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2021-12-22 17:25:01 +01:00
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"label": "Description des Carrières",
"entries": [
"id": "Advisor",
"name": "Conseiller",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>&lsquo;Sigmar votes with Reikland for three. The dead Emperor, Mootland, and Reikland will vote the same way, taking Reikland to six. As you know, you need seven votes to become emperor. Given Ar&rsquo;Ulric always votes for Middenheim, it&rsquo;s highly unlikely the Imperial seat will return to Nuln while the House of Third Wilhelm flourishes. Best hope for a daughter, your Grace. A marriageable one.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Krammond, Advisor to the Elector Count of Nuln, 2475 IC<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<div style=\"font-style: normal;\">\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<h3 style=\"font-style: normal;\">Wise and well-informed, you provide advice and guidance so your employer prospers.<\/h3>\n<p style=\"font-style: normal;\">&nbsp;&nbsp;Advisors provide counsel to those they serve. Well-versed in the political and social conditions of their employer&rsquo;s domain, they are privy to confidential and sensitive information. While many Advisors are born into their positions, others actively seek noble patronage as a path to wealth and power. Some young royals pick their university or childhood friends as their first Aide, trusting them to say what no one else will.<\/p>\n<p style=\"font-style: normal;\">Long years at court or in service to a lesser noble pave the way to the loftier heights of their careers. Many Advisors do not serve the nobility at all, instead lending their extensive capabilities to criminals, warlords, merchants, cults, or guilds.<\/p>\n<p style=\"font-style: normal;\">If there is something peculiar or dangerous happening within their employer&rsquo;s domain, then an Advisor is well-placed to investigate. At the higher levels of the career, a Counsellor or Chancellor will have their own trusted staff they can rely on to look after matters if they take a short leave of absence. Advisors can approach different classes of people, including the most difficult to access, and they are already in a position where they are expected to ask questions on behalf of their employer.<\/p>\n<p style=\"font-style: normal;\">&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtier<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Advisor Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Aide}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 2<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-c
"id": "Agitator",
"name": "Agitateur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« ALTDORF À SES HABITANTS ! DEHORS LES MIDDENLANDERS ! »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Tract, Rue des Cent Tavernes, Altdorf</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>« Croyez-moi, si vous voulez éradiquer les agents des Fileuses du Destin, suivez la clameur des rues. Elles ne peuvent lui résister. Elles referont surface, tôt ou tard. » </p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Adrian Hoven, Clerc-Capitaine, Chevalier des Cœurs de feu.</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p> </p>\n<h3>Charismatique et beau parleur, vous défendez votre cause face à lordre établi.</h3>\n<p> Les Agitateurs font pression pour diverses causes politiques, en utilisant des affiches, en manifestant et en prenant la parole en public. Ils gagnent la sympathie et le soutien des populations les plus pauvres, mais doivent faire attention à ne pas attirer lattention des Sigmarites ou des nains, très conservateurs. Les Agitateurs les plus dangereux parviennent à mettre à mal lautorité de nobles, de villes, et même quelquefois de provinces entières. Les Pamphlétaires placardent des tracts sur les panneaux daffichage ou les distribuent sur les places de marché.</p>\n<p> Les Agitateurs religieux parviennent à gagner leur vie en étant prêcheurs de rue, recevant laumône de la part des fidèles les plus pieux et attirent des disciples en la personne des flagellants et des fanatiques. Les Agitateurs qui survivent assez longtemps pour devenir Démagogues sont la plupart du temps soutenus par des alliés qui restent dans lombre et qui cherchent à imposer un changement aux motivations, souvent connues deux seuls.</p>\n<p> Les Agitateurs se déplacent en permanence, à la recherche de foules importantes ou fuyant les autorités. Ils deviennent parfois chefs de groupes hétéroclites, composés de sans-abri et de révoltés, les exhortant tout en les persuadant daller se battre pour une grande cause.</p>\n<p> Le brouillard et les émeutes sont légendaires à Altdorf. Peut-être est-ce dû au fait quil sagit de la Capitale impériale, ou peut-être à cause du Collège Gris qui y attire les rafales du traître Ulgu, le Vent gris de la Magie. Quelle que soit la raison, lorsque les brumes provenant des plaines dAltdorf envahissent les rues, le peuple se soulève. Malheur aux gardes qui essaieraient de lempêcher de se faire entendre.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Halfling, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression de LAgitateur</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px;width:100%\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\">III</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.375%;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">IV</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">II</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:9.53125%;text-align:center\">I</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<h3><
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Apothecary",
"name": "Apothicaire",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;Look for this sigil: white mortar, black pestle. Don&rsquo;t ask for our order without it or you&rsquo;ll be reported to the Watch. And lad, don&rsquo;t ever short our Apothecary; you&rsquo;ll spend the rest of your days wondering if the next drink will be your last.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Kathe the Unseen, Assassin<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&lsquo;Human chemistry? As shoddy as their architecture! And just as likely to kill you! I asked for tonic after a hard night&rsquo;s drinking. Had the flux for a week!&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Torica Norrasdotr, Dwarf Merchant<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>Skilled in chemistry and concoctions, you create and sell medicine of all kinds<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;Apothecaries specialize in preparing pharmaceutical medication &mdash; commonly pills, draughts, and ointments &ndash; for sale to patients and doktors alike. Their workshops are filled with a dazzling array of bubbling alembics, overflowing beakers, worn mortar and pestles, and other physic-making paraphernalia. Some Apothecaries supplement their income selling illicit substances &mdash; from stimulants for desperate students, to hallucinogenic weirdroot for bored nobles or shady commissions from even shadier groups. Supplying these is lucrative, but also dangerous. Rare ingredients are expensive, so Apothecaries frequently have cash flow problems, and journey the wilds to collect their own ingredients. Many take temporary employment with expeditions, mercenaries, or the military for extra coin.<\/p>\n<p>Due to Physician Guild pressure, most towns ban Apothecaries from formally practicing medicine, but during play Apothecaries can easily fill the role of a healer. Indeed, they are versatile in this role because they can also identify dangerous and unusual substances the party may encounter, and even turn some into useful medicine.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Apothecary Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Apothecary's Apprentice}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 3<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.HXZaV1C
"id": "Artisan",
"name": "Artisan",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« Désolée, maîtresse, toutes les chaussures ont disparu ! Jai oublié de sortir le lait hier soir. Quelquun a dû les prendre par vengeance. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Wiebke, Apprentie cordonnier et Voleuse</p>\n<p>« Il te faut comprendre, mon garçon, que les vins de Wurtbard ont une réputation à tenir. On dirait que cette bouteille est passée par le canon dun fusil Hochland. Cest proprement inacceptable. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Dame Glasmeister, Maîtresse de guilde des Souffleurs de verre</p>\n</blockquote>\n<h3> </h3>\n<h3>Vous êtes un artisan de grand talent, fier de votre travail, et vous créez des produits à vendre tout en honorant des commandes particulières.</h3>\n<p> Les Artisans fabriquent les biens, que ce soient ceux du quotidien, produits par les boulangers et les accastilleurs, aux armes et aux bateaux fluviaux conçus par les forgerons et les charpentiers de marine. Les plus grandes villes et cités de lEmpire possèdent des guildes pour protéger leurs Artisans des fraudeurs, car leur Carrière tout entière peut être mise en péril par des concurrents non qualifiés qui vendent en douce des marchandises de piètre qualité. Les Maîtres de guilde respectent des standards de qualité, et ceux qui ne sy conforment pas se font évincer et se voient interdire dexercer en ville.</p>\n<p> Les Artisans interviennent à tous les échelons de la société, car ils fabriquent des biens, mais en réparent également dautres. Ils sont embauchés par les marines pour entretenir les flottes, par les armées pour gérer les machines de guerre et les engins de siège, et par des Chambres de Commerce de toutes tailles pour transformer des matériaux bruts en marchandises vendables.</p>\n<p> Les Artisans en plein apprentissage peuvent être envoyés auprès dautres maîtres. La pression qui les pousse à la perfection est tellement lourde à supporter que certains Artisans parmi les plus jeunes font parfois des pauses afin de se tourner vers des structures moins oppressantes, comme lArmée ou la Marine.</p>\n<p> Les guildes de nains nacceptent pas les humains en général, et les nains ont dordinaire le droit de pratiquer leur profession dans les villes impériales sans avoir besoin de rejoindre une guilde locale. Ce qui peut devenir une source de conflit, car les guildes acceptent généralement très mal les concurrents de talent. Les halflings ne sont pas aussi pointilleux et rejoindront les guildes humaines avec plaisir (sils y sont acceptés) et permettent de la même façon aux humains de rejoindre les leurs. Les elfes ne possèdent pas de guildes dArtisans, et même sils pouvaient en rejoindre une, il est fort peu probable quils sy abaissent.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Elfe sylvain, Halfling, Haut elfe, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression de L'Artisan</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-al
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Artist",
"name": "Artiste",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Please remain still, my lord. It is rather difficult to capture the majesty of your countenance if you continue to scratch yourself so. Perfect! Now hold that pose for just a few seconds more if you please. And there youve gone and done it again. Might I suggest you pay a visit to the apothecary? He may have several effective remedies for lice, especially if you find your incessant squirming as bothersome as I do...<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&nbsp; Gottlieb Toman, Painter, prior to his execution<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>You possess an artistic gift, one that transcends daily life and uplifts the souls of others<\/h3>\n<p>Artists use their talents — for painting, sculpting, writing and similar — to create works of fine art. Often their careers begin as Apprentices to experienced Master Artists, though some are simply prodigies. The best can attract a patron, and some end up teaching, forming their own schools of art and attracting the wealthiest of benefactors to their fashionable salons.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Sadly, most Artists spend their lives in a vain attempt to prove their value to a society that rarely appreciates them. Some make ends meet through different means: satirizing nobles and politicians in cartoons for the Altdorf broadsheets, sketching suspects for watch captains, writing social commentary, or even forging the work of more renowned artists<\/p>\n<p>Attracting suitable patrons is not always a simple matter, so Artists of all stripes find themselves traveling abroad in search of one. Even those who have the means to support themselves take to the road in search of new sights to paint, sculpt, or inspire them. Holy frescos and reliefs dedicated to the gods are often commissioned in faraway temples, churches, and abbeys.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtier<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Artist Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Apprentice Artist}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.fdq3RFSOKl5b3WzW]{Art (Any)}<\/em>, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pxNjTxsp1Kp0SmQe]{Cool}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.bSWoV1
"id": "Bailiff",
"name": "Bailli",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Aye, it&rsquo;s been a poor harvest, but dues are dues. I&rsquo;ll take half now and half on Marktag. How&rsquo;s that? It&rsquo;s the best I can offer, can&rsquo;t say fairer than that.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Lena Sauer, Bailiff<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>&lsquo;I&rsquo;ll go up and have a look at the grazing land in question myself. Until then, I want no trouble from any of your boisterous offspring, do I make myself clear, Bauer, Meier? And you will pay equal shares for the damage to the inn, or you will forfeit any claim you might, or might not have, on the land.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Lorenz Schulte, Reeve of Elster Vale<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You are a local official trusted by local rulers to administer their lands efficiently and firmly<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;Nobles entrust Bailiffs to gather dues from their lands. Some Bailiffs are respected and upstanding, attending throng at the temple of Sigmar every week. Others are bullies, happy to enforce their lord&rsquo;s rights over property and possessions with threats and violence. Long-serving bailiffs often become trusted servants of the local noble family and enjoy considerable perks. Reeves have a broader reach and greater responsibility. They keep order and maintain the borders of the lord&rsquo;s lands, resolving disputes with neighboring estates.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Some magistrates are lay-members of the cult of Verena, seeking guidance and wisdom from blind Justice on any difficult cases they judge. However, most provincial magistrates simply find themselves arbitrating a series of petty disputes over livestock and farmland borders.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Most Bailiffs have a degree of autonomy, granting them ample opportunity to turn their attention to private matters, or to hire others to do so on their behalf. As many also have broad authority in the areas they influence, they are frequently sent by their employers to resolve problems, which can often lead to unexpected places.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Bailiff Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Tax Collector}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br
"id": "Bawd",
"name": "Entremetteur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Come to the Hammer and Bucket, home of the best music and entertainment in old Altdorf town! You will not be disappointed!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Raynald Schmid, Bawd<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Scoff all you like, but those clothes cost money. For a lad born neath the dung heap, he lives a life of luxury.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Hertel Netzhoch, Innkeep<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Street-wise and mercenary, you make a living selling illicit goods in the seedier side of town<\/h3>\n<p>Bawds guide folk to establishments offering a variety of illegal and immoral services. Though many Humans and Dwarfs have objections to such activities, most Halflings and High Elves are quite matter-of fact about drug-dens, brothels, or other houses of vice.<\/p>\n<p>Bawds include drug-dealers, dancers, hustlers and artists models. Many famous masterpieces of the modern era have been posed for by Bawds plucked from the street. Traveling armies are followed by camp followers, with Bawds among them looking to make coin in any way they can. Ringleaders, proprietors of establishments where Bawds gather, can accrue significant empires providing services to all types of rogues, from fences who need discreet access to rich clients, to providing safe bolt-holes for gang bosses and crime lords.<\/p>\n<p>Bawds living in urban areas sometimes travel to flee plagues and religious persecutions, the latter of which crop up all-to-frequently in areas dominated by Sigmar worship. Others, such as those who rove with entertainers, consider travel as part and parcel of their occupation. Those who secure a patron might have significant lengths of time left to their own devices.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Bawd Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Hustler}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.d3VZwO4Y5JH5DXdT]{Bribery}, <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.exLrBrn2mjb6x2Cq]{Charm}<\/em>, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.0CwV96kTDRF0jUhk]{Entertain (Any)}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core
"id": "Beggar",
"name": "Mendiant",
2022-01-02 01:11:50 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« Sil-vous-plaît, madame, je vous en supplie, donnez-moi juste quelques pièces de cuivre pour ce soir. Même un simple sou fera laffaire Gutbäcker vend du pain rassis. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Elsie, Clocharde halfling</p>\n<p>« Jai perdu ma jambe au cours de la Bataille de Bögenwasser. Jai eu les deux mains dévorées par un squig lorsque les gobelins nous ont tendu une embuscade pendant notre patrouille près de Bögenauser. Tout ça pour protéger le Reikland et notre Empereur. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Klaas, Soldat vétéran</p>\n<p> « Tu pourras aller sur Königsplatz la semaine prochaine jai besoin que tu fiches du bordel sur Luitpoldstrasse aujourdhui. Pourquoi ? Mieux vaut ne pas demander, tout ce que tas à savoir cest que les Cutters ont besoin que la Garde soit distraite. Et, pour le bien de mes affaires, je fais en sorte de ne pas offenser les Cutters, et si tu veux devenir prospère, je te conseille de suivre mon exemple. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> « Le Kaiser », Roi des Mendiants dAltdorf</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p> </p>\n<h3>Vous vivez dans la rue et vous subsistez grâce à la charité des autres, vous servant de votre charisme et de votre force de persuasion.</h3>\n<p>La rumeur, que lon entend principalement dans les campagnes, prétendant que les rues dAltdorf sont pavées dor nest quune moquerie cruelle envers ses Mendiants. Ils ne peuvent que se reposer sur la générosité des étrangers, et récupèrent les détritus issus de la fange de la ville, alors que certains dandys fanfarons nhésitent pas à leur donner, sourire aux lèvres, quelques piécettes pour les faire déguerpir. Les lois ne leur accordent que peu de protection, et la garde na pas beaucoup de sympathie pour les vagabonds.</p>\n<p>Les Mendiants, pour la plupart orphelins, échouent dans les rues après avoir effectué de nombreux allers-retours dans des Maisons de Miséricorde une bonne partie de leur vie. Une fois quils ont appris les rudiments du quémandage et quils savent à peu près faire la manche, les Mendiants améliorent leurs techniques à laide de déguisements et autres stratagèmes pour attirer la compassion dautrui. Certains Mendiants ne sont cependant pas des démunis, mais des employés des échelons les plus bas de léchelle sociale, comme les vidangeurs, les chiffonniers et les collecteurs dos.</p>\n<p>Ceux qui vivent dans la rue ne peuvent changer quen la quittant. Certains Mendiants nhésiteront pas à abandonner les caniveaux derrière eux dès quune opportunité de partir à laventure se présentera à eux, tant quils ne sont pas utilisés comme chair à canon. Ceux qui nont pas les moyens dengager un porteur peuvent employer un autre mendiant, sachant que la débrouillardise de ces derniers est dun grand secours lorsquon se retrouve affamé et sans le sou. Et, si jamais les choses tournent mal, il nest pas bien compliqué de retourner à une vie de mendicité.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Halfling, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression de Mendiant</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Boatman",
