import { SHOW_DICE } from "./constants.js"; import { RollDataAjustements } from "./rolldata-ajustements.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { tmrConstants } from "./tmr-constants.js"; import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js"; import { RdDTMRRencontreDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-rencontre-dialog.js"; import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"; import { RdDRoll } from "./rdd-roll.js"; import { Poetique } from "./poetique.js"; import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js"; import { PixiTMR } from "./tmr/pixi-tmr.js"; import { Draconique } from "./tmr/draconique.js"; import { HtmlUtility } from "./html-utility.js"; import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./settings/regles-optionelles.js"; import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js"; import { STATUSES } from "./settings/status-effects.js"; import { RdDRencontre } from "./item-rencontre.js"; import { RdDCalendrier } from "./rdd-calendrier.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class RdDTMRDialog extends Dialog { static async create(html, actor, tmrData) { if (tmrData.mode != 'visu') { // Notification au MJ ChatMessage.create({ content: + " est monté dans les TMR en mode : " + tmrData.mode, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") }); } return new RdDTMRDialog(html, actor, tmrData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ constructor(html, actor, tmrData) { const dialogConf = { title: "Terres Médianes de Rêve", content: html, buttons: { closeButton: { label: "Fermer", callback: html => this.close(html) } }, default: "closeButton" } const dialogOptions = { classes: ["tmrdialog"], width: 920, height: 980, 'z-index': 40 } super(dialogConf, dialogOptions); this.tmrdata = duplicate(tmrData); = actor; = this; // reference this app in the actor structure this.viewOnly = tmrData.mode == "visu" this.fatigueParCase = this.viewOnly || !ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") ? 0 :; this.cumulFatigue = 0; this.loadRencontres(); this.loadCasesSpeciales(); this.allTokens = []; this.rencontreState = 'aucune'; this.pixiApp = new PIXI.Application({ width: 720, height: 860 }); this.pixiTMR = new PixiTMR(this, this.pixiApp); this.callbacksOnAnimate = []; if (!this.viewOnly) { this._tellToGM( + " monte dans les terres médianes (" + tmrData.mode + ")"); } // load the texture we need this.pixiTMR.load((loader, resources) => this.createPixiSprites()); } isDemiReveCache() { return !game.user.isGM &&; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ loadCasesSpeciales() { this.casesSpeciales = => Draconique.isCaseTMR(item)); } get sortsReserve() { return['sortreserve']; } getSortsReserve(coord) { return['sortreserve'].filter(// Reserve sur une case fleuve ou normale TMRUtility.getTMR(coord).type == 'fleuve' ? it => TMRUtility.getTMR(it.system.coord).type == 'fleuve' : it => it.system.coord == coord ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ loadRencontres() { this.rencontresExistantes =; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ createPixiSprites() { EffetsDraconiques.carteTmr.createSprite(this.pixiTMR); this.updateTokens(); this.forceDemiRevePositionView(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _createTokens() { if (!this.isDemiReveCache()) { this.demiReve = this._tokenDemiReve(); this._trackToken(this.demiReve); } let tokens = this._getTokensCasesTmr() .concat(this._getTokensRencontres()) .concat(this._getTokensSortsReserve()); for (let t of tokens) { this._trackToken(t); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ updateTokens() { this._removeTokens(t => true); this.loadRencontres(); this.loadCasesSpeciales(); this._createTokens(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ removeToken(tmr, casetmr) { this._removeTokens(t => t.coordTMR() == tmr.coord && t.caseSpeciale?._id == casetmr._id); this.updateTokens() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _getTokensCasesTmr() { return => this._tokenCaseSpeciale(c)).filter(token => token); } _getTokensRencontres() { return => this._tokenRencontre(it)); } _getTokensSortsReserve() { return['sortreserve'].map(it => this._tokenSortEnReserve(it)); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _tokenRencontre(rencontre) { return EffetsDraconiques.rencontre.token(this.pixiTMR, rencontre, () => rencontre.system.coord); } _tokenCaseSpeciale(casetmr) { const caseData = casetmr; const draconique = Draconique.get(caseData.system.specific); return draconique?.token(this.pixiTMR, caseData, () => caseData.system.coord); } _tokenSortEnReserve(sortReserve) { return