
628 lines
73 KiB
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2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"label": "Acteurs (Ennemi dans l'Ombre)",
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"folders": {
"Adventure": "Aventure",
"Companion": "Compagnon"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"mapping": {
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
2024-04-03 16:18:57 +02:00
"gmnotes": "system.details.gmnotes.value",
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"items": {
"path": "items",
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
"characteristics": {
"path": "system.characteristics",
"converter": "npc_characteristics"
"entries": {
"'Crusher' Braugen": {
"name": "'Crusher' Braugen",
"description": ""
"'Granny' Haller": {
"name": "'Granny' Haller",
"description": ""
"Adolphus Kuftsos": {
"name": "Adolphus Kuftsos",
"description": ""
"Albert Pförtner": {
"name": "Albert Pförtner",
"description": ""
"Aleanora Al Shortbottom": {
"name": "Aleanora Al Shortbottom",
"description": ""
"Alette Zimmermann": {
"name": "Alette Zimmermann",
"description": ""
"Amadeus von Drakensberg": {
"name": "Amadeus von Drakensberg",
"description": ""
"Amoeba": {
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"name": "Amibe",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-073j4Dwjkc1ajOCf\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les Amibes sont des masses informes et gélatineuses. Communément appelées \"gelées\" ou \"blob\", on les trouve habituellement dans les égouts, les marécages et les rivages du Vieux Monde, se nourrissant de tout ce qui est organique qu'il s'agisse de flore ou de faune. Ils sont attirés par la chaleur corporelle et les perturbations de l'eau lorsqu'ils chassent, et peuvent envoyer des pseudopodes en forme de tentacules pour attirer leurs adversaires dans leur corps. </p><p> Elles sont complètement décérébrés et se contentent de suivre aveuglément leur instinct.</p><p> La matière organique est digérée une fois dans le corps des amibes. Les matériaux plus difficiles à digérer, comme les os et les cartilages, peuvent flotter dans leur corps pendant des jours et parfois des semaines, révélent l'existence d'une victime récente. Les amibes ne peuvent pas digérer les métaux et les minéraux, qui passent à travers leur corps sans être affectés. Il est conseillé d'utiliser les Caractéristiques fournies pour toute Amibe rencontrée dans les égouts, afin d'être sûr qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un adversaire trop puissant. Si vous avez l'impression que le groupe pourrait affronter un adversaire plus dangereux, utilisez certains des Traits Facultatifs ou les @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Traits Standards de Créatures}.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Anida Pflaster": {
"name": "Anida Pflaster",
"description": ""
"Anke Dorflinger": {
"name": "Anke Dorflinger",
"description": ""
"Annalisa Kessler": {
"name": "Annalisa Kessler",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Arwin (Garde)": {
"name": "Arwin (Garde)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4UorWorAR19Lv3BK\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.IjGUv51IPhj79Wxt.JournalEntryPage.E8nLFVw3Mmc024dc]{L'auberge du Batelier}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Les deux nobles sont accompagnés par quatre gardes du corps. Ce sont des brutes musculeuses de plus d'1m80. Ils parlent peu, et se content de se tenir à l'affüt près de leurs maîtres, prêts à intervenir si quelqu'un ose parler ou poser la main sur ces joyaux dorlotés par la noblesse du Reikland. S'ils sont contraints à parler, leur accent est typique des pires bas-fonds des  @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.journals.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb]{Quartiers est d'Altdorf}.</span> </p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Baldwin (Road Warden)": {
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"name": "Baldwin (Patrouilleur Routier)",
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"description": ""
"Benbow": {
"name": "Benbow",
"description": ""
"Bengt": {
"name": "Bengt",
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wWIZOUYhy0aF14MZ\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.rYlDGJx20M72PydJ]{Bengt}, @UUID[Actor.r5NgPWpDHpjRkGQM]{Gurt}, et @UUID[Actor.BLrqbYcSiVvWnmws]{Willie}, les trois voyous engagés par Adolphus, travaillant parfois sur les quais de @UUID[JournalEntry.tT80gcSmeK5oO5C2.JournalEntryPage.l2kZtajL8d3RlPqO]{Weissbruck} comme débardeurs. Ils ne sont pas particulièrement brillants, ni loyaux, et chacun d'eux parle avec un fort accent de la classe populaire du Reikland. S'ils sont pris par les Personnages, ils peuvent être convaincus de révéler les plans d'@UUID[Actor.echM0Sjy5xpt5KAQ]{Adolphus} en réussisant un Test d' </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong> Intimidation</strong> </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> ou de  </span><strong>Subornation Facile (+40) </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. Si l'un d'entre eux est blessé au cours d'un combat, Adolphus devra effectuer un Test de  </span><strong>Commandement Intermédiaire (+0) </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. En cas d'échec, chaque malfrat acquiert un État</span>@Condition[Brisé]. </p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Bertoldo": {
"name": "Bertoldo",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Grand Anders": {
"name": "Grand Anders",
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"description": ""
"Black Arrow": {
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"name": "Flèche Noire",
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Noireaud": {
"name": "Noireaud",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4qJv2fsUCpSC9eQX\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Noireaud, le corbeau apprivoisé de @UUID[Actor.ND2uvL1HRLr0ggfw]{Gustavs}, reste perché sur une poutre au-dessus du comptoir, d'où on peut l'entendre imiter Gustav. La voix est fidèle, mais si Gustave est inarrêtable, Noireaud est juste incompréhensible :<em>Eh bien, bienvenue, vous partez déjà, quel plaisir de vous voir, voulez-vous une route à parcourir ou est-ce que vous venez d'arriver ? Oh, bien sûr que vous venez d'arriver ! Vous boirez bien un p'tit poulet !</em> Il peut continuer ainsi pendant presqu'aussi longtemps que Gustav</span></p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Horreur bleue de Tzeentch": {
"name": "Horreur bleue de Tzeentch",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4VMaGRX8Rsye3MSp\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les horreurs de Tzeentch sont les rejetons mutants et baragouinant du Changeur de Voies. Monstruosités aux membres multiples, leur forme semble se tordre et se modifier selon les bras, les jambes et les tentacules qui surgissent, serpentant dans l'air à la recherche de proies à emporter dans leurs gueules béantes. Créatures de pure magie, l'air qui les entoure crépite et se déforme avec des énergies arcaniques impies.</p><p>@UUID[Actor.iDy8SDTwJSlCzZMl]{Les horreurs roses} se délectent du changement et de la magie. Lorsqu'elles sont invoquées, elles rient et gambadent à travers le monde, folâtrant et effectuant des cabrioles enthousiastes. Leur caractère joyeusement anticonformiste leur a souvent valu le surnom de \"Couineurs\" ou de \"Destructeur tourbillonants\". Créature du Chaos brut, elles sont attirées les unes par les autres, amplifiant leur pouvoir mutuel, et conjurant de redoutables éclairs de flammes magiques pour détruire ceux qui sont assez fous pour s'en approcher.</p><p>Si une @UUID[Actor.iDy8SDTwJSlCzZMl]{horreur rose} reçoit un coup suffisant pour détruire sa manifestation matérielle , elle se divise de manière explosive en deux horreurs bleues, au lieu d'être bannie dans les Royaumes du Chaos. Contrairement à leur homologues roses et rieuses, les horreurs bleues sont maussades et malveillantes, leurs visages sdéformées par des grimaces et des rictus. Au lieu de rire, leurs gorges surnaturelles grommellent ou marmonnent des malédictions.</p><p>Si un groupe de neuf créatures, ou un multiple de neuf, possède le Trait Feu de Tzeentch, alors toutes les créatures mettent leurs ressources   en commun et lancent le sort Tempête de feu de Tzeench.</p><p> Neuf, bien sûr, est le nombre sacré de Tzeentch.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Cochon (Porc du Vorbergland)": {
"name": "Cochon (Porc du Vorbergland)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-N2SbOaEihv8MMnCk\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les caractéristiques suivantes sont celles d'animaux domestiques courants dans le Reikland. Si vous pensez qu'un animal ne représente pas un défi suffisant, ou qu'il s'agit de la deuxième fois que la rencontre survient, piochez dans  la liste des Traits Facultatifs ou dans celle des the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Traits Standards de Créature}.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Gardes du corps à gogo": {
"name": "Gardes du corps à gogo",
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Recrues du guet": {
