916 lines
34 KiB
916 lines
34 KiB
* Extend the base Actor entity by defining a custom roll data structure which is ideal for the Simple system.
* @extends {Actor}
import { RdDUtility } from "./rdd-utility.js";
import { TMRUtility } from "./tmr-utility.js";
import { RdDRollDialog } from "./rdd-roll-dialog.js";
import { RdDTMRDialog } from "./rdd-tmr-dialog.js";
import { Misc } from "./misc.js";
import { RdDResolutionTable } from "./rdd-resolution-table.js";
export class RdDActor extends Actor {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Override the create() function to provide additional RdD functionality.
* This overrided create() function adds initial items
* Namely: Basic skills, money,
* @param {Object} data Barebones actor data which this function adds onto.
* @param {Object} options (Unused) Additional options which customize the creation workflow.
static async create(data, options) {
// If the created actor has items (only applicable to duplicated actors) bypass the new actor creation logic
if (data.items) {
return super.create(data, options);
data.items = [];
let compendiumName = "";
if (data.type == "personnage")
compendiumName = "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences";
if (data.type == "humanoide")
compendiumName = "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences-humanoides";
if (data.type == "creature")
compendiumName = "foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon.competences-creatures";
let competences = [];
const pack = game.packs.get(compendiumName);
await pack.getIndex().then(index => competences = index);
for (let comp of competences)
let compItem = undefined;
await pack.getEntity(comp._id).then(skill => compItem = skill);
return super.create(data, options);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/* -------------------------------------------- */
prepareData() {
const actorData = this.data;
const data = actorData.data;
const flags = actorData.flags;
// Dynamic computing fields
this.encombrementTotal = 0;
// Make separate methods for each Actor type (character, npc, etc.) to keep
// things organized.
if (actorData.type === 'personnage') this._prepareCharacterData(actorData);
if (actorData.type === 'creature') this.computeEtatGeneral(actorData);
if (actorData.type === 'humanoide') this.computeEtatGeneral(actorData);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
* Prepare Character type specific data
_prepareCharacterData(actorData) {
// Initialize empty items
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getCurrentReve() {
return this.data.data.reve.reve.value;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getBestDraconic() {
const list = this.getDraconicList().sort((a, b) => b.data.niveau - a.data.niveau);
if (list.length==0)
return { name: "none", niveau: -11 };
return duplicate(list[0]);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async deleteSortReserve(coordTMR) {
let reserve = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.reserve);
let len = reserve.list.length;
let i = 0;
let newTable = [];
for( i=0; i < len; i++) {
if (reserve.list[i].coord != coordTMR )
if ( newTable.length != len ) {
reserve.list = newTable;
await this.update( {"data.reve.reserve": reserve } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async performRoll(rollData) {
// Perform the roll
let rolled = RdDResolutionTable.rollChances(rollData.rollTarget);
//rolled.isPart = true; // Pour tester le particulières
rollData.rolled = rolled; // garder le résultat
this.currentRollData = rollData;
if (rolled.isPart && rollData.arme && !rollData.attackerRoll) { // Réussite particulière avec attaque -> choix !
let message = "<strong>Réussite particulière en attaque<strong>";
message = message + "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='force' data-attackerid='" + this.data._id + "'>Attaquer en Force</a>";
// Finesse et Rapidité seulement en mêlée et si la difficulté libre est de -1 minimum
if (rollData.selectedCarac == "Mêlée" && rollData.bmValue < 0 ) {
message = message + "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='rapidite' data-attackerid='"+ this.data._id + "'>Attaquer en Rapidité</a>";
message = message + "<br><a class='chat-card-button' id='particuliere-attaque' data-mode='finesse' data-attackerid='"+ this.data._id + "'>Attaquer en Finesse</a>";
ChatMessage.create( {content : message, whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients( this.name ) } );
} else {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async continueRoll(rollData) {
let rolled = rollData.rolled;
let result = rolled.roll;
let quality = rolled.quality
// Manage weapon categories when parrying (cf. page 115 )
let need_resist = false; // Do we need to make resistance roll for defender ?
