import { SYSTEM_RDD, SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID } from "./constants.js"; import { RdDActor } from "./actor.js"; import { RdDItemSheet } from "./item-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorSheet } from "./actor-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorCreatureSheet } from "./actor-creature-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorVehiculeSheet } from "./actor-vehicule-sheet.js"; import { RdDActorEntiteSheet } from "./actor-entite-sheet.js"; import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js"; import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { RdDCalendrier } from "./rdd-calendrier.js"; import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js"; import { RdDTokenHud } from "./rdd-token-hud.js"; import { RdDCommands } from "./rdd-commands.js"; import { RdDCombatManager, RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"; import { StatusEffects } from "./settings/status-effects.js"; import { RddCompendiumOrganiser } from "./rdd-compendium-organiser.js"; import { ReglesOptionelles } from "./settings/regles-optionelles.js"; import { RdDHotbar } from "./rdd-hotbar-drop.js" import { EffetsDraconiques } from "./tmr/effets-draconiques.js"; import { RdDHerbes } from "./rdd-herbes.js"; import { RdDItem } from "./item.js"; import { RdDDice } from "./rdd-dice.js"; import { RdDPossession } from "./rdd-possession.js"; import { RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet } from "./item-signedraconique-sheet.js"; import { Misc } from "./misc.js"; import { Migrations } from './migrations.js'; import { DialogChronologie } from "./dialog-chronologie.js"; import { SystemCompendiums } from "./settings/system-compendiums.js"; import { RdDRencontreItemSheet } from "./item-rencontre-sheet.js"; import { TMRRencontres } from "./tmr-rencontres.js"; import { RdDHerbeItemSheet } from "./item-herbe-sheet.js"; import { Environnement } from "./environnement.js"; import { RdDIngredientItemSheet } from "./item-ingredient-sheet.js"; import { RdDFauneItemSheet } from "./item-faune-sheet.js"; import { RdDConteneurItemSheet } from "./item-conteneur-sheet.js"; /** * RdD system * Author: LeRatierBretonnien * Software License: GNU GPLv3 */ export class SystemReveDeDragon { static start() { const system = new SystemReveDeDragon(); Hooks.once('init', async () => await system.onInit()); Hooks.once('diceSoNiceReady', (dice3d) => RdDDice.diceSoNiceReady(dice3d)); } constructor() { this.RdDUtility = RdDUtility; this.RdDHotbar = RdDHotbar; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ async onInit() { game.system.rdd = this; console.log(`Initializing Reve de Dragon System`); // preload handlebars templates RdDUtility.preloadHandlebarsTemplates(); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "accorder-entite-cauchemar", { name: "Accorder le rêve aux entités", hint: "A quel moment les personnages doivent accorder leur rêve aux entités de cauchemar", scope: "world", config: true, type: String, choices: { // If choices are defined, the resulting setting will be a select menu "avant-attaque": "Avant l'attaque", "avant-defense": "Avant la défense", "avant-encaissement": "Avant l'encaissement", }, default: "avant-encaissement" }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "calendrier", { name: "calendrier", scope: "world", config: false, default: RdDCalendrier.createCalendrierInitial(), type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "liste-nombre-astral", { name: "liste-nombre-astral", scope: "world", config: false, default: [], type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "calendrier-pos", { name: "calendrierPos", scope: "client", config: false, default: RdDCalendrier.createCalendrierPos(), type: Object }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "supprimer-dialogues-combat-chat", { name: "Supprimer les dialogues de combat", hint: "Si désactivée, tous les dialogues de combat sont conservés dans la conversation", scope: "world", config: true, default: true, type: Boolean }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "activer-sons-audio", { name: "Activer les bruitages intégrés", hint: "Si activé, certaines actions en jeu déclenchent un son d'ambiance", scope: "world", config: true, default: true, type: Boolean }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.settings.register(SYSTEM_RDD, "appliquer-famine-soif", { name: "Notifier de la famine et la soif pour", hint: "Indique si les cas de famine et de soif seront indiqués durant Château Dormant", scope: "world", config: true, type: String, choices: { "aucun": "ni la famine, ni la soif", "famine": "seulement la famine", "famine-soif": "la famine et la soif", }, default: "aucun" }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Set an initiative formula for the system CONFIG.Combat.initiative = { formula: "1+(1d6/10)", decimals: 2 }; /* -------------------------------------------- */ game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID, async (sockmsg) => { console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg); try { RdDUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); RdDCombat.