"name": "Recrues du guet",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wuwkQDehqXeAAALI\" class=\"secret\"><p>Bien qu'il s'agisse du premier chapitre où les Personnages sont confrontés au Guet, il est possible qu'ils aient rencontré la fine fleur de Bögenhafen plus tôt. Les patrouilles en ville se composent en général d'un @UUID[Actor.opX8C6mLOuvFvV0B]{sergent}, accompagné de trois @UUID[Actor.nCzNGuS22drsDAIe]{gardes} et d'une @UUID[Actor.4RZRWe2dSK8hA9OZ]{recrue}. En comparaison, pendant la @UUID[JournalEntry.ro7SIltM899Ogrk8.JournalEntryPage.HlvtyG6davRZ3Xlk]{Schaffenfest}, les patrouilles sont en général composées d'un garde accompagné de trois  recrues fraichement engagées pour prêter main forte sur le champs de foire.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Sergents du guet": {
"name": "Sergents du guet",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wuwkQDehqXeAAALI\" class=\"secret\"><p>Bien qu'il s'agisse du premier chapitre où les Personnages sont confrontés au Guet, il est possible qu'ils aient rencontré la fine fleur de Bögenhafen plus tôt. Les patrouilles en ville se composent en général d'un @UUID[Actor.opX8C6mLOuvFvV0B]{sergent}, accompagné de trois @UUID[Actor.nCzNGuS22drsDAIe]{gardes} et d'une @UUID[Actor.4RZRWe2dSK8hA9OZ]{recrue}. En comparaison, pendant la @UUID[JournalEntry.ro7SIltM899Ogrk8.JournalEntryPage.HlvtyG6davRZ3Xlk]{Schaffenfest}, les patrouilles sont en général composées d'un garde accompagné de trois  recrues fraichement engagées pour prêter main forte sur le champs de foire.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Soldats du guet": {
"name": "Soldats du guet",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wuwkQDehqXeAAALI\" class=\"secret\"><p>Bien qu'il s'agisse du premier chapitre où les Personnages sont confrontés au Guet, il est possible qu'ils aient rencontré la fine fleur de Bögenhafen plus tôt. Les patrouilles en ville se composent en général d'un @UUID[Actor.opX8C6mLOuvFvV0B]{sergent}, accompagné de trois @UUID[Actor.nCzNGuS22drsDAIe]{gardes} et d'une @UUID[Actor.4RZRWe2dSK8hA9OZ]{recrue}. En comparaison, pendant la @UUID[JournalEntry.ro7SIltM899Ogrk8.JournalEntryPage.HlvtyG6davRZ3Xlk]{Schaffenfest}, les patrouilles sont en général composées d'un garde accompagné de trois  recrues fraichement engagées pour prêter main forte sur le champs de foire.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Brokur Zindrisson": {
"name": "Brokur Zindrisson",
"description": ""
"Bruno": {
"name": "Bruno",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Happeur carnivore": {
"name": "Happeur carnivore",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.fLREtWAYHixfuvg3.JournalEntryPage.32bDNS8jRG1id9bO]{4. The Dungeons}</p><p>Le happeur carnivore est un reptile bipède d'environ 3 mètres de long du nez à la queue et d'environ 1,5 mètre de haut, bien qu'en combat il puisse se cabrer jusqu'à 2 mètres. La plus grande partie de son poids est répartie autour de ses pattes arrières et il utilise sa lourde queue pour s'équilibrer lorsqu'il court. Ses membres antérieurs sont petits et presque inutiles. Son corps est tâcheté, allant du vert foncé au brun sombre sur le dos et avec un ventre plus pâle, de couleur chamois.</p><p>Les hors-la-loi ont capturé cette créature il y a quelques semaines et l'ont gardée comme une sorte d'animal de compagnie, la nourissant de restes de gibier et l'utilisant pour effrayer les prisonniers.</p>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Charrette": {
"name": "Charrette"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Chaise": {
"name": "Chaise"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Furies du Chaos": {
"name": "Furies du Chaos",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-vnWhhwp0BnliHHFS\" class=\"secret\"><p>À bien des égards, les Furies du Chaos sont considérées comme des démons sans importance. Elles ne servent aucun dieu en particulier, et ne sont que des manifestations ataviques du Chaos dans sa forme indivisible, primitive et sans personnalité distincte. Leur faiblesse relative ainsi que le fait qu'aucune puissance du Chaos ne chercheraient à se venger si elles étaient maltraitées, font qu'elles sont souvent invoquées par des démonologues novices à la recherche d'un serviteur malléable et utile.</p>\n <p>Malgré leur manque de puissance, les furies restent toujours plus fortes que la plupart des humains mortels, et capable de voler rapidement grâce à leurs ailes de cuir. Leur apparence est changeante, comme celle de tous les serviteurs du Chaos, mais elles ont généralement une silhouette grossière qui n'est pas sans évoquer celle d'un homme-bête ailé. Les furies sont souvent caractérisées par un long museau canin, des cornes courtes et pointues, des yeux jaunes brûlants et une peau parsemée de fourrure sombre et d'écailles reptiliennes rouges.</p>\n <p>Les furies sont faibles et lâches par nature. Un démonologue peut facilement en lier une afin de délivrer de simples messages ou de s'attaquer à des cibles isolées. Cependant, si on leur confie des tâches trop pénibles, complexes ou dangereuses, elles peuvent devenir rancunières et refuser de coopérer.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Charlotte-Samantha Maiers": {
"name": "Charlotte-Samantha Maiers",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Dilligence": {
"name": "Dilligence"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Vache (laitière de Stimmigen)": {
"name": "Vache (laitière de Stimmigen)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-N2SbOaEihv8MMnCk\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les caractéristiques suivantes sont celles d'animaux domestiques courants dans le Reikland. Si vous pensez qu'un animal ne représente pas un défi suffisant, ou qu'il s'agit de la deuxième fois que la rencontre survient, piochez dans  la liste des Traits Facultatifs ou dans celle des the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Traits Standards de Créature}.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Delberz Trötte": {
"name": "Delberz Trötte",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Buveurs des quais": {
"name": "Buveurs des quais",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-OoCKULRj6KQcHYrR\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.IjGUv51IPhj79Wxt.JournalEntryPage.E8nLFVw3Mmc024dc]{L'auberge du Batelier}</p><p>Les Personnages ne sont pas les seuls personnes dans l'auberge. Les dockers sont connus pour être des durs, mais ils ne sont pas stupides. </p><p>Tant que les jeunes nobles ne sont pas trop pénibles, et ne s'en prennent qu'à des étrangers, les habitués évitent les ennuis et peuvent même se joindre aux rires s'ils se font aux dépends d'un imbécile de passage qui a bien mérité ce qui lui arrive, que ce soit d'être trempé ou pire. </p><p>Mais tôt ou tard (c'est-à-dire quand vous sentez que les aventuriers auront besoin d'aide ou, plus vraisemblablement, qu'ils sont sur le point d'abandonner la lutte avec les poings pour s'emparer de leurs armes), certains habitués pourraient intervenir. Ils se battront avant tout pour maîtriser leurs adversaires, dans le but de mettre à la porte les dandys, leurs gardes du corps, les Personnages, et toute personne étrangère à l'auberge, de façon à pouvoir recommencer à boire en paix. </p><p>Cependant, si quelqu'un dégaine une arme, ils s'empareront de leurs dagues, de bouteilles brisées, et de tout ce qui pourrait leur tomber sous la main.</p><p>Les habitués forment un assortiment de Bateliers, de Femmes du fleuve et de Débardeurs qui sont d'Altdorf pour la plupart, mais qui peuvent provenir de tout l'Empire, et dont les accents peuvent donc être aussi variés que vous le souhaitez.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Chien": {
"name": "Chien",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-CVnRstTnrrNdDJ5s\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Montures et véhicules}</p><p>Les halflings, et beaucoup d'humains vivant dans des communautés reculées, élèvent de grands chiens pour tirer les charrettes et les chariots à deux roues. Quelques halfkings ont essayé de monter des chiens mais ce n'est pas très bon pour l'animal. Les halflings ont beau être petits, ils sont rarement légers.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Poney, âne ou mule": {
"name": "Poney, âne ou mule",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-jyxbqCS6RUVdR93m\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Montures et véhicules}</p><p>Les poneys sont de petits chevaux ne mesurant pas plus d'1m50 au garrot ; les ânes sont des cousins des chevaux, robustes, résistants et notoirement têtus ; les mules sont des croisement stériles de chevaux et d'ânes, encore plus maladroites que leurs cousins les ânes, mais elles compensent en étant apparement infatigables. </p><p>Ces trois animaux sont utilisés comme montures par les classes rurales inférieures. Ils peuvent être attelés à de petites charrettes à deux roues, ou chargées de marchandises et dirigées par une personne à pied. Il n'est pas rare d'atteler jusqu'à vingt mules à un chariot de taille moyenne ou grande. </p><p>Les ânes et les mules possèdent souvent le Trait Entêté, qui augmente leur score de FM de +20 et nécessite un Test opposé de <strong>Chevaucher ou de conduite d'attelage/Forme Mentale</strong> chaque fois que le cavalier ou le conducteur doit maîtriser l'animal. Si le test est un échec, l'animal s'arrête net et refuse d'aller plus loin. Il peut être incité à avancer par un test de <strong>Chevaucher</strong> réussi auquel s'oppose la Force Mentale de la créature, ou un Test opposé d'<strong>Emprise sur les animaux</strong> si quelqu'un le dirige par la bride. Dans les deux cas, il ne peut pas aller plus vite que la moitié de la vitesse de marche.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Cheval de trait": {
