Petits fixs + acteurs Middenheim
This commit is contained in:
@ -322,8 +322,11 @@ const __add_actors_translation = () => {
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-core.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-core.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-core.bestiary" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-core.bestiary" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-ua1.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-ua1.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-altdorf.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-rnhd.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-rnhd.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-dotr.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-dotr.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-pbtt.actors" &&
metadata.collection != "wfrp4e-middenheim.actors" &&
metadata.documentName === 'Actor') {
metadata.documentName === 'Actor') {
//console.log("REPLACE PACK : ", metadata);
//console.log("REPLACE PACK : ", metadata);
let translations = {
let translations = {
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
let s1 = res[1].trim(); // No () in talents table
let s1 = res[1].trim(); // No () in talents table
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: s1 }, true)
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: s1 }, true)
let translw = translItem?.name || undefined
let translw = translItem?.name || undefined
console.log("Ssearch talent name:",, s1, translw);
console.log("Search talent name:",, s1, translw);
if (translw && translw != s1) {
if (translw && translw != s1) {
transl = translw + " (" + subword + ")";
transl = translw + " (" + subword + ")";
@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
Fini :
Fini :
F Cheminade -> Items UA1 -> DONE
F Cheminade -> Items UA1 -> DONE
Faytoto -> acteurs UA1
Dwim -> RNHD actors
En cours :
En cours :
Highcrown -> Acteurs Ennemi Ombre (27/03/24 :en cours)
Highcrown -> Acteurs Ennemi Ombre (27/03/24 :en cours)
KeylaKhaine -> Acteurs Mort sur le Reik (27/03/24 :en cours)
KeylaKhaine -> Acteurs Mort sur le Reik (27/03/24 :en cours)
Faytoto -> acteurs UA1
Dwim -> RNHD actors
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,242 @@
"label": "Acteurs (Altdorf)",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
"gmnotes": "system.details.gmnotes.value",
"items": {
"path": "items",
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
"characteristics": {
"path": "system.characteristics",
"converter": "npc_characteristics"
"entries": {
"Andreas Brohne": {
"name": "Andreas Brohne",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.jisr4ys6obOel7r1]{Les gangs des quais}</p>\n<p>Andreas est un psychopathe à la taille écrasante ; il s’habille comme le voyou qu’il est, avec un long manteau de cuir qui dissimule tout un arsenal. Ses cheveux longs et emmêlés ne lui couvrent que l’arrière du crâne. Le reste de son cuir chevelu est couvert par un tatouage d’anguille du Reik. Andreas est obsédé par le pouvoir, et il sait comment l’obtenir. Rusé et impitoyable, il est à la tête de plusieurs bandes de contrebandiers. Andreas s’est rendu compte que la magie est un moyen fiable d’acquérir encore plus de pouvoir. Récemment, il s’est donc présenté chez un sorciers, et a demandé à devenir son apprenti, en toute humilité. C’est un secret bien gardé : les Poissons sont peut- être des criminels sans scrupules, mais pas au point de tolérer des sorciers dans leurs rangs sans broncher.</p>\n<p>Mais les ambitions d’Andreas ne s’arrêtent pas à la sorcellerie. Il a entendu parler d’un dieu de la prédation vénéré par des pirates à Marienburg. Une fois qu’il aura maîtrisé les secrets de la magie, il a prévu de localiser ce culte pour en devenir le Grand Prêtre.</p>"
"Balthus": {
"name": "Balthus",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.F6TqV2NzkEUQYOcg]{The Revolutionary Movement}</p><p>Balthus On peut généralement trouver Balthus dans les tripots les plus miteux du Reikerbahn. Elle a une trentaine d’années, et de longs cheveux bruns emmêlés comme un nid d’oiseau, laissant à peine entrevoir ses yeux rougis et son air boudeur. Elle porte des vêtements simples qu’elle a tissés elle-même, avec des accessoires tape-à-l’œil. Ses bras nus sont zébrés de cicatrices, symboles de sa dévotion envers les martyrs de la révolution. Depuis peu, elle porte une lourde chaîne autour du cou pour afficher sa solidarité avec les condamnés. </p><p>Balthus ne s’embête pas avec les diatribes de rue. D’après elle, le peuple ne peut pas être sauvé. Quand on l’interroge, on se rend vite compte que rien ni personne ne trouve plus grâce à ses yeux. Elle ne changera plus d’avis désormais, mais parfois, elle se laisse aller à des discours grandiloquents et pleins d’espoir.</p><p>Il serait difficile de trouver quelqu’un de plus intransigeant. Balthus trouve de l’hypocrisie et de la lâcheté même chez ses comparses @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.F6TqV2NzkEUQYOcg#yefimovites]{yefimovistes}. Les @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.F6TqV2NzkEUQYOcg#kloszowskiites]{Kloszowskistes} ? Des charlatans romantiques. Les Brustellistes ? De beaux discours, aucun courage. La @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.F6TqV2NzkEUQYOcg#plant]{LAPIN}? ? Prêts à accepter des compromis dangereux.. </p><p>D’après elle, les seuls vrais révolutionnaires sont tous morts, ou bien ils attendent leur exécution. Elle trouve toujours une bonne excuse quand on lui demande pourquoi elle-même n’a pas atteint ce stade. Elle travaille sur un projet, un acte de dévastation totale qui touchera la société corrompue d’Altdorf si profondément qu’elle ne s’en relèvera pas.</p><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">Rancunes à rédiger</h3><ul><li><p>Inspirée par les nains, Balthus a décidé de rédiger son propre Livre des rancunes. Le seul problème, c’est qu’elle ne sait ni lire ni écrire. Elle doit trouver quelqu’un pour l’aider. Elle peut demander à un Personnage lettré de le rédiger pour elle, mais quand elle commencera à énumérer ses exigences radicales, le scribe devra se demander s’il est prêt à ce qu’un tel document soit écrit de sa main.</p></li></ul></section>"
"Breem": {
"name": "Brème",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.jisr4ys6obOel7r1]{Les gangs des quais}</p>\n<p>Brème est un étrange poisson, mais avec le temps, elle s’est imposée comme l’une des tueuses les plus en vue des gangs d’Altdorf. Elle a un penchant pour les transformations corporelles : elle s’est coupé l’extrémité du nez, s’est taillé les oreilles, s’est scarifié les lèvres, et a épilé chaque follicule de son crâne pour ressembler à un poisson. Un tatouage complexe d’écailles intercalées lui recouvre la tête. Brème affiche un goût prononcé pour la mode masculine élégante, et porte souvent une tête de poisson à la bouche béante en guise d’accessoire.</p>\n<p>Musclée, grande et athlétique, Brème est une figure mystérieuse au passé soigneusement caché. Sans amis ni famille, il est difficile pour les Crochets ou la Garde de faire pression sur elle. Cela fait de Brème un atout de choix pour les meneurs des Poissons, qui peuvent toujours compter sur elle pour punir les mauvais payeurs, ou les forcer à laisser leurs cargaisons sans surveillance pour une nuit.</p>\n<p>Brème cherche à conquérir la zone du Reikerbahn au nom des Poissons. C’est une tâche assez simple pour elle : les autres gangs rechignent à s’y rendre après qu’elle a elle-même brisé les fémurs d’Ambrosious Havrebas.</p>"
"Chylis Lightbringer": {
"name": "Chylis Lightbringer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Chylis est l’un des nombreux sorciers hauts elfes originaires de Saphery qui ont été nommés pour superviser les Collèges de Magie. Cela fait seulement quelques années que le meneur rituel a été envoyé à Altdorf, mais elle a déjà l’impression d’y avoir vécu toute une vie d’elfe. Chylis semble manifestement s’ennuyer pendant les rituels des sorciers humains : en général, elle se tient à l’écart, le nez plongé dans un grimoire. Chylis a de longs cheveux argentés, qui tombent en cascade jusqu’à ses chevilles par-dessus une robe de sorcier turquoise ; elle porte souvent une baguette sur elle.</p>\n<p>Le grand maître du savoir Teclis a nommé Chylis à Altdorf après que @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.actors.wkR7O1KYE9qaXntF]{Thyrus Gormann} a remporté le poste de Patriarche Suprême des Collèges de Magie. Bien que Chylis rende compte directement à Gormann, elle est avant tout au service de Teclis. Elle compte les jours jusqu’au prochain duel pour le titre de Patriarche Suprême, afin d’être libérée de ses fonctions et de pouvoir enfin rentrer chez elle, à Ulthuan. Chylis est certaine que les apprentis sorciers font exprès de mal prononcer leurs incantations, juste pour attirer son attention... </p>\n<p>Chylis réside dans une suite à l’étage de l’ambassade de @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.vI5JjfDoKBO3LTl5]{Saphery}. La plupart du temps, il est possible de la croiser dans la @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.sRMwZoGiq42STBRk]{Tour de Volans}, en train de conseiller Gormann et d’éviter les apprentis. Chylis est prête à sauter sur n’importe quelle excuse pour s’absenter des collèges le temps d’une après-midi. En cas d’urgence d’ordre magique, elle a reçu l’ordre secret d’activer un cristal d’augmentation dans les @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.JESLjRBI51LXRmi5]{Tours Arcaniques} qui devrait, en théorie, calmer les vents de magie qui soufflent sur Altdorf. Cependant, il s’agit d’un artefact dangereux : une mauvaise installation du cristal pourrait provoquer une surtension magique qui risquerait elle- même de permettre l’ouverture d’un portail vers les Royaumes du Chaos. Pour l’instant, Chylis conserve le cristal dans une chambre forte située sous la cathédrale de Sigmar.</p>"
"Count Jäger": {
"name": "Comte Jäger",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Avec ses yeux fous, son attitude théâtrale, sa tenue ostensiblement dépenaillée et ses apparitions aussi marquantes qu’éphémères, le vieux comte Jäger est considéré comme une célébrité aussi bien dans les taudis d’Altdorf que dans les soirées mondaines de la haute société. Partout où il va, il est une bénédiction, apportant la bonne fortune à ceux qui l’aperçoivent, et la meilleure des chances à ceux qui ont le privilège de lui serrer la main, d’effleurer ses vêtements ou de recevoir ses salutations.</p><p>Les gens disent que c’est un Comte, sans être réellement certains de la noblesse de son lignage. Certains disent qu’il n’est pas humain, mais qu’il est un avatar de Ranald dans le monde tangible. D’autres encore disent que lorsque personne ne le regarde, il se transforme en chat. Quant au vieil homme lui-même, on dirait qu’il se contente de tracer sa route sans se préoccuper de toutes ces histoires, sautant sur la moindre occasion de savourer gratuitement quelques coupes de vin, quelques chansons et quelques instants de bonne compagnie. Où qu’il aille, les gens le couvrent avec enthousiasme de toute leur bonne volonté. Les Ranaldiens sont toujours particulièrement heureux de le croiser, car ils savent que cela leur portera chance.</p><h4>Un avatar de Ranald</h4><p>Les manifestations physiques des dieux apparaissent dans nombre de légendes elfiques, mais la plupart des Altdorfers rejettent l’idée que le comte Jäger soit de nature divine. Lief de Stromdorf, un érudit de l’Ordre Gris, est convaincu que le comte Jäger est plus qu’un simple mortel, et a passé un an à sa recherche. Bien qu’il l’ait manqué de justesse à plusieurs reprises, ses recherches sont restées vaines. </p><p>Pour sa part, le comte Jäger refuse de confirmer la moindre rumeur. Lorsqu’on l’interroge sur sa potentielle divinité, il secoue la tête, fait un clin d’œil, et laisse sous-entendre que toutes les histoires à dormir debout que l’on raconte à son sujet, y compris celles qui se contredisent, sont, d’une certaine manière, absolument vraies.</p><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>La Bénédiction de Ranald</em></h3><p><em>La chance du comte Jäger semble être contagieuse. Les Personnages qui prennent un verre, jouent une partie de cartes ou se livrent à toute autre activité appropriée en sa compagnie gagnent un point de Chance temporaire. S’il n’est pas dépensé, le point est perdu la prochaine fois que le Personnage perd à un jeu de hasard.Il est possible que les Personnages décident de partir à la recherche du Comte, mais il est impossible à trouver pour ceux qui le cherchent de façon délibérée. Le mieux qu’un Personnage puisse faire, c’est de passer du temps dans les rues, les bars et les tripots des quartiers pauvres que le comte a l’habitude de fréquenter.</p></blockquote><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\"UN HOMME COMME ON N’EN VOIT PAS SOUVENT</h3><ul><li><p>Primevère Baienoire vend des breloques et des porte- bonheur sur la place du marché. Elle serait prête à payer très cher pour un morceau de tissu arraché aux vêtements du Comte Jäger. Cependant, s’il est heureux de rencontrer le comte lorsqu’on est de bonne foi, il est tout aussi malheureux de se comporter de manière aussi cynique vis-à-vis du vieux bonhomme...</p></li><li><p>Un aristocrate en visite a entendu parler du comte Jäger, et il veut absolument rencontrer cet étrange personnage. Mais il n’est en ville que pour quelques jours. Ses riches amis ont donc besoin d’une doublure convaincante : l’un des Personnages pourrait bien avoir l’air assez fringant pour jouer ce rôle.</p></li></ul></section>"
"Deanne L’isanore": {
"name": "Deanne L’isanore",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Deanne est arrivée à Altdorf l’année dernière sur invitation de Halmut Clausewitz du Grand Opéra. Sa carrière sur scène s’épanouit enfin après 20 ans passés à jouer les demoiselles en détresse à Parravon. Cette chanteuse en avait assez de pouponner des chevaliers errants et d’éconduire des paysans édentés. Elle s’est juré de ne jamais retourner en Bretonnie. L’incertitude liée à sa profession a considérablement clairsemé sa chevelure déjà fine. Elle s’inquiète à chaque mèche perdue et porte toujours une perruque sur scène.</p><p>Les demoiselles chanteuses de Bretonnie sont connues pour leurs harmonies à plusieurs octaves. Mezzo-soprano, Deanne parvient à briser des verres en cristal et à arracher une larme aux chevaliers. Cependant, à son arrivée à Altdorf, elle a été consternée d’apprendre que Clausewitz mettait uniquement en scène des opéras comiques grivois. Elle a accepté de travailler comme professeure de chant et de diction pour les comédies bretonniennes, mais refuse de monter sur scène. Deanne a auditionné pour plusieurs théâtres, sans grand succès. Selon @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-rnhd.actors.HVtHpEXhGGMOmGzy]{Detlef Sierck}, la Bretonnienne « chante comme un rossignol, mais s’exprime comme une grenouille ». </p><p>Deanne est hébergée temporairement par la famille Holzkrug en attendant de trouver un logement permanent. Elle a été brièvement accueillie à @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.jGrzAluyQpfKsQnd]{l’ambassade de Bretonnie}, mais n’a pas supporté Louis Rochelle. Elle passe ses journées à prendre des leçons de chant, à acheter des perruques chez Bendrago et à fréquenter ses pairs. Sa rare combinaison de franchise et d’empathie lui a déjà valu l’amitié de nombreux comédiens à Altdorf. Ses interlocuteurs se sentent étrangement obligés de lui confier leurs secrets les plus inavouables.</p>"
"Eberhardt von Festschrift": {
"name": "Eberhardt von Festschrift",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Cela fait maintenant trois générations que le Chancelier de @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.OiAVm63T9JEFsVfR]{l’université d’Altdorf} est un von Festschrift. Bien que le titre ne soit en aucun cas héréditaire, cette famille ambitieuse s’accroche au pouvoir et au prestige conférés par la position plus qu’elle n’a jamais valorisé l’érudition qui y est pourtant associée. Après tout, l’université d’Altdorf est plus qu’un lieu d’apprentissage. Nombre d’héritiers nobles passent des années à étudier, et à se faire valoir, dans ses salles et ses amphithéâtres, si bien que l’institution exerce une influence politique considérable à Altdorf et au-delà.</p><p>Le Chancelier est un homme de petite taille, aux yeux globuleux, au menton fuyant et au ton impérieux. Il se pavane souvent en ville, vêtu de sa robe académique et accompagné d’un petit entourage de scribes et autres employés qui lui courent après pour mieux prendre en note la moindre de ses paroles. Il hante les couloirs du pouvoir aussi bien dans les maisons nobles que dans le Palais Impérial même, faisant en sorte de s’assurer que les élites de l’Empire envoient leurs héritiers, et leur or, à l’université d’Altdorf. Il s’implique dans les discussions politiques, s’insinuant à la cour impériale en tant que conseiller et personne d’influence. Chaque fois qu’un élément de l’université menace son statut, il ne tarde pas à s’en occuper. Von Festschrift s’est chargé personnellement de renvoyer le professeur Brustellin, un radical perturbateur, et il a récemment été informé que le professeur Quintus Fassbinder était un fauteur de troubles d’un genre similaire.</p><p>Pour sauver les apparences, von Festschrift écrit régulièrement de longs traités académiques à propos de l’influence de la culture naine sur les premières tribus humaines de l’Empire. Pour gagner du temps, il a chargé un petit groupe d’universitaires subalternes d’effectuer les recherches et de rédiger les textes à sa place, textes qui se doivent d’être toujours les plus verbeux possibles, par souci d’authenticité. </p><p>Néanmoins, le Chancelier a un véritable respect pour les nains, et entretient de bonnes relations avec les anciens de @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.x5XUbYQLDBiwttjJ]{Metallschlacke}. Il est actuellement en contact avec la @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.mDDu3A627LGc9F3b]{Guilde des ingénieurs nains} pour aider l’université d’Altdorf à se doter d’une École d’ingénierie plus impressionnante que celle de sa rivale tant détestée, l’université de Nuln.</p>"
"Ewald von Laue": {
"name": "Baron Ewald von Laue",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Les domaines de Laue se situent loin au nord, dans une contrée négligée du Nordland, il convient donc de préciser que cet homme n’a que peu d’importance dans la politique de l’Empire. Mais le baron ne laissera pas un détail aussi mineur entraver ses ambitions.</p><p>Ewald von Laue est un homme d’une quarantaine d’années à l’air contrarié et aux cheveux noirs clairsemés. Il hante les coulisses du pouvoir à travers Altdorf, à la recherche de personnes de plus grande autorité. Il respecte systématiquement ceux qui sont plus puissants que lui et ne désire guère plus que de gagner la confiance d’un Électeur ou d’un membre supérieur de la cour. Malgré son ambition, qu’il assume au grand jour, von Laue est capable de dire aux gens ce qu’ils veulent entendre et de se rendre utile. La seule exception concerne les nobles de sa province du Nordland. Von Laue est en quelque sorte la risée de Salzenmund, c’est pourquoi il nourrit une haine profonde pour la noblesse de cette région.</p><p>Au cours des derniers mois, le baron est parvenu à s’attirer les faveurs du graf Otto von Bitternach, chancelier du Sceau. Il est ravi d’être l’homme à tout faire du « Graf de fer ». Malheureusement pour lui, le chambellan lui a demandé de lui ouvrir les voies politiques à Salzenmund afin de réduire l’influence de Middenheim dans le nord. Von Laue requiert les services d’un groupe aux compétences diverses pour mettre en œuvre un plan aussi tordu que dangereux.</p>"
"Frederich ‘Old’ Weirde": {
"name": "Frederich ‘Le Vieux Weirde",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Ceux qui connaissent le Vieux Weirde diront que c’est un personnage à la fois génial et excentrique, dont la connaissance des nombreuses cultures du monde et de leurs manières de faire la guerre semble proprement inépuisable. On raconte beaucoup d’histoires sur son passé ; qu’il était autrefois un sorcier, qu’il a voyagé sur tous les continents et qu’il a conseillé l’Empereur, la tsarine de Kislev et le roi de Bretonnie sur la meilleure façon de triompher au combat.</p><p>Rien de tout cela n’est tout à fait vrai, mais le professeur Weirde ne se donne même pas la peine de contredire les rumeurs. Il est bien trop absorbé par ses recherches. Beaucoup d’Altdorfers ont l’habitude de voir le vénérable savant aller et venir entre la @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.KqKtDY3LmZnH9qmn]{bibliothèque de l’université d’Altdorf}, sa maison dans le @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.VaH9ojBt0X4jMps1]{Schulergegend} et sa taverne préférée, Une Couronne pour deux Rois, où il aime déguster une bonne pinte de bière « Poule mouchetée » au coin du feu.</p><p>Ce cher professeur est avant tout un historien et un spécialiste de la guerre. Le Tacticus du Vieux Weirde est une lecture incontournable pour quiconque souhaite se former à l’art militaire. Au cours de ces 30 dernières années, il a également rédigé une série de brochures sur l’histoire et les traditions de nombreuses nations et créatures du monde. Son Incunabula consiste quant à lui en un vaste répertoire de ses connaissances sur les habitants morts-vivants de Khemri, les sauvages peaux- vertes, les peuples reptiliens de Lustrie, les tribus corrompues du Nord, et bien d’autres espèces fantastiques. Il a tenté de publier un traité sur les skavens, mais le manuscrit a été volé.</p><p>Le professeur Weirde est sceptique à l’égard de toutes les études préexistantes, et préfère donc s’appuyer sur des sources directes plutôt que de croire les travaux d’autres universitaires. Pour cette raison, ses connaissances sont généralement plus précises et plus fiables que celles de ses pairs. Si des Personnages veulent en savoir plus sur certaines civilisations ou espèces exotiques, le Vieux Weirde sera heureux de leur dire ce qu’il sait sur le sujet, de préférence en échange d’une bouteille de porto estalien et de leurs propres récits de rencontres avec l’ésotérique ou l’insolite.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-owb1.journals.12QHS8dyGj5a0NA6.JournalEntryPage.sN0LJ9z4mFhMjHAt]{Cluster-Eye Tribe}</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-empire-ruins.journals.p6ttZVxrPdkr0BLl.JournalEntryPage.425HVzlzSdPtwJYb]{Thoughts on some most peculiar Goblins}</p>"
"Freya Husslhaus": {
"name": "Freya Husslhaus",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Prêtresse supérieure de @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.KreeIhkEPcG5dcod]{l’Ordre de l’Enclume}, Freya est chargée de cataloguer et de classer de nombreux dossiers internes du culte, notamment ceux qui concernent les procédures disciplinaires internes. Dans son petit cercle, elle est connue pour son dévouement et sa méticulosité.</p><p>Récemment, elle a acheté un pendentif en forme d’enclume dans une boutique sur Echt Strasse. La forme stylisée et légèrement courbée de l’enclume ainsi que le motif subtil en forme d’« œil » l’ont séduite. Depuis, elle ne le quitte plus. Pour une raison qu’elle ignore, elle ressent maintenant l’envie de déplacer des objets sans raison valable, de classer des documents importants au mauvais endroit et de mélanger les papiers des autres lorsqu’ils ont le dos tourné. Le résultat de ses actions se manifeste à peine pour le moment, mais si elle continue sur cette lancée, le désordre n’en sera que plus grand au sein du culte.</p>"
"Genarro Gastoli": {
"name": "Genarro Gastoli",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Gastoli est un militant tiléen grisonnant dont l’âge est plus avancé qu’il n’y paraît. Il a servi dans l’armée du duc de da Miragliano pendant une douzaine d’années avant d’arriver à Altdorf. Les actions dont il a été témoin autour de da Miragliano l’ont profondément marqué physiquement et mentalement. Il est arrivé à Altdorf il y a quelques années afin de retrouver une vie tranquille. Passer la majeure partie de ses journées à @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.976J7Hq2llWGIELk]{l’Aigle} à déguster un bon verre d’alcool est sa vision de la tranquillité.</p><p>Gastoli a été impliqué dans un certain nombre d’excursions dans les Marais putrides. Il n’aime pas en parler, mais c’est à cet endroit qu’il a failli trouver la mort lorsque son unité a été prise en embuscade par des hommes-rat. Il s’est enfui, laissant ses camarades à leur terrible destin, mais il serait certainement mort lui aussi s’il était resté. À présent, lorsqu’il est ivre, il est obsédé par le sort de da Miragliano. Il croit dur comme fer que la cité-État tombera dans les dix ans à cause d’un assaut imparable des hommes-rats. Il est d’ailleurs convaincu que la Bête d’Ogasse est elle-même un homme-rat.</p><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">L’HOMME QUI MURMURAIT À L’OREILLE DES SKAVENS</h3><ul><li><p> Si les Personnages rencontrent des difficultés avec les skavens, ils pourraient bien entendre parler de Gastoli, que certains considèrent comme un expert en la matière. Il pourrait donner des conseils aux Personnages, ou simplement des avertissements de mauvais augure, depuis la sécurité de l’Aigle. En revanche, le convaincre de les accompagner en territoire skaven ne sera pas une mince affaire.</p></li><li><p>Le fils d’une vieille connaissance miraglianaise (et maître épéiste) a retrouvé Gastoli après de nombreuses années. Gastoli doit beaucoup d’argent au père de cet homme et son fils est venu le récupérer. Il n’a pas les moyens de payer et n’est pas apte à se battre en duel pour éponger sa dette. Fort heureusement, les règles du duel de dettes miraglianais permettent à l’un des Personnages d’intervenir en son nom.</p></li></ul></section>"
"Gretchen Schwanz": {
"name": "Gretchen Schwanz",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Gretchen Schwanz et son compagnon petit, mais féroce, l’empereur Nitnit IV, sont l’un des duos de ratiers les plus expérimentés d’Altdorf. On les croise souvent au @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.CAWSFJw7qEBQLixe]{Fleischmarkt}, où Gretchen a passé un contrat avec les marchands pour patrouiller dans les enclos à bétail. Elle empêche les rats de propager des maladies parmi les bêtes ou de consommer leur nourriture. </p><p>Gretchen tire ses cicatrices d’une rencontre malheureuse, remontant au début de sa carrière, avec un rat aux proportions étranges qui a rampé depuis l’atrium des égouts une veille de Geheimnisnacht. Des moustaches à l’extrémité de la queue, il mesurait près d’un mètre cinquante de long et était extrêmement violent. Si l’empereur Nitnit II ne s’était pas sacrifié, Gretchen serait morte ce jour-là. Depuis, elle est borgne à l’œil gauche, marche en boitant et il lui manque un doigt à la main droite. Pour autant, son infirmité ne l’a pas empêchée d’attraper et d’éliminer bon nombre de rats qui sévissent dans la capitale. Elle facture plus cher que ses confrères moins expérimentés, mais ses services en valent le prix.</p>"
"Gridli Ahlquist": {
"name": "Gridli Ahlquist",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Gridli Ahlquist est un membre atypique de la Cabal d’Egrimm van Horstmann. Il a d’abord suivi une formation de sorcier lumineux, puis a suivi son maître Egrimm dans sa fuite vers les Steppes Septentrionales. Dans les bibliothèques et laboratoires des Tours d’Argent, Gridli a appris à percevoir et pratiquer différents vents de magie.</p><p>Il y a un an, Gridli est retourné à Altdorf. Grâce à la magie, il modifie son apparence et cache les mutations apparues sur son corps lors de ses études. Il avait pour mission de diriger le @UUID[JournalEntry.4NuY3snjoCdNAqWY.JournalEntryPage.EgweQKbCxxHORRRZ]{Culte de l’Œil Flétri}, et rassembler les sorciers d’Altdorf pour s’assurer que les plus talentueux soient présentés à Egrimm.</p><p>Mais une chose inattendue s’est produite : Gridli a pris goût à la ville. Avant, il était trop absorbé par ses recherches pour vraiment apprécier Altdorf et toute la vie qu’elle a à offrir. Désormais, il se rend compte qu’il aime passer ses soirées au théâtre avant d’aller boire dans les tavernes des @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.CmXd0fr5bgHLuksH]{quais}. Toujours voué à la destruction de la civilisation, Gridli continue de remplir ses devoirs envers Tzeentch. Mais il le fait avec de plus en plus de remords.</p>"
"Gustav Zasle": {
"name": "Gustav Zasle",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>L'Humble Génie</h4><p>Pour obtenir un pourpoint élégant ou un justaucorps parfaitement ajusté, c’est Zasle le tailleur qu’il faut aller voir. Sa boutique discrète au @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.R2oAJdWuCyH65oYJ]{Grandmarkt} habille les marchands fortunés d’Altdorf qui veulent des vêtements sur mesure de la meilleure qualité. Zasle parle doucement, et son style est toujours impeccable.</p><p>Ce que ses clients ignorent, c’est que ce petit homme modeste est le cerveau derrière certains des crimes les plus audacieux d’Altdorf. Depuis son arrière-boutique, Gustav élabore des cambriolages millimétrés et engage les criminels les plus accomplis de la ville pour un travail parfait. Lui-même ne quitte jamais sa boutique, mais avec la bonne équipe de cambrioleurs, tireurs de précision et arnaqueurs, il est à l’origine de crimes incroyables.</p><p>La Garde est toujours à la recherche du collier en émeraude de la gravin Elena von Midwald. Les enquêteurs se demandent comment Ernald Hoffman a pu être décapité dans sa cellule du Donjon Mundsen. Les Gardes et les chevaliers essayent encore de comprendre comment quelqu’un a pu dérober le crâne de Hedrich I au Palais au nez et la barbe des Chevaliers Griffons.</p><p>Gustav Zasle fait un bon parrain pour les Personnages criminels, puisqu’il est toujours à la recherche de nouveaux talents et de compétences uniques. Il peut aussi être un adversaire de taille pour un groupe qui enquêterait sur ses crimes.</p>"
"Harald Kleindeinst": {
"name": "Harald Kleindeinst",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Harald est un homme intimidant de 1,80 m en excellente condition physique malgré son âge. Il était autrefois capitaine de la Garde au poste de Luitpoldstrasse à Altdorf. Il ne s’en est pas attribué le mérite, mais beaucoup pensent que c’est grâce à lui que la dernière Guerre des quais a pris fin. Sa carrière s’est achevée lorsqu’il a tué Ulli von Tasseninck. Harald a expliqué que le noble menaçait une jeune fille, mais comme Ulli était le neveu d’un Électeur, Harald a été écarté afin d’éviter un scandale.</p><p>Les meurtres de la Bête ont ramené Harald sous les feux de la rampe et son expertise s’est avérée importante pour résoudre cette affaire. Il s’est retrouvé dans une position délicate, aussi incontournable que détesté. Il compte parmi ses ennemis des capitaines de Garde corrompus, des chefs de gang Poisson et pas moins de deux Électeurs, mais il bénéficie toujours de la protection de l’empereur Karl Franz.</p><p>Harald reste imperturbable et fait face aux événements les plus perturbants avec calme et sang-froid. Il est coriace, honnête et ne partage pas le cynisme de nombreux gardes. En récompense de son application et de son savoir-faire, il a été placé à la tête de la Kommission des Atrocités, qui se penche sur les crimes les plus effroyables commis par les criminels les plus endurcis d’Altdorf ainsi que sur les tueurs en série. Ce travail n’est pas celui auquel il est habitué. En effet, la Kommission dispose de trop d’hommes, de registres et de conventions. Harald commence à se considérer comme un simple flic des rues obligé de faire le travail d’un enquêteur.</p><p> </p>"
