can create <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Devices]{Arcane Devices}</strong> and give them to their allies.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Assassin",
"name": "Assassin"
"name": "Assassin",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Assassins are trained killers who know how to kill even the toughest foes. They add +2 to damage rolls when their foe is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Vulnerable} or they have @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.The Drop]{The Drop}</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Attractive",
"name": "Attractive"
"name": "Attractive",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">It’s no secret people are more willing to help those they find physically attractive. Your character adds +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls</span> if the target is attracted to his general type (gender, sex, species, etc.).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Beast Bond",
"name": "Beast Bond"
"name": "Beast Bond",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Some individuals have an extra­ordinary bond with their animal companions. These characters may spend their own @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies} for any animals under their control, including mounts, pets, familiars, and so on.</p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Beast Master",
"name": "Beast Master"
"name": "Beast Master",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Animals take to your hero quickly and easily. They won’t attack him unless he attacks them first or they’re enraged for some reason.</p>\n<p>The Beast Master’s “animal magnetism” is so great he’s attracted a loyal animal of some sort as well. This is typically an animal of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} 0 or smaller, subject to the GM’s approval. </p>\n<p>The beast is an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extra} and doesn’t @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advance} in Rank or abilities. If a pet is dismissed or killed, the hero gains a replacement in [[/r 1d4]] days.</p>\n<p><strong>More Powerful Companions</strong>: Beast Master may be taken more than once. Choose one of the effects below each time it’s chosen:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Gain an additional pet.</li>\n<li>Increase one of the pet’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Traits} one die type (only one Trait per pet).</li>\n<li>Increase the maximum Size pet you may have by +1, to a maximum of 3.</li>\n<li>Make one pet a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}. (The hero must be of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Heroic Rank}).</li>\n</ul>\n</div>"
"id": "Berserk",
"name": "Berserk"
"name": "Berserk",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Berserkers become wild and nearly uncontrollable when the “red rage” takes them, but<br />they are deadly killing machines as well! </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Immediately after suffering a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound or a Shaken} result (from physical damage only), your hero must make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} roll or go Berserk. She </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">can </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">voluntarily fail this check if she likes.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Going Berserk has the following effects:</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li>FURY: <span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character’s Strength increases a die type and every melee attack must be a </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Attack]{Wild Attack}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. She cannot use any skills that require wit or concentration (GM’s call). She may scream out threats and use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation}, for example.</span> </li>\n<li>ENRAGED: <span class=\"fontstyle0\">Adrenaline and rage fuel the berserker’s muscles, adding +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness}. She ignores one level of Wound penalties (this stacks with any other abilities that reduce Wound penalties).</span> </li>\n<li>RECKLESS ABANDON: <span class=\"fontstyle0\">Anytime a berserker rolls a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} on a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} check, she hits a random target within range of her attack (</span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">not </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">the intended target), friend or foe. If there are no applicable targets, the blow simply misses, smashes nearby objects, etc.</span></li>\n</ul>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">After five consecutive rounds of berserk fury, the hero takes a level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue}. At ten rounds, she takes another level of Fatigue and the rage ends. She may also </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">choose </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">to end her rage at any time by making a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} -2 roll (as a free action; possibly avoiding Fatigue if she manages to end her rage before it’s incurred!). Start the count anew if she goes berserk again, even in the same battle.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Block",
"name": "Block"
"name": "Block",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Through hard-fought experience your hero has learned to defend himself in vicious hand-to-hand combat. His @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} increases by +1 and any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Ganging Up]{Gang Up} bonus against him is reduced by one</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Bolster",
"name": "Bolster"
"name": "Bolster",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Belittling or humiliating an enemy can also boost your ally’s spirits. When this character successfully @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Tests}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">a foe, he may also remove the <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted or Vulnerable}</strong></span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">state from one of his allies.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Brave",
"name": "Brave"
"name": "Brave",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those with this Edge have learned to master their fear, or have dealt with so many horrors they’ve become jaded. These valiant explorers add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear} checks and subtract 2 from </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-tables.Fear Table]{Fear Table} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">results.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Brawler",
"name": "Brawler"
"name": "Brawler",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">His fists hit like hammers or his talons cut like scythes. His body feels like it’s made of stone. Brawlers increase their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} by 1 and roll @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} +d4 when hitting with their fists or feet (or claws if they have them). If they already have a damage die from </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Claws)]{Claws}</strong>, the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Martial Artist]{Martial Artist} Edge, etc., increase the damage die type by one instead. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The Brawler Edge doesn’t make the character’s fists </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Natural Weapons]{Natural Weapons}</span></strong></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Brawny",
"name": "Brawny"
"name": "Brawny",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your bruiser is very large or very fit. Her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} increases by +1 (and therefore @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} by 1) and she treats her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} as one die type higher when determining <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Gear Notes]{Encumbrance}</strong></span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">and </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Minimum Strength]{Minimum Strength} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">to use armor, weapons, and equipment without a penalty.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><br />Brawny can’t increase a character’s Size above +3.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Bruiser",
"name": "Bruiser"
"name": "Bruiser",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The fighter increases his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} an additional +1, and the damage caused with his fists or claws another die type.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Brute",
"name": "Brute"
"name": "Brute",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Brutes focus on core strength and fitness over coordination and flexibility. They treat @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} as linked to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} instead of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Agility} for purposes of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advancement}. The character may also resist Athletics @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Tests} with Strength if she chooses. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Finally, Brutes increase the </span>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Short Range} of any thrown item by +1. Double that for the adjusted Medium Range, and double again for Long Range. If a thrown item’s Range is 3/6/12, for example, a Brute’s Range is 4/8/16.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Calculating",
"name": "Calculating"
"name": "Calculating",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A few seconds to study your foe’s actions gives your hero a major advantage. When his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} is a Five or less, he ignores up to 2 points of penalties on one action that turn, which can include @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action}, cover, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Range}, and even @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} penalties</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Champion",
"name": "Champion"
"name": "Champion",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Champions are holy (or unholy) men and women chosen to fight for a particular deity or religion. Most are pious souls ready and willing to lay down their lives for a greater cause, but some may have been born into the role and follow their path with some reluctance.</p>\n<p>Champions fight the forces of darkness (or good), adding +2 damage when attacking supernaturally evil (or good if they’re evil) creatures. The bonus applies to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{area effect damage}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Attacks]{ranged attacks}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{powers}, etc.</p>\n<p>The GM must decide which foes this bonus applies to, but generally it’s any evil (or good!) creature born of magic or with any supernatural abilities.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Channeling",
"name": "Channeling"
"name": "Channeling",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When the character gets a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise }on her arcane skill roll (or roll to activate or use an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Devices]{arcane device}), she reduces its @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Point}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> cost by 1. This </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">can </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">take it to 0</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Charismatic",
"name": "Charismatic"
"name": "Charismatic",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is likable for some reason. She may be trustworthy or kind, or might just exude confidence and goodwill. You get one free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Chi",
"name": "Chi"
"name": "Chi",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Your hero’s martial arts training goes beyond the norm and into the realm of the mystical. At the start of each combat encounter, she gains a “Chi Point” that can be spent to:</p>\n<ul>\n<li>Reroll one of her failed attacks (even a Critical Failure).</li>\n<li>Make an enemy discard an attack against her, then reroll it from scratch.</li>\n<li>Add +d6 damage to a successful @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack made with her hands, feet, claws, or other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Natural Weapons]{Natural Weapons} (this may @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Ace}).</li>\n</ul>\n<p>Unspent Chi is lost at the end of the combat encounter.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Combat Acrobat",
"name": "Combat Acrobat"
"name": "Combat Acrobat",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The tumbler leaps quickly about so that attacks against her are made at -1 as long as she’s aware of the attack, can reasonably move about, and isn’t suffering any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Gear Notes]{Encumbrance} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Minimum Strength]{Minimum Strength} penalties.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Combat Reflexes",
"name": "Combat Reflexes"
"name": "Combat Reflexes",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your warrior recovers quickly from shock and trauma. He adds +2 to his rolls when attempting to recover from being @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Command",
"name": "Command"
"name": "Command",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Command is the basic ability to give clear instructions and support to allies in the thick of battle. Extras in </span>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Command Range} add +1 to their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Spirit} rolls when attempting to recover from being @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} and +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls when attempting to recover from being @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Command Presence",
"name": "Command Presence"
"name": "Command Presence",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A booming voice, effective commands, natural charisma, or simple training results in a much more effective combat element. A hero with this Edge has a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Command Range} of 10″ (20 yards).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Common Bond",
"name": "Common Bond"
"name": "Common Bond",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Selfless heroes and determined leaders know their greatest strength often comes from their companions, and are willing to give some of their own fortune, fate, or luck to support them.<br />A character with this Edge may freely give her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies} to any other character she can communicate with. The player should explan what form this takes, from a quick shout of encouragement to a welcome pat on the back</span> </p></div>"
"id": "Concentration",
"name": "Concentration"
"name": "Concentration",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Through training and focus, the caster is extremely efficient in channeling arcane forces. The base @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Powers} of any non-Instant power is doubled. This includes maintaining powers as well.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Connections",
"name": "Connections"
"name": "Connections",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your heroine is connected to people or organizations who can help her when the chips are down. It might be the mob, the Feds, a union, or even other adventurers.<br />Connections may be taken more than once, selecting a new faction or contact each time. Once per session, and assuming she can get in touch with them, the heroine can call on her friends for a favor.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The favor depends on the nature of the contact (GM’s call), but might include a loan, gear, a few allied fighters, transportation, information, or even a professional with critical skills the party doesn’t have, like a hacker or scholar.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Counterattack",
"name": "Counterattack"
"name": "Counterattack",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Fighters with this Edge deal instant punishment for an enemy’s mistakes. Once per round (if not @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">), the character receives a </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Free Attacks]{Free Attacks} </strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> against one failed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against him. The counterattack takes place immediately (before other hits against the hero on the same @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card}, if any)</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Danger Sense",
"name": "Danger Sense"
"name": "Danger Sense",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Your hero can sense when something bad is about to happen. When rolling for <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Surprise]{Surprise}</strong>, he adds +2 to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} roll to act in the first round. With a raise, he starts the encounter on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hold]{Hold}.</p>\n<p>In other situations not covered by the Surprise rules (a sniper shot, pit trap, poisoned drink, etc.), Danger Sense gives him a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} roll at −2 (or +2 if a Notice roll is usually allowed) to detect the hazard and take appropriate action. If this was an attack and the hero makes his Notice roll, the foe doesn’t get @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.The Drop]{The Drop} against him.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Dead Shot",
"name": "Dead Shot"
"name": "Dead Shot",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When your @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} is a Joker, double the total damage of your first successful @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} (throwing) or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll this round.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Dodge",
"name": "Dodge"
"name": "Dodge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero can anticipate attacks or move erratically under fire. Unless the victim of a surprise attack and taken completely unaware, Dodge subtracts 2 from all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Attacks]{ranged attacks} made against the character. Dodge does </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">not </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">stack with actual @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Cover and Obstacles]{cover}, however</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Double Tap",
"name": "Double Tap"
"name": "Double Tap",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Experienced firearms experts fire two shots in rapid succession without spoiling their aim. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Double Tap can only be used with weapons that have a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire} of 1 and can fire two shots without needing to manually @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Reload]{reload}. It adds +1 to hit and damage at the cost of one extra bullet. This is per action, so a shooter can Double Tap more than once if she performs a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action}.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Double Tap </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">cannot </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">be combined with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Rapid Fire]{Rapid Fire}.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If used with a weapon capable of </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Three-Round Burst]{Three-Round Burst}</strong>, it adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} and damage instead of +1 and expends </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">six </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">bullets.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Elan",
"name": "Elan"
"name": "Elan",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Elan means energy or spirit. Those who have it rise to the occasion when the going gets toughest. When you spend a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to reroll a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Trait}, add +2 to the total. The bonus applies only when rerolling. It doesn’t apply to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Dealing Damage]{damage} rolls (since they’re not Trait rolls), nor does it apply to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Soak Rolls]{Soak rolls} unless you’re using </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle2\">another </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Benny to reroll the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} check.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Expert",
"name": "Expert"
"name": "Expert",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>As the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Professional]{Professional} Edge, increasing the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Trait} and its limit one additional step.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Extra Effort",
