/* Common useful functions shared between objects */ import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js"; import { RdDRollTables } from "./rdd-rolltables.js"; import { ChatUtility } from "./chat-utility.js"; import { RdDItemCompetence } from "./item-competence.js"; import { RdDCombat } from "./rdd-combat.js"; import { RdDRollResolution } from "./rdd-roll-resolution.js"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ const level_category = { "generale": "-4", "particuliere": "-8", "specialisee": "-11", "connaissance": "-11", "draconic": "-11", "melee": "-6", "tir": "-8", "lancer": "-8" } /* -------------------------------------------- */ const label_category = { "generale": "Générales", "particuliere": "Particulières", "specialisee": "Spécialisées", "connaissance": "Connaissances", "draconic": "Draconics", "melee": "Mêlée", "tir": "Tir", "lancer": "Lancer" } /* -------------------------------------------- */ const competenceTroncs = [ ["Esquive", "Dague", "Corps à corps"], ["Epée à 1 main", "Epée à 2 mains", "Hache à 1 main", "Hache à 2 mains", "Lance", "Masse à 1 main", "Masse à 2 mains"] ]; const competence_xp = { "-11" : [ 5, 10, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 70, 85, 100, 115, 135, 155, 175 ], "-8" : [ 10, 20, 30, 40, 55, 70, 85, 100, 120, 140,160], "-6" : [ 10, 20, 35, 50, 65, 80, 100, 120, 140], "-4" : [ 15, 30, 45, 60, 80, 100, 120] } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // This table starts at 0 -> niveau -10 const competence_xp_par_niveau = [ 5, 5, 5, 10, 10, 10, 10, 15, 15, 15, 15, 20, 20, 20, 20, 30, 30, 40, 40, 60, 60, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100, 100]; const carac_array = [ "taille", "apparence", "constitution", "force", "agilite", "dexterite", "vue", "ouie", "odoratgout", "volonte", "intellect", "empathie", "reve", "chance", "melee", "tir", "lancer", "derobee"]; const difficultesLibres = [0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7, -8, -9, -10]; const ajustementsConditions = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10]; const ajustementsEncaissement = [-10, -9, -8, -7, -6, -5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, +5, +6, +7, +8, +9, +10, +11, +12, +13, +14, +15, +16, +17, +18, +19, +20, +21, +22, +23, +24, +25]; /* -------------------------------------------- */ function _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(max) { const cycle = [5, 2, 4, 1, 3, 0]; let fatigue = [[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]]; for (let i = 0; i <= max; i++) { const ligneFatigue= duplicate(fatigue[i]); const caseIncrementee = cycle[i % 6]; ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee]++; ligneFatigue[caseIncrementee + 6]++; ligneFatigue.fatigueMax = 2 * (i + 1); fatigue[i + 1] = ligneFatigue ; } return fatigue; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ function _cumulSegmentsFatigue(matrix) { let cumulMatrix = []; for (let line of matrix) { let cumul = duplicate(line); for (let i = 1; i < 12; i++) { cumul[i] += cumul[i - 1]; } cumulMatrix.push(cumul); } return cumulMatrix; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ const fatigueMatrix = _buildAllSegmentsFatigue(60); const cumulFatigueMatrix = _cumulSegmentsFatigue(fatigueMatrix); const fatigueMalus = [ 0, 0, 0, -1, -1, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7 ]; // Provides the malus for each segment of fatigue const fatigueLineSize = [ 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]; const fatigueLineMalus = [ 0, -1, -2, -3, -4, -5, -6, -7 ]; const fatigueMarche = { "aise": { "4":1, "6":2, "8":3, "10":4, "12":6 }, "malaise": { "4":2, "6":3, "8":4, "10":6 }, "difficile": { "4":3, "6":4, "8":6 }, "tresdifficile": { "4":4, "6":6 } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Static tables for commands /table */ const table2func = { "rdd": { descr: "rdd: Ouvre la table de résolution", func: RdDRollResolution.open }, "queues": { descr: "queues: Tire une queue de Dragon", func: RdDRollTables.getQueue}, "ombre": { descr: "ombre: Tire une Ombre de Dragon", func: RdDRollTables.getOmbre }, "tetehr": { descr: "tetehr: Tire une Tête de Dragon pour Hauts Revants", fund: RdDRollTables.getTeteHR}, "tete" : { descr: "tete: Tire une Tête de Dragon", func: RdDRollTables.getTete}, "souffle": { descr: "souffle: Tire un Souffle de Dragon", func: RdDRollTables.getSouffle}, "tarot" : { descr: "tarot: Tire une carte de Tarot Dracnique", func: RdDRollTables.getTarot} }; /* -------------------------------------------- */ const definitionsBlessures = [ { type: "legere", facteur: 2 }, { type: "grave", facteur : 4 }, { type: "critique", facteur : 6 } ] /* -------------------------------------------- */ const nomEthylisme = [ "Emeché", "Gris", "Pinté", "Pas frais", "Ivre", "Bu", "Complètement fait", "Ivre mort"]; /* -------------------------------------------- */ const definitionsEncaissement = { "mortel": [ { minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "2", legeres: 0, graves: 1, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "100", vie: "4 + @over20", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 1 }, ], "non-mortel": [ { minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "0", legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "100", vie: "1", legeres: 1, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, ], "cauchemar": [ { minimum: undefined, maximum: 0, endurance: "0", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 1, maximum: 10, endurance: "1d4", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 11, maximum: 15, endurance: "1d6", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 16, maximum: 19, endurance: "2d6", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, { minimum: 20, maximum: undefined, endurance: "3d6 + @over20", vie: "0", legeres: 0, graves: 0, critiques: 0 }, ] }; /* -------------------------------------------- */ export class RdDUtility { /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async preloadHandlebarsTemplates( ) { const templatePaths = [ //Character Sheets 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-creature-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-humanoide-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-entite-sheet.html', //Items 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-competence-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-competencecreature-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-arme-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-armure-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-objet-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-conteneur-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-sort-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-herbe-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-ingredient-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-livre-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-tache-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-potion-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-rencontresTMR-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-queue-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-souffle-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-tarot-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-tete-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/item-ombre-sheet.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/competence-categorie.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/competence-carac-defaut.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/competence-base.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-aspect-tarot.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-categorie.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/enum-rarete.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/arme-competence.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/sort-draconic.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/sort-tmr.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/niveau-ethylisme.html', // Dialogs 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-resolution.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-competence.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-sort.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-encaisser.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-tmr.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-surenc.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-enctotal.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-astrologie-joueur.html', // Calendrier 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-template.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/calendar-editor-template.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/heures-select-option.html', // Conteneur/item in Actor sheet 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-inventaire-conteneur.