EffetsDraconiques.sortReserve.token(this.pixiTMR, sortReserve, () => sortReserve.system.coord); } _tokenDemiReve() { return EffetsDraconiques.demiReve.token(this.pixiTMR,, () =>; } forceDemiRevePositionView() { this.notifierResonanceSigneDraconique(this._getActorCoord()); this._trackToken(this.demiReve); } _getActorCoord() { return; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async moveFromKey(move) { let oddq = TMRUtility.coordTMRToOddq(this._getActorCoord()); if (move == 'top') oddq.row -= 1; if (move == 'bottom') oddq.row += 1; if (move.includes('left')) oddq.col -= 1; if (move.includes('right')) oddq.col += 1; if (oddq.col % 2 == 1) { if (move == 'top-left') oddq.row -= 1; if (move == 'top-right') oddq.row -= 1; } else { if (move == 'bottom-left') oddq.row += 1; if (move == 'bottom-right') oddq.row += 1; } let targetCoord = TMRUtility.oddqToCoordTMR(oddq); await this._deplacerDemiReve(targetCoord, 'normal'); this.checkQuitterTMR(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); document.getElementById("tmrrow1").insertCell(0).append(this.pixiApp.view); if (this.viewOnly) { html.find('.lancer-sort').remove(); html.find('.lire-signe-draconique').remove(); return; } HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".appliquerFatigue"), ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")); HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".lire-signe-draconique"),; // Roll Sort html.find('.lancer-sort').click((event) => {; }); html.find('.lire-signe-draconique').click((event) => {; }); html.find('#dir-top').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top")); html.find('#dir-top-left').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top-left")); html.find('#dir-top-right').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("top-right")); html.find('#dir-bottom-left').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom-left")); html.find('#dir-bottom-right').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom-right")); html.find('#dir-bottom').click((event) => this.moveFromKey("bottom")); // Gestion du cout de montée en points de rêve let reveCout = ((this.tmrdata.isRapide && !EffetsDraconiques.isDeplacementAccelere( ? -2 : -1) -; if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) { this.cumulFatigue += this.fatigueParCase; } await; // Le reste... this.updateValuesDisplay(); let tmr = TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getActorCoord()); await this.manageRencontre(tmr); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async updateValuesDisplay() { if (!this.rendered) { return; } const coord = this._getActorCoord(); HtmlUtility._showControlWhen($(".lire-signe-draconique"),; let ptsreve = document.getElementById("tmr-pointsreve-value"); ptsreve.innerHTML =; let tmrpos = document.getElementById("tmr-pos"); if (this.isDemiReveCache()) { tmrpos.innerHTML = `?? ( ${TMRUtility.getTMRType(coord)})`; } else { tmrpos.innerHTML = `${coord} ( ${TMRUtility.getTMRLabel(coord)})`; } let etat = document.getElementById("tmr-etatgeneral-value"); etat.innerHTML =; let refoulement = document.getElementById("tmr-refoulement-value"); refoulement.innerHTML =; if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) { let fatigueItem = document.getElementById("tmr-fatigue-table"); fatigueItem.innerHTML = "" + RdDUtility.makeHTMLfatigueMatrix(, + "
"; } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async close() { this.descenteTMR = true; if ( { = undefined; // Cleanup reference if (!this.viewOnly) { await, false) this._tellToGM( + " a quitté les terres médianes"); } await"fatigue", this.cumulFatigue) } await super.close(); // moving 1 cell costs 1 fatigue } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async onActionRencontre(action, tmr) { switch (action) { case 'derober': await this.derober(); return; case 'refouler': await this.refouler(); break; case 'maitriser': await this.maitriserRencontre(); break; case 'ignorer': await this.ignorerRencontre(); break; } await this.postRencontre(tmr); } async derober() { console.log("-> derober", this.currentRencontre); await; this._tellToGM( + " s'est dérobé et quitte les TMR."); this.close(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async refouler() { console.log("-> refouler", this.currentRencontre); await, `${this.currentRencontre.system.genre == 'f' ? 'une' : 'un'} ${}`); await; // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary this.updateTokens(); this.updateValuesDisplay(); this.nettoyerRencontre(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async ignorerRencontre() { console.log("-> ignorer", this.currentRencontre); this._tellToGM( + " a ignoré: " +; await; // Remove the stored rencontre if necessary this.updateTokens(); this.updateValuesDisplay(); this.nettoyerRencontre(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // garder la trace de l'état en cours setRencontreState(state, listCoordTMR) { this.rencontreState = state; this.