diff --git a/compendiums/deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-infernal-devices.json b/compendiums/deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-infernal-devices.json new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4c939ca --- /dev/null +++ b/compendiums/deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-infernal-devices.json @@ -0,0 +1,140 @@ +{ + "label": "Infernal Devices", + "mapping": { + "description": "system.description", + "skill": { + "path": "system.actions.skill", + "converter": "gear_skill" + }, + "range": { + "path": "system.range", + "converter": "gear_range" + }, + "ammo": { + "path": "system.ammo", + "converter": "gear_ammo" + } + }, + "entries": { + "Adrenal booster": { + "name": "Adrenal booster", + "description": "
Increases @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01traits00000000]{Strength} and @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01traits00000000]{Vigor} a die type, @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01characters0000]{Pace} +2 for 10 minutes.
\nBallistic Protection: This item reduces the damage from bullets by 2. (Ballistic Protection in this era is 2 rather than the 4 of more modern equipment, such as that listed in Savage Worlds.) Apply any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{Armor Piercing} values after subtracting 2 from the bullet’s damage. All are made from ghost steel, and subject to @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Malfunction}.
\nBallistic Protection: This item reduces the damage from bullets by 2. (Ballistic Protection in this era is 2 rather than the 4 of more modern equipment, such as that listed in Savage Worlds.) Apply any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{Armor Piercing} values after subtracting 2 from the bullet’s damage. All are made from ghost steel, and subject to @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Malfunction}.
\nBallistic Protection: This item reduces the damage from bullets by 2. (Ballistic Protection in this era is 2 rather than the 4 of more modern equipment, such as that listed in Savage Worlds.) Apply any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{Armor Piercing} values after subtracting 2 from the bullet’s damage. All are made from ghost steel, and subject to @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Malfunction}.
\nBallistic Protection: This item reduces the damage from bullets by 2. (Ballistic Protection in this era is 2 rather than the 4 of more modern equipment, such as that listed in Savage Worlds.) Apply any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Armor Piercing (AP)]{Armor Piercing} values after subtracting 2 from the bullet’s damage. All are made from ghost steel, and subject to @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Malfunction}.
\nProvides 10 minutes’ air when placed in the mouth, protecting the user from @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04drowning000000]{drowning}, poison gas, smoke, etc.
\nThis amazing suit and metal helmet allows a user to walk on the bottom of large bodies of water at half her @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01characters0000]{Pace} (she can’t @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03movement000000]{run}). Breathable air is provided via a hand-cranked pump and hose that can extend up to 100 yards. For an extra $500, the suit comes with a brand-new device perfected by Smith & Robards (and quickly stolen by everyone else) called a “Rebreathable Oxygenated Filter Backpack” that pulls oxygen out of the water! The process isn’t particularly efficient, but it allows the user to breathe underwater without an air hose for up to one hour before it must be recharged (by simply leaving it in the open air for four hours).
\nWhen activated via a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Weird Science]{Weird Science} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll, this belt creates an electromagnetic field attuned to repel fast-moving metal objects—like bullets. Anyone shooting at the wearer with metal bullets subtracts 1 from his roll. It’s coated with specially treated ghost rock powder that charges via static electricity! The device runs for five rounds per ounce of ghost rock expended. It remains on until deactivated or the ghost rock is exhausted.
Powdered ghost rock mixed with emulsifier coats the photographic plates so this camera can clearly photograph objects in motion. Roll @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} to take photographs. Additional plates are $5 each, and weigh 2 lbs.
The mad science version of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-equipment.Flamethrower]{flamethrower} spews super-heated ghost rock vapor! Its fuel is a single, one pound chunk of @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore04lifein.JournalEntryPage.04ghostrock00000]{ghost rock}, keeping the weight down for those scientists who spend more time exercising their minds instead of their bodies. The attack is a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapon}, may be @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03evasion0000000]{Evaded}, and flammable targets may catch @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04fire0000000000]{fire}.
\nGrants the user the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Quick]{Quick} Edge for five rounds. If she already has it, her minimum card is now an Eight rather than a Five.
\nWearer can peer over and around obstacles. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Notice]{Notice} rolls suffer a –2 penalty, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait} rolls for more complex actions performed through the scope suffer a –4 penalty.
\nSuccess on the @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Vigor roll} when applying this salve heals a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound}; two with a raise.
\nThe so-called “devil’s apron” covers the front torso and upper legs. It reduces damage from @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04heat0000000000]{fire} or heat-based attacks to the wearer’s front torso and upper legs by 4, including those from most powered @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{infernal devices}.
\nThis shot steels the nerves. Success adds +2 to @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04fear0000000000]{Fear} checks for 30 minutes, but the user must succeed on a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Smarts roll} (–4) to run from life-threatening situations. A @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Catastrophic Malfunction} makes the hero @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Berserk]{Berserk} (per the Edge) and immune to Fear and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation}!
\nA steam-powered, mechanical, four-legged walking device that moves at a steady @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03movement000000]{Pace} 4 and can carry up to 1,000 pounds. The operator controls and steers it with a levered control stick. The mule can walk up to eight hours on flat terrain per pound of ghost rock expended. Size 1, Toughness 11 (2).
\n+2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Stealth]{Stealth}.
Wearer suffers no @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03illumination00]{Illumination} penalties except for Pitch Darkness. Notice at –2 needed to see things beyond 10\". A @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore03gearan.JournalEntryPage.03infernaldevi00]{Catastrophic Malfunction} blinds the wearer for 1d6 hours.
\nClockwork de-molers developed for lawn care inspired this powered and repurposed device, which is crucial for areas plagued by troublesome and deadly swarms of lesser vermin. The device comes in a metal cylinder with an extendable base. When deployed, four metal whips spin an inch off the floor for up to 10 minutes, causing 2d6 damage in a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03blasttemplat00]{Small Blast Template} to Normal or larger-@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Size and Scale]{Size} beings it contacts. It’s particularly effective against the multitudinous creatures of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-bestiary.Swarm]{Swarms}, causing 3d6 damage to any non-flying variety. The powered de-moler burns one ounce of ghost rock per 10-minute deployment.
\nWhen its parabolic dish is placed on the earth, the device detects subterranean activity, such as that caused by the giant worms called “@Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-actors.Rattler]{rattlers}.” Any rattler attempting to sneak up on prey by tunneling beneath the earth does so at a –6 penalty when one of these devices is within 100 yards. The detector functions for one hour per ounce of ghost rock expended.
The drinker recovers all @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03fatigue0000000]{Fatigue} levels.
\nIncreases drinker’s @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01traits00000000]{Strength} by two die types for 10 minutes.
\n+2 @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} made to leap or where it affects success (GM’s call), +2\" (4 yards) vertical jump, +4\"(8 yards) horizontal.
This is a standard @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Gun]{Gatling gun} attached to a high-pressure steam boiler. Gatlings must fire their full @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor02gear00.JournalEntryPage.02rateoffire0000]{Rate of Fire}. A @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nA revolving, steam-powered saw for slicing through trees. Very common in the Great Northwest among “steamjacks.” A @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Malfunction} on a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure} hits the user instead. The steam boiler is usually placed on the ground and connected via a 20-foot hose. It can be worn but weighs 30 pounds and includes a ghost steel backpack to absorb the heat. If the backpack is lost or unavailable, the user must make a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Vigor roll} every round or take @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03fatigue0000000]{Fatigue}!
\nThe drinker ignores up to 2 points of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Damage Effects]{Wound penalties} for 10 minutes.
\nA rubber respirator that adds +4 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Vigor rolls} made to resist @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04poison00000000]{poison} gas, vapors, or similar effects. A filter is good for 30 hours’ use and replacements cost $25.
\nGrants a free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls for one hour. A @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Infernal Devices]{Catastrophic Malfunction} means she can’t speak for the next 24 hours!
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nWith a raise on the attack roll the victim is @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Bound and Entangled]{Entangled} instead of bonus d6 damage.
\nOlder versions are cap and ball weapons, Reload 3, $10.
\n16-inch barrel, detachable shoulder stock. Must be ordered direct from the Colt factory in New Jersey. Due to its size, doesn’t benefit from @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Quick-draw holster]{quick-draw holsters}.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nAlso known as the Double-Action Army, ammunition may be shared with the Winchester ‘73.