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/editor-notes-mj.html', // HUD 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/hud-actor-init.html', 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/hud-actor-attaque.html' ]; return loadTemplates(templatePaths); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static checkNull(items) { if (items && items.length) { return items; } return []; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getNomEthylisme( niveauEthylisme ) { let index = -niveauEthylisme; return index <0 ? 'Aucun' : nomEthylisme[index]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static initAfficheContenu( actorId ) { // persistent handling of conteneur show/hide if ( !this.afficheContenu ) this.afficheContenu = {}; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static toggleAfficheContenu( conteneurId) { this.afficheContenu[conteneurId] = !this.afficheContenu[conteneurId]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getAfficheContenu( conteneurId) { return this.afficheContenu[conteneurId]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static filterItemsPerTypeForSheet( data ) { data.data.materiel = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['objet']); data.data.conteneurs = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['conteneur']); data.data.armes = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['arme']); data.data.armures = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['armure']); data.data.livres = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['livre']); data.data.potions = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['potion']); data.data.ingredients = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['ingredient']); data.data.munitions = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['munition']); data.data.herbes = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['herbe']); data.data.sorts = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['sort']); data.data.queues = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['queue']); data.data.souffles = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['souffle']); data.data.ombres = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['ombre']); data.data.tetes = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['tete']); data.data.taches = this.checkNull(data.itemsByType['tache']); data.data.objets = data.data.conteneurs.concat(data.data.materiel).concat(data.data.armes).concat(data.data.armures).concat(data.data.munitions).concat(data.data.livres).concat(data.data.potions).concat(data.data.herbes).concat(data.data.ingredients); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async processItemDropEvent( actorSheet, event) { let dragData = JSON.parse(event.dataTransfer.getData("text/plain")); let dropID = $(event.target).parents(".item").attr("data-item-id"); // Only relevant if container drop if ( dropID ) { // Dropped over an item !!! let objetId = dragData.id || dragData.data._id; if ( actorSheet.objetVersConteneur[objetId] != dropID ) { if ( actorSheet.actor.testConteneurCapacite(objetId, dropID) ) { await actorSheet.actor.enleverDeConteneur(objetId, actorSheet.objetVersConteneur[objetId]); await actorSheet.actor.ajouterAConteneur(objetId, dropID); } else { ui.notifications.info("Capacité d'encombrement insuffisante dans le conteneur !"); } } } actorSheet.actor.computeEncombrementTotalEtMalusArmure(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildArbreDeConteneur( actorSheet, data ) { actorSheet.objetVersConteneur = {}; // Table de hash locale pour recupération rapide du conteneur parent (si existant) // Attribution des objets aux conteneurs for (let conteneur of data.data.conteneurs) { conteneur.subItems = []; if (!conteneur.data.encTotal) conteneur.data.encTotal = 0; //conteneur.data.encTotal = ; Deja calculé if (conteneur.data.contenu) { for (let id of conteneur.data.contenu) { let objet = data.data.objets.find( objet => (id == objet._id) ); if (objet) { if (!objet.data.encombrement) objet.data.encombrement = 0; // Auto-fix objet.estContenu = true; // Permet de filtrer ce qifui est porté dans le template actorSheet.objetVersConteneur[id] = conteneur._id; conteneur.data.encTotal += Number(objet.data.encombrement) * Number(((objet.data.quantite)?objet.data.quantite:1)); conteneur.subItems.push( objet ); } } } } // Construit la