"Harpal Chard": {
"name": "Harpal Carde",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Harpal Carde est un démagogue fauteur de troubles, désireux d’obtenir l’indépendance de @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.E5g3x091ECljn1LL]{Haffenstadt} et de libérer le quartier halfling de l’oppression et de la bigoterie de @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.R2oAJdWuCyH65oYJ]{Grandmarkt}, et des grands en général. Il ne perd pas son temps à débattre de manière civilisée, à moins que cela ne serve ses intérêts, et préfère de loin jouer les gros bras sur la place du marché ou comploter dans des arrière-salles, enveloppé dans la fumée des pipes. Il donne peut-être l’impression de n’agir qu’en fonction de son instinct et de son bon sens, mais Carde est en réalité beaucoup plus astucieux qu’il ne le laisse paraître.</p><p>Carde tient à être perçu comme étant du côté des « halflings du peuple ». Dès lors qu’un halfling est maltraité, il s’empresse de rameuter une foule pour le venger. Il est toujours à l’affût de ce genre cause célèbre. La plupart des politiciens de Grandmarkt ne prennent pas du tout Carde au sérieux. Il pourrait s’agir d’une erreur de stratégie de leur part : en effet, il est aussi populaire auprès des halflings éduqués que des plus modestes.</p><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">LE PETIT PÈRE DU PETIT PEUPLE</h3><ul><li><p>Les Personnages se trouvent à Haffenstadt alors que Carde est en train de s’adresser à une foule sur la place du marché. La situation dégénère rapidement et de manière inattendue : au milieu des « Haffenstadt indépendant ! » et des « À bas les grands ! Debout les petits ! », la foule devient enragée et s’en prend à tous les non-halflings présents.</p></li><li><p>Carde veut créer un peu de remue-ménage, et a proposé de payer un groupe d’humains pour qu’ils renversent l’étal d’un marchand halfling. Carde jure aux Personnages que tout est arrangé avec le halfling qui servira de victime ; en réalité, il a « oublié » d’en parler à ce dernier, par souci d’authenticité. Si un groupe de Coqs de combat tombait par hasard sur cette embrouille confuse, les choses pourraient mal se terminer.</p></li></ul></section>"
"Hattie Adler": {
"name": "Hattie Adler",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-n6J4nBaM61Ne8Q0R\" class=\"secret\"><p>Une histoire tristement célèbre à @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.actors.s3msggqqNkxGFp29]{Reikerbahn} concerne Hattie Adler, une blanchisseuse connue pour aimer nourrir les mouettes et les pigeons des @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.kAWTEqX2j46UTTbs]{Vieux quais}. On dit que par une nuit gelée d’hiver, la vieille femme s’est perdue dans les ruelles du Quartier Est, et qu’elle est tombée dans le Reik où elle est morte de froid. Depuis, on dit qu’elle hante les Vieux quais. Des matelots et des débardeurs prétendent l’avoir vue perchée sur les mâts des navires du port, dans l’espoir de sentir la chaleur des vivants.</p>\n<p>Il y a une part de vérité dans cette histoire, mais Hattie Adler n’est pas morte de froid. Elle a été touchée par le Chaos. Au départ, ses cheveux se sont transformés en doux duvet de plumes. Cette fameuse nuit, elle s’est rendu compte qu’elle ne pouvait plus cacher sa transformation. Elle s’est donc cachée parmi les bâtiments familiers des quais, loin des yeux indiscrets des Répurgateurs. Pour survivre, elle a dû se nourrir des mouettes et des pigeons qu’elle aimait tant ; c’est ça qui lui a fait perdre la raison. Avec le temps, des ailes et des serres lui ont poussé, et elle a pu s’envoler dans la nuit à la recherche de nourriture. Elle n’est plus tout à fait humaine, mais elle garde certaines habitudes. Elle conserve son argenterie en étain entre ses serres et porte toujours son vieux chapeau sur la tête. Elle fait très attention et se nourrit surtout de rats et de poissons, mais elle n’a rien contre le goût de la chair humaine quand l’occasion se présente.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Helena Bastiat-Hatzburg": {
"name": "Helena Bastiat-Hatzburg",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>Responsable des festivités</h4><p>Lorsque l’Empereur organise un bal, il est essentiel que tout se passe comme prévu. Chaque détail doit être examiné, planifié et exécuté avec une précision militaire. Le décor, la disposition des sièges, le choix des musiciens et l’ordre des cérémonies doivent être soigneusement calibrés pour éviter tout incident diplomatique. Âmes sensibles s’abstenir. </p><p>Helena Bastiat-Hatzburg est responsable de tous les événements sociaux qui ont lieu au palais. Fort heureusement, elle est très douée dans son travail et a un appétit vorace de connaissances. Elle connaît les crustacés que l’ambassadeur de Bretonnie ne digère pas, les couleurs qui mettent en valeur le teint de la comtesse Emmanuelle, ou encore les principales rancunes du roi nain de Karak Izor. </p><p>La planification d’un bal commence plusieurs mois à l’avance, c’est pourquoi Helena emploie des dizaines d’agents secrets dont la mission consiste à trouver des informations, des matériaux et des ingrédients pour l’événement. Cette femme pleine de vie attire la sympathie grâce à son charme, mais il ne fait aucun doute que c’est elle qui reste aux commandes.La rumeur veut qu’après le dernier bal d’hiver, l’Empereur ait fait remarquer au Reikmarshall Helborg qu’Helena serait plus apte à organiser une campagne militaire que la plupart des généraux de l’Empire.</p><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">C'est le chat!</h3><ul><li><p>Helena accuse le @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.actors.9QY9iReyPkVye5nE]{Chat} afin de se couvrir. Elle a contracté des dettes de jeu en passant trop de temps au Temple de Ranald et a vendu l’une de ses boucles d’oreilles pour les rembourser. Si les Personnages découvrent son secret, elle propose de les payer afin qu’ils commettent quelques cambriolages similaires chez certaines de ses amies. Le but est de blanchir son nom tout en gagnant un peu d’argent.</p></li></ul></section>"
"Honoria Kohle": {
"name": "Honoria Kohle",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>La Reine des rats</h4>\n<p>Dans les dédales de @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.zH91GyRZYb536WSK]{Reikerbahn}, on ose à peine prononcer le nom de Honoria Kohle. Elle est membre des @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.jisr4ys6obOel7r1#the-hooks]{Crochets} depuis qu’elle sait marcher, et aujourd’hui, 40 ans plus tard, sa réputation n’a fait que se solidifier. Elle a survécu à trois maris et a donné naissance à une demi-douzaine de fils, tous prêts à mourir pour leur mère.</p>\n<p>Kohle contrôle toute une section des bas-fonds par la violence et l’intimidation. Les habitants de ce quartier payent pour sa protection ; en échange, elle mange leurs provisions et autorise ses fils à prendre ce qu’ils veulent chez eux. Même les Crochets trouvent les méthodes de Kohle excessives, mais elle participe au financement du gang. De plus, les chefs savent qu’il est utile d’avoir quelqu’un comme elle de leur côté.</p>\n<p>Honoria est surnommée la Reine des rats à cause de la cape en peaux de rats qui recouvre son imposante carrure. Le surnom a récemment pris un sens plus littéral, puisque partout où elle va, elle semble attirer de la vermine. Certains habitants du Quartier Est pensent (mais sans le dire trop fort) que les rats lui obéissent. La vieille grand-mère Furst a été retrouvée à moitié dévorée dans son lit après avoir houspillé le benjamin d’Honoria le mois dernier.</p>\n<p>Kohle est vraiment une personne détestable. Si l’une de ses victimes demande aux Personnages de lui venir en aide, ils pourraient mettre un terme à son règne de terreur. Des Personnages moins scrupuleux peuvent choisir de travailler avec Honoria et son horrible famille, voire de faire leur sale boulot pour eux.</p>"
"Katarina Briesach": {
"name": "Katarina Briesach",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Marlene Gebhardt may well be the cult magus of the @UUID[JournalEntry.4NuY3snjoCdNAqWY.JournalEntryPage.CPheVUeLNUBqFKqI]{Exquisite Cadaver} and its foremost visionary, but a deal of her strength lies in the fact that Katarina Briesach is her strong right hand. This Champion of Slaanesh is an accomplished warrior, but also a clever infiltrator whose gifts do not (yet) prevent her from mixing within Altdorf society.</p><p>Katarina is petite and pretty, but an unholy strength flows through her. It would be a foolish challenger who underestimated her as a fighter or adventurer. Marlene uses Katarina as her fixer and enforcer, and outwardly they make a good team.</p><p>But Katarina is growing rebellious, and seeks to oust Marlene as leader of the cult. She just has to figure out a course of action that Marlene’s @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.v8ZK9J47dKfq9Mtk]{Dreamwine} visions won’t anticipate. She believes there may be a way, by performing dramatic actions that will not arouse Marlene’s suspicions, and making hostile moves with impassive grace. By this method she has tracked down and stolen the Scorch Stud which Marlene wanted, replacing it with a mundane imitation and keeping the real artefact for herself.</p>"
"Kazran Dernsson": {
"name": "Kazran Dernsson",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Kazran Dernsson, un membre éminent du clan Foudracanon, est le meilleur fabricant d’armes à feu d’Altdorf. Il est assisté dans sa boutique par sa femme, Tarni Finnsdottir, et par ses deux fils, Borm et Thori. Ses pistolets et fusils de chasse (deux fois moins longs, deux fois moins puissants et deux fois moins chers qu’une @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.1tHkTZYaauicIh8I]{carabine Hochland}) sont de véritables œuvres d’art. Toutes les armes à poudre noire de Kazran possèdent les Atouts Raffiné et Solide. Parmi ses clients, on trouve l’Empereur, de nombreux Électeurs, et un certain nombre d’officiers impériaux.</p><p>Kazran n’accepte de nouveaux clients que s’ils sont parrainés par un de ses clients actuels. Il ne vend rien aux elfes, ni aux personnes associées de leur plein gré au peuple des fées. Kazran réalise ses travaux les plus minutieux dans les niveaux souterrains de sa boutique, là où il sait que personne ne l’observe. Quand il n’est pas dans sa boutique, on peut le trouver dans la taverne @UUID[JournalEntry.9rXqKcYONsabeU3L.JournalEntryPage.d8VwQu7ye7ZlI20H]{L’Haleine de dragon}. </p>"
"Kurt Helborg": {
"name": "Kurt Helborg",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Ceux qui rencontrent le seigneur Helborg n’ont aucun doute sur le pouvoir qu’il exerce. Il est le Grand Maître de la puissante @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.P1TJ4ofLIrXkGr0K#the-reiksguard]{Reiksguard}, le commandant suprême des armées du Reikland et le plus grand général de l’Empire. Bras droit de l’Empereur, il est l’un des conseillers les plus fiables de Karl Franz et prend son rôle très au sérieux.</p><p>TL’apparence et le comportement du Reikmarshall reflètent son statut. Sa célèbre moustache est toujours impeccablement cirée et son visage grave et anguleux reste impassible, même lorsqu’il est en colère. En dehors de son armure étincelante, il lui arrive de revêtir des robes de fonction raffinées et il porte en permanence son Croc runique « le Rancunier ». Quand Helborg prend la parole, c’est avec une voix rauque et autoritaire qu’il n’a pas besoin d’élever pour asseoir son autorité.</p><p>Malgré son âge, Helborg possède une énergie et une intensité contrôlées qui désarçonnent complètement son entourage, une caractéristique qu’il utilise à son avantage. Il est conscient de sa propre importance et, bien qu’il ne soit pas arrogant, son sens inébranlable du devoir l’amène à dédaigner ceux qu’il considère comme imprudents, lâches ou sournois. Lorsque le Reikmarshall se trouve dans une pièce, tout le monde sait qui est aux commandes. Bien que Helborg méprise la politique et lui préfère les champs de bataille ou les défilés militaires, il sait qu’il sera forcément amené à argumenter avec les dirigeants d’Altdorf et de l’Empire. Le groupe peut le rencontrer lorsqu’il se rend au @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.H8Ms2RAB5ocarR5o]{palais} ou à la @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.H8Ms2RAB5ocarR5o]{salle capitulaire de la Reiksguard}, accompagné d’une garde d’honneur composée de chevaliers du Cercle intérieur. Lorsque les armées du Reikland défilent, il assiste à la cérémonie et prononce à l’occasion un discours motivant.</p><p>Si, pour une raison ou une autre, le groupe attire l’attention de Helborg, il peut être convoqué à une audience. Il ne s’adressera qu’aux nobles ou aux guerriers à qui il posera des questions directes ou avec qui il cherchera la confrontation. Helborg est difficile à impressionner, mais le sacrifice pour l’Empire, l’ingéniosité et le courage permettront de gagner son respect.</p>"
"Lothar von Liebnitz": {
"name": "Lothar von Liebnitz",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Von Liebnitz est un héros de l’Empire, un combattant d’une grande bravoure aux capacités impressionnantes, mais il est tout à fait détestable humainement parlant. Il s’est fait connaître en tant qu’unique survivant d’une compagnie tombée dans une embuscade des hommes-bêtes lors d’une manœuvre à l’extérieur d’Altdorf. Ses troupes l’admirent, témoignant de son courage, de ses qualités de commandement pragmatique et soulignant le fait que c’est son épée qui a abattu le géant à tête de taureau qui dirigeait les forces ennemies.</p>\n<p>Von Liebnitz profite pleinement de sa nouvelle réputation et s’entoure de jeunes nobles flagorneurs afin de flatter davantage son ego. C’est un incorrigible coureur de jupons, un ignorant orgueilleux et une source d’ennuis pour tous ceux qui croisent son chemin. L’un de ses passe-temps favoris consiste à s’incruster aux fêtes des riches et des puissants, à chercher les problèmes et à provoquer en duel quiconque ose remettre en question son comportement.</p>"
"Luciana von Eckstein": {
"name": "Luciana von Eckstein",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Luciana est l’épouse du graf Hildemund von Eckstein. Le nom de jeune fille de la gravin, Quixana, est originaire d’un lointain duché estalien appelé Zaragoz. Il y a vingt ans, le père de Luciana l’a mariée à la hâte avant un coup d’État sanglant de la famille rivale di Avila. Les pas de danse de Luciana sont aussi parfaits que son sourire éclatant. Elle dépense plus d’argent que les Eckstein ne peuvent se permettre pour financer des artistes. Même si la patrie sauvage de Luciana est loin de lui manquer, elle commence à regretter son mariage.</p><p>Il y a dix ans, elle a appris qu’un prêtre de Solkan avait vengé sa famille en Estalie. Le culte solkaniste avait été interdit à Zaragoz par les di Avila, qui pratiquaient ouvertement la démonologie. Luciana a fait l’acquisition d’un livre saint solkaniste, qu’elle a étudié assidûment. Elle est devenue de plus en plus sensible à la turpitude morale présente dans les peintures, les sculptures et les pièces de théâtre. Son mécénat en faveur de l’art puritain lui a permis de rencontrer @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.IedMJf8kVeLmn63R#chancellor-mornan-tybalt]{Mornan Tybalt}, qui a fini par former le @UUID[JournalEntry.4NuY3snjoCdNAqWY.JournalEntryPage.UeogP5bj2tMHGNMS]{Culte du Brasier Vengeur}. </p><p>Luciana appartient au culte clandestin de Solkan et assiste à ses cérémonies au mémorial du Solland. Elle se rend au @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.En1Ql57TzkDsNS8q]{club de la Gorgone} en tant qu’agent secret du Brasier Vengeur, feignant d’approuver leur débauche. Elle a réussi à identifier certains membres de l’impénétrable @UUID[JournalEntry.4NuY3snjoCdNAqWY.JournalEntryPage.XUIFtGhIwtlH3b7d]{Culte de l’Illumination}, mais Tybalt demeure son allié tant qu’elle démasque d’autres agents du Chaos. Luciana évite de rencontrer Tybalt en public, mais elle lui envoie parfois des messages à la @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.Qpd5mArJSZxclxeH]{Maison impériale des comptes}. Elle s’astreint à une certaine rigueur afin de soulager sa conscience de ce qu’elle pense être une action nécessaire, mais déshonorante.</p>"
"Lunn Yorrisson": {
"name": "Lunn Yorrisson",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Par son travail acharné et sa persévérance, Lunn Yorrisson du clan Poing-de-fer a grimpé les échelons de la @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.mDDu3A627LGc9F3b]{Guilde des ingénieurs nains}. S’il ne fait pas partie des ingénieurs les plus doués, Lunn est néanmoins loyal envers les siens et envers Manfrek Ulthersson, le maître de la guilde. Manfrek a récemment honoré Lunn en le nommant agent de liaison entre la Guilde et @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb.JournalEntryPage.HYkHeQZtD2AML3oG]{l’École impériale d’ingénierie}. Son rôle consiste à accompagner et coopérer avec les ingénieurs humains pour des visites de la guilde, répondre à des questions sur des projets en cours, et organiser des réunions entre les dirigeants de l’école et les membres de la guilde. Lunn se sert également de sa position pour observer les humains. Le maître de guilde a exprimé des craintes d’espionnage. Lunn doit déterminer si les humains le pratiquent et comment ils s’y prennent. Peut-être disposent-ils d’un espion dans les rangs des nains. Serait-il possible qu’un ingénieur nain soit victime de chantage ?</p>"
"Maren Mauer": {
"name": "Maren Mauer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Mauer est une vendeuse de porte-bonheur qui exerce son métier sur la Schmutzplatz, le long de Klammeringstrasse et dans les rues environnantes. Elle vend des petits bouquets de fleurs pour éloigner les maladies, des colliers de dents de mouton qu’elle fait passer pour des talismans de dents d’ogre, la « balle qui porte votre nom » (pour empêcher la personne qui la porte d’être abattue par balle), etc. Toutefois, ce métier ne représente qu’une infime partie de ses activités.</p><p>Mauer est l’un des éléments publics du gang des @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.UeiaAdwsLjJvtf2n]{Rôdeurs d’Ogasse}. Ses techniques de vente à la sauvette sont en réalité une distraction qui permet aux voleurs de sa bande de s’attaquer à leurs victimes sans qu’elles se doutent de rien. Sa présence dans la rue lui permet d’espionner les cibles potentielles qui s’éloignent un peu trop de la sécurité de la Schmutzplatz. Elle se sert également de sa couverture pour dénicher des bâtiments vides permettant d’accueillir les cambrioleurs de la bande.</p><section class=\"hook\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">PORTE MALHEUR</h3><ul><li><p>Mauer aborde un Personnage sur la Schmutzplatz et tente de lui vendre un porte-bonheur. Plus tard dans la journée, si le voleur a réussi son tour, le Personnage s’aperçoit de la disparition de son bien. Quelques jours plus tard, il recroise Mauer sur la place et a l’occasion de voir le voleur à l’œuvre. Toutefois, se lancer à la poursuite de Mauer et de son complice dans les bas-fonds de la ville n’est pas l’idée la plus judicieuse.</p></li><li><p>Mauer et sa bande ont volé une étrange pierre lumineuse à un drôle de bougre l’autre jour. Ils ne savent pas à quoi elle sert, mais ils pensent pouvoir le vendre aux Personnages, qui ont selon eux une drôle d’allure. Ils proposent un prix ridiculement bas pour un objet qui est de toute évidence magique : pourquoi les Personnages ne se laisseraient-ils pas tenter ? </p></li></ul></section>"
"Melinda Greyweave": {
"name": "Melinda Grisméandre",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Melinda est venue à Altdorf il y a 200 ans en tant qu’espionne pour la @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-archives1.journals.Qz6noKBmpHuoVvlU.JournalEntryPage.dXGX0h4SIehcklix#queen-of-the-laurelorn]{Reine de la Laurelorn}. Vivre dans une ville humaine pendant si longtemps a fait des ravages dans son esprit, si bien qu’aujourd’hui, elle erre dans les rues la nuit en se murmurant à elle-même. Melinda porte une robe en lambeaux et se couvre la tête d’un châle élimé. Bien qu’elle ait gardé l’habitude d’éviter tout contact visuel afin de rester anonyme, son visage creusé ne ressemble même plus plus à celui d’un elfe.</p><p>Lorsque les Collèges de Magie furent construits, la Reine de la Laurelorn émit des doutes sur le jugement de Teclis. Le site était en effet un puissant point de jonction de la trame arcanique, sur lequel Kor Vanaeth s’était dressée des millénaires auparavant. Melinda, qui était réputée pour ses yeux de lynx, fut envoyée pour surveiller les superviseurs de Teclis et s’assurer que le point de jonction arcanique ne soit pas corrompu. Bien que l’espionne de la reine n’ait reçu aucune formation à la sorcellerie, elle a observé tellement de cours de magie qu’elle a appris par elle-même à maîtriser les vents de magie. Depuis cette époque, Melinda est hantée par les influences chaotiques auxquelles elle a été exposée au cours de son apprentissage peu orthodoxe de la magie. </p><p>Melinda dort dans une ruelle de @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.evwJowYieFwJnCZ4]{Turmgarten}, sous un abri de branches d’orme. Elle est étonnamment lucide lorsqu’on la rencontre près du @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.cCKxizfwW16TmLmZ]{Mur du Souvenir}, où elle se nourrit de restes de pique-niques et converse avec de minuscules farfadets lumineux. Melinda a presque oublié sa mission d’origine ; néanmoins, elle a récemment découvert une nouvelle clairière de Lornalim, des arbres magiques, alors qu’elle suivait des sorciers d’Ambre dans les collines au sud d’Altdorf. La Reine de la Laurelorn, reconnaissante, a envoyé un détachement d’elfes dans les Collines d’Ambre et, depuis, leur camp envoie de temps à autre quelqu’un pour s’assurer du bien-être de Melinda.</p>"
"Peony Hayfoot": {
"name": "Pivoine Piedfoin",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Pivoine Piedfoin tient un petit étal d’herbes et d’épices au marché local. Elle donne l’impression de connaître tout le monde à @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.E5g3x091ECljn1LL]{Haffenstadt}, même si ce genre de sociabilité n’est en rien inhabituel chez les halflings. Elle ferait un excellent contact à Haffenstadt pour quiconque ayant besoin de trouver l’halfling qu’il lui faut.</p>\n<p>Malgré son étalage modeste, Pivoine possède une propriété décente au cœur de Haffenstadt et y reçoit régulièrement une ribambelle éclectique d’amis. Elle organise même des récitals de musique et autres soirées mondaines sophistiquées. Elle fait en sorte de s’attirer plus particulièrement les faveurs du bourgmestre Carde et de ses amis de la Loge. Pivoine est connue pour l’attitude excessivement formelle qu’elle adopte au cours de ses réceptions, le genre de bienséance démesurée que les halflings considèrent comme une caractéristique humaine fort ennuyeuse. En réalité, Pivoine Piedfoin est à la solde de la @UUID[JournalEntry.W4LFOIduFZoqSNsN.JournalEntryPage.e1vvDKWEn2EYw0gZ]{Chambre noire}. Elle est toujours à l’affût du moindre potin susceptible d’intéresser les espions impériaux. Les soirées mondaines qu’elle organise servent à ces fins, et elle livre ses rapports via des colis d’épices adressés à Siegfried Waltz, à la @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.TwV8JKaTUnfo3ipT]{cathédrale de Sigmar}.</p>\n<section class=\"secret hook\">\n<h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">ESPIONNAGE ET AROMATES</h3>\n<ul>\n<li><p>Pivoine s’intéresse de près à l’un des Personnages pour le compte de la Chambre noire. Elle l’interroge sur son genre d’art préféré et analyse à l’excès ses réponses. Elle invite ensuite le Personnage à une soirée spéciale, « élaborée sur mesure », au cours de laquelle elle lui inflige ce qu’elle imagine être son expérience artistique idéale. Le Personnage sortira-t-il victorieux de cette épreuve, ou finira-t-il par mourir d’ennui ?</p></li>\n<li><p>Pivoine doit transmettre en urgence un message à la Chambre noire. Elle engage les Personnages pour livrer un paquet d’herbes et d’épices à la cathédrale de Sigmar. Il est possible que les Personnages se demandent pourquoi elle les paie aussi grassement pour une tâche aussi simple. S’ils décident d’examiner le contenu du paquet, qui sait quels secrets ils pourraient découvrir ?</li>\n</ul>\n</section>"
"Reinholdt Waffenkammer": {
"name": "Reinholdt Waffenkammer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Quartier-maître principal de la caserne de @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.HmuyOsiKuyhu49v4]{Hammerpfad}, Waffenkammer est mêlé à la fois à l’armée, à la fabrication et à l’achat d’armes pour les soldats. Il contrôle secrètement plusieurs forges qui produisent des armes à Altdorf et négocie constamment avec les inventeurs et les ingénieurs, y compris les armuriers elfes et nains d’Altdorf, pour avoir une longueur d’avance sur les nouvelles technologies. </p><p>Il fournira de l’or aux aventuriers qui récupèrent des artefacts militaires, et pourra même devenir un mécène fiable pour les Personnages qualifiés ayant fait leurs preuves. Fier mais cupide, il est tout à fait conscient que son influence est due à sa compréhension du marché des armes, et non pas à l’attention que lui portent les nobles. Il se déplace à l’aide d’une canne, ayant été blessé à la jambe lors de sa dernière bataille sur le terrain.</p>"
"Rosanna Ophuls": {
"name": "Rosanna Ophuls",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.kJX0dFkc1fillTgC]{Mystorium d’Ophuls}</p>\n<p>La vingtaine, le visage fin et une tignasse de cheveux roux, Rosanna est techniquement une initiée du Culte de Sigmar, mais elle ne subit aucune pression pour progresser dans la prêtrise et n’a pas de conviction religieuse forte. Elle possède le don de psychométrie, la capacité à lire les émotions et à glaner des faits à partir d’objets matériels. Si elle touche quelqu’un, elle peut lire dans ses pensées.</p>\n<p>Pendant les meurtres de la Bête, Rosanna a joué un rôle important dans la traque du tueur. À présent, cette réussite la met plutôt en danger. Certains membres de la haute société aimeraient la voir réduite au silence, tandis que des factions réactionnaires du Culte de Sigmar la considèrent comme une simple sorcière. Cependant, Rosanna, qui est respectée pour son intelligence et son intégrité, a de nombreux amis à la cour impériale, au sein de la Garde et chez les moins réactionnaires du Culte de Sigmar. Jusqu’à présent, ces alliés l’ont préservée des répurgateurs et d’un aller simple pour la @UUID[JournalEntry.M2FsYF7rleu1ngDD.JournalEntryPage.ipXxAmjlS5lkIJTy]{Colline aux crépitements}, mais son avenir est encore incertain. </p>"
"Seymour Taungar": {
"name": "Seymour Taungar",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Seymour grew up within the north-east corner of the @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.LqyTrO7VNeMDukKY]{Hexxerbezrik}, to a poor Altdorf family. From the many wizards he saw every day in his childhood, he learned a respect for eccentricity and a sensible fear of magical mishaps. From the many Kislevites who lived in the neighbouring tenements, he learned a dry and world-weary wit, a degree of skill on the balalaika, and a taste for strong spirit.</p><p>Now in his fifties, Seymour is a common sight on the Street of a Hundred Taverns and in the @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.dpP0XoxaUyQHtse1]{Karnivalplatz}. He is an odd sight, dressed in worn lace and brocade, with his long blond goatee tied in a knot and a Nehekharan scarab ring upon his finger. He plays the balalaika whilst running through comedic songs about the foibles of the citizens of Altdorf.</p><p>No section of society escapes Seymour’s sardonic songwriting, and this is probably what keeps him safe. Were he to lampoon the aristocracy exclusively, they might be tempted to charge him with sedition; were he to constantly sing ditties about the errant behaviour of the @UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.jisr4ys6obOel7r1#the-hooks]{Hooks}, he’d be sent to sleep with the Fish. </p><p>When everyone gets needled, in a spirit of big-hearted and genuine wit and to an upbeat melody, no one feels particularly insulted. Po-faced social comment isn’t Seymour’s style. He doesn’t shy away from weighty subjects, but treats them with a light touch. </p>"
"Sigfreda Marham von Sieblich": {
"name": "Sigfreda Marham von Sieblich",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Le marshall du fleuve Reik Marham est impitoyable dans sa poursuite de la justice. Quand elle était petite, Sigfreda arrachait la tête de toutes les poupées qui osaient la regarder de travers. Ses nobles parents pensaient que des leçons d’escrime pourraient l’aider à gérer son agressivité, mais ils n’ont fait que la rendre encore plus dangereuse. Alors que les autres jeunes filles s’adonnaient à la couture ou au tricot, Sigfreda embarquait pour collecter les taxes des pêcheurs. Marshall du fleuve Reik à la détermination sans faille, elle manie habilement la rapière et le pistolet et garde un fouet enroulé à sa ceinture.</p><p>La patrouille fluviale du Reik ne voit pas d’un bon œil les intendants corrompus, c’est pourquoi Marham est déterminée à se débarrasser de chacun d’entre eux. Son prédécesseur était un Marshall du fleuve Reik peureux que les gangs intimidaient facilement. Les patrouilleurs fluviaux qui sous-estiment Marham continuent d’accepter les pots-de-vin, mais c’est sans compter sur sa discipline de fer. La dernière méthode en date de Marham consiste à attacher les délinquants à un poteau sur le débarcadère de l’Intendant et à les fouetter elle-même, de manière plutôt brutale, devant les autres intendants.</p><p>Le Marshall du fleuve Reik vit dans une maison de ville à Hammerpfad et on la trouve généralement soit à son bureau du terminal de Reiksport, soit au tribunal du capitaine de port au Temple de Manann. Marham dirige les équipes de patrouille en personne lorsqu’elle a bon espoir d’appréhender un pirate ou un capitaine naufrageur de mauvaise réputation. Elle sait que les chefs du gang des Poissons sont basés sur l’Île aux anguilles. Seules les nouvelles recrues qui n’ont pas été corrompues sous le régime de son prédécesseur peuvent patrouiller cette zone.</p>"
"Svenrina 'the Grey' Hallovadottirrise": {