if (rollData.arme && rollData.attackerRoll) { // Manage parade depeding on weapon type, and change roll results
let attCategory = RdDUtility.getArmeCategory(rollData.attackerRoll.arme);
let defCategory = RdDUtility.getArmeCategory(rollData.arme);
if (defCategory == "bouclier")
rollData.needSignificative = true;
else if (attCategory != defCategory)
rollData.needSignificative = true;
if (attCategory.match("epee") && (defCategory == "hache" || defCategory == "lance"))
need_resist = true;
if (this.data.data.sante.sonne.value || rollData.particuliereAttaque == "finesse") {
rollData.needSignificative = true;
console.log(">>> ROLL", rollData, rolled);
let xpmsg = RdDResolutionTable.buildXpMessage(rolled, rollData.finalLevel);
let resumeCompetence = (rollData.competence) ? rollData.competence.name : rollData.bmValue;
let explications = "<br>Points de taches : " + rolled.tache + ", Points de qualité: " + rolled.qualite;
// Fight management !
let defenseMsg;
let encaisser = false;
if (rollData.arme || (rollData.competence && rollData.competence.name.toLowerCase() == 'esquive') ) {
explications = ""
// In case of fight, replace the message per dommages + localization. it indicates if result is OK or not
if (rollData.attackerRoll) { // Defense case !
if (rollData.needSignificative && rolled.isSign ) {
explications += "<br><strong>Attaque parée/esquivée !</strong>";
} else if ( !rollData.needSignificative && rolled.isSuccess) {
explications += "<br><strong>Attaque parée/esquivée !</strong>";
} else {
explications += "<br><strong>Esquive/Parade échouée, encaissement !</strong>";
encaisser = true;
} else { // This is the attack roll!
if (rolled.isSuccess) {
rollData.domArmePlusDom = this._calculBonusDommages(rollData.selectedCarac, rollData.arme, rollData.particuliereAttaque == "force" );
rollData.degats = new Roll("2d10").roll().total + rollData.domArmePlusDom;
rollData.loc = RdDUtility.getLocalisation();
for (let target of game.user.targets) {
defenseMsg = RdDUtility.buildDefenseChatCard(this, target, rollData);
explications += "<br><strong>Cible</strong> : " + target.actor.data.name;
explications += "<br>Dommages : " + rollData.degats + "<br>Localisation : " + rollData.loc.label;
} else {
explications = "<br>Echec ! Pas de dommages";
// Sort management
if (rollData.selectedSort) { // Lancement de sort !
resumeCompetence = rollData.selectedDraconic.name + "/" + sort.name;
explications = await this._rollLancementDeSort(rollData, rolled);
// Save it for fight in the flags area
game.system.rdd.rollDataHandler[this.data._id] = duplicate(rollData);
// Final chat message
let chatOptions = {
content: "<strong>Test : " + rollData.selectedCarac.label + " / " + resumeCompetence + "</strong>"
+ "<br>Jet : " + rollData.selectedCarac.value + " / " + rollData.finalLevelStr + " -> " + rolled.score + "%<br><strong>Résutat : </strong>" + rolled.roll
+ "<br><strong>" + quality + "</strong>"
+ explications + xpmsg,
user: game.user._id,
title: "Résultat du test"
// This an attack, generate the defense message
if (defenseMsg) {
defenseMsg.rollData = duplicate(rollData);
if (defenseMsg.toSocket) {
game.socket.emit("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", {
msg: "msg_defense",
data: defenseMsg
} else {
defenseMsg.whisper = [game.user];
// Get damages!
if (encaisser) {
_calculBonusDommages(carac, arme, isForce=false) {
const dmgArme = parseInt(arme.data.dommages) + (isForce)? 5 : 0;
const dmgPerso = parseInt(this.data.data.attributs.plusdom.value);
if (carac.label == "Tir") {
return dmgArme;
if (carac.label == "Lancer") {
return dmgArme + Math.min(dmgArme, dmgPerso);
return dmgArme + dmgPerso;
async _rollLancementDeSort(rollData, rolled) {
let sort = duplicate(rollData.selectedSort);
let closeTMR = true;
let coutReve = sort.data.ptreve_reel || sort.data.ptreve; // cas de sort à ptreve variables
let explications = "<br>Lancement du sort <strong>" + sort.name + "</strong> : " + Misc._upperFirst(sort.data.draconic)
+ " pour "+coutReve+ " points de Rêve"
+ "<br>Depuis la case " + rollData.coord + " (" + TMRUtility.getTMRDescription(rollData.coord).label + ")";
let myReve = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.reve);
if (rolled.isSuccess) { // Réussite du sort !
