"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _iterateJsdoc = _interopRequireDefault(require("../iterateJsdoc.cjs")); function _interopRequireDefault(e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { default: e }; } var _default = exports.default = (0, _iterateJsdoc.default)(({ sourceCode, utils, report, context, jsdoc, jsdocNode }) => { const [mainCircumstance, { tags = null } = {}] = context.options; const tgs = /** * @type {null|"any"|{[key: string]: "always"|"never"}} */ tags; /** * @param {import('@es-joy/jsdoccomment').JsdocTagWithInline} jsdocTag * @param {string} targetTagName * @param {"always"|"never"} [circumstance] * @returns {void} */ const checkHyphens = (jsdocTag, targetTagName, circumstance = mainCircumstance) => { const always = !circumstance || circumstance === 'always'; const desc = /** @type {string} */utils.getTagDescription(jsdocTag); if (!desc.trim()) { return; } const startsWithHyphen = /^\s*-/u.test(desc); if (always) { if (!startsWithHyphen) { report(`There must be a hyphen before @${targetTagName} description.`, fixer => { const lineIndex = /** @type {import('../iterateJsdoc.js').Integer} */ jsdocTag.line; const sourceLines = sourceCode.getText(jsdocNode).split('\n'); // Get start index of description, accounting for multi-line descriptions const description = desc.split('\n')[0]; const descriptionIndex = sourceLines[lineIndex].lastIndexOf(description); const replacementLine = sourceLines[lineIndex].slice(0, descriptionIndex) + '- ' + description; sourceLines.splice(lineIndex, 1, replacementLine); const replacement = sourceLines.join('\n'); return fixer.replaceText(jsdocNode, replacement); }, jsdocTag); } } else if (startsWithHyphen) { let lines = 0; for (const { tokens } of jsdocTag.source) { if (tokens.description) { break; } lines++; } utils.reportJSDoc(`There must be no hyphen before @${targetTagName} description.`, { line: jsdocTag.source[0].number + lines }, () => { for (const { tokens } of jsdocTag.source) { if (tokens.description) { tokens.description = tokens.description.replace(/^\s*-\s*/u, ''); break; } } }, true); } }; utils.forEachPreferredTag('param', checkHyphens); if (tgs) { const tagEntries = Object.entries(tgs); for (const [tagName, circumstance] of tagEntries) { if (tagName === '*') { const preferredParamTag = utils.getPreferredTagName({ tagName: 'param' }); for (const { tag } of jsdoc.tags) { if (tag === preferredParamTag || tagEntries.some(([tagNme]) => { return tagNme !== '*' && tagNme === tag; })) { continue; } utils.forEachPreferredTag(tag, (jsdocTag, targetTagName) => { checkHyphens(jsdocTag, targetTagName, /** @type {"always"|"never"} */circumstance); }); } continue; } utils.forEachPreferredTag(tagName, (jsdocTag, targetTagName) => { checkHyphens(jsdocTag, targetTagName, /** @type {"always"|"never"} */circumstance); }); } } }, { iterateAllJsdocs: true, meta: { docs: { description: 'Requires a hyphen before the `@param` description.', url: 'https://github.com/gajus/eslint-plugin-jsdoc/blob/main/docs/rules/require-hyphen-before-param-description.md#repos-sticky-header' }, fixable: 'code', schema: [{ enum: ['always', 'never'], type: 'string' }, { additionalProperties: false, properties: { tags: { anyOf: [{ patternProperties: { '.*': { enum: ['always', 'never'], type: 'string' } }, type: 'object' }, { enum: ['any'], type: 'string' }] } }, type: 'object' }], type: 'layout' } }); module.exports = exports.default; //# sourceMappingURL=requireHyphenBeforeParamDescription.cjs.map