"name": "Svenrina 'la G' Hallovadottir",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>À première vue, les théâtres d’Altdorf ne semblent pas avoir grand-chose à offrir aux nains. Le métier d’acteur est une profession peu recommandable et les longues tragédies favorisées par les nains ne trouvent pas un public très large (les humains ont souvent du mal à attendre trois heures avant le premier entracte). Pourtant, nombre d’entre eux s’épanouissent dans la création d’accessoires et la construction de décors. Ces activités ne sont pas considérées comme honteuses pour les nains : même si ces objets ne sont que des représentations de véritables bâtiments et artefacts, l’artisanat qui intervient dans leur fabrication est tout aussi ingénieux et complexe. De plus, l’admiration éprouvée par les spectateurs pour les artifices scéniques convaincants est extrêmement gratifiante : peu d’ingénieurs civils peuvent se vanter de faire salle comble, en présentant leurs systèmes de drainage novateurs devant un public ébahi.</p>\n<p>Le visage ridé de Svenrina et ses mains calleuses témoignent de plusieurs siècles de travail en plein air. Elle s’épile généralement le menton afin qu’il retrouve toute sa douceur. Mais lorsqu’elle est accaparée par des projets ambitieux, cette naine néglige son apparence et une barbe blanche clairsemée fait son apparition. Svenrina conçoit des décors et des accessoires au théâtre d’Altdorf depuis plus de deux décennies. Son surnom vient du fait que ses artefacts sont tout aussi convaincants que ceux créés par le chef illusionniste du théâtre. Elle est suffisamment à l’aise pour accepter le petit mensonge que ses collègues répandent à son sujet : elle serait la seule sorcière naine encore en vie. Elle bénéficie également du dévouement indéfectible de son personnel, grâce à sa volonté de s’atteler à la tâche difficile et peu glorieuse de transporter les décors qu’elle a créés.</p>\n<p>En tant que naine, Svenrina a découvert que l’appartenance à une guilde était plus un obstacle qu’un avantage. Elle a sympathisé avec les elfes sylvains et n’utilise que du bois recyclé pour ses décors. Outre son amour du théâtre, cette naine a un avis étonnamment arrêté sur la façon dont Altdorf traite les déchets et les eaux usées.</p>\n<p>Elle s’entretient volontiers pendant des heures avec quiconque veut bien l’écouter parler des nombreux avantages des toilettes extérieures en ville par rapport aux canaux d’effluents qui se déversent directement dans le fleuve. Grâce à ses nombreux contacts, Svenrina est admise aux réunions du conseil municipal dans la salle Mattéus-Ferrand de la Volkshalle, où sa réputation de franchise la précède.</p>\n<p>Elle apprécie la compagnie des aventuriers, en particulier ceux qui ont visité les endroits mis en scène dans les pièces sur lesquelles elle travaille. Obsédée par les détails, elle se rend souvent sur les lieux d’événements dramatiques afin de s’imprégner de l’ambiance qui y règne.</p>"
"The Cat": {
"name": "Le Chat",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>Cambrioleur de haute volée</h4>\n<p>Il y a quelques années de cela, le Chat était le sujet de conversation brûlant en ville. Un cambrioleur s’introduisait dans les chambres des jeunes filles et leur volait un unique objet. Le Chat laissait derrière lui une carte de visite représentant une silhouette féline. C’est ainsi que la légende est née. Rapidement, les rumeurs ont évoqué un séduisant jeune homme, mi-chat mi-cambrioleur. Un groupe de jeunes filles d’Altdorf rêvait d’une rencontre fortuite avec un aventurier aussi fringant. C’est alors qu’un garde a raconté comment il avait tiré sur un cambrioleur avant de le voir se noyer dans le fleuve. Les vols ont immédiatement cessé.</p>\n<p>Cependant, très récemment, un cambriolage a été signalé. Une boucle d’oreille en diamant a été volée dans la chambre d’une jeune femme fortunée, et une carte de visite a été laissée sur les lieux. Le Chat serait-il de retour ?</p>"
"The Drakwald Gibberbeast": {
"name": "Le Galimatias de la Drakwald",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-BzE68h3bi5vr3DGp\" class=\"secret\"><p>Le Galimatias de la Drakwald a récemment été acquis par le @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.ulseg2IAlTWy7m3s]{zoo impérial}. Il s’agit d’une véritable créature du Chaos. Son corps étrangement agile et ses nombreux membres sont couverts de centaines de petites bouches. Ces appendices semblent constamment chuchoter, et parfois même crier, un galimatias incompréhensible. Cette créature attire d’immenses foules, et de nombreux visiteurs du zoo pensent entretenir de véritables conversations avec elle.</p><p>En réalité, la bête ne raconte pas que des sottises, mais offre des visions perspicaces sur la vie de ceux qui l’écoutent. Elle parvient à ressentir les pensées et les émotions de quiconque est en harmonie avec elle. Si l’on prend le temps de se concentrer sur ce qu’elle baragouine, on peut apprendre une chose ou deux sur soi-même. Mais n’oublions pas qu’il s’agit d’une créature du Chaos : en fin de compte, seules la damnation et la corruption ressortent de ses sinistres murmures.</p></section><section class=\"secret hook\" id=\"secret-0f2L5LLqAMEZGfGJ\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">INCIDENT GALIMATIAQUE</h3><ul><li><p>Hans, l’un des gardiens du zoo, est devenu obsédé par le Galimatias. Il passe tout son temps à l’écouter, au point qu’il a même cessé de faire son travail. Le Galimatias lui a raconté qu’il serait formidable que Hans reste après la fermeture pour libérer toutes les créatures du zoo. Fort heureusement, les Personnages se trouvent à proximité et assistent à la scène.</p></li><li><p>Tout criminel (un tueur, dans l’idéal) que les Personnages retrouvent peut révéler qu’il a commis l’irréparable... à cause du Galimatias de la Drakwald. Les Personnages sont alors amenés à s’interroger sur la manière de répartir les responsabilités. Cependant, la situation devient plus problématique lorsque la créature se met à leur parler, et que tout devient logique...</p></li></ul></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"The Reikerbahn Pike": {
"name": "Le Brochet de Reikerbahn",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-nMq2ZRZ672qpF943\" class=\"secret\"><p>Fils de pêcheur dans le @UUID[JournalEntry.85UN6bKPTfGEBtBb]{Quartier Est} d’Altdorf, Arnold Schtimmer savait qu’il avait peu de chances de devenir riche et influent, mais ça ne l’a pas empêché de développer une obsession pour le pouvoir. Il a compris que le pouvoir du corps pouvait être déterminant, et il s’y est tenu. Il est devenu fort, vicieux, et cupide. Il est vicieux, cupide, et obsédé par les droits de pêche. Il nageait jusqu’au bateau de ses rivaux alors qu’ils pêchaient de nuit, et les faisaient tomber par-dessus bord pour les noyer. D’après la légende, il aurait développé un goût pour la chair humaine. Les bénédictions de Tzeentch ont altéré son apparence. Ses jambes ont fusionné pour former une grande nageoire, ses bras se sont atrophiés, son visage a pris la forme allongée d’une tête de brochet du Stir, et sa mâchoire s’est remplie de crocs acérés.</p>\n<p>Ce monstre fait maintenant 12 m de long : c’est un homme- poisson tueur qui hante les eaux des Vieux quais. Arnold a conservé un certain contrôle sur son esprit, mais ses émotions bestiales et sa mâchoire de mutant rendent la communication difficile. C’est un adversaire rusé, impitoyable, et mortel ; il attaque de nuit et par surprise. Il comprend toujours le Reikspiel et est capable d’éviter certains pièges et contre- attaques en écoutant ce que ses ennemis se crient entre eux. Les Poissons sont terrifiés par cette bête, et offrent une généreuse récompense à la personne qui leur apportera sa tête de poisson.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"The Stirland Abomination": {
"name": "L’Abomination du Stirland",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-GcRVZIACcxNevJge\" class=\"secret\"><p>L’Abomination du Stirland est une énorme bête à la fourrure laineuse qui possède trois cornes maléfiques sur la tête. Il s’agit d’une nouveauté pour le @UUID[JournalEntry.cDOlXEpTvnuaOJ0P.JournalEntryPage.ulseg2IAlTWy7m3s]{zoo}, qui a d’abord été une attraction populaire. Pendant les premiers mois de son séjour, cette créature s’est déchaînée dans son enclos, donnant de nombreux coups de tête aux murs de pierre et aux barres de fer. Sa rage était si intense qu’elle a même cassé une de ses cornes. À présent, l’animal se contente de fixer le vide d’un air sombre, comme s’il acceptait son inéluctable captivité. Bien évidemment, ce spectacle est insuffisant pour les clients qui payent.</p><p>Cette créature est étroitement liée au rhinox, plus petit, et a servi de bête de somme à une bande d’ogres lors d’une incursion récente dans les Montagnes du Bord du Monde. Elle s’est détachée du groupe parti en guerre avant d’être capturée par des Stirlanders, pour finalement se retrouver à Altdorf. Malgré son apparente tranquillité, si la bête a la moindre chance de s’échapper, elle saisira violemment l’occasion.</p></section><section class=\"secret hook\" id=\"secret-FalotLGYZzChLjpg\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\">UN COMPAGNON ACÉRÉ</h3><ul><li><p>Les gardiens du zoo ont conclu que pour remonter le moral de l’Abomination, il lui fallait de la compagnie. En supposant qu’il s’agit d’un mâle (il est trop dangereux de l’inspecter de près, même dans son état mélancolique), ils veulent qu’un groupe d’aventuriers se rende en Stirland pour capturer une femelle de la même espèce. Il est probable que les Personnages devront voyager beaucoup plus à l’est que le Stirland s’ils veulent débusquer un autre spécimen.</p></li><li><p>Un noble étranger malchanceux, Gilles Pfeffel d’Antagnanan, a fait tomber sa chevalière dans l’enclos de l’Abomination. Son voyage ne pourra pas se dérouler correctement s’il ne la récupère pas le plus vite possible. Il suffit d’un volontaire agile pour escalader le mur, passer par-dessus les barres de fer, trouver l’anneau dans l’herbe et se mettre en sécurité. Après tout, qu’est-ce qui pourrait mal tourner ?</p></li></ul></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Thomas Fahber": {
"name": "Thomas Fahber",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Fahber est un importateur de tissus et d’épices en provenance des lointaines contrées de Cathay et d’Ind dont la réussite est mitigée. Son entreprise, Exotische Waren, est l’un des principaux fournisseurs de soie pour les tailleurs respectables et à la mode d’Altdorf. Il fournit également des condiments et des épices aux tavernes ainsi qu’aux restaurants. De nombreux nobles portent des vêtements fabriqués à partir du stock de Fahber. Bien qu’il fournisse des marchandises essentielles à la noblesse, il est de plus en plus amer à l’idée qu’il ne sera jamais considéré comme leur égal.</p>\n<p>Fahber fait de son mieux pour faire bonne impression, dépensant son argent pour organiser des fêtes et des dîners auxquels il convie des aristocrates triés sur le volet et d’autres personnes d’influence. Le plus souvent, ses efforts sont vains, car les nobles capricieux n’éprouvent que du mépris pour ce marchand arriviste et ses tentatives d’ascension sociale. Ils se contentent de se délecter de son vin ou de ses dîners exotiques et onéreux, mais ne lui témoignent jamais le respect qu’il estime mériter. À l’heure actuelle, Fahber a de plus en plus de mal à se contrôler lorsqu’il a affaire à de tels individus.</p>"
"Thyrus Gormann": {
"name": "Thyrus Gormann",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Thyrus has few peers as an artificer of magical items, having learned forging techniques rarely mastered outside the @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.Fb3OQZlEGiDufND9]{Gold College}. He is massively protective of these items. He would only willingly surrender the Staff of Volans to Teclis or the next Supreme Patriarch. He might loan other items to members of the @UUID[JournalEntry.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.Fp4H6KTNkCF5P5JN]{Bright College}, but only under duress. Should anyone steal any of these items, Thyrus would focus all his efforts on their summary cremation.</p>"
"Tyrkel von Hargenfels": {
"name": "Tyrkel von Hargenfels",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Le seigneur Tyrkel est un jeune lieutenant séduisant dont le frère aîné, le baron Klement, règne sur la baronnie côtière de Hargenfels dans le Nordland. Après un court passage par la Seconde flotte du Nord, Tyrkel s’est installé à Altdorf pour poursuivre sa carrière. Sa famille n’est pas très haut placée dans la marine, car la famille rivale des Kohler occupe les postes les plus élevés de l’amirauté du Nordland. Le seigneur Tyrkel s’attendait à exceller dans la Première flotte intérieure étant donné qu’il navigue depuis qu’il est enfant.</p><p>Malheureusement, à Altdorf, Tyrkel a rencontré des obstacles d’une tout autre nature. Malgré son rang, les amiraux de la Première flotte traitent le lieutenant comme un sous-officier. Il pense qu’ils se sentent menacés par ses compétences supérieures en navigation. Le @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-archives2.actors.sWktbwnYGtxCXccn]{seigneur des mers von Hopfberg} a encore aggravé la situation en qualifiant de « charmant » l’accent du Nordland de Tyrkel et en lui proposant de boire un verre. Le lieutenant est impatient d’avoir l’occasion de se faire un nom, de devenir un amiral légitime et de retourner dans le Nordland.</p><p>Tyrkel est affecté au drakkar Les Lunes des Récoltes, qui n’a levé l’ancre qu’une seule fois. Il est posté dans le quartier des officiers sur les quais de Reiksport. Les charpentiers nordlander des chantiers navals Spee ont présenté Tyrkel à Herr Arnold Spee et au gang des Crochets, qui ont confirmé que la Première flotte faisait preuve d’une grande intolérance envers les habitants du Nordland. Le lieutenant Tyrkel profite de sa permission prolongée à terre pour explorer la ville et il est bien décidé à ne pas se laisser marcher dessus.</p>"
"Warchief Brruxx Chittirr": {
"name": "Chef de guerre Brruxx Chittirr",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-S026mqqTsh7Go6q4\" class=\"secret\"><p>Bruxx n’est pas un chef skaven comme les autres. Sa fourrure parsemée, sa maigre carrure, et son air constamment anxieux sont des signes de faiblesse qui empêcheraient généralement un skaven d’accéder à son statut. Pourtant, cela fait des années qu’il commande les opérations de @UUID[JournalEntry.9rXqKcYONsabeU3L.JournalEntryPage.7Lh8R0fTLtZYOyr5]{Sous-Altdorf} au nom du clan Mors sans que son autorité ne soit remise en question. Cela est peut-être dû à un mélange de paranoïa maladive et de préparation minutieuse, ou au fait qu’il ait soudoyé des agents secrets des clans Eshin et Scruten. L’explication la plus probable, c’est que personne d’autre ne veut faire son travail.</p><p>Le Seigneur Ronj, du clan Mors, est satisfait des résultats de Brruxx, et du flot régulier d’esclaves qu’il fait venir depuis le Reikland. Bruxx n’a peut-être ni le courage ni la force physique des protégés préférés de Ronj, mais cela arrange bien les affaires du Seigneur de la Ruine. Après tout, Ronj pense que le commandant chétif n’est pas du genre à tenter de prendre le pouvoir par la force. Les proches de Brruxx pensent qu’il détient un élément clé indispensable à tout bon chef skaven : une chance incroyable. Il a l’habitude d’échapper à des éboulements sans une égratignure, de survivre à des tentatives d’assassinat, des ruées d’esclaves, et des épidémies de Variole pourpre. Le Rat Cornu a l’air d’être de son côté, qu’il soit médiocre ou pas.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Warlock Bombardier Skrreth Ffley": {
"name": "Démoniste bombardier Skrreth Ffley",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-uFuqKA0B7hlXrW93\" class=\"secret\"><p>Skrreth Ffley a fait ses études sous la supervision des plus grands esprits scientifiques du clan Skryre, notamment le prodige Ikit la Griffe. Il a eu la chance de survivre à cette expérience. Il est aujourd’hui un Démoniste réputé à part entière, venu à Altdorf car il a une fascination pour l’étude des fusées.</p><p>Il dispose de plusieurs espions qu’il envoie à l’École impériale d’ingénierie, à l’Université d’Altdorf, et à la guilde des alchimistes ordinaires, où ils recopient des instructions pour fabriquer des composants inflammables ou explosifs.</p><p>Évidemment, l’ambition principale de Ffley est de se procurer une batterie tonnerre de feu depuis l’École impériale d’ingénierie. Il a les plans d’une version améliorée de cette arme, surmontée de plus grosses fusées pleines de malepierre.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Willi Pick": {
"name": "Willi Pick",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.rSRadYoaNXkEq8gs.JournalEntryPage.jisr4ys6obOel7r1]{Les gangs des quais}</p>\n<p>Malgré sa soixantaine bien tassée, Willi Pick est toujours fort et très puissant ; peu de personnes se souviennent d’un temps où il n’était pas à la tête des Crochets. Il est né dans le Quartier Est d’Altdorf, et travaille pour les Crochets depuis sa jeunesse. Très longtemps, il est resté du bon côté de la loi : plus jeune, il travaillait dur sur les quais, avant d’accéder à la gestion des territoires et des entrepôts des Crochets. Il tenait un journal détaillant les nombreuses blessures et injustices infligées à ses compagnons par les Poissons et la Garde des quais. Willi n’avait pas le pardon facile.</p>\n<p>À ses 30 ans, Willi avait changé : fort, intelligent, et prêt à en découdre avec tous ceux qui se dressaient sur son chemin, c’était un bon petit soldat. Alors qu’il montait en grade, son exemple exacerbait les tensions entre les gangs d’Altdorf. De nombreux facteurs ont contribué au déclenchement de la Guerre des quais, et Willi était clairement l’un d’entre eux.</p>\n<p>Au début de la guerre, les Crochets étaient dirigés par de nombreux meneurs, tout comme les Poissons. Mais Willi s’est rendu compte qu’une structure hiérarchique plus verticale et centralisée serait bénéfique au gang. Sa vision a vite été partagée par les autres membres des Crochets, et les chefs qui n’étaient pas d’accord avec Willi ont bien été contraints de s’y plier. Aujourd’hui, Willi règne en maître incontesté sur les Crochets, et son projet de rendre le gang plus respectable aux yeux des autorités d’Altdorf progresse lentement mais sûrement.</p>"
"Zavant Konniger": {
"name": "Zavant Konniger",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Zavant Konniger est l’un des meilleurs enquêteurs de l’Empire, doté de nombreuses connaissances érudites et d’un esprit vif et déductif. Son réseau de relations, s’étendant du palais à la pègre, garantit des résultats efficaces. C’est un homme étrange : ses longs cheveux blancs évoquent une allure vaguement barbare, mais son front bombé et son nez aquilin rappellent le professeur émérite qu’il était autrefois. Il est souvent accompagné de son assistant, Vido. Konniger tourne en dérision l’approche pratique et inculte de Vido pour résoudre les problèmes, mais en réalité le halfling l’aide bien plus qu’il ne veut l’admettre.</p><p>Autrefois membre du culte de Sigmar, l’ouverture d’esprit et le scepticisme de Konniger ont conduit à son renvoi. Bien qu’il n’ait pas été condamné pour hérésie, il a été catégorisé comme « théologiquement suspect ». Depuis, sa relation avec le culte n’est pas très claire. D’une part, l’organisation ne souhaite pas être associée publiquement à ce personnage ni financer de manière officielle ses recherches et ses enquêtes. D’autre part, elle reconnaît son expertise et l’emploie secrètement par le biais de mandataires afin qu’il enquête sur des questions préoccupantes. De son côté, Konniger est un Sigmarite dévoué, mais peu orthodoxe. Il ne rechigne pas à aider le culte, bien qu’il traite la plupart des prêtres avec un dédain intellectuel cinglant. Une réconciliation publique entre Konniger et le culte est loin d’être à l’ordre du jour.</p><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>ENQUÊTES </em></h3><p><em>Dans une ville comme Altdorf, les intrigues et les meurtres à élucider sont monnaie courante. Ceux qui touchent les classes supérieures peuvent attirer l’attention d’enquêteurs tels que Zavant, tandis que ceux qui se produisent dans les quartiers pauvres peuvent faire l’objet d’une enquête de la Kommission des Atrocités. Dans tous les cas, les Personnages peuvent être amenés à aider à résoudre le mystère.</em></p><p><em>Wolfgardt Raus, le nouveau valet de chambre en chef du domaine Ekstein, a été gravement blessé en manipulant une soupière beaucoup trop chaude. Il accuse le personnel anti- ulricain et le majordome, Josef, un compatriote Ulricain, le conforte dans son angoisse. En réalité, Josef, qui craint que Wolfgardt ne tente de le remplacer, est le coupable.</em></p><p><em>Un voyageur estalien fraîchement débarqué à Altdorf est retrouvé mort dans une pension de famille sans aucune marque sur le corps. La Garde est déconcertée, mais les membres de la pègre d’Altdorf expliquent qu’un homme appelé Cicuta da Miragliano s’est récemment vanté de ses compétences en matière de poison. Cicuta est toujours dans la nature, mais comment juger pour meurtre quelqu’un qui tue sans laisser de trace ?</em></p><p><em>Un tueur en série rôde sur les quais, choisissant ses victimes parmi les Crochets. Les soupçons se portent immédiatement sur le gang des Poissons, et plus particulièrement sur Brème. Cependant, ceux qui connaissent Brème savent qu’il ne s’agit pas de son mode opératoire (les meurtres sont loin d’être sadiques et sont assez désordonnés). Le véritable tueur est un assassin engagé par Willi Pick pour l’aider dans ses opérations de nettoyage.</em></p><p><em>Un groupe de marchands est revenu d’une expédition de chasse, le moral au plus bas. Une de leurs camarades, Dalberta Muller, a été abattue sur son cheval. Ce qui ressemble à un simple accident fait en réalité partie d’un complot des membres de la Ligue de Karl Franz pour rappeler aux classes moyennes de rester à leur place.</em></p><p><em>Après la découverte d’un vagabond égorgé flottant en aval d’Altdorf, même la Kommission des Atrocités est sur le point d’abandonner l’enquête. Le seul indice est un tatouage de tête de mort rouge réalisé sur le cadavre post mortem. Il s’agit certainement d’un rituel : un culte tenterait-il d’en faire accuser un autre ?</em></p></blockquote>"
"Zofia Miska": {
"name": "Zofia Miska",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Zofia Miska est née dans le coin nord-est de l’Hexxerbezrik, dans une famille d’immigrés kislevites. Elle a la prestance et la présence imposante de ses ancêtres gospodars, mais ses épais cheveux noirs et ses grands yeux bruns suggèrent également un héritage ungol. Les parents de Zofia ont d’ailleurs certainement déjà prétendu qu’ils pouvaient faire remonter leur arbre généalogique jusqu’à la reine-khan Miska elle- même. Cependant, quand bien même ils diraient vrai, alors leur branche familiale serait depuis tombée dans la misère et la pauvreté. Peut-être que l’héritage de la reine-khan Miska a laissé sa marque su</p><p>En tant qu’utilisatrice de magie d’origine kislevite et au tempérament plutôt froid, beaucoup supposent que Zofia doit avoir quelque sympathie pour les Sorcières de glace de Kislev, ou même qu’elle a l’intention d’en devenir une elle-même. Ces suppositions sont on ne peut plus fausses, car Zofia abhorre la sorcellerie. Sa maîtrise d’Hysh est à l’image de sa personnalité : sévère, indocile, et pure dans son combat contre le Chaos.</p><p>Zofia n’a jamais entendu parler du Culte du Brasier Vengeur, mais Mornan Tybalt a connaissance d’elle. Il soupèse les risques de l’inviter au sein du culte. S’il décidait de tenter sa chance, il gagnerait une nouvelle convertie aussi puissante que dévouée.</p>"
@ -2825,13 +2825,13 @@
"description": "<p>Vous êtes entraîné à vous placer très près d’un adversaire. Vous ne subissez aucune pénalité pour vous battre contre un adversaire avec une arme plus longue que la vôtre. De plus, si vous utilisez les règles optionnelles de Combat au contact (voir page 297), gagnez un bonus de +10 pour toucher votre adversaire.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous êtes entraîné à vous placer très près d’un adversaire. Vous ne subissez aucune pénalité pour vous battre contre un adversaire avec une arme plus longue que la vôtre. De plus, si vous utilisez les règles optionnelles de Combat au contact (voir page 297), gagnez un bonus de +10 pour toucher votre adversaire.</p>",
"id": "In-fighter",
"id": "In–fighter",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"tests": "Corps à corps quand vous combattez au contact ou que vous allez au contact"
"tests": "Corps à corps quand vous combattez au contact ou que vous allez au contact"
"description": "<p>Vos appels exaltants peuvent renverser le cours d'une bataille. Référez-vous au tableau suivant pour voir combien de personnes vous pouvez à présent influencer avec votre Compétence @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.oMaJZ5cvCJeOUq9H] lors d'une guerre.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<table title=\"\" border=\"1\" summary=\"\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>Talent pris</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Nombre de soldats influencés</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>1</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Normal × 5</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>2</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Normal × 10</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>3</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 20</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>4</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 50</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>5</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 100</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>6</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 200</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>7</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 500</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>8</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 1000</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>9</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Tous ceux qui peuvent entendre votre voix inspirante</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div><p><strong>Exemple</strong> : <em>Le monastère de l’abbesse Brigitte van der Hoogenband est pris d’assaut par les peaux-vertes, et les choses vont mal. De fait, elle décide de renforcer l’esprit de ses soldats avec un Test de Commandement, leur octroyant +10 à tous les Tests de Psychologie. Elle obtient 3 DR à son Test de Commandement. Étant donné qu’elle possède un Bonus de Sociabilité de 6, et qu’elle peut influencer un nombre de soldats, égal à son Bonus de Sociabilité + DR en utilisant Commandement, elle renforce 9 soldats. Cependant, comme elle possède Exaltant 3, ce nombre est multiplié par 20, ce qui signifie que 180 de ses soldats sont inspirés par ses cris d’encouragement « MAINTENEZ LES RANGS ! »</em>",
"description": "<p>Vos appels exaltants peuvent renverser le cours d'une bataille. Référez-vous au tableau suivant pour voir combien de personnes vous pouvez à présent influencer avec votre Compétence @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.oMaJZ5cvCJeOUq9H] lors d'une guerre.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<table title=\"\" border=\"1\" summary=\"\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>Talent pris</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Nombre de soldats influencés</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>1</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Normal × 5</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>2</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Normal × 10</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>3</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 20</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>4</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 50</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>5</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 100</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>6</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 200</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>7</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 500</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>8</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Normal × 1000</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>9</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> Tous ceux qui peuvent entendre votre voix inspirante</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div><p><strong>Exemple</strong> : <em>Le monastère de l’abbesse Brigitte van der Hoogenband est pris d’assaut par les peaux-vertes, et les choses vont mal. De fait, elle décide de renforcer l’esprit de ses soldats avec un Test de Commandement, leur octroyant +10 à tous les Tests de Psychologie. Elle obtient 3 DR à son Test de Commandement. Étant donné qu’elle possède un Bonus de Sociabilité de 6, et qu’elle peut influencer un nombre de soldats, égal à son Bonus de Sociabilité + DR en utilisant Commandement, elle renforce 9 soldats. Cependant, comme elle possède Exaltant 3, ce nombre est multiplié par 20, ce qui signifie que 180 de ses soldats sont inspirés par ses cris d’encouragement « MAINTENEZ LES RANGS ! »</em>",
"id": "Inspiring",
"id": "WCXnFSV4WOSmzzc4",
"name": "Exaltant",
"name": "Exaltant",
"tests": "Commandement pendant la guerre"
"tests": "Commandement pendant la guerre"
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
"label": "Acteurs (Middenheim)",
"mapping": {
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
"gmnotes": "system.details.gmnotes.value",
"items": {
"path": "items",
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
"characteristics": {
"path": "system.characteristics",
"converter": "npc_characteristics"
"entries": {
"Agna Lottrisdottir": {
"name": "Agna Lottrisdottir",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Agna is a personal envoy of the Dwarf High King, but her brusque manner has not won favour at Middenheim’s court for the past three decades. She is now a destitute wretch, too shamed and fearful to travel back to Karak Kadrin and report her failure. Most days she can be found at the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.Spa9zJ0xzVDIXZ81]{Coppershiners}, performing odd jobs for a pint of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.KzJkoB12jpidtngo]{Bugman’s XXXXXX}.</p><p>If Agna is questioned about her life, she claims that she came to Middenheim in order to rally support for a campaign to retake Karak Kazarak in the Middle Mountains. It was overrun thousands of years ago and has been held by a succession of Orc warlords ever since. Agna gripes that the Dwarfs of Middenheim pay lip service to the reclamation of the hold, but are tardy about doing anything.</p><p>When very drunk Agna claims that the High King also plans to claim the Fauschlag. Should she mention this, any other Dwarfs within earshot insist that she is mad with drink and usher her off to bed. However, Agna insists that the High King rightly regards @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.cU4GPNeGxCPgm4hE#grungnis-tower]{Grungni's Tower} as part of his Everlasting Realm and is prepared to make war upon those who would deny it to him. Sober again, she denies knowledge of such ambitions.</p>"
"Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker": {
"name": "Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>As his name suggests, much of Alfric’s nose has been cut away. No one is sure how he came to be so disfigured, and Alfric isn’t telling. One of the foremost blackmailers and informants in the city, Alfric carefully courts the favour of local @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz]{The Low Kings}, providing free information to the agents of both @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.hKL3Ash15v1YuorN]{Bleyden, the Lowest King} and @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.hPDxL1zqTubGKiVH]{Edam Gouda}.</p><p>If he feels that visiting Characters have interesting stories, he operates on a quid pro quo basis. Otherwise he sells information for between one and ten shillings depending on how juicy he thinks it is. He is able to relay anything known amongst the criminal community.</p><p>Alfric has dealings with another information broker known only as Josef, and he is careful to ensure that neither one of them monopolises the market. Alfric deals in rumours about Middenheim’s underworld whilst Josef specialises in high-society gossip. Alfric can corroborate a story Josef has sold, but only if Josef has been paid for it first. Josef is of no particular abode but Alfric knows how to find him, for a price.</p>"
"Andrea Bruhn": {
"name": "Andrea Bruhn",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A keen-eyed figure, stalking around Middenheim in her black leather coat and tall brimmed hat. Andrea may have the look of a Witch Hunter, but she works for the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.QpoN5fivtBT60AY1]{Komission of Public Works} as Revels Officer. It is her responsibility to ensure that events proceed smoothly and to manage the Busk Umpires who judge street performances at the Carnival.</p><p>Andrea is an officious individual who derives no joy from her work. Her detachment can be an asset, allowing her to focus on the technicalities of festival management, but performers often complain about her cold manner.</p><p>Andrea is not heavily involved in religious festivals, as the cults like to organise these without interference from the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.QpoN5fivtBT60AY1]{Komission}, but she is responsible for the Carnival, @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#graf-boris-todbringer]{the Graf ’s} birthday, and other secular celebrations.</p><p>When a festival is not taking place, Andrea’s time is spent scouting for talent. If a performer were to approach the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.QpoN5fivtBT60AY1]{Komission} with the aim of getting a gig at a festival, she might agree to give them a brief audience. However, unless they are very impressive, they are given harsh, if constructive, criticism rather than being offered a job. She occasionally visits Talabheim or Altdorf in her search for fresh talent.</p>"
"Arch-Prelate Kanker Flett": {
"name": "Arch-Prelate Kanker Flett",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-tkDh3WyfFHmkKg6z\" class=\"secret\"><p>Kanker Flett of Clan Pestilens is prelate to @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim}, the rank of those tasked with establishing a Pestilens presence in an area where the clan has not previously been active (Kanker added the ‘arch’ himself and no one seems to mind).</p>\n<p>Kanker and a coterie of attendant Plague Monks are only recently established in @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim}. The Arch-Prelate’s bickering attendants carry him from place to place on a wooden bier, for his legs have withered away and his emaciated form, hidden under his green tattered raiment, is a palsied and maggoty ruin. Kanker and his entourage keep a low profile, muttering litanies of devotions to the Horned One to those with ears to hear. Whilst they offer service to the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.unVj7oRQCYswID6V]{Castellan-Warlord}, he isn’t sure how to employ them. @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.unVj7oRQCYswID6V]{Gnawretch} and Kanker hold conferences in which Kanker promises to unleash a plague in Middenheim once @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.unVj7oRQCYswID6V]{Gnawretch} discovers a source of water. </p>\n<p>Kanker would dearly love to spread plague in the city above, but he would also love to unleash it amongst the Skaven below. The Horned God he worships is Nurgle, and if he lays either Middenheim or @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim} low with an epidemic, his divine patron will be delighted.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Beate Moser": {
"name": "Beate Moser",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Signs of Ulric’s favour are plain in Beate’s appearance. A young woman in her late teens, she has long, pure-white hair, pale-blue eyes, and a strong frame. A miracle worker, she is currently recognised as the leader of the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.LlhNZSXHF7u2shgz]{Bearers of the Blood} in Middenheim.</p><p>In the past, the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.LlhNZSXHF7u2shgz]{Bearers of the Blood} have been a small and exclusive group. Their belief that they are superior to normal people by dint of their relationship to Ulric has held them back from winning popular support. Beate is cannier than most of her fellows, and whilst she is convinced of her own right to dictate Ulric’s will, she knows that proclaiming this belief is unlikely to win her friends.</p><p>If she can get her lieutenants to heed her ideas, the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.LlhNZSXHF7u2shgz]{Bearers of the Blood} will start to refocus their efforts, moving away from appealing to Ulrican hyper-partisans and taking a more moderate approach. Beate has a hard task ahead of her, for the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.LlhNZSXHF7u2shgz]{Bearers of the Blood} are a deeply conservative bunch. However, if she were to discover something world-shaking, such as news of Ar-Ulric breaking his vow of celibacy, she might be able to start her campaign in earnest.</p>"
"Bridgitte Schleigel": {
"name": "Bridgitte Schleigel",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A rising star among the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.ZgOSDra8HlOmv5ds]{New Millennialists}, Brigitte is an articulate, passionate, and tireless advocate for the extension of rights to all citizens and abolishing laws that disadvantage Middenheim’s poor and marginalised. She cuts a distinctive figure, tall and pallid, with brittle hanks of thinning red hair. Her loudly patterned blouses are a trademark. She loves to debate hot topics and social issues, but can descend into sanctimonious hectoring if she becomes frustrated with unwarranted objections.</p><p>Unfortunately, Brigitte is driven by copious consumption of Laughing Powder. She is deeply addicted and suffers from withdrawal if she doesn’t get a daily dose. Her habit is expensive and she is increasingly indebted to a number of dealers and creditors. If the degree of her addiction became known, it could discredit Brigitte and undermine the movement she champions.</p><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.ZgOSDra8HlOmv5ds]{The New Millennialists} have recently undertaken a funding drive to sponsor a night at the theatre for Middenheim’s destitute families. Brigitte was in charge of these funds; she thought she could dip into them and replace the money later. But she got carried away with purchasing a new outfit, new shoes, good food and rounds of drinks for her many friends during the Festag festival. She is desperate to find some way out of her increasingly precarious predicament.</p>"
"Brother Bengt": {
"name": "Brother Bengt",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Brother Bengt is now in his 40s and the fervour of his youth has left him. Whilst he looks for all the world like a typical firebrand Ulrican, with his tangled masses of dark shaggy hair and flashing grey eyes, he is actually laid back and affable. Bengt is loquacious, able to speak at a speed and intensity that most people find difficult to process. He has a great passion for learning, and is intimately familiar with all the manuscripts of Ulrican history and religious law held in the Lore Haus.</p>\n<p>Bengt is always interested in the stories of adventurers (provided they tolerate his constant interjections). If the Characters are willing to share their stories with Bengt, they can easily win his affection. He can see to it that an adventurer who has convinced him of their worthy character and intentions can have weapons blessed in the Eternal Flame.</p>"
"Castellan-Warlord Gnawretch Skrray": {
"name": "Castellan-Warlord Gnawretch Skrray",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-7dXW90PwbWR7REO1\" class=\"secret\"><p>The Castellan-Warlord of @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim} is an ancient and malign Skaven, personally appointed by a Lord of Decay called Warlord-General Paskrit the Vast. It is Gnawretch Skrray’s duty to whip purpose and efficiency into Under-Middenheim. He stalks the burrows dressed in the rusted steel of an elite Skaven warrior, and should any tarry in his path, they suffer a jab from his hook hand or the searing agony of his sting.</p>\n<p>Gnawretch was once the model of a Skaven Warrior: tall, muscular, with a thick, dark pelt. Renowned for his ruthless resilience, on campaign in the World’s Edge Mountains he suffered pangs of black hunger and consumed his own tail and left hand. A dark perseverance alone let him survive the injuries and earned him the respect of lesser Skaven. Warlord-General Paskrit brought Gnawretch into his service, severing his clan ties and extending his life through warpstone elixirs. Gnawretch grew a new tail, tipped with a lurid-yellow sting. He hasn’t been so fortunate regarding his hand, a wears a cruel prosthetic hook.</p>\n<p>Like all the best tyrants, Gnawretch is a consummate bureaucrat and an enthusiastic enforcer of quotas and schedules. Should a Scrutens foraging party arrive back late, or Moulder researchers requisition more warpstone than their due, he logs the discrepancy and delivers swift punishment. He is uncommonly fond of inflicting blindness. An underling who offends him once loses his left eye, and those who fail him twice are left sightlessly groping around the warrens, doomed to be killed and eaten by former comrades.</p>\n<p>Gnawretch focuses on winning glory through efficient management of @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim}. He hopes that through strict rationing he can increase its population. He sends Scrutens scouting parties out to the surrounding area to search for shards of warpstone. Much of this he consumes himself, but he stores the remainder as gifts to Clan Skryre in the hope that they will lend support to the project. He also continually petitions the council to allow him to dig breeding pits and a temple to the Horned Rat, all in the hope of improving the prospect and reputation of the lair.</p>\n<p>But the council demand results first. They want Gnawretch to discover the sources of Middenheim’s water supply and whatever it is that fuels the Eternal Flame. Gnawretch sends scouting parties up into the tunnels above for this purpose, but with no success. Those exploring the areas Gnawretch suspects will yield results are assailed by a gigantic adversary, the nature of which is not clear to the Skaven. Reports of ‘a big-big goat-head thing’ are made by the few who survive such encounters.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Emmille Münzstätter": {
"name": "Emmille Münzstätter",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Emmille has worked within the dingy confines of @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.3D5lxruF8oG4O81y]{The Spear Mint} for nearly three decades, having first been apprenticed as a girl. She is a wheezy and bow-backed woman, having a pronounced stoop from years of crouching over coin dies and genuflecting to the worthies she encounters going to and from the mint.</p><p>Emmille is about to commence a life on the run. A few days ago she discovered a cramped crawlspace tucked behind a cupboard near her workstation. Bored and unsupervised, she wriggled through and came upon a series of passageways. Emmille stumbled upon something she shouldn’t have there: a clandestine meeting between a tall and regal man and another in the regalia of a senior @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#middenheims-chapter-of-the-order-of-the-knights-panther]{Knight Panther}. They were standing talking in a candlelit room, examining a bulging bottle within which an ephemeral thing wriggled and shifted.</p><p>Since that day Emmille has not been able to keep her mind on her work, ruminating on the sights she saw. She has grown starkly paranoid, certain that someone must be aware of her transgressions. She has checked to see whether or not she left any sign of her movements in the passageways, and knows that if she left any sort of clue, a dropped item or footprints, she will soon be found out. Emmille plans to flee Middenheim whilst she has time. She will soon be missed at the mint, so her departure must be sudden, fast, and final.</p>"
"Gerdon Salzwed": {
"name": "Gerdon Salzwed",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<blockquote><p>Who’d 'ave guessed that you 'ave to know your figures to make it in the underworld? Wasn't for the love of counting pfennings that I started thievin'! But ferget half a smidge of the Man’s cut and suddenly no one in Middenheim'll give a fella the time of day. Eh, speaking of, you hirin'?</p><p style=\"text-align: right\">— Gerdon Salzwed, Unemployed Fence</p></blockquote><p>As a child Gerdon resided within the teetering piles of tenement buildings that pile on top of one another around Middenheim’s southern gate. Poor and sickly, a childhood ague robbed him of much of his dexterity, and not a little of his wits.</p><p>The Low Kings keep lookout for lonely, bullied children. They make fine recruits as they are often in need of big brother figures to run to, and the henchmen of the @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz]{Low Kings} are happy to act in such a role. Gerdon was an unimaginative young man, but he applied himself to the tasks set for him, running messages between criminals, and making up the numbers when racketeers felt the need to apply pressure to a stallholder.</p><p>Impressed with his dedication, one of his criminal patrons set Gerdon the task of handling stolen goods. Unfortunately, it is a task he is wholly unsuited to. Whilst he possesses a knack for winkling more money from people, Gerdon is bad with numbers and poorly organised. He is looking for a way out before his criminal patrons find out how poorly he has kept their books.</p>"
"Grand Vizier Bhar": {
"name": "Grand Vizier Bhar",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A talented Necromancer from the Spice Port of Copher, the Vizier fled Araby after his magical malfeasances were exposed. Most Chaos Sorcerers deplore Necromancy as the philosophies governing mastery of Undeath conflict with those of violent mutability. The Vizier has no such qualms, arguing that a synthesis of disciplines better serves the dark gods. Few possess the talent to practice both Necromancy and Daemonology without becoming catastrophically insane — but so far he remains stable.</p><p>His innovative approach found him allies amongst those Chaos Cultists who regard adherence to ideology to be counterproductive. When he left Araby he was invited to join @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.t2YShY6MQRV6MlBd#the-purple-hand]{the Purple Hand} in Middenheim to help out their research department, the Ordo Terribilis.</p><p>Vizier Bhar is a valued cult asset, though he is conspicuous as he refuses to eschew his goatee beard and his taste for sweeping silks in the Arabyan style. His age is hard to guess, but his fellows believe that he is older than he looks. He has risen to the rank of Deputy Magister Terribilis, allowing @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-pbtt.actors.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Karl-Heinz Wasmeier} the time to devote to other projects.</p>"
"Hasso Schroeter": {
"name": "Hasso Schroeter",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<blockquote><p>That Busk Umpire felt the need to tell me I was no Rallane Lafarel, that it was time to clear out of the Great Park, and I should give someone else a go. I told him he wants the wax cleaned out of his ears, but with only eight pennies and a rotten turnip to show for an hour long set, I suppose the punters agree.</p><p style=\"text-align: right\">— Hasso Schroeter, Unpopular Entertainer</p></blockquote><p>Hasso was born to a poor but respectable family of Artisans in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.ff6FiBZzU2RippS1]{Wynd} district. He was always a talented singer and took to an old lute the family owned with a degree of skill. This was fortunate for Hasso, for he was a poor student in all other subjects.</p><p>Middenheim is a good city for a halfway talented Busker, and whilst Hasso’s skill on the lute was nothing special, combined with his sweet voice he was able to draw an appreciative audience. Every day he would leave his home in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.ff6FiBZzU2RippS1]{Wynd} and journey to @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.a1a8YFmSMjGOpBpz]{Freiburg}, hoping to earn some pennies from the art lovers who live there.</p><p>On a good day Hasso brings back a handful of pennies, but he yearns for something more. He has a dream to emulate the grand deeds of the heroes and noblemen he sings of.</p>"
"Helmut Beckenbauer": {
"name": "Helmut Beckenbauer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.xiXbVzAggcmfXxd1]{‘The Man’} employs Wolfgang Bandpater, a respected member of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.xBB5HI6Ojii4cW2s]{Merchants’ Guild}, as a lead racketeer, but Helmut Beckenbauer, his lieutenant, manages his day-to-day affairs. The pair are rarely seen together and communicate through coded messages left at the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.ZQACec4OEKjwL1D9]{Labourers’ Hospice}.</p><p>In addition to his criminal activities, Beckenbauer is also a keen @UUID[JournalEntry.nzsWxG9db2fdGjZM.JournalEntryPage.ZjpHnYBdxk7gxJ7R]{Middenball} player, and although the days when he was the most feared centre-forward in the city are long past, he still coaches and manages the notorious Southgate Slammers. Using the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.V6ScMExW1ByNP2hu]{Grunpark} as their training ground, this team of labourers has established a reputation as the most professional Middenball outfit in the city. Their meetings with the Eastenders from the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.KasX3KjloyHjpTMc]{Altquartier} are well worth a visit (providing you can take care of yourself in the inevitable after-match brawl).</p>"
"Hugo Greendale": {
"name": "Hugo Greendale",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Hugo is a stuffy and officious Halfling of the Greendale clan. The clan is well known in the Kleinemoot for its association with craftsmanship and business, and Hugo looked set to continue this tradition. Once a promising carpenter’s apprentice, an accident in the workshop left Hugo short of three fingers on his good hand.</p><p>Following his injury, Hugo became involved in the @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.GY513o8UUsplsZWe]{Volans's Oath of Devotion Society}, for he was fascinated with the history of magic, and even harboured a hope that there might be a magical solution to his injury. The society’s inner circle soon picked up on Hugo’s gift for fast talking. Seeing as Halflings do not possess magical abilities, who better to represent the society and underline the fact that they are merely fans of magic rather than practitioners?</p><p>Hugo is devoted to protecting the interests of the organisation, and despite the lack of talent his Species has for magic, Hugo keeps trying to learn all he can about wizardry and witchcraft.</p>"
"Jacopo Schmidt": {
"name": "Jacopo Schmidt",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Whilst mutation is not as common in Middenheim as it is in many of the Empire’s other cities, the parents of altered offspring often follow rumours that such children are accepted amongst the teeming wretches of the Warrenburg. Rather than cast their mutant offspring from the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.tPgvZoYSi1URdTeL]{Cliff of Sighs}, some parents sneak down to @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.8sdGAenFPI1OAAnm]{The Warrenburg}, where they are received by a strange man calling himself Jacopo Schmidt (almost certainly not his real name). The altered children earn their keep by working in rundown taverns and as Jacopo’s messengers. </p><p>At odds with the destitute scavengers of the area, Jacopo is charming and urbane. He wears a number of different hats, with something of the grave robber, the bawd, and the bounty hunter about him. He is connected to the agents of no fewer than three different Chaos cults in the city, and thus far has kept each of them from knowing of his affiliation with their rivals.</p><p>Jacopo most commonly acts on behalf of @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.t2YShY6MQRV6MlBd#the-red-crown]{the Red Crown}. His primary role as their agent is to find willing parents amongst the inhabitants of the Warrenburg and guides them in inculcating the children in the values of Tzeentch. </p><p>Through his connections in @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.t2YShY6MQRV6MlBd#the-red-crown]{the Red Crown} he has also come into contact with @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.j9KGEfrsEWWTJBP2#the-jade-sceptre]{the Jade Sceptre}. If Jacopo finds himself having trouble with investigators, he simply kidnaps and sells them to the Jade Sceptre — the cult is always in need of living sacrifices. </p>"
"Johen": {
"name": "Johen",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>One of the reasons for the runaway success of the organisation headed by @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.xiXbVzAggcmfXxd1]{‘The Man’} is the willingness to employ unlicensed magic users. Johen is a young man with a pronounced talent for Witchcraft. He looks disarming enough, with a beautifully proportioned athletic frame and a round face featuring a wide beaming smile and a tumble of blond curls. However, his character is that of the determined diabolist, and his personal habits would shock the devotees of the Jade Sceptre.</p><p>It is thanks to Johen’s dark magic that the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.5bL5t1EJvGF6ELog]{Geist Haus} retains its reputation as a haunted place. He uses spells such as @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.a8npXWG2o4BxhtVV]{Creeping Menace}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.ZOlM8KjLfNIefAb0]{Curse of Crippling Pain}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PkqPqy3Fy9fawQZ8]{Haunting Horror}, and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.CnydL8p3PVAuF98w]{Evil Eye} to ensure that anyone who strays into the grounds are convinced that an otherworldly presence lurks inside the house.</p><p>Johen has some talent as an Apothecary, but is learning a lot from the more professional Waldtraud. He knows she is dying, and seeks to acquire as much knowledge about the preparation of chemicals as possible before her illness defeats her.</p>"
"Kat Sperber": {
"name": "Kat Sperber",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<blockquote><p>I got me clolthes pegs from a bargee in Carroburg. Paid good schilling, but I knew customers in Norderingen would recoup me and then some. Of course, as we left the Drakwald behind us, my mates were shot by Goblins! I have no luck. Escaped, but I spent three days in the Schadensumpf, lost half me pegs and was near eaten by midges. All that, only to be told Norderingen was closed over a few cases of Brainpox! So I came to the city, paid tariffs I couldn’t afford, and of course everyone here already has pegs.</p><p style=\"text-align: right\">— Kat Serber, Annoyed Pedlar</p></blockquote><p>Kat has spent many of her years wandering the roads of Middenland, selling her wooden pegs. She is the poorest of Pedlars, owning no cart or mule. She travels alongside strangers, hoping that they have more to gain through her company than they would by robbing her. She is intimately familiar with the stinking and wretched common rooms of every coaching inn in the province. There have been nights that she has been so penniless that she has even slept under the twin moons, risking madness and discovery by ravening Beastmen.</p><p>Like many itinerant Pedlars before her, Kat has decided to try her luck in the city of Middenheim, hoping to have better luck hawking her wares on the streets of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.1m2DJYLbVzzIR4Sy]{Altmarkt} rather than the villages of her home province. She has had little luck making any money, though spending her nights in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.V6ScMExW1ByNP2hu]{Grunpark} is safer than sleeping in the Drakwald.</p>"
"Marta Gerbenshreiber": {
"name": "Marta Gerbenshreiber",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Marta sports the blonde bunches, wide blue eyes, and dimpled cheeks of an Averland goatherd. She is a Bailiff of an unusual sort, collecting money for @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.rowLTlNFVmUdKKUF]{Low Queen Herla Heiwardt}. Herla prefers to send a friendly face to collect her fees, at least until the victims of her extortion rackets first refuse to pay (whereupon a gang of thugs are sent instead). Marta is well suited to this role, being charismatic, attractive, and utterly amoral.</p><p>Marta is so disarming that she even has Herla fooled, and routinely skims the takings to line her own purse. She is also canny in her ability to evaluate the true worth of any knickknacks and artefacts that her marks have within their homes, and often agrees to take some apparently worthless item in lieu of actual payment. Such antiques are quickly sold on to pawn shops. Marta ensures that Herla’s books are balanced, and then banks everything else for herself.</p><p>Playing a crime boss like this is a dangerous business, but Marta is cunning and careful — and so far, lucky. She harbours ambitions to one day inherit Herla’s crown.</p>"
"Master-Moulder Skree": {
"name": "Master-Moulder Skree",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-UO9o1cGqPKYgXjG4\" class=\"secret\"><p>Skree himself does not remember which of his malformations are due to mutation or surgery. He appears more like a scaled warthog than a rat. Each of his hands bears six fingers and two thumbs. His hulking form is clothed in thick leather aprons with all manner of buckles and straps, pierced through by rows of sharp horns that rise from his hunched back. </p>\n<p>Skree heads a group of Clan Moulder Skaven who have been despatched to @UUID[JournalEntry.YVXiBNy42vmgHsI5]{Under-Middenheim} from Hell Pit, a Skaven stronghold in the northern Worlds Edge Mountains. Ostensibly, the Moulder crew are here to aid @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.unVj7oRQCYswID6V]{Castellan-Warlord} Gnawretch in his scouting expeditions by providing him with trained tracker rats in exchange for stipends of warpstone.</p>\n<p>The masters of Hell Pit have ulterior motives. Man-things associate Middenheim with legends such as terrible white wolves and humans who change into animals and back again. Capture and study of such specimens is imperative to Hell Pit. The degree to which the Human body succumbs to warpstone is also of interest; Skree has been asked to acquire subjects for experimentation. Negotiations with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.unVj7oRQCYswID6V]{Gnawretch} have gone nowhere, the Castellan-Warlord is too cautious to show his hand by openly abducting Middenheimers. </p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Middenball Athlete": {
"name": "Middenball Athlete",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Middenball Brute": {
"name": "Middenball Brute",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Middenball Dwarf": {
"name": "Middenball Dwarf",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Moritz Valgeir": {
"name": "Moritz Valgeir",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Moritz is the second son of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-pbtt.actors.sn0zk1QV53XMipVw]{Emil Valgeir}, and a lifelong member of Middenheim’s military. He has only recently been inducted into the ranks of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#knights-of-the-white-wolf]{Knights of the White Wolf}, having served for many years in the Swords of Ulric state regiment. Moritz is an archetypal northern military man, with the heroic facial topiary, shaved head, and piercing stare of a born knight. His noble bearing and clear aristocratic diction made him a natural battlefield leader and he soon earned the rank of captain.</p><p>Since joining the White Wolves, Moritz has found he has more time to himself, as the knights prize individual prowess and place less emphasis on training in groups. Moritz has become somewhat dissolute, and spends much of his time touring Middenheim’s taverns. In recent weeks he has befriended @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.jDuOhsmrd1GoXE7F]{Wulfric} — @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.akCZAs7s2p8cW1KC]{Wilhelm Tore’s} feckless son. Mortiz has little notion of the hold he has over the younger man, and does not realise the potential damage he is doing by persuading Wulfric to take up a career as a soldier.</p>"
"Mote Yarrow The Fetchling": {
"name": "Mote Yarrow The Fetchling",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-YEE8TYeEYVGalTyV\" class=\"secret\"><p>A tiny creature standing less than a foot in height, wrapped in luminous gossamer threads that sprout from all over its body, Mote Yarrow remains hidden and secret, yet it is responsible for more heartache in Middenheim than Grom the Paunch or Vlad von Carstein. Mote is a Fetchling, meagre in physical form but copious in magical power and malicious mistrust of mortals.</p>\n<p>Centuries ago Mote found its way through, disgusted to find itself amongst the teeming life and industry of temporal humanity. It remained unseen and secretive within the @UUID[JournalEntry.B3jixtnstE0DkhsL]{Dreaming Wood}, and only on moonless nights did it flit about Middenheim to find out more about the dirty and wretched place it had discovered.</p>\n<p>Drawn to mischief through boredom and caprice, Mote made it a self-appointed task to torment the citizens. Secretly it leeched the fertility of several important Middenheimers, cursing them and their dwindling batches of descendants to withered lineages. From @UUID[JournalEntry.RTu5HVkESXJFlF7f]{Boris Todbringer} to @UUID[JournalEntry.CjgruxP6bLU7tW1y]{‘“The Man’},” a swathe of Middenheim’s most powerful people have been bereft of their appetite for love and intimacy as the result of Mote’s jinxing.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Old Otto": {