"name": "Extra Effort"
"name": "Extra Effort",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Some @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Arcane Background (Gifted)]{Gifted} can dig deep into their souls to significantly boost their powers.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Extra Effort increases a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Focus]{Focus} total after it’s rolled by +1 for 1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Point}, or +2 for 3 Power Points. It may not be used to improve a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Extraction",
"name": "Extraction"
"name": "Extraction",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When a character withdraws from melee, adjacent attackers get a free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against him (see </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Withdrawing From Melee]{Withdrawing From Melee}</strong>). This is a very dangerous proposition for most, but not your wily champion.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When moving away from adjacent foes, one of them (player’s choice), doesn’t get his free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fame",
"name": "Fame"
"name": "Fame",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your character is a minor celebrity of some sort. She might be a popular bard known in a particular fiefdom, a minor rock star, or a beloved B-movie actor.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">She makes double the normal fee when performing for pay (see </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">). She can also use her celebrity to add +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls if a target is friendly and knows who she is (a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} roll modified by how likely the individual is to know the celebrity).<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The downside of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Fame]{Fame} is that the individual is often recognized, others frequently want something from her, she may be followed by fans or admirers, or she may not be able to shirk obligations, performances, or other duties without causing trouble for herself.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Famous",
"name": "Famous"
"name": "Famous",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is truly famous. She’s wellknown in a large circle such as a country, a large industry, or a popular medium (film or television, the music industry). She makes 5 × the normal fee when performing and adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls when influencing friendly individuals who know who she is.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The price is higher for the truly @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Famous]{Famous}, too, with more demands on her time, obligations, rivals, scandals, and an inability to operate in crowds without being recognized.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fast Healer",
"name": "Fast Healer"
"name": "Fast Healer",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those with this blessing add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls for natural healing, and check every three days instead of five (see </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Healing]{Healing}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Feint",
"name": "Feint"
"name": "Feint",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When performing a </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} skill, you can choose to make the foe resist with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} instead of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Agility}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fervor",
"name": "Fervor"
"name": "Fervor",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A simple phrase uttered by a great leader can sometimes have momentous results. A commander with this ability can inspire his troops to bloody fervor by yelling a motto, slogan, or other inspirational words. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extras} in range add +1 to their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} damage rolls</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Filthy Rich",
"name": "Filthy Rich"
"name": "Filthy Rich",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This fortunate individual is very wealthy. He has five times the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{starting funds} for the setting during character creation and, if appropriate, a yearly income after responsibilities of around $500,000. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Even wealthier characters may exist, but unless there’s a game effect it probably shouldn’t matter. This should be worked out with the GM and come with many more assets as well as onerous responsibilities</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "First Strike",
"name": "First Strike"
"name": "First Strike",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Once per round, as long as he’s not @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned},</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> the hero gets a free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against a foe immediately after he moves into @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Reach]{Reach}. (See</span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Free Attacks]{Free Attacks}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">)</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Fleet-Footed",
"name": "Fleet-Footed"
"name": "Fleet-Footed",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} is increased by +2 and his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running die} increases one step (from d6 to d8, for example)</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Followers",
"name": "Followers"
"name": "Followers",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Each time this Edge is chosen, five followers come to fight by the hero’s side. If any are lost, others eventually take their place (how long is up to the GM and the circumstances).</p>\n<p>Followers must be cared for and generally want a share of whatever loot, treasure, or other rewards the hero acquires. Otherwise, they are completely dedicated to their task. They won’t throw their lives away but are willing to risk them repeatedly in his service.</p>\n<p>Use the <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-bestiary.Soldier]{Soldier} </strong>profile for the followers. A hero may outfit her allies as she sees fit. Followers <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advance} </strong>just like player characters.</p>\n<p>Use the <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Allies]{Allies} </strong>rules to give them distinctive personal­ities if desired.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Free Runner",
"name": "Free Runner"
"name": "Free Runner",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your character practices “parkour” or is just very skilled at running, jumping, swinging, scampering up walls, and over obstacles. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As long as there are obstacles she can bound on, bounce off, or swing on, she moves at her full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Difficult Ground} when on foot. She also adds +2 to her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} rolls when climbing and in foot </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Chases </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(see <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Chases and Vehicles]{Chases & Vehicles}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Frenzy",
"name": "Frenzy"
"name": "Frenzy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A character with Frenzy rolls a second @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} die with any one of his Fighting attacks for the turn. The extra die may be allocated to the same or different targets as he sees fit. Resolve each separately</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Gadgeteer",
"name": "Gadgeteer"
"name": "Gadgeteer",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Some mechanical gurus can build incredible devices out of most anything. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A Gadgeteer can spend up to three @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points} to “jury rig” a device from any reasonable collection of spare parts. This allows her to activate any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{power} normally available to Weird Scientists of her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Rank} or lower in her particular setting, with a Power Point cost of 3 or lower. </span></p>\n<p>The total cost of an individual power (plus any modifiers) cannot exceed the points spent to create it, nor can the inventor apply @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trappings]{Limitations} to the gadget. She may attempt to create multiple devices as long as she has the points to do so.</p>\n<p>Each gadget is created and activated with a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Weird Science]{Weird Science}} roll at –2. This takes one entire turn, during which she can do nothing else (she cannot take @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Actions} that turn). In all other ways, it works as the normal activation of a power.</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The inventor uses Power Points directly from her pool for the device, but once its initial @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{Duration} is finished (it cannot be maintained) it falls apart into its component pieces.</span></p>\n<h2>Example</h2>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Gabe is an inventor in the <em>Weird West</em>. He wants to use <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Boost/Lower Trait]{boost Trait}</em></span><em><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">to help Red fight a giant rattlesnake, but only has the </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Burst]{burst} </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">and </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Blast]{blast} </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">powers. Fortunately, he’s a Gadgeteer, so Gabe can put </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle2\">boost Trait </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">into an “electrical bio-inducer.” The device can take up to three points worth of powers, so he adds the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hinder or Hurry (+1)]{Hurry} modifier and gives Red +2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} as well</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Giant Killer",
"name": "Giant Killer"
"name": "Giant Killer",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The bigger they are, the harder they are to kill. At least for most. Your hero knows how to find the weak points in the most massive of foes. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">He adds +1d6 damage when attacking creatures who are three or more Sizes larger than himself (see <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">). A human (Size 0) gets the bonus against a creature of Size 3 or greater.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Great Luck",
"name": "Great Luck"
"name": "Great Luck",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The player draws two extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies} instead of one at the start of each session.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hard To Kill",
"name": "Hard To Kill"
"name": "Hard To Kill",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This adventurer has more lives than a herd of cats. He may ignore his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} penalties when making @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls to avoid <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Bleeding Out}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Harder To Kill",
"name": "Harder To Kill"
"name": "Harder To Kill",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is tougher to kill than Rasputin. If he is ever “killed,” roll a die. On an odd result, he’s dead as usual. On an even roll, he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Incapacitated} but somehow escapes death. He may be captured, stripped of all his belongings, or mistakenly left for dead, but he somehow survives.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Healer",
"name": "Healer"
"name": "Healer",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>A hero with this Edge adds +2 to all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Healing]{Healing} rolls, whether natural or magical in nature.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hold the Line!",
"name": "Hold the Line!"
"name": "Hold the Line!",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Hold the Line strengthens the will of any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extras} under the hero's command, adding +1 to their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Holy/Unholy Warrior",
"name": "Holy/Unholy Warrior"
"name": "Holy/Unholy Warrior",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Believers face grave dangers in service to their divine patrons. To survive such hardships, the forces of good (or evil) grant miracles and the ability to turn their favor into supernatural protection. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The chosen may add +1 to the total of a final @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Soak Rolls]{Soak roll} for each @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Point} spent, to a maximum of +4.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Humiliate",
"name": "Humiliate"
"name": "Humiliate",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those with a cruel wit can destroy a rival’s ego in a single remark or well-timed gesture.<br />Your hero gets a free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt Tests}</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Arcane Resistance",
"name": "Improved Arcane Resistance"
"name": "Improved Arcane Resistance",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Magic and the supernatural hold little sway with this individual. Whether by nature, heritage, or training he’s particularly resistant to magic, psionics, weird science, and other supernatural energies. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Arcane skills targeting the hero suffer a <strong>-4</strong> penalty (even if cast by allies!) and magical damage is reduced by <strong>4</strong> as well.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Improved Block",
"name": "Improved Block"
"name": "Improved Block",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} bonus is now +2 and the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Ganging Up]{Gang Up} bonus against him is reduced by 2</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Counterattack",
"name": "Improved Counterattack"
"name": "Improved Counterattack",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero gets a </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Free Attacks]{Free Attack} </strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">against up to three failed attacks each round.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Dodge",
"name": "Improved Dodge"
"name": "Improved Dodge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero adds +2 when Evading area effect attacks. See </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Evasion]{Evasion}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Extraction",
"name": "Improved Extraction"
"name": "Improved Extraction",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Up to three foes’ (player’s choice) don’t get attacks when your warrior @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Withdrawing From Melee]{moves out of melee} with them</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved First Strike",
"name": "Improved First Strike"
"name": "Improved First Strike",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Once per round, as long as he’s not @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Stunned]{Stunned}, the hero gets a free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack against three foes immediately after he moves into @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Reach]{Reach}. (See </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Free Attacks]{Free Attacks}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Frenzy",
"name": "Improved Frenzy"
"name": "Improved Frenzy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The fighter rolls an extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} die with up to two Fighting attacks in the same turn</span></p>\n<h2>Example</h2>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Red desperately attacks a giant crab-like creature on an alien planet. She has Improved Frenzy and decides to attack three times (a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action} at the usual penalty). She rolls her Fighting skill with an extra die for her first attack and second attack. She doesn’t get the extra die on her third Fighting roll.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Level Headed",
"name": "Improved Level Headed"
"name": "Improved Level Headed",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Fighters who can keep their cool when everyone else is running for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Cover and Obstacles]{cover} make deadly combatants. A hero with this Edge draws <strong>two</strong> additional @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Cards} in combat and chooses which to use.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Nerves of Steel",
"name": "Improved Nerves of Steel"
"name": "Improved Nerves of Steel",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero ignores two points of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} penalties.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Rapid Fire",
"name": "Improved Rapid Fire"
"name": "Improved Rapid Fire",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>The shooter may now increase her weapon's @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire} by 1 twice in the same turn (via a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action})</p>\n<h2>Example</h2>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Gabe fires a machine gun and has Improved Rapid Fire. The weapon has a Rate of Fire of 4 and Gabe decides to fire it on all three of his allowed actions (see Multi-Actions</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">He rolls an extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} die with his first and second attack, raising the weapon’s Rate of Fire to 5 each time. He doesn’t get the bonus on his third attack—the machine gun’s Rate of Fire remains a 4.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Rapid Recharge",
"name": "Improved Rapid Recharge"
"name": "Improved Rapid Recharge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character now regains 20 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points} per hour spent @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Activation]{resting}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Sweep",
"name": "Improved Sweep"
"name": "Improved Sweep",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Improved Sweep allows a character to make a single @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack and apply it against all targets in his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Reach]{Reach} (friends and foes alike). Resolve damage separately for each enemy that’s hit.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A fighter may only perform a Sweep once per turn. It may not be combined with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Frenzy]{Frenzy}.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improved Trademark Weapon",
"name": "Improved Trademark Weapon"
"name": "Improved Trademark Weapon",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero knows one unique weapon (Excalibur, Old Betsy, Sting) like the back of his hand. When using it, he adds <strong>+2</strong> to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} (throwing), @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} rolls, and <strong>+2</strong> to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} when readied (even if it’s a ranged weapon).</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A fighter can take this Edge multiple times, applying it to a different weapon each time. If a Trademark Weapon is lost, he can replace it but the benefits don’t kick in for a few days (however long the GM feels is dramatically appropriate).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Improvisational Fighter",
"name": "Improvisational Fighter"
"name": "Improvisational Fighter",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Heroes often find themselves fighting with pieces of equipment or furnishings not designed for combat. A brawler with this Edge has a knack for using such improvised weapons. He ignores the usual -2 penalty when wielding them. See </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Improvised Weapons]{Improvised Weapons} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">for more details</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Inspire",
"name": "Inspire"
