'use strict'; var File = require('vinyl'); var vinylContents = require('vinyl-contents'); var helpers = require('./lib/helpers'); var PLUGIN_NAME = 'vinyl-sourcemap'; function add(file, callback) { // Bail early an error if the file argument is not a Vinyl file if (!File.isVinyl(file)) { return callback(new Error(PLUGIN_NAME + '-add: Not a vinyl file')); } // Bail early successfully if file is null or already has a sourcemap if (file.isNull() || file.sourceMap) { return callback(null, file); } vinylContents(file, onContents); function onContents(err, contents) { if (err) { return callback(err); } var state = { path: '', // Root path for the sources in the map map: null, content: contents.toString(), // TODO: handle this? preExistingComment: null, }; helpers.addSourceMaps(file, state, callback); } } function write(file, destPath, callback) { // Check if options or a callback are passed as second argument if (typeof destPath === 'function') { callback = destPath; destPath = undefined; } // Bail early with an error if the file argument is not a Vinyl file if (!File.isVinyl(file)) { return callback(new Error(PLUGIN_NAME + '-write: Not a vinyl file')); } // Bail early successfully if file is null or doesn't have sourcemap if (file.isNull() || !file.sourceMap) { return callback(null, file); } helpers.writeSourceMaps(file, destPath, callback); } module.exports = { add: add, write: write, };