$marquerCasesTMR(listCoordTMR ?? []); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ $marquerCasesTMR(listCoordTMR) { = []; // Keep track of rectangles to delete it this.currentRencontre.locList = duplicate(listCoordTMR); // And track of allowed location for (let coordTMR of listCoordTMR) { const rect = this._getCaseRectangleCoord(coordTMR); const rectDraw = new PIXI.Graphics(); rectDraw.beginFill(0xffff00, 0.3); // set the line style to have a width of 5 and set the color to red rectDraw.lineStyle(5, 0xff0000); // draw a rectangle rectDraw.drawRect(rect.x, rect.y, rect.w, rect.h); this.pixiApp.stage.addChild(rectDraw);; // garder les objets pour gestion post-click } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ checkQuitterTMR() { if ( { this._tellToGM("Vous êtes mort : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this.close(); return true; } const resteAvantInconscience = - - this.cumulFatigue; if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue") && resteAvantInconscience <= 0) { this._tellToGM("Vous vous écroulez de fatigue : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this.quitterLesTMRInconscient(); return true; } if ( == 0) { this._tellToGM("Vos Points de Rêve sont à 0 : vous quittez les Terres médianes !"); this.quitterLesTMRInconscient(); return true; } return false; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async quitterLesTMRInconscient() { await this.refouler(); this.close(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async maitriserRencontre() { console.log("-> maitriser", this.currentRencontre); await; this.updateTokens(); let rencontreData = { actor:, alias:, reveDepart:, competence:, rencontre: this.currentRencontre, nbRounds: 1, canClose: false, selectedCarac: { label: "reve-actuel" }, tmr: TMRUtility.getTMR(this._getActorCoord()) } await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _tentativeMaitrise(rencData) { rencData.reve =; rencData.etat =; RollDataAjustements.calcul(rencData,; rencData.rolled = rencData.presentCite ? this._rollPresentCite(rencData) : await RdDResolutionTable.roll(rencData.reve, RollDataAjustements.sum(rencData.ajustements)); const result = rencData.rolled.isSuccess ? rencData.rencontre.system.succes : rencData.rencontre.system.echec; await RdDRencontre.appliquer(result.effets, this, rencData); rencData.poesie = { extrait: result.poesie, reference: result.reference }; rencData.message = this.formatMessageRencontre(rencData, result.message); ChatMessage.create({ whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-rencontre-tmr.html`, rencData) }); this.updateValuesDisplay(); if (this.checkQuitterTMR()) { return; } if (this.rencontreState == 'persistant') { this._nouvelleTentativeMaitrise(rencData); } else if (!this.isRencontreDeplacement()) { this.nettoyerRencontre(); } } _nouvelleTentativeMaitrise(rencData) { setTimeout(() => { // TODO: remplacer par une boucle while(this.currentRencontre) ? rencData.nbRounds++; if (ReglesOptionelles.isUsing("appliquer-fatigue")) { this.cumulFatigue += this.fatigueParCase; } this._tentativeMaitrise(rencData); this._deleteTmrMessages(, rencData.nbRounds); }, 2000); this.rencontreState == 'normal'; } formatMessageRencontre(rencData, template) { let messageDuree = '' if (rencData.nbRounds > 1) { if (rencData.rolled.isSuccess) { messageDuree = ` Au total, vous avez passé ${rencData.nbRounds} rounds à vous battre!`; } else { messageDuree = ` Vous avez passé ${rencData.nbRounds} rounds à lutter!`; } } try { const compiled = Handlebars.compile(template); return compiled(rencData) + messageDuree ; } catch (error) { return template + messageDuree ; } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _rollPresentCite(rencData) { let rolled = RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(rencData.reve, 0); mergeObject(rolled, { caracValue: rencData.reve, finalLevel: 0, roll: rolled.score }); RdDResolutionTable.succesRequis(rolled); return rolled; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _deleteTmrMessages(actor, nbRounds = -1) { setTimeout(() => { if (nbRounds < 0) { ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining(`

