Prevent problems of circular dependencies when sepating actions from items & sheets
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579 lines
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import { ENTITE_INCARNE, SHOW_DICE, SYSTEM_RDD } from "../constants.js";
import { Grammar } from "../grammar.js";
import { Misc } from "../misc.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "../rdd-resolution-table.js";
import { RdDEncaisser } from "../rdd-roll-encaisser.js";
import { RdDRoll } from "../rdd-roll.js";
import { RdDUtility } from "../rdd-utility.js";
import { ReglesOptionnelles } from "../settings/regles-optionnelles.js";
import { RdDBaseActor } from "./base-actor.js";
import { ITEM_TYPES } from "../constants.js";
import { RdDItemCompetence } from "../item-competence.js";
import { RdDItemCompetenceCreature } from "../item-competencecreature.js";
import { RdDItemArme } from "../item-arme.js";
import { StatusEffects } from "../settings/status-effects.js";
import { Targets } from "../targets.js";
import { RdDConfirm } from "../rdd-confirm.js";
import { RdDCarac } from "../rdd-carac.js";
import { ChatUtility } from "../chat-utility.js";
import { DialogValidationEncaissement } from "../dialog-validation-encaissement.js";
import { RdDCombat } from "../rdd-combat.js";
import { RdDEmpoignade } from "../rdd-empoignade.js";
import { RdDPossession } from "../rdd-possession.js";
import { BASE_CORPS_A_CORPS, BASE_ESQUIVE, POSSESSION_SANS_DRACONIC } from "../item/base-items.js";
import { RollDataAjustements } from "../rolldata-ajustements.js";
* Classe de base pour les acteurs disposant de rêve (donc, pas des objets)
* - Entités de rêve
* - Créatures de "sang": créatures et humanoides
export class RdDBaseActorReve extends RdDBaseActor {
prepareActorData() {
this.system.attributs.plusdom.value = this.getBonusDegat()
this.system.sante.endurance.max = this.getEnduranceMax()
this.system.sante.endurance.value = Math.min(this.system.sante.endurance.value, this.system.sante.endurance.max)
getCarac() {
return foundry.utils.mergeObject(this.system.carac,
'reve-actuel': this.getCaracReveActuel(),
'chance-actuelle': this.getCaracChanceActuelle()
{ inplace: false })
getCaracChanceActuelle() {
return {
label: 'Chance actuelle',
value: this.getChanceActuel(),
type: "number"
getCaracReveActuel() {
return {
label: 'Rêve actuel',
value: this.getReveActuel(),
type: "number"
getTaille() { return Misc.toInt(this.system.carac.taille?.value) }
getConstitution() { return this.getReve() }
getForce() { return this.getReve() }
getAgilite() { return this.getForce() }
getReve() { return Misc.toInt(this.system.carac.reve?.value) }
getChance() { return this.getReve() }
getReveActuel() { return this.getReve() }
getChanceActuel() { return this.getChance() }
getEnduranceMax() { return Math.max(1, this.getTaille() + this.getConstitution()) }
getEncombrementMax() { return (this.getForce() + this.getTaille()) / 2 }
getBonusDegat() { return RdDCarac.getCaracDerivee(this.getEncombrementMax()).plusdom }
getMoralTotal() { return 0 }
getProtectionNaturelle() { return Number(this.system.attributs?.protection?.value ?? 0) }
getSConst() { return 0 }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isSurenc() { return false }
computeMalusSurEncombrement() { return 0 }
ajustementAstrologique() { return 0 }
getMalusArmure() { return 0 }
getEnduranceActuelle() {
return Number(this.system.sante?.endurance?.value ?? 0);
async jetEndurance(resteEndurance = undefined) { return { jetEndurance: 0, sonne: false } }
isDead() { return false }
isSonne() { return false }
blessuresASoigner() { return [] }
getEtatGeneral(options = { ethylisme: false }) { return 0 }
isActorCombat() { return true }
getCaracInit(competence) {
if (!competence) {
return 0
if (competence.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
return competence.system.carac_value
return this.system.carac[competence.system.defaut_carac].value;
listActionsCombat() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature]
.filter(it => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.isAttaque(it))
.map(it => RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(it))
.filter(it => it != undefined);
async computeArmure(attackerRoll) { return this.getProtectionNaturelle() }
async remiseANeuf() { }
async appliquerAjoutExperience(rollData, hideChatMessage = 'show') { }
async santeIncDec(name, inc, isCritique = false) { }
async finDeRound(options = { terminer: false }) {
await this.$finDeRoundSuppressionEffetsTermines(options);
await this.finDeRoundBlessures();
await this.$finDeRoundSupprimerObsoletes();
await this.$finDeRoundEmpoignade();
async $finDeRoundSuppressionEffetsTermines(options) {
for (let effect of this.getEffects()) {
if (effect.duration.type !== 'none' && (effect.duration.remaining <= 0 || options.terminer)) {
await effect.delete();
ChatMessage.create({ content: `${this.getAlias()} n'est plus ${Misc.lowerFirst(game.i18n.localize(effect.system.label))} !` });
async finDeRoundBlessures() {