\nOlder versions are cap and ball weapons, Reload 3, $8.
\nAlso known as the Colt Single-Action Army.
\nUses the Savage Worlds rules for @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03shotguns000000]{Shotguns}.
\nCap and ball weapon, Reload 3.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\n–2 to be Noticed if hidden.
\nUses the Savage Worlds rules for @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03shotguns000000]{Shotguns}.
\nIf the attacker fires both barrels at once at the same target, roll damage once and add +4.
\n@UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03blasttemplat00]{Medium Blast Template}, +2 damage for 2 sticks/pints
\nDynamite and nitroglycerine are @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapons}.
\nDynamite has a 1 in 4 chance of exploding if it takes 6 or more points of damage (including being caught in a separate explosion). Cost is $3 per stick. Throwing dynamite uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}; setting it uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair}. Anything more than seven sticks of dynamite is usually set to explode rather than thrown.
\nNitroglycerine is a colorless, oily, and unstable liquid explosive. It’s illegal to transport in 1884 after several notorious accidents, but can be made and used locally. Each pint of nitro acts as one stick of dynamite, but automatically explodes if a bottle takes 4 points of damage.
\n@UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03blasttemplat00]{Large Blast Template}, +2 damage for 4 sticks/pints
\nDynamite and nitroglycerine are @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapons}.
\nDynamite has a 1 in 4 chance of exploding if it takes 6 or more points of damage (including being caught in a separate explosion). Cost is $3 per stick. Throwing dynamite uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}; setting it uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair}. Anything more than seven sticks of dynamite is usually set to explode rather than thrown.
\nNitroglycerine is a colorless, oily, and unstable liquid explosive. It’s illegal to transport in 1884 after several notorious accidents, but can be made and used locally. Each pint of nitro acts as one stick of dynamite, but automatically explodes if a bottle takes 4 points of damage.
\n6” Radius, +2 damage for 6 sticks/pints
\nDynamite and nitroglycerine are @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapons}.
\nDynamite has a 1 in 4 chance of exploding if it takes 6 or more points of damage (including being caught in a separate explosion). Cost is $3 per stick. Throwing dynamite uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}; setting it uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair}. Anything more than seven sticks of dynamite is usually set to explode rather than thrown.
\nNitroglycerine is a colorless, oily, and unstable liquid explosive. It’s illegal to transport in 1884 after several notorious accidents, but can be made and used locally. Each pint of nitro acts as one stick of dynamite, but automatically explodes if a bottle takes 4 points of damage.
\n+2 damage and 0.5” Radius for any stick after the 7th
\nDynamite and nitroglycerine are @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Heavy Weapon (HW)]{Heavy Weapons}.
\nDynamite has a 1 in 4 chance of exploding if it takes 6 or more points of damage (including being caught in a separate explosion). Cost is $3 per stick. Throwing dynamite uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics}; setting it uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair}. Anything more than seven sticks of dynamite is usually set to explode rather than thrown.
\nNitroglycerine is a colorless, oily, and unstable liquid explosive. It’s illegal to transport in 1884 after several notorious accidents, but can be made and used locally. Each pint of nitro acts as one stick of dynamite, but automatically explodes if a bottle takes 4 points of damage.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nUses special .44-caliber ammo made only by the gun’s manufacturer. These bullets are hard to come by out West, but can be ordered directly from the company—delivery takes about three weeks.
\nGatling weapons can’t fire single shots and must fire their full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire}. All models have been updated, are fairly well-known in 1884, and are no longer considered infernal devices.
\nA @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nPersonal Gatlings have multiple barrels and a drum of ammunition that can be re laced in one action. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Pistol Ammo Drum]{Pistol drums} cost $2 and weigh 1 lbs. unloaded (3 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Rifle Ammo Drum]{Rifle} and @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Carbine Ammo Drum]{carbine} drums cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (7 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Shotgun Ammo Drum]{Shotgun drums} cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (3.5 loaded).
\nThe original six-barreled Gatling gun is mounted on a small carriage or pintle mount. This negates the @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03recoil00000000]{Recoil} penalty, but may also restrict its arc of fire depending on how it’s mounted.
\nGatling weapons can’t fire single shots and must fire their full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire}. All models have been updated, are fairly well-known in 1884, and are no longer considered infernal devices.
\nA @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nEarly Gatlings had a 20-round “stick” magazine (1 lb unloaded, 3.5 lbs loaded, $3). Later models developed for the Battle of Washington feature a 100-round belt (5 lbs unloaded, 21 lbs loaded, $12). loading a new stick takes one @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03actions0000000]{action}. Loading a new belt takes two actions.
\nGatling weapons can’t fire single shots and must fire their full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire}. All models have been updated, are fairly well-known in 1884, and are no longer considered infernal devices.
\nA @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nPersonal Gatlings have multiple barrels and a drum of ammunition that can be re laced in one action. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Pistol Ammo Drum]{Pistol drums} cost $2 and weigh 1 lbs. unloaded (3 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Rifle Ammo Drum]{Rifle} and @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Carbine Ammo Drum]{carbine} drums cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (7 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Shotgun Ammo Drum]{Shotgun drums} cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (3.5 loaded).
\nGatling weapons can’t fire single shots and must fire their full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire}. All models have been updated, are fairly well-known in 1884, and are no longer considered infernal devices.
\nA @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nPersonal Gatlings have multiple barrels and a drum of ammunition that can be re laced in one action. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Pistol Ammo Drum]{Pistol drums} cost $2 and weigh 1 lbs. unloaded (3 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Rifle Ammo Drum]{Rifle} and @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Carbine Ammo Drum]{carbine} drums cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (7 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Shotgun Ammo Drum]{Shotgun drums} cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (3.5 loaded).
\nGatling weapons can’t fire single shots and must fire their full @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Rate of Fire]{Rate of Fire}. All models have been updated, are fairly well-known in 1884, and are no longer considered infernal devices.
\nA @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure} when firing a Gatling means it jams, requiring a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll as an action to get working again.
\nPersonal Gatlings have multiple barrels and a drum of ammunition that can be re laced in one action. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Pistol Ammo Drum]{Pistol drums} cost $2 and weigh 1 lbs. unloaded (3 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Rifle Ammo Drum]{Rifle} and @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Carbine Ammo Drum]{carbine} drums cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (7 lbs. loaded). @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Gatling Shotgun Ammo Drum]{Shotgun drums} cost $5 and weigh 2 lbs. unloaded (3.5 loaded).
\nRaw, blazing fire blasts straight from the depths of Hell through the Harrowed’s fingertips. This takes an @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03actions0000000]{action} but may only be used once per turn. The attack uses the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Athletics]{Athletics} skill and @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03blasttemplat00]{Cone Template}, and causes 3d6 to those unfortunate enough to be caught in the template. Hellfire may be @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03evasion0000000]{evaded}.
\n20-gauge shotgun barrel mounted under a rifle. Switching between the two is a free action.
\nCarbine and shotgun are cap and ball weapons, Reload 3.
\n20-gauge shotgun barrel mounted under a pistol. Switching between the two is a free action.
\nUses the Savage Worlds rules for @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03shotguns000000]{Shotguns}.
\nIf the attacker fires both barrels at once at the same target, roll damage once and add +4.
\nMay be fired in melee (see @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Ranged Weapons In Melee]{Ranged Weapons In Melee} in Savage Worlds).
\nCommonly known as a “mare’s leg,” this weapon is about as easy to conceal as a pistol.
\n@UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor02gear00.JournalEntryPage.02snapfire000000]{Snapfire}, cap and ball firearm, Reload 3.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nUses the Savage Worlds rules for @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03shotguns000000]{Shotguns}.
\nReload 3, black powder weapon.
\nOlder versions are cap and ball weapons, Reload 3, $7.
\nA knife blade juts out from between this weapon’s multiple barrels.
\nUses the Savage Worlds rules for @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03shotguns000000]{Shotguns}.
\nClay Allison was a soldier, cavalryman, and later gunslinger known for his fast draw and steely nerve. He’s still around in the Weird West and just as deadly as ever.
\nClay occasionally replaces his holster as he wears out the leather on the last one. They retain a bit of Allison’s speed and grant a boost to any gunfighter who wears them.
