	Licensed according to the included 'LICENSE' document
	Author: Thomas Harning Jr <harningt@gmail.com>
local tostring = tostring

local assert = assert
local jsonutil = require("json.util")
local type = type

local _ENV = nil

-- Shortcut that works
local encodeBoolean = tostring

local defaultOptions = {
	allowUndefined = true,
	null = jsonutil.null,
	undefined = jsonutil.undefined

local modeOptions = {}

modeOptions.strict = {
	allowUndefined = false

local function mergeOptions(options, mode)
	jsonutil.doOptionMerge(options, false, 'others', defaultOptions, mode and modeOptions[mode])
local function getEncoder(options)
	options = options and jsonutil.merge({}, defaultOptions, options) or defaultOptions
	local function encodeOthers(value, state)
		if value == options.null then
			return 'null'
		elseif value == options.undefined then
			assert(options.allowUndefined, "Invalid value: Unsupported 'Undefined' parameter")
			return 'undefined'
			return false
	local function encodeBoolean(value, state)
		return value and 'true' or 'false'
	local nullType = type(options.null)
	local undefinedType = options.undefined and type(options.undefined)
	-- Make sure that all of the types handled here are handled
	local ret = {
		boolean = encodeBoolean,
		['nil'] = function() return 'null' end,
		[nullType] = encodeOthers
	if undefinedType then
		ret[undefinedType] = encodeOthers
	return ret

local others = {
	encodeBoolean = encodeBoolean,
	mergeOptions = mergeOptions,
	getEncoder = getEncoder

return others