async $finDeRoundSupprimerObsoletes() {
const obsoletes = []
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp <= 0))
.concat(this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].filter(it => it.system.compteur < -2 || it.system.compteur > 2))
.map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('Item', obsoletes);
async $finDeRoundEmpoignade() {
const immobilisations = this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade].filter(it => it.system.pointsemp >= 2 && it.system.empoigneurid ==;
immobilisations.forEach(emp => RdDEmpoignade.onImmobilisation(this,
async setSonne(sonne = true) { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCompetence(idOrName, options = {}) {
if (idOrName instanceof Item) {
return idOrName.isCompetence() ? idOrName : undefined
return RdDItemCompetence.findCompetence(this.items, idOrName, options)
getCompetences(name, options = { onMessage: message => { } }) {
return RdDItemCompetence.findCompetences(this.items, name, options)
getCompetenceCorpsACorps(options = { onMessage: message => { } }) {
return this.getCompetence(, options) ?? BASE_CORPS_A_CORPS
getCompetencesEsquive(options = { onMessage: message => { } }) {
return this.getCompetences(, options) ?? [BASE_ESQUIVE]
getArmeParade(armeParadeId) {
return RdDItemArme.getArme(armeParadeId ? this.getEmbeddedDocument('Item', armeParadeId) : undefined)
getDraconicOuPossession() { return POSSESSION_SANS_DRACONIC }
getPossession(possessionId) {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.possession].find(it => it.system.possessionid == possessionId);
getEmpoignades() {
return this.itemTypes[ITEM_TYPES.empoignade];
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCreatureCompetence(idOrName, fieldName, value) {
let competence = this.getCompetence(idOrName);
if (competence) {
function getFieldPath(fieldName) {
switch (fieldName) {
case "niveau": return 'system.niveau';
case "dommages": return 'system.dommages';
case "carac_value": return 'system.carac_value';
return undefined
const path = getFieldPath(fieldName);
if (path) {
await competence.update({ [path]: value });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
isEffectAllowed(effectId) { return false }
getEffects(filter = e => true) {
return this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").filter(filter);
getEffect(effectId) {
return this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").find(it => it.statuses?.has(effectId));
async setEffect(effectId, status) {
if (this.isEffectAllowed(effectId)) {
const effect = this.getEffect(effectId);
if (!status && effect) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', []);
if (status && !effect) {
await this.createEmbeddedDocuments("ActiveEffect", [StatusEffects.prepareActiveEffect(effectId)]);
async removeEffect(id) {
const effect = this.getEmbeddedCollection("ActiveEffect").find(it => == id);
if (effect) {
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', [id]);
async removeEffects(filter = e => true) {
if (game.user.isGM) {
const ids = this.getEffects(filter).map(it =>;
await this.deleteEmbeddedDocuments('ActiveEffect', ids);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getSurprise(isCombat = undefined) {
let niveauSurprise = this.getEffects()
.map(effect => StatusEffects.valeurSurprise(effect, isCombat))
.reduce(Misc.sum(), 0);
if (niveauSurprise > 1) {
return 'totale';
if (niveauSurprise == 1) {
return 'demi';
return '';
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async computeEtatGeneral() {
// Par défaut, on ne calcule pas d'état général, seuls les personnages/créatures sont affectés
this.system.compteurs.etat.value = 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async openRollDialog({ name, label, template, rollData, callbackAction }) {
const dialog = await RdDRoll.create(this, rollData,
{ html: template, close: async html => await this._onCloseRollDialog(html) },
name: name,
label: label,
callbacks: [
{ action: callbackAction }
return dialog
createEmptyCallback() {
return {
condition: r => false,
action: r => { }
createCallbackExperience() { return this.createEmptyCallback(); }
createCallbackAppelAuMoral() { return this.createEmptyCallback(); }
async _onCloseRollDialog(html) { }
async rollCaracCompetence(caracName, compName, diff, options = { title: "" }) {
const competence = this.getCompetence(compName);
await this.openRollDialog({
name: 'jet-competence',
label: competence? 'Jet ' + Grammar.apostrophe('de', : `Jet sans compétence (${compName})`,
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-competence.html',
rollData: {
alias: this.getAlias(),
carac: this.system.carac,
selectedCarac: this.getCaracByName(caracName),
selectedCaracName: caracName,
diffLibre: diff,
competence: competence,
show: { title: options?.title ?? '' }
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCompetence(r, options)
* Méthode pour faire un jet prédéterminer sans ouvrir la fenêtre de dialogue
* @param {*} caracName code ou label de la caractéristique. On peut utiliser 'intel' pour Intellect.