\nPower: Allison's Holsters are @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-equipment.Quick-draw holster]{fast-draw holsters}, but they grant a gunslinger an extra Hole Card at the start of a @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore05settin.JournalEntryPage.05dueling0000000]{Duel}.
\nTaint: The wearer becomes @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Slow]{Slow} (as the Minor Hindrance) for as long as she wears the holsters.
\nHenry McCarty, AKA William H. Bonney, AKA “Billy the Kid” was a notorious outlaw and vigilante in New Mexico and Arizona before he was shot and killed by Sheriff Pat Garrett. At least that’s the official story. Some say the Kid lives on, but the Agency and the Territorial Rangers have both officially closed the case. Of course, that’s just what Billy would want, isn’t it?
\nPower: Billy was notoriously lucky. He survived gunfights most others didn’t and escaped from jail cells and captors on multiple occasions. Anyone who finds his dirty, raggedy old top hat gets an extra @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03bennies0000000]{Benny} per game session.
\nTaint: The hat’s wearer gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Overconfident]{Overconfident} Hindrance.
\nJim Bowie had this knife in his hand when he was killed by Santa Anna’s troops at the Alamo. His blood infused it with the power to slay his foes.
\nPower: The knife causes Str+2d4 damage, or Str+2d6 against soldiers of the Mexican Army.
\nTaint: The owner is quick to violence, especially against Mexican authorities.
\nThis is the sacred pipe of the Lakota, given to them by the White Buffalo Calf Woman, who instructed the Lakota on its meaning and care, and taught the People traditions they have followed ever since. It is the model on which all other sacred pipes were made. It serves a central role in the Ghost Dance movement, and is indestructible.
\nSitting Bull was guardian of the buffalo calf pipe until the Black Hills War of 1881. After that conflagration, its whereabouts are unknown.
\nPower: The Buffalo Calf Pipe is associated with all types of medicine, so shamans who inhale its vapors add +2 to their @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} rolls for the next hour.
\nThe pipe also grants the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Divination]{divination} power regardless of the shaman’s Rank.
\nTaint: None, but if the pipe were to fall into the hands of non-Sioux, a full-scale war would likely result as the Lakota tribes gather to recover one of their most sacred items.
\nEveryone’s heard about the traveling preacher saved from an early grave by his breast-pocket Bible. It was in Amarillo. Or St. Joseph. Or Oshkosh. Wherever it was, the locals weren’t buying his sermon. He’d already made mincemeat of the Lord’s prayer, and his story of the vision from St. Melvin wasn’t opening any purses. Skipping town before the crowd turned mean would take a miracle.
\nAny holy book can become bulletproof, including a Torah or Koran, but given the number of preachers Out West, most are those of the Christian variety. Beyond their uncommon effect on weapons, no two bulletproof Bibles are alike. Some are thick sheaves of pamphlets, smudged by rain and fire. Others are family heirlooms or gilt-edged graduation gifts, slick with parental love.
\nPower: Faith is true protection against wickedness and want. Bullets too, when it gets right down to it. When a bulletproof Bible's carried, it provides +4 Toughness against attacks to the torso.
\nTaint: None to speak of, but such books have one quirk. Come bedtime, they occasionally show up on the owner’s pillow or nightstand, open to a passage relevant to the day’s events or upcoming tribulations.
\nKintpuash, better known as Captain Jack, led the year-long Modoc War (1872–1873) against General Edward Canby and the Union army. It took place among the Lava Beds—encompassing southern Oregon and Northern California near @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.03 The Great Maze]{the Maze}—in a place known as Captain Jack’s Stronghold.
\nJack was so successful it took the Union army four separate offensives to capture him and his Modoc warriors…even after Jack murdered General Canby during peace talks. In the end, the Modoc people, tired of war, turned on Captain Jack and made peace without him.
\nDuring the conflict Captain Jack wore a specific “medicine blanket” said to be imbued with the spirit of the Modoc’s powerful war leaders. It was the blanket, they said, that allowed him so many stunning victories.
\nThe medicine blanket was lost after Captain Jack’s capture and hanging. From time to time the medicine blanket, a wide mantle of white and black striped cotton, has shown up in the Commonwealth of California around the waist or shoulders of pirate captains, gunslingers, and Triad bullies.
\nPower: The medicine blanket confers upon its owner the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Natural Leader]{Natural Leader Edge}, and grants +2 Toughness and a reroll to any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll made against “authority figures”—law men or women, soldiers, and so on.
\nTaint: The medicine blanket gives its owner the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Stubborn]{Stubborn} Hindrance when worn. Perhaps because of that, it’s changed hands many times since 1873.
\nHernando Cortez and thousands of Indian allies ended the Aztec Empire in the 16th century. His conquistador's sword slew literally hundreds in the long and bloody war.
\nPower: The sword inflicts Str+2d6 damage and is a magical weapon.
\nTaint: Every time the sword draws blood from a living being (that is, causes at least a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03damageeffect00]{Shaken} result), the wielder’s hands ooze a tiny bit of blood. Each time thereafter, the stain grows slightly larger until the user’s entire arm—just up past the elbow—oozes blood constantly. The bleeding doesn’t hurt the character, but neither can he ever truly stop it. The slimy blood ruins clothes and generally makes it hard to walk about in polite society. Even bandages soon soak through. Indians, Mexicans, and other native North Americans see the taint as a mark of evil.
\nA coup bottle can be created by a shaman or evil magician by drawing a few arcane symbols on any glass or ceramic container. Creating the device isn’t the hard part—it’s using it!
\nPower: A coup bottle open at the death of a creature that grants a @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Coup} when killed absorbs its essence, and holds onto it until it’s opened (or broken). If a @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Harrowed} is present when the latter occurs, he can count coup as if he were present at the creature’s demise.
\nTaint: A full coup bottle attracts manitous and trouble. When drawing for encounters, if the posse is in possession of a full coup bottle a card draw of Nine or greater indicates an encounter.
\nThe Battle of the Little Bighorn was a pivotal moment in the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Reckoning]{Reckoning}. Several relics were forged in the blood of that day. One of the most significant is Crazy Horse's coup stick. As Custer fired his six-guns from amid the groaning bodies of his troopers, Crazy Horse crept right up behind him and whacked him with his coup stick. Custer rode away from that battle (though @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Harrowed}), but Crazy Horse’s action enchanted his coup stick forever.
\nPower: Anyone with Indian blood in her veins can use Crazy Horses’ coup stick. A character officially inducted into a legitimate tribe might also be able to use the stick (that’s the Marshal’s call, partner). The first time the wielder touches a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card} opponent in combat, he gets a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03bennies0000000]{Benny}! He can only count coup once per individual per encounter, and it must be a legitimate fight—Indian warriors don’t count coup when someone’s just having a heated argument!
\nTaint: None.
\nIn 1878, Neville Douglas was the Tombstone Epitaph’s restaurant critic. In this capacity, he traveled for a year exploring the West’s culinary offerings, cataloging interesting recipes he found along the way. His last known whereabouts were in the famine-stricken lands of California, where his stated intent was to investigate the source of the meat used in the City of Lost Angels’ weekly feasts. Some speculate the unfortunate food critic was “invited to dinner”—never to be heard from again.
\nHis journal was a pocket-sized notebook bound in green cloth, but its spine was broken and the pages scattered over a year ago. Like their former owner, they’ve got a tendency to mosey. These days pages turn up individually, or in sheaves numbering 1d6 pages, all over the West.
\nEach page is filled with handwritten notes about restaurants and recipes Neville encountered in his travels, along with diary entries.
\nPower: Neville’s desire to share good food with others lives on through his notebook’s leaves. With a successful @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-skills.Trade]{Trade} (Cooking) roll at −2, the reader is able to make a tasty and satisfying meal for up to five adults with any technically edible supplies on hand. It doesn’t matter how vile the ingredients are—three-days-dead trail buzzard? Makes a hearty stew!
\nFailure means the meal’s “delectable” ingredients are wasted and provide no sustenance. With a raise, those who consume it receive +1 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Vigor rolls} for the next four hours.
\nTaint: None.
\nWhen a gunman dies in a duel at high noon, the bullets in his gun are sometimes enchanted by the Reckoning’s foul mojo.
\nThe defeated gunman can’t be a pushover, so a villain who figures out how this relic comes to be can’t just toss a schoolmarm a six-shooter and gun her down for a quick reload. Nice try though, sidewinder.
