/** * Extend the basic ItemSheet with some very simple modifications * @extends {ItemSheet} */ export class SimpleItemSheet extends ItemSheet { /** @override */ static get defaultOptions() { return mergeObject(super.defaultOptions, { classes: ["worldbuilding", "sheet", "item"], template: "systems/worldbuilding/templates/item-sheet.html", width: 520, height: 480, tabs: [{navSelector: ".sheet-tabs", contentSelector: ".sheet-body", initial: "description"}] }); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ getData() { const data = super.getData(); data.dtypes = ["String", "Number", "Boolean"]; for ( let attr of Object.values(data.data.attributes) ) { attr.isCheckbox = attr.dtype === "Boolean"; } return data; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ setPosition(options={}) { const position = super.setPosition(options); const sheetBody = this.element.find(".sheet-body"); const bodyHeight = position.height - 192; sheetBody.css("height", bodyHeight); return position; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ activateListeners(html) { super.activateListeners(html); // Everything below here is only needed if the sheet is editable if (!this.options.editable) return; // Add or Remove Attribute html.find(".attributes").on("click", ".attribute-control", this._onClickAttributeControl.bind(this)); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Listen for click events on an attribute control to modify the composition of attributes in the sheet * @param {MouseEvent} event The originating left click event * @private */ async _onClickAttributeControl(event) { event.preventDefault(); const a = event.currentTarget; const action = a.dataset.action; const attrs = this.object.data.data.attributes; const form = this.form; // Add new attribute if ( action === "create" ) { const nk = Object.keys(attrs).length + 1; let newKey = document.createElement("div"); newKey.innerHTML = `<input type="text" name="data.attributes.attr${nk}.key" value="attr${nk}"/>`; newKey = newKey.children[0]; form.appendChild(newKey); await this._onSubmit(event); } // Remove existing attribute else if ( action === "delete" ) { const li = a.closest(".attribute"); li.parentElement.removeChild(li); await this._onSubmit(event); } } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** @override */ _updateObject(event, formData) { // Handle the free-form attributes list const formAttrs = expandObject(formData).data.attributes || {}; const attributes = Object.values(formAttrs).reduce((obj, v) => { let k = v["key"].trim(); if ( /[\s\.]/.test(k) ) return ui.notifications.error("Attribute keys may not contain spaces or periods"); delete v["key"]; obj[k] = v; return obj; }, {}); // Remove attributes which are no longer used for ( let k of Object.keys(this.object.data.data.attributes) ) { if ( !attributes.hasOwnProperty(k) ) attributes[`-=${k}`] = null; } // Re-combine formData formData = Object.entries(formData).filter(e => !e[0].startsWith("data.attributes")).reduce((obj, e) => { obj[e[0]] = e[1]; return obj; }, {_id: this.object._id, "data.attributes": attributes}); // Update the Item return this.object.update(formData); } }