"name": "Cheval de trait",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-zAdKu0TanxPHwn5N\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Montures et véhicules}</p><p>Ces chevaux de taille moyenne sont appréciés des fermiers qui peuvent se les offrir et profiter de leur polyvalence. Ils tirent des charrues ou des charrettes, une paire de ces animaux peut tirer tous les chariots, sauf les plus lourds, et ils constituent des montures assez dociles pour les déplacements en ville les jours de marché.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Eberhart von Durbheim": {
"name": "Eberhart von Durbheim",
"description": ""
"Elvyra Kleinestun": {
"name": "Elvyra Kleinestun",
"description": ""
"Emmaretta": {
"name": "Emmaretta",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Erik (Bandit mutant)": {
"name": "Erik (Bandit mutant)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-O4LQDiXj4yRMbG9N\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.2JX9k58tn9lJfkqS.JournalEntryPage.CfHPEuCzlIow7PAV]{Visite sur les lieux du massacre}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Tout le groupe est dérangeant, mais ces mutants sont d'autant plus horribles qu'ils sont encore partiellement humains. Ce mutant </span> a vu ses jambes remplacées par les pattes d'une chèvre, et parle avec un accent reiklander étonnement raffiné.</p><p>*2 points de Blessure restant</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Ernst Heidlemann": {
"name": "Ernst Heidlemann",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Longcroc": {
"name": "Longcroc",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-SAqm1Ilc0gNFx02b\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.abUCs0O1oBGNonyi.JournalEntryPage.67GdZ4epIhCwPcOT]{La maison Steinhäger}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.FF4U0ls9YObaK0q5]{Schutz} est accompagné de Longcroc, une grande chienne noire aux crocs aiguisés. Cependant, même s'il s'agit d'un pitbull tellandais, l'une des races de @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.R1iWvfV9EvgIc8bJ]{chien} les plus féroces, elle est beaucoup moins intimidante qu'il n'y paraît. Ventre sur pattes, elle se liera d'amitié avec toute  personne qui lui donnera à manger ou qui réussira un Test d'</span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>Emprise sur les animaux Accessible (+20)</strong></span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. C'est une bonne fille.</span></p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Fhluger'dagh": {
"name": "Fhluger'dagh",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Franka (Garde)": {
"name": "Franka (Garde)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4UorWorAR19Lv3BK\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.IjGUv51IPhj79Wxt.JournalEntryPage.E8nLFVw3Mmc024dc]{L'auberge du Batelier}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Les deux nobles sont accompagnés par quatre gardes du corps. Ce sont des brutes musculeuses de plus d'1m80. Ils parlent peu, et se content de se tenir à l'affüt près de leurs maîtres, prêts à intervenir si quelqu'un ose parler ou poser la main sur ces joyaux dorlotés par la noblesse du Reikland. S'ils sont contraints à parler, leur accent est typique des pires bas-fonds des  @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.journals.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb]{Quartiers est d'Altdorf}.</span> </p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Franz Baumann": {
"name": "Franz Baumann",
"description": ""
"Franz Steinhäger": {
"name": "Franz Steinhäger",
"description": ""
"Friedrich Magirius": {
"name": "Friedrich Magirius",
"description": ""
"Georg Handelsson": {
"name": "Georg Handelsson",
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"description": "<section id=\"secret-dY0rrKJaMzplgKkL\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.aI05RCFli7s2SPP2.JournalEntryPage.uWlg0JgRwaUQNInI#warehouse-17]{L'Entrepôt 17}</p><p>Le Grand Georges a la cinquantaine, mesure environ 1,85m, et porte une barbe blanche comme la neige. Il vit seul avec ses deux chiens, et au cours de ces trois dernières années, il n'a pas prononcé grand-chose que <em>Eh</em>! quand un idiot est venu fourrer son nez dans son entrepôt alors qu'il n'aurait pas dû.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Georg von Ostbrun": {
"name": "Georg von Ostbrun",
"description": ""
"Gerhard Schutz": {
"name": "Gerhard Schutz",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Chèvre (Rottgeist bottée)": {
"name": "Chèvre (Rottgeist bottée)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-N2SbOaEihv8MMnCk\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les caractéristiques suivantes sont celles d'animaux domestiques courants dans le Reikland. Si vous pensez qu'un animal ne représente pas un défi suffisant, ou qu'il s'agit de la deuxième fois que la rencontre survient, piochez dans  la liste des Traits Facultatifs ou dans celle des the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Traits Standards de Créature}.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Gorrof (Garde)": {
"name": "Gorrof (Garde)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4UorWorAR19Lv3BK\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.IjGUv51IPhj79Wxt.JournalEntryPage.E8nLFVw3Mmc024dc]{L'auberge du Batelier}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Les deux nobles sont accompagnés par quatre gardes du corps. Ce sont des brutes musculeuses de plus d'1m80. Ils parlent peu, et se content de se tenir à l'affüt près de leurs maîtres, prêts à intervenir si quelqu'un ose parler ou poser la main sur ces joyaux dorlotés par la noblesse du Reikland. S'ils sont contraints à parler, leur accent est typique des pires bas-fonds des  @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.journals.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb]{Quartiers est d'Altdorf}.</span> </p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Gottri Gurnisson": {
"name": "Gottri Gurnisson",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Grand félin": {
"name": "Grand félin",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-CbO9d4DQo4Z8wD7G\" class=\"secret\"><p>Les grands félins vivent dans les forêts et les montagnes loin des humains. Ce sont des créatures sveltes et robustes, de la taille d'un grand chien de chasse, mesurant environ 60cm de haut et près de 1m80 du nez à la queue. Leur fourrure est rayée de noir et de brun, ce qui leur permet de se camoufler presque parfaitement dans une forêt ombragée. Ils se nourrissent de cerfs, de rats géants et de petits gibiers de toutes sortes.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Grunni": {
"name": "Grunni",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Gardien Démon": {
"name": "Gardien Démon",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-pjkLOFyDC7I8L6W7\" class=\"secret\"><p>Cadeau de Tzeentch, le démon gardien est l'un des hérauts du Seigneur du Changement, un esclave des ténèbres sacrifiable qui n'existe que pour servir le grand plan du dieu du Chaos. Il crépite et brille de magie, sa silhouette à plusieurs bras changeant et se déformant à chaque instant. Ce démon tout récemment invoqué a pour ordre d'empêcher quiconque d'entrer dans le @UUID[JournalEntry.qxnXlkXKtBuIHNfu.JournalEntryPage.0ZrNDqAfjPTAPgN1#hidden-temple]{temple secret}, à l'exception des membres du cercle intérieur de l'<em>Ordo Septenarius</em>. Bien qu'il se trouve dans le monde matériel depuis très peu de temps, il a déjà décidé qu'il appréciait les plaisirs simples de respirer, de sentir et de manger. C'est pourquoi il fera tout ce qu'il peut pour éviter de mourir, tout en accomplissant les tâches qui lui ont été demandées.</p><p>Lorsqu'il parle, il s'exprime par l'intermédiaire de centaines de bouches qui s'ouvrent partout sur son corps pour offrir les plus exquises tentations. La plus grande des bouches, sur son visage, n'est utilisée que pour grogner et manger, et recèle des langues en forme de fouet qui s'abattent sur tous ceux qui s'approchent trop près.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Gunnar": {
"name": "Gunnar",
"description": ""
"Gurt": {
"name": "Gurt",
