
305 lines
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"name": "Dooming",
"die": "1d100",
"rows": [{
"description": "Thy end shalt be a sticky one.",
"range": [1, 1]
}, {
"description": "Briny waters are poison to thy tongue.",
"range": [2, 2]
}, {
"description": "When abandoned and alone, Morr shalt befriend thee.",
"range": [3, 3]
}, {
"description": "Beasts of the field have eyes for thee.",
"range": [4, 4]
}, {
"description": "Workings of the Witchling Star are thy doom.",
"range": [5, 5]
}, {
"description": "A stalled blade bringeth a sharp end.",
"range": [6, 6]
}, {
"description": "The written word shall spell thy doom.",
"range": [7, 7]
}, {
"description": "Thy body shalt break after thy spirit is crushed.",
"range": [8, 8]
}, {
"description": "Be not curious, only in ignorance art thou safe.",
"range": [9, 9]
}, {
"description": "Lack of breath fills thy last moments.",
"range": [10, 10]
}, {
"description": "Tie not the ribbon, nor the feather wear; yea, the peacock is thine enemy.",
"range": [11, 11]
}, {
"description": "Be not like Gnuthus, for thy master counts thy days.",
"range": [12, 12]
}, {
"description": "Three is thy number!",
"range": [13, 13]
}, {
"description": "A beast of brass bellows for thee!",
"range": [14, 14]
}, {
"description": "Ulric's cold hand shall lead thee to Morr.",
"range": [15, 15]
}, {
"description": "Watch for the cloven hoof, it is thine enemy.",
"range": [16, 16]
}, {
"description": "Eat neither the chitterlings nor the meat with tubes.",
"range": [17, 17]
}, {
"description": "As thee began, so shalt thou end.",
"range": [18, 18]
}, {
"description": "As the sun doth rise, thou shalt fall.",
"range": [19, 19]
}, {
"description": "Thy doom already knows thee, though knows it not.",
"range": [20, 20]
}, {
"description": "A stranger shalt bring thee more than a gift.",
"range": [21, 21]
}, {
"description": "Beware the young, the child, yea, even the babe.",
"range": [22, 22]
}, {
"description": "Take heed of Mammit and Mummit, for both seek to lay thee low.",
"range": [23, 23]
}, {
"description": "Beware the purse, the sack, the velvet bag.",
"range": [24, 24]
}, {
"description": "The raven answers to Verena's call, yea, but Her scales are weighted.",
"range": [25, 25]
}, {
"description": "The tiniest of Taal's children shalt feast upon thy gut.",
"range": [26, 26]
}, {
"description": "The limner's line shalt be false.",
"range": [27, 27]
}, {
"description": "The holy day shalt be thy last day.",
"range": [28, 28]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt die in bed, but not thine own!",
"range": [29, 29]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt feed the barren soil with thy blood.",
"range": [30, 30]
}, {
"description": "When thy need is greatest, Shallya shalt turn Her back to thee.",
"range": [31, 31]
}, {
"description": "The scythe shall reap thy flesh.",
"range": [32, 32]
}, {
"description": "Thy soul, consumed with anger, shall be blinded to the unseen enemy. Roll The Prophet Speaketh",
"range": [33, 33]
}, {
"description": "A friend in need brings thy death with speed.",
"range": [34, 34]
}, {
"description": "Thy last breath is drawn by Morrsleib's light.",
"range": [35, 35]
}, {
"description": "Rats wearing the Horns of Taal shalt bite at thy heels.",
"range": [36, 36]
}, {
"description": "The sword shalt bring no justice, only suffering.",
"range": [37, 37]
}, {
"description": "The twin-tailed comet doth soar as thou dost fall.",
"range": [38, 38]
}, {
"description": "Water of all kinds is thy nemesis.",
"range": [39, 39]
}, {
"description": "Thy end lieth hidden in the gloaming.",
"range": [40, 40]
}, {
"description": "High places promise a low end.",
"range": [41, 41]
}, {
"description": "Thy last exclamation is love.",
"range": [42, 42]
}, {
"description": "Beware the man that is not a man!",
"range": [43, 43]
}, {
"description": "Beware the Blind Maiden, for Her scales shalt weigh thy soul.",
"range": [44, 44]
}, {
"description": "Thy broken cart shalt herald thy end.",
"range": [45, 45]
}, {
"description": "The bun, the pastry, and the pie, yea, they art Morr's dishes!",
"range": [46, 46]
}, {
"description": "When the bell doth toll, it doth toll for thee.",
"range": [47, 47]
}, {
"description": "The laurel wreath hides a poisoned thorn.",
"range": [48, 48]
}, {
"description": "Linger not upon the privvie, nor the long drop neither.",
"range": [49, 49]
}, {
"description": "Cacklefax grips tight to coins of thy doom.",