`); } } }, 500); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _tellToUser(message) { ChatMessage.create({ content: message, user:, whisper: [] }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _tellToGM(message) { ChatMessage.create({ content: message, user:, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM") }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _tellToUserAndGM(message) { ChatMessage.create({ content: message, user:, whisper: [].concat(ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM")) }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async manageRencontre(tmr) { if (this.viewOnly) { return; } this.descenteTMR = false; this.currentRencontre = undefined; if (this._presentCite(tmr)) { return; } this.currentRencontre = await this._jetDeRencontre(tmr); if (this.currentRencontre) { if (this.rencontresExistantes.find(it => =={ // rencontre en attente suite à dérobade await this.maitriserRencontre(); } else { let dialog = new RdDTMRRencontreDialog(this, this.currentRencontre, tmr); dialog.render(true); } } else { this.postRencontre(tmr); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ _presentCite(tmr) { const presentCite = this.casesSpeciales.find(c => EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.isCase(c, tmr.coord)); if (presentCite) { this.minimize(); const caseData = presentCite; EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.choisirUnPresent(caseData, (present => this._utiliserPresentCite(presentCite, present, tmr))); } return presentCite; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _utiliserPresentCite(presentCite, present, tmr) { this.currentRencontre = present.clone({ 'system.force': await RdDDice.rollTotal(present.system.formule), 'system.coord': tmr.coord }, {save: false}); await EffetsDraconiques.presentCites.ouvrirLePresent(, presentCite); this.removeToken(tmr, presentCite); // simuler une rencontre let rencontreData = { actor:, alias:, reveDepart:, competence:, rencontre: this.currentRencontre, tmr: tmr, presentCite: presentCite }; await this._tentativeMaitrise(rencontreData); this.maximize(); this.postRencontre(tmr); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _jetDeRencontre(tmr) { let rencontre = this.lookupRencontreExistente(tmr); if (rencontre) { return TMRRencontres.calculRencontre(rencontre, tmr); } let locTMR = (this.isDemiReveCache() ? TMRUtility.getTMRType(tmr.coord) + " ??" : tmr.label + " (" + tmr.coord + ")"); let myRoll = await RdDDice.rollTotal("1dt", { showDice: SHOW_DICE }); if (myRoll == 7) { this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Rencontre en " + locTMR); return await TMRRencontres.getRencontreAleatoire(tmr, } else { this._tellToUser(myRoll + ": Pas de rencontre en " + locTMR); } } lookupRencontreExistente(tmr) { return this.rencontresExistantes.find(it => it.system.coord == tmr.coord) ?? this.rencontresExistantes.find(it => it.system.coord == ""); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async manageTmrInnaccessible(tmr) { if (!tmr) { return await'Sortie de carte'); } const caseTmrInnaccessible = this.casesSpeciales.find(c => EffetsDraconiques.isInnaccessible(c, tmr.coord)); if (caseTmrInnaccessible) { return await; } return tmr; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async manageCaseHumide(tmr) { if (this.isCaseHumide(tmr)) { let rollData = { actor:, competence: duplicate(, tmr: tmr, canClose: false, diffLibre: -7, forceCarac: { 'reve-actuel': { label: "Rêve Actuel", value: } }, maitrise: { verbe: 'maîtriser', action: 'Maîtriser le fleuve' } } rollData.double = EffetsDraconiques.isDoubleResistanceFleuve( ? true : undefined, rollData.competence.system.defaut_carac = 'reve-actuel'; await this._rollMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _rollMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData) { await this._maitriserTMR(rollData, r => this._resultatMaitriseCaseHumide(r)); } async _resultatMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData) { await this.souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData); if (rollData.rolled.isSuccess && rollData.double) { rollData.previous = { rolled: rollData.rolled, ajustements: rollData.ajustements }; rollData.double = undefined; await this._rollMaitriseCaseHumide(rollData); return; } rollData.poesie = await Poetique.getExtrait(); ChatMessage.create({ whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-maitrise-tmr.html`, rollData) }); if (rollData.rolled.isEchec) { await this.close(); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData) { if (rollData.rolled.isETotal) { rollData.souffle = await{ chat: false }); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ isCaseHumide(tmr) { if (!