"name": "Inspire",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Exceptional leaders inspire those around them to great feats of valor and determination. Once per turn, the hero may roll his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Battle]{Battle} skill to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} one type of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Trait} roll, and apply it to </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">all </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">allied @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extras} in @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Command Range}. A leader could Support all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} attacks in range, for example, or all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Spirit} rolls to recover from being @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken}.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Inspire is an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{action} and requires some sort of communication with those it affects.</span></p>\n<div class=\"swade-core\"><img src=\"modules/swade-core-rules/assets/art/pg45_quote_edges.webp\" alt=\""One of my favorites" -- Gabe\" width=\"534\" height=\"120\" /></div>\n</div>"
"id": "Investigator",
"name": "Investigator"
"name": "Investigator",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Investigators spend a great deal of time researching ancient legends, working the streets, or deducing devilish mysteries. Some of these heroes are actual private investigators while others are sleuthing mages in a fantasy world or inquisitive college professors stumbling upon Things Man Was Not Meant to Know.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Investigators add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Research]{Research} rolls and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls made to search through desks for important papers, sift through stacks of junk mail for something of note, or spy obscured items from piles of junk or debris</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Iron Jaw",
"name": "Iron Jaw"
"name": "Iron Jaw",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero can shrug off even extreme blows. He adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Soak Rolls]{Soak rolls} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls to avoid <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.The Drop]{Knockout Blows}</strong></span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Iron Will",
"name": "Iron Will"
"name": "Iron Will",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>The hero now adds his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Strong Willed]{Strong Willed} bonus to resist powers and negate their effects. Iron Will doesn’t stack with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brave]{Brave}, nor does it apply to subse­quent rolls resulting from powers such as being @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Shaken} by a damaging @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{power}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Fear]{fear}, or the like.</p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Jack-Of-All-Trades",
"name": "Jack-Of-All-Trades"
"name": "Jack-Of-All-Trades",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Through advanced schooling, book-learning, computer-enhanced skill programs, or just amazing intuitive perception, your hero has a talent for picking up skills on the fly. There’s little he can’t figure out given a little time and a dash of luck.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character makes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} roll as an action after observing or studying some subject. She gains a d4 in the relevant skill with success, or d6 with a raise. She may try again after an hour of study, trial and effort, or immersion if she fails or wants to try for a raise. This lasts until the character attempts to learn a different subject, whether she’s successful or not.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /></span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Killer Instinct",
"name": "Killer Instinct"
"name": "Killer Instinct",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This hero hates losing. He gets a free reroll in any opposed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test} he initiates</span> </p></div>"
"id": "Level Headed",
"name": "Level Headed"
"name": "Level Headed",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Fighters who can keep their cool when everyone else is running for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Cover and Obstacles]{cover} make deadly combatants. A hero with this Edge draws an additional @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} in combat and chooses which to use.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Linguist",
"name": "Linguist"
"name": "Linguist",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This world-traveler has an ear for languages. She begins play knowing half her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} die type in different @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Language]{Language} skills of her choice at d6.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Liquid Courage",
"name": "Liquid Courage"
"name": "Liquid Courage",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>This gregarious individual processes alcohol far differently than most. The round after consuming a stiff drink (about eight ounces of hard liquor or equivalent), her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} increases one die type (increasing @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} as well). The drinker can also ignore one level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} penalties (which stacks with other abilities that do the same).</p>\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Agility}, and all linked skills suffer a −1 penalty for the duration, however.</p>\n<p>The effect lasts for one hour after it begins, at which point the boozer suffers a level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} for the next four hours.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Luck",
"name": "Luck"
"name": "Luck",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The adventurer seems to be blessed by fate, karma, the gods, or whatever external forces he believes in (or believe in him!). </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">He draws one extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} at the beginning of each game session, allowing him to succeed at important tasks more often than most, and survive incredible dangers.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Marksman",
"name": "Marksman"
"name": "Marksman",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero is a natural with ranged weapons. If she doesn’t move in a turn and fires no more than a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire} of 1 as her first action, she may add +1 to an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} (throwing) or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll, or ignore up to 2 points of penalties from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Called Shots]{Called Shots}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Cover and Obstacles]{Cover}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Range}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Scale}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Speed]{Speed}. This is a lesser version of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Aim]{Aim} maneuver and does not stack with it. Marksman doesn’t apply to additional attacks after the first.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Martial Artist",
"name": "Martial Artist"
"name": "Martial Artist",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The fighter has trained in basic martial arts. Her fists and feet are weapons (see </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Natural Weapons]{Natural Weapons}</strong>) </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">so she’s always considered armed. She adds +1 when striking with them and causes @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength}+d4 damage. If she already has a Strength damage die from the </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Claws)]{Claws} </strong>racial ability or the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brawler]{Brawler} Edge, increase the damage a die type. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Martial Artist does </span><em><span class=\"fontstyle3\">not </span></em><span class=\"fontstyle0\">add to damage from other Natural Weapons such as fangs or horns.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Martial Warrior",
"name": "Martial Warrior"
"name": "Martial Warrior",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text; color: #191813; background-color: #dfe6f5;\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">The fighter has trained in basic martial arts. Her fists and feet are weapons (see </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\"><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Natural Weapons]{Natural Weapons}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\"> so she’s always considered armed. She adds <strong>+2</strong> when striking with them and causes <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength}+d6</strong> damage. If she already has a Strength damage die from the </span><strong style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\"><span class=\"fontstyle2\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Claws)]{Claws} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">racial ability or the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brawler]{Brawler} Edge, increase the damage a die type.</span></p>\n<p style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text; color: #191813; background-color: #dfe6f5;\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Martial Artist]{Martial Artist} does </span><em style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">not </em><span class=\"fontstyle0\" style=\"box-sizing: border-box; user-select: text;\">add to damage from other Natural Weapons such as fangs or horns.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Master",
"name": "Master"
"name": "Master",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>The character’s Wild Die increases to a d10 when rolling the selected @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Expert]{Expert} Trait.</p></div>"
"id": "Master of Arms",
"name": "Master of Arms"
"name": "Master of Arms",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Increase the hero’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} an additional +1 and his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} bonus damage die is now a d10.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Master Tactician",
"name": "Master Tactician"
"name": "Master Tactician",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Tactician]{Tactician} now gets a total of two extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Cards} to distribute each round</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mcgyver",
"name": "Mcgyver"
"name": "Mcgyver",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A McGyver can improvise a device from common resources when the need arises. Given a few simple items, he can make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll to craft improvised weapons, explosives, or tools, that last until used or the end of the encounter (GM’s call). This takes one entire turn, and he can’t move or take any other actions while constructing the device. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Failure means the device isn’t ready. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} means he doesn’t have the right materials and can’t create the device this encounter. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Success creates a minor explosive (2d4 explosive in a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{Small Blast Template}), a one shot projectile weapon like a “zip gun” (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Range]{Range} 5/10/20, Damage 2d6), rickety raft, electrical source, etc. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A raise creates a larger explosive (2d6 in a Medium Blast Template or 2d4 in a Large), a better ranged weapon (five shots, 2d8 damage, Range 10/20/40), a more stable raft, a more powerful battery, etc. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The quality or power of the creation is completely up to the Game Master, but creativity should be rewarded, particularly in the most dire and dramatic situations.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Menacing",
"name": "Menacing"
"name": "Menacing",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Being a brutish lout isn’t always a drawback if you know how to use it. Menacing allows a character to put her bad looks or worse attitude to good use. The goon adds +2 to her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mentalist",
"name": "Mentalist"
"name": "Mentalist",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Constant contact with multiple minds gives these psionic agents an edge when it comes to forcing or resisting mental assaults. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Mentalists add +2 to opposed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Psionics]{Psionics} rolls, whether they are using their powers against a foe or defending against a rival.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mighty Blow",
"name": "Mighty Blow"
"name": "Mighty Blow",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If your Action Card is a Joker, double the damage of your first successful @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack this round.</span> </p></div>"
"id": "Mr Fix It",
"name": "Mr Fix It"
"name": "Mr Fix It",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The mechanic adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} rolls. With a raise, he halves the time normally required to fix something. This means if a particular Repair job says a raise repairs it in half the time, a Mr Fix It can finish the job in one quarter the time with a raise.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Natural Leader",
"name": "Natural Leader"
"name": "Natural Leader",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This leader has proven herself time and time again, gaining the respect of all those who fight by her side.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Any Leadership Edge that says it applies only to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extras} now applies to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Cards} as well.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Nerves of Steel",
"name": "Nerves of Steel"
"name": "Nerves of Steel",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero has learned to fight on through the most intense pain. He may ignore 1 point of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound} penalties.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "New Powers",
"name": "New Powers"
"name": "New Powers",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">An arcane character may learn two new @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Powers]{powers} by choosing this Edge (which may be taken multiple times). He may choose from any powers of his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Rank} or lower normally available to his particular @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Arcane Background}.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A character can add a new @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trappings]{Trapping} on a power she already has instead of gaining a new one. She might add an ice Trapping to her existing fire <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Bolt]{bolt}</em></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">, for example, so she could switch between ice and fire Trappings freely</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "No Mercy",
"name": "No Mercy"
"name": "No Mercy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">When this killer spends a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} to reroll damage, he adds +2 to his final total.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Power Points",
"name": "Power Points"
"name": "Power Points",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Wizards, weird scientists, and other arcane types always want more power. This Edge grants them an additional 5 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Power Points may be selected more than once, but only once per @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Rank}. It may be taken as often as desired at Legendary Rank, but each grants only 2 additional points.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Power Surge",
"name": "Power Surge"
"name": "Power Surge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character recovers 10 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points} when his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} is a Joker. This may not exceed his usual limit</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Professional",
"name": "Professional"
"name": "Professional",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>The character is an expert at a particular skill or attribute (his choice). This increases the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Trait} and its limit one step (a d12+1 becomes a d12+2, for example). This Edge may be selected once per Trait.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Provoke",
"name": "Provoke"
"name": "Provoke",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Clever characters can manipulate their foes, drawing enemy focus on themselves to protect their allies. Once per turn, when your hero uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} for a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test} and gets a raise</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">, she may @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Provoke]{Provoke} the foe. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">In addition to all the usual effects of the success and raise, the enemy suffers a -2 penalty to affect any other target besides the one who provoked her. This stacks with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted} but not further instances of Provoke.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Provoke lasts until a Joker is drawn, someone else Provokes the target, or the encounter ends. Provoke can affect multiple targets, and may be combined with </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Rabble-Rouser]{Rabble-Rouser}</strong>.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Quick",
"name": "Quick"
"name": "Quick",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Quick characters have lightning-fast reflexes and a cool head. Whenever you are dealt an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} of Five or lower, you may discard it and draw again until you get a card higher than Five.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Characters} with both the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Level Headed]{Level Headed} and Quick Edges first draw their additional card and choose which to take. If that card is a Five or less, the Quick Edge may be used to draw a replacement until it’s Six or higher.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rabble-Rouser",
"name": "Rabble-Rouser"
"name": "Rabble-Rouser",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This instigator knows how to rile up several enemies at once.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Once per turn, a character with this Edge can make a social </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} or<br />@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} against all enemies in a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Area Effect Attacks]{Medium Blast Template}. The targets must be able to see and<br />hear the hero clearly. Each defender resists and is affected by the </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">Test </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">separately.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rapid Fire",
"name": "Rapid Fire"
"name": "Rapid Fire",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The shooter is practiced at taking quick and accurate shots. As long as she’s armed with a fast-firing ranged weapon of some sort (such as a revolver or semi-automatic) and has enough ammunition to do so, she may increase her weapon’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire} by 1 for any one of her @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} attacks that turn.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rapid Recharge",
"name": "Rapid Recharge"
"name": "Rapid Recharge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points} normally recharge at a rate of 5 points every hour spent resting (see <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Activation]{Recharging}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">). This Edge increases that rate to 10 every hour.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Reliable",
"name": "Reliable"
"name": "Reliable",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">People know they can depend on your hero when they need assistance. He gets a free reroll on any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} roll.</span> </p></div>"
"id": "Retort",
"name": "Retort"
"name": "Retort",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This verbal duelist can turn the slings and arrows of social combat right back at the unwitting fools who hurled them.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If a character with Retort gets a raise when resisting an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test}, the </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">foe </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rich",
"name": "Rich"
"name": "Rich",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Whether the individual was born with a silver spoon in his mouth or earned it through hard work, he’s got more money than most. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Rich heroes start with three times the normal @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{starting funds} for the setting. If a regular income is appropriate for this setting, the hero receives the modern-day equivalent of a $150,000 annual salary</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Rock and Roll!",
"name": "Rock and Roll!"