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); ChatUtility.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); RdDActor.onSocketMessage(sockmsg); } catch (e) { console.error('game.socket.on(SYSTEM_SOCKET_ID) Exception: ', sockmsg, ' => ', e) } }); /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Define custom Entity classes CONFIG.Actor.documentClass = RdDActor; CONFIG.Item.documentClass = RdDItem; CONFIG.RDD = { resolutionTable: RdDResolutionTable.resolutionTable, carac_array: RdDUtility.getCaracArray(), ajustementsConditions: RdDUtility.getAjustementsConditions(), difficultesLibres: RdDUtility.getDifficultesLibres() } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Register sheet application classes Actors.unregisterSheet("core", ActorSheet); Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorSheet, { types: ["personnage"], makeDefault: true }); Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorCreatureSheet, { types: ["creature"], makeDefault: true }); Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorVehiculeSheet, { types: ["vehicule"], makeDefault: true }); Actors.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDActorEntiteSheet, { types: ["entite"], makeDefault: true }); Items.unregisterSheet("core", ItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDSigneDraconiqueItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDRencontreItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDConteneurItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDHerbeItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDFauneItemSheet); RdDItemSheet.register(RdDIngredientItemSheet); Items.registerSheet(SYSTEM_RDD, RdDItemSheet, { types: [ "competence", "competencecreature", "recettealchimique", "musique", "chant", "danse", "jeu", "recettecuisine", "oeuvre", "objet", "arme", "armure", "livre", "potion", "munition", "monnaie", "nourritureboisson", "gemme", "meditation", "queue", "ombre", "souffle", "tete", "casetmr", "sort", "sortreserve", "nombreastral", "tache", "maladie", "poison", "possession", "tarot", "extraitpoetique" ], makeDefault: true }); CONFIG.Combat.documentClass = RdDCombatManager; // préparation des différents modules SystemCompendiums.init(); DialogChronologie.init(); ReglesOptionelles.init(); RdDUtility.init(); RdDDice.init(); RdDCommands.init(); RdDCombat.init(); RdDCombatManager.init(); RdDTokenHud.init(); RdDActor.init(); RddCompendiumOrganiser.init(); EffetsDraconiques.init() TMRUtility.init(); RdDHotbar.initDropbar(); RdDPossession.init(); TMRRencontres.init(); Environnement.init(); Hooks.once('ready', () => this.onReady()); } async onReady() { /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Foundry VTT Initialization */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ // CSS patch for v9 if (game.version) { let sidebar = document.getElementById("sidebar"); = "min-content"; } if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { new Migrations().migrate(); } StatusEffects.onReady(); RdDHerbes.initializeHerbes(); RdDDice.onReady(); /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Affiche/Init le calendrier */ let calendrier = new RdDCalendrier(); let templatePath = "systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html"; let templateData = {}; renderTemplate(templatePath, templateData).then(html => { calendrier.render(true); }); game.system.rdd.calendrier = calendrier; // Reference; // Avertissement si joueur sans personnage if (!game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) {"Attention ! Vous n'êtes connecté à aucun personnage !"); ChatMessage.create({ content: "ATTENTION Le joueur " + + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage !", user: }); } if (Misc.isUniqueConnectedGM()) { this.messageDeBienvenue(); this.registerUsageCount(SYSTEM_RDD); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ messageDeBienvenue() { if (game.user.isGM) { ChatUtility.removeChatMessageContaining('
dans le chat permet de voir les commandes spécifiques à Rêve de Dragon.