\nPower: When the shooter rolls damage for a dead man’s bullet, he may reroll any 1s once.
\nTaint: None.
\nThese are boots that have been worn by a gunslinger who came back @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed} and was then sent to his demise—er, re-demise. Anyone wearing them when he is killed has a greater chance to come back Harrowed.
\nPower: If a character is killed while wearing deader's boots, he draws three extra cards to determine if he comes back Harrowed.
\nTaint: The boots smell of rot that can’t be cleaned or masked by even the strongest scents. The wearer reduces his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} totals by 1 when wearing them—unless his target is dead himself, or can’t smell!
\nThis unusual steam organ has turned up with a number of traveling carnivals and theater troupes, but none are certain of its true origin. Much like a wagon, it has four wheels and can be drawn by a pair of horses controlled from its driver’s seat. The sides of the calliope display what must once have been a proud array of metal whistles and delightful images of wild animals. But now the pipes are dingy and rusted, most of the paint has chipped off, and the carved wood has become dark, warped, and pitted. If you squint at it just right, the calliope looks like the grinning maw of something horrific.
\nIt still plays a number of enchanting melodies, but some folks say its tone is downright eerie. Other listeners skip right over eerie and say the organ is cursed. There are unconfirmed tales of the calliope coming to small towns whose populations soon suffer frequent incidents of violence or vanish altogether. None can say if it’s true, but the organ rarely stays in one place for very long, and those who’ve heard its strange keening shudder whenever they speak of it.
\nPower: The calliope plays a tune whenever its crank is turned. Anyone standing within a Large Blast Template of it can perceive the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{Hunting Grounds}. This allows them to see tell if a character has an @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor05powers.JournalEntryPage.05arcanebackgr00]{Arcane Background} (and what type), if someone is possessed, controlled, @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed}, or undead (and which entity is in charge), the area’s @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore08marsha.JournalEntryPage.08fear0000000000]{Fear Level}, and any magical effects on people or objects.
\nObjects in the real world are also visible in the Hunting Grounds—walls block one’s view, for example, so positioning the calliope is important when determining who or what can be seen.
\nTaint: The organ’s music and its accompanying visions can drive an audience mad. Anyone in the template when it’s activated must make a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04fear0000000000]{Fear check} at −2.
\nAside from the insanity, the visions work both ways. When a person gazes into the Hunting Grounds, the things that lurk there stare right back and become aware of the intruder’s presence! This gives everyone who took part in the vision @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-hindrances.Night Terrors]{Night Terrors} for the next 1d4+2 days.
\nHellstromme’s purpose in creating secret roundhouse laboratories across the West was to experiment with—and ultimately understand the true nature of—fear as a tangible energy.
\nOne side effect of his experiments was the creation of pure distilled fear in liquid form. It looks like quicksilver in a thermometer, and absorbs instantly into exposed skin.
\nPower: A cowpoke infused with distilled fear has a certain knack for telling terrifying tales…the kind that cause an area’s @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore08marsha.JournalEntryPage.08fear0000000000]{Fear Level} to rise. When the infused character uses @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Performance]{Performance} for the purpose of tellin’ a tale, apply a +2 bonus. If that buckaroo also has the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Tale-Teller]{Tale-Teller} Edge, apply a +4 bonus. With a success, the local Fear Level rises by 1.
\nTaint: While infused, a dude’s as scared as a rabbit in a wolf’s mouth. He gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Yellow]{Yellow} Hindrance and suffers a −4 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Fear]{Fear checks}. Successful casting of @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Banish]{banish} purges distilled fear from a person’s system, as does entering a @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Sanctify]{sanctified} area.
\nPacific Indians make these devices to keep away bad dreams and nightmares. Truth is, they work, and can be quite handy to a fellow who suffers from night terrors.
\nPower: Anyone who sleeps in a room with a dreamcatcher sleeps peacefully. @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03damageeffect00]{Wounded} characters may add +1 to any natural healing rolls they make after a night’s rest beneath a dreamcatcher.
\nA dreamcatcher has a 50% chance each night of negating the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-hindrances.Night Terrors]{Night Terrors} Hindrance.
\nTaint: None.
\nA shaman is said to have plucked a handful of feathers from the Great Eagle’s tail. These rare, precious items have been passed down through the tribes over the ages, their power rekindled with the Reckoning’s onset.
\nPower: Anyone holding one of the Great Eagle’s tail feathers is completely immune to @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04fear0000000000]{Fear} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation}!
\nTaint: None, but only the most powerful Native American @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.08 Shamans]{shamans} possess such items. An Indian shaman who owns an eagle feather is challenged to a test of strength, wits, or magical prowess by nearly every shaman she meets. If a non-Indian has the feathers and the Lakota find out, they hunt him to the ends of the Earth to retrieve them.
\nThough Wyatt Earp was fired at many times, he was never hit until he ran up against Stone. Some of his incredible luck rubs off on the many badges he wore during his time as a lawman.
\nPower: Attacks against the wearer of Earp's Badge, whether in melee or ranged combat, subtract 4 from their total.
\nTaint: The hero gains an aura of confidence that adds +1 to his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls. While this is often an advantage, folks are always asking her for help, and get mighty angry if they’re refused.
\nArthur’s legendary sword is in remarkable condition considering its age. Its double-edged blade is over three feet in length and polished to such a degree it catches any available light and almost appears to glow.
\nNo fancy etching or letters adorn the blade, and the plain, if apparently golden, crossguard sits atop a well-worn leather grip. Still, it’s impossible to look upon the sword and not realize it’s an item of true power.
\nPower: Excalibur is a magical weapon and deals damage as a standard long sword (Str+d8). But it ignores all armor, including @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Vehicle Notes]{Heavy Armor}.
\nWhen attacking objects, damage caused by Excalibur can @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Ace}.
\nTaint: None.
\nAfter the Mexican-American War, John Glanton led a gang of mercenaries to track down and kill dangerous bands of Apaches near the Southwest US-Mexican border. Due to a scarcity of Apache targets, the Glanton gang took extreme liberties in their pursuits, often impersonating Apaches in order to kill innocents—and redeem their scalps for the reward money.
\nThe Glanton gang’s members were branded outlaws by the Mexican state of Chihuahua in 1850. They proceeded to kill some Yuma natives and take over their ferry operations on the Gila River in Arizona, where they would often rob and kill the passengers. In 1851, a band of Yuma Indians launched a retaliatory attack on the gang, killing and scalping Glanton and many of his gang, ending their bloody reign of terror.
\nBut the knife Glanton used to perform his grisly deeds still carries his foul corruption. Now the blade has a disturbing aura, disquieting at best to anyone near the relic.
\nPower: The scalping knife (Str+2d4) ignores up to four points of penalty from @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03calledshots000]{Called Shots} to the head (it doesn’t help with other types of Called Shots).
\nThe knife gleams wickedly in any illumination, a permanent blood-red tint visible on its razor-sharp edge. If brandished, it also gives the bearer one free reroll on @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls.
\nTaint: The knife’s owner has an overwhelming desire to scalp his enemies. Each time he personally slays an enemy, including varmints and creatures, he must make a Smarts roll or scalp them—even if he’s in the heat of combat! This doesn’t require a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Trait roll} but consumes one entire turn.
\nThere’s an old story about four brothers who lived in a sleepy little town somewhere west of the Mississippi. The eldest was the town’s mortician, the youngest the padre, and the middle two were caretaker and gravedigger at the local cemetery. All their livelihoods involved caring for the living and the dead in one way or another, and they took their jobs quite seriously.
\nWhen the @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore07therec.JournalEntryPage.07thereckoning00]{Reckoning} began, the town was hit hard—an example to be spoken of afterward in hushed, fearful tones. Generations of dead crawled out of their graves and lurched onto Main Street. Only the four brothers stood against the horde, and together they returned every cadaver to its grave.
\nWhen it was over, there were three new plots. Only the gravedigger brother survived, and he soon left town to escape his terrible memories. He left his shovel behind, marked with the initials “E.B.”
\nPower: The Shovel is magical, and causes Str+2d6 damage versus Undead. It counts as a medium @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Improvised Weapons]{Improvised Weapon}, weighs six pounds, and is Minimum Strength d6.