"name": "Rock and Roll!",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Experienced shooters learn to compensate for the recoil of fully automatic weapons. If a character with this Edge doesn’t move on his turn, he ignores the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Recoil]{Recoil} penalty when firing at a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire} of 2 or higher.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Scavenger",
"name": "Scavenger"
"name": "Scavenger",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Once per encounter the hero may find, “suddenly remember,” or dig up some much-needed piece of equipment, a handful of ammunition, or some other useful device.</p>\n<p>The Game Master decides what constitutes an encounter, and has the final word on what can and can’t be found.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Scholar",
"name": "Scholar"
"name": "Scholar",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Learned professors, devoted students, and amateur enthusiasts spend great amounts of time and energy studying particular subjects. They become experts in these fields, and rarely fail to answer questions in their particular area of expertise.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Pick any one of the following skills: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Academics]{Academics}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Battle]{Battle}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Occult]{Occult}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Science]{Science}, or a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts}-based “knowledge”-type skill allowed in your setting, and add +2 to the total whenever they’re used.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This Edge may be taken more than once if applied to different skills.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Sidekick",
"name": "Sidekick"
"name": "Sidekick",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>A character who triumphs over evil time and time again becomes an inspiration to others. Eventually, one of these young crusaders may attempt to join the hero in his epic quests.</p>\n<p>The hero gains a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Novice Rank} sidekick. The sidekick is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}, starts each session with two @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies}, may @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advance}, and has abilities that complement his mentor. The player character controls his sidekick just like any other ally, though he may occasionally cause trouble by getting captured, running into danger when he’s not supposed to, and so on. The player should be prepared for his Edge to occasionally become a Hindrance!</p>\n<p>If the sidekick dies, he isn’t replaced unless the hero chooses this Edge again. Fortunately, heroes may always spend Bennies for their sidekicks as if she had the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Common Bond]{Common Bond} Edge. Sidekicks must actually take that Edge to do the same for their mentors.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Soldier",
"name": "Soldier"
"name": "Soldier",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Professional soldiers get used to carrying heavy loads, and enduring harsh conditions. After a few days getting used to their gear (GM’s call), they treat their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} as one die type higher when determining <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Gear Notes]{Encumbrance}</strong></span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">and </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Minimum Strength]{Minimum Strength} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">to use armor, weapons, and equipment without a penalty. (This stacks with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brawny]{Brawny} Edge.)<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">They also get a free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls made to survive environmental hazards (see </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{Hazards}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Soul Drain",
"name": "Soul Drain"
"name": "Soul Drain",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Desperate times call for desperate measures. Soul Drain allows an arcane character to channel her physical energy into power, taking a level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} to recover up to five @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Points}. She can take an additional level of Fatigue (to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Exhaustion}) to recover up to five more Power Points. She cannot render herself @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Incapacitated} in this way. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Fatigue incurred by Soul Drain comes from deep within and may </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">only </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">be recovered naturally. The <em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Relief]{relief}</em></span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"> </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">power and similar abilities have no effect.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Steady Hands",
"name": "Steady Hands"
"name": "Steady Hands",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Firing from the back of a horse or moving vehicle is tricky business, but your adventurer has figured it out. She ignores the </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Unstable Platform]{Unstable Platform} </span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">penalty. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This also helps when running, reducing the usual penalty from -2 to -1 (see </span><strong><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Movement}</span></strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">)</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Streetwise",
"name": "Streetwise"
"name": "Streetwise",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Streetwise characters know how to find the local black market, fence stolen goods, avoid the local law (or criminal element!), lay low when the heat’s on, obtain illegal weapons, find out which “boss” is hiring muscle, or similar shady activities.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Streetwise characters add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls made to </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Networking]{Networking}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> with shady or criminal elements.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">They also add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} rolls pertaining to the types of disreputable activities listed above</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Strong Willed",
"name": "Strong Willed"
"name": "Strong Willed",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Self-confidence is powerful armor against those who attempt to attack this individual’s will. He adds +2 to his total when resisting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Tests} with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Spirit}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Sweep",
"name": "Sweep"
"name": "Sweep",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Sweep allows a character to make a single @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack and apply it against all targets in his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Reach]{Reach} at a <strong>-2</strong> penalty (friends and foes alike). Resolve damage separately for each enemy that’s hit.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A fighter may only perform a Sweep once per turn. It may not be combined with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Frenzy]{Frenzy}</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Tactician",
"name": "Tactician"
"name": "Tactician",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The commander has a natural grasp of small unit tactics and can take advantage of rapidly changing situations. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A Tactician is dealt an extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Card} each round of combat or a chase—kept separate from his own cards. At the start of the round, he may discard it or give it to any one allied @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Extra} in @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Command Range}. The player or GM controlling the receiving character can decide whether to accept and replace her current Action Card, or discard it.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Thief",
"name": "Thief"
"name": "Thief",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Thieves specialize in deceit, treachery, and acrobatics. They can be invaluable where traps must be detected, walls must be climbed, and locks must be picked. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Thieves know how to use protrusions on walls and window ledges to climb the tallest of buildings, scampering through streets and back alleys like cats. They add +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} rolls made to climb in urban areas. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Thieves also know how to use the dark areas between the streetlights of cities to conceal their movements, and add +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth} rolls when in an urban environment. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Finally, these rogues are—not surprisingly— adept at @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Thievery]{Thievery} itself, adding +1 to those rolls in all circumstances.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Tough As Nails",
"name": "Tough As Nails"
"name": "Tough As Nails",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Your character keeps going when others fall. She can take four @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounds} before she’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Incapacitated} (her maximum Wound penalty is still −3).</p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Tougher Than Nails",
"name": "Tougher Than Nails"
"name": "Tougher Than Nails",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>The hero can take up to five @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounds} before she’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Incapacitated}! Her maximum Wound penalty is still −3.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Trademark Weapon",
"name": "Trademark Weapon"
"name": "Trademark Weapon",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero knows one unique weapon (Excalibur, Old Betsy, Sting) like the back of his hand. When using it, he adds +1 to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} (throwing), @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting}, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} rolls, and +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} when readied (even if it’s a ranged weapon).</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A fighter can take this Edge multiple times, applying it to a different weapon each time. If a Trademark Weapon is lost, he can replace it but the benefits don’t kick in for a few days (however long the GM feels is dramatically appropriate).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Two-Fisted",
"name": "Two-Fisted"
"name": "Two-Fisted",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If a character makes a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack withone action and another from a </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">different hand </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">in a later action, the second attack doesn’t inflict a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action} penalty. The </span><span class=\"fontstyle3\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Off-Hand Attacks]{Off-Hand} </strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">penalty still applies unless he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Ambidextrous]{Ambidextrous}.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If the character has @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Two-Gun Kid]{Two-Gun Kid}, the second action may also be a ranged attack.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Two-Gun Kid",
"name": "Two-Gun Kid"
"name": "Two-Gun Kid",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Two-Gun Kid works just like @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Two-Fisted]{Two-Fisted}, but with ranged weapons, allowing her to fire or throw a weapon in each hand as two different actions but without triggering a@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action} penalty.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If the character has Two-Fisted, the second action may also be a melee attack.</span></p>\n<h2>Example</h2>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Red has a sword in one hand and a pistol in the other. She has both Two-Fisted and Two-Gun Kid, so she can make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} attack on one action and then a second Fighting </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">or </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} attack with no @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multi-Actions]{Multi-Action} penalty on a later action that turn</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Very Attractive",
"name": "Very Attractive"
"name": "Very Attractive",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is drop-dead gorgeous. He increases his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} bonus to +2.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Weapon Master",
"name": "Weapon Master"
"name": "Weapon Master",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>The warrior increases his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Parry} by +1 and the bonus damage die for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Fighting]{Fighting} rolls is a d8 instead of a d6 (see <strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Dealing Damage]{Bonus Damage}</strong>). He must be armed to gain these benefits, but this includes the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Martial Artist]{Martial Artist} Edge, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Special Ability (Claws)]{claws}, or other abilities that count as weapons.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Wizard",
"name": "Wizard"
"name": "Wizard",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Magic is varied and wonderful, and wizards are exposed to countless tomes, scrolls, and incantations as they master their craft. Sometimes they use this knowledge to recall variations of their various enchantments. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A Wizard can spend 1 extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Backgrounds]{Power Point} when casting a power to change its @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trappings]{Trapping}. A fireball (<em>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Blast]{blast}</em></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">) might manifest as a lightning bolt, for example. This can often have important consequences if a foe has a particular resistance or weakness to the spell’s usual Trapping</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Woodsman",
"name": "Woodsman"
"name": "Woodsman",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Woodsmen are rangers, scouts, and hunters who are more at home in the wilderness than in urban areas. They are skilled trackers and scouts, and know how to live off the land for months at a time.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Woodsmen add +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Survival]{Survival} rolls, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth} rolls made in the wild (not towns, ruins, or underground).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Work the Crowd",
"name": "Work the Crowd"
"name": "Work the Crowd",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>As @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Work The Room]{Work The Room} but the hero now can @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} another on up to two of her Support actions.</p>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Work The Room",
"name": "Work The Room"
"name": "Work The Room",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Your hero’s words don’t just inspire those they’re directed at—they often inspire others as well. Once per turn, you can use Work the Room to roll an additional skill die when @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Supporting} with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance}. The additional die Supports any other ally who can see or hear your hero, and applies to their next action, whatever it may be.</p>\n</div>"
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"label": "SWADE Hindrances",
"label": "SWADE Handicaps",
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
@ -8,231 +8,288 @@
"id": "All Thumbs",
"name": "All Thumbs"
"name": "All Thumbs",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Due to upbringing, lack of exposure, or pure bad luck, some individuals are “all<br />thumbs” when it comes to mechanical or technological devices.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">All Thumbs inflicts a -2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalty} when using mechanical or electrical devices. If he rolls a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} while using such a device (and it doesn’t already have a built-in effect), it’s broken. If the GM feels it’s appropriate, it can be fixed with a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll and 1d6 hours.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Anemic",
"name": "Anemic"
"name": "Anemic",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Anemic characters are particularly susceptible to sickness, disease, environmental effects, and fatigue. They subtract 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls made to resist @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} (see </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{Hazards}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Arrogant",
"name": "Arrogant"
"name": "Arrogant",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero doesn’t think he’s the best—he knows he is. Whether it’s swordsmanship, kung fu, or painting, few compare to his skills and he flaunts it every chance he gets. Winning isn’t enough for this champion. He wants to dominate his opponent and prove there’s no one better. He’s the kind of fighter who disarms an opponent in a duel just to pick the sword up and hand it back with a smirk. Arrogant individuals look for the greatest threat in battle, hacking their way through lesser minions only because they’re in the way.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Bad Eyes",
"name": "Bad Eyes"