liste des conteneurs de niveau 1 (c'est à dire non contenu eux-même dans un conteneur) let newConteneurs = data.data.conteneurs.filter(function(conteneur, index, arr) { return !conteneur.estContenu } ); data.data.conteneurs = newConteneurs; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** Construit la structure récursive des conteneurs, avec imbrication potentielle * */ static buildConteneur( objet, niveau ) { if (!niveau) niveau = 1; objet.niveau = niveau; //console.log("OBJ:", objet); let str = Handlebars.partials['systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/actor-inventaire-conteneur.html']( { item: objet} ); if (objet.type == 'conteneur') { //console.log("ITEM DISPLAYED", this.getAfficheContenu(objet._id) ); if ( this.getAfficheContenu(objet._id) ) { str = str + "<ul class='item-list alterne-list item-display-show list-item-margin"+niveau+"'>"; } else { str = str + "<ul class='item-list alterne-list item-display-hide list-item-margin"+niveau+"'>"; } for (let subItem of objet.subItems) { str = str + this.buildConteneur(subItem, niveau+1); } str = str + "</ul>"; } return new Handlebars.SafeString(str); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildResolutionTable( ) { let tableRes = [] for (var j=0; j<=21; j++) { let subtab = []; for (var i=-10; i<=22; i++) { var m = (i + 10) * 0.5; var v; if (i == -9) { v = Math.floor(j / 2); } else if (i == -10) { v = Math.floor(j / 4); } else { if (j % 2 == 0) { var v = Math.ceil(j * m); } else { var v = Math.floor(j * m); } } if (v < 1) v = 1; let specResults if ( v > 100 ) specResults = { part: Math.ceil(v / 5), epart: 1000, etotal: 1000 }; else specResults = specialResults[Math.ceil(v / 5 )]; let tabIndex = i+10; subtab[tabIndex] = { niveau: i, score: v, part: specResults.part, epart: specResults.epart, etotal: specResults.etotal } } tableRes[j] = subtab; } return tableRes; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getLevelCategory( ) { return level_category; } static getLabelCategory( ) { return label_category; } static getCaracArray() { return carac_array; } static getDifficultesLibres() { return difficultesLibres; } static getAjustementsConditions() { return ajustementsConditions; } static getAjustementsEncaissement() { return ajustementsEncaissement; } static getDefinitionsBlessures() { return definitionsBlessures; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static isTronc( compName ) { for (let troncList of competenceTroncs) { for (let troncName of troncList) { if ( troncName == compName) return troncList; } } return false; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeCompetenceXPCost( competence ) { let minLevel = competence.data.base; if ( minLevel == competence.data.niveau) return 0; if ( competence.data.niveau < -10) return 0; let xp = 0; for (let i=minLevel+1; i<=competence.data.niveau; i++) { xp += competence_xp_par_niveau[i+10]; //console.log(i, i+10, competence_xp_par_niveau[i+10]); } return xp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeCompetenceTroncXP( competenceList ) { let xp = 0; for (let troncList of competenceTroncs) { let minNiveau = 0; for (let troncName of troncList) { let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( competenceList, troncName); if (comp) { minNiveau = Math.min(comp.data.niveau, minNiveau); } } minNiveau = Math.max(minNiveau, 0); // Clamp à 0, pour le tronc commun let minNiveauXP = competence_xp_par_niveau[minNiveau+10]; xp += minNiveauXP; for (let troncName of troncList) { let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( competenceList, troncName); if (comp){ xp += competence_xp_par_niveau[comp.data.niveau+10] - minNiveauXP; } } } return xp; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** Retourne une liste triée d'armes avec le split arme1 main / arme 2 main */ static finalizeArmeList( armeList, competenceList, carac ) { // Gestion des armes 1/2 mains let arme2mains = []; // Tableau contenant la duplication des armes 1m/2m for (const arme of armeList) { let comp = competenceList.find(c => c.name == arme.data.competence); arme.data.initiative = RdDUtility.calculInitiative(arme.data.niveau, carac[comp.data.defaut_carac].value); // Dupliquer les armes pouvant être à 1 main et 2 mains en patchant la compétence if (arme.data.unemain && arme.data.deuxmains) { let arme2main = duplicate(arme); arme2main.data.dommages = arme2main.data.dommages.split("/")[1]; // Existence temporaire uniquement dans la liste des armes, donc