\nAny corpse buried by the shovel rests easy in its grave, no matter the circumstances of death. The body can never become @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed} or rise as a walkin’ dead, ghost, vampire, or other horror.
\nTaint: The shovel is infused with the gravedigger’s pangs of loss, reducing his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion} rolls by 1. Others perceive the shovel’s owner as morose and withdrawn. This effect lasts as long as the shovel remains in the character’s possession, and for an additional 48 hours afterward.
\nOccasionally a Native American’s weapon becomes imbued with his desire for vengeance or violence, whether justified or otherwise. Most of those encountered are tomahawks, but they also take the form of war clubs, spears, or other @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-hindrances.Old Ways Oath]{Old Ways’} style weapons.
\nPower: The damage of a great tomahawk (or other weapon) is increased one die type and is imbued with the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Warrior's Gift]{warrior's gift} power. It has 10 Power Points that recharge at a rate of 5 per hour, and is activated with the wielder’s Spirit (or Faith if he’s a shaman).
\nTaint: Because these weapons are forged in the flames of war, they bear a bit of the Reckoning’s stain. The wielder of a great tomahawk gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Arrogant]{Arrogant Hindrance}.
\nJericho Slade was a failed inventor who, in his madness, reinvented himself as an outlaw gunslinger. He figured if he couldn’t make money with his inventions, he’d use them to take money. With a few dark, whispered words from a crafty manitou, and spurred by his own insane rage to do its murderous bidding, Slade infused the Reckoning’s hellish power into his vile new creations.
\nJericho forged a pair of smoky black Gatling rifles in a fire of bones and tempered the steel in the blood of innocents. The firearms have a permanent smoke-tarnished patina that leaves the wielder’s hands stained black. Only fresh blood or holy water can wash away these stains.
\nPower: The guns of Jericho are a matching pair of modified (.45) Gatling rifles (Range 24/48/96, Damage 3d8, RoF 2, Shots 20, AP 2). Each grants its firer the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Rock and Roll!]{Rock and Roll! Edge} as long as it’s held.
\nThe rifles emit a ghostly, hazy smoke as they’re fired that lingers in a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03blasttemplat00]{Small Blast Template} until the start of the shooter’s next turn. Ranged attacks into the cloud suffer a −1 penalty.
\nTaint: Whoever owns one of these guns receives the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Greedy]{Greedy} (Minor) and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Mean]{Mean} Hindrances. As unforgiving as they are deadly, if the user rolls a Critical Failure on his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll when using the guns, they vanish into thin air. Where they end up is anyone’s guess, but it’s usually hundreds of miles away in some backwater town where they can “hide” for a while before causing more death and mayhem.
\nBy the way, Jericho Slade is a gunslinging mad scientist, and he wants his guns back! If he hears of ‘em being used, he sets out to reclaim them like a bat out of Hell.
\nJohn Wesley Hardin is a flamboyant man—for a ruthless killer and well-known gunslinger. When he wants to show off, he often tosses a playing card into the air, draws his gun, and shoots a hole right through it. Hardin then signs the card and gives it to an admirer in the crowd. He thinks he’s just having fun, but some of these cards have acquired arcane power.
\nPower: Anyone carrying one of Hardin's cards gets one free reroll on any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll (except a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Critical Failure}).
\nTaint: A Critical Failure always hits an innocent bystander, even if they aren’t in the line of fire!
\nThis is the, well, “holy grail” of relics, the cup Jesus Christ Himself drank from at the Last Supper. Legend says King Arthur’s knights searched for it for years, but history doesn’t record whether they found it or not.
\nThe cup is a simple wooden vessel, though anyone who can see its true appearance (via @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Detect/Conceal Arcana]{detect arcana}, a Harrowed’s @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Spirit Sight]{Spirit Sight}, etc.), sees a beautiful gilded chalice of silver and gold.
\nPower: Mortal humans who drink from the Grail are instantly healed of all @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03damageeffect00]{Wounds}, illnesses, or other infirmities, including dementias and phobias. Even physical @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor01charac.JournalEntryPage.01hindrances0000]{Hindrances} are cured by the Grail.
\nThe grail does nothing for animals or supernatural creatures, including the @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Harrowed}.
\nTaint: The Grail never remains in anyone’s possession for long. An hour or so after it’s used, it fades away, moving to some new location where the powers of good feel it will eventually fulfill some unknown and mysterious purpose. The same occurs if it’s “destroyed” or discarded—it eventually finds its way back to the world.
\nAt least that’s how it usually works. @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.03 The Great Maze]{The Cackler} has found a way to “trap” the grail, and it’s currently ensconced in his hidden citadel somewhere in the Weird West!
\nThis stovepipe hat is rumored to be the very bit of haberdashery in which President Lincoln met his demise. Somehow showing up in the possession of a prominent Washington doctor and later lost in a poker game, it eventually made its way to the Weird West.
\nThe black hat’s crown is a seven-inch-tall, cylindrical stovepipe with a two-inch-wide, flat brim. A black silk mourning band adorns the crown’s base. Tucked inside the hat are a few scraps of weathered paper bearing illegible writing. The hat adjusts its size to fit a wearer when placed on the head. A distant, echoing gunshot accompanies this fitting, but only the wearer can hear it.
\nPower: If a hero is wearing the hat when he’s killed, he’s guaranteed to come back @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed}.
\nTaint: The wearer gains a version of the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Big Mouth]{Big Mouth} Hindrance, making him honest and forthright in all his dealings.
\nIf a Harrowed wears the hat, the manitou is immune to the hat’s noble compulsions.
\nBefore his death, Edmond Hoyle’s crowning achievement was to encode all the hexes he discovered during his travels into the 1769 edition of his famous manual. With each later edition, more of these arcane cryptograms were erased by clueless editors. But the 1769 edition is still pure, and contains hundreds of still-undiscovered hexes.
\nEvery publisher who plagiarized Hoyle's Book of Games has unwittingly carried the old mage’s spells over into their own editions. They’re often corrupted, mistyped, or reorganized, but someone who knows what to look for—a huckster—can glean enough knowledge from the text to piece them back together. A recent copy (editions published from 1861–1880) can be purchased for 25 cents. Older versions are far more rare, and difficult to come by.
\nPower: When a @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{hucksters} who owns an earlier edition of Hoyle’s Book of Games takes the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.New Powers]{New Power} Edge, she can try to learn a power not normally available to hucksters. The edition lists which powers are available. Learning them requires an @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Occult]{Occult} roll with the modifier listed in parentheses after the editions below. If failed, the huckster can’t learn that hex from that edition and must choose a power from the list usually available to hucksters. She may only try to learn the forbidden hex again using an earlier edition.
\nTaint: None, but every huckster in the world would kill to get his hands on a priceless 1769 edition, and a good many would kill to get hold of one of the later editions too. Isn’t that bad enough?
\nHoyle used many sets of cards in his travels. At the moment of his death—or more precisely, his mysterious disappearance—some became enchanted. They have since been scattered and only a handful have made it to the Weird West.
\nPower: When @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Dealing with the Devil}, each card in the huckster’s possession lets the huckster draw an additional card.
\nTaint: None.
\nNormally when you cut off a jackalope's foot, it’s good for a luck charm for about a month before it starts to get a little too ripe to carry. However, someone with no small skill in taxidermy and some occult knowledge apparently found a way to preserve the charm. While it does continue to bring the bearer good luck most of the time, when things go bad for the owner, they go bad with a capital B-A-D!
\nPower: The owner gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-edges.Great Luck]{Great Luck} Edge while in physical possession of a jackalope’s foot.
\nTaint: When the owner rolls a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}, the result is worse than usual. It’s the Marshal’s call, but we’re talking accidental shootings, fires, or other catastrophes!
\nAbigail Young was playing in the cellar when she heard her family attacked by someone upstairs. She covered herself with her blanket and was quiet. Moments later the cellar door opened, and a foul-smelling man seemed to look for her—but couldn’t find her. Eventually the killer left, dismayed.
\nLittle Abby grew up, discovered the man who killed her family was “Texas” Joe Slides, and left him bleeding out on the Kansas Plains.
\nAbby’s blanket, which now completely hides anyone beneath it from the view of supernaturally evil creatures, eventually fell into the hands of a traveling salesman named Rutherford Ellington Dillenger. The British entrepreneur looks for just these kinds of artifacts and sells them to the highest bidders, usually the @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06agents00000000]{Agency} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Rangers}.