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wWIZOUYhy0aF14MZ\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.rYlDGJx20M72PydJ]{Bengt}, @UUID[Actor.r5NgPWpDHpjRkGQM]{Gurt}, et @UUID[Actor.BLrqbYcSiVvWnmws]{Willie}, les trois voyous engagés par Adolphus, travaillant parfois sur les quais de @UUID[JournalEntry.tT80gcSmeK5oO5C2.JournalEntryPage.l2kZtajL8d3RlPqO]{Weissbruck} comme débardeurs. Ils ne sont pas particulièrement brillants, ni loyaux, et chacun d'eux parle avec un fort accent de la classe populaire du Reikland. S'ils sont pris par les Personnages, ils peuvent être convaincus de révéler les plans d'@UUID[Actor.echM0Sjy5xpt5KAQ]{Adolphus} en réussisant un Test d' </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong> Intimidation</strong> </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\"> ou de  </span><strong>Subornation Facile (+40) </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. Si l'un d'entre eux est blessé au cours d'un combat, Adolphus devra effectuer un Test de  </span><strong>Commandement Intermédiaire (+0) </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">. En cas d'échec, chaque malfrat acquiert un État</span>@Condition[Brisé]. </p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Gustav Fondleburger": {
"name": "Gustav Fondleburger",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Charrete à bras": {
"name": "Charrette à bras"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Hans Pfliefer": {
"name": "Hans Pfliefer",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Harbull Piedvelu": {
"name": "Harbull Piedvelu",
"description": "<h3>Apparence et personnalité</h3><p><em>Qui ne risque rien n'a rien. </em></p><p>Comme beaucoup de halflings, Harbull fait montre d'une gaieté enfantine et d'une curiosité insatiable, surtout selon les normes humaine Comment ça marche ? est sa question préférée, plutôt que le typique Qu'est-ce qu'on mange ?</p><p>Cependant, son tempérament enjoué change lorsqu'il est confronté aux préjugés humains sur les halflings, en particulier en ce qui concerne la nourriture et la cuisine. Il est de taille et de corpulence moyenne pour un halfling (donc assez rondouillard), avec des cheveux bruns et des yeux marrons foncé.</p><h3>Historique</h3><p>Né à Barliton, à la frontière du Mootland, d'un chef cuisinier et d'une herboriste, l'avenir professionnel de Harbull a toujours été incertain. Bien qu'il admette à contrecoeur qu'il aime manger, il préfère que les autres cuisinent. Cette distinction maintes fois répétée ne plaît guère à ses parents, si bien que Harbull finit par quitter la maison pour chercher sa propre voie dans la vie.</p><p> Partout où il se rend, il trouve un emploi, mais ses petits boulots tournent toujours, inévitablement, autour de la cuisine. Frustré, il a continué à voyager, et a fini par rencontrer ses compagnons actuels à l'auberge relais Le repos du Voyageur.</p><p> Harbull s'entendit rapidement avec Werner, et le groupe décida de tenter sa chance en voyageant ensemble, en suivant un avis de recherche (@UUID[JournalEntry.fCNnElQzxwEOeJWJ.JournalEntryPage.6h30hMoewtibNM1R]{Aide de jeu 1 : Recherchés ! Aventuriers Audacieux !} de <strong>L'Ennemi dans l'Ombre</strong>.)</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Harbull n'aime pas cuisiner car c'est le seul travail que sa mère a pu trouver, malgré son talent d'artiste. Il suppose que la plupart des cuisiniers halflings ont abandonné leurs rêves. Gagnez le Trait psychologique Préjugé (Cuisinier halfling).</p></li><li><p>Harbull a du mal à distinguer les humains, même s'ils ont l'air très différens les uns des autres.</p></li><li><p>Harbull a quitté sa maison (et a changé son nom de clan de Cœursolide en Piedvelu) parcequ' il a accidentellement mutilé son père au cours d'une dispute sur sa future carrière. Si d'autres halflings le découvraient, Harbull serait rejeté.</p></li><li><p>Harbull considère Malmir comme une âme sœur, tous deux des voyageurs en terre étrangère. Harbull le suit constamment, lui offrant des conseils à tout bout de champ, persuadé que Malmir apprécie cette contribution et en tire un énorme bénéfice.</p></li></ul><p>Commencez avec [[/r 1d10]] sous de cuivre supplémentaires par secret choisi.</p>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Cheval de trait lourd": {
"name": "Cheval de trait lourd",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-6TGpHtiUV60MNa8U\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Montures et véhicules}</p><p>Ce sont les plus grands chevaux de l'Empire, et probablement du Vieux Monde. Les grands chevaux de trait peuvent peser plus d'une tonne et tirer presque n'importe quoi. Ils peuvent être montés, mais peu sont entrainés à accepter un cavalier.</p><p>Bien que la plupart des nobles le nient, les chevaux de trait sont les principaux reproducteurs utilisés pour engendrer des chevaux de guerre lourds.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Charriot lourd": {
"name": "Charriot lourd"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Cheval de guerre lourd": {
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"name": "Heavy Warhorse",
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"description": "<section id=\"secret-xIp5ElOCFEAf5F2N\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Montures et véhicules}</p><p>Les plus grands chevaux de guerre, parfois appelés destriers, sont montés par les chevaliers en armure et autres cavaliers lourds. Ils sont rarement utilisés pour les voyages, car il est insensé d'utiliser un animal aussi coûteux et aguerri pour des tâches insignifiantes. Bien qu'ils ne soient pas aussi rapides que leurs homologues de plus petite taille, ils sont bien entraînés et leur charge est presque impossible à arrêter.</p></section>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Heinrich Marken": {
"name": "Heinrich Marken",
"description": ""
"Heinrich Steele": {
"name": "Heinrich Steele",
"description": ""
"Heinz Richter": {
"name": "Heinz Richter",
"description": ""
"Helga Langstrasse": {
"name": "Helga Langstrasse",
"description": ""
"Herpin Stiggerwurt": {
"name": "Herpin Stiggerwurt",
"description": ""
"Hultz": {
"name": "Hultz",
"description": ""
"Isolde von Strudeldorf": {
"name": "Isolde von Strudeldorf",
"description": ""
"Ivan": {
"name": "Ivan",
"description": ""
"Jacob von Katzenreik": {
"name": "Jacob von Katzenreik",
"description": ""
"Janna Elleiner": {
"name": "Janna Elleiner",
"description": ""
2024-05-12 17:39:03 +02:00
"Johann 'Dam'de nage' Dassbüt": {
"name": "Johann 'Dam'de nage' Dassbüt",
"description": "<h3>Apparence et personnalité</h3><p><em>Quoi qu'il arrive en aval, tu fais avec. Alors tu t'inquiète plus. Sinon t'es un idiot. </em></p><p>Bien que très sociable, Johann préfère demeurer seul. Il parle peu à moins d'être absolument sûr de ce qu'il avance, et préfère tirer ses propres conclusions. Il prend souvent du temps pour penser à un nouveau concept, mais un fois qu'il y a réfléchi, il arrive généralement à la bonne décision.</p><p>Johann est de corpulence moyenne, mesure environ 1m80, manifestement en bonne santé et costaud, comme il se doit pour quelqu'un qui exerce un métier aussi physique. Ses cheveux sont marron clair et sa moustache lui donne l'air un peu triste. L'expression de ses yeux bleu clair semble parfois un peu lointaine lorsqu'il réfléchit.</p><h3>Historique</h3><p>Depuis toujours, Johann parcourt le Reik et ses nombreux affluents, aussi loin qu'il s'en souvienne. Sa famille a été tuée par des bandits lorsqu'il était jeune, et il s'est alors habitué à ne compter que sur ses propres compétences. Le métier de batelier convient au tempérament de Johann, avec sa vie en plein air, la chance de regarder le monde défiler sur l'eau, et personne d'autre sur qui compter.</p><p> Ses possibilités de gagner de l'argent sont limitées, et comme Johann n'a jamais rien possédé de plus grand qu'un bateau pour deux rameurs, il a été contraint de louer ses services à d'autres propriétaires de barges. La plupart du temps, son travail consiste à transporter des passagers et de petites cargaisons en amont ou en aval sur le Reik. Souffrant d'une crise existentielle, il s'est mis à réexaminer sa vie et a décidé qu'il en avait assez de gagner de l'argent pour autrui. Il a donc vendu son bateau à rames à son ancien employeur et a rejoint le groupe de vagabonds se dirigeant vers Altdorf.</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Johann a accidentellement tué son ancien employeur et a brûlé le bateau pour couvrir ses traces. Il est maintenant en fuite, recherché pour meurtre à Delberz, Middenland.</p></li><li><p>Johann est profondément supersticieux en ce qui concerne les sorcières. Il tient Wanda et Malmir à l'œil. Obtient le Trait psychologique Camaraderie (Harbull)</p></li><li><p>Johann se souvient de Kirsten : il y a quelques années, elle a quitté son bateau sans payer. Elle ne semble pas se souvenir de lui mais il a l'intention de se venger d'elle, et de réclamer au moins 2 pistoles pour les ennuis qu'elle lui a causés avec son ancien patron, Travis Binekel.</p></li></ul><p>Commencez avec [[/r 1d10]] sous de cuivre supplémentaires par secret choisi.</p>"
2024-03-09 18:33:06 +01:00
"Johann (Mutant Brigand)": {
"name": "Johann (Mutant Brigand)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Yracefjb0u3Di3Ra\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.2JX9k58tn9lJfkqS.JournalEntryPage.CfHPEuCzlIow7PAV]{The Mayhem Mystery Tour}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Knuds Mutant brigands are a disturbing bunch, all the more horrifying as the vestigial remains of their humanity are plain to see. This one </span>has a distinctively pointed head, and emits a near-constant, pain-laced groan.</p></section>"
"Johann Hindersson": {
"name": "Johann Hindersson",
"description": ""
"Johann The Ghost": {
