/** * Extend the base Dialog entity by defining a custom window to perform roll. * @extends {Dialog} */ export class RdDEncaisser extends Dialog { /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(mode, html, rollData, actor) { let myButtons = { rollButton: { label: "Lancer", callback: html => this.performEncaisser(html, false) } }; // Common conf let dialogConf = { content: html, buttons: myButtons, default: "rollButton" } let dialogOptions = { classes: [ "rdddialog"] } // Select proper roll dialog template and stuff dialogConf.title = "Jet d'Encaissement", dialogOptions.width = 600; dialogOptions.height = 360; super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); this.mode = mode; this.rollData = rollData; this.actor = actor; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ performEncaisser (html, isReserve=false) { } /* -------------------------------------------- */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); } }