"name": "Batelier",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Someday a real rain will come. So, dont forget your hat, madam.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Travis Binckel, Rivertaxi<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Beware of forking. I say this as an experienced bargeswain. If you approach a dangerous rock or other river hazard be sure to go astarboard and stay astarboard while laying astarboard, or go alarboard and stay alarboard while laying alarboard. Or you will fork, and you might sink. And no one wants to sink their forking barge.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Jacob Walles, Bargeswain who sank his forking barge<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You ply the dangerous waters of the Old World, transporting people, goods, and the latest news.<\/h3>\n<p>Boats and barges travel the Empires waterways, bringing goods from the remotest corners of the provinces to the greatest cities. These shallow-drafted vessels can travel much further upriver than larger ships, and a comprehensive network of canals adds to their reach. Barge Masters are expert river sailors and have an exhaustive knowledge of their rivers. A Boat-hand is the dogsbody, but will learn the ropes swiftly. Boatmen crew merchant barges carrying cargo to and from markets, either working for themselves or for a larger Merchant House. Many Boatmen are also ferrymen, taking passengers across rivers, or to and from towns. In large towns, some also crew rivertaxis, sail pleasure vessels, or otherwise pilot boats on the behalf of others.<\/p>\n<p>A boatman will not need to seek out adventure, for more than likely adventure will come to them. Boats are useful to nearly everyone, and therefore useful to almost any adventure plot; they also make an excellent base of operations. Boatmen will not need to worry about following investigation and adventure if the plot stays on or close to the river. Even if the plot leaves the river, they could still easily allow a talented Boathand to look after their business while they take a break from river life.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverfolk<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Boatman Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Boat-hand}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4
"id": "Bounty Hunter",
"name": "Chasseur de primes",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;It&rsquo;s amazing just how many boys will wrap themselves in manacles if you smile sweetly enough. And if that doesn&rsquo;t work, it&rsquo;s out with the knives!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Anke Dorflinger, Bounty Hunter<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Ruthless and determined, you pursue your quarry to the bitter end: for justice, or for money.<\/h3>\n<p>Bounty Hunters track down fugitives and outlaws for coin. Most are legally appointed by provincial courts and receive warrant papers granting license to seize or sometimes kill the target. While some are motivated by Verena&rsquo;s justice, most are more concerned by the rewards, often finding the &lsquo;dead&rsquo; in &lsquo;dead or alive&rsquo; to be the most convenient route to their fortune. Many Bounty Hunters start as Thief-Takers, those hired by crime victims to retrieve stolen goods. Over time, those with an established reputation may find permanent work from a merchant or noble house, guild, or cult, or may build a company of Bounty Hunters, working as a group to collect the largest rewards.<\/p>\n<p>In their pursuit of wanted criminals, Bounty Hunters often stumble into unplanned adventures. As independent operatives, Bounty Hunters are perfectly suited to dropping their day job to pursue whatever business is afoot. Further, given their broad base of skills are always in demand, it is not uncommon to see Bounty Hunters turning their hand to adventuring full-time, hiring their skills out in return for payments. Bounty Hunters are a perfect starting career as they present a solid mixture of social and combat skills allowing you to contribute no matter the circumstances<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Bounty Hunter Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Thief-taker}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.d3VZwO4Y5JH5DXdT]{Bribery}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.exLrBrn2mjb6x2Cq]{Charm}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.RLQHm1s4IuY9RSr2]{Gossip}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pKLMbmG3Ivt6mzMf]{Haggle}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.cYtU0ORRFCOpQLWz]{Intuition},
"id": "Cavalryman",
"name": "Cavalier",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Any pistolier not dead by thirty is a scoundrel.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">General Lasaal, Reiklands 5th Regiment of Cavalry<\/p>\n<p>An outrider came by yesterday, checking to see if we were safe. Gosh, he was so handsome and dashing, who wouldnt want to go outriding with him? He grabbed my buns and was off like the wind. Never paid for them, mind.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">Lena Fluffe, Walfenburg baker<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>A dashing and fearless rider, you bring speed, versatility, and skill-at-arms to the battlefeld.<\/h3>\n<p>Whether its units of Pistoliers, Outriders, Demilancers, Horse Archers, or similar, Cavalrymen are deployed for maximum strategic advantage. On campaign, that means scouting, raiding, harassing the enemy lines, or defending foragers. On the battlefield, they are also particularly versatile, able to strike quickly and melt away. For speed of movement, scouting, versatility, and sheer élan, Cavalrymen cannot be rivalled. Swift, lightly-armored cavalry is employed by most armies, including forces of the cults and less formal armed bands including mercenaries or private armies. Bretonnian armies make use of mounted men at arms, while Wood Elf Glade-riders are some of the most feared light cavalry in the Old World.<\/p>\n<p>A cavalryman currently in the State Army is not just going to drop everything on a whim. Should they have something they wish to personally pursue, they will require permission from senior officers, perhaps buy out their commission if they have one, or go absent without leave. As an alternative, they could be ordered to investigate matters of importance by their superiors? Mercenary cavalrymen have more flexibility to strike out adventuring, being little more than hired swords.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Warrior<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Cavalryman Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Horseman}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 2<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.MXy22hFCgntdlQrn]{Animal Care}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.4IGdIhnwTaZijzg7]{Charm Animal}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Endurance}, @Co
"id": "Charlatan",
"name": "Charlatan",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;I&rsquo;ve carried this across countless leagues from the highest towers of the Elves. See how it sparkles in the moonlight? Only magic can cause this inner light! Unbelievable as it may be, I must grudgingly part with it. For such power, any price is but a trifle!&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Wolmar Rotte, Con Man<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&lsquo;The last living heir of Lord Schwalb, you say? Hogwash! You&rsquo;re the fifth &lsquo;heir&rsquo; to call this afternoon! How much did you pay for that scrap of paper? Better yet, who&rsquo;s the swindler what sold it to you?&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Gerold Behn, Irritated Butler<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Unscrupulous and charming, you separate fools from their money; thankfully, there is no shortage of fools&hellip;<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;A Charlatan traffics in trust, yet profits in treachery. By preying on emotions and psychological weaknesses, Charlatans offer their &lsquo;mark&rsquo; a prize that is too good to be true. Social privilege provides no protection, and even the loftiest citizens can fall victim to a skilled Charlatan. In addition to a knack for lying, a lack of conscience is also of benefit to Charlatans.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Charlatans include Swindlers, Con Artists, Gamblers, and other Scoundrels seeking to prey on the gullible. Halflings often operate distraction cons in small family groups. Young High Elves, slumming it with Humans, treat their cons as one big game, not motivated by profit, but to prove their superiority. Some experienced Charlatans work with artists, who forge documentation for a cut of any profits.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;To avoid rousing suspicion, Charlatans rarely stay in one area for long. Few Swindlers openly admit to their calling, preferring instead to masquerade as anyone other than themselves. Because of this, there is little stopping Charlatans from pursuing side-matters of interests; equally, afterwards, they can return to grafting anywhere with rich fools willing to part with coin on naught but a promise.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Charlatan Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Swindler}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Statu
"id": "Coachman",
"name": "Cocher",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Get em fed in a quarter bell. No second portions. We aint paid for that. Coach Mistress eats last but save er the best. One minute longer than the quarter and I take a pfennig off you, the Mistress takes a schilling off me, and Castle Rock Coaches will be in here as quick as silver.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Bettina Hoch, Innkeeper<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Tree days I was stuck in Weissbruck during the storms. Not a single thing came in and out. Ten just when I thought Id miss my appointment in Bogenhafen there appeared three coaches coming up the frozen track, all together. Bloody typical! You wait days for a coach, and then three come along at once.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Stelle Grabbe, Merchant<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Determined and rugged, you deliver passengers safely by coach despite the daily dangers you face.<\/h3>\n<p>For many, the coach is the only way to get from one town to the next. The wild places between teem with Beastmen, Bandits, and worse, but with just a team of fresh horses and a blunderbuss, brave and hardworking Coachmen make travel possible. To help evade danger, most coaching companies relentlessly pursue speed, and their employees have a reputation for ruthlessness towards other travelers on the roads, never trusting anyone. Coachmen often start as Postilions, riding the lead horse of the team through wind and rain. Instead of transporting passengers, some Coachmen deliver mail, work as chauffeurs for nobles, drive cabs or goods wagons, or the big omnibuses of the great cities, or even become a getaway driver.<\/p>\n<p>Good Coachmen are always in demand for unusual, dangerous or illegal jobs. A Coachman looking for a change may find winter is a good time to take a break, as cross-country services are greatly reduced. Coaching companies are always ready to snap up experienced coachmen, so returning to work is usually simple.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Coachman Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Postilion}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.MXy22hFCgntdlQrn]{Animal Care}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-
"id": "Duellist",
"name": "Duelliste",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>First blood, ye fool! First blood! And here yeve gone n run im through!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">- Ortolf Ehardt, Burgher<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;In my defense, sir, he was the first to do any sort of bleeding.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">- Rosabel Viernau, Duelist<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Always make sure you have Doktor Schuller on site. Deniability? Good question. Pay her in advance, treat her with civility, and shell turn around. Ten she sees nothing until the duel is over, one way or another.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">- Blademaster Aleksandr Amblestadts advice to his students.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Your blade is an instrument of justice, bound by long tradition and employed with deadly precision.&nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>Duelists fight on behalf of others — settling matters of honor between organizations or individuals — or as surrogates for the law, representing the accused or the accuser in trials by combat. For some Duelists the act of fighting is reward enough for the considerable risks they face. Training is dangerous, leaving some apprentices crippled or scarred for life. Those who live long enough to learn from their mistakes can aspire to the fame of a Blademaster, teaching their techniques to eager students. Judicial Champions duel on behalf of governments and nobles, and their blades can determine the fates of nations. Some modern Duelists, especially hot-headed Altdorf students, favor pistols. Tis is regarded by the older generation as dishonorable and fool-hardy.<\/p>\n<p>Both inexperienced and esteemed Duelists alike travel the Empire in search of opponents with which to bolster their reputations. For others, the hunt for a veteran instructor drives them to explore the furthest flung of the Old Worlds locales. Masters of foreign techniques are also sought by Duelists who wish to add unique styles of fighting to their repertoires. As skilled combatants, Duelists often augment their livelihood with mercenary work, even acting as guards for caravans and riverboats in a pinch. Although Dwarfs have no interest in fencing with flimsy swords and the frippery of the dueling scene, they have long traditions of using combat to resolve bitter disputes, and will travel far to enhance their skills.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtier<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Duellist Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px
"id": "Engineer",
"name": "Ingénieur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>What will it do? Well, its supposed to pluck the chicken, Smallnose. Stand well back!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Wolfgang Kugelschrieber, Inventor&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Master Engineer Volker von Meinkopt found inspiration watching students reloading at the Imperial Gunnery School. He had a revelation: more barrels = more shots = more lethality. He soon produced the first repeating handgun, Von Meinkopts Whirling Cavalcade of Death, and pistol, Von Meinkopts Micro-mainspring of Multitudinous Precipitation of Pernicious Lead. Not content to rest on those laurels, he then created the enormous nine-barreled cannon, the Helblaster Volley Gun, which is utterly lethal to enemies and, all too often, its crew.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Great Engineers of the Empire, Lady Teodora Holzenauer, Engineer and Journalist<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You create machines and constructions both useful and bizarre, and often downright deadly.<\/h3>\n<p>Engineers design and build mechanical devices or structures such as bridges, canals, or fortifications. Most are educated, Dwarfs at the hide-bound Dwarf Engineers Guild, Humans at forward-thinking establishments such as the Imperial Engineers School at Altdorf, though self-taught prodigies are not unknown. Human Engineers value innovation and discovery, whereas Dwarfs favor traditional, tried-and-tested designs passed down for generations. Mining company engineers are well-paid; less so the State Army Engineers who maintain the Imperial war machines and act as sappers and bridge-builders. Master Engineers often find themselves leading teams on ambitious construction projects. Chartered Engineers are the most trusted in the Empire, called upon to design, test, and build such prestigious Imperial Commissions like the complex Steam Wheel Locks, which have revolutionized the speed of travel in the canals of the Vorbergland.<\/p>\n<p>Some Engineers are drawn to investigate ancient Dwarf Holds, most now abandoned, for entombed within are the secrets of the master builders of old. Those who dare their depths may find millennia-old marvels, many of which are repurposed by Goblins and Skaven for their own nefarious purposes. Equally enticing are the stone sky bridges soaring above the Holds, some stretching for many miles, true wonders of bygone engineering that once connected thriving Dwarf settlements, forts, and farmlands.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Engineer Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px;
"id": "Entertainer",
"name": "Saltimbanque",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>A wandering minstrel I,<\/p>\n<p>A thing of shreds and patches,<\/p>\n<p>Of ballads, songs, and snatches,<\/p>\n<p>And dreamy lullaby!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Libretto from The Emperor of Nippon, by Guillibert and Solomon<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;How do you get to the Luitpold Theatre? Practice!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Well known Altdorf joke<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Musician and prodigy, Vladimira Tchaikofev, toured the courts of the Empire performing her compositions for the great and good. On her triumphant return to her native Kislev, during the reign of Bloody Katerin, she premiered her first opera, “The Vampire Counts of Stirland” based on her travels in Sylvania. Unconventionally, she always chose to conduct with a silver baton.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> A Defense Against Necromancy, Patriarch Felip Iyrtu, 2415IC, from the 1st year required reading list, Amethyst College&nbsp;<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Whether high-born or low-brow, you distract people from the harsh realities of life.<\/h3>\n<p>Entertainers crop up all over the Old World, and many wander the Reiklands roads, earning their crust. Some stay put at a single theatre, some work as individuals, some as part of a troupe. The worst are little more than itinerant beggars, the best lauded in the company of counts and princes. It is not an easy life and the people will not tolerate poor acts, running them out of town pelted with rotten vegetables.<\/p>\n<p>The most common Entertainers are the perennial crowd-pleasers like jesters, singers, actors, musicians, acrobats, dancers, and jugglers, but the Old World is also home to more obscure and bizarre acts.<\/p>\n<p>The open road, a new village every night, the smell of greasepaint and the roar of the crowd — life itself can be an adventure for the Entertainer as they bring excitement to the humdrum, everyday reality of those they captivate. Given their existence on the edge of respectable society, curious Entertainers all-too-often find real adventures of their own.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Entertainer Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Busker}<\/stron
"id": "Envoy",