\nPower: The blanket is infused with Little Abby’s stealth. Anyone hiding beneath it is completely invisible to supernaturally evil creatures, including @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Harrowed} and other undead.
\nTaint: None.
\nAny Pittsburgher can tell you the stories of Joe Magarac—the famous steel-man who stirred molten metal with his hands and could out-eat, out-work, and out-sleep a jackass. According to legend, Joe’s labor nearly put the whole town out of work, so he instead melted himself down to build a new mill. The steel in Joe Magarac’s bones was later shipped out across the Weird West, laying rails that would conquer the frontier.
\nThat particular tall tale is just that, and would resurface again in later eras. But someone—perhaps Joe Magarac, perhaps some unknown laborer—was one Hell of a steel-driving man, and his knuckle bones are worth their weight in ghost rock to mad scientists.
\nPower: Joe Magarac’s might and work ethic are imbued in each of his knuckles. If one of Maharac's knuckle bones is worked into a device that deals damage—such as a lightning gun (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Bolt]{bolt})—the gizmo deals an additional d4 damage. If placed in a device that produces a power with a duration—like a hurricane machine (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Havoc]{havoc}) or electric re-animator (@Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Zombie]{zombie})—the power’s base Duration is doubled.
\nOnly one of Margarac’s knuckles can affect a single @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Weird Science]{Weird Science} gizmo; installing multiple knuckles has no additional effect.
\nTaint: Unfortunately, Magarac’s legendary mule-headedness also permeates his knuckles. Any @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Repair]{Repair} roll made on the gizmo suffers a −2 penalty and requires double the normal repair time.
\nAny Pittsburgher can tell you the stories of Joe Magarac—the famous steel-man who stirred molten metal with his hands and could out-eat, out-work, and out-sleep a jackass. According to legend, Joe’s labor nearly put the whole town out of work, so he instead melted himself down to build a new mill. The steel in Joe Magarac’s bones was later shipped out across the Weird West, laying rails that would conquer the frontier.
\nThat particular tall tale is just that, and would resurface again in later eras. But someone—perhaps Joe Magarac, perhaps some unknown laborer—was one Hell of a steel-driving man, and his knuckle bones are worth their weight in ghost rock to mad scientists.
\nPower: Joe Magarac’s might and work ethic are imbued in each of his knuckles. If one of Magarac’s knuckle bones is worked into a device that deals damage—such as a lightning gun (bolt)—the gizmo deals an additional d4 damage. If placed in a device that produces a power with a duration—like a hurricane machine (havoc) or electric re-animator (zombie)—the power’s base Duration is doubled.
\nOnly one of Margarac’s knuckles can affect a single Weird Science gizmo; installing multiple knuckles has no additional effect.
\nTaint: Unfortunately, Magarac’s legendary mule-headedness also permeates his knuckles. Any Repair roll made on the gizmo suffers a −2 penalty and requires double the normal repair time.
\nThe blessed are called on to fight the horrors of the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Reckoning]{Reckoning} more than any others. Sometimes, when a pious man or woman dies in the course of his crusade against evil, his chosen holy symbol is imbued with the power of his righteous sacrifice.
\nIn the Weird West, most of these relics take the form of crosses or rosaries, but a shaman’s fetish or a Mormon’s Bible might also take on the power of the “martyr’s cross.”
\nPower: The wielder may add +4 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} rolls when calling on the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Protection]{Protection} power.
\nTaint: None.
\nThese stylish eyeglasses have no arms, but are held in place by pinching the bridge of the wearer’s nose—hence the French term “pince-nez,” or “nose pincher.” Those worn by Robert Ponty, a charming French huckster and gambler noted for his piercing gaze, gained significant power after his death.
\nPonty was accused of cheating at cards and in the resulting scuffle, he killed a man popular with the locals. “Curse my eyes!” he uttered ruefully as he was hauled to the gallows, thinking of the simple mistake he’d made that led him to this end. As the townsfolk secured the noose around his neck, Ponty attempted one final deal with the Devil to free himself from this predicament…but failed.
\nPonty died that day, but his spectacles were cursed with the power to lead others down his dire path.
\nPower: When worn, the glasses increase a person’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Gambling]{Gambling} two die types.
\nTaint: The wearer gains a Major @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Habit]{Habit} for gambling and the Minor @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Bad Eyes]{Bad Eyes} Hindrance! Only the pince-nez de perdition alleviates the ocular symptoms; other eyeglasses don’t help. These Hindrances fade if the pair isn’t worn for one week.
\nNo one is sure just where the Prospector, Coot Jenkins, got his recipe for making the glowing green elixir he uses on the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed}. What is certain, however, is he never has much of it at a time. He can make about one application’s worth per week.
\nTo use the elixir, Jenkins has to pour it down the throat of a Harrowed. This usually requires the undead to be unconscious if he doesn’t know or trust ol’ Coot.
\nPower: A Harrowed who drinks Coot’s brew gains 1 point of Dominion. The Prospector doesn’t usually waste his elixir on Harrowed who are in control. He saves it for those who have 0 Dominion or are dang close to it.
\nTaint: None.
\nThe ancient Chinese believed chickens were the emblem of the sun god. Each lunar New Year’s Day, the image of a chicken was painted on doors to protect homes from demons. Having this talisman was the same as having the sun itself guarding your door. The tradition has come to Shan Fan, where it is used to repel the Reckoning’s ghosts and abominations.
\nA rooster talisman is a hand-sized piece of white silk embroidered with the image of a golden rooster and mounted within a thin bamboo frame. When hung on a door it has the power to stop even the most dangerous fiends from entering.
\nPower: Hanging a rooster talisman on an entryway protects the entire dwelling from supernatural intrusion. Hanging it on the door of an inner room protects only that room, provided it’s the only entrance.
\nAny abomination that attempts to enter or damage the structure must make a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03traitrolls0000]{Spirit check} at −2. If the Spirit check fails, they may try again the following night, but at a –4 penalty. Further attempts are made at –4.
\nTaint: The talisman gives anyone protected by it the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-hindrances.Night Terrors]{Night Terrors} Hindrance. When the inhabitants try to sleep they hear sounds of a giant rooster scratching and fighting, making it impossible to get any decent sleep.
\nSacagawea traversed the Pacific Northwest with the Lewis and Clark expedition. Upon its return, her adventuresome spirit passed into her walking stick. The stick passed from traveler to traveler over the years, traversing the entirety of the Weird West, with most owners having no idea of its historical providence.
\nSacagawea’s walking stick is well-worn, made of black walnut, and just over five-and-a-half feet in length. It is adorned with carved scenes of Indians hunting, fishing, and playing.
\nPower: The stick can be used as a weapon (Str+d4, Parry +1, Requires two hands), and is considered magical for the purpose of damaging Ethereal creatures.
\nThe walking stick’s owner adds +2 to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Survival]{Survival} rolls, and acts as if affected by the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Wilderness Walk]{wilderness walk} power whenever the walking stick is in her hand.
\nTaint: The stick’s owner gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Curious]{Curious} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Loyal]{Loyal} Hindrances. For each week the owner travels with the walking stick, draw a card from the Action Deck. On a face card, an abomination of some kind (Marshal’s choice) has caught the stick’s arcane scent and starts hunting the owner. On a Joker, the abomination is definitely intelligent and a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Wild Cards and Extras]{Wild Card}. Taking the stick into the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{Hunting Grounds} attracts unwanted attention from nature spirits and manitous alike.
\nThe Sioux bestow this sacred artifact upon one brave warrior at the end of their annual Sun Dance. The relic consumes the ceremony’s magical energy, and from that point on it bestows its awesome powers on whomever the Sioux’s council of wicasas awards it to.
\nThe Sioux have created one tomahawk and one bow every year since the Reckoning, so there are 21 of each in existence in 1884. Their owners prize them beyond all other possessions. They are never sold or given away willingly, although they may be loaned out for short times for worthy causes. The owner may also willingly pass the weapon on to someone she feels is worthy, usually a son or daughter, but sometimes a trusted friend or ally.
\nOf course some are occasionally taken from the noble warrior’s body, as well. If the Sioux see such a weapon wielded by someone who didn’t earn it, they look to return it to the People, either by trade if the current owner seems honorable, or more violent means otherwise.