"name": "Old Otto",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>An elderly but spry artisan, Old Otto peers out from behind thick-lensed glasses framed by his wild mop of wavy white hair and scraggly goatee beard. Otto is a fervent worshipper of Verena, and is secretly a leading light in the radical @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.ZgOSDra8HlOmv5ds]{New Millennialist} movement.</p><p>Old Otto is not what could be described as an Agitator himself, though he is a great facilitator of grassroots political activism within Middenheim. His primary role in the movement is to provide @UUID[JournalEntry.OCwl83kq8339cIHj.JournalEntryPage.ZgOSDra8HlOmv5ds]{New Millennialists} with the use of a private press that he keeps in the back room of his @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.77IfFgBkXvFGKGpJ]{Printworks}. Otto has been a member of various anti-establishment groups during his life, and whilst he is currently happy to leave front-line action to his juniors, this does not mean he isn't courageous and committed. Rather he recognises the need for someone with a cool head and greater experience to protect assets, advise on strategy, and act as an example to rasher participants.</p><p>Otto still has a propensity to enjoy a few glasses of red wine and argue about politics, however, he is careful to remain in control and speak to those he knows he can trust. The operation he has built up is too precious to squander as the result of an intemperate rant.</p>"
"Pestilential Liche-thing Babrakkos": {
"name": "Pestilential Liche-thing Babrakkos",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-BiUrYfwO5GBMb6hm\" class=\"secret\"><p>The First Threat to Middenheim is a powerful undead monstrosity, with aspects similar to both an insubstantial ghost and a vampiric entity. The origin of Babrakkos is uncertain, but scholars suggest that the lack of sites devoted to the Old Faith in the area, as well as the strange necromantic properties of the Brass Keep, suggests that before the Teutogens came to the area a powerful Necromancer may have reigned here. Perhaps Babrakkos may have been a servant, friend, or rival of Morath, the Necromancer who once inhabited the @UUID[JournalEntry.uJx5tYgwGRWxYJrT.JournalEntryPage.VoK7pa3VHjqpTkmx]{Kärzburdger Estate}{Brass Keep}. </p><p>Babrakkos has spent over 2000 years gathering strength to a point where it can manifest in the world once more. At first the Liche-Thing can only embody itself as a weak ghostly form, but as its servants achieve more in its name, it grows into a deadly undead entity indeed. @UUID[JournalEntry.Z4vImEgqDM5OcViY]{The Eaters of the World} keep a shrine to Babrakkos in the cellars of a building in @UUID[JournalEntry.2w06sbgxCxV745oJ]{Altmarkt}. It is here that they store any artefacts they manage to steal. Babrakkos manifests in this area and remains there until the disease and mayhem reaches such a fever pitch that it feels secure to wander the mortal world once more. </p><p>If @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.AGyoIt9stdSin46x]{Babrakkos} is encountered prior to reaching its full power, use the profile given for a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.GgSxlomoV220kd3G]{Ghost}. If it reaches full strength, use the normal profile.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Ritta": {
"name": "Ritta",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Ritta appears for all the world like a naïve young woman, recently arrived in Middenheim from the country. She dresses in the old-fashioned cast-offs of a rural maid and affects the accent of a farmer’s daughter. In reality she is @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.oM7yW5hFcjG2qi3i]{Ostwald} born and bred, and a clever con artist.</p><p>A regular scam is played on newcomers to the city. Ritta stands outside @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.T1FWfEm5v0OmDsz8]{Pfandleiher’s} pawn shop crying. Anyone asking why she is upset is told that she came to Middenheim hoping to sell a large precious stone, a family heirloom, and met a man who told her he’d get a fair price. However, he absconded with the jewel, which is now displayed in Pfandleiher’s for the price of a crown. Ritta says her sole consolation is that the jewel is worth ten times that amount. In reality, it is a worthless costume piece, but gullible marks swoop on it once Ritta’s back is turned. Pfandleiher and Ritta split the profits fifty-fifty.</p>"
"Spectre": {
"name": "Spectre",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-rd9KJZVj6qzIhwP9\" class=\"secret\"><p>To anyone ignorant of Necromantic lore, there is nothing to distinguish Spectres from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.GgSxlomoV220kd3G]{Ghosts}. They are similar in nature and appearance, being ethereal undead shades with insubstantial bodies. They are also created through similar means: Necromantic rites, high concentrations of <em>Dhar</em>, and unusual acts of will on behalf of a departed soul.</p>\n<p>Experts in Necromancy suggest that Spectres often result from vows made in life that the spirit seeks to fulfil in death. However, what truly delineates the Spectre from other undead spirits is its ability to subject its victims to a form of paralysis.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Stefan Hochen": {
"name": "Stefan Hochen",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Stefan came to Middenheim as a teenager over 20 years ago. He was apprenticed to his physician father and inherited his membership of @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.AgOzEfwg8XxrRXZy]{Middenheim’s Physicians’ Guild} upon his death. Stefan became obsessed with a performer who sang mournful songs at the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.Db0LxjUNGbeEQuW7]{Red Moon}, but learned that she was suffering from a mutation caused by a flake of warpstone stuck in her flesh.</p><p>Initially repelled, Stefan overcame his prejudice and removed the source of corruption. The experience led him to become sympathetic to those afflicted by mutation. Whilst he has a small surgery in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.t1wYBKV4LW8o0XJ1]{Neumarkt} district, word on the streets has it that he can remove mutations cheaply and with complete discretion. Stefan is a trusted member of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.AgOzEfwg8XxrRXZy]{Physicians’ Guild}, but if they were to find out about his merciful attitude to mutants, he would be struck from their books and subject to further persecution.</p>"
"The Bloody Hidesman": {
"name": "The Bloody Hidesman",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-pGDPN6qawvR2vwjf\" class=\"secret\"><p>Incarnate Elementals of <em>Ghur </em>are normally created as the result of powerful and complicated rituals enacted by practitioners of Amber magic. Piles of beast skulls and freshly flensed pelts are required to power these rituals, leading to it being known as The Bloody Hidesman to Amber magicians. The Elementals occasionally manifest close to the @UUID[JournalEntry.byZKtyJGHGTfIyqD]{Wellspring of Ghur} purely as a result of the extreme concentration of the Amber Wind there.</p>\n<p>The Elemental is a gigantic humanoid figure swollen with powerful muscles and crisscrossed with sinews like whipcords. Its head is fleshless, a skull armed with tusks like sabres and sweeping antlers. Its foreclaws are an eagle’s talons and it rears up on hind legs like those of a lion. It contains within it the fierce drives of nature’s most savage predators. It merely seeks to run down anything that encroachs upon its territory, maul them until they cease to struggle, then gorge upon their flesh.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Theresia Kleist": {
"name": "Theresia Kleist",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<blockquote>\n<p>So I came to Middenheim to ask the Graf if he can please send his men to end the raids once and for all. Isn’t he supposed to be our protector, our strong shield? It’s all well you telling me his knights have slaughtered goatheads and greenies in the forests, glad I am to hear it, but I need him to keep the whale roads safe. What do you mean he won’t see me?</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: right;\">— Theresia Kleist, Impatient Seawoman</p>\n</blockquote>\n<p>Theresia’s folk have plied the cold waters of the Sea of Claws for many generations. They trade and barter with wild men from Norsca, but always with a sword hand free, for they know that the people of the frozen and mountainous land to the north are a savage folk who might sink to bloody betrayal at any opportunity. And so from an early age Theresia was taught how to swim, sail, trade, and how to fight.</p>\n<p>One day tragedy struck Theresia’s family. Some monstrous fish loomed from the deeps and swallowed their small vessel whole. Theresia was lucky enough to be ashore that day, fixing holes in crab creels. With nothing for her at home, she has come to Middenheim in the hope of a change of fortune.</p>"
"Traudl Bauer": {
"name": "Traudl Bauer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Many @UUID[JournalEntry.nzsWxG9db2fdGjZM.JournalEntryPage.0sKLAqTMd6KMG9zw]{Wolf Kin} have their origins in a disastrous confrontation with the forces of Chaos and Destruction. Traudl once worked on a farm within the @UUID[JournalEntry.uJx5tYgwGRWxYJrT.JournalEntryPage.Me1hAhnEEqDm0Xqf]{Duchy of Immelscheid}, tending to a herd of cattle, and sending milk and meat to the markets of Middenheim. Her life was near feudal, trusting in the Baron to protect his people.</p><p>When the Night Goblins of Spinny Backstab raided Traudl’s farm and slaughtered her co-workers, Traudl did not blame the Baron. She had been brought up a proud Ulrican, and knew that her faith in him had been naïve. She wandered into the wilds, determined to be responsible for her own survival and beholden to no one else.</p><p>Two years later and Traudl is, miraculously, still alive. She has had many adventures, both on her own and in the company of fellow Wolf Kin. With her matted hair and much-patched and tattered milk maid’s garb she haunts the laneways and farmlands within sight of the Fauschlag, foraging and praying every few nights at the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.SLbKPvMS94hUrmC8]{Wolf Kin Shrine}.</p><p>Though traumatised, Traudl has been known to communicate with some folk. She sees a lot of what goes on in the lands about the Fauschlag. It would take a lot of careful petitioning to coax any sort of communication from her, though.</p>"
"Waldtraud Blass": {
"name": "Waldtraud Blass",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Waldtraud once worked in the tanneries of @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.t1wYBKV4LW8o0XJ1]{Neumarkt}. A talented apothecary, her ability to recognise and mix chemical compounds proved invaluable. A stocky woman with broad shoulders and a strong back, she made it a matter of pride to haul hides in and out of the pits of alkaline cess alongside the manual labourers employed by the tannery.</p><p>Tanners suffer for their work, and after decades of the noisome trade, Waldtraud was left severely injured, her ulcerated lungs struggling for breath. No longer able to heft loads, Waldtraud collected her savings and moved to the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.iVVHFmcdVPy55wla]{Nordtor}, her only remaining ambition to die in peace.</p><p>Working for @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.xiXbVzAggcmfXxd1]{‘The Man’} has offered her a second lease of life through the manufacture of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.jTFOrokjEHbi12rT]{Ranald’s Delight}. Regular doses of the powder do more to quell her chest pains than medicinal preparations, and in order to pay for her own habit she spends her days in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.5bL5t1EJvGF6ELog]{Geist Haus} creating more. Her professional oversight has led to ‘The Man’ cornering the market with a top quality product.</p>"
"Walpurga Wurklich": {
"name": "Walpurga Wurklich",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>The tiny form of Walpurga has become an unwelcome sight at many of Middenheim’s entertainment venues. She is a little over 5 ft tall and lightly built, but has a voice like a shawm: thin and piercingly loud. Were she to scream into someone’s ear, as she is sometimes wont to do, she could leave them with a temporary case of tinnitus.</p>\n<p>Walpurga is a devout and conscientious follower of Verena, but she has developed a warped sense of perspective in recent years. She has made it her personal campaign to reform theatrical performances in the city. This is not due to a sense of scandalised ire at satires or censorious prudishness at bawdier productions — she even admits that plays can be useful in depicting the grittier aspects of life and for making the powerful question their actions. Her problem is that she regards acting itself as a form of deceit, and that therefore the whole profession is anathema to Verena.</p>\n<p>The official cult does not sanction Walpurga’s protest, but does not condemn it either. They suggest that peaceful protest ought to be regarded as a tool of the just. However, they also say that if they are to encourage the sort of honesty embodied in Walpurga, then they should say that she is bloody embarrassing.</p>"
"Wereburga Krotpreffer": {
"name": "Wereburga Krotpreffer",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Wereburga is a veteran sergeant who leads the guards at the city’s @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.iVVHFmcdVPy55wla]{North Gate} four days a week. She is a formidable woman in her late 50s, statuesque and broad-shouldered with an angular nose like a Giant Eagle’s beak. Her gaze is so stern and piercing that her troops tell anecdotes about smugglers turning their carts around just at the sight of her.</p><p>After years of manning the gates, Wereburga has grown cynical and reactionary. She is a supporter of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.q6010mVM96157hqY]{Sentinel Press}, and trusts in their vision of absolute self-rule for Middenheim. She has an extremely narrow-minded approach to protecting Middenheim’s interests. This manifests in her habit of waving visitors through the gates if they are from Nordland or Middenland, and clearly followers of Ulric. Everyone else she subjects to withering and unpleasant scrutiny, particularly if they are from southern provinces or overt followers of Sigmar.</p><p>Wereburga is the cause of regular complaints, as those who are subjected to her intense inspections soon notice that they are being singled out whilst Ulricans are treated to more welcoming manners. So far no one has done anything to chastise her, giving strength to rumours that this attitude is common to the city Watch as a whole.</p>"
"White Wolf": {
"name": "White Wolf",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-N2ZlEqAlaqqkShAQ\" class=\"secret\"><p>The mythical White Wolves are prominent figures in popular folklore. At times they have posed terrible danger, whilst sometimes they take on the role of benign protectors. The provenance of these beasts is not clear. Tavern wags suggest that just as tales are told of Ulric siring children with Teutogen women, the White Wolves are the descendants of she-wolves who caught his roving eye. It is true that the White Wolves are rare beasts, but that each one is large and coated in thick silver-white fur. They are fiercer and more intelligent than other species of wolf.</p>\n<p>The cult of Ulric reveres the White Wolf as the embodiment of the challenges associated with their god. The cult’s leaders regard it as a rite of passage to embark on a quest to find a White Wolf, slay it, and take its pelt. Only a select few have ever accomplished this feat.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Wolfgard Hohmann": {
"name": "Wolfgard Hohmann",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>Sergeant Wolfgard Hohmann</h4><p>Wolfgard is the picture of an upright and courageous guardsman, sporting the golden tresses of a Teutogen hero and the magnificent handlebar mustachios beloved of Reikland officers of horse. He is a soldier of many years standing and his armour bears a number of medals awarded to him by the Midden Marshals for his service. He always polishes his armour to a high sheen and deals with those who pass through the West Gate with polite manners and a dedication to procedure.</p><p>He leads the team of guards at the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.ZL7xqH1Rzd6GtRHr]{West Gate} five days a week. The soldiers following him rue his command, for he is conscientious and exacting, often ordering them to search through every item of cargo making its way into the city. Wolfgard insists on thorough investigation of those entering the city as a matter of public duty.</p><p>But Wolfgard is not the dedicated professional he appears to be. On his days off he visits the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.cjIZm4sALBnjlZAY]{Bretonnian House Inn} in the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.KasX3KjloyHjpTMc]{Altquartier}. He passes interesting information about newcomers to Middenheim to the Dwarf @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.D17cqCKU6D4AzdPI]{Alfric Half-Nose}, an information broker for @UUID[JournalEntry.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz]{The Low Kings}. Wolfgard lets Alfric know about the precious items he spots during his searches, or of any visitors who look like they follow criminal careers. In return he is told about smugglers expected to arrive in Middenheim so that he can arrest, ignore, or extort them, depending on their affiliation.</p>"
"Wulfric Tore": {
"name": "Wulfric Tore",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Wulfric is a young merchant who demonstrates a marked failure to flourish, either physically or intellectually. @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.akCZAs7s2p8cW1KC]{Wilhelm Tore}, the wealthy glass magnate, is his father. Whilst Wulfric has shown basic talent for bookkeeping, he does not thrive amongst the ruthless dealmakers and entrepreneurs who are his father’s peers. Wulfric is rather embarrassed to be wealthy, truth be told, and feels undeserving of the great inheritance that seems destined to come his way.</p><p>Rather than keep company with clients and customers, Wulfric has taken to propping up the bar of Middenheim’s various taverns, and here he has become acquainted with the dashing @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.actors.AKC07ZyYz3cGOb0z]{Captain Valgeir}. Wulfric has become somewhat besotted with the man, regarding him with an affection that is platonic yet fierce in its own way. Wulfric bores all his other friends with second-hand accounts of the captain’s many exploits.</p><p>Yearning to follow in the footsteps of his idol, Wulfric has recently secretly approached recruiters for the state regiments. He is wholly unsuited for life in the army, and his father would disown him were he to find out about the business meetings he has been absconding from in favour of drinking with the battalion captain.</p>"
"Wulfrum Viert": {
"name": "Wulfrum Viert",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>At 67 years old Wulfrum is one of Graf Boris’s most elderly servants. He has served as steward of the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.spGfLQa65Dhcezo2]{Krallepalaz} for over four decades, and is an effective manager of the permanent staff at the small palace, as well as managing to cope well with the bevies of newcomers who accompany the important guests he plays gracious host to. Over his years of service Wulfrum has catered to, and received the personal gratitude of, 20 Elector Counts, 2 Grand Theogonists, and the King of Bretonnia.</p><p>But Wulfrum Viert has grown cynical and mischievous in his old age. Where once he was a model of professionalism, he has resented the fact that Graf Boris never saw fit to promote him to the position of Chamberlain. Seeking a quiet revenge on the Graf, Wulfrum quietly stokes the flames of Nordlander separatism. Every couple of weeks he makes his way to the @UUID[JournalEntry.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.9CMKzoWNClWdDKuK]{Bell and Bucket} tavern, and lets slip any gossip that he feels is likely to aid the cause of an independent Nordland.</p>"
"Yanni Weber": {
"name": "Yanni Weber",
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Most shamans of the Amber Order are uncomfortable in the Empire’s cities. They typically dress in animal furs, with the teeth and claws of fierce beasts, to draw the Amber Wind forth. In Middenheim, the place is so suffused with <em>Ghur </em>that an Amber Wizard has more than they need without their traditional trappings, and tamer shamans can be found in Middenheim, working their magic in the city. The Amber Order prizes such eccentrics; the need to study the unique circumstances of magical forces in Middenheim requires their presence.</p>\n<p>Yanni is one of the Amber Order’s urbane shamans. Whilst she lives, studies, and works in Middenheim even she finds it necessary to spend much of her time in and around the Hohain, working rituals in one of the only places within the city that can still be called wild.</p>\n<p>Yanni is a strange sight to those used to the typical shamans of the Amber Order. She keeps her black hair combed and trimmed, and wears a city dweller’s garb. Even so, she affects a few of the badges of her order: the skull of a rat decorates her coat lapel and a number of feathers are tucked into her hat band. She puzzles over the strange magical eddies around the menhirs with a researcher’s diligence, but is yet to discern anything unusual there.</p>"
@ -70,7 +70,6 @@
"id": "Survivor",
"id": "Survivor",
"name": "Survivant",
"name": "Survivant",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"arme simple",
@ -85,7 +84,6 @@
"id": "Wolf Brother",
"id": "Wolf Brother",
"name": "Grand Loup",
"name": "Grand Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"arme simple",
@ -96,7 +94,6 @@
"id": "Wolf Club",
"id": "Wolf Club",
"name": "Compagnon Loup",
"name": "Compagnon Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"arme simple",
@ -106,7 +103,6 @@
"id": "Wolf Kin",
"id": "Wolf Kin",
"name": "Frère Loup",
"name": "Frère Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"arme simple",
@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Middenheim)",
"mapping": {
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"career_careergroup": "system.careergroup.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings"
"entries": [
"id": "Ring of Tongues",
"name": "Anneau de Langues",
"description": "<p>Le porteur de cet anneau peut l'activer en prononçant les mots ‘Parle et révèle-toi à moi’. Pendant l'heure qui suit, il comprend les langues suivantes comme s'il les parlait depuis sa naissance : classique, bretonnien, tiléen, eltharin, gospodarinyi et khazalid.</p>"
"id": "Boots of Gucci",
"name": "Bottes de Gucci",
"description": "<p>En activant les bottes à l'aide de la phrase ‘La grâce va au-delà du style’, le porteur bénéficie du Talent @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.talents.sYbgpSnRqSZWgwFP]{Savoir-vivre (Noble, Guilde, Serviteur)} tant qu'il garde les bottes aux pieds. S'il le souhaite, il peut prononcer à nouveau la phrase pour changer la version du Talent dont il bénéficie.</p>"
"id": "Magical Dagger",
"name": "Dague magique",
"description": "<p>La dague inflige des dégâts aux créatures normalement immunisées aux attaques non magiques et bénéficie des Atouts d'objet <em>Raffiné</em> et <em>Solide</em>.</p>"
"id": "Child of Ulric",
"name": "Enfant d'Ulric",
"description": "<h4>Traits</h4>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.VUJUZVN3VYhOaPjj]{Armure}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Morsure}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.FmHDbCOy3pH8yKhm]{Vision nocturne}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.ClOlztW6hH8rslbp]{Pisteur}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Arme}</p>\n<h4>Optional</h4>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.GbDyBCu8ZjDp6dkj]{Belliqueux}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.a8MC97PLzl10WocT]{Grand}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.5muSFXd6oc760uVj]{Béni (Ulric)}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.4mF5Sp3t09kZhBYc]{Champion}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.UsJ2uIOOtHA7JqD5]{Increvable}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.9MjH4xyVrd3Inzak]{Rapide}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frénésie}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunité psycologique}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.SfUUdOGjdYpr3KSR]{Régénération}</p>\n<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Taille (Grande)}</p>"
"id": "Sword of Fear",
"name": "Épée de la peur",
"description": "<p>Le porteur de l'épée peut invoquer son pouvoir en prononçant les mots ‘Rend-toi ou meurs!’, et obtien le Trait @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Peur (2)} (WFJDR, p. 190) pendant [[/r 2d10]] Rounds. L'épée inflige également des dégâts aux créatures normalement immunisées aux attaques non magique et bénéficie des Qualités d'objet <em>Raffiné</em> et <em>Solide</em> (WFJDR, p. 292).</p>"
"id": "Gromril Helm",
"name": "Heaume de Gromril",
"description": "<p>Ce heaume convient parfaitement à un nain. À tous les égards, il s'agit d'un heaume de plates normal, mais il accorde 3 PA et bénéficie des Atouts d'objet <em>Raffiné</em> et <em>Incassable</em>. À moins que le client soit un nain, Lukas trouverait peu honorable de vendre le heaume.</p>"
"id": "Bless With Filth",
"name": "Infecte bénédiction",
"description": "<p>Vous maudissez les lames, griffes et dents de ceux qui vous entourent pour entraîner des blessures infectées. Pour le durée du sort, chaque Personnage dans la zone d'effet compte comme possédant le Trait de créature @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infecté}.</p>"
"id": "Survivor",
"name": "Survivant",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.middenheim-journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"id": "Spotted Green Brain Pox",
"name": "Vérole cérébrale à taches vertes",
"description": "<p>Cette terrible maladie transforme ceux qui en souffrent en fous délirants, cherchant à mordre, griffer et démembrer quiconque croise leur chemin. La maladie elle-même se diffuse en infligeant une blessure, ce qui fait qu'à mesure que la violence se déchaîne en conséquence de la maladie, un nombre croissant de personnes y succombent.</p>"
"id": "Wolf Brother",
"name": "Grand Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.middenheim-journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"respect des autres Frères Loups"
"id": "Wolf Club",
"name": "Compagnon Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.middenheim-journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
"id": "Wolf Kin",
"name": "Frère Loup",
"description": "<p>@Compendium[wfrp4e-middenheim.middenheim-journals.GkT1arSV9rYhYvrG]{Frère loup}</p>",
"career_careergroup": "Frère loup",
"trappings": [
"arme simple",
@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
"label": "Tables (Middenheim)",
"entries": [
"id": "Athletics - Middenball",
"name": "Athlètisme - Middenball",
"results": {
"55-65": "L'équipe qui reçoit domine légèrement la rencontre. Ajoutez 5 à leur score au prochain tour.",
"66-80": "Un joueur de l'équipe qui reçoit est positionné à l'arrière du terrain. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"81-90": "Un joueur de l'équipe qui reçoit est positionné au milieu du terrain de l'équipe qui reçoit. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"91-98": "Un joueur de l'équipe qui reçoit est positionné au milieu du terrain de l'équipe qui reçoit. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"99-100": "Un joueur de l'équipe qui reçoit est positionné à l'avant du terrain. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"1-2": "Un joueur de l'équipe invitée est positionné à l'arrière du terrain. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"3-10": "Un joueur de l'équipe invitée est positionné à au milieu de l'arrière du terrain. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"11-20": "Un joueur de l'équipe invitée est positionné à au milieu du terrain de l'équipe qui reçoit. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"21-35": "Un joueur de l'équipe invitée est positionné à l'avant du terrain. S'ils passent ce tour, ils peuvent tirer.",
"36-46": "L'équipe invitée domine légèrement la rencontre. Ajoutez 5 à leur score au prochain tour.",
"47-54": "Aucun effet ce tour."
"id": "Brutality - Middenball",
"name": "Brutalité - Middenball",
"results": {
"91-98": "Un membre de l'équipe adverse est gravement blessé. Réduisez le score des équipes A et B de 1 point.",
"99-100": "An Away Team player suffers a critical injury and is removed from play. Subtract that player’s A and B score from the team total. If there are no sub-stitutes available, one of the Home Team players becomes a Free Player.",
"1-2": "A Home Team player suffers a critical injury and is removed from play. Subtract that player’s A and B score from the team total. If there are no sub-stitutes available, one of the Away Team players becomes a Free Player.",
"3-10": "A Home Team player is badly hurt. Reduce the Team’s A and B scores by 1 each.",
"11-20": "A Home Team player is rattled. Reduce the Team’s A and B scores by 1 each for 1 turn.",
"21-35": "An Away Team player interposes themselves between the player in possession and the goal. This either counts as Guarding, or could be used to cancel out the effects of an existing Guard (whatever most benefits the Away Team).",
"36-46": "The Away Team show more aggression. Add 5 to their B score next turn.",
"47-54": "There is no effect this turn.",
"55-65": "The Home Team show more aggression. Add 5 to their B score next turn.",
"66-80": "A Home Team player interposes themselves between the player in possession and the goal. This either counts as Guarding, or could be used to cancel out the effects of an existing Guard (whatever most benefits the Home Team).",
"81-90": "An Away Team player is rattled. Reduce the Team’s A and B scores by 1 each for 1 turn."