"name": "Emissaire",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;Watch that one. She&rsquo;s got a tongue like a snake and nary a scruple. Still, she&rsquo;s got a weakness for Elven wine and handsome young footmen. I&rsquo;m sure you can arrange something... scandalous.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Odmar Horst, Guild Envoy<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;'My advice to his Imperial Majesty to ensure we maintain our vital trade link with Karak Ziflin: grow a beard and keep your promises.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Letter to the High Lord of the Chair, from Ambassador Willemijna von Kotzdam<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>An articulate emissary, you travel far and wide, negotiating favorable pacts and treaties.<\/h3>\n<p>Experts in negotiation and social interaction, Envoys act as agents serving the interests of the Empire, a regional estate, a foreign entity, or a merchant house. Intrigue abounds in courtly circles, and such a career choice is a risky proposition that only grows more perilous at the highest levels of government. Even when granted some manner of immunity against foreign laws or customs, Ambassadors must tread carefully.<\/p>\n<p>Envoys must first prove their abilities in a lesser capacity as a Herald, assisting Diplomats in hammering out the tedious minutiae of deals, or representing merchants, guilds, or cults, building their reputations with each pact they establish. Some Envoys find employ with Mercenary Companies; the best of these can secure a profit for their employers without shedding a drop of blood.<\/p>\n<p>Envoys travel a great deal, meeting countless individuals from all walks of life, cultivating contacts across the Old World. They are sometimes expected to get their hands dirty to ensure their master&rsquo;s wishes are fulfilled. If failure doesn&rsquo;t lead to their immediate death, they might find themselves on the run from their own employers.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtier<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Envoy Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Herald}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 2<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.LGHozP5gmQ8cuDQV]{Athletics}, <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.exLrBrn2mjb6x2Cq]{Cha
"id": "Fence",
"name": "Receleur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>I know its stolen. You know its stolen. Even old Sigmar knows its stolen. So when I ask you if its stolen, dont insult me by telling me it isnt stolen. Lucky for you, I deal in stolen, so stop panicking.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Elene Weslach, Mover<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Why am I called a Fence? Well, its because I provide you with some de-fence from being caught, innit. So, you go thief, and Ill make sure you dont have to worry about how to shift the merchandise. Think of me like your partner-in-crime.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Boil Vakram, Fence<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<div style=\"direction: ltr; border-width: 100%;\">\n<div style=\"direction: ltr; margin-top: 0in; margin-left: 0in; width: 6.6041in;\">\n<div style=\"direction: ltr; margin-top: 0in; margin-left: 0in; width: 6.6041in;\">\n<p style=\"margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt; text-align: right;\">&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>A shrewd assessor of valuables, youll buy anything, legal or not, and turn it around for a tidy profit.<\/h3>\n<p>A Fence buys thieves spoils and sells it on for profit, often to those unaware the goods are stolen. Successful Fences sometimes operate as pawn brokers, importers, or other merchants. Others prefer to remain mobile, trafficking only in portable items. Though the average Fence deals in goods and valuables, there are also well-informed specialists who focus on information and forbidden knowledge. Some Fences move stolen items across the Empire. A painting stolen in Altdorf is easier to sell in Talabheim to an audience unaware of the theft. When high profile items vanish, Fences are also the first individuals to be consulted by those looking to acquire them. Some Fences even take commissions from clients, connecting them with those who can steal to order.<\/p>\n<p>The search for buyers and sellers, or the need to escape a terrible situation, can take a Fence anywhere. They can be found across the Empire and in many regions beyond its borders. Up-and-coming Brokers transport illicit goods between Old World cities in search of buyers. Others, looking to make a name for themselves elsewhere, attempt to make their own niches in existing city underworlds. Given that their interests often collide, Fences and merchants make occasional bedfellows, as well. With all of this criminal activity and movement, trouble often follows<\/p>\n<p style=\"margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;\">&nbsp;<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Fence Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 6
"id": "Flagellant",
"name": "Flagellant",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>We strike this flesh and spill this blood, for his Empire, in the name of Sigmar!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Viktorina Schwefel, Flagellant<\/p>\n<p> We had some flagellants going through the village a couple of months back. Terrible they were: the agony, the pain, the suffering, and that was just watching them. We knew what to do. We knew we had to open our doors and feed them and pray with them. But in the end, we just hid in the cellar until theyd gone. Scary folk.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Wulfrum Barth, villager<\/p>\n<p> The Ende is Nigh!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Common placard carried by Flagellants<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p> <\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Just when you abandoned all hope, your suffering and the righteousness of Sigmar saved you!<\/h3>\n<p>Forgiveness does not come easily, only through struggle, pain, and doing Sigmars will. Flagellants travel the Empire, flogging themselves in penance for their sins, and the sins of others. They are determined to serve Sigmar until the end of the world, something they believe is imminent. All good folk are expected to welcome, help, and feed them, and to pray with them.<\/p>\n<p>Most Flagellants wander in large groups, guided by a Prophet of Doom who interprets Sigmars will. Some follow armies, whipping themselves into a frenzy as battle is joined and fighting without any thought for their own safety. Others wander by themselves, believing they best serve Sigmar by righting the wrongs he guides them towards<\/p>\n<p>Its not hard for Flagellants to stumble upon an adventure, especially involving recognized foes of Sigmar. Flagellants can continue their lifestyle as they adventure, relying on the honest folk of the Empire to offer them food, drink and shelter as they trudge ever onwards to the end of all things.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Species: <\/strong>Human<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class: <\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Flagellant Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Zealot}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 0<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.1jCxbFAUuFuAPLJl]{Dodge}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Endurance}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.HXZaV1CJhmTvcAz4]{Heal}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.I0yPc4PH5erWJLmu]{Intimidate}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.cYtU0ORRFCOpQLWz]{Intuition}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.DRO5DLF6UcfkvNSh]{L
"id": "Grave Robber",
"name": "Pilleur de tombes",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>You cant take it with you... but I can certainly take it with me.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Symon Schreiber, Grave Robber<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Its not just the jewels, Herbert. Look at all the bones! Theres professors in Altdorf whod pay good money for these!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Tyle the Ghoul Grubsch, Body Snatcher<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;The nightmares of Khemri still haunt me. The curses cast by those long-dead tyrants have sealed my fate. I only hope Morr can put a stop to the necromancy that rots my bones and blackens my heart.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Lady Estelle Hauptleiter, Treasure Hunter (deceased)<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<h3>You brave the threat of necromancy, stealing from the dead to line your own pockets.<\/h3>\n<p>Trafficking in bodies and body parts is lucrative, with high demand from universities and physicians for fresh cadavers. As well as the scholarly market, corpses are sometimes interred with all manner of valuables can be found beneath the ravenstones in the tombs of Morrs Gardens. Because their labors are obvious, illegal, and sacrilegious, Grave Robbers usually work under cover of darkness. Body Snatchers have been known to cut out the middle man and take beggars or other unfortunates straight off the streets. Tomb Robbers avoid the legal dangers of looting the recently dead, and instead journey to ancient ruins and barrows, risking the restless dead and brigands alike. Peculiarly, some successful Treasure Hunters find themselves celebrated as heroes, their treasures sold to, and displayed by, the aristocracy. Its even rumored that the great wealth of one of the Knightly Orders came from a group of their members plundering a foreign tomb.<\/p>\n<p>Grave Robbers easily take to the adventuring life, especially if their nocturnal sojourns are discovered by unsympathetic authorities. They may also be sought out by antiquarians who wish to engage their expert services in the excavation of a tomb, or perhaps they will feel compelled to track down a suspected necromancer who is using corpses for nefarious purposes.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Grave Robber Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Body Snatcher}<\/strong><\
"id": "Guard",
"name": "Garde",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>I stood outside the shrine for thirty days and thirty nights, without fail. No one got in and no one got out. Of course, it turned out I was stood outside the wrong door.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Ernst Bluchard, Ex-Temple Guard of Manann<\/p>\n<p>If youre not on the list, youre not coming in!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Anonymous Altdorf guard to the Grand Theogonist at the coronation of Karl-Franz I, apocryphal<\/p>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<h3>Your job is simple: keep undesirables out<\/h3>\n<p>The best way to keep something safe is to post a guard. Guarding looks easy enough, its usually standing around doing very little. Guards live and die, quite literally, by how they behave during that one moment when they are required to spring into action. The best can command high wages and are entrusted with the lives of the Empires finest personages and most valuable items. Guards are everywhere from the Imperial palace, down to bouncers who might stand outside a tavern all night and throw drunks into the street. Grave wardens fending off grave robbers from Morrs Gardens. Temple guards defend temples and important priests. Merchants often require guards locally, for valuable cargo stored in a warehouse or in transit. Some claim personal bodyguards have the most interesting guarding jobs because they must stay with their esteemed employers, and they get to see important lives going on first hand.<\/p>\n<p>Guards can find adventure when their guardianship is compromised. Any guard worth his salt would wish to follow up and investigate those who have thwarted them, and get whatever they were guarding back to its true owner. This could easily turn into an exciting adventure. Many of those going on expeditions will require guards to accompany them, to adventure, profit or an untimely demise.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Warrior<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Guard Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Sentry}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silver 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Endurance}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.qBm2fu3oMhxsDBNQ]{Entertain (Storytelling)
"id": "Hedge Witch",
"name": "Sorcier de village",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>We tell the folk that the offering o fish is for Grandfather Reik, cause it makes them feel safer than having to explain the river is home to an ungry spirit. It keeps the spirit safe, too.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Alt Zaunreiter, Hedgewise<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Wise and secretive, you guide your community using ancient magic handed down for generations.<\/h3>\n<p>Witch Hunters use the term Hedge Witch for any illegal spellcaster, but this was not always so. Once Hedge Witches were respected members of rural communities, practicing magics older than the forests. But decades of persecution since the founding of the Colleges of Magic have left the few surviving Hedge Witches disparate and broken. They hide in the quietest corners of the Old World, their smoky huts and creaking hovels standing astride the boundary between civilization and the trackless wilds. Most Hedge Witches are solitary to protect themselves from prying strangers, but their talents are often known to locals. Their knowledge of warding evil is usually secret, but their herbalism, midwifery, and healing arts are quickly sought in times of need<\/p>\n<p>A Hedge Witch is often the first to notice supernatural foul play. The subsequent investigations often lead to all sorts of dangers and adventure. When Witch Hunters come to town, Hedge Witches often take a leave of absence, lying low or travelling elsewhere until danger is passed.<\/p>\n<p>The Hedgefolk are known by many names across the Empire, but have one thing in common: the goal of preserving their ancient traditions from destruction. Hedge Witches have little love for the Colleges of Magic, knowing any child taken by them will likely never return to serve their community, instead pressed into service in some far-off war. Whenever possible they hide children they consider blessed from passing magisters, although occasionally one will be sent to the Colleges — as a sacrifice or a spy, who can say?<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Hedge Witch Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Hedge Apprentice}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Comp
"id": "Herbalist",
"name": "Herboriste",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>This is beyond my skill to heal. The wounds been infected and its tainting his blood; he needs a doctor, or Shallyas aid. I can give you something to make sure hes comfortable on the journey to town. And something for you, too, to calm your nerves.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Kurtis Schwarz, Herbalist<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Skilled botanists who use Rhyas bounty to create cures for many ailments.<\/h3>\n<p>Medicines from apothecaries are expensive and rarely available in the Reiklands hinterlands, so peasants rely on the healing power of plants gathered, doctored, and administered by Herbalists. Most Herbalists lore is verbally passed down from master to apprentice, so names for illnesses and treatments often vary from village to village. The most experienced Herbwises are sent for in cases of mysterious or stubborn sicknesses. Herbalists dedicate time to visiting the sick, diagnosing their ailments and searching for herbs to treat them with. Some Herbalists ply a darker trade, sought out by those who can pay a high price for the illicit substances they offer. Although an untrue stereotype, its a standing joke in the trade that Halfling Herbalists are only interest in pipeweed and wyrdroot.<\/p>\n<p>With knowledge of poultices and potions, Herbalists can easily find a place with a band of travelers or mercenaries. When particularly virulent diseases take hold, Herbwises often send their apprentices to far off places in search of rarer herbs, and some find themselves in all manner of unexpected trouble. The Wood Elves knowledge of plants and herbs is legendary. In the Grey Mountains it is said that The Goddess Shallya wandered Athel Loren to learn their lore when Ranald was dying of an affiction she could not cure. High Elves who study the art of herbalism follow Lileath the Maidens teachings, and its rumored there is an ancient elven library in Marienburg which records the medicinal use of every plant in the Old World, although no Human has yet been granted access.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Herbalist Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Herb Gatherer}<\/stro
"id": "Huffer",
"name": "Nautonier",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>A great big ship came in from Marienburg, low in the water and packed to the gunwales. I said that it would cost them a crown to take them through the Furdienst. Steep, yes, but it was a big ship. The arrogant Wastelander scoffed, said hed do it himself. But sure enough, they drifted right into the shallows and were holed. They lost a good part of their cargo and it took them a week to repair the damage. Reckon it cost them a bit more than a crown.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Ilsa Dasche, Huffer<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You pilot ships and boats through the most treacherous waters of the Old World<\/h3>\n<p>Huffers are specialist river guides with expert knowledge of local river systems. They are a common sight near the most dangerous stretches of the Empires rivers and can command significant wages for what many view as easy work. Others view it as cheap compared to the potential cost of lost cargo.<\/p>\n<p>Many Huffers specialize in a single, notorious stretch of water, while others make their money at certain times of the year when the waters are at their worst. Other Huffers have broader knowledge and will guide vessels for their entire journey, effectively acting as navigators. This is especially true of merchant ships with particularly valuable cargo at difficult times of the year.<\/p>\n<p>As an expert for hire, Huffers are often hired by wealthy patrons, frequently brought in as specialists on journeys of discovery. Even when travelling into the unknown, Huffers are useful for their broad range of knowledge concerning river conditions and piloting. Because of the regional and seasonal nature of the work, many Huffers are ready to drop everything and travel to where theyre needed. Tis freedom transfers well to the adventuring lifestyle, and also suits those seeking to return to Huffing should adventuring not supply their needs.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverfolk<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Huffer Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Riverguide}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 4<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.RLQHm
"id": "Hunter",
"name": "Chasseur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;My lord, those tracks&hellip; we&rsquo;re not following a stag. Tehre are Turnskins in these woods.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Gundred Maynir, Huntsmaster<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&lsquo;Are you trying to tell me hunting&rsquo;s not a sport because both sides don&rsquo;t know they&rsquo;re playing? Might I suggest you&rsquo;d been hunting the wrong game.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&nbsp;&ndash; Graf Bernard Leutze von Holthausen<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Tough, independent killers who make a living off the fur and flesh of wild creatures.<\/h3>\n<p>&lsquo;Taal&rsquo;s Bounty&rsquo; is a common greeting in Hochland, where locals proclaim a proud hunting heritage that goes back to the time of Sigmar. Most in the Empire hunt, either as a hobby, a profession, or a necessity, and many Hunters turn to poaching when times are lean.<\/p>\n<p>Particularly skilled Hunters might be engaged as a noble&rsquo;s Huntsmaster, granting access to fine weapons, horses, and falcons. Elves and Dwarfs have little care for the boundaries of men and will occasionally venture deep into Human territory tracking a challenging prize. Stories of the Wood Elves&rsquo; Wild Hunt petrify children of the Grey Mountains, and not without cause, for if any intruder strays too close to Elven lands, then the hunters quickly become the hunted.<\/p>\n<p>A common punishment for hunter caught poaching is to lose two fingers. Faced with being unable to draw a bow, many will cut and run before the punishment can be administered, preferring to take a chance in the forests. Around the fertile villages of the Suden Vorbergland, Hunters are losing ground to farmers as the trees are cut back and nobles reserve what hunting is left for sport. The Imperial Army is always on the lookout for reliable, local hunters to support their army as they march, acting as support archers or scouts. A life of adventure awaits any Hunter willing to take the Emperor&rsquo;s Schilling<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Hunter Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Trapper}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 2<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @
"id": "Investigator",