OK arme2main.data.competence = arme2main.data.competence.replace(" 1 main", " 2 mains"); // Replace ! let comp = competenceList.find(c => c.name == arme2main.data.competence); arme2main.data.niveau = comp.data.niveau; arme2main.data.initiative = RdDUtility.calculInitiative(arme2main.data.niveau, carac[comp.data.defaut_carac].value); arme2mains.push(arme2main); } } armeList = armeList.concat(arme2mains); // Merge all cases armeList = armeList.sort((a, b) => { if ( a.name > b.name) return 1; else return -1; } ); return armeList } static calculInitiative(niveau, caracValue) { let base = niveau + Math.floor(caracValue/2); return "1d6" + (base >= 0 ? "+" : "") + base; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeCarac( data) { data.carac.force.value = Math.min(data.carac.force.value, parseInt(data.carac.taille.value) + 4); data.carac.derobee.value = Math.floor(parseInt(((21 - data.carac.taille.value)) + parseInt(data.carac.agilite.value)) / 2); let bonusDomKey = Math.floor( (parseInt(data.carac.force.value) + parseInt(data.carac.taille.value)) / 2); // TODO: gérer table des bonus dommages (et autres) des créatures data.attributs.plusdom.value = 2 if (bonusDomKey < 8) data.attributs.plusdom.value = -1; else if (bonusDomKey < 12) data.attributs.plusdom.value = 0; else if (bonusDomKey < 14) data.attributs.plusdom.value = 1; data.attributs.encombrement.value = (parseInt(data.carac.force.value) + parseInt(data.carac.taille.value)) / 2; data.carac.melee.value = Math.floor( (parseInt(data.carac.force.value) + parseInt(data.carac.agilite.value)) / 2); data.carac.tir.value = Math.floor( (parseInt(data.carac.vue.value) + parseInt(data.carac.dexterite.value)) / 2); data.carac.lancer.value = Math.floor( (parseInt(data.carac.tir.value) + parseInt(data.carac.force.value)) / 2); data.sante.vie.max = Math.ceil( (parseInt(data.carac.taille.value) + parseInt(data.carac.constitution.value)) /2 ); data.sante.vie.value = Math.min(data.sante.vie.value, data.sante.vie.max) data.sante.endurance.max = Math.max( parseInt(data.carac.taille.value) + parseInt(data.carac.constitution.value), parseInt(data.sante.vie.max) + parseInt(data.carac.volonte.value) ); data.sante.endurance.value = Math.min(data.sante.endurance.value, data.sante.endurance.max); data.sante.fatigue.max = data.sante.endurance.max*2; data.sante.fatigue.value = Math.min(data.sante.fatigue.value, data.sante.fatigue.max); data.attributs.sconst.value = 5; // Max ! if ( data.carac.constitution.value < 9 ) data.attributs.sconst.value = 2; else if (data.carac.constitution.value < 12 ) data.attributs.sconst.value = 3; else if (data.carac.constitution.value < 15 ) data.attributs.sconst.value = 4; data.attributs.sust.value = 4; // Max ! if ( data.carac.taille.value < 10 ) data.attributs.sust.value = 2; else if (data.carac.taille.value < 14 ) data.attributs.sust.value = 3; //Compteurs //data.compteurs.reve.value = data.carac.reve.value; data.reve.reve.max = data.carac.reve.value; //data.compteurs.chance.value = data.carac.chance.value; data.compteurs.chance.max = data.carac.chance.value; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getSegmentsFatigue(maxEnd) { maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1); maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, fatigueMatrix.length); return fatigueMatrix[maxEnd]; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static calculMalusFatigue(fatigue, maxEnd) { maxEnd = Math.max(maxEnd, 1); maxEnd = Math.min(maxEnd, cumulFatigueMatrix.length); let segments = cumulFatigueMatrix[maxEnd]; for (let i=0; i<12; i++) { if (fatigue <= segments[i]) { return fatigueMalus[i] } } return -7; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ // Build the nice (?) html table used to manage fatigue. // max should be the endurance max value static makeHTMLfatigueMatrix( fatigue, maxEndurance) { let segments = this.getSegmentsFatigue(maxEndurance); return this.makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments); } static makeHTMLfatigueMatrixForSegment(fatigue, segments) { fatigue = Math.max(fatigue, 0); fatigue = Math.min(fatigue, segments.fatigueMax); let table = $("<table/>").addClass('table-fatigue'); let segmentIdx = 0; let fatigueCount = 0; for (var line = 0; line < fatigueLineSize.length; line++) { let row = $("<tr/>"); let segmentsPerLine = fatigueLineSize[line]; row.append("<td class='fatigue-malus'>" + fatigueLineMalus[line] + "</td>"); while (segmentIdx < segmentsPerLine) { let