"name": "Bad Eyes",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero’s eyes aren’t what they used to be. He suffers a -1 penalty to any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait rolls}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> dependent on vision (such as ranged attacks and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls) or -2 as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">In settings where glasses are available, they negate the penalty when worn. If lost or broken during a combat (generally a 50% chance when he’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounded}, falls, or suffers some other trauma), the character is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Distracted} (and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Vulnerable} if a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}) until the end of their next turn.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Bad Luck",
"name": "Bad Luck"
"name": "Bad Luck",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is a little less lucky than most. He gets one less</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} per game session than normal. A character cannot have both Bad Luck and the @Item[SJAAkOAUeXTk1GCU]{Luck} Edge.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Big Mouth",
"name": "Big Mouth"
"name": "Big Mouth",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Loose lips sink ships, the saying goes. This hero’s mouth could drown an armada. The blabbermouth can’t keep a secret very well. He reveals plans and gives away things best kept among friends, usually at the worst possible times</span></p></div>"
"id": "Blind",
"name": "Blind"
"name": "Blind",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The individual is completely without sight. He suffers a -6 to all physical tasks that require vision (GM’s call). On the plus side, Blind characters gain their choice of a free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Edge} to compensate for this particularly difficult @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Bloodthirsty",
"name": "Bloodthirsty"
"name": "Bloodthirsty",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero never takes prisoners unless under the direct supervision of a superior. His cold-blooded ruthlessness causes enemies to respond in kind, often costs vital information, creates constant enemies, and may get him in trouble with his superiors or the authorities, depending on the setting.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Can't Swim",
"name": "Can't Swim"
"name": "Can't Swim",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Most people in the 21st century can swim thanks to swimming pools, easy travel to lakes and beaches, or educational efforts. Historically, however, those who weren’t raised around a temperate body of water could not. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Characters} with this @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} suffer a -2 penalty to the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} skill when swimming and each inch moved in water costs 3″ of</span> @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace}<span class=\"fontstyle0\">. See </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Movement}</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> for more details and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Drowning]{Drowning}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Cautious",
"name": "Cautious"
"name": "Cautious",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This planner personifies restraint and carefulness. He never makes rash decisions and likes to plot things out in detail long before any action is taken.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Clueless",
"name": "Clueless"
"name": "Clueless",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero doesn’t pay much attention to the world around him and can’t seem to find a haystack in a small pile of needles. He suffers a -1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalty} to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Clumsy",
"name": "Clumsy"
"name": "Clumsy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero is an uncoordinated klutz who trips over air and is always the last one picked for sports. He subtracts 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Code of Honor",
"name": "Code of Honor"
"name": "Code of Honor",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Honor is very important to your character. He keeps his word, doesn’t abuse or kill prisoners, and generally tries to operate within his world’s particular notion of proper gentlemanly or ladylike behavior.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Curious",
"name": "Curious"
"name": "Curious",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">It killed the cat, and it might kill your warrior as well. Curious characters have to check out everything and always want to know what’s behind a potential mystery or secret.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Death Wish",
"name": "Death Wish"
"name": "Death Wish",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Having a death wish doesn’t mean your adventurer is suicidal—he might just think his life is worth less than some noble but clearly deadly goal. Those with a Death Wish don’t throw their lives away for no reason, but when there’s a chance to complete a goal they do anything—and take any risk—to achieve it.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Delusional",
"name": "Delusional"
"name": "Delusional",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero believes something that is considered quite strange by everyone else. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Delusions are harmless or the character generally keeps it to himself (the government puts sedatives in soft drinks, dogs can talk, we’re all just characters in some bizarre game, etc.). </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">With a</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} Delusion</span>, he expresses his view on the situation frequently and it can occasionally lead to danger (the government is run by aliens, hospitals are deadly, I’m allergic to armor, zombies are my friends).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Doubting Thomas",
"name": "Doubting Thomas"
"name": "Doubting Thomas",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Some people don’t believe in the supernatural until they’re halfway down some creature’s gullet. Doubting Thomases are skeptics who try their best to rationalize supernatural events. They walk right into danger they don’t believe in and look for alternate explanations to every supernatural event. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Even after being confronted with undeniable truth, the doubter’s mind eventually begins to doubt what he saw, rationalizes it away, or compartmentalizes the event as “one of a kind” while continuing to doubt the next mystery.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Driven",
"name": "Driven"
"name": "Driven",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A vow is a commitment to others. Driven characters want something for themselves. It may be to protect the realm, become a decorated officer, prove you’re the best gladiator in Rome, or the best pilot in the galactic fleet. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} version shapes the character and pushes his decisions but either happens rarely or is fairly harmless. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} it’s an overriding desire that comes up frequently or causes peril for the heroine and those around her.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Elderly",
"name": "Elderly"
"name": "Elderly",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your adventurer is getting on in years, but he’s not quite ready for the nursing home yet. His</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} is reduced by 1, and he subtracts 1 from </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running rolls}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> (minimum 1). He also suffers a -1 penalty to</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Agility}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength}, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} rolls</span></span>, but not their linked @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{skills}. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">On the plus side, the wisdom of his years grants the hero 5 extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{skill points} which may be used for any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{skills} linked to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Smarts}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Enemy",
"name": "Enemy"
"name": "Enemy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Someone out there hates the character and wants him ruined, locked away, or dead. The value of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} depends on how powerful the enemy is and how often he might show up. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Enemy might be a lone gunslinger out for vengeance or a betrayed brotherhood that’s deadly but appears rarely. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Enemy</span> might represent powerful authorities, a band of outlaws, or a single very powerful and relentless rival.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">If the enemy is one day defeated, the GM should gradually work in a replacement, or the hero may buy off the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} by sacrificing an </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Advance}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Greedy",
"name": "Greedy"
"name": "Greedy",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A miser measures worth in material possessions or wealth. If a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Hindrance, he argues bitterly for more than his fair share of any loot or reward the party might come across. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, he fights over anything he considers unfair, and may even kill for it if he feels slighted or covets something he cannot have.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Habit",
"name": "Habit"
"name": "Habit",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your warrior has an annoying or dangerous compulsion. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Habit irritates those around her but isn’t dangerous. Maybe she picks her nose, can’t stop fiddling with her phone, says “y’know” in the middle of every sentence, or chews and smacks her gum loudly and often. Allies avoid her if possible.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Habit</span> is a physical or mental addiction of some sort that is debilitating or possibly even deadly. This includes drug use, chronic drinking, or perhaps even an addiction to virtual reality in a hightech setting.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">An addict who doesn’t get his fix must make a</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Vigor} roll every 24 hours he goes without or take a level of </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue}</span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Once every 24 hours, a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Healing]{Healing} roll with some sort of appropriate medicine removes one level of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fatigue]{Fatigue} for four hours. After that the Fatigue returns and can only be recovered with the addicting substance.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Hard of Hearing",
"name": "Hard of Hearing"
"name": "Hard of Hearing",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Characters who have lost some or all of their hearing have this disadvantage. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, it subtracts 4 from all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls} made to hear, including awaking due to loud noises. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} means the character is deaf. She cannot hear and automatically fails all @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls} that depend on hearing.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Hearing aids reduce the penalty by 2, but require batteries and have a 50% chance of falling out when he’s </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounded}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{falls}, or suffers some other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{trauma}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Heroic",
"name": "Heroic"
"name": "Heroic",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This noble soul never says no to a person in need. She doesn’t have to be happy about it,but she always comes to the rescue of those she feels can’t help themselves. She’s the first </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">one to run into a burning building, usually agrees to hunt monsters for little or no pay, and is generally a pushover for a sob story.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Hesitant",
"name": "Hesitant"
"name": "Hesitant",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero hesitates in stressful situations. Draw two @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Action Cards (Initiative)]{Action Cards} in @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Combat]{combat} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{act} on the lowest. If you draw a Joker, use it normally and ignore the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} for the round (hence this being a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, it actually increases your chances of drawing a Joker!)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> Hesitant characters cannot take the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Quick]{Quick} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Level Headed]{Level Headed} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Edges}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Illiterate",
"name": "Illiterate"
"name": "Illiterate",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero cannot read. He can sign his name and knows what a STOP sign says, but little else. He also doesn’t know much about math. He can probably do 2 + 2 = 4, but multiplication and the like are beyond him.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Illiterate characters can’t read or write in any language, by the way, no matter how many they actually speak.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Impulsive",
"name": "Impulsive"
"name": "Impulsive",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The daredevil almost always leaps before he looks. He rarely thinks things through before taking action.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Jealous",
"name": "Jealous"
"name": "Jealous",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Insecurity leads to envy of others’ accomplishments or being overly possessive of what this disgruntled soul feels belongs to him. He often complains, pouts, covets others’ possessions or accolades, claims credit for another’s work, disobeys commands, and generally causes problems.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, the character’s jealousy is focused on one particular subject (such as his “unrivaled” skill as a pilot or a romantic interest).</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, the character is jealous of anyone and everyone he feels outshines him. He consistently bad-mouths his rivals, tries to upstage them, or actively plots to discredit those who threaten his ego.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Loyal",
"name": "Loyal"
"name": "Loyal",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This stalwart defender risks her life for her friends without hesitation. Some Loyal heroes may not </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">act </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">that way, but are the first to come to their friends’ rescue when they’re threatened.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Mean",
"name": "Mean"
"name": "Mean",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This curmudgeon is ill-tempered and disagreeable. He has trouble doing anything kind for anyone else, must be paid for his troubles, and doesn’t accept awards or favors graciously. Besides the obvious roleplaying issues, Mean characters subtract 1 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mild Mannered",
"name": "Mild Mannered"
"name": "Mild Mannered",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your milquetoast just isn’t threatening. Maybe he’s a little doughy around the middle, has a kind face, or a soft voice. Whatever the issue, he has a hard time looking tough. He subtracts 2 when making @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Mute",
"name": "Mute"
"name": "Mute",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Due to trauma or birth, your character has lost the ability to speak. He can write messages to others when needed, use sign language, or some combination of visual communication.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Vison-based communication may require a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} roll to perceive correctly (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{illumination} and similar @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalties} apply).</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Obese",
"name": "Obese"
"name": "Obese",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those who carry their weight well have the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brawny]{Brawny} Edge. Those who don’t are Obese. A character cannot be both @Compendium[swade.edges.Brawny]{Brawny} and Obese, and this @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} can’t increase your @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} above +3. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">An Obese hero’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} (and therefore @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness}) increase by +1. His @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} is reduced by 1, and his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running die} by one die type (minimum d4). @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} is considered one die type less (minimum d4) for armor and worn gear (not weapons). They may also have difficulty finding armor or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Common Gear Table]{clothing} that fits or entering confined spaces.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Obligation",
"name": "Obligation"
"name": "Obligation",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero has a responsibility she must attend to on a daily or regular basis. It could be a job, volunteer work, taking care of family or friends, etc.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The Obligation consumes about 20 hours most weeks, or 40 + for the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} version. Exactly what that entails should be discussed between the player and the Game Master.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "One Arm",
"name": "One Arm"
"name": "One Arm",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">By birth or battle, your hero has lost an arm. Fortunately, his other arm is (now) his “good” one. Tasks that require two hands, such as some @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls} (GM’s call) or using a two-handed weapon, suffer a -4 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{modifier}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "One Eye",
"name": "One Eye"