(TMRUtility.isCaseHumide(tmr) || this.isCaseHumideAdditionelle(tmr))) { return false; } if (this.isCaseMaitrisee(tmr.coord)) { ChatMessage.create({ content: tmr.label + ": cette case humide est déja maitrisée grâce à votre Tête Quête des Eaux", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( }); return false; } return true; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ isCaseHumideAdditionelle(tmr) { if (tmr.type == 'pont' && EffetsDraconiques.isPontImpraticable( { ChatMessage.create({ content: tmr.label + ": Vous êtes sous le coup d'une Impraticabilité des Ponts : ce pont doit être maîtrisé comme une case humide.", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( }); return true; } if (this.isCaseInondee(tmr.coord)) { ChatMessage.create({ content: tmr.label + ": cette case est inondée, elle doit être maîtrisée comme une case humide.", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( }); return true; } return false; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async conquerirCiteFermee(tmr) { if (EffetsDraconiques.fermetureCites.find(this.casesSpeciales, tmr.coord)) { await this._conquerir(tmr, { difficulte: -9, action: 'Conquérir la cité', onConqueteReussie: r => EffetsDraconiques.fermetureCites.onVisiteSupprimer(, tmr, (casetmr) => this.removeToken(tmr, casetmr)), onConqueteEchec: r => { this.souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData); this.close() }, canClose: false }); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async purifierPeriple(tmr) { if (EffetsDraconiques.periple.find(this.casesSpeciales, tmr.coord)) { await this._conquerir(tmr, { difficulte: EffetsDraconiques.periple.getDifficulte(tmr), action: 'Purifier ' + TMRUtility.getTMRDescr(tmr.coord), onConqueteReussie: r => EffetsDraconiques.periple.onVisiteSupprimer(, tmr, (casetmr) => this.removeToken(tmr, casetmr)), onConqueteEchec: r => { this.souffleSiEchecTotal(rollData); this.close() }, canClose: false }); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async conquerirTMR(tmr) { if (EffetsDraconiques.conquete.find(this.casesSpeciales, tmr.coord)) { await this._conquerir(tmr, { difficulte: -7, action: 'Conquérir', onConqueteReussie: r => EffetsDraconiques.conquete.onVisiteSupprimer(, tmr, (casetmr) => this.removeToken(tmr, casetmr)), onConqueteEchec: r => this.close(), canClose: false }); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _conquerir(tmr, options) { let rollData = { actor:, competence: duplicate(, tmr: tmr, canClose: options.canClose ?? false, diffLibre: options.difficulte ?? -7, forceCarac: { 'reve-actuel': { label: "Rêve Actuel", value: } }, maitrise: { verbe: 'conquérir', action: options.action } }; rollData.competence.system.defaut_carac = 'reve-actuel'; await this._maitriserTMR(rollData, r => this._onResultatConquerir(r, options)); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _onResultatConquerir(rollData, options) { if (rollData.rolled.isETotal) { rollData.souffle = await{ chat: false }); } rollData.poesie = await Poetique.getExtrait(); ChatMessage.create({ whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(, content: await renderTemplate(`systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-maitrise-tmr.html`, rollData) }); if (rollData.rolled.isEchec) { options.onConqueteEchec(rollData, options.effetDraconique); } else { await options.onConqueteReussie(rollData, options.effetDraconique); this.updateTokens(); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async _maitriserTMR(rollData, callbackMaitrise) { this.minimize(); // Hide rollData.isTMRCache =; const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(, rollData, { html: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-maitrise-tmr.html', options: { height: 'fit-content' }, close: html => { this.maximize(); } // Re-display TMR }, { name: rollData.maitrise.verbe, label: rollData.maitrise.action, callbacks: [, { action: callbackMaitrise } ] } ); dialog.render(true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async validerVisite(tmr) { await EffetsDraconiques.pelerinage.onVisiteSupprimer(, tmr, (casetmr) => this.removeToken(tmr, casetmr)); await EffetsDraconiques.urgenceDraconique.onVisiteSupprimer(, tmr, (casetmr) => this.removeToken(tmr, casetmr)); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async declencheSortEnReserve(coord) { let sorts = this.getSortsReserve(coord); if (sorts.length > 0) { if (EffetsDraconiques.isSortReserveImpossible( { ui.notifications.error("Une queue ou un souffle vous empèche de déclencher de sort!"); return; } if (!EffetsDraconiques.isUrgenceDraconique( && (EffetsDraconiques.isReserveEnSecurite( || this.isReserveExtensible(coord))) { let msg = "Vous êtes sur une case avec un Sort en Réserve. Grâce à votre Tête Reserve en Sécurité ou Réserve Exensible, vous pouvez contrôler le déclenchement. Cliquez si vous souhaitez le déclencher :