"name": "Enquêteur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« Jai le regret de vous informer que votre mari est enterré dans le jardin potager de Dame Khol, sous les navets. Cela fera 6 pistoles et 4 sous, sil vous plaît. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> « Ciguë » Hemlock Grand-jour, Limier elfe</p>\n<p> « Nous pouvons déduire, à la vue de cette porte brisée en mille morceaux, que le voleur a reçu laide dune créature énorme. Mais ladite créature naurait jamais pu descendre par cet escalier étroit. Ce qui ne nous laisse que deux conclusions possibles. Soit elle sest matérialisée à partir de rien, soit notre voleur est un change-forme… »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Zavant Konniger, « Sage-Détective »</p>\n<p> « Jimagine que vous nêtes pas sans savoir que je suis le plus grand détective du monde. Vous avez déjà entendu parler dAlphonse, non ? »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Alphonse Hercule de Gascoigne, minuscule détective Bretonien</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<h3>Astucieux autant que méfiant, vous enquêtez au cœur des crimes afin dy trouver des réponses.</h3>\n<p>La plupart des Enquêteurs interviennent dans des affaires de vol de propriété privée, de personnes disparues ou de meurtres, même si certains enquêtent sur les gros titres des journaux ou encore sur les cas de chantage pour se faire un peu de « bonus ». Parmi les techniques denquête, on trouve le pistage des </p>\n<p>empreintes de pied, les recoupements, les déductions logiques, et, si nécessaire, les fouilles illégales. Alors que les Enquêteurs laïcs agissent à la limite de la loi pour des institutions comme les chambres de commerce, les enquêteurs religieux, pour la plupart au service de Sigmar et de Verena, suivent un code éthique très strict.</p>\n<p>Les Enquêteurs aguerris abusent quelquefois deffets de manche pour améliorer leur crédibilité. Certains Maîtres Enquêteurs se présentent en tant que « spécialistes de lobservation » et se targuent de posséder des talents qui ne peuvent pas sapprendre. Il faut une bonne dose dautopromotion pour se hisser au rang de Détective et se voir proposer des affaires à travers le Vieux Monde.</p>\n<p>Les Enquêteurs sont quelquefois embauchés afin de résoudre des mystères quil serait trop dangereux de tenter de solutionner seul, ce qui peut devenir une manière informelle de créer un groupe daventuriers. Bien évidemment, la nature de ces mystères peut faire quune fois lun dentre eux résolu, un autre se présente. Certains Enquêteurs peuvent donc bénéficier dun emploi stable, à la condition quils soient capables didentifier les clients potentiels derrière chaque nouveau mystère quils découvrent.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Halfling, Haut Elfe, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression dEnquêteur</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Knight",
"name": "Chevalier",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>The knight demanded I get out of his way. “Why?” I asked. “I am in the service of the people,” he replied. “Well, Im the people,” I said, “so I dont have to get out of your way.” He didnt have an answer to that, of course. So he punched me in the face!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Holger Kass, 1st Bögenhafen Halberdiers<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Lady Myrmaelia Jaeke is the finest knight in the Order of the Blazing Sun. How can I be so sure? Well, I used to hold that title, and she bested me.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Birgitte van der Hoogenband, Abbess-General of the Monastery of the Black Maiden, former Knight of the Blazing Sun.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Thundering into battle on a heavy charger, you dominate the field, spreading fear in your wake.<\/h3>\n<p>Many believe heavy cavalry are the pre-eminent warriors of the Old World. A massed charge is an awesome sight, but even alone a Knight can stand as a one-person army. There are many Knightly Orders in the Empire, the most famous including the Reiksguard, the White Wolves, the Knights Panther, and the Knights Griffon, each of which have their own gloried history and mighty heroes. Most Empire Knights belong to secular knightly orders, partly because training heavy lancers is too prohibitively expensive for most nobles. The templar orders, those dedicated to the service of a single deity are just as common but are somewhat more independent. Alongside these are an uncounted number of free-lances, mercenary knights, and disgraced knights, most of whom sell their lance to the highest bidder.<\/p>\n<p>Knights might be asked to venture out to fulfill a duty on behalf of their Order or be sought out by nobles and employed to accompany a restless heir around the Empire. Similarly, templars will have responsibility to do their gods will. All of these provide perfect opportunities for Knights looking to adventure. By comparison, a free-lance is just that, and a life of adventure is what they follow by default.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Warrior<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Knight Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Squire}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Silve
"id": "Lawyer",
"name": "Juriste",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Sharks! No, worse! Leeches! But not the good kind that suck out bad humors, oh no. Theyre leeches that drain your coffers and leave you nothing to show for it. Stefan Bachler, Merchant It is not what the lawyer says I may do that concerns me, but what is right by reason and justice. Such matters need then be the basis of our new law.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Lector Agatha von Böhrn, Supreme Law Lord of the Empire<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You navigate treacherous legal systems, defending clients and prosecuting the guilty.<\/h3>\n<p>Lawyers give legal counsel, interpret the law, and argue on behalf of their clients before the courts. They are often specialists in the laws of the province in which they practice, or in ecclesiastical law. Most are university educated and therefore rich and well-connected, although gifted individuals of low birth are sometimes apprenticed. Cult lawyers learn from their venerable peers, with those trained by the Cults of Verena and Sigmar especially well-regarded. Some Lawyers are hired as mediators, settling informal disputes outside costly courts, a practice favored by Halflings. Others work for criminal gangs, exploiting legal loopholes to free their always-guilty clients. At the top end of society, Barristers are the only lawyers allowed to address higher appeal courts in the city-states, charging exorbitant prices for their services.<\/p>\n<p>Lawyers excel at getting people out of trouble, while adventurers excel at getting into it. They can use their knowledge of obscure local laws to avoid problems by suggesting unusual approaches to solve thorny dilemmas. After all, tying up a local thug in court is just as valuable, and arguably much safer, than tying one up in a basement.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Lawyer Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Student Lawyer}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 4<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Endurance}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pKLMbmG3Ivt6mzMf]{Haggle}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-
"id": "Merchant",
"name": "Marchand",
2022-01-02 00:43:54 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« Si Nuln veut une guerre commerciale, quil en soit ainsi. Je vois bien un blocus sur leur rivière et une augmentation des taxes sur les pistolets. Après tout, lEmpire me doit quelques faveurs… »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Leo van Haagen, Prince Marchand de Marienburg</p>\n<p>« Comment je suis devenue millionnaire ? Eh bien, quand je nétais encore quune petite fille à qui il ne restait plus quun seul sou, je suis allée voir un fermier du coin et je lui ai acheté une pomme. Ensuite, je suis allée au marché et jai revendu la pomme pour deux sous. Le jour daprès, jai acheté deux pommes au fermier, puis je suis retournée au marché où jai revendu ces deux pommes pour quatre sous. Et ainsi de suite, chaque jour, jallais à la ferme où jachetais des pommes avant de me rendre au marché pour les revendre et faire des bénéfices. Et à lâge de 25 ans, mon grand-père est mort, me léguant un million de couronnes. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Johanna Sainzburg, Magnat des fruits frais</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes malin, vous savez parfaitement compter, vous achetez à bas prix et revendez au plus fort, et vous gagnez plus dargent que la plupart nen verront jamais.</h3>\n<p>La grande majorité des Marchands font commerce de biens plutôt simples comme lalcool, le textile, les poteries ou les objets en bois. Pour les plus ambitieux, certaines marchandises rares et exotiques, comme le gromril nain ou les épices venues de lEst, rapportent bien plus, mais sont bien plus longues à acheminer et exigent de solides relations à létranger. Dans la plupart des villes, les Marchands nont pas le droit de vendre sans avoir lautorisation dune guilde de Marchands (et davoir payé pour lobtenir), qui sont des institutions tellement puissantes quelles en viennent à avoir une influence politique similaire à celle des nobles de la cour. Le commerce local est géré par des Négociants qui transportent les biens entre les villages reculés et les villes les plus proches.</p>\n<p>Les Négociants peuvent rejoindre une guilde en suivant lenseignement de Maîtres Marchands en tant quassociés débutants. Les Princes Marchands, qui possèdent des entrepôts et des bureaux de vente dans de multiples villes, ont quasiment le même statut que la petite noblesse. En plus du commerce, certains Marchands font également office de banque, accordant des prêts à certains et en effectuant divers investissements.</p>\n<p>Les Marchands partagent une certaine affinité avec les aventuriers, et bien souvent ils préfèrent les embaucher au lieu de faire appel aux escortes de caravanes de commerce. Les aventuriers, audacieux de nature et capables de sadapter facilement, sont des candidats idéaux pour les partenariats dans les entreprises de négoce et permettent ainsi aux Marchands de se retrouver en contact avec une foule de Personnages hauts en couleur.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Halfling, Haut elfe, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression de Marchand</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">IV</td>\n<td style=\"height:17
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Messenger",
"name": "Messager",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Are you Herr Schmidt of Hochplatz, Kemperbad? Erm, do you know a Herr Schmidt of Hochplatz, Kemperbad? Erm, do you know a Hochplatz? Kemperbad?<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Willi Winkle, Messenger on his first day<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;It looked like an interesting package, if you know what I mean. I thought Id just have a quick peek. Thought it was to his girlfriend. Thought it might be a bit, you know, juicy. How was I to know it was all that boring spying stuff. Wheres Bretonnia, anyway?<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Rufus Drucht, Messenger who single-handedly busted the Bloody Bretonnian spy ring, then lost his job.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Swift and sure-footed, nothing stops you delivering your messages on time.<\/h3>\n<p>When the postal service is unsecure or too slow, people send a Messenger. Several courier companies provide express services, competing to show they are the fastest and safest. Most Messengers take their duties very seriously, guarding their packages with their lives. Some courier companies have arrangements with coaching houses allowing their Messengers to swap tired horses for fresh ones, for top-speed delivery.<\/p>\n<p>Runners are employed to carry urgent messages in cities. Many larger settlements host competitions to celebrate the fastest, with the winners taking prizes and lucrative job contracts. Messengers can also be found working for the military, noble houses, large merchant houses, and for criminal gangs seeking to maintain their privacy.<\/p>\n<p>Messages can contain all sorts of information, and some lead to adventure should they be intercepted. The easiest way for any villain (or innocent party) to get hold of such information will be to waylay a Messenger. If this happens, it will be the Messengers duty to follow things through until the message is recovered. As Messengers are usually freelance, paid per package delivered, it is simple enough to drop everything then pick-up work when they return.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Messenger Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Runner}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 3<br>
"id": "Miner",
"name": "Mineur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>After your supplies from the store are deducted, and your load of sixteen tons added, you made…let me see… no, you actually owe us two for today. Another day older and deeper in debt, boy.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Frederika, Victualler of the Delfgruber Minehead.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>A hewer of stone, you pursue back-breaking work in the darkest depths of the world.<\/h3>\n<p>Many prospectors are tempted by stories of gold in the Skaag Hills, but real mining is hard work down dark, dangerous tunnels. Adept at constructing supports and assessing mineral ores for their value, Miners are alert to unexpected dangers from explosive gas to tunneling Greenskins, and are notoriously tough, both physically and mentally. Prospectors usually work on commission, with a license to prospect in return for sharing finds with the local lord. Some noble houses fortunes are built on the rich mines in their lands, and often Miners in these pits will be criminals or debtors pressed into service. Quarrymen hewing open-face stone ostensibly have a safer job than those underground, but accidents are common and Beastman attack from the forest is an ever-present danger.<\/p>\n<p>Many independent Miners find themselves thrust into peril when set upon by Goblins or other subterranean horrors. Some find the rewards of this life more lucrative, if not less dangerous, than slaving away for a mine owner for a pittance. Prospectors have many opportunities for adventure and can easily pull together a band of like-minded folk eager for riches and glory.<\/p>\n<p>To Dwarfs, mining is not an occupation limited to commoners. Rather, they are considered artisans of great skill and are well-respected amongst the Dawi. Possessed of a keen sense for stone, Dwarfs are drawn to valuable seams and seemingly have a sixth-sense for when to shore up passages. Some Dwarf clans hold such pride in their mining ability that they march to war armed with picks rather than axes.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Miner Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Prospector}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 2<br><strong>Skills<\/st
"id": "Mystic",
"name": "Mystique",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;I&rsquo;ll tell you for why we have wheels on our houses: it&rsquo;s because no one likes to hear the cold truth of Morr a-coming, and if there&rsquo;s one thing for sure, Morr is always a-coming. So, it ain&rsquo;t because we&rsquo;re cheaters, but because we are honest folk!&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Honest Chupra, Strigany Pedlar<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&lsquo;I never met a Priest who could tell me what the future holds. Well, unless you count the Priest of Morr who Doomed me for thruppence, but don&rsquo;t they say that death and taxes are the only things we can be certain of?&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Sylvestr Jutzenbach, Ostermarker Noble<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You have a talent for divining the future, or for convincing others you can&hellip;<\/h3>\n<p>Searching for meaning in a dangerous world, people turn to Mystics for a glimpse of their future. Wandering caravans of Strigany are a common sight in Reikland, and locals scrape together coin to hear their fortune, and buy charms and love potions. Most Mystics are perceptive and intuitive, able to divine their customers&rsquo; hopes and fears and give readings just specific enough to be believable. Mystics must be careful, and walk a fine line between accusations of trickery and heretical witchery. Mystics demonstrate their talent in a wide variety of ways: palmists and card readers are common amongst the Strigany, while a Wood Elf is more likely to interpret the signs and symbols to be found around them in nature, or to be inspired by dreams and visions. Many cults also have their own Seers and Sages, each prophesizing the future through the paradigm of their beliefs.<\/p>\n<p>Mystics might seek a life of adventure if their insights draw the attention of priests and witch hunters. Dreams and visions also provide an incentive to join a band of adventurers: perhaps the Mystic foresees a terrible future ahead if action is not taken? No matter their motivation, once on the road, Mystics can easily ply their trade wherever they should travel.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Peasants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Mystic Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Fortune Teller}<\/strong><\/h3>\
"id": "Noble",
"name": "Noble",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;Everyone thinks that Nobles have it easy, but it&rsquo;s a treacherous life and you&rsquo;re always standing in someone&rsquo;s way. I&rsquo;d rather take my chances out here with you lot than risk assassins back home. Give me a herd of Beastmen any day.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; &ldquo;Lugner&rdquo; Rodziner, Tenth of his Line<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>As the scion of a noble bloodline, you stand proudly from the common rabble.<\/h3>\n<p>The blood of highborn ancestors courses through the veins of the nobility, granting Nobles the power to rule, make laws, and dispense justice. Nobles often inherit vast wealth and holdings, although only those with a direct line of succession can expect to wield any genuine power. Many spend their lives consolidating this wealth and power through business, politics, and conquest. Those without substantial inheritance must make their own way in the world, joining the State Army or navy as a commissioned officer, or commit to service of one of the gods. It is common to find Nobles working for more powerful noble houses, such as sending their daughters to serve as hand maidens to royalty.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;Many Nobles serve their families abroad in the hopes they can advance their station and earn acclaim amongst their peers. Others, bored by pampered living, search for excitement as adventurers and would-be heroes. Scions with few prospects sometimes seek their fortunes far from courtly intrigue and betrayal, taking up other occupations to expand their options.<\/p>\n<p>The GM should consider carefully whether to allow players to choose the Noble career. It comes with a lot of trappings and temporal power, especially at the higher levels of the career.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtier<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Noble Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Scion}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Gold 1<br \/><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.d3VZwO4Y5JH5DXdT]{Bribery}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.R2ytluHiEFF2KQ5e]{Consume Alcohol}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.7pQo66cESWttzIlb]{Gamble}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.I0yPc4PH5erWJLmu]{Intimidate}, <e
"id": "Nun",