sort.ptreve_reel = coutReve;
if (rolled.isPart) {
coutReve = Math.max(Math.ceil(coutReve / 2), 1);
if (myReve.value > coutReve){
explications += "<br>Réussite du sort: " + coutReve + " points de Rêve sont dépensés";
if (rollData.isSortReserve) {
// Mise en réserve
await this.sortMisEnReserve(rollData, sort);
closeTMR = false;
else {
// Todo 0 pts de reve !!!!
explications += "<br>Pas assez de rêve";
mergeObject(rollData, RdDResolutionTable.getResultat("echec"));
} else {
if (rolled.isETotal) { // Echec total !
coutReve *= 2;
myReve.value = myReve.value - coutReve;
explications += "<br><strong>Echec TOTAL</strong> du sort : " + coutReve + " Points de Rêve";
} else {
coutReve = 0
explications += "<br>Echec du sort !";
myReve.value = Math.max(myReve.value - coutReve, 0);
await this.update({ "data.reve.reve": myReve });
if (myReve.value == 0) { // 0 points de reve
ChatMessage.create({ title: "Zero Points de Reve !", content: this.name + " est réduit à 0 Points de Rêve, et tombe endormi !" });
closeTMR = true;
if (closeTMR) {
this.currentTMR.close(); // Close TMR !
return explications
async sortMisEnReserve(rollData, sort) {
let reserve = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.reserve);
reserve.list.push({ coord: rollData.coord, sort: sort, draconic: duplicate(rollData.selectedDraconic) });
await this.update({ "data.reve.reserve": reserve });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
updateCarac( caracName, caracValue )
let caracpath = "data.carac." + caracName + ".value"
this.update( { caracpath: caracValue } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCreatureCompetence( compName, fieldName, compValue )
let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName);
console.log( comp );
if ( comp ) {
const update = {_id: comp._id }
if (fieldName == "niveau")
update['data.niveau'] = compValue;
else if (fieldName == "dommages")
update['data.dommages'] = compValue;
update['data.carac_value'] = compValue;
const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCompetence( compName, compValue )
let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName);
if ( comp ) {
let troncList = RdDUtility.isTronc( compName );
let maxNiveau = compValue;
if ( troncList ) {
let message = "Vous avez modifié une compétence 'tronc'. Vérifiez que les compétences suivantes évoluent ensemble jusqu'au niveau 0 : ";
for(let troncName of troncList) {
message += "<br>" + troncName;
ChatMessage.create( { title : "Compétence Tron",
content: message } );
const update = {_id: comp._id, 'data.niveau': maxNiveau };
const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity
} else {
console.log("Competence not found", compName);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCompetenceXP( compName, compValue )
let comp = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, compName);
if ( comp ) {
const update = {_id: comp._id, 'data.xp': compValue };
const updated = await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update); // Updates one EmbeddedEntity
} else {
console.log("Competence not found", compName);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updateCompteurValue( fieldName, fieldValue )
//console.log("Update", fieldName, fieldValue);
let content;
let compteurs = duplicate(this.data.data.compteurs);
compteurs[fieldName].value = fieldValue;
await this.update( {"data.compteurs": compteurs } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Supprime un item d'un conteneur, sur la base
* de leurs ID */
async enleverDeConteneur( itemId, conteneurId ) {
if ( !conteneurId ) return; // pas de conteneur (porté sur soi)
let conteneur = this.items.find( conteneur => conteneurId == conteneur._id); // recup conteneur
if ( conteneur ) { // Si présent
//console.log("Suppression du conteneur1", conteneurId, itemId, conteneur.data.data.contenu);
let contenu = conteneur.data.data.contenu;
contenu.splice(contenu.indexOf('itemId'), 1);
//let newContenu = conteneur.data.data.contenu.filter( function(value, index, arr) { return value != itemId } );
//console.log("Suppression du conteneur2", conteneurId, itemId, newContenu);