"id": "Career - Human (Middenheimer)",
"name": "Carrière - Humain (Middenheimer)"
"id": "Career - Human (Middenlander)",
"name": "Carrière - Humain (Middenlander)"
"id": "Career - Human (Nordlander)",
"name": "Carrière - Humain (Nordlander)"
"id": "Middenball Random Events",
"name": "Middenball : Evènements Aléatoires",
"results": {
"80-83": "Un joueur choisi au hasard parmi tous les joueurs présents sur le terrain (sauf un des PJs ou le joueur en possession de la balle) glisse dans la boue, se tord la cheville et est contraint d'abandonné.",
"84-86": "Un joueur choisi au hasard parmi tous les joueurs présents sur le terrain (sauf un des PJs ou le joueur en possession de la balle) a bu dans une gourde, désignez le joueur et faites lui un test de Résistance à l'alcool <b>difficile (-20)<\/b>. ",
"87-89": "Un joueur choisi au hasard parmi tous les joueurs présents sur le terrain (sauf un des PJs ou le joueur en possession de la balle) a pris un stimulant qui améliore ses performances. Il ressent immédiatement les effets bénifiques pour ensuite souffrir de @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.trappings.jTFOrokjEHbi12rT]{Délice de Ranald}.",
"90-95": "Les supporters de l'équipe locale commencent à chanter, leur équipe bénéficie de +5 B au prochain tour.",
"96-100": "Les supporters de l'équipe en déplacement donnent de la voie. Leur équipe bénéficie +5 B au prochain tour.",
"1-33": "Rien de particulier ne se passe pour ce tour.",
"34-34": "La balle se déchire laissant sortir toutes ses plumes à proximité. S'il s'agit d'un morveux, ce dernier se libère de ses liens et peut soit attaquer un de ses bourreaux, soit tenter de fuir. La partie est stoppée le temps de trouver un remplaçant.",
"35-40": "Un fan frappe un joueur à proximité. Une rixe à mains nues de 3 tours démarre entre un joueur tiré au hasard et un @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.bestiary.7ihBjcHcewZ2Obul]{Humain} standard.",
"41-60": "Le temps devient maussade, les conditions froides et\/ou humides entraînent une pénalité de -10 à tous les tests d'athlétisme et de capacité de tir au prochain tour.",
"61-75": "Si les équipes ne sont pas bien réparties, le gardien de l'équipe avec le moins de joueurs quitte le but.",
"76-79": "Un fan lance un objet sur un joueur sélectionné au hasard. Les joueur doit réussir un test de Résistance <b>facile (+40)<\/b> ou subir @Condition[Stunned]{Assommé}"
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
"label": "Acteurs (Pouvoir derrière le Trône)",
"label": "Acteurs (Pouvoir derrière le Trône)",
"mapping": {
"mapping": {
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
"description": "system.details.biography.value",
"gmnotes": "system.details.gmnotes.value",
"items": {
"items": {
"path": "items",
"path": "items",
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
"converter": "bestiary_traits"
@ -18,371 +19,463 @@
"entries": {
"entries": {
"Albrecht Helseher": {
"Albrecht Helseher": {
"name": "Albrecht Helseher",
"name": "Albrecht Helseher",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.BczIUXqbPEOGbY9V]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Helseher is a Wizard Lord of the Gold Order. A tall man in his early 60s, gaunt and ascetic, he has a long mane of thick glossy black hair, without a hint of grey despite his age, and piercing eyes of a startlingly vivid blue. His eyes, and his long, delicate-but-strong fingers, are his most defining features. He makes a lasting impression on anyone he meets. When not donning the ceremonial gear of his order, Helscher dresses with a lack of vanity, preferring free flowing garments in black or grey which allow him maximum freedom of movement. He is more concerned with abstractions and his research than with ‘real life’, and rarely leaves his apartments and offices in the guildhouse. Consequently, he is little seen by the general populace, who regard him as a mysterious figure to be feared rather than loved.</p>"
"Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker": {
"Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker": {
"name": "Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker",
"name": "Alfric ‘Half-Nose’ Anvilbreaker",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.nZLbOlKSuIssufXY]{Summary Sheet}</p><blockquote><p>There was a sound from one of the booths at the far end of the room. Nobody looked that way, so I knew it was what I was after and glided over to it. The great bulk of Alfric was squeezed in there, with one of his henchmen and a fat human in opulent robes sat opposite. The table was covered with empty tankards on the Dwarfs’ side, and gold coins. Alfric looked up. There was more grey in his beard than I remembered, and the scars around his ruined nose were a flaming red: a sure sign he’d been drinking heavily. But it would be unwise for me to assume he’d be drunk, or unobservant.</p><p>‘Good evening, brother,’ he said. ‘Sit down. How may I be of service to the Temple of Morr this evening?’</p><p style=\"text-align: right\"><em>— Hammers of Ulric, by Dan Abnett and James Wallis</em></p></blockquote><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><p><em>Another character from the Hammers of Ulric novel, Alfric is a blackmailer and information broker, but his services do not come free of cost or risk.</em></p></blockquote><h3>Power Behind the Throne</h3><p>The intrigues and operations of Middenheim’s criminal underworld are of little interest to its Dwarf population. They are honourable traditionalists in the main, and do not care to sully their reputations by getting involved with any sort of criminal activity. Few Dwarfs would sink so low as to work for gangs of organised human criminals, and to be discovered doing so would shame many of them into seeking out honourable death as a Slayer.</p><p>Alfric, though, is among the few exceptions. A grizzled Dwarf who looks older than his years (and he is by no means a beardling) he has offered his services to the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz]{Low Kings} of Middenheim for longer than a Human generation. By and large Middenheim’s Dwarf community shun Alfric, believing him a disgrace to his family and clan. A small coterie of less honourable Dwarfs, however, do seek him out and provide him with gossip, and the fact that he retains this tenuous link with the Dwarf community makes him a valuable asset as a fence and a trader in sensitive information. </p><p>Much of Alfric’s nose has been cut away. No one is sure why and the episode must have occurred in his youth, as he has been mutilated for as long as anyone in Middenheim can recall. He is a member of the Anvilbreaker family, and pretends a degree of sentiment about his blood relations (just to put people off guard a little, in truth he is too cynical to care). He has a black beard shot through with grey streaks and his dark eyes glint like wet stones. He is not pleasant company, and sets great personal store on his identity as a bitter and insulting individual who belongs nowhere.</p><h3>Middenheim: City of the White Wolf</h3><p>As his name suggests, much of Alfric’s nose has been cut away. No one is sure how he came to be so disfigured, and Alfric isn’t telling. One of the foremost blackmailers and informants in the city, Alfric carefully courts the favour of local @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz]{The Low Kings}, providing free information to the agents of both @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.hKL3Ash15v1YuorN]{Bleyden, the Lowest King} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.hPDxL1zqTubGKiVH]{Edam Gouda}.</p><p>If he feels that visiting Characters have interesting stories, he operates on a quid pro quo basis. Otherwise he sells information for between one and ten shillings depending on how juicy he thinks it is. He is able to relay anything known amongst the criminal community.</p><p>Alfric has dealings with another information broker known only as Josef, and he is careful to ensure that neither one of them monopolises the market. Alfric deals in rumours about Middenheim’s underworld whilst Josef specialises in high-society gossip. Alfric can corroborate a story Josef has sold, but only if Josef has been paid for it first. Josef is of no particular abode but Alfric knows how to find him, for a price.</p>"
"Allavandrel Fanmaris": {
"Allavandrel Fanmaris": {
"name": "Allavandrel Fanmaris",
"name": "Allavandrel Fanmaris",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.Q7m3oEMlXQWLrges]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>The Master of the Hunt ensures men and mounts are kept in readiness for whenever the Graf goes hunting. Allavandrel is 101 years old, but looks about 30 in Human terms. He is tall with a slender frame which belies his considerable physical strength. He has startling emerald-green eyes, and his golden-brown hair falls in soft waves to his shoulders. A highly skilled huntsman and archer, he generally dresses in huntsman’s garb of green and brown, even at court. He is friendly and open, with a ready wit, which can be sharp if he dislikes someone. Fond of the good things in life, Allavnadrel occasionally indulges himself in wild binges, often in the company of @UUID[Actor.nzNgV71abEH1iNFo]{Rallane Lafarel}, the Graf’s Minstrel, and @UUID[Actor.1UPIDtrSuQv4zUVg]{Dieter Schmiedehammer}, the Graf’s Champion. He verges on the dissolute during Carnival week, but does not overdo things since he is determined to retain his title as Archery Champion. Allavandrel is a knowledgeable, witty and amusing companion for any Character to whom he takes a liking, but keeping up with him is expensive and tiring.</p><p>Allavandrel owns both an @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.2mE771fGEEB38OqG]{Elf Bow} and a supply of 24 @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.NQ4OVp1ZfinJ7lQH]{Elf Arrows}, but considers both unsporting to use outside of exceptional circumstances.</p>"
"Anton Hundisch": {
"Anton Hundisch": {
"name": "Anton Hundisch",
"name": "Anton Hundisch",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Anton is an adolescent with a slight frame. He has greasy long, black hair and his large brown eyes are permanently bloodshot due to infection. Anton has been in a downward spiral ever since leaving the Grey Order in disgrace. When he is not semi-conscious through over indulgence in a variety of tipples, he sits rocking in a chair. When a combat is in the offing, sheer fear will ensure that he does his best — to keep himself alive. On a good day he is cowardly, pathetic and wretched. Brunhilde found him under a table one day, and thought he might prove useful. Now, she is not so sure.</p>"
"Antonia Fiegling": {
"Antonia Fiegling": {
"name": "Antonia Fiegling",
"name": "Antonia Fiegling",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.4spyIKuKY8cYgH3Y#the-thugs]{The Thugs}</p><p>Taller than the average Middenheimer by a good 3 inches and with short cropped auburn hair, Antonia is a malign and studiously cruel woman.</p>"
"Ar-Ulric Jarrick Valgeir": {
"Ar-Ulric Jarrick Valgeir": {
"name": "Ar-Ulric Jarrick Valgeir",
"name": "Ar-Ulric Jarrick Valgeir",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.MCLpXxnnUTLMFe6v]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Ar-Ulric is the supreme head of the cult of Ulric in Middenheim and throughout the Empire. He is a tall well-built man, rangy rather than muscular, with reddish-brown hair and light-brown eyes, whose strong nose and high cheekbones give him a striking profile. As befits the leader of the cult of Ulric, Ar-Ulric is physically fit, and looks a decade younger than his 48 years. It is said that he still trains for two hours a day with a variety of weapons, in addition to coping with the duties attached to his various offices. He dresses in a floor-length robe of silver-grey silk and a cowled cloak of white wolfskin. According to the dictates of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NcH9OhleJFfaUdon.JournalEntryPage.jza73azXzLy0oVCy]{Cult}, he killed the wolf with his bare hands while still an Initiate. A silver wolf’s-head pendant hangs on a chain around his neck, and he carries a silver-shod staff topped with icons of Ulric and Middenheim. Ar-Ulric is a decent man, currently under great strain. His anxiety is clear to almost anyone who makes a successful <strong>Average (+20) Perception</strong> Test: he is vague and distracted, stammers occasionally, and tends to avoid eye contact in conversations.</p>"
"Boris Todbringer": {
"Boris Todbringer": {
"name": "Boris Todbringer",
"name": "Boris Todbringer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>At 6’ 1”, the Graf once struck an imposing figure. Looking less youthful as of late, his brown hair thinning and one impressive moustache going unkempt, Graf Boris is rather a sad figure now. He cannot sustain concentration long, spends most of his time in bed, and if he must appear in the throne room of his Palace he is swathed in blankets. Treat this as a particularly bad @Condition[Malaise], which has afflicted the Graf with 3 @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions — effectively applying –30 to all Tests.</p>"
"Brunhilde Klaglich": {
"Brunhilde Klaglich": {
"name": "Brunhilde Klaglich",
"name": "Brunhilde Klaglich",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.6uIwjhXBIJYEMFLo]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Wasmeier’s chief agent in Middenheim and a mistress of disguise, Brunhilde is a nasty piece of work. She grew up in Bergsburg, the daughter of a bookbinder who was ruined when the authorities discovered he was trading in copies of <em>Tenebris Geheimnis</em>, a holy book of Khaine. Her father protested that he was no heretic and had not realised what he was selling, but the Witch Hunters burned him all the same. Brunhilde grew resentful of anyone with authority over her. </p><p>She became a keen follower of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NcH9OhleJFfaUdon.JournalEntryPage.vrUN2NZ9t9d37J6V]{Ranald}, revering him in his role as a trickster deceiving the powerful. Before long this was not enough. She learned the art of deception from the Ranaldite priest Otto Stehlenhuhn, but then turned her hatred of authority on the cult itself. Brunhilde informed the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.xBB5HI6Ojii4cW2s]{Merchants’ Guild} of Stehlenhuhn’s crimes and revelled in the ensuing chaos within the cult. Klaglich turned her back on Ranald and Bergsburg, then made her way to Middenheim. Since then she has worked for any unscrupulous individual who can afford to secure her services.</p><p>If the party interacts with Klaglich out of her disguises, she presents a veneer of warm sociability. Beneath that she is guarded and cautious — always looking for an advantage or an opportunity to betray or deceive. She tends to answer questions with enquiries of her own rather than reveal anything about herself.</p><p>Brunhilde is highly-observant, fast-moving, fast-thinking, witty, and sarcastic. Of average height, with striking blonde hair, almost every other aspect of her appearance is subject to change via costume, makeup, and an outstanding talent for impersonation. She is cruel and sadistic, and cares for no one and nothing. She is a mistress of disguise.</p><p>@UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier} was the instigator of the plot to undermine Middenheim, but Klaglich is the woman who made it possible through coercion, kidnapping, and duplicity. She may be a pawn of the Law Lord, but she is resourceful, cunning, and a worthy adversary for the party in her own right.</p><p>Klaglich has used various aliases and a small band of Wasmeier’s agents to blackmail and compromise several powerful Middenheimers. As the Characters investigate the conspiracy behind the new taxes, Klaglich becomes aware of them and works to thwart their endeavours.</p><p>Discovering Klaglich’s identity and tracking her to her lair is part of the conclusion of <strong>Power Behind the Throne</strong>, but she can take a greater role in the rest of the adventure if the GM prefers. This profile provides detail to enrich her portrayal and a number of options to extend her role in the scenario.</p>"
"Bruno Hansgorp": {
"Bruno Hansgorp": {
"name": "Bruno Hansgorp",
"name": "Bruno Hansgorp",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.4spyIKuKY8cYgH3Y#the-thugs]{The Thugs}</p><p>Bruno is just tall enough to seem imposing to most, with brown wavy hair, a ragged moustache, hazel eyes, and a scattering of freckles on his face and forearms. A stupid, loutish man who has taken to crime as a source of easy money.</p>"
"Bruno Kohl": {
"Bruno Kohl": {
"name": "Bruno Kohl",
"name": "Bruno Kohl",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tall, pretentious, and with terrible decision making skills, Bruno is a constant fixture at the Pit. He is of slender build, with blue-streaks carefully added to his auburn hair. His green eyes are perpetually bloodshot. Burno is constantly on edge and must always be in motion, his nervous ticks most obvious when he is seated. His appearance is bizarre: his face is plastered with ghoulish white paint, his hair streaked, and his clothes come in all colours of the rainbow. Bruno is @UUID[Actor.ZyMHHLG9tNTDIw8S]{Hildegarde Zimperlich’s} nephew , the Chaperone to the @UUID[Actor.PrkWVIr7Go4u1QWp]{‘Princess.’} He uses this information only if he feels threatened, proclaiming: <em>‘Touch me and you’ll be sorry. I have relatives in high places.’</em></p>"
"Changeling Of Tzeentch": {
"Changeling Of Tzeentch": {
"name": "Changeling Of Tzeentch",
"name": "Changeling Of Tzeentch",
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.UkgMpIvYS5PjmAyX]{The Changeling}</p>"
"description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.UkgMpIvYS5PjmAyX]{The Changeling}</p>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Claus Liebnitz": {
"Claus Liebnitz": {
"name": "Claus Liebnitz",
"name": "Claus Liebnitz",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Liebnitz is a large man, running slightly to fat, but clearly muscular underneath. He has served with @UUID[Actor.sn0zk1QV53XMipVw]{Valgeir} in the Teutogen Guard, and is renowned as a fierce fighter with a berserk streak — but also as a clever politician intent on rising through the priesthood, and the knighthood simultaneously. When he is not carrying out his duties in the temple, he is training hard to achieve his greatest ambition: induction into the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#the-brotherhood-of-the-axe]{Brotherhood of the Axe}, an elite within an elite made up of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#the-teutogen-guard]{Teutogen Guard’s} greatest warriors.</p>"
"Dagmar Mitschuldige": {
"Dagmar Mitschuldige": {
"name": "Dagmar Mitschuldige",
"name": "Dagmar Mitschuldige",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tall by any measure, with a strong build, light-brown hair, hazel eyes, freckles on bridge of nose, backs of hands, and forearms, Dagmar’s most notable feature is her missing front teeth, knocked out in a brawl years past. Dagmar is a hired mercenary, a dour and cynical woman but loyal enough — if paid well. She has been mostly cooling her heels in the group’s den, and is bored and twitchy. However, she has recently become friendly with Reya Ehrlich, the @UUID[Actor.2T8CXsP45Z3Kptvi]{Law Lord’s} niece.</p>"
"Dieter Schmiedehammer": {
"Dieter Schmiedehammer": {
"name": "Dieter Schmiedehammer",
"name": "Dieter Schmiedehammer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.bE97ed2o2cGLUing]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Dieter Schmiedehammer is @UUID[Actor.czIY275tUC4VGDWp]{Graf Boris’s} champion. Noblemen in Middenheim used to keep champions to spare them the indignity of trial by combat. But these days a champion is a mere status symbol that nobles are expected to maintain, so the position is largely an honorary one. Dieter, the current champion, is an open and friendly man in his early 30s, tall and muscular. He has auburn hair, green-hazel eyes, and a broken nose. Dieter is bright for a warrior type, and is well-disposed toward all worthy aspiring warriors. He is chivalrous, well-mannered, and surprisingly softly-spoken (except when slightly drunk, and he never gets more drunk than slightly). He is scrupulously honest, and never acts in an underhanded manner. Rare in the Old World, Dieter is a truly decent human being.</p><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>A CHAMPION FIGHTER</em></h3><p><em>Dieter is an accomplished duelist, and the GM should take some time to familiarise themselves with the effects of his many Talents, especially if one of the Characters decides to challenge him for the position of @UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.KpqRowmWBtz2W6GI#challenges-to-the-graf-s-champion-(wellentag-backertag,-11-a.m.–]{Graf's Champion}.</em></p></blockquote>"
"Doppelgänger": {
"Doppelgänger": {
"name": "Doppelgänger",
"name": "Doppelgänger",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yO8gGm0KC2CSrI2U\" class=\"secret\"><p>Among the many strange creatures engendered by the Incursions of Chaos, the Doppelgängers are perhaps the strangest. These solitary creatures have the ability to change their form into the likeness of any humanoid creature between 4 and 8 feet tall — including clothing and equipment. To do this, they need only to observe their chosen victim for 1 turn, the transformation itself taking but a round to complete. Once they have assumed a Character’s identity, it is the practice of these revolting creatures to murder and eat their victims, and then assume their place. A Doppelgänger can reproduce its victim’s speech and mannerisms with about 90% accuracy. It cannot replicate special, magical, or Species-specific abilities, such as the Dwarf resistance to magic.</p>\n<p>Doppelgänger appear to be unable to reproduce themselves. Therefore, they must be created purely by the forces of Chaos. They are very rare, and, unless caught in the process of transforming their appearance, are almost impossible to identify by other than magical means. </p>\n<p><strong>Physique</strong>: The ‘natural’ form of a Doppelgängers is truly hideous. They are bipedal, humanoid creatures, averaging 6 ft in height. They appear to have no skin, and so their muscles, arteries, and some internal organs are clearly visible.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yO8gGm0KC2CSrI2U\" class=\"secret\"><p>Among the many strange creatures engendered by the Incursions of Chaos, the Doppelgängers are perhaps the strangest. These solitary creatures have the ability to change their form into the likeness of any humanoid creature between 4 and 8 feet tall — including clothing and equipment. To do this, they need only to observe their chosen victim for 1 turn, the transformation itself taking but a round to complete. Once they have assumed a Character’s identity, it is the practice of these revolting creatures to murder and eat their victims, and then assume their place. A Doppelgänger can reproduce its victim’s speech and mannerisms with about 90% accuracy. It cannot replicate special, magical, or Species-specific abilities, such as the Dwarf resistance to magic.</p>\n<p>Doppelgänger appear to be unable to reproduce themselves. Therefore, they must be created purely by the forces of Chaos. They are very rare, and, unless caught in the process of transforming their appearance, are almost impossible to identify by other than magical means. </p>\n<p><strong>Physique</strong>: The ‘natural’ form of a Doppelgängers is truly hideous. They are bipedal, humanoid creatures, averaging 6 ft in height. They appear to have no skin, and so their muscles, arteries, and some internal organs are clearly visible.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Edel Mueller": {
"Edel Mueller": {
"name": "Edel Mueller",
"name": "Edel Mueller",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.TojiQMGUEjhgQhfK]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Edel Mueller is head of the Cult of Verena in Middenheim, ministering to those in the city who favour the Goddess of Wisdom. She works from the temple but is often out on religious business with the legal, educational, and magical authorities in the city.</p><p>As an important cleric with a connection to the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.kWRpev3g5D6QqxYA]{Worshipful Guild of Legalists}, the Characters may be interested in meeting her to find out her role in the introduction of the tax. She is connected to the @UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.seoqMOoXusLrB77M]{Law Lords} as they are expected to pay respects to Verena in her capacity as Goddess of Justice. </p><p>Edel is one of the more cynical NPCs in Middenheim’s upper echelons. She takes a pessimistic view of city government and always assumes the worst of intentions in others. She is strongly opposed to the tax, but takes few positive steps towards its repeal as she believes that powerful people will do what they want with few consequences. However, Edel will lend support to the party if they’re working against the taxes, even though she suspects they’ll fail. She is well connected and can provide introductions to several key NPCs.</p><p>Rather than waiting for the party to show an interest in the tax issue, you can use the Cult of Verena as a potential ‘hook’ to involve the Characters in the adventure. An initiate of Verena can accost any Academic, Lawyer, or vaguely bookish Character in the street and thrust a printed pamphlet into their hand. They explain earnestly that the tax is doubly unfair on the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NcH9OhleJFfaUdon.JournalEntryPage.9bWE0Ayt5XGQf50r]{Cult of Verena}, as it affects the temple and the wizards who tend to congregate there. If they can help the cause, they can potentially have free access to the cult’s extensive library. Any expression of interest gains an audience with Mueller, a sardonic lecture on futility, and her tacit support.</p><p>The most senior priest of Verena in Middenheim, Edel is in her early forties, taller than average with a slim build. She has long black hair that she usually wears in two long plaits. Her eyes are dark brown.</p><p>Edel Mueller’s upbringing was within the Verenan faith and there was never any doubt that she would become a priestess. Both she and her sister left Middenheim to attend @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.journals.EmhvOkkzAir6pzCB.JournalEntryPage.OiAVm63T9JEFsVfR]{Altdorf University} before returning to take up posts in the city and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-salzenmund.journals.b2odPrxVAmUf46Sz]{Salzenmund}, where her sister is now High Priestess. The two remain close, but with an undercurrent of rivalry.</p><p>Mueller always looks a little sour or disappointed with the world around her. She can manage a wry smile or sarcastic quip, but charm does not come easy to her, and people tend to assume that she’d rather be hidden in her study reading — which is entirely true. But she is not bitter and there are flashes of humour and friendliness when someone shares her interests or preoccupations.</p><p>Over the years, Mueller’s intelligence has given her a mistrust of power and a fatalism that can run counter to her faith. For many years she was a Scalebearer, the school of thought within the Cult that prioritises justice over learning. But as she became more jaded, she moved towards the Lorekeepers, who believe that salvation comes from knowledge. This personality change has manifested as a compulsion to collect books, particularly rare tomes. Her chambers in the temple are piled high with hundreds of folios, scrolls, and codices, threatening to topple over. She keeps her rarest or forbidden books in a locked antechamber.</p>"
"Elisabet Rocheteau": {
"Elisabet Rocheteau": {
"name": "Elisabet Rocheteau",
"name": "Elisabet Rocheteau",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Elisabet is a quiet countrywoman who says little when her husband is around. Her parents, now dead, persuaded her to marry @UUID[Actor.v0envq9fHrdoIzUg]{Rocheteau}, and for a while the marriage worked. Over the last few years, though, her husband has become increasingly domineering. Not surprisingly, she has become unhappy as a result.</p>"
"Emil Valgeir": {
"Emil Valgeir": {
"name": "Emil Valgeir",
"name": "Emil Valgeir",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A fierce and devout follower of Ulric, Valgeir is currently the Grand Master of Middenheim's Chapter of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#knights-of-the-white-wolf]{Order of the White Wolf}. A warrior as well as a priest, he has fought alongside the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.dBIV62DP69lOoUAV#the-teutogen-guard]{Teutogen Guard} against the Beastmen of the Drakwald, and in the Empire’s campaigns against other foes, winning the grudging admiration of Reiksmarshal @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-altdorf.actors.YA2Wi0B3FBO4qMGS]{Kurt Helborg}. He is a man of few words, with a gaze that few can meet, and an impressive physical presence. He has a reputation for harsh adherance to Ulrican values, but those who know him say that in the company of fellow Ulricans, he is an exuberant companion, as quick with a jest as with a wrestling throw, and with a laugh that can be heard three valleys away.</p>"
"Emmanuelle Schlagen": {
"Emmanuelle Schlagen": {
"name": "Emmanuelle Schlagen",
"name": "Emmanuelle Schlagen",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.38WzzrTTBf72J0ki]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Emmanuelle is a Lady at Court and a favourite of the @UUID[Actor.czIY275tUC4VGDWp]{Graf}. She is in her late 20s, of above average height, and is slim but not willowy. Her ash-blonde hair has a natural curl, and cascades half-way down her back. Her narrow chin and high cheekbones lend her face a slightly feline appearance, which is enhanced by her large almond shaped grey-green eyes. A former actress, Emmanuelle gained her current position through the influence of @UUID[Actor.jBamTcOi8iz3mYxe]{Ulrich Schutzmann}, whom she selected as a lover precisely because of his ability to get her the post. She is very bright, intuitive, and highly manipulative.</p>"
"Erina Eberhauer": {
"Erina Eberhauer": {
"name": "Erina Eberhauer",
"name": "Erina Eberhauer",
"description": "<h3>PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE</h3><p><em> ‘‘I am Ulrican down to my bones, but my time in the capital has persuaded me that our quarrel with our neighbours to the south places us all in jeopardy. We’re striving with each other over trivialities whilst the world threatens to crash down around our ears.’</em></p><p>Erina is a lively and ambitious young lady who is keen to make her mark as a wizard. She is of average height and has an athletic build, with the family look of auburn hair and a smattering of freckles. Serious and studious, Erina is a consummate pyromancer, having mastered the basics of the Lore of Fire at an early age. Whilst not naturally an angry person, working with Aqshy is causing Erina to grow increasingly impatient and competitive.</p><h3>BACKGROUND</h3><p>The Eberhauers are something of a magical family, and Erina has a number of uncles, aunts and cousins who have worked their way through one or other of the colleges of magic. Thanks to her connections and her clear talent she was apprenticed to the Bright College of Altdorf. The family have a small estate in Hochland, and consider themselves northern and Ulrican. Erina was apprenticed to the colleges of Altdorf, whilst her older sister, Janna, was trained at @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.m0gDOo9sztuTymsb]{Middenheim’s Grand Guild of Wizards}, rising to the position of Deputy High Wizard. Whilst Erina is fond of her sister, she worries that she will be forever in Janna’s shadow.</p><h3>SECRETS</h3><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 3d10]] silver shillings per secret chosen.</p><ul><li><p>Erina is desperate to prove herself and driven to a life of adventure. She seeks to confront threats in a manner cooler heads find reckless.</p></li><li><p>Erina may regard @UUID[Actor.ZVVaOEUN9ArYrYnM]{Janna} as her greatest competitor, but she loves her sister and does not hesitate to defend her from any criticism or attack.</p></li><li><p>Erina sees herself as a lady of the world, familiar with the Cult of Ulric and her northern roots, but with many friends and mentors in Altdorf. She sees herself as a moderating influence between Sigmarite zealotry and Ulrican fanaticism.</p></li><li><p>Erina, having seen evidence of Skaven activity with her own eyes, is dismayed that people should be so stupid as to ignore this threat. Gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.klCJX0mNpXYH5AIx]{Prejudice (Skaven Deniers)} Psychology Trait.</p></li></ul>"
"description": "<h3>PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE</h3><p><em> ‘‘I am Ulrican down to my bones, but my time in the capital has persuaded me that our quarrel with our neighbours to the south places us all in jeopardy. We’re striving with each other over trivialities whilst the world threatens to crash down around our ears.’</em></p><p>Erina is a lively and ambitious young lady who is keen to make her mark as a wizard. She is of average height and has an athletic build, with the family look of auburn hair and a smattering of freckles. Serious and studious, Erina is a consummate pyromancer, having mastered the basics of the Lore of Fire at an early age. Whilst not naturally an angry person, working with Aqshy is causing Erina to grow increasingly impatient and competitive.</p><h3>BACKGROUND</h3><p>The Eberhauers are something of a magical family, and Erina has a number of uncles, aunts and cousins who have worked their way through one or other of the colleges of magic. Thanks to her connections and her clear talent she was apprenticed to the Bright College of Altdorf. The family have a small estate in Hochland, and consider themselves northern and Ulrican. Erina was apprenticed to the colleges of Altdorf, whilst her older sister, Janna, was trained at @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.m0gDOo9sztuTymsb]{Middenheim’s Grand Guild of Wizards}, rising to the position of Deputy High Wizard. Whilst Erina is fond of her sister, she worries that she will be forever in Janna’s shadow.</p><h3>SECRETS</h3><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 3d10]] silver shillings per secret chosen.</p><ul><li><p>Erina is desperate to prove herself and driven to a life of adventure. She seeks to confront threats in a manner cooler heads find reckless.</p></li><li><p>Erina may regard @UUID[Actor.ZVVaOEUN9ArYrYnM]{Janna} as her greatest competitor, but she loves her sister and does not hesitate to defend her from any criticism or attack.</p></li><li><p>Erina sees herself as a lady of the world, familiar with the Cult of Ulric and her northern roots, but with many friends and mentors in Altdorf. She sees herself as a moderating influence between Sigmarite zealotry and Ulrican fanaticism.</p></li><li><p>Erina, having seen evidence of Skaven activity with her own eyes, is dismayed that people should be so stupid as to ignore this threat. Gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.klCJX0mNpXYH5AIx]{Prejudice (Skaven Deniers)} Psychology Trait.</p></li></ul>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Flying Death Skull": {
"Flying Death Skull": {
"name": "Flying Death Skull",
"name": "Flying Death Skull",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-1KVgx6lxH4ZFoFPb\" class=\"secret\"><p>The skulls vary in appearance: some are bestial, some are merely distorted, and a few look entirely Human. They have no innate intelligence, but can be used to carry out the commands of a controlling spellcaster. </p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-1KVgx6lxH4ZFoFPb\" class=\"secret\"><p>The skulls vary in appearance: some are bestial, some are merely distorted, and a few look entirely Human. They have no innate intelligence, but can be used to carry out the commands of a controlling spellcaster. </p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Flying Deathier Skulls": {
"Flying Deathier Skulls": {
"name": "Flying Deathier Skulls",
"name": "Flying Deathier Skulls",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-QwFJd1sNN7uoYqPK\" class=\"secret\"><p>The skulls vary in appearance: some are bestial, some are merely distorted, and a few look entirely Human. They have no innate intelligence, but can be used to carry out the commands of a controlling spellcaster. </p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-QwFJd1sNN7uoYqPK\" class=\"secret\"><p>The skulls vary in appearance: some are bestial, some are merely distorted, and a few look entirely Human. They have no innate intelligence, but can be used to carry out the commands of a controlling spellcaster. </p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Fritz Dreckig": {
"Fritz Dreckig": {
"name": "Fritz Dreckig",
"name": "Fritz Dreckig",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A good four inches over 6 ft, Fritz is a tall, well built man with greasy, short black hair, dark eyes, and a vicious scar down the left side of face. Fritz is brutish and coarse to almost everyone, but he especially detests Elves. He chews tobacco, and frequently spits it at customers he dislikes. Add + 20 to his BS for this attack, at which he is highly practiced: on a roll of 05 or below, he has spat right in the target’s face, causing blindness for 1 round.</p>"
"Gaston": {
"Gaston": {
"name": "Gaston",
"name": "Gaston",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>At well over six and a half feet tall, Gaston originally hails from Bretonnia, his faintly accented Reikspeil granting him an air of class. He dresses in impeccable taste and behaves with perfect manners. He is compulsively tidy and utterly sadistic, wringing the last ounce of pain out of his victims before they die.</p>"
"Glugnur": {
"Glugnur": {
"name": "Glugnur",
"name": "Glugnur",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Taller than average and with a muscular build, even for a Dwarf, Glugnur is very much on edge. He has just taken a dose of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.jTFOrokjEHbi12rT]{Ranald’s Delight}, a powerful stimulant obtained from @UUID[JournalEntry.yXOEsyeWgRgbeVmc.JournalEntryPage.mP9asHcDgqgPdXUY]{The Pit}. Glugnur has three doses left.</p>"
"Golthog": {
"Golthog": {
"name": "Golthog",
"name": "Golthog",