"name": "One Eye",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This veteran lost an eye and has trouble with depth perception. He subtracts 2 from any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait roll} dependent on vision </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">and </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">more than 5″ (10 yards) distant.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Outsider",
"name": "Outsider"
"name": "Outsider",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">In a society made up of only a few types of people, your hero isn’t one of them. A Native American in a Western town, an alien in a scifi game of human marines, or a half-orc in a party of elves, dwarves, and humans are all examples. Locals are likely to raise prices on her, ignore pleas for help, and generally treat her as lower class.<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Outsiders subtract 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls} made to influence those who aren’t her own kind. The @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} version also means the character has few or no legal rights in the main campaign area. She might be a different species among xenophobes, the civilization may be cruel and unenlightened toward strangers, or she might even be an artificial intelligence whose sapience isn’t acknowledged by the law.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Overconfident",
"name": "Overconfident"
"name": "Overconfident",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">There’s nothing out there your hero can’t defeat. At least that’s what he thinks. He believes he can do most anything and never wants to retreat from a challenge. He’s not suicidal, but he certainly takes on more than common sense dictates.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Pacifist",
"name": "Pacifist"
"name": "Pacifist",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero absolutely despises violence. Minor pacifism means he only fights when given no other choice and never allows the killing of prisoners or other defenseless victims.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Major Pacifists won’t fight living characters under </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">any </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">circumstances. They may defend themselves, but won’t do anything to permanently harm sapient, living creatures. They may use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Nonlethal Damage]{nonlethal} methods, but only in self-defense or the defense of others. Note that undeniably evil creatures, undead, demons, and the like are fair game even for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} Pacifists!</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Phobia",
"name": "Phobia"
"name": "Phobia",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Phobias are overwhelming and irrational fears that plague a hero’s psyche. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Whenever a character is in the presence of his phobia (GM’s call, but generally sight), he subtracts 1 from all his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait rolls} if it’s a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, and 2 if it’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major}.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Phobias shouldn’t be too obvious; everyone should be afraid of vampires, for example, so it’s not a phobia, it’s common sense. Instead, the phobia usually centers on some random element the mind associates with the event. Remember, phobias are </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\">irrational </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">fears.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Poverty",
"name": "Poverty"
"name": "Poverty",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">It’s said a fool and his money are soon parted. Your hero is one of them. He starts with half the usual @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{money} for your @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Setting Rules]{setting} and just can’t seem to hang on to funds acquired after play begins. In general, the player halves his total funds every game week.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Quirk",
"name": "Quirk"
"name": "Quirk",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This individual has some minor foible that is usually humorous but can occasionally cause him real trouble. A swashbuckler may always try to slash his initials on his foes, a dwarf may brag constantly about his culture, or a snobby débutante might not eat, drink, or socialize with the lower class, for example.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Ruthless",
"name": "Ruthless"
"name": "Ruthless",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The fanatic will do most anything to accomplish her goals. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, she harms anyone and everyone who gets in her way. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Hindrance, she stops short of true harm to anyone except those who directly oppose her.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Secret",
"name": "Secret"
"name": "Secret",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero has a secret she keeps to protect herself or others. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, the secret is troublesome but not life-threatening. The @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} version would cause severe problems if discovered. If it ever becomes public knowledge, she should trade it for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Enemy]{Enemy}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Shamed]{Shamed}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Wanted]{Wanted}, or another appropriate @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} approved by the GM.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Shamed",
"name": "Shamed"
"name": "Shamed",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Something haunts your adventurer. Maybe he made a vow he didn’t keep. Maybe he was defeated in an honorable fight and ordered the death of his foe anyway for some greater principle. Maybe he isn’t actually cowardly but once ran from a battle and left others to die. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, the shameful circumstances aren’t generally known—it just haunts the hero. He might go out of his way, against all reason, not to repeat the mistake. Or he might give in to the same set of circumstances and hate himself for it. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, his deed is wellknown—or at least known among those he cares about. The other player characters should be told the tale as soon as possible (preferably at character creation). If not, it should be revealed by @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{nonplayer characters} at some point, and occasionally used against the hero.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Slow",
"name": "Slow"
"name": "Slow",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A disability or past injury has hindered this hero’s mobility. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, reduce his </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} by 1 and his </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running die}</span></span></span> one step (if already d4, reduce to d4-1). As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} Hindrance, reduce the </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">running die</span></span></span></span> a step, </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace}</span> by 2, and subtract 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} rolls and rolls to resist @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} (such as @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Tests} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Grappling]{Grappling}).<br /></span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Slow characters may not take the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Fleet-Footed]{Fleet-Footed} Edge</span></p>\n<p><strong>Prosthesis: </strong>A character with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} <span class=\"fontstyle0\">version of this @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} may have a prosthesis. If the prosthesis is lost, he suffers the effects of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} version of Slow.</span></p>\n<p><strong>Wheelchairs: </strong>From about the Victorian <span class=\"fontstyle0\">era forward, Slow heroes may start with a manual wheelchair at no cost. In the modern era (1980s and on), the character may also choose from an ultralight or powered chair. All wheelchairs require reasonably smooth ground to operate (GM’s call).</span></p>\n<ul>\n<li>MANUAL: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} is half @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} die (max of 3) and cannot run</li>\n<li>ULTRALIGHT: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} is half @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} die and may run at d4 (Minor) or d4-1 (Major)</li>\n<li>POWERED: @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} 6 on flat, even ground, Pace 3 on uneven ground, cannot run. Most powered chairs can go about 10 miles before requiring a recharge.</li>\n</ul>\n<p> </p>\n</div>"
"id": "Small",
"name": "Small"
"name": "Small",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">This adventurer is very skinny, very short, or both. His</span> <span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">is reduced by 1, which reduces his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} as well.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle2\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size}</span> can’t be reduced below -1, but the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} penalty remains. A Small half-folk, for example, remains Size -1 and loses a point of Toughness.</span> <br style=\"font-style: normal; font-variant: normal; font-weight: normal; letter-spacing: normal; line-height: normal; orphans: 2; text-align: -webkit-auto; text-indent: 0px; text-transform: none; white-space: normal; widows: 2; word-spacing: 0px; -webkit-text-size-adjust: auto; -webkit-text-stroke-width: 0px;\" /><br /></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Stubborn",
"name": "Stubborn"
"name": "Stubborn",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Stubborn individuals always want their way and never admit they’re wrong. Even when it’s painfully obvious they’ve made a mistake </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">they try to justify it with half-truths and rationalizations.</span></p></div>"
"id": "Suspicious",
"name": "Suspicious"
"name": "Suspicious",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your character is suspicious of everyone. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, his paranoia causes frequent trust issues. He might demand full payment before doing a task, want every agreement in writing, or believe even his friends are out to get him.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls} to aid the distrustful individual are made at -2.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Thin Skinned",
"name": "Thin Skinned"
"name": "Thin Skinned",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Personal attacks really get under this individual’s skin. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, he subtracts 2 when resisting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} attacks. As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major}, he subtracts 4.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Tongue-Tied",
"name": "Tongue-Tied"
"name": "Tongue-Tied",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your adventurer flubs cool lines (or thinks of them afterwards!), goes off on tangents when he’s trying to talk someone into something, and generally miscommunicates most everything he says. He suffers a -1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalty} to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion}, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt} rolls that involve speech.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Ugly",
"name": "Ugly"
"name": "Ugly",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Attractive]{Attractive} people get all the breaks. This unfortunate individual isn’t one of them. He subtracts 1 from his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{rolls}, or 2 if taken as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Vengeful",
"name": "Vengeful"
"name": "Vengeful",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">(MINOR OR MAJOR)</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Payback is… well… bad news for someone, and this adventurer is going to get it.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} she usually seeks vengeance legally. The method varies by situation. Some plot and scheme for months while others demand immediate results.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Those with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} version of this @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} don’t let anything prevent them from a reckoning. This doesn’t mean they immediately resort to violence, but their actions always escalate until total and complete satisfaction is achieved.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Vow",
"name": "Vow"
"name": "Vow",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The character has sworn an oath to someone or something he believes in.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The danger in fulfilling the Vow and how often it might occur determines the level of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Vow</span> might be to serve an order with a broad mandate that rarely conflicts with the party’s goals.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Vow</span> makes long-term and frequent demands on the servant’s time and results in great risks to his life.</span></p>\n</div>"
"id": "Wanted",
"name": "Wanted"
"name": "Wanted",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Your hero has committed some crime and will be arrested if discovered by the authorities. This assumes the setting actually has laws and police officers to enforce them.</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The level of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance} depends on how serious the crime was and how active the hunters are. A hero with numerous unpaid parking tickets (in a game where he might have to drive occasionally) has a</span> @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Minor} Hindrance, as does someone wanted for more serious crimes away from the main campaign area. Being accused of murder is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} Hindrance in almost any setting if there’s someone around to seek justice (or vengeance).</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Yellow",
"name": "Yellow"
"name": "Yellow",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Not everyone has ice water in their veins. Your hero is squeamish at the sight of blood and gore and terrified of coming to harm. He subtracts 2 from @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Fear]{Fear} </span>checks and when resisting @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Young",
"name": "Young"
"name": "Young",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>(MINOR OR MAJOR)</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The hero is 12–15 years old (in human years—adjust this for other races). He has only 4 points to adjust his</span> <span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{attributes} instead of 5, and 10 skill points instead of 12. He may also have legal restrictions depending on the setting (can’t drive, own a firearm, and so on).</span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">On the plus side, youths have a fair amount of luck. They draw one extra</span> @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Benny} at the beginning of each game session (this stacks with other @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Edges} such @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Luck]{Luck} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Great Luck]{Great Luck}).</p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Most Young characters should also take the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Small]{Small} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, but it’s not mandatory. </span></p>\n<p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">As a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Major} @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrance}, the character is Very Young (8 to 11 years old). He has only 3 points for </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\"><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{attributes}</span></span> and 10 for skills, and the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Small]{Small} Hindrance. Very Young heroes draw two extra @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bennies]{Bennies} at the start of each session.</span></p>\n</div>"
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Normal file
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@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"label": "SWADE Skills",
"label": "SWADE Compétences",
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
@ -8,135 +8,168 @@
"id": "Academics",
"name": "Academics"
"name": "Academics",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Academics reflects knowledge of the liberal arts, social sciences, literature, history, archaeology, and similar fields. If an explorer wants to remember when the Mayan calendar ended or cite a line from <cite>Macbeth</cite>, this is the skill to have.</p></div>"
"id": "Athletics",
"name": "Athletics"
"name": "Athletics",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Athletics combines an individual’s coordin­ation with learned skills such as climbing, jumping, balancing, biking, wrestling, skiing, swimming, throwing, or catching. Characters who rely on physical power more than coordination can take the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Brute]{Brute} Edge to link this skill to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Strength} instead of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Agility}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Battle",
"name": "Battle"
"name": "Battle",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Battle is an individual’s command of strategy and tactics. It can be used for general military knowledge and is critical when commanding troops in @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Mass Battles]{Mass Battles}.</p></div>"
"id": "Boating",
"name": "Boating"
"name": "Boating",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Characters with this skill can handle most any boat or ship common to their setting. They also know how to handle common tasks associated with their vessel such as tying knots, rigging sails, or following currents.</p></div>"
"id": "Common Knowledge",
"name": "Common Knowledge"
"name": "Common Knowledge",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Characters roll Common Knowledge to know people, places, and things of their world, including etiquette, geography, culture, popular technology, contacts, and customs.</p></div>"
"id": "Driving",
"name": "Driving"