* @param {*} compName nom de compétence ou nom abrégé.
* @param {*} diff difficulté (0 si undefined)
* @param {*} options
* @returns le jet effectué
async doRollCaracCompetence(caracName, compName, diff, options = { title: "" }) {
const carac = this.getCaracByName(caracName);
if (!carac) {
ui.notifications.warn(`${} n'a pas de caractéristique correspondant à ${caracName}`)
const competence = this.getCompetence(compName);
let rollData = {
alias: this.getAlias(),
caracValue: Number(carac.value),
selectedCarac: carac,
competence: competence,
diffLibre: diff ?? 0,
show: { title: options?.title ?? '' }
RollDataAjustements.calcul(rollData, this);
await RdDResolutionTable.rollData(rollData);
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this)
return rollData.rolled;
gererExperience(rollData) { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async roll() {
const carac = this.getCarac()
const selectedCaracName = ['apparence', 'perception', 'force', 'reve'].find(it => carac[it] != undefined)
await this.openRollDialog({
name: `jet-${}`,
label: `Jet de ${this.getAlias()}`,
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll.html',
rollData: {
carac: carac,
selectedCarac: carac[selectedCaracName],
selectedCaracName: selectedCaracName,
competences: this.itemTypes['competence']
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCaracResult(r)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCarac(caracName, options = {}) {
if (Grammar.equalsInsensitive(caracName, 'taille')) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(options, { resistance: false, diff: 0 }, { overwrite: false })
let selectedCarac = this.getCaracByName(caracName)
console.log("selectedCarac", selectedCarac)
await this.openRollDialog({
name: 'jet-' + caracName,
label: 'Jet ' + Grammar.apostrophe('de', selectedCarac.label),
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html',
rollData: {
selectedCarac: selectedCarac,
competences: this.itemTypes['competence'],
diffLibre: options.diff ?? 0,
jetResistance: options.resistance ? caracName : undefined
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCaracResult(r)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async $onRollCaracResult(rollData) {
// Final chat message
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-general.html');
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCompetence(idOrName, options = { tryTarget: true, arme: undefined }) {
const competence = this.getCompetence(idOrName);
let rollData = { carac: this.system.carac, competence: competence, arme: options.arme }
if (competence.type == ITEM_TYPES.competencecreature) {
const token = RdDUtility.getSelectedToken(this)
const arme = RdDItemCompetenceCreature.armeCreature(competence)
if (arme && options.tryTarget && Targets.hasTargets()) {
Targets.selectOneTargetToken(target => {
if (arme.action == "possession") {
RdDPossession.onAttaquePossession(target, this, competence)
else {
RdDCombat.rddCombatTarget(target, this, token).attaque(competence, arme)
// Transformer la competence de créature
await this.openRollDialog({
name: 'jet-competence',
label: 'Jet ' + Grammar.apostrophe('de',,
template: 'systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-competence.html',
rollData: rollData,
callbackAction: r => this.$onRollCompetence(r, options)
async $onRollCompetence(rollData, options) {
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-competence.html')
if (options?.onRollAutomate) {
/** --------------------------------------------
* @param {*} arme item d'arme/compétence de créature
* @param {*} categorieArme catégorie d'attaque à utiliser: competence (== melee), lancer, tir; naturelle, possession
* @returns
rollArme(arme, categorieArme, token) {
token = token ?? RdDUtility.getSelectedToken(this)
const compToUse = this.$getCompetenceArme(arme, categorieArme)
if (!RdDItemArme.isUtilisable(arme)) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Arme inutilisable: ${} a une résistance de 0 ou moins`)
if (!Targets.hasTargets()) {
settingConfirmer: "confirmer-combat-sans-cible",
content: `<p>Voulez vous faire un jet de ${compToUse} sans choisir de cible valide?