"description": "<h3>PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE</h3><p><em> ‘Why are you shaking, slim? I 'aven't even got stuck in to you yet.’</em></p><p>Golthog stands some 8 feet tall, towering over almost everyone. He has short dark hair greased into angry spikes which sping back into shape whenver he removes his helmet. Golthog is used to non-Ogres, and has developed a good sense of what will offend them. He is careful about what — or who — he eats, and is no longer surprised at the great amount of meat the let go to waste. He is reserved but not unfriendly, knowing that he has to be careful not to frighten anyone or out come the torches and pitchforks. </p><h3>BACKGROUND</h3><p>Golthog came down from the Mountains of Mourn with the rest of his tribe many years ago in the hopes of finding plentiful meals in the lowlands. While individually very dangerous his tribe was whittled down by repeated conflicts with humans and others who took umbrage with Golthog's people eating whatever they wished. In the end only Golthog remained. On one lonely night huddled in a bear cave, consuming its former occupant, the ogre decided to learn the ways of the lowlanders before some mob of local milita finally put an end to him.</p><p>Since then, Golthog has learned much and travelled extensively through the Empire. He knows which jobs suit him, and which folk he should avoid no matter how much meat or gold they offer. He is currently in Middenheim seeking employment with the famed mercenary company Baumann’s Blitztruppen as he has guessed, correctly, that they will have both a use for an ogre and the means to keep one paid and well fed.</p><h3>SECRETS</h3><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] silver shillings per secret chosen.</p><ul><li><p>Golthog heard about Baumen's Blitztruppen after an unfortunate incident in which he killed and ate one of their sergeants. While Golthog is happy to let bygones be bygones, the mercenaries are not likely to greet him warmly.</p></li><li><p>Golthog and his comrades left the mountains in disgrace. A wasting sickness stuck the tribes Rhinox, and Golthog's accidental desecration of a monument to the Great Maw was fingered as the source of this plague. </p></li><li><p>Golthog recently deserted from Arglak's Devourers, an all-ogre mercenary company who operate in Middenland. Golthog was forced to abandon the group after eating Arglak's favourite Halfling cook.</p></li><li><p>Before leaving the mountains, Golthog briefly learned the ways of the The Great Maw under Skrag the Slaughterer. Add Lore (The Great Maw) to Golthog's skill list. The ogre is still troubled by dreams of the god of gluttony, and sometimes wakes in the middle of the night, ravenous and insatiable.</p></li><li><p>Golthog strongly believes that you are what you eat. And Golthog would like to be a wizard.</p></li></ul>"
"description": "<h3>PERSONALITY AND APPEARANCE</h3><p><em> ‘Why are you shaking, slim? I 'aven't even got stuck in to you yet.’</em></p><p>Golthog stands some 8 feet tall, towering over almost everyone. He has short dark hair greased into angry spikes which sping back into shape whenver he removes his helmet. Golthog is used to non-Ogres, and has developed a good sense of what will offend them. He is careful about what — or who — he eats, and is no longer surprised at the great amount of meat the let go to waste. He is reserved but not unfriendly, knowing that he has to be careful not to frighten anyone or out come the torches and pitchforks. </p><h3>BACKGROUND</h3><p>Golthog came down from the Mountains of Mourn with the rest of his tribe many years ago in the hopes of finding plentiful meals in the lowlands. While individually very dangerous his tribe was whittled down by repeated conflicts with humans and others who took umbrage with Golthog's people eating whatever they wished. In the end only Golthog remained. On one lonely night huddled in a bear cave, consuming its former occupant, the ogre decided to learn the ways of the lowlanders before some mob of local milita finally put an end to him.</p><p>Since then, Golthog has learned much and travelled extensively through the Empire. He knows which jobs suit him, and which folk he should avoid no matter how much meat or gold they offer. He is currently in Middenheim seeking employment with the famed mercenary company Baumann’s Blitztruppen as he has guessed, correctly, that they will have both a use for an ogre and the means to keep one paid and well fed.</p><h3>SECRETS</h3><p>Begin with an additional [[/r 1d10]] silver shillings per secret chosen.</p><ul><li><p>Golthog heard about Baumen's Blitztruppen after an unfortunate incident in which he killed and ate one of their sergeants. While Golthog is happy to let bygones be bygones, the mercenaries are not likely to greet him warmly.</p></li><li><p>Golthog and his comrades left the mountains in disgrace. A wasting sickness stuck the tribes Rhinox, and Golthog's accidental desecration of a monument to the Great Maw was fingered as the source of this plague. </p></li><li><p>Golthog recently deserted from Arglak's Devourers, an all-ogre mercenary company who operate in Middenland. Golthog was forced to abandon the group after eating Arglak's favourite Halfling cook.</p></li><li><p>Before leaving the mountains, Golthog briefly learned the ways of the The Great Maw under Skrag the Slaughterer. Add Lore (The Great Maw) to Golthog's skill list. The ogre is still troubled by dreams of the god of gluttony, and sometimes wakes in the middle of the night, ravenous and insatiable.</p></li><li><p>Golthog strongly believes that you are what you eat. And Golthog would like to be a wizard.</p></li></ul>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Gotthard Wallenstein": {
"Gotthard Wallenstein": {
"name": "Gotthard Wallenstein",
"name": "Gotthard Wallenstein",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.fiU6y4WpUEaScjWD]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Gotthard Wallenstein chairs both the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.rCpAPw22cl9dsEnl]{Komission for Commerce, Trade, and Taxation}, and the Governing Body of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.xBB5HI6Ojii4cW2s]{Merchants’ Guild}. This is a remarkable achievement for one who is a relative newcomer to Middenheim. His real identity is Gotthard von Wittgenstein, the only surviving member of a corrupt family of the Reikland nobility, and heavily involved with the @UUID[JournalEntry.gX4TCKy0TPwS68ba]{Slaaneshi Cult of the Jade Sceptre}. He managed to acquire his important public offices thanks to the patronage of the Cult Magus, the Graf’s late wife Anika-Elise Nikse. Gotthard is a master of disguise. In his official roles, he wears rich clothing and tints his hair and beard red. Out and about in Middenheim, he has grey-black hair flecked with silver with a dark-brown trimmed beard, and dresses rather shabbily in blues and greys. His eyes are brown. As von Wittgenstein, he is blond-haired and blue-eyed, clean shaven and appears to be in his mid 20s. If approached, he will nearly always claim to be somebody else and suggest that it is a case of mistaken identity. Gotthard is lascivious, avaricious, sycophantic to those he feels he can benefit from, but rude to everyone else. He is not without cunning, having kept one step ahead of Middenheim’s spies.</p>"
"Growler": {
"Growler": {
"name": "Growler",
"name": "Growler",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Gustav Holschtweig": {
"Gustav Holschtweig": {
"name": "Gustav Holschtweig",
"name": "Gustav Holschtweig",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.4spyIKuKY8cYgH3Y#the-victims]{The Victims}</p><p>Balding with a few wisps of thin grey hair, a salt and pepper goatee beard and pale-blue eyes, Gustav is kindly and honest, and therefore also quite poor. Gustav tends to charge lower prices to obviously poor people, and gives pennies to street brats. He has travelled to Middenheim especially for the Carnival.</p>"
"Hans Gräber": {
"Hans Gräber": {
"name": "Hans Gräber",
"name": "Hans Gräber",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Gräber is small and thin, with straight black hair in a disheveled pudding-bowl cut, pale blue eyes, and broad nose. He spends a great deal of time perfecting his 'visage of deathliness', which essentially amounts to carefully chosen hoods, robes, and other paraphenalia. He affects a deep voice that breaks into a shrill whine when he forgets himself. Absent his robes or if dragged out of his dark cave, Gräber seems far less imposing and years younger than his true age of 24; this bothers him immensely. Violently sensitive to slights both real and imagined, he has turned his almost superhuman propensity for learning and his overwrought imagination into a means of revenge against everyone who has ever slighted him, everyone who ever will — in fact, everyone.</p>\n<p>His ‘Gravelord’ persona is an attempt to emulate his hero Heinrich Kemmler, ‘the Lichemaster’, and his carefully planned, theatrical attacks are intended to spread fear and earn respect while avenging himself on all who cross him. While vain and rather ridiculous, he is far from stupid, and although he would hate to admit it — especially to himself — the difficulty others have in taking him seriously is one of his more powerful weapons.</p>"
"Hausmeister Breugal": {
"Hausmeister Breugal": {
"name": "Hausmeister Breugal",
"name": "Hausmeister Breugal",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.s6CpuRK1iVA0ogjE]{Summary Sheet}</p><blockquote><p>A tall, emaciated man in a regal, black, high-collared jacket and lace ruff strode out to meet them all, pacing the ground with a silver-knobbed cane. He wore a white, ringletted and ribboned wig of the latest fashion and his skin was aristocratically powdered white.</p><p>‘I am Breugal, chamberlain to the Graf’, he said in a strangled, haughty voice.</p><p style=\"text-align: right\"><em>— Hammers of Ulric, by Dan Abnett and James Wallis</em></p></blockquote><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><p><em>Breugal, the chamberlain to Graf Boris, appeared in the Games Workshop novel Hammers of Ulric, which was published in 2000, more than 20 years after <strong>Power Behind the Throne</strong>. As a powerful figure in the court of Middenheim, he makes a great addition to the major NPCs.</em></p></blockquote><p>The Graf ’s chamberlain is known only as Breugal. He is a tall, emaciated man with an air of aristocratic detachment. He is a common sight about the Palace grounds, striding forth with his silver-topped cane in hand and dressed in ornate high fashion. Breugal is a coldly efficient household manager, responsible for running the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.SbaXkT2ZupAWRthT]{Middenpalaz}. Those who fail to meet his exacting standards do not last long in his employ. His office is his life, and he has never been known to fraternise with anyone.</p>"
"Hawk": {
"Hawk": {
"name": "Hawk",
"name": "Hawk",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Of average height, with a slim build, Hawk returned home to find his family bankrupt and homeless due to corruption in the city’s guilds. For revenge he turned to the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-eis.journals.IZVgB7zmTm4rK2yJ]{Cult of the Purple Hand}; he is aware that his master plans to overthrow the city — but not how or when. He uses his pet hawk to attack spellcasters and enemies with missile weapons.</p>"
"Headless Skeleton": {
"Headless Skeleton": {
"name": "Headless Skeleton",
"name": "Headless Skeleton",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Uq5e4oX0Ma6cN3Dr\" class=\"secret\"><p>If hard pressed, @UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} tries to animate all the bones in the cave as Skeletons. Of course, their heads are otherwise occupied.</p><p>There between 6 and 10 Headless Skeletons in the cave. If you wish, some or all of these may be @UUID[Actor.rDpDwQSwFeUw0ajW]{Headless Skeleton Champions}, which present a better challenge to combat focused parties.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Uq5e4oX0Ma6cN3Dr\" class=\"secret\"><p>If hard pressed, @UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} tries to animate all the bones in the cave as Skeletons. Of course, their heads are otherwise occupied.</p><p>There between 6 and 10 Headless Skeletons in the cave. If you wish, some or all of these may be @UUID[Actor.rDpDwQSwFeUw0ajW]{Headless Skeleton Champions}, which present a better challenge to combat focused parties.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Headless Skeleton Champion": {
"Headless Skeleton Champion": {
"name": "Headless Skeleton Champion",
"name": "Headless Skeleton Champion",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-7h0Y30Mjcw0p0yHP\" class=\"secret\"><p>If hard pressed, @UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} tries to animate all the bones in the cave as Skeletons. Of course, their heads are otherwise occupied.</p><p>There between 6 and 10 Headless Skeletons in the cave. If you wish, some or all of these may be Headless Skeleton Champions, which present a better challenge to combat focused parties.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-7h0Y30Mjcw0p0yHP\" class=\"secret\"><p>If hard pressed, @UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} tries to animate all the bones in the cave as Skeletons. Of course, their heads are otherwise occupied.</p><p>There between 6 and 10 Headless Skeletons in the cave. If you wish, some or all of these may be Headless Skeleton Champions, which present a better challenge to combat focused parties.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Heinrich Todbringer": {
"Heinrich Todbringer": {
"name": "Heinrich Todbringer",
"name": "Heinrich Todbringer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Heinrich is a giant of a man, standing 6’ 11” with a powerful build, dark-auburn hair and blue-grey eyes. He is also every bit as intimidating intellectually as he is physically. He is a confident, self-assured man, but is currently weighed down with concern for his father and brother, and for the future of Middenheim. However, his illegitimate birth limits his ability to take action without being accused of usurpation, and he serves the city by engaging in diplomatic missions. He is currently away, but has agents in Middenheim reporting back to him.</p><p>When expecting trouble, or if he wants to make an impression, Heinrich wears a full suit of plate armour and carries the magical two-handed sword, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-pbtt.items.3FBWESdqXT0f3lh1]{Rathewer}, which enjoys the Impact Quality when used against Skaven. He is said to have acquired this weapon during a prolonged diplomatic mission to the court of the Tilean City State of Miragliano. It was while in Miragliano that Heinrich first heard of the amazing powers of @UUID[Actor.2gjtu5TLTG8YCJmh]{Luigi Pavarotti}, who was invited to take the post of court physician and tend to @UUID[Actor.dfVVZJ41NVDpWkNy]{Stefan}.</p><p> </p><blockquote class=\"sidebar\"><h3 style=\"text-align: center;\"><em>THE PRODIGAL SON</em></h3><p><em>Baron Heinrich is an impressive figure, and in many ways looks like an appealing successor to the troubled Graf and his ailing heir @UUID[Actor.dfVVZJ41NVDpWkNy]{Stefan}. The law is clear however, and should Heinrich be named heir the political repercussions for the Todbringers would be severe, paving the way for several other claimants.</em></p><p><em>At the moment Heinrich, in the company of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-empire-ruins.actors.LzkGSosXU59kwBIV]{Vieiran Thugenheim}, is in Ostland on a diplomatic mission of some sensitivity. Middenheim was recently gifted a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-empire-ruins.actors.NWkiPjoS1NuxELak]{Dwarf Balloon} — a gift the Dwarfs have come to reget given the recent taxation troubles — and this has allowed Heinrich to extend the reach of his father’s diplomacy. While Baron Heinrich would make a useful ally, he does not play an important part in this adventure. </em></p></blockquote>"
"Henri-Phillippe Rocheteau": {
"Henri-Phillippe Rocheteau": {
"name": "Henri-Phillippe Rocheteau",
"name": "Henri-Phillippe Rocheteau",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Originally a wine merchant from Bretonnia, Henri-Phillippe visited the area on business and recognised the excellent potential of soil and climate for cultivating the Bretonnian Quenellois Noir grape. With borrowed money, Henri-Phillippe purchased a substantial amount of land and settled in the area 14 years ago. The new vine soon got established and, having paid off the initial loan, Henri-Phillippe has enjoyed increasing profits ever since.</p>\n<p>He married @UUID[Actor.cFiWNzAwDs4EXMUD]{Elisabet}, a local girl, two years after arriving, attracted by her captivating smile and innocent nature. However, as age and business overcame youth and romance, he has come to treat her more as a servant than a wife. </p>\n<p>Henri-Phillippe is a large, stoutly built 42-year-old man, with an olive complexion and shoulder-length black hair. A decade of good living has made him slightly overweight but he still enjoys robust health.</p>"
"Hildegarde Zimperlich": {
"Hildegarde Zimperlich": {
"name": "Hildegarde Zimperlich",
"name": "Hildegarde Zimperlich",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.tEt6xdbRdVES4vLO]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Hildegarde is employed to be the personal chaperone of the @UUID[Actor.PrkWVIr7Go4u1QWp]{Princess}. She has served three generations of Todbringers; she was wet nurse to @UUID[Actor.czIY275tUC4VGDWp]{Graf Boris} himself and was chief nursemaid to Barons @UUID[Actor.dfVVZJ41NVDpWkNy]{Stefan} and @UUID[Actor.0Z49f8xUPns5OkTA]{Heinrich} when they were young. She is a slender and frail woman of 78, whose strength of character more than makes up for the physical toll taken by the years. She eventually warms to men who display good manners, charm, and leadership qualities, but is always suspicious of wicked male intentions toward her charge. It is rumoured that the sudden departure of a Tilean ambassador a few years ago was due to the lashing he received from Hildegarde’s tongue and mahogany walking-stick when she found him alone with Katarina in a rose-arbour. She is an enthusiastic and skilled card player — a particular fan of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-rnhd.journals.OnhGK8IE9SCGAlRT.JournalEntryPage.vSnJs2wpgPfHzSaZ]{Red Empress} providing that the wagers are friendly — and can be tempted into taking a little too much wine while playing: she may need to make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test to avoid some minor indiscretion in conversation. She likes fine arts and opera, and dresses in good, but dated, clothes.</p>"
"Hildi Holschtweig": {
"Hildi Holschtweig": {
"name": "Hildi Holschtweig",
"name": "Hildi Holschtweig",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.4spyIKuKY8cYgH3Y#the-victims]{The Victims}</p><p>In her mid 50s, with greying dark hair (in a bun) and dark-brown eyes, Hildi is quiet and softly-spoken. Like @UUID[Actor.swyabCA6Zxh16jw1]{her husband}, Hildi is also a kind and generous soul.</p>"
"Hultz Fleischer": {
"Hultz Fleischer": {
"name": "Hultz Fleischer",
"name": "Hultz Fleischer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Hultz in his late thirties, tall with a medium-strong build. He has an unhealthy look, with lank black locks, pale green eyes, and a number of warts on his hands and fingers. Fleischer is a local ne’er-do-well, a mean and evil man who seems half-crazy. This is a front, he is vicious and crafty, and might possibly surrender — if he thinks he can plead for his getaway after.</p>"
"Isolde Begegnen": {
"Isolde Begegnen": {
"name": "Isolde Begegnen",
"name": "Isolde Begegnen",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.VPMDCprVP2x4zSxz]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Isolde is the senior Priest of Shallya in Middenheim; she is in her mid-forties, and petite. She has long wavy dark-brown hair, tied back from her face, and brown eyes.</p><p>She has an open, expressive face with large eyes and perhaps a few more wrinkles than one might expect in someone her age. She dresses in simple white robes with a blue trim. When walking she conveys a calm sense of purpose, never rushing but always determined in her path. She is surprisingly strong and resilient, although that’s not immediately obvious from her appearance.</p><p>Isolde is humble, quiet, and serious. She apparently has no sense of humour and is fully committed to improving the lot of those who live at a disadvantage. She is warm towards people in her caring, especially the children at the orphanage. With them she is caring and attentive, singing with them and tending to them herself rather than delegating to her subordinates.</p><p>She can be a little single-minded, fixated on the temple and its works in the city. In truth, her piety is a form of spiritual pride. She takes pleasure in the martyrish purity of her mercy for others. Even some of her subservient priests find her a little too ‘holy’ and comment that she is trying to be more perfect than their Goddess.</p><p>Isolde Begegnen is the idealistic High Priestess of Shallya for Middenheim and the surrounding hinterland. She is a passionate protector of the poor and vulnerable and a popular figure amongst the city’s lower classes. The High Matriarch is a common sight at the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.IGQslkul8aGAIMpz]{Temple of Shallya}, the attached orphanage, and in the slums, where she works tirelessly to help the sick and destitute.</p><p>Begegnen is quiet and actively dislikes politics, but she’s furious about the temple tax. The Temple of Shallya is not wealthy and she channels any gold it receives into good works. The tax has hit them hard and as far as the priests are concerned it takes money and food from the orphans, the poor, and the sick.</p><p>The Characters may want to visit the temple to investigate the Shallyans’ response to the tax or (perhaps more typically for many parties) because they need healing. They hear the complaints of the priests and initiates as they arrive, and if they suggest that they are working actively to repeal the taxes, they may be granted an audience with the High Matriarch. She can be a useful contact, especially as she has a special relationship with @UUID[Actor.PrkWVIr7Go4u1QWp]{Katarina Todbringer}.</p>"
"Isolde Gudhoffen": {
"Isolde Gudhoffen": {
"name": "Isolde Gudhoffen",
"name": "Isolde Gudhoffen",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<h4>The Social Climber</h4>\n<p>Isolde is a beautiful woman with brown hair, green eyes, and an effortless sense of grace. She is well aware of the effect her presence has on some but affects an air of innocence. She often displays a small gold brooch that was a gift from Parzival, but is waiting to see if the man's fortunes improve before engaging with him in a more serious way.</p>"
"Janna Eberhauer": {
"Janna Eberhauer": {
"name": "Janna Eberhauer",
"name": "Janna Eberhauer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.BczIUXqbPEOGbY9V]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Janna Eberhauer is a Master Wizard of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.j72t0e5BVIgeOMB4.JournalEntryPage.nyw6LoS8swhWRRTw]{Celestial Order}. Janna is only in her mid 30s, but is already an accomplished Wizard. She is tall and statuesque, with a tumbling mass of auburn hair reaching to her shoulders, hazel eyes flecked with amber, and freckles across her cheeks and the bridge of her nose. When not wearing the robes of her order, she dresses with practicality and classic style, and looks quite unlike anyone’s expectations of a Wizard. Intelligent and friendly, Janna has the great gift of being able to put people at their ease. This is highly useful for getting information, which they might not otherwise disclose. She does not air her own opinions too readily, and is careful to sound ambivalent in her own views. </p>"
"Joachim Hoflich": {
"Joachim Hoflich": {
"name": "Joachim Hoflich",
"name": "Joachim Hoflich",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.seoqMOoXusLrB77M]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Joachim was in his early 50s, of medium build and height with close cropped black hair and grey-green eyes. Quiet and formal, he presented a dignified appearance, but possessed a wry sense of humour which took some unwary folk by surprise. He was a keen observer, decisive and unforgiving. </p><p>For these reasons @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Karl-Heinz Wasmeier} decided he was too great a liability to remain alive during the culmination of the Purple Hand’s schemes. So he was killed and replaced with the Doppelgänger, who mimics Joachim’s mannerisms and habits deftly.</p>"
"Johann Schwermutt": {
"Johann Schwermutt": {
"name": "Johann Schwermutt",
"name": "Johann Schwermutt",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ECtQRvrnApRgX7TA]{The Midden Marshals}</p><p>General Johann Schwermutt, is Middenheim’s Garrison Commander. Schwermutt is about the same age as @UUID[Actor.jBamTcOi8iz3mYxe]{Schutzmann}, but is lighter of build, with light-brown hair and hazel eyes. Schwermutt is friendly, expressive, and intuitive, fond of discussion and always willing to give people the benefit of the doubt. His troops know him as a humane and approachable commander. </p>"
"Josef Sparsam": {
"Josef Sparsam": {
"name": "Josef Sparsam",
"name": "Josef Sparsam",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ejUHBZDLJKVxnYvg]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Josef Sparsam is the Chancellor of Middenheim. He is one of the Graf’s closest advisors. He is in charge of the Middenheim Treasury and all tax officials. He is in his late middle age, tall with a slender build. His eyes are light brown, almost amber, and his hair is grey, receding from the temples to leave a pronounced widow’s peak. Sparsam is a reticent and taciturn man who walks with a slight limp. He dresses inconspicuously in deep-blue or dark-brown robes. He restricts himself to a modest wolf’s head as his only badge of office. He is introverted and anxious, polite but devoid of humour or gaiety. He dreads the social events he must sometimes attend, but he is honest, honourable, and loyal to his few friends. He is renowned as an enthusiastic collector of antique art, pottery and coinage, this is his only interest outside his work. Sparsam has an unfortunate addiction to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.jTFOrokjEHbi12rT]{Ranald’s Delight}, which he must take 2–5 times each day. This makes him loud, obnoxious, and sometimes vulgar. A successful <strong>Challenging </strong>Test against <strong>Intelligence</strong>, <strong>Lore (Medicine)</strong>, or <strong>Trade (Apothecary or Poisoner)</strong> suggests that he is under the influence.</p>"
"Karl Matthaus": {
"Karl Matthaus": {
"name": "Karl Matthaus",
"name": "Karl Matthaus",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.qnddoqf7stZdPo0E.JournalEntryPage.4spyIKuKY8cYgH3Y#the-street-brats]{The Street Brats}</p><p>Karl is an orphan, of medium to slender build, with short auburn hair and light-hazel eyes. He and his gang live in a ruined slum house. Karl is a streetwise teenager, cynical and mature beyond his years. A real survivor, he is trustworthy and well able to keep a secret — if paid well enough.</p>"
"Karl-Heinz Wasmeier": {
"Karl-Heinz Wasmeier": {
"name": "Karl-Heinz Wasmeier",
"name": "Karl-Heinz Wasmeier",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.seoqMOoXusLrB77M]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Karl-Heinz is about 40, tall, of medium build, with medium length wavy brown hair and brown eyes. Unbeknown to the other Law Lords (or, indeed, anyone else at court), he is head of the Inner Circle of the Cult of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-eis.journals.IZVgB7zmTm4rK2yJ]{the Purple Hand}. He is clever, cruel, and ruthless, but few who meet him would think it. In the course of his professional duties he is careful to appear professional, reasonable, and quietly humane. He is the only Law Lord to have publicly voiced doubts over the taxes.</p>"
"Katarina Todbringer": {
"Katarina Todbringer": {
"name": "Katarina Todbringer",
"name": "Katarina Todbringer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.73HtmtcbmOWRFFe0]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>The @UUID[Actor.czIY275tUC4VGDWp]{Graf’s} daughter is referred to as ‘the Princess’, though she has no official claim to the title. She is 19 and petite, with strawberry-blonde hair and light-blue eyes. She has a small dimple on her chin, and delicate hands and feet. Katarina is a sweet and kindly soul, with a refined aesthetic sense and delightful manners, but is naïve and not terribly well informed about many political matters. She loves music, sculpture, gardens, flowers, and other pretty things, but finds Matters of State unbearably tedious. However, she has a strong sense of fairness and justice, and is not lacking in courage. She is very interested in good works and is a prominent patron, via her @UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ClmMNlSphPvcNVTy]{Ladies in Waiting}, of the orphanage run by the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.IGQslkul8aGAIMpz]{Temple of Shallya}. She has an exquisite dress sense. The little make-up and jewellery she does wear is of dazzling quality. Katarina favours floral perfumes, with an added astringent to remove any cloying qualities.</p>"
"Kirsten Jung": {
"Kirsten Jung": {
"name": "Kirsten Jung",
"name": "Kirsten Jung",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ClmMNlSphPvcNVTy]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Kirsten is an important envoy with a mercantile background. Kirsten is in her mid-20s, of medium height and build, with ash-blonde hair and deep-blue eyes. She is a wise and ingenious woman, reserved, intuitive, and a good judge of people. Having recently become engaged to the Graf ’s Champion, @UUID[Actor.1UPIDtrSuQv4zUVg]{Dieter Schmiedehammer}. Away from court functions, she favours simple clothes in classically good taste.</p>"
"Konrad Alpiger": {
"Konrad Alpiger": {
"name": "Konrad Alpiger",
"name": "Konrad Alpiger",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>A powerfully built man in his mid 40s with short, greying black hair, short-cropped beard and penetrating grey eyes, Konrad is quiet and dour. He gets on with his job and sees to deliveries, odd jobs and carpentry. He drinks little, not being very fond of the stuff. He only works at the bar if trade is busy. His wife died two years ago, and this has undoubtedly contributed to his introversion.</p>"
"Kurt Gruber": {
"Kurt Gruber": {
"name": "Kurt Gruber",
"name": "Kurt Gruber",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Kurt is also an affable sort who fancies himself an amusing raconteur and an optimist — everything will turn out well in the end. He is a little tedious after you’ve heard him run through his best jokes, which he likes to repeat, but he does have a lot of good ones (he teases @UUID[Actor.LBnd0qLlBx83Z1pD]{Tiasmara} with Halfling jokes).</p>"
"Kurt Schulz": {
"Kurt Schulz": {
"name": "Kurt Schulz",
"name": "Kurt Schulz",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Bg2rPG0YmwE4bN2D\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} has animated a Zombie to help guard the cave. In life he was Kurt Schulz, a hardened warrior who had only recently declared his allegiance to Chaos. Today, he is just another Zombie, albeit a tough one.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-Bg2rPG0YmwE4bN2D\" class=\"secret\"><p>@UUID[Actor.r4AUsjsfOL9HW8lO]{Gräber} has animated a Zombie to help guard the cave. In life he was Kurt Schulz, a hardened warrior who had only recently declared his allegiance to Chaos. Today, he is just another Zombie, albeit a tough one.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Kurt Schulz - Champion": {
"Kurt Schulz - Champion": {
"name": "Kurt Schulz - Champion",
"name": "Kurt Schulz - Champion",
"description": "<p>@UUID[Actor.YTjyvukWNRORQcg6]{Kurt Schulz}</p>"
"description": "<p>@UUID[Actor.YTjyvukWNRORQcg6]{Kurt Schulz}</p>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Lesser Daemon Of Tzeentch": {
"Lesser Daemon Of Tzeentch": {
"name": "Lesser Daemon Of Tzeentch",
"name": "Lesser Daemon Of Tzeentch",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Lightning": {
"Lightning": {
"name": "Lightning",
"name": "Lightning",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-XWWyN24iIbLQ8kLn\" class=\"secret\"><p>These vicious warhorses try to kick anybody who approaches, apart from @UUID[Actor.GPmecH5STMzLNLc8]{Hawk} and @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier}.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-XWWyN24iIbLQ8kLn\" class=\"secret\"><p>These vicious warhorses try to kick anybody who approaches, apart from @UUID[Actor.GPmecH5STMzLNLc8]{Hawk} and @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier}.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Luigi Pavarotti": {
"Luigi Pavarotti": {
"name": "Luigi Pavarotti",
"name": "Luigi Pavarotti",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.pmOhvHfLonYbwHN9]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Luigi Pavarotti is employed to take care of the invalid Baron @UUID[Actor.dfVVZJ41NVDpWkNy]{Stefan Todbringer}. Only recently arrived in Middenheim, he lives in the @UUID[Scene.sM08FHbv8ah59TM0]{Inner Palace} close by Stefan’s rooms, but is also to be found enjoying the city’s night-life. He can be encountered at a market of some kind (especially one selling food and drink), in a boisterous area, or singing at some hostelry or other. Luigi is a flamboyant, larger-than-life character, tall and heavily built, but with a fair amount of muscle beneath the flab. His face is framed by a wild mane of curling black hair and an unkempt beard. He shouts rather than speaks, gestures wildly, and appears half crazed. Luigi has enormous energy, large appetites and does everything to excess, but is basically a good-hearted soul. He dresses in outrageous attire, and eats and drinks prodigiously. He will flirt with any friendly character he encounters, either subtly or none-too-subtly, according to his estimation of the character concerned. He hails from Miragliano in the Tilean City States, and bursts into snatches of Miraglianese opera at frequent intervals. Luigi isn’t half as uncontrolled as he seems, and merely appears to overlook something he has actually noticed. He is only earnest when absolutely necessary.</p>"
"Lurk": {
"Lurk": {
"name": "Lurk",
"name": "Lurk",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tall and heavily built, @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier} recruited Lurk from a pit fighting ring several years ago. Despite having the intellect of a child, Lurk is a formidable warrior. He is proud to be the bodyguard of such an important man, but disappointed that he is never allowed to guard his master in public. Still, he is determined to keep Wasmeier’s treasure safe, ensuring that it all burns if the house is attacked.</p>"
"Marie-Astrid Platini": {
"Marie-Astrid Platini": {
"name": "Marie-Astrid Platini",
"name": "Marie-Astrid Platini",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Raven haired, with a slim build and dark complexion, Marie-Astrid hails from the Bordeleaux region of Bretonnia, and speaks Reikspeil with a heavy accent. For some reason she is enamoured with Bruno, but this does not stop her flirting with any handsome customer who happens by.</p>"
"Maximillian von Genscher": {
"Maximillian von Genscher": {
"name": "Maximillian von Genscher",
"name": "Maximillian von Genscher",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ECtQRvrnApRgX7TA]{The Midden Marshals}</p><p>Marshal Maximillian von Genscher coordinates the city’s defences and has supreme command of expeditions mounted by the army. Maximillian is the youngest of the three (aged 43), but has risen to a higher position owing to his birth. He is an imposing figure, 6 feet and 4 inches tall and almost half as broad. His personality is similarly larger-than-life; his courage and magnanimity are legendary, and the force of his personality is almost tangible. He weighs his words carefully and is a shrewd interrogator. He has jet-black hair and a neat beard, with dark-brown eyes and a long pale scar running up his left cheek, bisecting his eyebrow. </p>"
"Militia": {
"Militia": {
"name": "Militia",
"name": "Militia",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>The militia consists of 22-year-old Josef Bleuler, 16-year-old Manfred Fleiss, 30-year-old Hans-Friedrich Kallman, and 24-year-old Gunter Semmelweiss.</p>"
"Minotaur Pit Fighter": {
"Minotaur Pit Fighter": {
"name": "Minotaur Pit Fighter",
"name": "Minotaur Pit Fighter",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Nastassia Hess": {
"Nastassia Hess": {
"name": "Nastassia Hess",
"name": "Nastassia Hess",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.tVgLxokEM7BZE3v4]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Nastassia is a spy in the employ of @UUID[Actor.0Z49f8xUPns5OkTA]{Baron Heinrich Todbringer}. She operates on his behalf in Middenheim, throughout the Empire, and beyond, running a small network of agents to gather intelligence and take action to protect the interests of the Todbringers and Middenheim.</p><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.yXOEsyeWgRgbeVmc.JournalEntryPage.fCLtWB0QJdcUg1w7]{Nastassia, The Spy} suggests that Nastassia can feed the party information if they’re stalled or struggling to uncover the machinations of the Purple Hand. This profile makes her more of a character in her own right, running a parallel investigation to that of the party. Heinrich is out of the city, so she’s working independently to thwart a scheme that she does not yet understand.</p><p>She could be used to hook the Characters into the whole investigation in Middenheim. In this case, she has been aware of them since their exploits in @UUID[JournalEntry.OYXb3CKZ79qBHCHK.JournalEntryPage.SGpfZKBFbzFQNeAz#the-templars-arms]{Templar’s Arms} (or wherever they are staying) by leaving a note in a bunk suggesting that they pay close attention to the people behind the new tax.</p><p>While Nastassia has made some headway in discovering the various secrets of the NPCs, she has yet to uncover the hidden hand of @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier} and his plot to replace the Graf. She knows that someone is working in disguise to manipulate several important members of the court. Nastassia has connected two aliases as the same woman — ‘Frau Kenner’ and her connection to the Chancellor and ‘Elise Kaltblutig’ as someone who met with Ar-Ulric and left him shaken. Nastassia was in Altdorf while Klaglich put her schemes into action; she now regards Wasmeier’s agent as her archenemy. The party can help accelerate her confrontation with Klaglich if she nudges them in the right direction.</p><p>Nastassia is extremely perceptive and capable of making swift, accurate judgements about the behaviour of those around her. She is an excellent conversationalist, inspiring others to open up and share their secrets without revealing anything about herself. Nastassia has a photographic memory and a powerful recollection for faces and locations.</p><p>If Nastassia has a flaw, it’s her professional pride. She has excelled in her profession as a spy, and @UUID[Actor.b5sXx8PO9Jj8og2w]{Brunhilde Klaglich’s} success has inspired frustration that she’s been outwitted by someone on her watch. Nastassia is also something of a loner by nature. She has grown self-sufficient and untrusting of other people, so her personal relationships tend to be short-lived or based on dishonesty. Behind all her genius and professionalism she is a rather lonely person.</p>"
