
Cater to callback and promise crowds.
Simple utility to allow your module to be consumed with a callback or promise. For Node.js and browsers.

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If your module internally uses callbacks:

const { fromCallback } = require('catering')
const kPromise = Symbol('promise')

module.exports = function (callback) {
  callback = fromCallback(callback, kPromise)
  queueMicrotask(() => callback(null, 'example'))
  return callback[kPromise]

If your module internally uses promises:

const { fromPromise } = require('catering')

module.exports = function (callback) {
  return fromPromise(Promise.resolve('example'), callback)

Either way your module can now be consumed in two ways:

example((err, result) => {})
const result = await example()

When converting from a promise to a callback, fromPromise calls the callback in a next tick to escape the promise chain and not let it steal your beautiful errors.


With npm do:

npm install catering


MIT © 2018-present Vincent Weevers. Originally extracted from levelup.