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import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RollDataAjustements } from "../rolldata-ajustements.js";
import { tmrColors, tmrConstants, TMRType, TMRUtility } from "../tmr-utility.js";
import { Debordement } from "./debordement.js";
import { Draconique } from "./draconique.js";
export class Desorientation extends Draconique {
constructor() {
type() { return 'souffle' }
match(item) { return Draconique.isSouffleDragon(item) && item.name.toLowerCase().includes('désorientation'); }
manualMessage() { return false }
async onActorCreateOwned(actor, souffle) {
const type = Misc.rollOneOf(this._typesPossibles(actor));
console.log("désorientation", type);
souffle.name += ": " + TMRType[type].name;
await this._creerCasesTmr(actor, type, souffle);
_typesPossibles(actor) {
const dejaDesorientes = Misc.distinct(actor.data.items.filter(it => this.isCase(it)).map(it => it.type));
return Object.keys(TMRType).filter(it => !dejaDesorientes.includes(it));
async onActorDeleteOwned(actor, souffle) {
await this._supprimerCasesTmr(actor, souffle);
code() { return 'desorientation' }
tooltip(linkData) { return `Désorientation, cette case n'existe plus !` }
img() { return 'icons/svg/explosion.svg' }
_createSprite(pixiTMR) {
return pixiTMR.sprite(this.code(),
color: tmrColors.trounoir, alpha: 1, taille: tmrConstants.full, decallage: { x: 2, y: 2 },
async _creerCasesTmr(actor, type, souffle) {
const existants = actor.data.items.filter(it => this.isCase(it)).map(it => it.data.coord);
let tmrs = TMRUtility.filterTMR(it => it.type == type && !existants.includes(it.coord));
for (let tmr of tmrs) {
await this.createCaseTmr(actor, 'Désorientation: ' + tmr.label, tmr, souffle._id);
async _supprimerCasesTmr(actor, souffle) {
let caseTmrs = actor.data.items.filter(it => it.data.sourceId == souffle._id);
for (let casetmr of caseTmrs) {
await actor.deleteOwnedItem(casetmr._id);