- verrouiller - ajout de détails de particulières dans le message de défense - le personnage monte dans les TMRs - indiquer quel personnage dort (plutôt que le joueur)
89 lines
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89 lines
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* Class providing helper methods to get the list of users, and
export class ChatUtility {
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static removeMyChatMessageContaining(part) {
const toDelete = game.messages.filter(it => it.user._id == game.user._id)
.filter(it => it.data.content.includes(part));
toDelete.forEach(it => it.delete());
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static createChatWithRollMode(name, chatOptions) {
ChatUtility.createChatMessage(name, game.settings.get("core", "rollMode"), chatOptions);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static createChatMessage(name, rollMode, chatOptions) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": // GM only
if (!game.user.isGM) {
chatOptions.whisper = [game.user._id];
chatOptions.content = "Message envoyé en aveugle au Gardien";
else {
chatOptions.whisper = ChatUtility.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatOptions.whisper = ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name);
chatOptions.alias = chatOptions.alias || name;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static prepareChatMessage(rollMode, name) {
return {
user: game.user._id,
whisper: ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipients(rollMode, name) {
switch (rollMode) {
case "blindroll": return ChatUtility.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
case "gmroll": return ChatUtility.getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name);
case "selfroll": return [game.user._id];
return undefined;
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getWhisperRecipientsAndGMs(name) {
return ChatMessage.getWhisperRecipients(name)
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static getUsers(filter) {
return game.users.filter(filter).map(user => user.data._id);
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static blindMessageToGM(chatOptions) {
let chatGM = duplicate(chatOptions);
chatGM.whisper = ChatUtility.getUsers(user => user.isGM);
chatGM.content = "Message aveugle de " + game.user.name + "<br>" + chatOptions.content;
console.log("blindMessageToGM", chatGM);
game.socket.emit("system.foundryvtt-reve-de-dragon", { msg: "msg_gm_chat_message", data: chatGM });
/* -------------------------------------------- */
static handleGMChatMessage(data) {
console.log("blindMessageToGM", data);
if (game.user.isGM) { // message privé pour GM only
data.user = game.user._id;