"name": "Nonne",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;They came thinking it a simple task to slay a few poor, hapless Brothers and take our relics. I ask Morr not judge too harshly the seven bandits we bury today, as Brother Hild has already inflicted punishment enough.&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Abbot Ernst Halfhauser<\/p>\n<p>&lsquo;Quick! Come quick! The Sisters of Faith and Chastity are about to parade through the streets. I want to see if I can get a few coppers caught in their thorns. It brings luck for the whole year!&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Bengt, Altdorf Street Rat<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You are devoted to the service of your deity, having sworn vows for a life of service.<\/h3>\n<p>Nuns are members of religious orders, normally cloistered within an abbey, convent, or monastery. Most rise before the sun for morning prayer before toiling in fields, tending to the sick, or preserving important manuscripts. Vows of pilgrimage cause some to travel the Empire, while others take oaths to serve the community, moving amongst the people, tending to their spiritual needs. Devoted hermits and tenders to shrines are also thought of as &lsquo;Nuns&rsquo; or &lsquo;Monks&rsquo; by the folk of the Empire. Many Nuns learn valuable trades such as vintners, brewers or calligraphers. Abbesses use these activities to attract donations and patronage from the local nobility. Leaders of particularly large or martial Orders can gather significant influence both within their own cult and with the ruling classes of a province. For more on religion and the different Orders, see Chapter 7: Religion and Belief.<\/p>\n<p>When a religious order discovers terrible secrets or fragments of prophecy, its leaders may feel they must act, sending brothers and sisters abroad. Abbeys along pilgrimage routes will often also send their members abroad to guard the many pilgrims traversing the lengthy holy roads across the Empire. And there are always itinerant Friars wandering the world, risking adventure with every new land they enter.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Nun Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Novitiate (Nun)}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 1<br \/>
"id": "Outlaw",
"name": "Hors-la-Loi",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>&lsquo;They were children, not brigands. Starving, filthy, sickly. They held us under the sight of their arrows and we stood fast&hellip; my son&rsquo;s age, they were. Children. Killed six of us&hellip;&rsquo;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Valentin Behr, Roadwarden<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;&lsquo;...and he says, &ldquo;Titus, why d&rsquo;you carry them shears?&rdquo; And I says, &ldquo;These?&rdquo; And he says, &ldquo;Aye, those&rsquo;re the only shears I see.&rdquo; So I laughed and answered: &ldquo;Sometimes they don&rsquo;t want to take off their rings like I ask &lsquo;em to. When I show &lsquo;em the shears, most of &lsquo;em change their tune right quick. And if they don&rsquo;t&hellip;&rsquo;&rsquo;. Hehehe.&rsquo;&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&ndash; Hasslich Widmann, Outlaw<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>You prey upon travelers, extracting a toll from the vulnerable and the unsuspecting.<\/h3>\n<p>Outlaws ply the roads of the Old World in search of vulnerable travelers and merchant caravans. They lead dangerous and often hardscrabble lives. Many do not see themselves as criminals, but as oppressed groups trying to live their lives free from outside constraints. Many Wood Elf outlaws ft this description, pushing back against the Humans proliferating at the edge of the forests, willing to take more drastic action than others of their kind. Particularly savvy and brutal Outlaws may form bands of their own, sometimes even uniting several bands under a single banner. Such Bandit Kings are feared and reviled by noble and peasant alike. Tough few Outlaws discriminate in choosing their prey, some claim to protect the common man. These do-gooders focus their larceny on greedy nobles and, in return, locals may provide them with food, information, and safe harbor.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Outlaw bands are not all wild mobs, so many can be reasoned with if approached correctly. An Outlaw might be asked to accompany a group of adventurers as a guide or to protect them, especially if the group are trying to stop unholy activity in a Bandit King&rsquo;s domain. Individual Outlaws may find it simple to join an adventuring band, although they may need to disguise themselves if they go anywhere the Outlaw is wanted.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Outlaw Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px;
"id": "Pedlar",
"name": "Colporteur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Tis here is an absolutely unique, one-of-a-kind, only-one-inexistence, work of art. If you want more, dont worry, Ive got another couple of dozen on the back of the cart.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Delberz Trötte, Trader&nbsp;<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Worldly-wise and free of interference, you wander the Empire selling your wares where you will.<\/h3>\n<p>&nbsp;Peddlers traipse from village to hamlet, selling goods and services such as knife sharpening, mending, and tinkering. Most carry cheap stock readily available in larger towns, including small luxuries such as ribbons and hair pins. Peddlers are always welcome as even suspicious folk like to treat themselves to baubles and knickknacks.<\/p>\n<p>Some Peddlers also take on messenger work; others act as de facto town criers, bringing news and gossip to the quietest corners of the Empire in exchange for bed-and-board. Given the dangers on the road, some Peddlers prefer to keep a stall at a regular town marketplace. It is also common to find them on pilgrim routes making a living selling relics to the devout.<\/p>\n<p>Hearing of profits to be made in far-off lands and listening to the stories of well-travelled merchants is always going to whet the appetite of an ambitious peddler. Being self-reliant, they can follow up on any adventure, making a decent profit along the way. They can also gain access to strongholds and settlements without awkward questions.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ranger<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Pedlar Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Vagabond}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 1<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.exLrBrn2mjb6x2Cq]{Charm}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Endurance}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.qBm2fu3oMhxsDBNQ]{Entertain (Storytelling)}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.RLQHm1s4IuY9RSr2]{Gossip}, <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pKLMbmG3Ivt6mzMf]{Haggle}<\/em>, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.cYtU0ORRFCOpQLWz]{Intuition}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.os4NKy5Oy6sRt1eh]{Outdoor Survival}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.McTtmZu3Ac8Lh48W]{Stealth (Rural or Urban)}<br><strong>Talents<
"id": "Physician",
"name": "Médecin",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Come to Neuber for all your limb removals! Ill ave your arm off in seconds! Ill suture it afore you even wake up. My works so fine youll never miss it!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Gotthard Neuber, Barber-Surgeon<\/p>\n<p>Beware the Brass Doktor.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Reikland Proverb warning against cheap Physicians<\/p>\n<p>Theyre bastards, all. I cant so much as give you a proper bloodletting without their leave. “Practicing medicine without a license” my arse. I know you cant afford them, deary. Here, luv, take this nice tea. What? Oh no, just tea is all. Just tea. And if you feel better, why, thank Shallya, eh?<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Jana Palner, Part-time Surgeon<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>With a strong stomach and steady hand, you practice the art of medicine, striving to save lives.<\/h3>\n<p>Physicians study patients symptoms and prescribe remedies and surgeries. While the healing arts are ancient, many deriving from Elven practices, the formal science of medicine is relatively new and not-entirely-trusted. Due to the Empires history with necromancy and the safe-guards imposed by the Cult of Morr, studying cadavers is forbidden, making learning of anatomy hard. Medicines reputation suffered further from swindlers selling miracle cure-alls that do nothing or cause actual harm. Physicians learn their profession at a university or while apprenticed to a Guild Physician. Most cheap surgery is undertaken by back-street physicians known as barber-surgeons whose training is informal. Trained doctors with strong stomachs are in demand for the State Armies. The most famed Physicians almost exclusively tend to wealthy merchants and the nobility.<\/p>\n<p>Physicians Guild fees are notoriously expensive, which can cause newer Physicians without steady clientele to seek alternate sources of income. Some Physicians consistently search for more effective treatments and new medicines, which can take them far afield. Others like to expand their knowledge of anatomy by studying grievous wounds first hand, and there are few better ways to do that than by travelling with adventurers.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Physician Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 6
"id": "Pit Fighter",
"name": "Gladiateur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>It was my big chance. The biggest fight of my life. Ten the Hooks came and told me to go down in the fourth or theyd chop off my hand. Well, you know me, of course I went and won anyway. And Ive no regrets. After all, there are lots of things you can do with one hand.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Sigurda the Bull, Arm Wrestler<\/p>\n<p>Roll up! Roll up! Dare you face the might of Gosser Papa? Could you last three minutes with Resige Heuhaufer!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Raimund Heenan, Ring Announcer<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You fight for money, for glory, and for the entertainment of the masses.<\/h3>\n<p>Watching fights is a popular pastime. In the cities, organized fights take place every night. There is money to be made charging spectators, and even more in gambling on the result. Winners earn coin and are celebrated as local heroes. Losers are hurt or killed. Because pit fighting is officially frowned upon, the fights are often controlled by criminal gangs, but the rich love to slum it on occasion, especially if it involves a little bloodshed. The gladiators of Tilea are the most renowned pit fighters, though the chain-fighters of Marienburg and bear-wrestlers of Kislev draw a crowd. Pugilists and wrestlers might work a travelling fair, challenging the public to survive three minutes in the ring with them, or they might fight a celebrated opponent in front of cheering crowds. Knives, clubs, chains, boxing, wrestling, there is an almost endless variation of styles and codes a Pit Fighter might adopt.<\/p>\n<p>Many Pit Fighters fall into their sport because they have the talent and they simply need the money. Some would jump at the chance to leave their seedy world behind and put their talents to a slightly better use. Fortunately, Pit fighters are generally free to use their time as they will, provided they turn up on time for the next big fight, and even if they dont, there is always another pit…<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling, High Elf, Wood Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Warrior<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Pit Fighter Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Pugilist}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 4<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendi
"id": "Priest",
"name": "Prêtre",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>For sound advice, I seek a Priest of Verena. For everything else, I seek a Priest of Ranald.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Wermer Losch, Merchant<\/p>\n<p>The Shallyan, just a girl she was, stroked my little Antons forehead and whispered, and the screaming stopped. He smiled at me for the first time in days. I will never forget it. Oh, aye, he died not long after, but not in pain. Not in pain.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Sabine Schmidt, Fishmonger<\/p>\n<p>Listen, there is nothing to fear. Hexensnacht comes every year. We need only call on the Lord of Death to watch over us. So, come the midnight hour, we cry MORR! MORR! MORR!<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Father Wilhelm Abgott, Priest of Morr<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You carry the word of your god, tending to the spiritual needs of the masses.<\/h3>\n<p>Priests tend to congregations of the faithful throughout the Old World. While many are assigned to a specific temple, others choose a wandering life to reach worshippers who cannot, or will not, attend temple. They are expected to exemplify the beliefs of their religion — which vary greatly depending on which deity they serve. High Priests are responsible for a temple and all its Cult and lay members. Alongside Lectors, they will often be called upon to advise the ruling classes, with many active in local politics. Priests have many duties connected to their God, such as Priests of Mananns responsibility to consecrate new ships, or a Shallyans duty to tend to the sick and wounded, so they touch on most aspects of life in the Empire. For more on religion and the different Orders, see Chapter 7: Religion and Belief.<\/p>\n<p>Some temple-bound Priests seek distractions to justify sojourns away. Disturbing matters heard from their congregations can send them on a quest for answers. Some High Priests find their administrative duties so far removed from the life they envisaged when they joined the Cult that they take extended pilgrimages away from their temple.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Academics<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Priest Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Initiate}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 2<br><
"id": "Protagonist",
"name": "Spadassin",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>Remember Tommy Two Knives? Im not saying he crossed me. Im just saying you dont see him walking round town no more, do you?<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Gilly Tree Knives, Protagonist<\/p>\n<p>Yeah, Big Yuri came round and destroyed all my merchandise. Said this town was only big enough for one lotus dealer, and that was that. I completely agreed, so I doubled his pay and sent him back to White Tigers den. And that was the end of that.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Toni Miragliano, Lotus Dealer<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>A strong-arm for hire, you bully, fight, and maybe even kill for coin.<\/h3>\n<p>Protagonists live by their wits and their muscles and are not generally fussy about the sort of work they take on. A merchant might want to frighten their business rival. An employer might decide his workers need a bit of encouragement to get a job done quicker. A noble might want his daughters no-good suitor to be frightened off. Protagonists are the ones they turn to, and those with the worst reputation get the best jobs. A Protagonist could be the brute in the local bar everyone knows will bully for coin, or with the reputation for unflinching violence. Some Protagonists have their own code of what they will or wont do; others care for nothing but the coin. Some are simple bullies who resort to picking arguments and fights with likely looking targets to see if they can score any money from the situation.<\/p>\n<p>On the face of it, Protagonists are always up for an adventure because theyre always up for a fight. But they will usually expect to get paid for services rendered. Whether they will join others without a guarantee of payment is a question they will need to ask themselves. Could a hardened protagonist find a cause they will voluntarily pursue? Perhaps they could even turn over a new leaf?<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, High Elf<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Warrior<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Protagonist Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Braggart}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Status<\/strong>: Brass 2<br><strong>Skills<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.LGHozP5gmQ8cuDQV]{Athletics}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.1jCxbFAUuFuAPLJl]{Dodge}, @Compendi
"id": "Racketeer",
"name": "Rançonneur",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>I hope you have Hazelmanns money because I really hate the sound of breaking fingers.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Claus Betelhof, Well-Mannered Racketeer<\/p>\n<p>IF YOU CANT PAE THE DEBT, DONT MAKE THE BET.<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Sign in Boscos Bones (Altdorf gambling house)<\/p>\n<p>or bosco wil brake ya legs<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Boscos Bones Sign Addendum scrawled in chalk<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>You are part of an organized criminal gang, collecting debts and extorting money from the weak<\/h3>\n<p>Racketeers extort money from law-abiding citizens and merchants, providing protection or some similar fraudulent service. If the fees are not paid on time, the victims, their families, and their livelihoods are at considerable risk. Large gangs bribe or intimidate local authorities to ignore their activities — their Tugs are always willing to kill — or worse — to keep business running smoothly. Tugs are employed to collect debts of all kind, especially those incurred through gambling losses or high-interest-rate loans. In a world brimming with poverty, the promise of easy wealth is an allure countless fools are unable to ignore. The more organized the graft, the larger and more complex the organizations running them become. While the smallest rackets are run by small gangs with limited territory beyond a building or two, the largest can span cities or even entire provinces, and the Crime Lords who run them can wield extraordinary power.<\/p>\n<p>Thugs and Racketeers are always willing to resort to threats and violence, making them valuable members of any party that expects to face aggressive opposition. Gang Bosses might even take their business on the road, looking to expand their territory or explore new opportunities for intrigue and profit. Given the competitive nature of such rackets, even the most powerful Crime Lords might find themselves deposed by opponents or treachery. Forced to hide or flee, such experienced crooks can seek to use a group of experienced adventurers to their advantage.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Species:&nbsp;<\/strong>Human, Dwarf, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Class:&nbsp;<\/strong>Rogues<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Racketeer Advance Scheme<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">WS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">BS<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">S<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">T<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Agi<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">WP<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Fel<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[wfr
"id": "Rat Catcher",
"name": "Ratier",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Tu vois là au milieu de la pile, Otmar ? Il y en a un gros ! Fais gaffe quil soit bien mort avant de le choper. Sinon, il te mordra la main avec ses dents empoisonnées. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Annaliese Rattenfänger, Égoutière<\/p>\n<p>‘« Désolé, mon ami. Cest le reste de la guilde qui soccupe des rats. Mes amis et moi, on soccupe des trucs plus gros dans les égouts. Il y en a des flopées, en dessous... »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Mårten Stormdal, Exterminateur dUbersreik<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous empêchez que la civilisation soit envahie par la vermine à laide de vos fidèles compagnons canins.<\/h3>\n<div>\n<p>Les Ratiers patrouillent dans toutes les villes et les cités, et ce, pour une bonne raison. Les rues de lEmpire débordent de déchets puants de nourritures diverses, le parfait terreau pour la prolifération de la vermine. Les Ratiers gagnent leur croûte en tuant ces rats, en nettoyant les caves de leurs nids et en plongeant au cœur des égouts de lEmpire, qui en sont littéralement infestés... à condition quils soient assez courageux pour affronter les autres créatures qui y pullulent. Au début de leur formation, la plupart des Ratiers adoptent un chiot quils entraînent à la chasse aux rats. Les Ratiers sont engagés par les villes et deviennent des Égoutiers qui partent à la chasse aux rats géants et autres nuisances souterraines. Il arrive quelquefois que des villes entières soient envahies par les rats, auquel cas elles font appel à des Exterminateurs.<\/p>\n<p>Les Ratiers changent de ville lorsque les rats deviennent « trop gros » ou « trop intelligents », ou encore lorsque la compétition est trop féroce. Lorsquils voyagent, ils peuvent se lier damitié avec ceux qui acceptent laide dun frondeur des rues, dautant que les ratiers sont partants pour saventurer là ou dautres refusent de se rendre.<\/p>\n<p>Si vous voulez jouer un Personnage qui sait ce que sont ces « trop gros » ou « trop intelligents » skavens (voir page 336), le Ratier est fait pour vous. Cependant, les skavens ont pour habitude dassassiner ceux qui lancent des rumeurs à leur sujet. De ce fait, les Ratiers les plus sages ne partageront généralement pas ce quils savent, certains allant même jusquà sappuyer sur leur expérience professionnelle pour discréditer ces histoires de « grands rats » ou « hommes-rats ».<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Citadins<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Ratier<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Riverwarden",