\nPower: Against most foes, the weapon is a regular tomahawk (Str+d6). When wielded against a supernatural creature of evil—including a @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06harrowed000000]{Harrowed}, with or without Dominion—the tomahawk does Str+2d6 damage.
\nTaint: None, but the warrior is obligated to fight for the Sioux when he or she is called upon. Non-Sioux with the tomahawk are asked to return it. If that fails, Sioux warriors put on their warpaint and go on the hunt to return the sacred relic to their tribe.
\nSinner's guns come in pairs, and are made from an eerie, grayish metal of unearthly origin. Fancy engravings depict sinners in torment in Hell, which seem to crawl slowly over the surface as one watches. It’s possible that’s exactly where they came from, perhaps planted by Old Scratch to cause more death and mayhem in the world.
\nAt least six sets of these weapons have been spotted around the West, often in pawn shops or for sale in small towns far from the eyes of @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Agents]{Agents} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.09 Territorial Rangers]{Territorial Rangers} who know exactly the trouble they cause.
\nPower: Sinner’s guns are 1860 Colt Army revolvers (Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6+1, RoF 1, AP 2) that fire Hellish bolts of red fire. Because of this, they never run out of ammunition and never need to be reloaded.
\nWhen drawn, they emit a loud and terrible wailing that adds +2 to its owner’s @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} rolls.
\nTaint: The guns give the owner the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Bloodthirsty]{Bloodthirsty}, @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Mean]{Mean}, and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Vengeful]{Vengeful} (Major) Hindrances. Some claim anyone who kills with them is fated to die a violent death and spend an eternity in the depths of Hell.
\nBack in the Middle Ages, just about every square mile had at least one charlatan selling a piece of the cross Jesus died on. Of course, most of those folks were lying, but there are still a few of the real ones floating around today.
\nThe shards are usually a few inches long and completely unremarkable to the naked eye. A @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore06nomans.JournalEntryPage.06blessed0000000]{blessed} senses their power, however, and feels it if she touches it. @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Detect/Conceal Arcana]{Detect Arcana} or similar powers sees the shard as part of a great, blinding cross with the brilliant form of a man crucified upon it. The visage is beautifully painful to look at and no details can be seen, but its origin is clear.
\nPower: The shard provides +2 Toughness in a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Blast Templates]{Large Blast Template} to all good-natured beings and animals.
\nTaint: None.
\nLike the Sacred Tomahawk of the Sun, the Sun Bow is awarded to the Sioux’s bravest and brightest warriors. The wicasas typically grant the tomahawk to the stronger of their two champions, and the bow to the wilier. In 1884, 21 of these bows exist.
\nPower: The arrows fired by the bow are magical and cause 3d6 damage.
\nTaint: None, but the Sioux expect the recipient to protect their people with this sacred weapon. As with the Sacred Tomahawk of the Sun, non-Sioux with a Sun Bow are asked to return it. If that fails, Sioux warriors put on their warpaint and go on the hunt to return the sacred relic to their tribe.
\nAislin O’Rourke—a petite, red-headed spitfire of Irish descent, and a talented huckster—received these customized LeMat revolvers as a parting gift from one of her traveling companions. Ms. O’Rourke disappeared in early ’73 while returning home to Newfoundland, but her guns surfaced soon after in Boston. Since then, they’ve passed through the hands of several owners. The guns bring fortune to some, misfortune to others, and death to a few…in some cases at the hands of their own friends.
\nO’Rourke’s twin “Black Cat LeMats” are silver-plated with ivory grips. Engraved in each grip is the figure of a cat, lacquered glossy black, sitting with its tail curled around its feet. Each cat has two emerald chips for eyes. Some see mischief in the cats’ glittering, green gaze; others see only malice.
\nPower: You know the old saw about black cats crossing your path? These guns are no exception. The Black Cats come in a pair, and each is a single-action .40 LeMat grapeshot pistol (Range 12/24/48, Damage 2d6+2, AP 1, RoF 1, Shots 9) and 20-gauge shotgun (Range 5/10/20, Damage 1–3d6+2, RoF 1, Shots 1) combination.
\nAnytime someone spends a @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03bennies0000000]{Benny} in the presence of the guns’ wielder, she can negate it by spending a Benny of her own. The Black Cats require both guns for this ability—it doesn’t work if she’s got just one.
\nTaint: The Black Cats cause a bit of bad luck to everyone around them. Anytime an innocent bystander is hit and the guns are nearby (generally within 20 yards or so), add +4 to the damage total.
\nThere’s an old story known among Ohio settlers that a fierce Indian chief named Blue Jacket was once a kidnapped Dutch boy named Marmaduke Van Swearingen. True or not, Blue Jacket led Shawnee tribes allied with the British during the Revolutionary War. After the Americans won their independence, Blue Jacket led a confederation of Indian tribes in an overwhelming victory against the early Americans at the Battle of Wabash. During the battle, he saw his birth brother fighting against him, but Blue Jacket famously cried out, “I have no white brothers!” and killed him on the spot.
\nPower: The jacket still exists, and is currently held by Dog Soldiers of the Coyote Confederation. Anyone who wears it gains Toughness +4.
\nTaint: The bearer of the jacket and those he leads or influences (the other player characters, a squad, warband, etc.) gain the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Vengeful]{Vengeful} (Minor) Hindrance.
\nThe Devil's Six Gun was meant to kill the Devil himself, and if any pistol in the Weird West can do it, it’s this one. In fact, it can kill anything.
\nPower: The pistol’s statistics are Range 10/20/40, Damage 1–6d6, RoF 1, Shots 6. It’s considered the Weakness of any character or creature (including the Servitors!).
\nOf course just because the gun cankill anything doesn’t mean it will—the user still has to hit and roll damage. For each consecutive, successful @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} roll against a single target, the gun deals a d6 of damage, starting at 1d6 for the first bullet and working up to a maximum of 6d6 for the sixth round. If all six bullets hit, anyone else within a Large Blast Template of the original target is caught in a massive explosion of supernatural energy for 3d6 damage.
\nIf the target is missed, the gun is used against a different target, or the gun is reloaded, the damage resets to 1d6 and the bonus is lost.
\nThe Devil’s Six Gun requires bullets with @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Ghost Rock]{ghost rock} powder, which must be custom-made using the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Weird Science]{Weird Science} skill. This takes bullets molds, 6 oz. of ghost rock, lead, and an hour of work. Failure means the bullet-maker can try again, but a Critical Failure means it blows up on her for 3d6 damage and all the bits are lost. Success creates six bullets and a raise halves the time required to forge them.
\nTaint: The owner of the Devil’s Six Gun suffers from Blackburne’s Curse. He can’t spend @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor03rules0.JournalEntryPage.03bennies0000000]{Bennies} to reroll @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} rolls made with it. He may still use @UUID[Compendium.swade-core-rules.swade-rules.swadecor04theadv.JournalEntryPage.04conviction0000]{Conviction}, however.
\nObviously this powerful weapon makes the wielder a target for just about every evil force out there. But other heroes want it as well, and some might be desperate enough to kill for it!
\nThe gun was last seen in the hands of a mysterious stranger who took it from the hands of its inventor, Copernicus Blackburne. The identity of that stranger is up to the Marshal, and it may have changed hands several times since. Finding the weapon’s location is a quest in itself—retrieving it from the owner is another!
\nTom “Bear River” Smith was the Marshal of Abilene and later a US Marshal. He was a tough and imposing man who served the law from New York City to Wyoming to Kansas. At Bear River City, Wyoming, he put himself between warring railroaders and local vigilantes, holding off both sides until the US Army came from Fort Bridger.
\nSmith died in the line of duty, but his legend lives on among the West’s most notable law dogs. Anyone who wears any of this hard-riding frontiersman’s former spurs can call on a little bit of his menacing air.
\nPowers: A cowpoke wearing the spurs has his @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} die type increased one step, or two steps with both spurs.
\nTaint: The wearer gains the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Mean]{Mean} Hindrance.
\nWhen the leaders of the world’s most nefarious cults are slain, their sinful essences are often drawn into their unholy icons.