<br>Tous les jets de combats devront être gérés à la main
title: 'Ne pas utiliser les automatisation de combat',
buttonLabel: "Pas d'automatisation",
onAction: async () => {
this.rollCompetence(compToUse, { tryTarget: false, arme: arme })
Targets.selectOneTargetToken(target => {
if (Targets.isTargetEntite(target)) {
ui.notifications.warn(`Vous ne pouvez pas attaquer une entité non incarnée avec votre ${}!!!!`);
const competence = this.getCompetence(compToUse)
if (competence.isCompetencePossession()) {
return RdDPossession.onAttaquePossession(target, this, competence);
RdDCombat.rddCombatTarget(target, this, token).attaque(competence, arme);
$getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName) {
return RdDItemArme.getCompetenceArme(arme, competenceName)
verifierForceMin(item) { }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async encaisser() { await RdDEncaisser.encaisser(this) }
async encaisserDommages(rollData, attacker = undefined, show = undefined, attackerToken = undefined, defenderToken = undefined) {
if (attacker && !await attacker.accorder(this, 'avant-encaissement')) {
const armure = await this.computeArmure(rollData);
if (ReglesOptionnelles.isUsing('validation-encaissement-gr')) {
await this.encaisserDommagesValidationGR(rollData, armure, show, attackerToken, defenderToken);
else {
const jet = await RdDUtility.jetEncaissement(this, rollData, armure, { showDice: SHOW_DICE });
await this.$onEncaissement(jet, show, attackerToken, defenderToken)
async encaisserDommagesValidationGR(rollData, armure, show, attackerToken, defenderToken) {
if (!game.user.isGM) {
tokenId: this.token?.id,
method: 'encaisserDommagesValidationGR', args: [rollData, armure, show, attackerToken, defenderToken]
} else {
DialogValidationEncaissement.validerEncaissement(this, rollData, armure,
jet => this.$onEncaissement(jet, show, attackerToken, defenderToken));
async $onEncaissement(jet, show, attackerToken, defenderToken) {
await this.onAppliquerJetEncaissement(jet, attackerToken);
await this.$afficherEncaissement(jet, show, defenderToken);
async onAppliquerJetEncaissement(encaissement, attackerToken) { }
async $afficherEncaissement(encaissement, show, defenderToken) {
foundry.utils.mergeObject(encaissement, {
alias: defenderToken?.name ?? this.getAlias(),
hasPlayerOwner: this.hasPlayerOwner,
show: show ?? {}
}, { overwrite: false });
await ChatUtility.createChatWithRollMode(
roll: encaissement.roll,
content: await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-encaissement.html', encaissement)
if (!encaissement.hasPlayerOwner && encaissement.endurance != 0) {
encaissement = foundry.utils.duplicate(encaissement)
encaissement.isGM = true
whisper: ChatUtility.getGMs(),
content: await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/chat-resultat-encaissement.html', encaissement)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async accorder(entite, when = 'avant-encaissement') {
if (when != game.settings.get(SYSTEM_RDD, "accorder-entite-cauchemar")
|| entite == undefined
|| !entite.isEntite([ENTITE_INCARNE])
|| entite.isEntiteAccordee(this)) {
return true;
const rolled = await RdDResolutionTable.roll(this.getReveActuel(), - Number(entite.getNiveau()));
const rollData = {
alias: this.getAlias(),
rolled: rolled,
selectedCarac: this.system.carac.reve
if (rolled.isSuccess) {
await entite.setEntiteReveAccordee(this);
await RdDResolutionTable.displayRollData(rollData, this, 'chat-resultat-accorder-cauchemar.html');
if (rolled.isPart) {
await this.appliquerAjoutExperience(rollData, true);
return rolled.isSuccess;
isEntiteAccordee(attacker) { return true }
async setEntiteReveAccordee(actor) {
ui.notifications.error("Impossible de s'accorder à " + this.getAlias() + ": ce n'est pas une entité incarnée");