"name": "Johann The Ghost",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-MXm2wh6qyd9OZN59\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.8nRRXBpv18FDsG8d.JournalEntryPage.itIjEiNtkkGBZRql]{A Friend In Need}</p><p>Johann is not evil by nature, nor controlled by a necromancer, so he has a Fellowship score.</p></section>"
"Johannes Teugen": {
"name": "Johannes Teugen",
"description": ""
"Josef Quartjin": {
"name": "Josef Quartjin",
"description": ""
"Kaden": {
"name": "Kaden",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.aI05RCFli7s2SPP2.JournalEntryPage.uWlg0JgRwaUQNInI#warehouse-17]{Warehouse 17}</p>"
"Kasper Lauengram": {
"name": "Kasper Lauengram",
"description": ""
"Keiti Ouala": {
"name": "Keiti Ouala",
"description": ""
"Khornate Beastmen": {
"name": "Khornate Beastmen",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wRdcoOdZAJeUqKSr\" class=\"secret\"><p>Normally savage creatures, the three Khornate Beastmen have been cowed. They are now terrified of fire, and will do anything to stay away from a flame, even something as innocuous as a candle. A live goat is thrown into their cage at feeding time, which is always a crowd-pleasing event.&nbsp;</p>\n <p>These Beastmen all bear the mark of the Blood God somewhere on their bodies. One has a massive chest scar in the form of the skull-rune, anothers face has been warped into the same symbol, and the third has the design picked out in yellow fur on its dark-red back. All have wickedly sharp horns, long fangs, and clawed hands and feet. Unlike Urzo, these three are still full of blood-lust, and their ferocity is no act. They will happily destroy anyone or anything they can reach. Luckily, they can only reach a couple of feet beyond the bars of their cage.</p></section>"
"Kirsten Krank": {
"name": "Kirsten Krank",
"description": "<h3>Personality and Appearance</h3><p><em> Never look a gift horse in the mouth, not that I have much choice with horses, at my lofty height. </em></p><p>For Kirsten, though, gift horses are anything, horse-shaped or otherwise, that can be purloined. Shes not completely dishonest: its more that she doesnt have any kind of conscience about other peoples things remaining with other people. Kirsten is short, wiry and has brown hair and mischievous pale-blue eyes. She insists on the extra inch over five feet being counted, and is about nine feet tall — if self-confidence is being measured. She is a natural rogue with a cheeky, even dangerous, sense of humour. Practical jokes, quips and blowing raspberries are all in her armoury. This even extends to authority figures when she really should know better. </p><h3>Background</h3><p>Brought up in the seedier part of Delbren in Middenland, Kirsten is the youngest of a very large, very poor family. The exact number of siblings varies depending on who is listening, and the chances of a free meal or drink from her audience. Kirsten was always quick-witted, and she soon learnt that life was a battle against hunger and the rich, unless some disease took you. Her parents left her to fend for herself, and fending meant breaking the rules. Soon shopkeepers and stallholders wouldnt let her within snatching distance of their wares. She really crossed the line when she booby-trapped a chair under the backside of the master of the Merchants Guild. After that, and the manhunt that followed, Kirsten realised life might be more pleasant and longer elsewhere. She helped herself to a pile of fliers someone had left lying around, and headed towards Altdorf. By strange coincidence, she learned (by asking an intelligent-looking stranger) that the leaflets she was carrying began with the words: <em>Wanted! Bold adventurers!</em> She could do bold.</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Kirsten discovered her real father is Graf Ardez of Delbren, who recently reached out to her. Kirsten hates authority so much that she refused to accept her noble blood and went on the run. Gain the Psychology Trait.</p></li><li><p>Kirsten picked the pockets of one of companions before they agreed to travel together — tell the GM which Character. The first time that Character attempts to pay for something, the GM should inform them that they are missing a number of pennies equal to whatever Kirsten gained from taking this secret.</p></li><li><p>Kirsten is terrified of being on her own, and always concocts excuses to be with people. Gain the Psychology Trait (being alone causes in Kirsten).</p></li><li><p>After many encounters with corrupt priests in her youth, Kirsten is an avowed atheist. She doesnt believe any of the gods — barring the Chaos Gods — are real. She believes the rare blessed priest is just a self-deluding Wizard.</p></li></ul><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] brass pennies per secret chosen.</p>"
"Klaus Schattiger": {
"name": "Klaus Schattiger",
"description": ""
"Knud Cratinx": {
"name": "Knud Cratinx",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-8ubmERw3pV81BX1X\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">In poor lighting, Knud can almost pass for Human. However, in the cold light of day, the stain of his corruption is plain to see — thick, dark-green scales cover every inch of his skin. Knuds voice is similarly afflicted, taking on an inhuman sibilance as his forked tongue flickers between his crooked yellowed teeth. He speaks with a strong, lisping Altdorf accent, though only to insult, threaten, or intimidate, activities he enjoys immensely.</span> </p></section>"
"Konrad Brecht": {
"name": "Konrad Brecht",
"description": ""
"Large Litter": {
"name": "Large Litter"
"Leopold (Road Warden)": {
"name": "Leopold (Road Warden)",
"description": ""
"Light Wagon": {
"name": "Light Wagon"
"Light Warhorse": {
"name": "Light Warhorse",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-U3T8Pjhl3vP2hY4S\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Mounts and Vehicles}</p><p>These horses are used by light and medium cavalry, as well as by certain nobles who find normal riding horses too tame for their tastes. These animals are trained for war, and the more expensive and highly trained examples will have additional Traits. These are sometimes referred to as hobbies by traditionalists.</p></section>"
"Little Anders": {
"name": "Little Anders",
"description": ""
"Magda": {
"name": "Magda",
"description": ""
"Magnus Bugman": {
"name": "Magnus Bugman",
"description": ""
"Magnus Pflaster": {
"name": "Magnus Pflaster",
"description": ""
"Malmir Giluviel": {
"name": "Malmir Giluviel",
"description": "<h3>Personality and Appearance</h3><p><em>So much to see. So much to do. So many new leaves to turn over!</em></p><p>Malmir always found woodland life claustrophobic, and his kithband too detached from the world around them. He knows little of Human society, but what he has encountered fascinates him. He is eager to see more of the Empire, with its cities, towns, villages, and hamlets, and yes, the vast forests and swift-flowing rivers if he must. Though hed never admit it, he thinks that once youve seen one tree, youve pretty much seen them all. Like most Wood Elves, Malmir is slender and tall. He has shiny chestnut-brown hair and eye-catching emerald-green eyes.</p><h3>Background</h3><p>From an early age, Malmir showed an unseemly interest in life beyond the Laurelorn forest. Although he readily adopted the customs and behaviour of polite Elven society, his mind was fixated on the Empires Humans. Their strange cities of stone and deadwood and their obsession with all matters material were so… different. Eventually, his home forest began to seem boringly familiar. Despite the hardship he knew it would cause, Malmirs will was steadfast. His kinfolk, one by one, turned their backs on him. Like all Elves who forsake their home for a life of adventure, Malmir no longer exists to his people. The last words he heard in his mother tongue came from the Priestess of Liadriel: <em>Go then, Malmir. Return not, unless in dire need. But think on this: if ever one of the Chaos-touched should find their way here by your direction, we shall not rest until you are brought to justice!</em> He has set his heart on seeing Altdorf, the city of gold. And so it is that he now finds himself at The Travellers Rest, in the company of his new companions.</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Malmir didnt just leave his home to see the wider world — he did so because on nights when Morrsleib waxed, he saw not his own face in reflections, but anothers. He set out to find this person, and now travels with them on the road to Altdorf.</p></li><li><p>Malmir stole a momento from his people, before he left. Now, they want it back, and are in hot pursuit. Discuss with your GM as to what this momento may be.</p></li><li><p>Malmir hates the Wood Elves of the Laurelorn, who he thinks have failed as custodians of the Old World. Gain the Psychology Trait.</p></li><li><p>Malmir is not Eonir, as he claims. He is actually a High Elf who fled from his duties in Altdorf. The suggested background and name for Malmir is all an act. With the GM, come up with an alternative past that justifies his skill set.</p></li></ul><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] brass pennies per secret chosen.</p>"
"Maria Braund": {
"name": "Maria Braund",
"description": ""
"Marie Schutz": {
"name": "Marie Schutz",
"description": ""
"Max Ernst": {
"name": "Max Ernst",