\nPower: The most powerful unholy icons allow a wielder to use a single @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore08marsha.JournalEntryPage.08blackmagic0000]{Black Magic} power. The Marshal should choose the power based on the history of the icon itself. In all cases, powers are enacted using the wielder’s Spirit, or @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Spellcasting]{Spellcasting} if he has @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-edges.Arcane Background (Witch)]{Arcane Background (Black Magic)}. The symbol has 10 Power Points and recharges 5 points per hour.
\nTaint: Unholy symbols always corrupt their users in some ways. Most simply give the new wielder the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-hindrances.Ruthless]{Ruthless} (Minor) Hindrance, driving them to complete their own goals whatever the cost.
\nA few unholy symbols contain the soul of some evil priest inside. When someone picks up the symbol, the priest makes an opposed @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Spirit roll} to possess his physical form. The original host’s soul is repressed—it can sense what’s happening but can’t stop it under any circumstances. The dark priest is in complete control, has access to the host’s memories and abilities, and can wreak whatever havoc he wants.
\nIf a possessed host is slain or successfully affected by the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Banish]{banish} power, the priest’s soul flies back to the unholy symbol and awaits a new victim. If the symbol is destroyed, his evil soul passes on to the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.01 The Hunting Grounds]{Hunting Grounds}.
\nTo the Eastern Catholic church, “icons” are symbols made from the personage of some sacred figure, such as a saint or martyr. The twisted Whateley family is a line of dark sorcerers who have communed with things humanity was not meant to know since before the Dark Ages. They worship strange elder gods with unpronounceable names, and let’s just say their family tree is more than a bit “intermingled.”
\nOne of the Whateley family icons that have been discovered by the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.02 Agents]{Agency} are severed hands. They aren’t mummified, but somehow remain disgustingly soft, pliant, and even warm to the touch.
\nThe hands start with five fingers (yup, five—plus a thumb). Each time the hand is used, a finger curls up until the whole thing balls up into a fist and crumbles into dust.
\nPowers: @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.06 Hucksters]{Hucksters}, @UUID[Compendium.deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.dlwwcore01nomans.JournalEntryPage.01witches0000000]{witches}, and evil sorcerers can expend a “charge” to completely refill their Power Points—no matter how large the pool.
\nTaint: The icon gives off an oily, supernatural aura that repels all but the blackest hearts. Reduce the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-tables.Reaction Table]{Initial Reaction} of all normal folks by one if a bearer of the hand gets within a few feet, or two levels if the hand is visible or known to be present.
\nTruly evil individuals or those immune to @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-powers.Fear]{Fear} and @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Intimidation]{Intimidation} aren’t normally affected by the hand’s aura of corruption.
\nEveryone knows the story of how Wild Bill was shot in the back by Jack McCall. What most folks don’t know is that while he was pushing daisies (temporarily—Wild Bill’s brain survived and he rose @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-rules.05 Harrowed]{Harrowed}), someone made off with his twin, single-action Colt Navy revolvers. Since then his guns have become part of the very legend of the Weird West.
\nPower: These Colt Navy revolvers are Range 12/24/48, Damage 3d6, AP 1, RoF 1, Shots 6. Unless the hombre rolls a @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-rules.Trait Rolls]{Critical Failure}, a shootist firing one (or both) of Wild Bill’s revolvers can reroll any 1s on the @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Shooting]{Shooting} die.
\nTaint: Whenever anyone wearing either of Wild Bill’s pistols is shot from behind, add an extra 2d6 to the damage roll.
\nDespite popular characterizations, witches don’t ride flying broomsticks. They instead make a “flying salve” they can put on any object to grant them flight. Brooms are ubiquitous, easy to “hide” in plain sight, and—with some practice—easy to sit astride.
\nThe recipe for flying salve goes back to medieval times and is quite terrible—it includes the fat of a human infant, various herbs and weeds depending on the locale, and fine ground wheat meal. The resultant mass is boiled for 13 hours, while the witch occasionally adds bits of herbs, such as belladonna, wolf’s bane, or deadly nightshade. Lastly, the witch puts a bit of her hair or skin into the salve and smears it on the item she wishes to grant her flight.
\nPower: The lengthy ritual produces enough salve to cover one object of roughly broomstick size. It grants that item flight with a Pace of 24” and carry around 200 pounds. The salve lasts 13 days, after which it requires a fresh application of ointment.
\nTaint: The foul salve tends to seep into the skin of anyone using it and emits a horrible smell. A character who rides an item covered in the salve stinks like rotting cabbage. He subtracts 2 from any Persuasion rolls, and the attitude of normal folks starts one level lower than usual (see @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Persuasion]{Persuasion}). The stench rarely causes someone to directly attack the witch unless they know the origin of the smell. Most just avoid them, or get word to the law if they suspect something sinister.
\nThe last skin shed by Marie Laveau’s pet snake Zombi, this relic is imbued with the powers the snake had when it lived. Marie Laveau used Zombi as a living charm in many of her rituals, and the snake absorbed the channeled essence of the Voodoo Queen’s power. There are many counterfeits, but the authentic Zombi skin is always found in an ornately carved box made from Southern magnolia wood.
\nPower: The voodooist who owns the snakeskin gets one free @Compendium[swade-core-rules.swade-skills.Faith]{Faith} reroll when using the @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Aspect of the Rada Loa]{aspect of the rada loa} or @Compendium[deadlands-core-rules.deadlands-powers.Fury of the Petro Loa]{fury of the petro loa} spells. Anyone watching sees a giant spectral serpent emerge from the snakeskin to slither and writhe around the houngan or mambo.
\nTaint: None, but the voodooist’s eyes turn completely white while using either power if influenced by Zombi’s skin!
\nA small airship that can hold about 2500 pounds of passengers and cargo. Travels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nTravels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core. Can carry 200 lbs of passengers or cargo.
\nA flat-bottomed boat used to navigate shallow swamps or creeks.
\nTwo-wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse.
\nFour-wheeled vehicle pulled by one horse.
\nHauls train cars. Needs minimum crew of engineer, boilerman, and brakeman to function.
\nA medium-sized vessel created to navigate the treacherous canals of the Great Maze. It has a ghost rock boiler and two paddlewheels that can rotate independently for maximum maneuverability. It’s common to equip a Gatling gun on either side to ward off pirates. Travels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA typical commercial river paddlewheel made for hauling common laborers or cargo, and usually used for day trips or ferrying.
\nLuxurious vessel with cargo space, private rooms for first class passengers. Listed crew is for normal function. More crew may be on hand to serve passengers or perform special functions.
\nPowered ornithopters are steam-powered devices (airplanes in modern parlance) with flapping wings to get them aloft. They’re slow to take off and accelerate, but quite fast once they gain some altitude. Ornithopers require about 100 yards of flat terrain for take-off and landing. They can carry up to 1000 pounds for 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core (twice that if 200 lbs or less).
\nA luxurious, enclosed cabin with rail wheels adjustable to any gauge track. When the tracks run out, the driver can retract the wheels with the pull of a lever and continue on a pair of armored wagon wheels. It can go 40 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core on land, or 80 miles on rails.
\nLifts up to 300 lbs (plus pack’s weight) for 10 min per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA larger, enclosed vehicle meant to carry passengers from place to place. Drawn by at least four horses; less than that reduces Top Speed to 10 MPH.
\nA railroad handcart adapted to steam. Travels 100 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA steam-powered wagon. Travels 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core
\nSmugglers and naval engineers have built various subs to navigate and explore the Maze or battle their enemies. Periscopes are standard, and most of those expecting combat are equipped with a deck-mounted Gatling gun and a single torpedo tube that can fire one of four clockwork torpedoes (Range 25/50/100, Damage 3d10, AP 10, RoF 1, SBT, Weight 200 lbs, Cost $300, Reload 5, Heavy Weapon). Travels 20 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nSmith & Robards’ famed pilot “Six-Hundred-Pound Sally” pioneered these stout transports Super-gyros travel 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core fully loaded, or twice that if empty. Handling is –2 when loaded, and 0 when empty. Can carry 600 lbs of passengers or cargo.
\nA two-wheeled cycle. Travels 75 miles per 1-lb ghost rock fuel core. 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.
\nFour-wheeled vehicle drawn by two horses or oxen.
\nHandling is –2 in rough conditions. Lifts 300 lbs for 60 minutes per one-pound ghost rock fuel core. 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.