"name": "Driving",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Driving allows a hero to control any powered ground vehicle common to his setting. This includes cars, motorcycles, tanks, and the like.</p>\n<p>(Bikes and other self-powered transports use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}, beast-drawn transports use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Riding]{Riding}.)</p>\n<p>Characters in modern settings where vehicles are ubiquitous don’t need Driving for ordinary travel. Driving rolls are typically only needed in dangerous or stressful conditions, such as @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Chases and Vehicles]{Chases}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Electronics",
"name": "Electronics"
"name": "Electronics",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Electronics allows a hero to use complex or specialized devices such as the control panels on industrial machines or the sensor systems found on spaceships in futuristic settings.</p>\n<p>Consumer or electronic devices common to the setting don’t require Electronics— @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Common Knowledge]{Common Knowledge} suffices if a roll is required at all. In the modern world, this applies to video recorders, cell phones, etc.</p>\n<p>Fixing any type of broken electronic device uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} skill.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Faith",
"name": "Faith"
"name": "Faith",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Faith is the arcane skill required for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Background (Miracles)]{Arcane Background (Miracles)}.</p></div>"
"id": "Fighting",
"name": "Fighting"
"name": "Fighting",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Fighting covers all hand-to-hand (melee) attacks, whether it’s with fists, axes, laser swords, or martial arts. See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Combat]{Chapter Three} for the combat rules and the various maneuvers a warrior might attempt.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Focus",
"name": "Focus"
"name": "Focus",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Focus is the arcane skill for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Background (Gifted)]{Arcane Background (Gifted)}.</p></div>"
"id": "Gambling",
"name": "Gambling"
"name": "Gambling",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Gambling is common in the saloons of the Old West, the back rooms of criminal organizations, the barracks of most armies, or the flight decks of scifi spaceships.</p>\n<p>To simulate an hour of gambling without having to roll for every single toss of the dice or hand of cards, have everyone agree on the stakes, such as $10, 10 gold coins, etc. Everyone in the game then makes a Gambling roll. The lowest total pays the highest total the difference times the stake. The next lowest pays the second highest the difference times the stake, and so on. If there’s an odd man left in the middle, he breaks even.</p>\n<p class=\"embedded-example\"><strong>Example:</strong> Red rolls highest with a 10 and Gabe rolls lowest with a 4. The difference is 6, so Gabe pays Red 6 × the stake of $10, or $60.</p>\n<p><strong>Cheating: </strong>A character who cheats adds +2 to his roll. The GM may raise or lower this modifier depending on the particulars of the game or the method of cheating. If a cheater rolls a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}, however, he’s caught. The consequences depend on the circumstances and who noticed, but are usually unpleasant!</p></div>"
"id": "Hacking",
"name": "Hacking"
"name": "Hacking",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Hacking is the skill used to create programs and “hack” into secured systems. Use of this skill always requires a computer or interface of some sort.</p>\n<p>Most tasks are a simple Hacking roll. The amount of time it takes is determined by the GM, from a single action to hours, days, or even months depending on the complexity of the project. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} means the attempt works as desired and a raise halves the time required. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Failure} usually just means the hacker must try again, while a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} may mean the system locks the user out, issues an alarm, or enacts another countermeasure of some sort.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Healing",
"name": "Healing"
"name": "Healing",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Healing has multiple uses, from treating @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounds} to diagnosing diseases and analyzing certain kinds of forensic evidence.</p>\n<p>See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Healing]{Healing} for rules on mending and treating @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wounds}, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{Hazards} for treatment of disease or poison.</p>\n<p><strong>Forensics: </strong> Healing can also be used to analyze evidence that relates to anatomical trauma, including cause and time of death, angle of attack, and similar matters. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} provides basic information and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} increases the details uncovered.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Intimidation",
"name": "Intimidation"
"name": "Intimidation",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Intimidation is the art of frightening an opponent so that he backs down, reveals information, or flees.</p>\n<p>Intimidation is an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{opposed roll} resisted by the opponent’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Spirit}. In combat, this is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test}. Out of combat, a successful roll means the foe backs down for the most part, reveals some information, or slinks away when the opportunity presents itself.</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} might mean he backs down for the remainder of the scene, spills all the beans, or runs away as fast as he can.</p>\n<p>In or out of combat, a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} means the target is immune to this character’s Intimidation attempts for the remainder of this encounter!</p>\n<p><strong>Networking:</strong> Intimidation can also be used as a “macro” skill to simulate several hours of working the streets. See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Networking]{Networking} to see how to crack some heads for favors or information.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Language",
"name": "Language"
"name": "Language",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>In some settings, such as those that focus on pulp action or “planetary romance” (where characters frequently travel among many strange civilizations), speaking various languages can simply be roleplayed with halting dialogue and campy accents that start out a little difficult and are quickly forgotten. The GM may ignore this skill altogether in these settings, or use the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Multiple Languages]{Multiple Languages} ­option in the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Setting Rules]{Setting Rules}.</p>\n<p>In more realistic settings, communication can be a major barrier that requires characters to put skill points into additional languages. In a 1980s World War Three game, for example, a group of United Nations paratroopers won’t be able to speak with their foes unless they take Russian, Polish, or other languages common to the Warsaw Pact.</p>\n<p>If the Language skill is in use, it should be listed as Language (Spanish), Language (American Sign Language), etc. A character’s die type also notes how fluent he is in it. (Characters start with a d8 in their own Language.)</p>\n<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<table class=\"table value-table\"><caption class=\"table-caption\">\n<h2 class=\"table-title\">Language Proficiency</h2>\n</caption>\n<tbody>\n<tr class=\"table-header-row\">\n<th class=\"table-column-header\" scope=\"col\">Skill</th>\n<th class=\"table-column-header\" scope=\"col\">Ability</th>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>d4</td>\n<td>The character can read, write and speak common words and phrases.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>d6</td>\n<td>The speaker can carry on a prolonged but occasionally halting conversation.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>d8</td>\n<td>The character can speak fluently.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>d10</td>\n<td>The hero can mimic other dialects within the language.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>d12</td>\n<td>The speaker can masterfully recite important literary or oral works.</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>\n<p><strong>Limited: </strong>Use whichever skill is lowest when performing an action that requires knowledge of a foreign language. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} (if verbal), @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Research]{Research}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Taunt]{Taunt}, etc., are all limited by the character’s Language skill.</p>\n<p>This limitation never applies to a character’s native tongue.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Notice",
"name": "Notice"
"name": "Notice",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Notice is a hero’s general awareness and alertness. It’s used to sense sights, sounds, tastes, and smells, spot clues, detect ambushes, spot hidden weapons on a foe, or tell if a rival is lying, frightened, happy, etc.</p>\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} conveys basic information—the character hears movement in the forest, smells distant smoke, or senses someone isn’t being completely truthful.</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} grants more detail, such as the direction of a sound or odor or what topic a person is avoiding or lying about.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Occult",
"name": "Occult"
"name": "Occult",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Occult reflects knowledge and experience with the paranormal most others don’t even believe exists. It can be used to decipher strange pictograms, recall information about supernatural creatures, remember cures for monstrous maladies like lycanthropy or vampirism, or perform rituals.</p>\n<p>Finding information in a library, newspaper morgue, old tome, the internet, etc., uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Research]{Research} skill. As noted there, however, if the investigator’s Occult skill is higher she may use that instead.</p></div>"
"id": "Performance",
"name": "Performance"
"name": "Performance",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>A good entertainer can lift the spirits, rally a crowd to action, or simply earn a few bucks from the locals. Specifics depend on the situation, setting, and how well the character is known in the area.</p>\n<p>Performance covers singing, acting, playing an instrument, or similar tasks that require an audience to appreciate.</p>\n<p><strong>Raising Funds:</strong> The amount of money a character can raise by performing is extremely subjective, but as a general rule a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{successful} performance raises 20% of the setting's @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Starting Funds} with a success and 30% with a raise. The GM can multiply this amount by the performer's @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Advancement]{Rank} if she feels it's appropriate. These numbers work for typical performers who might be known in a small establishment or area. Larger performances can greatly boost the performer's fee, but also require more time, energy, and setup.</p>\n<p><strong>Deception: </strong>Performance can be used instead of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} if the character is attempting to deceive, bluff, or disguise herself and the GM agrees it makes sense in the context of the situation.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Persuasion",
"name": "Persuasion"
"name": "Persuasion",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Persuasion is the ability to convince others to do what you want through reason, cajoling, deception, rewards, or other friendly means. Persuasion isn’t mind control. It can change someone’s attitude but not their goals. A bandit may let you keep a sentimental piece of jewelry with a good Persuasion roll but still takes all your other goods.</p>\n<p>When used to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Support]{Support} allies it’s an unopposed roll. If the target is resistant, it’s an @JournalEntry[JBxsGv2wAoAmoCDe]{opposed} roll vs. the target’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Traits]{Spirit}. The GM should modify the roll as she sees fit based on roleplaying, any pertinent @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Edges]{Edges} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hindrances]{Hindrances} that affect the conversation, and the circumstances.</p>\n<p><strong>Reaction Level:</strong> How much a person is willing to cooperate depends largely on their attitude toward whoever’s talking to them. The Game Master can decide how nonplayer characters feel based on the setting, or roll on the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-tables.Reaction Table]{Reaction Table} if she has no preconceived notions.</p>\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} improves the target’s attitude one level and a raise improves it two. Further increases aren’t generally possible in the same encounter—it takes individuals a little time to adjust their biases.</p>\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Failure} means the target won’t change his mind this scene or until the situation changes in some important way. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} also <em>reduces</em> the target’s attitude two levels.</p>\n<p>Only one roll should generally be allowed per interaction unless new information is revealed, a substantial reward is offered, etc.</p>\n<p><strong>Networking: </strong>Characters can also use Persuasion as a “macro skill,” simulating a few hours or an evening’s time hobnobbing and socializing to gain favors or information. See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Networking]{Networking}.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Piloting",
"name": "Piloting"
"name": "Piloting",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Piloting allows a character to maneuver airplanes, helicopters, jet packs, or spaceships. See the rules for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Chases and Vehicles]{Chases and Vehicles}.</p>\n<p>A being with the innate ability to fly (he has wings, for example) uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} instead.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Psionics",
"name": "Psionics"
"name": "Psionics",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>This is the skill “psions” or “psis” use to activate and control their psionic abilities. See the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Arcane Background (Psionics)]{Arcane Background (Psionics)} edge.</p></div>"
"id": "Repair",
"name": "Repair"
"name": "Repair",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Repair is the ability to take apart and/or fix mechanical gadgets, vehicles, weapons, and simple electrical devices. It also covers the use of demolitions and explosives.</p>\n<p>How long a Repair roll takes is up to the GM and the complexity of the task. Fixing a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Chases and Vehicles]{Wound} on a compact car in a post-apocalyptic setting might take an hour. Fixing a Wound on the same car in the present day might take four hours if the character wants it painted, polished, etc. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} means the item is functional. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} on the Repair roll halves the time required.</p>\n<p><strong>Tools: </strong>Characters suffer a minor @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalty} (−1 to −2) to their roll if they don’t have access to basic tools, or a major penalty (−3 to −4) if the device requires specialized equipment.</p>\n<p><strong>Electronics:</strong> Repair can be used to repair electronic devices, but is limited by the hero’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Electronics]{Electronics} skill. Use whichever skill is lowest.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Research",
"name": "Research"
"name": "Research",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>A character skilled in Research knows how to make good use of libraries, newspaper morgues, the internet, or other written sources of information.</p>\n<p>The amount of time this takes is up to the GM and the situation. Finding something on the internet or a specific passage in a book might be possible in a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Combat]{combat round}. Looking through books in a library, searching the internet for a complex topic, or digging up background information on an individual usually takes about an hour.</p>\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Success} finds basic information and a raise provides more detail. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Failure} means the researcher doesn’t find what she’s looking for.</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} might mean the researcher finds plausible but incorrect information, triggers the notice of some opposed entity or faction, reads something “Humanity Was Not Meant to Know” and suffers a mental illness of some sort (a Minor @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Phobia]{Phobia}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Quirk]{Quirk}, etc.), or she might even accidentally destroy the source. The GM is encouraged to be creative when such a mishap occurs, perhaps forcing the party to approach the situation in a different way.</p>\n<p><strong>Related Skills: </strong>If a character has a skill that relates directly to the subject he’s researching, he can use that instead of Research. An explorer with @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Occult]{Occult} d10 and Research d6, for example, rolls a d10 when investigating vampire lore at a forgotten library. If he later goes to search for the deed to a house where the vampires are rumored to lair, he rolls his normal Research instead.</p>\n<p><strong>Note: </strong>Research may only provide the clues, especially in a mystery-heavy game. Putting the clues together from the information gathered is up to the players.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Riding",
"name": "Riding"
"name": "Riding",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Riding allows a hero to mount, control, and ride any beast or beast-drawn vehicle common to his setting. This includes horses, camels, dragons, wagons, chariots, and the like. See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Mounted Combat]{Mounted Combat}.</p></div>"
"id": "Science",
"name": "Science"
"name": "Science",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Those with this skill have studied various hard sciences such as biology, xenobiology, chemistry, geology, engineering, or any other “hard” science.</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{successful} Science roll reveals basic information about a topic, and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} grants more details.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Shooting",