//let update = {_id: conteneurId, "data.contenu": newContenu };
await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", conteneur.data);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** Ajoute un item dans un conteneur, sur la base
* de leurs ID */
async ajouterAConteneur( itemId, conteneurId ) {
if ( !conteneurId ) return; // pas de conteneur (porté sur soi)
let conteneur = this.items.find( conteneur => conteneurId == conteneur._id);
if ( conteneur && conteneur.type == 'conteneur' ) {
conteneur.data.data.contenu.push( itemId );
await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", conteneur.data );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
detectSurEncombrement( ) {
let diffEnc = Number(this.encombrementTotal) - Number(this.data.data.attributs.encombrement.value);
if ( diffEnc > 0 ) { // Sur-encombrement
let malus = Math.round( diffEnc);
malus = (malus == 0) ? 1 : malus; // Always 1 at least
//console.log("Sur enc malus", malus);
return malus;
return 0;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeEncombrementTotal( ) {
let totalEnc = 0;
for (const item of this.data.items) {
if ( item.data && item.data.encombrement ) { // Enc value filtering
totalEnc += Number(item.data.encombrement);
this.encombrementTotal = totalEnc;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeEtatGeneral( )
let data = this.data.data;
let state = 0;
state = state - (data.sante.vie.max - data.sante.vie.value);
if (data.sante.fatigue) // Creatures n'ont pas de fatigue
state = state + RdDUtility.currentFatigueMalus(data.sante.fatigue.value, data.sante.endurance.max);
state = state - this.detectSurEncombrement();
data.compteurs.etat.value = state;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async ajouterRefoulement( value=1) {
let ret = "none";
let refoulement = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.refoulement);
refoulement.value = refoulement.value + value;
let total = new Roll("d20").roll().total;
if ( total <= refoulement.value ) {
refoulement.value = 0;
let souffle = RdDRollTables.getSouffle();
ChatMessage.create( { title : "Souffle de Dragon",
content: game.user.name + " subit un Souffle de Dragon : " + souffle.name } );
ret = "souffle";
await this.update( {"data.reve.refoulement": refoulement } );
return ret;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async deleteTMRRencontreAtPosition( ) {
let rencontres = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.rencontre);
let len = rencontres.list.length;
let i = 0;
//console.log("List", rencontres, len);
let newTable = [];
for( i=0; i < len; i++) {
if (rencontres.list[i].coord != this.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord )
if ( newTable.length != len ) {
rencontres.list = newTable;
//console.log("Result: ", rencontres);
await this.update( {"data.reve.rencontre": rencontres } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async addTMRRencontre( currentRencontre ) {
let rencontres = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.rencontre);
let len = rencontres.list.length;
let i = 0;
let already = false;
for( i=0; i < len; i++) {
if (rencontres.list[i].coord == this.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord )
already = true;
if ( !already ) {
rencontres.list.push( {coord: this.data.data.reve.tmrpos.coord, rencontre: currentRencontre} );
await this.update( {"data.reve.rencontre": rencontres } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async updatePointsDeReve( value ) {
let reve = duplicate(this.data.data.reve.reve);
reve.value = Math.max(reve.value + value, 0);
await this.update( {"data.reve.reve": reve } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
testSiSonne( sante, endurance )
let result = new Roll("d20").roll().total;
if ( result <= endurance.value)
sante.sonne.value = false;
if ( result > endurance.value || result == 20) // 20 is always a failure
sante.sonne.value = true;
if (result == 1) {
sante.sonne.value = false;
let xp = parseInt(this.data.data.carac.constitution.xp) + parseInt(1);
this.update( {"data.carac.constitution.xp": xp } ); // +1 XP !