"Natasha Sinnlich": {
"Natasha Sinnlich": {
"name": "Natasha Sinnlich",
"name": "Natasha Sinnlich",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ClmMNlSphPvcNVTy]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Natasha is an accomplished and ambitious courtier. She stands almost 6’ ft tall, with platinum-blonde hair and ice-blue eyes. She is a glacial beauty, favouring black, deep blue, and silver in her clothing, which is striking against her platinum-blonde hair. Very formal and correct in her behaviour, Natasha is an amoral power worshipper for whom money is important only as a source of control. She wishes that she had more influence at court than she currently does, and rarely leaves the palace. </p>"
"Otto Geschwur": {
"Otto Geschwur": {
"name": "Otto Geschwur",
"name": "Otto Geschwur",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>In his middle years, Otto was hired as much for his intimidating build as for his skill behind the bar. He is just an inch shorter than Otto, heavily muscled, with brown hair and eyes. Otto is impatient, crude and very lecherous, with a dreadful temper. He fancies himself a ladies’ man.</p>"
"Parzival Tristan Aschaffenberg": {
"Parzival Tristan Aschaffenberg": {
"name": "Parzival Tristan Aschaffenberg",
"name": "Parzival Tristan Aschaffenberg",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Parzival Aschaffenberg is a distingushed looking middle aged man: 6’ 2 tall, with blue eyes and most of his own teeth. At all times Parzival displays the classic symptoms of the noble born: he is rich, vain, arrogant, and tediously chauvinistic.</p><p>Parzival was a staunch supporter of the Jungfreuds, and was forced to flee Ubersreik when they were driven from power. A customer of @UUID[Actor.v0envq9fHrdoIzUg]{Rocheteau’s}, he was promised a hiding place 'at the head of a respectable military force' in the village. He has spent almost a year in @UUID[JournalEntry.aNYMrBowuSB7g7wd.JournalEntryPage.C05XMKlAGcic9fXj]{Pritzstock}, quietly seething at the indignity of it all, but has spent some time training the small militia in weapon drills and defensive strategy all the same. He has spent much more time courting @UUID[Actor.0eQzvUSeBpJGqrhw]{Isolde Gudhoffen}.</p><p>Parzival views the skull attacks as a gift from the gods, a chance for a Reikland noble to show some Middenlanders how to get things done. Unfortunately, the skulls have not played fair and he has not even seen one. He hungers for distraction, and greets any plan to go skull-hunting with enthusiasm. He is not without some sense, however, and will cooperate with any plan that looks like it will yield results, providing he has a prominent part to play. Despite his annoying personality, the Characters would do well to get him on their side.</p>"
"Peter Tavelli": {
"Peter Tavelli": {
"name": "Peter Tavelli",
"name": "Peter Tavelli",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tavelli is a tall, angular man with a hooked nose, small beady eyes, and black hair. He wears a black, wide-brimmed hat that covers most of the face, and a dark blue neckerchief as a mask. His midnight-blue cloak is fastened by a clasp identical to the one lying in Klauss’s kitchen.</p>"
"Petra Liebkosen": {
"Petra Liebkosen": {
"name": "Petra Liebkosen",
"name": "Petra Liebkosen",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ClmMNlSphPvcNVTy]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Petra is an active socialite, often seen out and about in Middenheim. Petra is in her mid-20s, of medium height and build. She has shoulder length, curly dark-brown hair and dark-brown eyes. Her chin is prettily dimpled, and she has a mole on her left cheek. She prefers more elaborate clothes to @UUID[Actor.431EWVoIAsdZFHPU]{Kirsten}, and is always flamboyantly but stylishly dressed. She is an active socialite, who knows that love and beauty are a lot less durable than gold and diamonds. Materialistic, hedonistic, and extroverted, Petra loves gossip, but takes care what she says to whom. </p>"
"Purple Hand Cult Magus": {
"Purple Hand Cult Magus": {
"name": "Purple Hand Cult Magus",
"name": "Purple Hand Cult Magus",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ATyKdzicOmPIUasP\" class=\"secret\"><p>A purple hooded figure standing ominously behind the Characters, the Cult Magus rarely ventures out of the Purple Hand’s own quarters. Her hood, which will inevitably fall down during the fight, conceals a mutation that has turned her hair into a bevy of grasping purple-nailed fingers that disappear down her back.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ATyKdzicOmPIUasP\" class=\"secret\"><p>A purple hooded figure standing ominously behind the Characters, the Cult Magus rarely ventures out of the Purple Hand’s own quarters. Her hood, which will inevitably fall down during the fight, conceals a mutation that has turned her hair into a bevy of grasping purple-nailed fingers that disappear down her back.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Purple Hand Cultist": {
"Purple Hand Cultist": {
"name": "Purple Hand Cultist",
"name": "Purple Hand Cultist",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-9xJJPogP8m0GciDH\" class=\"secret\"><p>All the cultists have some purple item of clothing and a purple hand tattoo hidden beneath their clothing (see The @UUID[JournalEntry.HxC5snuKA2z7PACe.JournalEntryPage.CfKue0hUolJnklbH#the-height-of-fashion]{Height of Fashion} for suggestions). Four (in front of the party) have loaded crossbows and clubs or axes hanging from their belts; of the other three, two have axes and one has a club and a barbed net intended for the errant Magister. None of the cultists wear armour.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-9xJJPogP8m0GciDH\" class=\"secret\"><p>All the cultists have some purple item of clothing and a purple hand tattoo hidden beneath their clothing (see The @UUID[JournalEntry.HxC5snuKA2z7PACe.JournalEntryPage.CfKue0hUolJnklbH#the-height-of-fashion]{Height of Fashion} for suggestions). Four (in front of the party) have loaded crossbows and clubs or axes hanging from their belts; of the other three, two have axes and one has a club and a barbed net intended for the errant Magister. None of the cultists wear armour.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Rallane Lafarel": {
"Rallane Lafarel": {
"name": "Rallane Lafarel",
"name": "Rallane Lafarel",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.GThVMXIn0JVNqyGx]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Rallane Lafarel is minstrel in residence at Middenheim’s royal court. His main function is to entertain the members of the court and their guests, singing, playing and reciting. He is a 96-year-old Elf, and looks about 30 years old in Human terms. He has a typically Elven frame, fairly tall with a slender, willowy build. His hair is a silvery ash-blonde, and his eyes are pale green like new leaves. He dresses in flamboyant but tasteful silks and velvets, some with fur trims. He is fastidious both about his own appearance and that of others. Rallane is a friendly Elf, and treats his job at the palace with obvious relish. Always quick with an apt line or a courtly turn of phrase, he has a keen sense of humour, and is almost compulsively likeable. He is an incurable romantic, and enjoys nothing more than a discreet liaison with a beautiful woman — he knows that he is charming and enjoys every minute of courtly flirtation.</p>"
"Reiner Ehrlich": {
"Reiner Ehrlich": {
"name": "Reiner Ehrlich",
"name": "Reiner Ehrlich",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.seoqMOoXusLrB77M]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Reiner is a man of about 40, slender of build, of average height. His little remaining hair is brown and his eyes are hazel. A quiet, unassuming individual, Reiner does his best to ensure that no laws are drafted which might produce an unavoidable deterioration in the conditions of the poor or disadvantaged. He is prone to severe depressions. He loves animals and keeps many in his home.</p>"
"Renata Hoeflehner": {
"Renata Hoeflehner": {
"name": "Renata Hoeflehner",
"name": "Renata Hoeflehner",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Renata is in her late 20s with a petite build, ash-blonde hair and blue-green eyes. She is efficient and intelligent, and while she happily exchanges banter with folk at the bar she takes no nonsense from them. She is basically friendly but cautious, and has a soft spot for @UUID[Actor.sXAWtX6OhNOpMuQc]{Uli}. She hankers after the bright lights somewhat, and any personable Character offering to take her out somewhere smart for the evening would certainly be regarded as a gentleman — but he had better behave like one!</p>"
"Sascha Rothbert": {
"Sascha Rothbert": {
"name": "Sascha Rothbert",
"name": "Sascha Rothbert",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.einhvv3Ue42cUGwA]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>There aren’t many problems that Sascha Rothbert can’t solve, although he can’t promise that people won’t get hurt along the way. That’s why the Low King (as Middenheim’s criminal kingpins style themselves) known only as @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.Liw9HcyJnHbLZevz.JournalEntryPage.xiXbVzAggcmfXxd1]{‘The Man’} keeps him as a prized agent. Rothbert makes it his business to know people, from the lowliest beggar in @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.oM7yW5hFcjG2qi3i]{Ostwald}to high society at the palace. If you want to get in with someone, you could do worse than get in touch with Sascha.</p><p>Despite his standing in Middenheim’s criminal fraternity, Rothbert is frightened. Two months ago, he happened to be on a roof looking through a certain window. Inside he saw a circle of people in purple robes chanting in a strange unsettling tongue. This is the kind of information he didn’t want — and it got worse when one of the cultists turned and looked his way. Now he’s running scared and watching every shadow for threats.</p><p>‘The Man’ does not like the new tax. It’s bad for business and it’s causing the wrong kind of disorder in the city. He’s charged Sascha with solving the problem for him. But Sascha is trying to keep a lower profile and needs help. Ideally he can find some out-of-towners who can move through Middenheim society and get to know what’s going on. When the party arrive in the city, it takes mere hours before he knows about them, so he can be used to hook them into the adventure… especially if there are roguish types amongst them. Alternatively, if they’re looking for someone in the underworld with connections, Rothbert emerges from the shadows. The information broker known as Josef can also put characters in touch with Rothbert.</p>"
"Selena": {
"Selena": {
"name": "Selena",
"name": "Selena",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Short, of medium build, with badly dyed-blonde hair and dark brown eyes, Selena is materialistic, naive, and giggles a lot, sometimes out of nervous habit.</p>"
"Siegfried Prunkvoll": {
"Siegfried Prunkvoll": {
"name": "Siegfried Prunkvoll",
"name": "Siegfried Prunkvoll",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.QXZIVlkzph8oTqRo]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Siegfried Prunkvoll is the current Knight Eternal, ceremonial guardian of Middenheim. He goes everywhere in his magical suit of full plate mail, and outside court circles few people even know what he looks like. He is 6 feet tall, of medium build, with brown hair, a large moustache, and dark-grey eyes. He attends all court and State ceremonies as his post requires, but is rarely, if ever, seen on other occasions. Siegfried is pompous, affected, and the most crashing bore imaginable. He is also an appalling chauvinist and incredibly patronising (if gallant) to any female he encounters. He has a great love of heraldry, jousting, and military history, and is actually very knowledgeable about such matters. He will lecture anyone about his coat of arms: the device appears on everything he owns (even, it is said, on his underclothes). Woe betide anyone foolish enough to draw him into a conversation on one of his obsessions. </p>"
"Sinistral": {
"Sinistral": {
"name": "Sinistral",
"name": "Sinistral",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Skretth": {
"Skretth": {
"name": "Skretth",
"name": "Skretth",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Skretth has pale grey fur and, thanks to his drug intake, wild eyes even for a Grey Seer. He dresses in filthy robes and half his left front tooth is broken off. @UUID[JournalEntry.FgeoIDH3AwddLLFH.JournalEntryPage.2rGrpvPYmr4kWXCb]{More details} on Grey Seers and the magical lore of the Horned Rat can be found in The <strong>Horned Rat Companion</strong>.</p>"
"Skretth (Enhanced)": {
"Skretth (Enhanced)": {
"name": "Skretth (Enhanced)",
"name": "Skretth (Enhanced)",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Skretth has pale grey fur and, thanks to his drug intake, wild eyes even for a Grey Seer. He dresses in filthy robes and half his left front tooth is broken off. @UUID[JournalEntry.FgeoIDH3AwddLLFH.JournalEntryPage.2rGrpvPYmr4kWXCb]{More details} on Grey Seers and the magical lore of the Horned Rat can be found in The <strong>Horned Rat Companion</strong>.</p>"
"Snikkit": {
"Snikkit": {
"name": "Snikkit",
"name": "Snikkit",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Snikkit’s Skaven Warrior": {
"Snikkit’s Skaven Warrior": {
"name": "Snikkit’s Skaven Warrior",
"name": "Snikkit’s Skaven Warrior",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": ""
"Stefan Todbringer": {
"Stefan Todbringer": {
"name": "Stefan Todbringer",
"name": "Stefan Todbringer",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Stefan did not inherit his father’s imposting figure. Of medium build, with brown hair and brown eyes, Stefan has suffered from birth with a barely understood and poorly treated disability. His condition has baffled a steady stream of medics over the years. Most of the time Stefan sits and stares straight ahead without making eye contact, barely blinking. His silent and still demeanour is punctuated by bouts of manic behaviour involving frantic hyperactivity, and currently his left hand is tightly bound and splinted as a result of a self-inflicted injury. However, his condition has improved recently with the appointment of @UUID[Actor.2gjtu5TLTG8YCJmh]{Luigi Pavarotti} to be Stefan’s personal physician.</p>"
"Swelt Tunger": {
"Swelt Tunger": {
"name": "Swelt Tunger",
"name": "Swelt Tunger",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Although overweight, Swelt has retained most of his burgling Skills, except for squeezing into tight places. He will be very upset if any harm befalls his pet dog, @UUID[Actor.K2hVEs8D1LajfuMg]{Growler}. Swelt never wears armour, and prefers his meat cleaver as a weapon</p>"
"Thognar": {
"Thognar": {
"name": "Thognar",
"name": "Thognar",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.orDqA8A9sQXPHycl.JournalEntryPage.69ReXmS6jb1cJrf3]{Summary Sheet}</p><p>Clerk Thognar is employed at the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-middenheim.journals.PuIrlGBOjxuWpK3P.JournalEntryPage.h1NmGWYdOpGvgrbg]{Komission of Elf, Dwarf, and Halfling Interests}. He may be of interest to the Characters because he is one of the few individuals in Middenheim who is taking a proactive stance in opposing the introduction of the taxes by collecting signatures for his petition. He is also vehement in his opinion that the court minstrel, @UUID[Actor.nzNgV71abEH1iNFo]{Rallane Lafarel}, is to blame for the introduction of the taxes. He could be introduced into the campaign either to spur the Characters into action by pointing out the injustice of the taxes, or to mislead them by impugning the blameless Rallane.</p><p>Thognar is close to four and a half feet in height and has a medium build for a Dwarf. He has a thick thatch of light brown hair with a somewhat darker full and lengthy beard. His large eyes are a pale blue and he glares rather too intensely at whomever he is speaking with.</p><p>Thognar is rather surly and unlikeable even by Dwarf standards. He is brooding and concentrated when calm, loud and piping hot when roused. It's easy for him to find fault with folk, though he takes his job very seriously and tempers his attitudes towards those who seek his aid, and with members of Middenheim society who might be able to help.</p><p>Behind the bluff exterior Thognar is maudlin and lonesome. He feels that at his age he ought to have achieved more than assisting a Komission Convenor in Middenheim, and he feels he is leaving it a little late to start a family. He takes pride in his work, but he does not excel at it. Whilst he is industrious, such diligence is needed to compensate for his slowness and inaccuracy.</p>"
"Thunder": {
"Thunder": {
"name": "Thunder",
"name": "Thunder",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ZkEaVGwbo7OoTeAK\" class=\"secret\"><p>These vicious warhorses try to kick anybody who approaches, apart from @UUID[Actor.GPmecH5STMzLNLc8]{Hawk} and @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier}.</p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-ZkEaVGwbo7OoTeAK\" class=\"secret\"><p>These vicious warhorses try to kick anybody who approaches, apart from @UUID[Actor.GPmecH5STMzLNLc8]{Hawk} and @UUID[Actor.lYEKyCpaihHON6Gz]{Wasmeier}.</p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Tiasmara Flarett": {
"Tiasmara Flarett": {
"name": "Tiasmara Flarett",
"name": "Tiasmara Flarett",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tiasmara appears in her late 30s in Human terms but is just over 80. She is short and slender (for a Halfling!), with fine tawny-auburn hair and light-brown eyes. Tiasmara is bubbly and bouncy, devoted to (and justifiably proud of ) her culinary art. She likes sneaking out of the kitchen every now and then to chat to the customers, telling tall stories about scrumptious pies 60 ft long, and so on. She has worked for Uli since he took over the inn eight years ago. She considers him a good and generous man. If the party includes a Halfling, Tiasmara will certainly try to get them into the kitchen to talk recipes, while any attractive or charming Halfling Character will get extra food and attention.</p>"
"Tigrati ‘Head’ Parvisch": {
"Tigrati ‘Head’ Parvisch": {
"name": "Tigrati ‘Head’ Parvisch",
"name": "Tigrati ‘Head’ Parvisch",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Tigrati ‘Head’ Parvisch is 5’10 tall, and wears a layer of stinking sweat and dirt over a filthy white vest and equally disgusting black trousers. He always carries the ring of keys to the cells on his belt, making them difficult to get hold of. Fortunately, he is immensely stupid and easy to trick. </p>"
"Typical Villager": {
"Typical Villager": {
"name": "Typical Villager",
"name": "Typical Villager",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Many of the villagers have the skill Trade (Vintner). This covers the knowledge of vine growing and other aspects of winemaking.</p>"
"Uli Breitner": {
"Uli Breitner": {
"name": "Uli Breitner",
"name": "Uli Breitner",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Uli is a friendly, sociable man, who enjoys his work. He is proud of his @UUID[JournalEntry.OYXb3CKZ79qBHCHK.JournalEntryPage.SGpfZKBFbzFQNeAz#the-templars-arms]{hostelry}, and loves his staff. Uli came to Middenheim a few years ago after serving in one of the mercenary companies that worked the northern Empire. If treated well and bought a drink or two, preferably good ale, Uli can be friendly and cooperative. He knows a lot about the seedier aspects of Middenheim life, having spent some time as a bawd in between arriving in Middenheim and purchasing the tavern.</p>"
"Ulrich Schutzmann": {
"Ulrich Schutzmann": {
"name": "Ulrich Schutzmann",
"name": "Ulrich Schutzmann",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.PkTZGuhuMoy1xLWa.JournalEntryPage.ECtQRvrnApRgX7TA]{The Midden Marshals}</p><p>Ulrich is the overall commander of the Middenheim Watch. An imposing man of about 50, tall and well-built, with close-cropped iron-grey hair and dark-blue eyes. He conducts himself with great solemnity at parades and ceremonies, and is generally regarded as a dedicated, ‘spit-and-polish’ soldier. He is harsh and unbending, a strict disciplinarian, but a good strategist and sound tactician. He is one of the few open Sigmarites to have earned high office in Ulric’s city.</p>"
"Wuder Lechart": {
"Wuder Lechart": {
"name": "Wuder Lechart",
"name": "Wuder Lechart",
"description": ""
"description": "",
"gmnotes": "<p>Wuder Lechart appears to be little more than an unfortuante and perpetually drunken villager. He began to act strangely about seven years ago, and is now all but incomprehensible to his fellow villagers. They do take pity on him and feed him what they can, but most do their best to ignore him. He will talk to anyone who gives him food, and loyally follow anyone who spares him a brass penny or more.</p><p>Wuder’s speech is almost incomprehensible: he slurs his words and consistenty tounges his back tooth. He is usually drunk and often delirious. More importantly, he speaks a mixture of Reikspiel and Dark Tongue! PCs who know the Dark Tongue will recognise it on a successful <strong>Perception</strong> Test; a successful Test by other PCs will simply reveal that Wuder is speaking a mixture of Reikspiel and something else.</p><p>Wuder's problems began when a wandering dentist arrived in @UUID[JournalEntry.aNYMrBowuSB7g7wd.JournalEntryPage.C05XMKlAGcic9fXj]{Pritzstock} promising the most swift and painless denstitry imaginable. Bothered by a painful and badly decayed tooth, Wuder requested a simple extraction, but was delighted when the stranger offered to <em>'Fill his head with the most wonderful notions.' </em>Wuder took this to mean a filling. The filling turned out to be a peice of warpstone, and indeed Wuder's head has not been the same ever since.</p>"
"Yellow Fang Cultist": {
"Yellow Fang Cultist": {
"name": "Yellow Fang Cultist",
"name": "Yellow Fang Cultist",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yU5rWgdSqbXvDk1C\" class=\"secret\"><p>The following profile represents the Yellow Fang guards and cultists. <strong>The Horned Rat Companion</strong> contains @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-horned-rat.journals.VQnLCPCECyNBqnOL]{more information} on the cult of the Yellow Fang and rules for creating cultists in more detail. </p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yU5rWgdSqbXvDk1C\" class=\"secret\"><p>The following profile represents the Yellow Fang guards and cultists. <strong>The Horned Rat Companion</strong> contains @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-horned-rat.journals.VQnLCPCECyNBqnOL]{more information} on the cult of the Yellow Fang and rules for creating cultists in more detail. </p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
"Yellow Fang Cultist (Enhanced)": {
"Yellow Fang Cultist (Enhanced)": {
"name": "Yellow Fang Cultist (Enhanced)",
"name": "Yellow Fang Cultist (Enhanced)",
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yU5rWgdSqbXvDk1C\" class=\"secret\"><p>The following profile represents the Yellow Fang guards and cultists. <strong>The Horned Rat Companion</strong> contains @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-horned-rat.journals.VQnLCPCECyNBqnOL]{more information} on the cult of the Yellow Fang and rules for creating cultists in more detail. </p></section>"
"description": "<section id=\"secret-yU5rWgdSqbXvDk1C\" class=\"secret\"><p>The following profile represents the Yellow Fang guards and cultists. <strong>The Horned Rat Companion</strong> contains @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-horned-rat.journals.VQnLCPCECyNBqnOL]{more information} on the cult of the Yellow Fang and rules for creating cultists in more detail. </p></section>",
"gmnotes": ""
@ -1711,7 +1711,7 @@
"NAME.NightVision":"Vision Nocturne",
"NAME.NightVision":"Vision Nocturne",
"NAME.OutdoorSurvival":"Survie en extérieur",
"NAME.OutdoorSurvival":"Survie en extérieur",
@ -2419,6 +2419,10 @@
"Primary Arm":"Bras principal",
"Primary Arm":"Bras principal",
"Secondary Arm":"Bras secondaire",
"Secondary Arm":"Bras secondaire",
"Owner": "Propriétaire",
"Smell": "Odorat",
"Hearing": "Ouie",
"Touch": "Toucher",
"SOCKET.SendingSocketRequest":"Envoi d'une requête par Socket",
"SOCKET.SendingSocketRequest":"Envoi d'une requête par Socket",
"UpdaterTitle":"Mise à jour du contenu {title}"
"UpdaterTitle":"Mise à jour du contenu {title}"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"url": "",
"url": "",
"version": "7.1.1",
"version": "7.1.2",
"esmodules": [
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@ -116,7 +116,7 @@
"manifest": "",
"manifest": "",
"download": "",
"download": "",
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"id": "wh4-fr-translation",
"compatibility": {
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"minimum": "11",
"minimum": "11",
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.487905 7f0832a006c0 Recovering log #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.890969 7f32456006c0 Recovering log #623
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2024/04/28-17:43:24.930778 7f32456006c0 Delete type=3 #621
2024/04/26-10:21:55.497510 7f0832a006c0 Delete type=0 #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.930913 7f32456006c0 Delete type=0 #623
2024/04/26-10:23:56.383047 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.961020 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.383070 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.961044 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.389057 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #606
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967438 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #626
2024/04/26-10:23:56.403241 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967620 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.402425 7f08334006c0 Recovering log #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.787936 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #619
2024/04/26-10:19:12.413567 7f08334006c0 Delete type=3 #597
2024/04/28-17:27:04.844939 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #617
2024/04/26-10:19:12.413626 7f08334006c0 Delete type=0 #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.845039 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #619
2024/04/26-10:21:51.159241 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.907606 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.159268 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.907651 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.166730 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #602
2024/04/28-17:41:38.942854 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #622
2024/04/26-10:21:51.167011 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.983731 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.500135 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #605
2024/04/28-17:43:24.934713 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #625
2024/04/26-10:21:55.510796 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.944295 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #623
2024/04/26-10:21:55.510861 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #605
2024/04/28-17:43:24.944400 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #625
2024/04/26-10:23:56.369197 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #610: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.954565 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #630: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.369222 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #610: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.954613 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #630: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.375946 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #608
2024/04/28-18:45:41.960892 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #628
2024/04/26-10:23:56.382909 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967606 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.416508 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #601
2024/04/28-17:27:04.848437 7f32438006c0 Recovering log #621
2024/04/26-10:19:12.427265 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.906251 7f32438006c0 Delete type=3 #619
2024/04/26-10:19:12.427336 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #601
2024/04/28-17:27:04.906388 7f32438006c0 Delete type=0 #621
2024/04/26-10:21:51.137877 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #606: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.834505 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #626: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.138000 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #606: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.834559 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #626: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.144904 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #604
2024/04/28-17:41:38.877839 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #624
2024/04/26-10:21:51.145100 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.878296 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.526121 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.962480 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #623
2024/04/26-10:21:55.536010 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #601
2024/04/28-17:43:24.972290 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #621
2024/04/26-10:21:55.536068 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.972475 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #623
2024/04/26-10:23:56.389196 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967713 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.389220 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967740 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.396581 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #606
2024/04/28-18:45:41.973863 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #626
2024/04/26-10:23:56.403255 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.980359 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.448120 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.966413 7f32438006c0 Recovering log #619
2024/04/26-10:19:12.459949 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #597
2024/04/28-17:27:05.022921 7f32438006c0 Delete type=3 #617
2024/04/26-10:19:12.460047 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #599
2024/04/28-17:27:05.023047 7f32438006c0 Delete type=0 #619
2024/04/26-10:21:51.145249 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.943076 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.145288 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.943121 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.152662 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #602
2024/04/28-17:41:38.983374 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #622
2024/04/26-10:21:51.166961 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.983760 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.474471 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.873345 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #623
2024/04/26-10:21:55.485567 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #601
2024/04/28-17:43:24.885936 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #621
2024/04/26-10:21:55.485695 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.886102 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #623
2024/04/26-10:23:56.362679 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.941413 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.362724 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.941464 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.369076 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #606
2024/04/28-18:45:41.947742 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #626
2024/04/26-10:23:56.382899 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967576 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.388732 7f0833e006c0 Recovering log #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.728571 7f32438006c0 Recovering log #619
2024/04/26-10:19:12.399194 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=3 #597
2024/04/28-17:27:04.784152 7f32438006c0 Delete type=3 #617
2024/04/26-10:19:12.399267 7f0833e006c0 Delete type=0 #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.784314 7f32438006c0 Delete type=0 #619
2024/04/26-10:21:51.131273 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.794271 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.131308 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.794332 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.137568 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #602
2024/04/28-17:41:38.834256 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #622
2024/04/26-10:21:51.145080 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.878263 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.461926 7f0832a006c0 Recovering log #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.857922 7f32456006c0 Recovering log #623
2024/04/26-10:21:55.472321 7f0832a006c0 Delete type=3 #601
2024/04/28-17:43:24.869590 7f32456006c0 Delete type=3 #621
2024/04/26-10:21:55.472388 7f0832a006c0 Delete type=0 #603
2024/04/28-17:43:24.869738 7f32456006c0 Delete type=0 #623
2024/04/26-10:23:56.376066 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.947867 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.376090 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #608: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.947892 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #628: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.382766 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #606
2024/04/28-18:45:41.954377 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #626
2024/04/26-10:23:56.382920 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.967589 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.375103 7f08334006c0 Recovering log #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.668259 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #619
2024/04/26-10:19:12.385675 7f08334006c0 Delete type=3 #597
2024/04/28-17:27:04.724359 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #617
2024/04/26-10:19:12.385755 7f08334006c0 Delete type=0 #599
2024/04/28-17:27:04.724507 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #619
2024/04/26-10:21:51.122959 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.759729 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.123000 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #604: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.759823 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #624: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.131100 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #602
2024/04/28-17:41:38.794010 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #622
2024/04/26-10:21:51.145063 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.878229 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/04/26-10:21:55.513564 7f0832a006c0 Recovering log #246
2024/04/28-17:43:24.948599 7f32456006c0 Recovering log #266
2024/04/26-10:21:55.523777 7f0832a006c0 Delete type=3 #244
2024/04/28-17:43:24.959242 7f32456006c0 Delete type=3 #264
2024/04/26-10:21:55.523939 7f0832a006c0 Delete type=0 #246
2024/04/28-17:43:24.959338 7f32456006c0 Delete type=0 #266
2024/04/26-10:23:56.396765 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #251: started
2024/04/28-18:45:41.973975 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #271: started
2024/04/26-10:23:56.396810 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #251: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-18:45:41.973999 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #271: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:23:56.403107 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #249
2024/04/28-18:45:41.980227 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #269
2024/04/26-10:23:56.403267 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.980373 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/26-10:23:56.403292 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-18:45:41.980394 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
2024/04/26-10:19:12.435283 7f08334006c0 Recovering log #242
2024/04/28-17:27:04.910216 7f32442006c0 Recovering log #262
2024/04/26-10:19:12.445269 7f08334006c0 Delete type=3 #240
2024/04/28-17:27:04.962545 7f32442006c0 Delete type=3 #260
2024/04/26-10:19:12.445337 7f08334006c0 Delete type=0 #242
2024/04/28-17:27:04.962678 7f32442006c0 Delete type=0 #262
2024/04/26-10:21:51.152933 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #247: started
2024/04/28-17:41:38.878615 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #267: started
2024/04/26-10:21:51.152973 7f08310006c0 Level-0 table #247: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/28-17:41:38.878700 7f3240a006c0 Level-0 table #267: 0 bytes OK
2024/04/26-10:21:51.159112 7f08310006c0 Delete type=0 #245
2024/04/28-17:41:38.907412 7f3240a006c0 Delete type=0 #265
2024/04/26-10:21:51.166994 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.983649 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/26-10:21:51.167029 7f08310006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/04/28-17:41:38.983784 7f3240a006c0 Manual compaction at level-1 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
Normal file
Normal file
Binary file not shown.
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