"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _iterateJsdoc = _interopRequireDefault(require("../iterateJsdoc.cjs")); function _interopRequireDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var _default = exports.default = (0, _iterateJsdoc.default)(({ context, jsdoc, utils }) => { const { allowMultipleTags = true, noFinalLineText = true, noZeroLineText = true, noSingleLineBlocks = false, singleLineTags = ['lends', 'type'], noMultilineBlocks = false, minimumLengthForMultiline = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, multilineTags = ['*'] } = context.options[0] || {}; const { source: [{ tokens }] } = jsdoc; const { description, tag } = tokens; const sourceLength = jsdoc.source.length; /** * @param {string} tagName * @returns {boolean} */ const isInvalidSingleLine = tagName => { return noSingleLineBlocks && (!tagName || !singleLineTags.includes(tagName) && !singleLineTags.includes('*')); }; if (sourceLength === 1) { if (!isInvalidSingleLine(tag.slice(1))) { return; } const fixer = () => { utils.makeMultiline(); }; utils.reportJSDoc('Single line blocks are not permitted by your configuration.', null, fixer, true); return; } const lineChecks = () => { if (noZeroLineText && (tag || description)) { const fixer = () => { const line = { ...tokens }; utils.emptyTokens(tokens); const { tokens: { delimiter, start } } = jsdoc.source[1]; utils.addLine(1, { ...line, delimiter, start }); }; utils.reportJSDoc('Should have no text on the "0th" line (after the `/**`).', null, fixer); return; } const finalLine = jsdoc.source[jsdoc.source.length - 1]; const finalLineTokens = finalLine.tokens; if (noFinalLineText && finalLineTokens.description.trim()) { const fixer = () => { const line = { ...finalLineTokens }; line.description = line.description.trimEnd(); const { delimiter } = line; for (const prop of ['delimiter', 'postDelimiter', 'tag', 'type', 'lineEnd', 'postType', 'postTag', 'name', 'postName', 'description']) { finalLineTokens[( /** * @type {"delimiter"|"postDelimiter"|"tag"|"type"| * "lineEnd"|"postType"|"postTag"|"name"| * "postName"|"description"} */ prop)] = ''; } utils.addLine(jsdoc.source.length - 1, { ...line, delimiter, end: '' }); }; utils.reportJSDoc('Should have no text on the final line (before the `*/`).', null, fixer); } }; if (noMultilineBlocks) { if (jsdoc.tags.length && (multilineTags.includes('*') || utils.hasATag(multilineTags))) { lineChecks(); return; } if (jsdoc.description.length >= minimumLengthForMultiline) { lineChecks(); return; } if (noSingleLineBlocks && (!jsdoc.tags.length || !utils.filterTags(({ tag: tg }) => { return !isInvalidSingleLine(tg); }).length)) { utils.reportJSDoc('Multiline jsdoc blocks are prohibited by ' + 'your configuration but fixing would result in a single ' + 'line block which you have prohibited with `noSingleLineBlocks`.'); return; } if (jsdoc.tags.length > 1) { if (!allowMultipleTags) { utils.reportJSDoc('Multiline jsdoc blocks are prohibited by ' + 'your configuration but the block has multiple tags.'); return; } } else if (jsdoc.tags.length === 1 && jsdoc.description.trim()) { if (!allowMultipleTags) { utils.reportJSDoc('Multiline jsdoc blocks are prohibited by ' + 'your configuration but the block has a description with a tag.'); return; } } else { const fixer = () => { jsdoc.source = [{ number: 1, source: '', tokens: jsdoc.source.reduce((obj, { tokens: { description: desc, tag: tg, type: typ, name: nme, lineEnd, postType, postName, postTag } }) => { if (typ) { obj.type = typ; } if (tg && typ && nme) { obj.postType = postType; } if (nme) { obj.name += nme; } if (nme && desc) { obj.postName = postName; } obj.description += desc; const nameOrDescription = obj.description || obj.name; if (nameOrDescription && nameOrDescription.slice(-1) !== ' ') { obj.description += ' '; } obj.lineEnd = lineEnd; // Already filtered for multiple tags obj.tag += tg; if (tg) { obj.postTag = postTag || ' '; } return obj; }, utils.seedTokens({ delimiter: '/**', end: '*/', postDelimiter: ' ' })) }]; }; utils.reportJSDoc('Multiline jsdoc blocks are prohibited by ' + 'your configuration.', null, fixer); return; } } lineChecks(); }, { iterateAllJsdocs: true, meta: { docs: { description: 'Controls how and whether jsdoc blocks can be expressed as single or multiple line blocks.', url: 'https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/docs/rules/multiline-blocks.md#repos-sticky-header' }, fixable: 'code', schema: [{ additionalProperties: false, properties: { allowMultipleTags: { type: 'boolean' }, minimumLengthForMultiline: { type: 'integer' }, multilineTags: { anyOf: [{ enum: ['*'], type: 'string' }, { items: { type: 'string' }, type: 'array' }] }, noFinalLineText: { type: 'boolean' }, noMultilineBlocks: { type: 'boolean' }, noSingleLineBlocks: { type: 'boolean' }, noZeroLineText: { type: 'boolean' }, singleLineTags: { items: { type: 'string' }, type: 'array' } }, type: 'object' }], type: 'suggestion' } }); module.exports = exports.default; //# sourceMappingURL=multilineBlocks.cjs.map