"description": ""
"Medium Wagon": {
"name": "Medium Wagon"
"Megret See": {
"name": "Megret See",
"description": ""
"Mikael (Mutant Brigand)": {
"name": "Mikael (Mutant Brigand)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-o28bqow7JYMaB9ar\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.2JX9k58tn9lJfkqS.JournalEntryPage.CfHPEuCzlIow7PAV]{The Mayhem Mystery Tour}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Knuds Mutant brigands are a disturbing bunch, all the more horrifying as the vestigial remains of their humanity are plain to see. This one bears the head of a vicious dog, and is capable only of animalistic barks, yelps, and whines.</span></p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">*1 Wound Remaining</span></p></section>"
"Mikhail": {
"name": "Mikhail",
"description": ""
"Miltrud (Guard)": {
"name": "Miltrud (Guard)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-4UorWorAR19Lv3BK\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.IjGUv51IPhj79Wxt.JournalEntryPage.E8nLFVw3Mmc024dc]{The Boatman Inn}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The two nobles are accompanied by four bodyguards. Hulking brutes, each is over 6ft tall and heavily muscled. They rarely speak, content to lurk near their masters, ever-ready to intervene should anyone dare to talk to or even lay hands upon the pampered jewels of the Reiklands nobility. If pressed to talk, their growling accents are typical of the lowest of low-lifes from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.journals.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb]{Altdorf s East End}.</span> </p></section>"
"Mule": {
"name": "Mule",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-bWuNydSI8FzZckRj\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Mounts and Vehicles}</p><p>Ponies are a small breed of horse no more than 15 hands (about five feet) high at the shoulder; donkeys are tough, resilient, and notoriously stubborn cousins of horses; mules are sterile crossbreeds of horses and donkeys. If anything, mules are even more awkward than their donkey relatives, but make up for it by being seemingly tireless. </p><p>All three animals are used as mounts by the rural lower classes. They can be hitched to small, two-wheeled carts, or loaded with goods and led by a person on foot. It is not uncommon to hitch teams of up to twenty mules to a medium or large wagon. </p><p>Donkeys and mules often have the Stubborn trait, which increases their WP score by +20 and requires an <strong>Opposed Ride or Drive/Willpower</strong> Test whenever the rider or driver needs to bring the creature under control. If the test is a failure, the animal stops dead and refuses to go further. It can be induced to go forward by a successful <strong>Ride </strong>Test opposed by the creatures Willpower, or an opposed <strong>Charm Animal</strong> Test if someone is leading it by the bridle. In either case, it does not go faster than half Walking speed.</p></section>"
"Mutant Goblin": {
"name": "Mutant Goblin",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-RCAtpbarEFrdMJrS\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.bJXsdQq1rSN5tfqd#key-scene:-the-runaway-goblin]{Key Scene: The Runaway Goblin}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">The three-legged Goblin in the @UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.bJXsdQq1rSN5tfqd#doctor-malthusiuss-zoocopeia]{Zoocopeia} is a rare creature. Whether its because Greenskins cull their own numbers, or they are simply more resistant to the depredations of Chaos, it is not common to find them mutated. Captured by mercenaries in the Grey Mountains, this Goblin is stunted, confused, and miserable, and wants only one thing: to be away from @UUID[Actor.hbVvPCmCGOAshxs9]{Grunni} at any cost. Whenever the Dwarf is close, it flinches and its eyes widen in terror.</span></p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.kQyaJB0lSLQ2NLu8]{Doctor Malthusius} knows that keeping a Mutant is illegal (or, at least, was — news from Altdorf suggests this has changed), but he has never let the legality of a situation get between him and a heavy bag of coins. Should he be confronted about this, he will claim he thought the creature was some form of Lesser Goblin, a little known species with three legs rather than two. He will feign shock and horror should anyone claim the Goblin is actually a Mutant.</span></p></section>"
"Ox": {
"name": "Ox",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-N8LpJSAIuCFFuEnP\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Mounts and Vehicles}</p><p>Oxen are slow, but immensely tough, bovines. Farmers commonly use them to pull carts and wagons, and some merchants prefer them for pulling heavy cargo wagons.</p></section>"
"Pandora Lostpocket": {
"name": "Pandora Lostpocket",
"description": ""
"Phillipe Descartes": {
"name": "Phillipe Descartes",
"description": ""
"Pink Horror of Tzeentch": {
"name": "Pink Horror of Tzeentch",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-G9IB9TsLeEKGE1or\" class=\"secret\"><p>Horrors of Tzeentch are the gibbering, mutable scions of the Changer of Ways. Many-limbed monstrosities, their form seems to writhe and change as arms, legs, and tentacles burst forth, snaking through the air, seeking prey to drag into their gaping maws. Creatures of pure magic, the air around them crackles and warps with unholy arcane energies.</p><p>Pink Horrors revel in change and in magic. When summoned, they giggle and gambol their way through the world, frolicking and capering with glee. Their cheerfully antic disposition means they are often known as Squealers or Whirling Destroyers. As creatures of raw Chaos, they are drawn to one another, amplifying one anothers power, and conjuring fearsome bolts of magical flame to wreak havoc on those foolish enough to draw close.</p><p>Should a Pink Horror receive a blow sufficient enough to destroy its material manifestation, it explosively splits into two @UUID[Actor.cLOGeMqUty61nYB9]{Blue Horrors}, rather than being banished to the Realms of Chaos. In stark contrast to their giggling pink precursor, Blue Horrors appear sullen and malicious, their faces distorted into grimaces and sneers. Instead of laughter, their eldritch throats spew grumbling, muttered curses.</p><p>If a group of nine, or a multiple of nine, creatures have the trait, then all the creatures pool their resources together and instead cast the Spell. Nine, of course, is Tzeentchs sacred number.</p></section>"
"Pompai Ricolma": {
"name": "Pompai Ricolma",
"description": ""
"Pony": {
"name": "Pony",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-O11OQKGmByCtF7v7\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Mounts and Vehicles}</p><p>Ponies are a small breed of horse no more than 15 hands (about five feet) high at the shoulder; donkeys are tough, resilient, and notoriously stubborn cousins of horses; mules are sterile crossbreeds of horses and donkeys. If anything, mules are even more awkward than their donkey relatives, but make up for it by being seemingly tireless. </p><p>All three animals are used as mounts by the rural lower classes. They can be hitched to small, two-wheeled carts, or loaded with goods and led by a person on foot. It is not uncommon to hitch teams of up to twenty mules to a medium or large wagon.</p></section>"
"Rassarak": {
"name": "Rassarak",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-tcxaQps7z70owj3M\" class=\"secret\"><p>Note that Rassarak cannot use missile weapons effectively due to his blindness.</p>\n <p>Rassarak is a pure-white Skaven, a Clanrat who has been blind from birth. His hearing, smell and whiskers have become incredibly sensitive to compensate for his loss of vision. He can watch spectators with uncanny and alarming accuracy. He is chafing at his imprisonment, but is patiently waiting for the right opportunity to escape.</p></section>"
"Reiner Goertrin": {
"name": "Reiner Goertrin",
"description": ""
"Reinhardt": {
"name": "Reinhardt",
"description": ""
"Reinholdt": {
"name": "Reinholdt",
"description": ""
"Rembrandt Haube": {
"name": "Rembrandt Haube",
"description": ""
"Reynald Verstand": {
"name": "Reynald Verstand",
"description": ""
"Riding Horse": {
"name": "Riding Horse",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ErGVHIZwEhNiFwxw\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.GHueUtHKzlhvsd8L.JournalEntryPage.8GLdbAcRWwY522rP]{Mounts and Vehicles}</p><p>This profile represents the most common riding horse available in the Empire. Estalian and Arabyan purebloods are rarer, better-looking, much more expensive, and also have the Fast Trait. Often a noble will have a palfrey as an everyday riding horse, reserving a heavy warhorse for use in battle.</p></section>"
"Rolf Hurtsis": {
"name": "Rolf Hurtsis",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-uU4qoiSMwOM6toIR\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Rolf was once an average man, of average height and build, but now he bears the mark of a hideous mutation that has left his face a grotesque, festering ruin, the skin having sloughed fromhis pus-riddled visage. He is dressed in dirty, tattered rags that are stained with his previous meals and his own blood. Thanks to his Mutation, Rolf s vocal cords have atrophied and rotted, leaving him incapable of uttering anything more than a low, menacing growl</span></p></section>"