// TODO : Output to chat
/* -------------------------------------------- */
GetNumberBlessures( blessuresListe )
let nbB = 0;
for ( let b of blessuresListe) {
nbB += ( b.active) ? 1 : 0;
return nbB;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async santeIncDec(name, inc ) {
const sante = duplicate(this.data.data.sante);
let data = sante[name];
let lastValue = data.value; // Useful for Endurance and Sonné
data.value = data.value + inc;
if ( data.value > data.max ) data.value = data.max;
if ( data.value < 0 ) data.value = 0;
if (name == "endurance") {
if ( sante.fatigue && inc < 0 ) // Each endurance lost -> fatigue lost
sante.fatigue.value = sante.fatigue.value - inc
// If endurance is 0 -> -1 vie
if ( data.value == 0 && sante.vie.value > 0) {
sante.vie.value = sante.vie.value - 1;
let diffVie = sante.vie.max - sante.vie.value;
if ( data.value > data.max - (diffVie*2) ) {
data.value = data.max - (diffVie*2);
if ( data.value < 0 ) data.value = 0; // Security
let blessures = this.data.data.blessures;
let nbGraves = this.GetNumberBlessures(blessures.graves.liste);
let nbCritiques = this.GetNumberBlessures(blessures.critiques.liste);
let maxEnd = Math.floor( data.max / nbGraves);
if (data.value > maxEnd ) data.value = maxEnd;
if ( nbCritiques > 0 && data.value > 1) data.value = 1;
if (lastValue - data.value > 1) this.testSiSonne(sante, data); // Peut-être sonné si 2 points d'endurance perdus d'un coup
//console.log(name, inc, data.value);
let diffEndurance = sante.endurance.max - this.data.data.sante.endurance.value;
if ( sante.fatigue && sante.fatigue.value < diffEndurance) // If endurance lost, then the same amount of fatigue cannot be recovered
sante.fatigue.value = diffEndurance;
//console.log("SANTE::::", sante);
await this.update( {"data.sante": sante } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async manageBlessureFromSheet( bType, index, active ) {
let bList = duplicate(this.data.data.blessures);
let blessure = bList[bType+"s"].liste[index];
blessure.active = !blessure.active;
if ( !blessure.active ) {
blessure.premiers_soins = 0;
blessure.soins_complets = 0;
blessure.jours = 0;
blessure.localisation = "";
//console.log("Blessure update", bType, index, blessure, bList );
await this.update( { 'data.blessures': bList } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async setDataBlessureFromSheet( bType, index, psoins, pcomplets, jours, loc) {
let bList = duplicate(this.data.data.blessures);
let blessure = bList[bType+"s"].liste[index];
blessure.premiers_soins = psoins;
blessure.soins_complets = pcomplets;
blessure.jours = jours;
blessure.localisation = loc;
await this.update( { 'data.blessures': bList } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
manageBlessures( blessuresData )
let workData = duplicate(blessuresData);
// Fast exit
if ( blessuresData.legeres + blessuresData.graves + blessuresData.critiques == 0 ) return;
let blessures = duplicate(this.data.data.blessures);
// Manage blessures
if ( workData.legeres > 0 ) {
for (let k=0; k<blessures.legeres.liste.length; k++) {
let bless = blessures.legeres.liste[k];
if ( !bless.active ){
bless.active = true;
bless.loc = workData.locName;
if (workData.legeres == 0) break;
if ( workData.legeres > 0 ) {
workData.graves += 1;
blessuresData.graves += 1;
if ( workData.graves > 0) {
for (let k=0; k<blessures.graves.liste.length; k++) {
let bless = blessures.graves.liste[k];
if ( !bless.active ) {
bless.active = true;
bless.loc = workData.locName;
if ( workData.graves == 0) break;
if ( workData.graves > 0 ) {
workData.critiques = 1;
blessuresData.critiques = 1;
if ( workData.critiques > 0 ) {
workData.endurance = this.data.data.sante.endurance.value; // Patch with real endurance current value (ie end -> 0 when critique)
blessures.critiques.liste[0].active = true;
blessures.critiques.liste[0].loc = workData.locName;
this.update( { "data.blessures": blessures } );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async stressTest() {
let target = RdDResolutionTable.computeChances(this.data.data.carac.reve.value, 0);
let stressRoll = this._stressRoll(target);