"name": "Patrouilleur fluvial",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« À une époque, alors que jétais Patrouilleur fluvial, Grand Willi est venu me voir pour que je ne moccupe pas dune certaine cargaison. Il ma dit que la seule chose que javais à faire était de le laisser passer et que tout se passerait bien. Jétais jeune, à lépoque. Du coup, jai tout raconté au propriétaire du bateau. Est-ce que jai été remercié pour mon honnêteté ? Nan, Grand Willi sest pointé, il ma collé une rouste, et le jour daprès, je me suis fait virer des Patrouilleurs. Ils étaient bien tous de mèche, hein ? »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Nikki Schnelling, ex-Patrouilleur fluvial<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Infatigable et sûr de vous, vous patrouillez les rivières sans relâche, pourchassant les hors-la-loi et les fauteurs de troubles.<\/h3>\n<p>Le son dun clairon sur une rivière annonce larrivée de la Patrouille fluviale impériale, groupe dintervention armé aussi réputé pour les brutes qui la composent que pour son efficacité. La plupart des auberges et villages riverains leur gardent précieusement une place au mouillage, car, sans leur présence, les eaux resteraient sous la coupe de dangereux criminels. Ces patrouilles, surchargées de travail, se concentrent sur les crimes les plus horribles, et se contentent de résoudre les délits mineurs avec des amendes ponctuelles. Sur les principales routes de commerce, elles possèdent des navires plus importants dirigés par des Abordeurs entraînés à repousser des menaces plus importantes, comme les peaux-vertes ou les trolls...<\/p>\n<p>Certains Patrouilleurs fluviaux ne mettent les bottes sur un bateau que très rarement, supervisant des avant-postes qui contrôlent des eaux dune forte importance stratégique. Dautres patrouillent sur des navires rapides et sont chargés dintercepter les contrebandiers qui agissent de nuit. Les plus grands bateaux des Patrouilleurs fluviaux sont de véritables vaisseaux de guerre hérissés de canons et de mortiers, prêts à toutes les éventualités.<\/p>\n<p>Un Patrouilleur fluvial consciencieux, qui fouille les bâtiments et qui pousse plus loin ses recherches, risque à tout moment de tomber sur un truc pas clair ou sur une sinistre cargaison. Généralement, ils travaillent un mois daffilée avant de se reposer un mois complet. Ce type demploi du temps est idéal pour pouvoir partir à laventure, dautant que le Patrouilleur fluvial nest pas obligé de déserter sil a décidé de faire autre chose, ni même de perdre du temps à tenter de convaincre son Sergent quil est de son devoir denquêter sur les crimes. Ils peuvent donc se mettre en retrait, enquêter de leur côté et reprendre leur poste avant le début du prochain cycle.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverains<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de PatrouiLLeur Fluvial<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align:
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Riverwoman",
"name": "Femme du fleuve",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Si je laisse tomber ce bâton dans leau, juste ici, il terminera sa course à Marienburg. À moins quil ne reste coincé dans la boue, évidemment. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Jemima lAlevin<\/p>\n<p>« Ils disent quon peut parcourir tout lempire si on reste sur le Reik suffisamment longtemps. Eh bien, jy suis resté, pendant vingt ans, à suivre le courant du regard. Jen ai vu des choses. Jai assisté à de nombreuses guerres, et jai vu la paix. Jai été témoin de périodes dallégresse et dépoques plus rudes. Jai vu la joie, et la tristesse. Et, pendant tout ce temps, je peux vous dire, le plus honnêtement du monde, que je nai pas pêché un seul poisson. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Thys Lange, le plus mauvais pêcheur du Reikland<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>Les rivières sont le centre névralgique du commerce du Vieux Monde, et vous vivez en plein milieu de cette fourmilière.<\/h3>\n<p>Les berges fertiles des grandes rivières de lEmpire sont très fortement peuplées, et les habitants qui travaillent jour et nuit sur les eaux et dans les marais proches fournissent la grande majorité du poisson frais, des anguilles et des crustacés qui vont permettre de nourrir les villes et les cités avoisinantes. À linverse des villages situés à lintérieur des terres, les étrangers, qui viennent commercer ou livrer, sont très nombreux dans les villages côtiers. Les Femmes du fleuve sont de ce fait très polyvalentes et bien souvent les premières à apprendre les nouvelles en provenance des terres lointaines. Les rivières sont pourvoyeuses de bien des métiers différents. Nombreux sont ceux qui récoltent les richesses du Reik : les pêcheurs (qui utilisent des cannes, des lances ou des filets), les chasseurs danguilles (qui utilisent des nasses) ou encore les plongeurs pour les coquillages. La plupart vivent dans les villages riverains, draguant les lits des rivières, tractant et entretenant les milliers de navires qui parcourent le Reik.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>Une Femme du fleuve se sent chez elle lorsquelle se trouve à proximité dune étendue deau, et létendue de ses compétences est telle quelle peut se permettre darrêter de travailler quand elle le souhaite, car elle pourra trouver du travail nimporte où ailleurs si elle en a besoin. Une Femme du fleuve sera lune des premières à entendre les ragots qui émaillent les coins les moins fréquentables des berges dune rivière et peut même avoir des contacts intéressants parmi les plus démunis. Leur expérience et leurs connaissances peuvent faire la différence entre le succès et léchec lors dune expédition fluviale.<\/p>\n<p style=\"margin: 0in; font-family: Calibri; font-size: 11.0pt;\">&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe :&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverains<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de La femme du fleuve<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Road warden",
"name": "Patrouilleur routier",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« La seule chose que je peux vous dire, cest quil faut payer un sou par membre inférieur. Ce sont leurs règles. Il ny a rien que je puisse faire. Peut-être devriez-vous trouver une autre route pour mener vos abeilles à Grünburg. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Andreas Muller, Péager tatillon<\/p>\n<p>« Donc jai été arrêté par une Patrouilleuse laut jour. Elle ma dit dfaire attention à un bonhomme peu scrupuleux qui rôde sur les routes et demande aux malheureux voyageurs trois sous pour les laisser passer. Je lai remerciée pour son précieux conseil. « Que Taal vous guide, » me répondit-elle, « ça fera trois sous. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Ullrich le Colporteur<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<h3>Lœil toujours aux aguets et la main sur la garde de votre arme, vous parcourez les grandes routes de lEmpire en faisant respecter la loi.<\/h3>\n<p>Les Patrouilleurs routiers protègent les voyageurs des bandits, des peaux-vertes, des hommes-bêtes et des autres dangers qui rôdent près des principales grandes routes de lEmpire. Les Patrouilleurs sont payés grâce à un système de taxes de douane quils collectent pour la plupart par eux-mêmes. Les Patrouilleurs routiers les plus reconnus sont très respectés et bien accueillis. On leur réserve bien souvent une couchette dans les auberges quils rencontrent le long des routes. Une grande majorité de Patrouilleurs routiers, qui font partie de lArmée impériale, parcourent les artères les plus importantes en temps de paix, parfaitement entraînés et impressionnants dans leurs uniformes impeccables. Les routes les moins fréquentées doivent se contenter des Patrouilleurs de la région, et il arrive que certains profitent de leur statut et délaissent la surveillance pour effectuer des tâches plus rémunératrices. Certains Patrouilleurs vont préférer demeurer dans leurs postes de garde fortifiés plutôt que daller surveiller les routes. Mais les voyageurs rechigneront à donner de largent si les routes sont mal entretenues et dangereuses.<\/p>\n<p>Les Patrouilleurs routiers nont aucune difficulté à trouver de quoi partir à laventure. Lorsquun événement fâcheux se produit, il est souvent proche dune route bien surveillée. Lorsque les problèmes arrivent, les Patrouilleurs routiers sont appelés pour régler les choses. Sils répondent à lappel et entreprennent des recherches, ils ne font que leur métier, gagnant ainsi quelques pièces supplémentaires pour leur peine, et ce, même si laventure qui sensuit les mène bien loin de leur secteur habituel.<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Itinérants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du PatrouiLLeur routier<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/t
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Scholar",
"name": "Erudit",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Aucun dentre nous navait delle une haute opinion. Cétait une petite chose maigrichonne que le Capitaine avait sortie dune bibliothèque dAltdorf, même quelle sappelait Sosber. Le nez dans un livre. Mais lorsquon sest retrouvés face à cette espèce de cadavre, et que les soi-disant guerriers ont pris la fuite, elle a réagi à la vitesse de léclair. Sa voix douce résonnait comme de lacier alors quelle nous disait où frapper. Pas au niveau des têtes, comme on pourrait le croire, mais au corps. Même si cest lacier qui a tué la bête ce jour-là, cest le savoir qui a rendu cet acte possible. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Oskar Reisdorf, Mercenaire<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous consacrez votre vie à parfaire vos connaissances, et ce, quels que soient les chemins que vous aurez à emprunter.<\/h3>\nLes Érudits étudient en général dans une des institutions dapprentissage du Vieux Monde, parmi lesquelles se trouve bien évidemment luniversité dAltdorf. La plupart se spécialisent dans une ou deux matières, et nombreux sont ceux qui en apprennent juste assez pour leur permettre dexercer un métier utile ou leur fournir assez de connaissances pour se sentir à laise pendant une conversation lors dun diner mondain. Les Érudits les plus pauvres tiennent souvent le rôle de scribes, lisant et écrivant des lettres pour les autres, la plupart des citoyens de lEmpire étant illettrés. Dautres deviennent précepteurs et instruisent les familles les plus riches.\n<p>Les Érudits les plus talentueux sont régulièrement invités par les universités à rejoindre leurs rangs, des établissements où des Professeurs de renom tiennent des conférences devant des centaines dÉtudiants. Les nains et les hauts elfes sont moins susceptibles de se retrouver en poste dans des institutions impériales, ce qui ne les empêche pas de parcourir lEmpire à la recherche de connaissances ésotériques<\/p>\n<p>Les Érudits les plus pauvres qui ne peuvent, ou ne veulent pas enseigner auront souvent besoin de trouver des fonds pour financer leurs recherches. Quelques-uns iront chercher des secrets depuis longtemps oubliés ou des ouvrages très anciens dans les coins les plus reculés du monde. Dautres sont embauchés afin daccompagner des groupes daventuriers conscients que leurs connaissances pourront être très utiles.<\/p>\n<p>Érudit est une Carrière très utile, car elle donne accès à des Compétences Savoir dune grande rareté, et offre un excellent moyen au MJ de partager des informations avec les Joueurs. Sil est joué avec un minimum de bon sens, lÉrudit pourra tempérer les tendances un peu brutales et belliqueuses des autres Personnages qui résolvent tous les problèmes à coups dépée. Les Érudits peuvent utiliser leurs connaissances pour résoudre des énigmes ou élaborer des stratégies et des tactiques sortant de lordinaire.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe, Elfe Sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Lettrés<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Lérudit<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Scout",
"name": "Eclaireur",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Je ne pense pas que vous souhaitiez descendre la route qui longe la falaise sans guide. Il y a des pièges à taille humaine qui ont été placés par le préfet pour capturer les braconniers. Ça a failli couper une jambe du vieux Billi la semaine dernière. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Gwyn, Éclaireur<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Intrépide et plein de ressources, vous guidez les autres à travers les dangereuses contrées sauvages du Vieux Monde.<\/h3>\n<p>Dans une population ou lillettrisme est très répandu et où les cartes sont très rares, connaître la région dans laquelle on se trouve peut, pour les voyageurs, faire la différence entre la vie et la mort. Les Éclaireurs sont des experts dans lart de trouver des trajets sécurisés au travers des coins les plus reculés et des routes boueuses de lEmpire. Les guides locaux vont accompagner leurs clients, les prévenant des dangers éventuels, partageant avec eux les ragots des villages et leur montrantles meilleurs endroits permettant de trouver de la nourriture. Les Éclaireurs les plus expérimentés resteront le plus souvent invisibles aux yeux de leurs employeurs, car ils seront toujours en amont à explorer les pistes à venir, et à tenter de repérer les éventuels dangers. Alors que la plupart des Éclaireurs demeurent sur des terres avec lesquelles ils sont familiers, certains se spécialisent dans lescorte sur des terres non encore cartographiées. Certains Explorateurs vont quelquefois même jusquà saventurer sur des territoires dangereux et hostiles afin de compléter les blancs de leurs cartes. La majorité des Éclaireurs naffronteront pas eux-mêmes les dangers, préférant se replier en toute discrétion pour prévenir leurs compagnons et faire en sorte que leur employeur ne se retrouve pas démuni face à la menace approchante.<\/p>\n<p>Les Éclaireurs constituent une aide inestimable pour un groupe daventuriers, surtout lorsque ces derniers partent chercher fortune pour la première fois. Les Coureurs des bois qui possèdent de solides connaissances peuvent se voir demander dagir en tant quÉclaireur, même sils sont nombreux à demeurer solitaires, effectuant des allers-retours dans les bois pour prévenir des éventuelles embuscades ou repérer les ennemis qui seraient plus en avant.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe, Elfe Sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ruraux<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de léclaireur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"he
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Seaman",
"name": "Marin",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Je vois la mer ! »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Marian Zelman, Marin du Reikland optimiste<\/p>\n<p>« Ouaip, jai navigué vers Marienburg. Ces maudits Wastelanders ont fait tout leur possible pour nous empêcher de prendre la haute mer. Jte jure, le Nautonier a dû faire trois fois le tour des îles avant quon sente enfin lodeur de leau salée. Et ils nous ont taxés double sur tout. Même le chat de léquipage y a eu droit. Honnêtement, je suis content dêtre rentré à la maison. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Thom Wesserbrug, Maître déquipage<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Lappel du large et une vie passée à parcourir les mers résonnent en vous, même si de nombreux Marins du Reikland nont jamais vu la mer.<\/h3>\n<p>Les Marins parcourent la haute mer dans la Marine impériale, ou se mettent au service de Marchands. Même si le Reikland ne possède aucune côte, le Reik, entre le Wasteland et Altdorf, est large de plusieurs kilomètres et emprunté par de nombreux navires de grande taille. La Première Flotte impériale, qui patrouille ces eaux, ne voit que très rarement la haute mer, en grande partie à cause du fait que les taxes à payer pour faire passer un navire de guerre par Marienburg sont exorbitantes.<\/p>\n<p>Un Marin parvient toujours à trouver du travail, que ce soit comme membre déquipage sur un vaisseau de combat de lEmpire ou comme simple équipier sur un sloop de commerce. Certains Marins parcourent le monde et paient leur transport en travaillant. Le Reik possède également de nombreuses « Missions », ces bâtiments fournis par la Marine impériale, et qui emploient de nombreux Marins.<\/p>\n<p>Une fois Marienburg franchie, cest le monde entier qui attend le Marin : la dangereuse Mer des griffes, le Grand Océan aux profondeurs insondables, les Îles aux sirènes et leur exotisme, les Mers du Sud et le Golfe noir. Et même sur le Reik, un Marin peut passer sa vie entière à en parcourir les eaux sans jamais vivre la même journée.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverains<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Marin<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Marin deau douce}<\/s
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Servant",
"name": "Serviteur",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Seuls les idiots vont maltraiter ceux qui leur servent leur repas et leur vin. Croyez-moi, le courroux dun serviteur rancunier envers un imprudent na pas de limites. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Baron Gerber Jochutzmann<\/p>\n<p>« Je ne sais réellement pas pourquoi elle sobstine à vouloir prendre ce foutu chat. Entre sa garde-robe, sa bibliothèque de voyage et sa satanée collection de papillons, je ne sais plus où donner de la tête ! Et quand il se perdra parce quil va se perdre, soyez-en sûr , elle va vouloir que je lui en trouve un nouveau. Sigmar ! Où vais-je trouver un bébé léopard à Ubersreik ? »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Reynald, Valet de Dame Kirstin Gottlieb<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes au service des puissants, et effectuez toutes sortes de tâches pour eux.<\/h3>\n<p>La plupart des personnes au service de la noblesse sont dextraction paysanne et heureux de pouvoir échapper à cette masse laborieuse trimant dans les champs. On leur apprend à cuisiner, nettoyer, faire le service et soccuper des écuries. On leur fournit une chambre, le couvert et un salaire, mais la qualité de vie dun Serviteur va principalement dépendre de la façon dont il est traité. Certains dentre eux habillent leurs maîtres, cuisinent ou servent les repas, gèrent les stocks de vin et autres provisions, ou encore soccupent des espaces verts.<\/p>\n<p>Les Serviteurs les plus expérimentés peuvent prétendre devenir Valet, ou même Régisseurs, et gèrent alors les affaires courantes de leur employeur et supervisent les autres Serviteurs. Ceux qui sont au service direct de la royauté sont souvent issus de la noblesse plutôt que du monde paysan.<\/p>\n<p>Un Serviteur peut être réquisitionné pour accompagner son employeur lorsque ce dernier se rend dans sa résidence dété ou en voyage dans une grande ville. Ce sont là des opportunités qui lui permettront de partir à laventure à travers lEmpire. De jeunes héritiers oisifs, trop protégés par leurs parents, se prennent quelquefois damitié pour leurs jeunes Serviteurs et vont même jusquà leur fournir de quoi partir à laventure, vivant ces dernières par procuration lorsque leurs employés reviennent et leur racontent leurs hauts faits.Certains Serviteurs privilégiés se voient quelquefois confier des responsabilités qui vont au-delà de leurs prérogatives, ou encore sont prêtés à dautres membres de la famille ou à dautres pairs.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtisans<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Serviteur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"h
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Slayer",