"Schaffenfest Burgher": {
"name": "Schaffenfest Burgher",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.KrRntV6J4kytBcjR#random-events]{Random Events}</p>"
"Schaffenfest Peasant": {
"name": "Schaffenfest Peasant",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.KrRntV6J4kytBcjR#random-events]{Random Events}</p>"
"Schaffenfest Rogue": {
"name": "Schaffenfest Rogue",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.KrRntV6J4kytBcjR#random-events]{Random Events}</p>"
"Schaffenfest Warrior": {
"name": "Schaffenfest Warrior",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.MB5a0zBGJcZhEYUI.JournalEntryPage.KrRntV6J4kytBcjR#random-events]{Random Events}</p>"
"Sheep (Hugeltal Longwool)": {
"name": "Sheep (Hugeltal Longwool)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-hotWbMpRp9ZpETH7\" class=\"secret\"><p>The following Characteristics describe common farm animals of the Reikland. If you feel an animal is not enough of a challenge, or are presenting the same encounter for a second time, use the  listed Optional Traits, or the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Generic Creature Traits}.</p></section>"
"Sheru-tar Gee'taru": {
"name": "Sheru-tar Gee'taru",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-o7bWt1ybCTocFjNP\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.LG5qATEIFPE9bezB]{Teugen} first made contact with the Daemon he calls Gideon eight years ago in Nuln. Gideon was instructed to make a pact with Teugen by its master, a Greater Daemon of Tzeentch with long-reaching plans for the Empire. In return for Teugens soul, Gideon was to grant great wealth and prosperity for seven years.</span></p>\n <p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">To entice Teugen to make the deal, Gideon told him that if could persuade seven others to participate in a ritual before the seven years passed, Gideon would take those souls instead of Teugens. This would bring the pact to an end, freeing Teugen from the bargain. After much debate, Teugen eventually agreed.<br>However, unknown to Teugen, not only will he never be able to reclaim his soul — Gideon lied about that — but the ritual to swap seven souls for his own actually opens a gateway into the Realm of Chaos — Gideon lied about that, too!</span></p>\n <p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Gideon is a master illusionist and can take other forms. Its natural form appears like a @UUID[Actor.iDy8SDTwJSlCzZMl]{Pink Horror of Tzeentch} with a constant ripple of magic surrounding it — a multi-armed, pink-fleshed Daemon, with a gaping, fang-filled maw and evershifting tentacles. However, Gideon is not like most&nbsp; Daemons of Tzeentch. It is not a crazed, gibbering creature of unrestrained magic. Gideon is much more cunning. It was spun from the greed of others by its master for a specific purpose. Gideon is ambitious, clever, and resourceful, and it works towards its masters goals with a singular purpose that would terrify Teugen if only he understood.</span></p>\n <p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">In the early months in Nuln, the Daemon most commonly wore the flesh of Nina Dietrich, a famous actress of the @UUID[Scene.g07sPqjuua3lSWLk]{Staatsoper Theatre}, and a favourite of Teugen. That was before the deal was struck, before Teugen was offered the world and more as the Daemon whispered sweet promises in his ear. After the deal, the daemon took on the persona of Gideon, a distant cousin of Teugens. He appears as a tall, slim, impeccably dressed Human man with dark hair and a handsome face dominated by intense eyes. The character the Daemon projects as Gideon is sardonic, and it feigns a quirky, ironic sense of humour. While it seldom, if ever, actually laughs, there is always a wry, faintly supercilious smile playing about its lips.</span></p>\n <p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">For all it knows it shouldnt, the Daemon is thoroughly enjoying its sojourn in the Mortal Realm. Lately, Gideon has taken to appearing as a child when around Teugen, and chewing a great deal of garlic, as it knows both irritate the man immensely. Over the years, the Daemons pretence of amusement at the greed and gullibility of mortals has become quite real, and is exceeded only by its relish at the thought of its imminent triumph when Teugens ritual — the one the fool thinks will save his soul — actually opens a Chaos Gate in the heart of the Reikland. Its master will be so pleased.</span></p></section>"
"Sleeves": {
"name": "Sleeves",
"description": ""
"Small Litter": {
"name": "Small Litter"
"Sonny Rags": {
"name": "Sonny Rags",
"description": ""
"Sunna (Road Warden)": {
"name": "Sunna (Road Warden)",
"description": ""
"Terenz (Mutant Brigand)": {
"name": "Terenz (Mutant Brigand)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-haIYXtMIzD7jCZye\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.2JX9k58tn9lJfkqS.JournalEntryPage.CfHPEuCzlIow7PAV]{The Mayhem Mystery Tour}</p><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Knuds Mutant brigands are a disturbing bunch, all the more horrifying as the vestigial remains of their humanity are plain to see. This one has a tiny head, speaking (and often giggling) with the high-pitched, lisping voice of a child.</span></p></section>"
"The Farmyard Beasts": {
"name": "The Farmyard Beasts",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Q7iMHn3Z3IZ4mgc9\" class=\"secret\"><p>The farmyard collection of a goat-headed, a cow-headed, and two chicken-headed Beastmen is the menageries comedy item. However, all four are more dangerous than they appear due to their venomous spittle. Each Beastman can spit poison up to 3 yards, using their BS score. Those struck must make a&nbsp;<strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance&nbsp;</strong>Test or receive a <a></a>@Condition[Poisoned] Condition.</p>\n <p>The workers are always careful to keep the paying public at a safe distance, and to have buckets of water to wash anyone unlucky enough to be spat upon.</p></section>"
"The Imperial Beast": {
"name": "The Imperial Beast",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-nEwZruifqxZTS3N9\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Imperial Beast is about the size of a Halfling and bears an assortment of animal features. His most notable feature, however, is his fur which is pure metallic gold! Wolfgang occasionally jokes that the Beastman will finally pay his way when hes dead. He knows that the creature is a real marvel and too valuable an attraction to simply kill for his pelt. The pelt itself confers immunity from some forms of threat such as acid, electricity, and fire.</p>\n <p>If the Imperial Beast were killed, his pelt would be worth a minimum of [[/r 2d100]] gold crowns, as its fur could be spun into fine gold thread and made into superlative cloth of gold. However, anyone wearing such a garment would suffer Minor exposure to corruption every hour that they wore it.</p>\n <p>Alternatively, the pelt could be melted down to make coinage, although it will only yield enough gold to make [[/r 10d10]] gold crowns. Anyone involved in this smelting process would suffer <a></a>@Corruption[moderate]{Moderate exposure} to Corruption. Anyone handling ingots or coins made from the pelt would suffer <a></a>@Corruption[minor]{Minor exposure}, but gloves would provide adequate protection. There is no way of removing the taint of Chaos from the gold. If it is smelted with gold from another source all the castings will carry the taint.</p></section>"
"The Twins": {
"name": "The Twins",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-0PUuHYC81oR5w1mx\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Twins occupy about one third of cage 4, with the Imperial Beast in the remaining section. The Twins are tiny Beastmen less than a foot tall, but they are fierce out of all proportion to their size and will hurl themselves at the bars of their cage, snarling and snapping at anything that moves.</p></section>"
"Thug": {
"name": "Thug",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-M7ie1uRhbOYPQfa3\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.abUCs0O1oBGNonyi.JournalEntryPage.qekbEPjyKirEPlD7#hired-muscle]{Hired Muscle}</p><p>There are various thugs in @UUID[JournalEntry.ro7SIltM899Ogrk8]{Bögenhafen} that may accost the Characters. Most are stevedores in the employ of @UUID[Actor.LG5qATEIFPE9bezB]{Teugen} or hired muscle supporting one of the other influential NPCs. In most cases the thugs are grim, brutal, and speak with a lower-class accent.</p><p>Character Profiles are supplied here for typical thugs and for their brutish bosses. If your Players do not have many (or any) combat-capable Characters, you should stick to using the basic thugs. However, if you feel the party needs more of a challenge, throw in a thug boss or two, and maybe even add some of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Generic Creature Traits} to personalise the group.</p></section>"
"Thug Boss": {