freeSize = segments[segmentIdx]; for (let col = 0; col < 5; col++) { if (col < freeSize) { if (fatigueCount < fatigue) row.append("<td class='fatigue-used'>X</td>"); else row.append("<td class='fatigue-free'/>"); fatigueCount++; } else { row.append("<td class='fatigue-none'/>"); } } row.append("<td class='fatigue-separator'/>"); segmentIdx = segmentIdx + 1; } table.append(row); } return table; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static getLocalisation( ) { let result = new Roll("1d20").roll().total; let txt = "" if ( result <= 3 ) txt = "Jambe, genou, pied, jarret"; else if ( result <= 7 ) txt = "Hanche, cuisse, fesse"; else if ( result <= 9 ) txt = "Ventre, reins"; else if ( result <= 12 ) txt = "Poitrine, dos"; else if ( result <= 14 ) txt = "Avant-bras, main, coude"; else if ( result <= 18 ) txt = "Epaule, bras, omoplate"; else if ( result == 19) txt = "Tête"; else if ( result == 20) txt = "Tête (visage)"; return { result: result, label: txt }; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static computeBlessuresSante( degats, mortalite, loc) { let encaissement = RdDUtility.selectEncaissement(degats, mortalite) let over20 = Math.max(degats - 20, 0); encaissement.endurance = - RdDUtility._evaluatePerte(encaissement.endurance, over20); encaissement.vie = - RdDUtility._evaluatePerte(encaissement.vie, over20); encaissement.locName = loc ? loc.label : "Corps"; return encaissement; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static selectEncaissement( degats, mortalite ) { const table = definitionsEncaissement[mortalite] === undefined ? definitionsEncaissement["mortel"] : definitionsEncaissement[mortalite]; for (let encaissement of table) { if ((encaissement.minimum === undefined || encaissement.minimum <= degats) && (encaissement.maximum === undefined || degats <= encaissement.maximum)) { return duplicate(encaissement); } } return duplicate(table[0]); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static _evaluatePerte(formula, over20) { console.log("_evaluatePerte", formula, over20 ) let perte = new Roll(formula, { over20:over20}) perte.evaluate() return perte.total } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static currentFatigueMalus( value, max) { max = (max < 16) ? 16 : max; max = (max > 30) ? 30 : max; value = (value > max*2) ? max*2 : value; value = (value < 0) ? 0 : value; let fatigueTab = fatigueMatrix[max]; let fatigueRem = value; for (let idx=0; idx<fatigueTab.length; idx++) { fatigueRem -= fatigueTab[idx]; if ( fatigueRem <= 0) { return fatigueMalus[idx]; } } return -7; // This is the max ! } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static findCompetence(compList, compName) { compName = compName.toLowerCase(); return compList.find(item => item.name.toLowerCase() == compName && (item.type =="competence" || item.type == "competencecreature")) } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async getCompetenceList( compendium ) { const pack = game.packs.get(compendium); let competences; await pack.getIndex().then(index => competences = index); return competences; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildDefenseChatCard( attacker, target, rollData ) { console.log("Attacker.defense", attacker, target, target.actor.isToken, attacker.data._id, rollData.competence.data.categorie ); let myTarget = target.actor; let defenseMsg = { title: "Défense en combat", content: "<strong>"+myTarget.name+"</strong> doit se défendre : <br><span class='chat-card-button-area'>" + "<a class='chat-card-button' id='encaisser-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "'>Encaisser !</a></span>", whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( myTarget.name ), attackerId: attacker.data._id, defenderTokenId: target.data._id, rollMode: true }; if ( rollData.competence.data.categorie == 'melee' || rollData.competence.data.categorie == 'competencecreature') { // Melee attack or creature let defenderArmes = []; for (const arme of myTarget.data.items) { if (arme.type == "arme" && RdDItemCompetence.isCompetenceMelee(arme.data.competence)) { defenderArmes.push( arme ); defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='parer-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "' data-armeid='"+arme._id+"'>Parer avec " + arme.name + "</a></span>"; } if (arme.type == "competencecreature" && arme.data.isparade) { defenderArmes.push( arme ); defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='parer-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "' data-armeid='"+arme._id+"'>Parer avec " + arme.name + "</a></span>"; } } defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='esquiver-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "'>Esquiver</a></span>"; } if ( rollData.competence.data.categorie == "tir" ) { for (const arme of myTarget.data.items) { // Bouclier for parry if ( arme.type == "arme" && arme.name.toLowerCase.match("bouclier") ) { defenderArmes.push( arme ); defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='parer-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "' data-armeid='"+arme._id+"'>Parer avec " + arme.name + "</a></span>"; } } } if ( rollData.competence.data.categorie == "lancer" ) { for (const arme of myTarget.data.items) { // Bouclier for parry Dodge/Esquive if ( arme.type == "arme" && arme.name.toLowerCase.match("bouclier") ) { defenderArmes.push( arme ); defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='parer-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "' data-armeid='"+arme._id+"'>Parer avec " + arme.name + "</a></span>"; } } defenseMsg.content += "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='esquiver-button' data-attackerId='"+attacker.data._id + "' data-defenderTokenId='" + target.data._id + "'>Esquiver</a></span>"; } defenseMsg.toSocket = true; // True per default for all players if (game.user.isGM) { // In GM case, only if target is a player defenseMsg.toSocket = myTarget.hasPlayerOwner; } return defenseMsg; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async responseNombreAstral( data ) { let actor = game.actors.get( data.id); actor.ajouteNombreAstral(data); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static performSocketMesssage( sockmsg ) { console.log(">>>>> MSG RECV", sockmsg); switch(sockmsg.msg) { case "msg_encaisser": return RdDUtility._handleMsgEncaisser(sockmsg.data); case "msg_defense" : return RdDUtility._handleMsgDefense(sockmsg.data); case "msg_gm_chat_message": return ChatUtility.handleGMChatMessage(sockmsg.data); case "msg_sync_time": return game.system.rdd.calendrier.syncPlayerTime( sockmsg.data ); case "msg_request_nombre_astral": return game.system.rdd.calendrier.requestNombreAstral( sockmsg.data ); case "msg_response_nombre_astral": return RdDUtility.responseNombreAstral( sockmsg.data ); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static _handleMsgDefense(data) { let defenderToken = canvas.tokens.get(data.defenderTokenId); if (defenderToken) { if ( !game.user.isGM && game.user.character == undefined) { // vérification / sanity check ui.notifications.error("Le joueur " + game.user.name + " n'est connecté à aucun personnage. Impossible de continuer."); return; } if ((game.user.isGM && !defenderToken.actor.hasPlayerOwner) || (defenderToken.actor.hasPlayerOwner && (game.user.character.id == defenderToken.actor.data._id))) { console.log("User is pushing message...", game.user.name); game.system.rdd.rollDataHandler[data.attackerId] = duplicate(data.rollData); data.whisper = [game.user]; data.blind = true; data.rollMode = "blindroll"; ChatMessage.create(data); } } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildItemsClassification( items ) { let itemsByType = {}; for (const item of items) { let list = itemsByType[item.type]; if (!list) { list = []; itemsByType[item.type] = list; } list.push(item); } return itemsByType; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static rollInitiativeCompetence( combatantId, arme ) { const combatant = game.combat.getCombatant(combatantId); const actor = combatant.actor; if ( arme.name == "Autre action") { game.combat.rollInitiative(combatantId, "1d6" ); } else if ( arme.name == "Draconic") { game.combat.rollInitiative(combatantId, "1d6+200" ); } else { let initOffset = 0; let caracForInit = 0; let competence = RdDUtility.findCompetence( combatant.actor.data.items, arme.data.competence); if ( actor.data.type == 'creature' || actor.data.type == 'entite') { caracForInit = competence.data.carac_value; } else { caracForInit = actor.data.data.carac[competence.data.defaut_carac].value; if (competence.data.categorie == "lancer" ) { // Offset de principe pour les armes de jet initOffset = 40; } if (competence.data.categorie == "tir" ) { // Offset de principe pour les armes de jet initOffset = 80; } } // Cas des créatures et entités vs personnages let rollFormula = RdDUtility.calculInitiative(competence.data.niveau, caracForInit) + "+" + initOffset; game.combat.rollInitiative(combatantId, rollFormula ); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static buildArmeList( combatant ) { const actor = combatant.actor; // Easy access let armesList = []; if ( actor.data.type == 'creature' || actor.data.type == 'entite') { for (const competenceItem of actor.data.items) { if ( competenceItem.data.iscombat) { // Seul un item de type arme armesList.push( { name: competenceItem.name, data: { niveau: competenceItem.data.niveau, competence: competenceItem.name } } ); } } } else { // Recupération des items 'arme' let itemsByType = RdDUtility.buildItemsClassification( combatant.actor.data.items ); armesList = itemsByType['arme']; // Force corps à corps et Draconic let cc = RdDUtility.findCompetence( combatant.actor.data.items, "Corps à corps"); armesList.push( { name: "Corps à corps", data: { niveau: cc.data.niveau, description: "", force: 6, competence: "Corps à corps", dommages: combatant.actor.data.data.attributs.plusdom.value } } ); armesList.push( { name: "Draconic", data: { initOnly: true, competence: "Draconic" } } ); } armesList.push( { name: "Autre action", data: { initOnly: true, competence: "Autre action" } } ); return armesList; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static displayInitiativeMenu( html, combatantId) { const combatant = game.combat.getCombatant(combatantId); let armesList = this.buildArmeList( combatant ); // Build the relevant submenu if ( armesList ) { let menuItems = []; for ( let arme of armesList ) { menuItems.push( { name: arme.data.competence, icon: "<i class='fas fa-dice-d6'></i>", callback: target => { RdDUtility.rollInitiativeCompetence( combatantId, arme ) } } ); } new ContextMenu(html, ".directory-list", menuItems ).render(); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static pushInitiativeOptions( html, options ) { options.push( { name: "Sélectionner l'initiative...", condition: true, icon: '<i class="far fa-question-circle"></i>', callback: target => { RdDUtility.displayInitiativeMenu( html, target.data('combatant-id') ); } }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static _handleMsgEncaisser(data) { if (game.user.isGM) { // Seul le GM effectue l'encaissement sur la fiche let attackerRoll = game.system.rdd.rollDataHandler[data.attackerId]; // Retrieve the rolldata from the store let defenderToken = canvas.tokens.get(data.defenderTokenId); defenderToken.actor.encaisserDommages(attackerRoll); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ static async chatListeners( html ) { RdDCombat.registerChatCallbacks(html); // Gestion spécifique message passeurs html.on("click", '.tmr-passeur-coord a', event => { let coord = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-tmr-coord'].value; let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let actor = game.actors.get( actorId ); actor.tmrApp.forceDemiRevePosition(coord); }); // Gestio spécifique des sorts en réserve multiples (ie têtes) html.on("click", '#sort-reserve', event => { let coord = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-tmr-coord'].value; let sortId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-sort-id'].value; let actorId = event.currentTarget.attributes['data-actor-id'].value; let actor = game.actors.get( actorId ); actor.tmrApp.lancerSortEnReserve(coord, sortId); }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Display help for /table */ static displayHelpTable( msg ) { msg.content = ""; for (let [name, tableData] of Object.entries(table2func)) { msg.content += "<br>" + tableData.descr; } ChatMessage.create( msg ); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* Manage chat commands */ static processChatCommand( commands, content, msg ) { // Setup new message's visibility let rollMode = game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"); if (["gmroll", "blindroll"].includes(rollMode)) msg["whisper"] = ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients("GM"); if (rollMode === "blindroll") msg["blind"] = true; msg["type"] = 0; let command = commands[0]; // Roll on a table if (command === "/table") { if ( commands[1] ) { let tableName = commands[1].toLowerCase(); table2func[tableName].func(); } else { this.displayHelpTable( msg ); } return false } else if (command === "/tmrr") { TMRUtility.getRencontre(commands[1], commands[2] ) return false } else if (command === "/tmra") { TMRUtility.getTMRAleatoire( ) return false } return true; } }