let compteurs = duplicate(this.data.data.compteurs);
let convertion = Math.floor(compteurs.stress.value * stressRoll.factor);
compteurs.experience.value += convertion;
compteurs.stress.value = Math.max(compteurs.stress.value - convertion - 1, 0);
title: "Jet de Stress", content: "Vous avez transformé " + convertion + " points de Stress en Expérience avec une réussite " + stressRoll.comment,
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(game.user.name)
await this.update({ "data.compteurs": compteurs });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
_stressRoll(target) {
let result = RdDResolutionTable.rollChances(target)
switch (result.quality) {
case "sign": return { factor: 0.75, comment: "Significative (75%) - " + result.roll }
case "norm": return { factor: 0.5, comment: "Normale (50%) - " + result.roll }
case "echec": return { factor: 0.2, comment: "Echec (20%) - " + result.roll }
case "epart": return { factor: 0.1, comment: "Echec particulier(10%) - " + result.roll }
case "etotal": return { factor: 0, comment: "Echec Total (0%) - " + result.roll }
let second = RdDResolutionTable.rollChances(target)
switch (second.qualite) {
case "part": case "sign":
return { factor: 1.5, comment: "Double Particulière (150%) - " + result.roll + " puis " + second.roll }
return { factor: 1, comment: "Particulière (100%) - " + result.roll + " puis " + second.roll }
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollUnSort(coord) {
let draconicList = this.getDraconicList();
let sortList = duplicate(this.getSortList()); // Duplication car les pts de reve sont modifiés dans le sort
let rollData = {
selectedCarac: this.data.data.carac.reve,
etat: this.data.data.compteurs.etat.value,
draconicList: draconicList,
sortList: sortList,
selectedDraconic: this.getBestDraconic(),
selectedSort: sortList[0],
coord: coord,
finalLevel: 0,
bmValue: sortList[0].data.difficulte, // Per default at startup
coutreve: Array(20).fill().map((item, index) => 1 + index),
bonusmalusTable: CONFIG.RDD.bonusmalus
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-sort.html', rollData);
new RdDRollDialog("sort", html, rollData, this ).render(true);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCarac( caracName )
let rollData = {
selectedCarac: this.data.data.carac[caracName],
bonusmalusTable: CONFIG.RDD.bonusmalus,
etat: this.data.data.compteurs.etat.value,
finalLevel: 0,
bmValue: 0
console.log(caracName, rollData);
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-roll-carac.html', rollData);
new RdDRollDialog("carac", html, rollData, this ).render(true);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getSortList() {
return this.data.items.filter(item => item.type == "sort");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
getDraconicList() {
return this.data.items.filter(item => item.data.categorie == 'draconic')
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async displayTMR(mode="normal" )
let isRapide= mode == "rapide"
if (mode != "visu")
let minReveValue = (isRapide) ? 3 : 2;
if (this.data.data.reve.reve.value <= minReveValue ) {
ChatMessage.create( { title: "Montée impossible !", content: "Vous n'avez plus assez de Points de Reve pour monter dans les Terres Médianes",
whisper: ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(game.user.name) } );
let data = {
fatigueHTML:"<table class='table-fatigue'>" + RdDUtility.makeHTMLfatigueMatrix( this.data.data.sante.fatigue.value, this.data.data.sante.endurance.max ).html() + "</table>",
draconic: this.getDraconicList(),
sort: this.getSortList(),
caracReve: this.data.data.carac.reve.value,
pointsReve: this.data.data.reve.reve.value,
isRapide: isRapide
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-tmr.html', data );
this.currentTMR = new RdDTMRDialog(html, this, data, mode == "visu");
/* -------------------------------------------- */
rollArme( armeName )
let armeItem = this.data.items.find(item=>item.type==="arme" && (item.name === armeName));
if ( armeItem && armeItem.data.competence )
this.rollCompetence( armeItem.data.competence, armeItem );
this.rollCompetence( armeName ); //Bypass mode!