"name": "Thug Boss",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-pqs7k84GLJlnOZIK\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.abUCs0O1oBGNonyi.JournalEntryPage.qekbEPjyKirEPlD7#hired-muscle]{Hired Muscle}</p><p>There are various thugs in @UUID[JournalEntry.ro7SIltM899Ogrk8]{Bögenhafen} that may accost the Characters. Most are stevedores in the employ of @UUID[Actor.LG5qATEIFPE9bezB]{Teugen} or hired muscle supporting one of the other influential NPCs. In most cases the thugs are grim, brutal, and speak with a lower-class accent.</p><p>Character Profiles are supplied here for typical thugs and for their brutish bosses. If your Players do not have many (or any) combat-capable Characters, you should stick to using the basic thugs. However, if you feel the party needs more of a challenge, throw in a thug boss or two, and maybe even add some of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.UyUu4g8GQRp16paM#generic-creature-traits]{Generic Creature Traits} to personalise the group.</p></section>"
"Ulthar the Unstable": {
"name": "Ulthar the Unstable",
"description": ""
"Una Mühlmauer": {
"name": "Una Mühlmauer",
"description": ""
"Urzo": {
"name": "Urzo",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-onuBEsoQPnK0nIVj\" class=\"secret\"><p>The largest Beastman is also the most passive. Rather old for a Beastman, Urzo actually looks a little tatty, and has been ill for some time. Wolfgang suspects that Urzo needs something extra in his diet, but has yet to work out that this extra is human flesh!</p>\n <p>Urzo is a massive creature almost the size of an Ogre. His goatlike head is armed with impressive horns; together with his hoofed legs they give him a daemonic appearance that makes him quite a money-spinner. His skin is covered in horny plates like those of an armadillo, and his hands are large enough to crush a human skull. Despite this, Urzo is a docile beast, used to being in a moving cage and being fed regularly. When faced with a crowd, he will rattle the cage bars in a most convincing manner, snarl, growl, and reach out between the bars as if to tear an unwary yokel limb from limb, but this is an act.</p>\n <p>While he could be dangerous — if roused — Urzo has been with Wolfgang long enough to know what is expected, and that acting fierce (within bounds) results in bigger rations. He thinks of the menagerie staff as sources of food, and has a <a></a>[[/r 1d4]]{25%} chance of going into a Frenzy if anyone attacks them.</p></section>"
"Volker Drauchen": {
"name": "Volker Drauchen",
"description": ""
"Wanda Weltschmertz": {
"name": "Wanda Weltschmertz",
"description": "<h3>Personality and Appearance</h3><p><em>I understand youre a very important person, but Im a fully licensed Wizard, dont you know! I dont have to stand here and listen to your nonsense. Theres nothing you can do to make me. So, piss off! </em></p><p>Wanda is not one to suffer fools gladly, and prefers to trust her instincts and first assumptions about people. She is also prone to impatience with those who arent as clever as she is, which is sadly most of the Empire. Nevertheless, she is kind towards those less fortunate than herself, and has a soft spot for the downtrodden and oppressed. She is just shy of athletic, is of average height, and has shoulder-length blonde hair. Her sharp, blue eyes seem to measure everyone she sees.</p><h3>Background</h3><p>Born into a middle-class family in the market town of Delberz in Middenland, Wanda was always a wilful child. During one of her many tantrums, her parents were horrified to note that every lock in the house flew open, and people up and down her street fell instantly asleep! Fearful of what might happen to her, her parents were only too eager for Heironymus Blitzen, a well-known local Wizard, to take her as his apprentice. Wanda had a natural talent, proved to be a quick learner, and was not to be put off by the mundane chores Blitzen assigned her. After a few years, Heironymus told her that the time had come for her to return to the world, and put her skills into practice. To that end he would teach her three spells to aid her on her adventures. When she had, seen the truth of our Old World, and learned enough, she could return to him. To that end, shes not sure if her new travelling companions are aware of what theyve gotten themselves involved with.</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Wanda hasnt technically been given permission from her master to travel on her own. Indeed, his exact words were: Wanda, dont be ridiculous! An average apprentice takes at least ten years to master Channelling Azyr! She was having none of that!</p></li><li><p>Wanda harbours a secret fascination with Chaos, and wants to learn more about it in order to combat it. Devise a Fascination (Chaos) Psychology Trait with your GM and give it to Wanda.</p></li><li><p>Wanda finds most Humans endlessly dull. Elves, on the other hand, with their secrets, and their magic, are just so fascinating.</p></li><li><p>Wanda finds it particularly difficult to deal with anyone she views as a bit dull and dim-witted, which she often judges to be anyone failing to live up to her rather inflated standards. Gain the Psychology Trait.</p></li></ul><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] brass pennies per secret chosen.</p>"
"Werner Murrmann": {
"name": "Werner Murrmann",
"description": "<h3>Personality and Appearance</h3><p><em> If you think your life is boring, have you tried drilling holes in wood all day?</em></p><p>Werner has short dark-brown hair and intense dark-blue eyes. He is a trusting, scrupulously honest individual, always prepared to give people the benefit of the doubt. A lover of strong Reikland ales, Werner is slow to anger but terribly hot-headed once roused, the glare of his dark-blue eyes giving others pause for thought. Being twice the height of Harbull with a strong, muscular build, he and the stout-ish Halfling make an odd-looking couple. But despite their physical differences, the two have become fast friends. However, the young mans infectious personality has made him a good travelling companion with all members of the group.</p><h3>Background</h3><p>Werner was raised at his parents coaching inn, The Travellers Rest, near the village of Mittelmund. But the boring, easy life of an innkeepers son — doing odd jobs about the place, helping the coachmen, working behind the bar, mending the odd broken table — has made Werner grow tired of hearing about other peoples adventures. Since his parents can now afford help running the inn, he has been on the look-out for likely travelling companions. As chance would have it, an assortment of odd individuals have recently arrived, and with the flash of Werners easy smile, a pact was made. Now, the motley crew has set off for Altdorf: the Empires glittering capital!</p><h3>Secrets</h3><ul><li><p>Werner is in love with one of his travelling companions, and has decided to follow them wherever theyre going. You should discuss this secret with the GM, and perhaps with the subject of your adoration as well.</p></li><li><p>Werners parents were overbearing and never allowed him to leave. So he slipped away in the night with his new-found friends. A bounty has since been posted for his supposed kidnappers. Werner dreams of acquiring sufficient wealth to escape his parents grasp.</p></li><li><p>Werners life has been rather sheltered, and he is deathly afraid of what lurks in the Empires forests. Gain the Afraid (Deep Forests) Psychology Trait (deep forests cause Fear 0 to Werner).</p></li><li><p>Werner was too afraid to visit the Doomsayer on his 10th birthday and fled, meaning he hasnt been Doomed — he isnt technically an adult in the eyes of the law. This is a deep taboo in the Empire, and would cause untold trouble should it be uncovered. Lose the Doomed talent.</p></li></ul><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] brass pennies per secret chosen.</p>"
"Wilhelm Kind": {
"name": "Wilhelm Kind",
"description": ""
"Willie": {
"name": "Willie",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-wWIZOUYhy0aF14MZ\" class=\"secret\"><p><span class=\"fontstyle0\">@UUID[Actor.rYlDGJx20M72PydJ]{Bengt}, @UUID[Actor.r5NgPWpDHpjRkGQM]{Gurt}, and @UUID[Actor.BLrqbYcSiVvWnmws]{Willie}, the three thugs hired by Adolphus, do occasional work on the @UUID[JournalEntry.tT80gcSmeK5oO5C2.JournalEntryPage.l2kZtajL8d3RlPqO]{Weissbruck} wharves as labourers. They are not particularly bright or loyal, and each has a rough lowerclass Reiklander accent. If captured by the Characters, they can be persuaded to reveal @UUID[Actor.echM0Sjy5xpt5KAQ]{Adolphuss} plan with an </span><span class=\"fontstyle2\"><strong>Easy (+40) Intimidate</strong> </span><span class=\"fontstyle0\">or </span><strong>Bribery </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Test. If one of them is hurt during a fight, have Adolphus make a </span><strong>Challenging (+0) Leadership </strong><span class=\"fontstyle0\">Test. If failed, all three thugs t</span>ake a @Condition[Broken] Condition. </p></section>"
"Willirun (Road Warden)": {
"name": "Willirun (Road Warden)",
"description": ""
"Wolfgang Hollseher": {
"name": "Wolfgang Hollseher",
"description": ""
"Wolfgang Kellermann": {
"name": "Wolfgang Kellermann",
"description": ""
"Wolmar Rotte": {
"name": "Wolmar Rotte",
"description": ""
"Wrench": {
"name": "Wrench",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.aI05RCFli7s2SPP2.JournalEntryPage.uWlg0JgRwaUQNInI#warehouse-17]{Warehouse 17}</p>"