"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.getJoiner = void 0; const primitives_js_1 = require("../../primitives.cjs"); /** * Makes no changes to `spec.lines[].tokens` but joins them into `spec.description` * following given spacing srtategy * @param {Spacing} spacing tells how to handle the whitespace * @param {BlockMarkers} markers tells how to handle comment block delimitation */ function descriptionTokenizer(spacing = 'compact', markers = primitives_js_1.Markers) { const join = getJoiner(spacing); return spec => { spec.description = join(spec.source, markers); return spec; }; } exports.default = descriptionTokenizer; function getJoiner(spacing) { if (spacing === 'compact') return compactJoiner; if (spacing === 'preserve') return preserveJoiner; return spacing; } exports.getJoiner = getJoiner; function compactJoiner(lines, markers = primitives_js_1.Markers) { return lines.map(({ tokens: { description } }) => description.trim()).filter(description => description !== '').join(' '); } const lineNo = (num, { tokens }, i) => tokens.type === '' ? num : i; const getDescription = ({ tokens }) => (tokens.delimiter === '' ? tokens.start : tokens.postDelimiter.slice(1)) + tokens.description; function preserveJoiner(lines, markers = primitives_js_1.Markers) { if (lines.length === 0) return ''; // skip the opening line with no description if (lines[0].tokens.description === '' && lines[0].tokens.delimiter === markers.start) lines = lines.slice(1); // skip the closing line with no description const lastLine = lines[lines.length - 1]; if (lastLine !== undefined && lastLine.tokens.description === '' && lastLine.tokens.end.endsWith(markers.end)) lines = lines.slice(0, -1); // description starts at the last line of type definition lines = lines.slice(lines.reduce(lineNo, 0)); return lines.map(getDescription).join('\n'); } //# sourceMappingURL=description.cjs.map