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import { extractPack, compilePack } from '@foundryvtt/foundryvtt-cli';
import { promises as fs } from 'fs';
import path from "path";
const MODULE_ID = process.cwd();
export class CompendiumsManager {
static async packToDistDir(srcDir = 'packs_src', distDir = 'packs', mode = 'yaml') {
const yaml = mode === 'yaml'
const packs = await fs.readdir('./' + srcDir);
for (const pack of packs) {
if (pack === '.gitattributes') continue;
console.log('Packing ' + pack);
await compilePack(
{ yaml }
static async unpackToSrcDir(srcDir = 'packs_src', distDir = 'packs', mode = 'yaml') {
const yaml = mode === 'yaml'
const packs = await fs.readdir("./" + distDir);
for (const pack of packs) {
if (pack === ".gitattributes") continue;
if (pack === ".directory") continue;
if (pack.endsWith(".db")) continue;
console.log("Unpacking " + pack);
const directory = `./${srcDir}/${pack}`;
// Create the directory if it doesn't exist
await fs.mkdir(directory, { recursive: true });
try {
for (const file of await fs.readdir(directory)) {
await fs.unlink(path.join(directory, file));
} catch (error) {
if (error.code === "ENOENT") console.log("No files inside of " + pack);
else console.log(error);
await extractPack(
yaml: mode === 'yaml',
transformName: doc => CompendiumsManager.transformName(doc, mode === 'yaml'),
* Prefaces the document with its type
* @param {object} doc - The document data
static transformName(doc, yaml) {
const safeFileName = doc.name.replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9А-я]/g, "_");
const type = doc._key.split("!")[1];
const prefix = ["actors", "items"].includes(type) ? doc.type : type;
return `${doc.name ? `${prefix}_${safeFileName}_${doc._id}` : doc._id}.${yaml ? "yml" : "json"}`;