"name": "Slayer",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Si nous avons le choix, nous les évitons. Ce sont des parias et ils nont plus aucun honneur, seulement lespoir de le récupérer. Cependant, nous les nourrirons et leur laisserons un endroit pour se reposer. Ils sont les Élus de Grimnir, maintenant... »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Dimrond Zindrisson, Mineur<\/p>\n<p>« Herwig pensait pas à mal, parole ! Il a juste demandé pourquoi le Nain avait ces tatouages étranges. Cest arrivé si vite, jai même pas vu bouger le nain, juste Herwig heurter le sol. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Regimius, Débardeur<\/p>\n<p>« Nous allons tous mourir, petit homme. Cest comment cela arrive qui compte. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Gotrek Gurnisson, Tueur<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes la rage et le déshonneur incarnés, cherchant une mort digne pour recouvrer votre honneur perdu.<\/h3>\n<p>Quand les nains subissent une humiliation inacceptable et perdent leur honneur, ils prêtent le Serment du Tueur et suivent la voie de Grimnir, leur dieu ancestral des guerriers. Recouvrant leurs corps de tatouages, rasant les côtés de leur tête, teignant la chevelure restante dun orange vif, et la coiffant en pointes avec de la graisse animale, ils sélancent par le monde, hache à la main, à la recherche dune mort glorieuse.<\/p>\n<p>Les Tueurs arpentent le Vieux Monde à la recherche de bêtes dangereuses, telles que les trolls, les géants ou les dragons. À cause de la honte quils endurent, beaucoup souffrent de dépression, se gorgeant de nourriture, dalcool ou de stimulants plus puissants. Plus les Tueurs affrontent dennemis et survivent, plus ils deviennent dangereux et fous, cherchant progressivement des créatures plus dangereuses encore dans lespoir de trouver quelque chose susceptible de les tuer.<\/p>\n<p>Jusquà ce quil tombe au combat, la vie dun Tueur est une aventure. Ils sont à laffut dopportunités daffronter de puissants ennemis en combat. Les Tueurs occuperont occasionnellement dautres emplois, pour boire leur argent ou payer leurs voyages, mais ils chercheront la mort en chemin. Tous les Tueurs avaient auparavant une vie et une Carrière, ils sont donc bien plus que de simples guerriers possédés par leur désir den finir.<\/p>\n<p>Jouer un Tueur est une expérience unique, car votre Personnage veut mourir. Acceptez-le. Recherchez une terrible destinée. Rachetez votre honneur. <strong>Mourez dignement.<\/strong><\/p>\n<strong> <\/strong><\/div>\n<strong> <\/strong><\/div>\n<strong> <\/strong><\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Race:&nbsp;<\/strong>Nain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Guerriers<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Tueur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Smuggler",
"name": "Contrebandier",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Écoute, cest là quon va mettre les meilleures bouteilles de Bordeleaux. Les patrouilleurs fluviaux vont chercher derrière, les trouver et les confisquer. Et cest ce quon veut, parce que cela signifie quils ne vont pas trouver les douze bouteilles quon a cachées en dessous, là. Et si jamais ils les trouvaient, ce ne serait pas la fin du monde parce quils seraient tellement satisfaits de leur prise quils niraient même pas regarder où lon a caché vingt-quatre autres bouteilles. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Hansel Solomon, Contrebandier<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous faites de la contrebande de cargaisons, cherchant à éviter les taxes et esquiver les patrouilleurs fluviaux afin dencaisser le maximum de bénéfice.<\/h3>\n<p>Le commerce est taxé par les seigneurs locaux, tout comme il est ponctionné, mais illégalement, par les bandits et par ceux qui font du racket. Les Contrebandiers se considèrent comme des âmes charitables : les marchands font de meilleurs profits, les clients paient moins cher, les Patrouilleurs fluviaux, peu étouffés par la moralité, prennent une petite commission, les hors-la-loi sont évités, au minimum. Une bonne dose dingéniosité et un peu de bouteille sont nécessaires pour éviter les huissiers, les douanes officielles, les receveurs doctroi et tous ceux qui chercheront à les arrêter. Mais les Contrebandiers acceptent cette prise de risques, car ils doivent subvenir à leurs besoins et à ceux de leur famille.<\/p>\n<p>Il existe toutes sortes de Contrebandiers : certains vont transporter des objets de petite taille, mais de très forte valeur pour des familles de nobles, alors que dautres vont convoyer dénormes cargaisons pour des marchands plus ou moins louches. Certains font également la contrebande de biens illégaux, et cest là un crime pour lequel la peine encourue est bien plus lourde quun simple doigt brûlé ou que recevoir la marque du Contrebandier.<\/p>\n<p>Bien souvent, les Contrebandiers se retrouvent embarqués dans des aventures même sils cherchent généralement à ce que tout reste le plus calme possible. De nombreuses péripéties peuvent survenir au cours dune mission de contrebande, et même si tout se passe bien, il y aura toujours la tentation de la mission daprès, plus grosse et encore plus lucrative que la précédente. On peut vivre un grand nombre daventures en solo rien quavec des missions de contrebande. Il est également facile, pour un Contrebandier, de trouver du travail qui sécarte un peu de ce quil fait habituellement. Celui qui a plus dun tour dans son sac, lœil aux aguets, et qui est capable de conserver son calme, même quand la situation se complique, sera toujours une recrue de choix pour nimporte quelle expédition dangereuse.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverains<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Contrebandier<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"heigh
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Soldier",
"name": "Soldat",
2022-01-09 09:11:37 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Le capitaine nous a dit de descendre au bas de la colline. Ce que nous avons fait et le général nous a dit de remonter au sommet de la colline et dattendre dautres ordres. Puis le capitaine nous a dit quon nous attendait en bas. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Holger Kass, 1er hallebardier Bögenhafen<\/p>\n<p>‘« Bien que Seigneurs et Dames viennent et vont,<\/p>\n<p>La vie de soldat, je ne connais que ça,<\/p>\n<p>Karl Franz ordonne, et nous obéissons,<\/p>\n<p>Par-dessus les collines et loin au-delà. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Marche, 118e Régiment dInfanterie du Reikland, « les Dos-verts ».<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes payé pour vous entraîner, être discipliné et, quand cest nécessaire, partir en guerre.<\/h3>\n<p>Sur lordre de lEmpereur Magnus le Pieux, depuis la Grande Guerre contre le Chaos, toutes les provinces de lEmpire doivent maintenir une Armée dÉtat permanente. Les Soldats sont la clef de voûte de ces armées, entraînés à combattre ensemble, et dont les compétences individuelles sont complétées par la force du nombre. Rarement encouragés à penser par eux-mêmes, les Soldats sont connus pour leur fatalisme impassible alors quon leur ordonne daller par monts et par vaux au service de leurs supérieurs. Les Soldats peuvent être archers, arbalétriers, hallebardiers, arquebusiers, épéistes ou lanciers, et ce ne sont là que quelques régiments typiques de lÉtat. Les nains recrutent des Soldats comme marteliers et arquebusiers, tandis que les troupes elfes sont généralement composées darchers et de lanciers. Il y a beaucoup dautres Soldats, tels que les mercenaires, les miliciens locaux (qui sont rarement meilleurs que les Recrues), les armées privées, les forces armées des cultes, etc.<\/p>\n<p>Les Soldats ont peu de temps libre, mais ont toujours des opportunités daventure. En dehors de la saison des campagnes, beaucoup bénéficient de congés prolongés. Les officiers des Armées de lÉtat peuvent aussi commander de petits groupes de Soldats pour enquêter sur des faits inhabituels sur le « territoire » de leur régiment, et certains officiers voient ce genre daventures comme un excellent moyen de garder en forme leurs Soldats. Les Soldats non humains seront souvent en mission dans lEmpire, des aventures donc, de par leur nature.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe, Elfe Sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Guerriers<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Soldat<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; tex
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Spy",
"name": "Espion",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Trahison ? Cest tout ? Pour lamour de... ne suis-je pas inculpé de HAUTE trahison ? Jai accompli tout un tas de choses terribles. Dois-je vous en faire une liste ? Ça na rien de personnel ? Eh bien ça lest maintenant, espèce de crétin moralisateur »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Sieben Dietmund, accusé de trahison et de mépris.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes les yeux et les oreilles dun autre, révélant secrets et mensonges.<\/h3>\n<p>Les Espions sont des personnes courageuses (ou imprudentes) qui, en secret, partent à la pêche aux informations pour leurs clients. Un espion bien infiltré devient un atout considérable pour quiconque cherche à obtenir des informations sur les activités dun adversaire. Ils passent des mois, voire des années, à se façonner une identité des plus banales et à établir des liens avec un ou plusieurs groupes dindividus. Chacune de leurs actions est risquée. Même sils sont capturés, il est rare que les Espions soient immédiatement exécutés ; le plus souvent, ils sont longuement torturés. De nombreux Informateurs sont contraints, par chantage ou autre forme de menace, à pratiquer lespionnage. Un espion talentueux va bien gagner sa vie, mais il savère encore plus difficile de mettre fin à ce genre dactivités que den poursuivre la pratique. Du fait que les Espions vont tout faire pour éviter dattirer lattention, ils sont très rarement précédés par leur réputation, à moins que cette dernière ne se révèle aussi anonyme queux-mêmes.<\/p>\n<p>On trouve, un peu partout dans le Vieux Monde, des Espions au service dorganisations connues. Au cours de leurs enquêtes, les Espions se retrouvent impliqués dans des intrigues qui peuvent être sans risques, ou beaucoup plus sinistres. Ils sont souvent contraints à la fuite lorsque leur identité, ou leurs allégeances sont mises au jour. Ces individus utilisent leurs talents de déguisement pour cacher leur vraie nature et éviter de se faire capturer. Plus dun Espion sest retrouvé à partir à laventure après avoir rejoint un groupe de héros qui lauront pris dans leur groupe bien malgré eux lors dune tentative dévasion.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe, Elfe Sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Courtisans<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression dEspion<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Stevedore",
"name": "Débardeur",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Écoute, je sais bien que nous sommes plus ou moins spécialisés dans le charbon, mais ne te méprends pas, on porte nimporte quoi tant quil y a suffisamment dargent en jeu. Donc, on fait le truc avant que les porteurs désignés arrivent, et on est bons, mon pote. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Albert Pförtner, Porteur de charbon<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>« Mon garçon, faut pas croire que les débardeurs se la coulent douce. Cest un travail dangereux, en espace confiné, avec des charges très lourdes et des piles de caisses qui nen finissent pas, et si cest mal fait, la cargaison risque de se déséquilibrer et de faire chavirer le bateau. Ce que je veux te dire, cest quil faut les payer correctement. Et si tu veux voir un bateau couler, rajoute quelques pièces. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Aleida Fuchs, Marchande<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Même si vous déchargez les marchandises des navires contre rémunération, tout le monde sait que ce sont les Débardeurs qui font la loi sur les docks.<\/h3>\n<p>Même si leur seule attribution consiste à charger et à décharger les navires,les guildes de Débardeurs ont le pouvoir de ralentir ou daccélérer le commerce. Ce qui leur confère un certain pouvoir, car beaucoup de quais sont dirigés par ces guildes. Dans les villes les plus grandes, il peut y avoir des affrontements violents entre plusieurs gangs afin de décider duquel aura le pouvoir. Les Contremaîtres à la mine renfrognée gèrent les affaires courantes de la guilde lorsquils ne sont pas à user de leur sifflet pour faire sortir leur gang des tavernes du quai lors de larrivée dun nouveau bateau, ou encore pour défendre leur territoire.<\/p>\n<p>Un Débardeur peut travailler en solitaire dans un village riverain, ou appartenir à un gang plus important qui œuvre sur un quai fourmillant dactivité. Quelquefois, il peut même se retrouver dans une bande de criminels organisés qui va effectuer ce travail en tant que couverture. Certains décident de devenirs des exécuteurs, et sassurent que tout le monde travaille à son maximum.<\/p>\n<p>Malgré la monotonie et la répétition qui régissent la vie sur les quais, certaines opportunités daventure soffrent à un Débardeur. Certains gangs font littéralement la loi et nhésiteront pas à se battre pour défendre chaque pouce de leur territoire. Les Débardeurs sont des Personnages intéressants à avoir sous la main, car ils sont très débrouillards et ont lhabitude de traiter avec les miséreux.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverains<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Débardeur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"heigh
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Thief",
"name": "Voleur",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description":"<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Un seul plancher qui craque dans toute la maison et il est pour moi... »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Alette Zimmermann, Voleuse, en prison<\/p>\n<p>« Quest-ce que... ? Ce ne sont pas des chiens... ce sont des ours ! »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Marx le Mutilé, Voleur malchanceu<\/p>\n<p>« Non, la liste des charges ninclut pas « Voler le cœur du Juge ». Vous devez me confondre avec un juge qui a un cœur. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Leonora Nithardt, Juge<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous volez les autres dans le but de remplir vos propres poches, et vous êtes plutôt doué pour ça.<\/h3>\n<p>Les Voleurs dérobent toutes sortes de richesses et de biens à leurs prochains. Du plus humble tire-laine au plus rusé des cambrioleurs, lidée dune journée de travail honnête en échange dun salaire respectable nest rien de plus quune mauvaise blague. Les Voleurs sorganisent souvent en gangs avec des Charlatans, des Rançonneurs et des Receleurs pour senrichir. Les querelles acharnées entre ces organisations illicites sont réputées durer des années, ou même des décennies. Les Voleurs les plus humbles ciblent des individus, leur faisant les poches ou guettant leurs victimes dans des ruelles infestées de rats. Les Cambrioleurs évitent la confrontation en entrant par effraction dans les entreprises et les résidences, emportant des objets transportables de valeur. Les Voleurs les plus ambitieux étudient leurs cibles pendant des jours voire des semaines, allant même jusquà infiltrer les établissements cibles pour avoir une meilleure connaissance de la configuration des lieux. Travaillant avec dautres Cambrioleurs professionnels, de tels experts peuvent organiser des braquages auxquels leurs pairs inférieurs ne peuvent que rêver.<\/p>\n<p>Les Voleurs ayant des démêlés avec la justice sont obligés de se cacher ou de fuir, avec donc toujours plus de potentiels détenus en cavale. Parfois, les objets dérobés par les Voleurs sont d une valeur exorbitante ou dune qualité surnaturelle qui semblent attirer les ennuis comme un corps en décomposition attire les mouches. Ce qui peut conduire à toutes sortes daventures inattendues. Évidemment, les talents dun Cambrioleur sont toujours utiles aux aventuriers, et des individus fiables peuvent espérer être bien rémunérés pour leurs compétences.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Roublards<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Voleur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Townsman",
"name": "Bourgeois",
"description": "<blockquote>\n<p>« Je crains que vous ne deviez retirer vos sacs à dos dans cette échoppe et laisser vos armes dhast à la porte. Le propriétaire déduit les céramiques cassées de mon salaire. »</p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> Frida, Tenancière déchoppe à temps partiel</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<h3>Ambitieux et socialement mobile, vous êtes le ciment qui unit la société urbaine.</h3>\n<p>Les Bourgeois satisfont les florissants centres de commerce et la demande de travailleurs. Ils remplissent divers rôles pour les artisans privés ou les conseils municipaux : banquiers, employés, camelots, aubergistes, vendeurs de journaux, valets décurie, tenanciers déchoppe, garde-barrières, nettoyeurs, et bien dautres. Leurs taux de rémunération varient : certains peuvent marchander pour une commission supplémentaire, tandis que les employés civils comme les lampistes et les garde-barrières reçoivent des salaires fixes. Ils ont peu dopportunités de promotion, mais ceux qui ont de la détermination, du bon sens et de la chance peuvent éventuellement être propriétaires ou tenir leur propre affaire.</p>\n<p>ou tenir leur propre affaire.</p>\n<p>Les Bourgeois les plus prospères rejoignent souvent les conseils municipaux qui supervisent les affaires civiles, les Bourgmestres les plus importants dirigeants municipaux jouissant souvent du même statut social que les Princes Marchands et les Maîtres de guilde.</p>\n<p>Les Bourgeois font partie dune classe croissante de citoyens disposant à la fois de temps et dargent. Beaucoup prennent un ou deux jours de congé par semaine et peuvent facilement sadapter à une vie daventure entre les périodes de travail ou après la fermeture. Certains pourront souhaiter aller plus loin, et si un Bourgeois a de largent de côté, il devrait être facile de négocier une période de congé avec un employeur. Il est très courant que les citoyens de lEmpire partent en pèlerinage pendant des semaines ou des mois. Les travailleurs qualifiés sont toujours demandés, et il y aura très certainement un poste à pourvoir quand ils rentreront.</p>\n</div>\n<p> </p>\n<p><strong>Races: </strong>Halfling, Haut Elfe, Humain, Nain</p>\n<p><strong>Classe: </strong>Citadin</p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression du Bourgeois</h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">F</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> </td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">II</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">III</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">IV</td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Employé}</strong></h3>\n<p><strong>Statut</strong>: Argent 1<br /><strong>Compétences</strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.exLrBrn2mjb6x2Cq]{Charme}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.iYan4z52v7HYM9u9]{Co
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Villager",
"name": "Villageois",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>‘« Ah cest certain que ce nest pas une vie facile, mais cest une bonne vie. Tous les ans, la dame qui vit dans le manoir envoie sa garde pour faire place nette dans la forêt et faire fuir les hommes-bêtes et autres bizarreries du genre. Cette famille assure notre sécurité, et, en échange, on soccupe de leurs troupeaux. Cest, la plupart du temps, un échange de bons procédés tout à fait équitable. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Gunni Ackermann, bergère<\/p>\n<p>« Écoute, tu peux me rire au nez tant qutu veux, mais nempêche que Konrad le Héros autodidacte est originaire du même village que moi. Alors arrête de parler de nous comme ça, tu veux ? On est des gens bien ! »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">&nbsp; Erika Bauer, fermière<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous constituez le cœur de la vie rurale et travaillez les terres pour nourrir les populations.<\/h3>\n<p>Le très fertile Empire de Sigmar regorge de cultures, de bétail et de tout un tas dautres biens facilement commercialisables. Cest pourquoi il y a toujours beaucoup de travail à effectuer sur ces terres. Les Villageois représentent la grande majorité de la population de lEmpire et occupent beaucoup de rôles importants, dont ceux de fermiers, charbonniers, bûcherons, meuniers, bergers et bien dautres encore. La plupart des Villageois dépendent du domaine dune noble famille, où ladministration des tâches quotidiennes est assurée par un Bailli. Les affaires du village sont le plus souvent gérées par un conseil, composé à parts égales de fermiers et de commerçants et dirigé par un Doyen. Un Échevin ou un Doyen peuvent exercer une influence considérable au niveau local en supervisant les nombreuses décisions concernant les terres environnantes.<\/p>\n<p>Le calme bucolique dun village protégé est bien souvent, pour les plus jeunes Villageois, un synonyme de lennui le plus profond, eux qui ne cessent découter les légendes parlant de pays lointains. Bien évidemment, les histoires quils entendent auprès des marchands ambulants ou des Strigany et qui ne font qualimenter leurs envies de liberté nont pas grand-chose à voir avec la rude réalité de la vie dans lEmpire. Au cours de lhiver, lorsque la nourriture se fait rare et que les champs nont pas besoin dentretien, les jeunes partent à laventure vers les villes et les cités les plus proches à la recherche de travail. Il arrive quils ne reviennent jamais, incapables de se passer de lexcitation de ces grandes villes.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Ruraux<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de Villageois<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Warden",