"name": "Shooting"
"name": "Shooting",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Shooting covers all attempts to hit a target with a ranged weapon such as a bow, pistol, or rocket launcher (thrown weapons use @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}). See @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Combat]{Chapter Three} for details on ranged combat.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Spellcasting",
"name": "Spellcasting"
"name": "Spellcasting",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Mages, wizards, warlocks, and witches use Spellcasting to cast spells. See the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Background (Magic)]{Arcane Background (Magic)} Edge.</p></div>"
"id": "Stealth",
"name": "Stealth"
"name": "Stealth",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Stealth is the ability to hide and move quietly. A simple @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{success} on a Stealth roll means the character avoids detection if enemies aren’t particularly alert. If the character @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{fails} the roll, the enemy realizes something is amiss and begins actively searching for whatever roused them.</p>\n<p>Once foes are alerted and active, Stealth is opposed by @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} (a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{group roll} if there are many foes.</p>\n<p>The GM should apply any circumstantial penalties to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls for @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{darkness}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Cover and Obstacles]{cover}, noise, distractions, and any difference in the target’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Scale} (just like when attacking). Sneaking through dry leaves might subtract 2 from the Stealth roll, for example, while spotting someone in the dark uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Illumination]{Illumination} penalty (−4). Don’t apply the same modifier to both rolls, however. If Stealth is at −2 for the leaves, don’t give Notice a +2 for them as well.</p>\n<p><strong>Sneak Attack: </strong> Sneaking up close enough to make a melee attack <em>always</em> requires an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{opposed} Stealth roll versus the target’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice}, whether the guard is actively looking for trouble or not. If successful, the victim is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Distracted and Vulnerable]{Vulnerable} to the attacker, but only until the attacker’s turn ends. With a raise, the attacker has @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.The Drop]{The Drop} instead.</p>\n<p><strong>Movement:</strong> In combat, characters roll Stealth each turn as a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Actions]{free action} at the end of their move or any action the GM thinks might draw attention.</p>\n<p>Out of combat, the distance moved depends entirely on the situation. The GM might want a roll every minute if the group is sneaking around the perimeter of a defensive position, or every few miles if they’re trying to quietly walk the path through a dark forest without alerting the creatures that live there.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Survival",
"name": "Survival"
"name": "Survival",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Survival allows a character to find food, water, or shelter in hostile environments. It can also be used to navigate wilderness environments, figure out which plants are good to eat and which aren’t, and so on.</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{successful} Survival roll provides enough food and water for one person for one day; or five people with a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise}.</p>\n<p>More detailed information on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hunger]{Hunger} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Thirst]{Thirst} can be found under @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Hazards]{Hazards} section.</p>\n<p><strong>Tracking: </strong>Survival can also be used to detect and follow tracks. Each roll generally covers following the tracks for one mile, but the GM should adjust this as needed for specific circumstances.</p>\n<p>The Game Master should assign a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{bonus or penalty} based on the target, environment, and time. Tracking a large group that recently passed through a snow-covered area might grant a bonus of +4, while following a single person over rocks and streams after more than a day incurs a −4 penalty.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Taunt",
"name": "Taunt"
"name": "Taunt",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Taunt attacks a person’s pride through ridicule, cruel jests, or oneupmanship.</p>\n<p>Taunt is an opposed roll @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{resisted} by the opponent’s Smarts. In combat, this is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Test]{Test}.</p>\n<p>Out of combat, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{success} means the defender backs down, slinks away, or starts a fight. A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} might leave the victim cowed for the remainder of the scene, or make her storm out of the area fuming or even in tears, or attack her tormentor recklessly (perhaps with a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Attack]{Wild Attack} on the first round of combat).</p>\n<p>A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} means the target is immune to this character’s Taunts for the remainder of the encounter.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Thievery",
"name": "Thievery"
"name": "Thievery",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Lockpicking, safecracking, picking pockets, sleight of hand, setting and disabling traps and similar acts of misdirection, sabotage, subterfuge, and manipulation are called Thievery.</p>\n<p>If used to pick a lock, crack a safe, disable a trap, or perform a simple unopposed action, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{success} opens or disables the device, and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{raise} does it in less time, without tripping alarms, or whatever else the GM feels is appropriate.</p>\n<p>Sleight of hand, hiding or planting an item, or picking a pocket require a simple @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{success}. If foes are actively watching the character, Thievery is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{opposed} by @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice}.</p>\n<p>The Game Master should assign @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{penalties} for particularly difficult circumstances. Picking a heavy padlock might have a −4 penalty, while hiding a revolver in bulky winter clothing might grant a +1 bonus. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Failure} typically means the character is spotted or it takes too much time (after which the character can try again). A @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} typically sets off the trap, alerts the victim, or jams the device so that it must be opened or interacted with in a different way.</p>\n<p><strong>Limited: </strong>Using Thievery on an electronic device, such as a keypad, is limited by the thief’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Electronics]{Electronics} skill. Use the lowest of the two skills.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Unskilled Attempt",
"name": "Unskilled Attempt"
"name": "Unskilled Attempt",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>If a character doesn’t have a skill for an action he’s attempting, he rolls a d4 for his skill die (and a Wild Die if a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}) and subtracts 2 from the total.</p>\n<p>The GM may decide certain tasks cannot be attempted unskilled, such as performing complex surgery or flying a commercial jet.</p>\n</div>"
"id": "Weird Science",
"name": "Weird Science"
"name": "Weird Science",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>“Mad” scientists, inventors in worlds with magic (or technology far beyond our own), alchemists, or artificers can be found throughout many <cite>Savage Worlds</cite>.</p>\n<p>Though their techniques may vary, all use Weird Science as their arcane skill. See the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Arcane Background (Weird Science)]{Arcane Background (Weird Science)} Edge to learn more of their wondrous ways.</p>\n<p> </p></div>"
@ -1,69 +1,60 @@
"label": "SWADE Vehicles",
"label": "SWADE Véhicules",
"entries": [
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"name": "#[CF_tempEntity]",
"description": "",
"items": []
"id": "AH-64 Apache",
"name": "AH-64 Apache",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Helicopter, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "ZkQ5MB1hMIOKYsnN",
@ -163,6 +154,7 @@
"id": "AV-8B Harrier",
"name": "AV-8B Harrier",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>–1 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Handling} when in VTOL mode.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "scF8tYijOo5SXEYe",
@ -257,10 +249,18 @@
"id": "temp_zxavjpvt25l",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Vehicular Weapons",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"img": "systems/swade/assets/icons/weapon.svg",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"_id": "EdvU8l2DYvpFGYRV",
@ -305,6 +305,7 @@
"id": "B-17 Flying Fortress",
"name": "B-17 Flying Fortress",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": [
"_id": "vGDSgq9MVjJyk3Hl",
@ -619,16 +620,25 @@
"id": "temp_zxavjpvt25l",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Vehicular Weapons",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"img": "systems/swade/assets/icons/weapon.svg",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"id": "BF-109",
"name": "BF-109",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": [
"_id": "mscUj2HMfBODgiLY",
@ -753,16 +763,19 @@
"id": "Bicycle",
"name": "Bicycle",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>50% chance a shot hits the rider instead. Doubles rider’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{running die} result.</p></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Biplane",
"name": "Biplane",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "BTR 70 APC",
"name": "BTR 70 APC",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Amphibious}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{4WD}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "4wJIKzRHGm6xIpJt",
@ -879,31 +892,37 @@
"id": "Carriage",
"name": "Carriage",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Pulled by one @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.Horse]{Horse}. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Movement]{Pace} on the tabletop is 12 and it may run.</p></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Cessna Skyhawk",
"name": "Cessna Skyhawk",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Compact Car",
"name": "Compact Car",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"><p>Honda Civic or similar vehicle.</p></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Dirt Bike",
"name": "Dirt Bike",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Stock bike designed for off-road use with excellent shocks. Off Road (treat as @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{4WD}). 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "Early Car",
"name": "Early Car",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">Model Ts and the like.</div>",
"items": []
"id": "F-15 Eagle",
"name": "F-15 Eagle",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "dffORL9Ksa1YunhZ",
@ -1006,10 +1025,18 @@
"id": "temp_zxavjpvt25l",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Vehicular Weapons",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"img": "systems/swade/assets/icons/weapon.svg",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Bombs"
"_id": "EfyxuaM9A8hKSnGC",
@ -1049,10 +1076,18 @@
"id": "temp_u61doxmmngk",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Missiles",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Sidewinder"
"img": "modules/swade-core-rules/assets/art/equipment/weapons/missile-sidewinder-aim9.webp",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Sidewinder"
"_id": "408VrF7uleDDeJlE",
@ -1092,16 +1127,25 @@
"id": "temp_u61doxmmngk",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Missiles",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Sparrow"
"img": "modules/swade-core-rules/assets/art/equipment/weapons/missile-sparrow-aim7.webp",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "Sparrow"
"id": "Galleon",
"name": "Galleon",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "7WuOXZ4o4Tlpfpyx",
@ -1163,6 +1207,7 @@
"id": "Galley",
"name": "Galley",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}. Has both oars and sails.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "lJGPVUQLj4tQ2f6Z",
@ -1207,11 +1252,13 @@
"id": "Helicopter",
"name": "Helicopter",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Hover APC",
"name": "Hover APC",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Hover}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "1il4m3UBnNEG9Gzq",
@ -1315,6 +1362,7 @@
"id": "Hover Tank",
"name": "Hover Tank",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Hover}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "JwBrJ8FKE3KcJEuT",
@ -1467,11 +1515,13 @@
"id": "Hydrofoil",
"name": "Hydrofoil",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Japanese Zero",
"name": "Japanese Zero",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": [
"_id": "eiXElDvhNrsI8VHn",
@ -1596,6 +1646,7 @@
"id": "Jeep",
"name": "Jeep",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{4WD}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "aQoMV9JHbSnuW9UC",
@ -1657,11 +1708,13 @@
"id": "Learjet",
"name": "Learjet",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "M1A1 Abrams",
"name": "M1A1 Abrams",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "mb6PTM4s4oyowckx",
@ -1825,6 +1878,7 @@
"id": "M2 Bradley",
"name": "M2 Bradley",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "uJiBGbLSAqWlLvnE",
@ -1974,16 +2028,25 @@
"id": "temp_u61doxmmngk",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Missiles",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "TOW Missile Launcher"
"img": "modules/swade-core-rules/assets/art/equipment/weapons/missile-tow.webp",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "TOW Missile Launcher"
"id": "M4 Sherman",
"name": "M4 Sherman",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "iK28mNind2BYFWyM",
@ -2147,6 +2210,7 @@
"id": "M5A1 Stuart",
"name": "M5A1 Stuart",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "7vPQYG4hx8cRtKJe",
@ -2310,16 +2374,19 @@
"id": "Mid-Sized Car",
"name": "Mid-Sized Car",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Air bags}, luxury features.</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "Minivan",
"name": "Minivan",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Typical family mini-van. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Air bags}, some luxury features.</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "P-51 Mustang",
"name": "P-51 Mustang",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"> </div>",
"items": [
"_id": "9KyMYbkYSjKHAes1",
@ -2491,6 +2558,7 @@
"id": "Patrol Boat, River",
"name": "Patrol Boat, River",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "7UJmPpc549mdCmSh",
@ -2662,6 +2730,7 @@
"id": "PT Boat (WW2)",
"name": "PT Boat (WW2)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "4v74UcGjmOzxJpEe",
@ -2814,6 +2883,7 @@
"id": "Pz IVJ",
"name": "Pz IVJ",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "2OBqmO7ExtPsCFka",
@ -2922,6 +2992,7 @@
"id": "Pz VI Tiger II",
"name": "Pz VI Tiger II",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "bTZ7BXL7mbuuzw4y",
@ -3030,31 +3101,37 @@
"id": "Rowboat",
"name": "Rowboat",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Semi-Truck",
"name": "Semi-Truck",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Trailer is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} 7 (Large), @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Characters]{Toughness} 14 (2). *@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Handling} with a trailer attached is –2.</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "Small Yacht",
"name": "Small Yacht",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Space Shuttle",
"name": "Space Shuttle",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Speed Boat",
"name": "Speed Boat",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": []
"id": "Spitfire Mk IIA",
"name": "Spitfire Mk IIA",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\"></div>",
"items": [
"_id": "Et0TUJzkbZVncwAq",
@ -3171,21 +3248,25 @@
"id": "Sports Car",
"name": "Sports Car",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p class=\"swade-core\">Mustang or similar stock sports cars.</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "Sports Utility Vehicle",
"name": "Sports Utility Vehicle",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>Luxury features, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{4WD}</p>\n</div>",
"items": []
"id": "Street Bike",
"name": "Street Bike",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">Stock name-brand street bikes designed for urban use.\n50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.</div>",
"items": []
"id": "SU-27",
"name": "SU-27",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "DMVzHDZh1Lg6Tbfp",
@ -3285,6 +3366,7 @@
"id": "T-34/76",
"name": "T-34/76",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Sloped Armor} (front only), @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "izqnBfepu5r5upwN",
@ -3393,6 +3475,7 @@
"id": "T-72 MBT",
"name": "T-72 MBT",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "SPjWzVjoyXetiGzF",
@ -3441,10 +3524,18 @@
"id": "temp_zxavjpvt25l",
"path": "Equipment#/CF_SEP/Special Weapons#/CF_SEP/Vehicular Weapons",
"color": "#000000"
"babele": {
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "125mm Tank Gun (AP Rounds)"
"img": "systems/swade/assets/icons/weapon.svg",
"effects": []
"effects": [],
"translated": true,
"hasTranslation": true,
"originalName": "125mm Tank Gun (AP Rounds)"
"_id": "xW0FNYteTDslG9g1",
@ -3561,6 +3652,7 @@
"id": "T80 MBT",
"name": "T80 MBT",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">\n<p>@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Night Vision}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Tracked}.</p>\n</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "8UZ7FALmttsECSoR",
@ -3720,6 +3812,7 @@
"id": "UH-1 (Huey)",
"name": "UH-1 (Huey)",
"description": "<div class=\"swade-core\">Helicopter</div>",
"items": [
"_id": "aEhMXhg93IU380Cp",
@ -7,6 +7,23 @@
"compatibleCoreVersion" : "0.7.9",
"author": "Sasmira, Kyane, Leratier Bretonnien, U~man",
"dependencies": [
"name": "babele",
"type": "module",
"manifest": ""
"name": "swade",
"type": "system"
"name": "dice-so-nice",
"type": "module",
"manifest": ""
"scripts": [],
"styles": ["swade-fr.css"],
"packs": [],
Reference in New Issue
Block a user