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async rollCompetence( name, armeItem=undefined, attackerRoll=undefined )
let competence = RdDUtility.findCompetence( this.data.items, name);
console.log("rollCompetence !!!", competence, armeItem, attackerRoll);
// Common rollData values
let rollData = {
bonusmalusTable: CONFIG.RDD.bonusmalus,
etat: this.data.data.compteurs.etat.value,
bmValue: (attackerRoll) ? attackerRoll.bmValue : 0,
attackerRoll: attackerRoll,
finalLevel: 0
if ( competence.type == 'competencecreature') { // Specific case for Creatures
if ( competence.data.iscombat ) {
armeItem = { name: name, data: { dommages: competence.data.dommages} };
competence.data.defaut_carac = "carac_creature"; // Fake default competence
competence.data.categorie = "creature"; // Fake default competence
rollData.competence = competence;
rollData.arme = armeItem;
rollData.carac = { carac_creature: { label: name, value: competence.data.carac_value } };
} else { // Usual competence
rollData.competence = competence;
rollData.arme = armeItem;
rollData.carac = this.data.data.carac;
let html = await renderTemplate('systems/foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon/templates/dialog-competence.html', rollData);
if (rollData.arme) {
new RdDRollDialog("arme", html, rollData, this ).render(true);
} else {
new RdDRollDialog("competence", html, rollData, this ).render(true);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
async equiperObjet( itemID )
let item = this.getOwnedItem(itemID);
if ( item && item.data.data ) {
let update = {_id: item._id, "data.equipe": !item.data.data.equipe };
await this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update);
this.computeEncombrementTotal(); // Mise à jour encombrement
/* -------------------------------------------- */
computeArmure( locData, domArmePlusDom )
let protection = 0;
for (const item of this.data.items) {
if (item.type == "armure" && item.data.equipe) {
let update = duplicate(item);
protection += new Roll(update.data.protection.toString()).roll().total;
update.data.deterioration += domArmePlusDom;
domArmePlusDom = 0; // Reset it
if ( update.data.deterioration >= 10) {
update.data.deterioration = 0;
if ( update.data.protection.toString().length == 1 )
update.data.protection = "d"+update.data.protection+"-0";
else {
let regex = /d\(d+)\-(\d+)/g;
let res = regex.exec( update.data.protection );
update.data.protection = "d"+res[1]+"-"+(parseInt(res[2])+1);
/* TODO - POST chat message */
this.updateEmbeddedEntity("OwnedItem", update);
console.log("Final protect", protection);
return protection;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
encaisserDommages( attackerRoll ) {
console.log("encaisserDommages", attackerRoll )
const armure = this.computeArmure( attackerRoll.loc, attackerRoll.domArmePlusDom);
let degatsReel = attackerRoll.degats - armure;
let result = RdDUtility.computeBlessuresSante(degatsReel, attackerRoll.mortalite);
this.santeIncDec("vie", result.vie);
this.santeIncDec("endurance", result.endurance);
result.locName = attackerRoll.loc.label;
this.manageBlessures(result); // Will upate the result table
const blessureLegere = (result.legeres > 0 ? "une blessure légère" : "");
const blessureGrave = (result.graves > 0 ? "une blessure grave" : "");
const blessureCritique = (result.critiques > 0 ? "une blessure critique" : "");
title: "Blessures !", content: this.data.name + " a encaissé : " +
"<br>Encaissement final : " + degatsReel +
"<br>" + blessureLegere + blessureGrave + blessureCritique +
"<br>Et a perdu : " +
"<br>" + result.endurance + " Endurance et " + result.vie + " Points de Vie"
/* -------------------------------------------- */
parerAttaque( attackerRoll, armeId )
let armeItem = this.getOwnedItem(armeId); // Item.data.data !
console.log("Going to PARY !!!!!!!!!", armeItem, attackerRoll.bmValue);
this.rollCompetence( armeItem.data.data.competence, armeItem.data, attackerRoll );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
esquiverAttaque( attackerRoll )
this.rollCompetence( "esquive", undefined, attackerRoll );
/* -------------------------------------------- */
/** @override */
getRollData() {
const data = super.getRollData();
return data;