"name": "Intendant",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Oui, monseigneur, le duc est alité depuis ces dix dernières années. Et, oui, monseigneur, cest moi qui assure le fonctionnement de son domaine. Non, monseigneur, il est fort peu probable que les choses changent rapidement. Dorénavant, à Penzkirchen, ma parole est loi... Arrêtez-le ! »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align:right\"> W. Edvart Kurtz, Gouverneur de Penzkirchen<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p> <\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous surveillez le territoire dautrui, vous assurant que tout y est en ordre, et, si nécessaire, protégé<\/h3>\n<p>Les Intendants sont en charge de la maintenance des propriétés de leur employeur. Ne pas parvenir à embellir ou, tout au moins entretenir leurs terres ou les ravitailler régulièrement mène en général à la disgrâce. Dans certaines circonstances, plusieurs Intendants peuvent travailler de concert à lentretien des terres dun même employeur. Les devoirs dun Intendant comprennent de nombreux domaines : assurer lentretien dun imposant domaine, surveiller les terres de chasse dun seigneur ou encore sassurer que la maison de vacances si rarement utilisée est toujours en parfait état. Les Intendants peuvent également assurer la surveillance des zones cultivables ou boisées, ou encore entretenir lacs, rivières et bassins. Ceux qui sont au service des personnes les plus riches et les plus puissantes ont la possibilité de se retrouver eux-mêmes dans des positions fort avantageuses.<\/p>\n<p>Les Intendants ne quittent leur domaine que sils y sont obligés par devoir. Cela étant dit, même ceux qui sont assignés à la surveillance des terres dun domaine, ou dune réserve de chasse, doivent régulièrement effectuer des patrouilles pour contrôler létat général de la propriété et décourager les braconniers. Lorsquils sont entre deux missions, les Intendants se font employer en tant que guides ou chasseurs, source pour eux dautant dexcitation que de terreur. Ceux qui éprouvent du ressentiment pour certains de leurs anciens maîtres sont même quelquefois enclins à fournir des informations confidentielles, relatives aux domaines dont ils ont eu la charge, aux ennemis de ces derniers.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p> <\/p>\n<p><strong>Races: <\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe: <\/strong>Courtisans<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align:center\">Schéma de Progression dintendant<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height:34px\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height:17px\">\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:60px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\"> <\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height:17px;width:61px;text-align:center\">III<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Gardien}<\/strong><\/h3>\n
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Warrior Priest",
"name": "Prêtre Guerrier",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Encerclés, nous létions bien, par des peaux-vertes de tous côtés. Ils savaient que nous étions finis. Puis le prêtre leva son marteau vers le ciel et hurla sa prière. Et alors que les mots résonnaient dans le silence, léclair frappa. Et nous étions tous saufs, je jure sur Sigmar. Mais les gobelins ? Tous morts. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Holger Kass, 1er hallebardier Bögenhafen<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous invoquez le divin au cœur de la bataille, tuant les ennemis de lEmpire dans une fureur vertueuse.<\/h3>\n<p>Certains cultes de lEmpire comptent des religieux entraînés pour la guerre. Dans le Reikland, les Prêtres Guerriers de Sigmar en sont lexemple le plus répandu, et nombre darmées de lEmpire sont accompagnées par des prêtres portant des marteaux et encourageant les soldats au nom de Sigmar. Mais dautres cultes, en particulier ceux de Myrmidia, Ulric, Taal et Morr comptent leurs propres Prêtres Guerriers, chacun avec leurs propres points de vue sur la façon dont une guerre doit être menée. En dehors du champ de bataille, les Prêtres Guerriers sont également censés soccuper du bien-être spirituel des soldats, et veiller à ce que leur motivation reste intacte et la discipline respectée. Certains ordres de prêtres Guerriers prêtent serment darpenter lEmpire, dénichant lhérésie partout où elle se trouve, aidant quand ils le peuvent.Dautres préfèrent non pas rejoindre les armées, mais les diriger...<\/p>\n<p>Bien que beaucoup de Prêtres Guerriers restent dans larmée, certains servent leur culte par le biais dœuvres missionnaires, et dautres arpentent lEmpire à leur guise. À ce titre, les Prêtres Guerriers sont des aventuriers nés. Évidemment, pour poursuivre leurs buts jusquaux confins de lEmpire, ils peuvent avoir besoin de la permission de leur culte, et peut-être de leurs commandants.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Race:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Guerriers<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Prêtre guerrier<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Novice}<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Statut<\/strong>: Bronze 2<br><strong>Compétences<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pxNjTxsp1Kp0SmQe
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Watchman",
"name": "Milicien",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Je suis donc allée jusquà Middenheim, le pays dUlrich, et quest-ce que jy ai vu ? Je te jure, plus de la moitié de leur Milice est composée de femmes ! Jy serai restée jusquà la fin de ma carrière si javais pu. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Jana Tennisohn, Inspectrice en chef (à la retraite) Milicien de Nuln<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>« Je suis désolé, monsieur, jai un assassin halfling, un réseau de contrebande de mystracine, une guerre de gang et un noble qui menace de me faire arrêter par ma propre Milice. Votre chat disparu devra attendre jusquà demain. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Sergent Harri Makkenpieser, Milicien dAltdorf<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous êtes les garants de la paix et vous maintenez lordre parmi la populace pour que votre ville ne sombre pas dans lanarchie.<\/h3>\n<p>Les Miliciens sont employés par les autorités locales afin de patrouiller les rues de lEmpire.La plupart ne sont autres que des gardiens de la paix engagés volontaires et bien peu connaissent les lois quils sont censés faire appliquer. La corruption est endémique, et de nombreux Miliciens sengagent auprès des autorités dans le seul but de blesser les autres ou encore de venir en aide aux gangs de criminels du coin. Certains arrivent à tripler leurs soldes en fermant ainsi les yeux.<\/p>\n<p>Seules quelques villes et cités disposent de Miliciens professionnels qui sont payés pour comprendre et faire respecter les lois. Dans de nombreux cas, la Paix de lEmpereur est maintenue par lArmée, dont les hommes surveillent les remparts, les portes et effectuent des patrouilles dans les rues en respectant les consignes de leurs supérieurs.<\/p>\n<p>Tous les Miliciens ne sont pas malhonnêtes, mais ceux qui ont une certaine éthique sont très vite désabusés par la corruption qui pollue le système. En rejoignant des groupes daventuriers, ces Miliciens peuvent défendre la justice selon leurs propres termes. Lexpérience de la rue fait deux des combattants dune grande efficacité au sein dun petit groupe, et leur présence dans ledit groupe peut aider à donner une légitimité à cette bande de bons à rien<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Halfling, Haut Elfe<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Citadins<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Milicien<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\"
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Witch",
"name": "Sorcier dissident",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description":"<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Pensez-vous que seuls les Magisters peuvent manipuler la magie ? Réfléchissez encore ! Je possède, moi aussi, une telle connaissance, et je refuse de devenir lesclave de ces soi-disant Collèges. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Apprenti Franz Zimmel de lOrdre Doré, trois mois avant dêtre capturé par un Répurgateur<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Volontaire et ambitieux, vous vous évertuez à maîtriser la magie sans licence officielle.<\/h3>\n<p>Quiconque possède le rare talent de manier la magie doit, selon la loi, être entraîné par les Magisters des Collèges de Magie. Tout le monde naccepte pas un tel destin ; certaines personnes dissimulent leurs pouvoirs ou prennent la fuite. Ces personnes sont des Sorciers dissidents. Ils risquent la folie et la damnation, car la magie les consume par manque dun apprentissage correct, et ils comprennent rarement la nature des forces quils bricolent. Dautres embrassent pleinement leurs pouvoirs en plein essor, acceptant le risque. Il existe des Sorciers dissidents de toutes sortes, car le talent de manier la magie se décline de bien des façons sans inclination particulière. Certains ont des personnalités bienveillantes et aiment simplement la liberté. Dautres sont des nobles refusant lidée dêtre des Sorciers dissidents, car ils risquent dêtre déshérités. Dautres encore sont terrifiés par ce quils peuvent devenir, et prennent donc la fuite. Dans tous les cas, peu admettront ce quils sont, car tous risquent dêtre brûlés vifs par des Sigmarites trop zélés.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Race:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Roublards<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de progression du sorcier dissident<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<\/tbody>\n<\/table>\n<h3><strong>I. @Compendium[]{Ensorceleur }<\/strong><\/h3>\n<p><strong>Statut<\/strong>: Bronze 1<br><strong>Compétences<\/strong>: @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.V8eRx66SxB9Jha0Q]{Focalisation}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.pxNjTxsp1Kp0SmQe]{Calme}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.CcNJsS4jSwB6Ug1J]{Résistance}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.RLQHm1s4IuY9RSr2]{Ragot}, @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.I0yPc4PH5erWJLmu]{Intimidation}, <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.skills.e3McIND4Rrsn5cE6]{Langue(Magick)}<\/em>, @Compendium[wfrp4e-co
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Witch Hunter",
"name": "Répurgateur",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Je nai jamais rencontré de sorcières qui ne soient pas sensibles au feu. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Père Linken Donatus, Prêtre de Sigmar, assassiné par un pyromancien véreux<\/p>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p>« Si tu nes pas une sorcière, tu nas rien à craindre. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Walter Keller, Répurgateur vétéran, le nuit précédant lincendie dAlmshof<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous chassez les sorcières illégales qui infestent lEmpire en usant de tous les moyens nécessaires<\/h3>\n<p>Peu de personnes sont aussi craintes et respectées que les Répurgateurs, qui disposent dune incroyable marge de manœuvre pour mener à bien leur devoir. Généralement équipés de lames en argent et dune paire de pistolets difficile en effet de dissiper le plomb ils poursuivent leurs traques dans les coins les plus reculés du Vieux Monde, prêts à juger toute sorcière dont ils croiseraient la route ou quiconque oserait en héberger. La plupart des Répurgateurs de lEmpire appartiennent au Culte de Sigmar. Les plus profanes dentre eux sont quelquefois embauchés par des gouvernements de province et ne sont ni plus ni moins que des chasseurs de primes spécialisés. Les Collèges de Magie ont leurs propres Répurgateurs quils appellent Gardiens des Magisters et qui pourchassent les sorciers solitaires, les nécromanciens et les démonologues et ils pensent quil est plus sage denvoyer un sorcier pour attraper un sorcier.<\/p>\n<p>Lexistence dun Répurgateur est une aventure permanente au cours de laquelle il va parcourir de long en large de nombreuses provinces. On fait appel à eux dès quapparaissent des signes de manifestations magiques non officielles, et on attend deux quils les suivent jusquà la source. Plus la réputation dun Répurgateur est importante, plus il se retrouve confronté à des ennemis dangereux qui lui font vivre des aventures animées. Si vous incarnez un Répurgateur, prenez la peine de vous assurer quaucun autre Joueur ne joue un Sorcier de village ou un Sorcier dissident, ce qui risquerait de déclencher un conflit immédiat au sein du groupe.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Race:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Itinérants<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression du Répurgateur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">II<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">IV<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Wizard",
"name": "Sorcier",
2022-01-08 18:48:10 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« Je nai rien à faire des promesses quils ont faites, ni des collèges auxquels ils appartiennent, ce sont des abominations dangereuses.Je vais continuer à demander à ce quils soient détruits au nom de Sigmar et pour le bien de tous. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Reikhardt Mair, Répurgateur<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Détenteur de plein droit dune magie aussi puissante que dangereuse, vous êtes craint des citoyens de lEmpire à qui vous inspirez la plus grande méfiance.&nbsp;<\/h3>\n<p>Les Sorciers concentrent lun des huit Vents de Magie, que seuls les lanceurs de sorts sont capables de percevoir, afin de lancer de puissants sortilèges. Pour avoir le droit dutiliser la magie au sein de lEmpire, un humain doit suivre les Articles de lOrdonnance impériale et appartenir à lun des huit Collèges de Magie dAltdorf chacun spécialisé dans lun des Vents, car les Magisters ne peuvent concentrer quun seul Vent sans risquer de se mettre en danger. Après avoir réussi leurs examens, les Sorciers novices deviennent des Magisters. Ils étudient et pratiquent leur art avec la plus grandes précautions, art que, selon les Articles, ils ne peuvent utiliser hors des collèges que pour défendre leur vie, ou contre les ennemis de lEmpire. De nombreux Magisters sont rattachés à lArmée impériale, et même sils sont considérés avec grande méfiance, personne ne remet en cause leur efficacité sur le champ de bataille<\/p>\n<p>De nombreux Magisters quittent leur Collège de Magie endettés pour les cours reçus. Ces Sorciers cherchent rapidement un emploi ou partent chercher fortune sur terre, sur mer ou dans tout autre endroit où ils sont susceptibles de dénicher des reliques, des artefacts et danciens livres débordant de savoirs magiques. Les Magisters nomades, qui ne demandent quà faire leurs preuves, sont alors activement encouragés à tester leurs Compétences à travers lEmpire en chassant tout danger potentiel qui menace les populations locales.<\/p>\n<p>Les Sorciers font dexcellents personnages, car ils ajoutent de la puissance de feu à un groupe, mais ils peuvent paraître compliqués pour les Joueurs débutants dans le sens où il leur faut apprendre des règles supplémentaires pour les Sorts. Pour cette raison, le MJ devra garder en tête quil devra peut-être accompagner le Sorcier afin quil utilise efficacement ces règles et quil apporte un avantage au groupe. Vous choisissez la couleur de la magie que vous étudiez au moment où vous obtenez le Talent Magie des Arcanes. Pour en apprendre plus sur la magie, voir le Chapitre 8 : Magie.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Haut Elfe, Elfe Sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Lettrés<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Schéma de Progression de sorcier<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&nbsp;<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">&
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00
"id": "Wrecker",
"name": "Naufrageur",
2022-01-07 23:22:54 +01:00
"description": "<blockquote>\n<div>\n<div>\n<p>« On espionnait ce sloop bien prometteur alors quil retournait vers Carroburg et que la nuit tombait. Puis on a allumé des feux sur la berge à leur gauche afin de leur faire croire que le village nétait quà quelques centaines de mètres devant. Ils ont viré à tribord, comme on lavait prévu et ont percuté le banc de sable de plein fouet. Cétait parfait. Bon, comment est-ce quon pouvait deviner que le bateau transportait une compagnie de pistoliers ? »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Greta Lachsmann, peu de temps avant sa pendaison<\/p>\n<p>« Si on laisse vivre léquipage, ils vont dire aux patrouilleurs où on opère, donc la seule chose raisonnable à faire cest de tous les tuer. »<\/p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\"> Mandel Stein, Pirate des rivières pragmatique<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/blockquote>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<div>\n<div>\n<div>\n<h3>Vous attirez les navires et les faites couler par le fond avant den récupérer le chargement.<\/h3>\n<p>Quelquefois, les dieux vont offrir une aubaine aux riverains sous a forme dun navire au tragique destin. Mais parfois, les dieux ont besoin dun coup de main : cest là que les Naufrageurs entrent en jeu. Par la pose de pièges perfides et lenvoi de signaux perturbateurs, les Naufrageurs parviennent à attirer les navigateurs imprudents vers des bancs de sable ou des rochers avant de récupérer ce qui se trouve dans lépave,sans se préoccuper des protestations déventuels survivants de léquipage.<\/p>\n<p>Certains Naufrageurs sont particulièrement fiers de leurs pièges astucieux, qui parviennent à donner lillusion dun accident lors du naufrage et leur permettent de rester à une distance respectable. Certains prennent les navires à labordage et balancent léquipage par-dessus bord, capables de repérer au premier coup dœil les bateaux aux lourdes cargaisons et aux défenses les plus faibles. Ces Pirates des rivières sont pourchassés, autant par les Patrouilleurs de routes que par les fluviaux et sont en perpétuel mouvement afin déchapper aux autorités.<\/p>\n<p>La préparation et lexécution dun naufrage est une aventure en elle-même : éviter les autorités, disposer des biens, sassurer que tout le monde tient sa langue et dépenser lagent ainsi gagné, tout cela offre des opportunités de danger et daventure. Et comment savoir quelle cargaison va être découverte, et qui va venir les prendre en chasse une fois le larcin effectué ? Les Naufrageurs, dont la vie quotidienne est faite de ces péripéties, nauront aucun mal à quitter cette existence et à y revenir lorsquil sera temps à nouveau<\/p>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<\/div>\n<p>&nbsp;<\/p>\n<p><strong>Races:&nbsp;<\/strong>Humain, Nain, Elfe sylvain<\/p>\n<p><strong>Classe:&nbsp;<\/strong>Riverain<\/p>\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">schéma de progression de naufrageur<\/h3>\n<table style=\"height: 34px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CC<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">CT<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">F<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">E<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Ag<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Dex<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Int<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">FM<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text-align: center;\">Soc<\/td>\n<\/tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">III<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 60px; text-align: center;\">I<\/td>\n<td style=\"height: 17px; width: 61px; text
2021-12-23 10:13:10 +01:00