"range": [50, 50]
}, {
"description": "The hourglass shatters before thy last grain falls.",
"range": [51, 51]
}, {
"description": "From the darkness cometh the raven.",
"range": [52, 52]
}, {
"description": "High-born blood shalt spill thine own.",
"range": [53, 53]
}, {
"description": "From above comes thy death.",
"range": [54, 54]
}, {
"description": "Plague and dark disease shalt bring thee to thine knees.",
"range": [55, 55]
}, {
"description": "Beware skin of green, it shalt afflict thee.\r",
"range": [56, 56]
}, {
"description": "Beware the verdant depths, within doth lie disaster.",
"range": [57, 57]
}, {
"description": "Be like the dancer, for rude words bring Morr to thy side.",
"range": [58, 58]
}, {
"description": "The darkest rot shall eat thee from within.",
"range": [59, 59]
}, {
"description": "The Gods watch over thy end.",
"range": [60, 60]
}, {
"description": "Heed not the smith, in his artifice lies thy doom.",
"range": [61, 61]
}, {
"description": "Wear not Grugni's baldric, for it shall carry thy death.",
"range": [62, 62]
}, {
"description": "Ready your coins on the thirteenth chime.",
"range": [63, 63]
}, {
"description": "The drummer beats out thy end.",
"range": [64, 64]
}, {
"description": "Katya's eye and vanity shalt speed thee to death.",
"range": [65, 65]
}, {
"description": "Thy end burns with flames unseen.",
"range": [66, 66]
}, {
"description": "An ill reputation shalt an ill man make.",
"range": [67, 67]
}, {
"description": "Morr finds thee naked as the day of thy birth. Roll The Prophet Speaketh",
"range": [68, 68]
}, {
"description": "One bullock is safe; two bullocks bringeth the raven.",
"range": [69, 69]
}, {
"description": "Thirst not for blood, for it thirsts for thee.",
"range": [70, 70]
}, {
"description": "In thy surest moment, thou shalt fail.",
"range": [71, 71]
}, {
"description": "Beware the beast in the wood, it is Morr's Messenger.",
"range": [72, 72]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt sup from the cup of corruption.",
"range": [73, 73]
}, {
"description": "Fear the workings of the bonesaw, they are the source of thy death.",
"range": [74, 74]
}, {
"description": "Thy generosity bringeth tuppence and a sword in return.",
"range": [75, 75]
}, {
"description": "The withering eye is thy reward, and thy end.",
"range": [76, 76]
}, {
"description": "Torture and pain echo in thy end.",
"range": [77, 77]
}, {
"description": "Follow not the steps of Dragomas.",
"range": [78, 78]
}, {
"description": "Thy doom is wrought from violence.",
"range": [79, 79]
}, {
"description": "Those born of Rhya's cauldron shalt build thee a ravenstone.",
"range": [80, 80]
}, {
"description": "Absence makes thy heart grow weaker.",
"range": [81, 81]
}, {
"description": "The Myrmidian spring is thy poison.",
"range": [82, 82]
}, {
"description": "Beware the crow, honour the raven.\r",
"range": [83, 83]
}, {
"description": "A greased goat is safer than keeping secrets.",
"range": [84, 84]
}, {
"description": "Manann's folk shalt love thee not.",
"range": [85, 85]
}, {
"description": "When thou art thrice haunted, Morr brings peace.",
"range": [86, 86]
}, {
"description": "Walk with Vobist, for certainty shall take thy breath.",
"range": [87, 87]
}, {
"description": "Beware the Lord of Murder's barb'it awaits to strike at thee from the darkness.",
"range": [88, 88]
}, {
"description": "The flashing blade shalt carve thy end.",
"range": [89, 89]
}, {
"description": "Fearsome engines belch forth fires of thy destruction!",
"range": [90, 90]
}, {
"description": "Thy end is not the end!",
"range": [91, 91]
}, {
"description": "As the piper plays his tune, thy heart shall break.",
"range": [92, 92]
}, {
"description": "Green shalt undo thee.",
"range": [93, 93]
}, {
"description": "As dark news comes knocking, Morr shalt surely follow.",
"range": [94, 94]
}, {
"description": "Thou shalt stand like Wymund until Shallya courts thy enemies.",
"range": [95, 95]
}, {
"description": "Ranald shalt abandon thee.",
"range": [96, 96]
}, {
"description": "Think not beyond thy station, for change is the herald of Morr.",
"range": [97, 97]
}, {
"description": "Morr sends a maiden.",
"range": [98, 98]
}, {
"description": "Without the big cross, thou shalt make the wrong decision.",
"range": [99, 99]
}, {
"description": " Just before he uttered your doom, the doomsayer died, his face frozen in a mask of horror.",
"range": [100, 100]