Block a user
Auto save of editable fields
In Biography/Biodata Note is not displayed
In Biography/Biodata Description is not displayed
In Biographie/Biodata of the Protagonist sheet changing harshness value triggers of gender
In Biography/Biodata of Protagonist strange behaviour of Gender
Gender field appears twice in Biography/Biodata
Add visible clue of rollable feature
Target percentile of roll is always 0%
Foundry needs a reload for system to work correctly
Stange behaviour of Protaginist sheet during first use
Distinguishing Features missing
Hard to read SAN Block in Protagonist sheet
Breakin Point uneditable
No visual indication of adaptation to Violence or Helplessness
Lors que je veux sélectionner le contenu d'un champ de saisie de caractéristique ça lance un drag'n drop du composant