{ "label": "Vehicles", "mapping": { "items": "items", "description": "system.description" }, "entries": { "Air Carriage": { "name": "Air Carriage", "description": "
A small airship that can hold about 2500 pounds of passengers and cargo. Travels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nTravels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core. Can carry 200 lbs of passengers or cargo.
\nA flat-bottomed boat used to navigate shallow swamps or creeks.
\nTwo-wheeled vehicle drawn by one horse.
\nFour-wheeled vehicle pulled by one horse.
\nHauls train cars. Needs minimum crew of engineer, boilerman, and brakeman to function.
\nA medium-sized vessel created to navigate the treacherous canals of the Great Maze. It has a ghost rock boiler and two paddlewheels that can rotate independently for maximum maneuverability. It’s common to equip a Gatling gun on either side to ward off pirates. Travels 25 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA typical commercial river paddlewheel made for hauling common laborers or cargo, and usually used for day trips or ferrying.
\nLuxurious vessel with cargo space, private rooms for first class passengers. Listed crew is for normal function. More crew may be on hand to serve passengers or perform special functions.
\nPowered ornithopters are steam-powered devices (airplanes in modern parlance) with flapping wings to get them aloft. They’re slow to take off and accelerate, but quite fast once they gain some altitude. Ornithopers require about 100 yards of flat terrain for take-off and landing. They can carry up to 1000 pounds for 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core (twice that if 200 lbs or less).
\nA luxurious, enclosed cabin with rail wheels adjustable to any gauge track. When the tracks run out, the driver can retract the wheels with the pull of a lever and continue on a pair of armored wagon wheels. It can go 40 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core on land, or 80 miles on rails.
\nLifts up to 300 lbs (plus pack’s weight) for 10 min per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA larger, enclosed vehicle meant to carry passengers from place to place. Drawn by at least four horses; less than that reduces Top Speed to 10 MPH.
\nA railroad handcart adapted to steam. Travels 100 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nA steam-powered wagon. Travels 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core
\nSmugglers and naval engineers have built various subs to navigate and explore the Maze or battle their enemies. Periscopes are standard, and most of those expecting combat are equipped with a deck-mounted Gatling gun and a single torpedo tube that can fire one of four clockwork torpedoes (Range 25/50/100, Damage 3d10, AP 10, RoF 1, SBT, Weight 200 lbs, Cost $300, Reload 5, Heavy Weapon). Travels 20 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core.
\nSmith & Robards’ famed pilot “Six-Hundred-Pound Sally” pioneered these stout transports Super-gyros travel 50 miles per one-pound ghost rock fuel core fully loaded, or twice that if empty. Handling is –2 when loaded, and 0 when empty. Can carry 600 lbs of passengers or cargo.
\nA two-wheeled cycle. Travels 75 miles per 1-lb ghost rock fuel core. 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.
\nFour-wheeled vehicle drawn by two horses or oxen.
\nHandling is –2 in rough conditions. Lifts 300 lbs for 60 minutes per one-pound ghost rock fuel core. 50% chance any uncalled shot hits the character instead.