import { Grammar } from "./grammar.js"; /** * This class is intended as a placeholder for utility methods unrelated * to actual classes of the game system or of FoundryVTT */ export class Misc { static isFunction(v) { return v && {} === '[object Function]'; } static upperFirst(text) { return text.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + text.slice(1); } static lowerFirst(text) { return text.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + text.slice(1); } static toSignedString(number) { const value = parseInt(number) const isPositiveNumber = value != NaN && value > 0; return isPositiveNumber ? "+" + number : number } static sum() { return (a, b) => a + b; } static ascending(orderFunction = x => x) { return (a, b) => Misc.sortingBy(orderFunction(a), orderFunction(b)); } static descending(orderFunction = x => x) { return (a, b) => Misc.sortingBy(orderFunction(b), orderFunction(a)); } static sortingBy(a, b) { if (a > b) return 1; if (a < b) return -1; return 0; } /** * Converts the value to an integer, or to 0 if undefined/null/not representing integer * @param {*} value value to convert to an integer using parseInt */ static toInt(value) { if (value == undefined) { return 0; } const parsed = parseInt(value); return isNaN(parsed) ? 0 : parsed; } static keepDecimals(num, decimals) { if (decimals <= 0 || decimals > 6) return num; const decimal = Math.pow(10, parseInt(decimals)); return Math.round(num * decimal) / decimal; } static getFractionHtml(diviseur) { if (!diviseur || diviseur <= 1) return undefined; switch (diviseur || 1) { case 2: return '½'; case 4: return '¼'; default: return '1/' + diviseur; } } static classify(items, classifier = it => it.type) { let itemsBy = {}; Misc.classifyInto(itemsBy, items, classifier); return itemsBy; } static classifyFirst(items, classifier) { let itemsBy = {}; for (const item of items) { const classification = classifier(item); if (!itemsBy[classification]) { itemsBy[classification] = item; } } return itemsBy; } static classifyInto(itemsBy, items, classifier = it => it.type) { for (const item of items) { const classification = classifier(item); let list = itemsBy[classification]; if (!list) { list = []; itemsBy[classification] = list; } list.push(item); } } static distinct(array) { return [ Set(array)]; } static join(params, separator = '') { return params.reduce((a, b) => a + separator + b); } static data(it) { if (it instanceof Actor || it instanceof Item || it instanceof Combatant) { return; } return it; } static templateData(it) { return ?? {} } static getEntityTypeLabel(entity) { const documentName = entity?.documentName; const type = entity?.data.type; if (documentName === 'Actor' || documentName === 'Item') { const label = CONFIG[documentName]?.typeLabels?.[type] ?? type; return game.i18n.has(label) ? game.i18n.localize(label) : t; } return type; } static connectedGMOrUser(ownerId = undefined) { if (ownerId && == ownerId) { return ownerId; } return Misc.firstConnectedGM()?.id ??; } static getUsers() { return game.version ? game.users : game.users.entities; } static getActiveUser(id) { return Misc.getUsers().find(u => == id &&; } static firstConnectedGM() { return Misc.getUsers().filter(u => u.isGM && => => u.isGM &&; } /** * @returns true pour un seul utilisateur: le premier GM connecté par ordre d'id */ static isUniqueConnectedGM() { return == Misc.firstConnectedGM()?.id; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static findPlayer(name) { return Misc.findFirstLike(name, Misc.getUsers(), { description: 'joueur' }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static findActor(name, actors = game.actors) { return Misc.findFirstLike(name, actors, { description: 'acteur' }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static findFirstLike(value, elements, options = {}) { options = mergeObject({ mapper: it =>, preFilter: it => true, description: 'valeur', onMessage: m => }, options); const subset = this.findAllLike(value, elements, options); if (subset.length == 0) { return undefined } if (subset.length == 1) { return subset[0] } let single = subset.find(it => Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(options.mapper(it)) == Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(value)); if (!single) { single = subset[0]; const choices = Misc.join( => options.mapper(it)), '<br>');`Plusieurs choix de ${options.description}s possibles:<br>${choices}<br>Le premier sera choisi: ${mapToValue(single)}`); } return single; } static findAllLike(value, elements, options = {}) { options = mergeObject({ mapper: it =>, preFilter: it => true, description: 'valeur', onMessage: m => }, options); if (!value) { options.onMessage(`Pas de ${options.description} correspondant à une valeur vide`); return []; } value = Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(value); const subset = elements.filter(options.preFilter) .filter(it => Grammar.toLowerCaseNoAccent(options.mapper(it)).includes(value)); if (subset.length == 0) { options.onMessage(`Pas de ${options.description} correspondant à ${value}`); } return subset; } }