This commit is contained in:
@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
"SETTINGS.CapAdvIBHint" : "Sets the max value of Advantage as the character's Initiative Bonus.",
"SETTINGS.CapAdvIBHint" : "Sets the max value of Advantage as the character's Initiative Bonus.",
"SETTINGS.FastSL" : "Fast SL",
"SETTINGS.FastSL" : "Fast SL",
"SETTINGS.FastSLHint" : "Determine SL with the Fast SL optional rule as described on page 152.",
"SETTINGS.FastSLHint" : "Determine SL with the Fast SL optional rule as described on page 152.",
"SETTINGS.TestsAbove100" : "Tests Above 100%",
"SETTINGS.TestsAbove100" : "Tests au dessus de 100%",
"SETTINGS.TestsAbove100Hint" : "Use optional rule Tests Above 100% as described on p 151. A successful Test gains +1 SL for each full 10% a tested Characteristic or Skill exceeds 100%.",
"SETTINGS.TestsAbove100Hint" : "Use optional rule Tests Above 100% as described on p 151. A successful Test gains +1 SL for each full 10% a tested Characteristic or Skill exceeds 100%.",
"SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTests" : "Criticals and Fumbles on all Tests",
"SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTests" : "Criticals and Fumbles on all Tests",
"SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTestsHint" : "Rolling a double on any test results in an Astounding Success/Failure.",
"SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTestsHint" : "Rolling a double on any test results in an Astounding Success/Failure.",
@ -43,26 +43,26 @@
"SHEET.Import" : "Importer",
"SHEET.Import" : "Importer",
"SHEET.Post" : "Envoyer au tchat",
"SHEET.Post" : "Envoyer au tchat",
"SHEET.NestedWarning" : "Cannot add container past the 4th nested container.",
"SHEET.NestedWarning" : "Pas possible d'ajouter plus de 4 niveaux de contenants.",
"SHEET.LocationWarning" : "Remove the container before changing its location",
"SHEET.LocationWarning" : "Vider ce contenant avec de le déplacer",
"SHEET.SkillMissingWarning" : "You don't have this skill",
"SHEET.SkillMissingWarning" : "Vous n'avez pas cette compétence",
"SHEET.AddSkillTitle" : "Ajouter une compétence de carrière",
"SHEET.AddSkillTitle" : "Ajouter une compétence de carrière",
"SHEET.AddSkillPrompt" : "Do you want to add this skill?",
"SHEET.AddSkillPrompt" : "Voulez vous ajouter cette compétence?",
"SHEET.AddTalentTitle" : "Ajouter un Talent de carrière",
"SHEET.AddTalentTitle" : "Ajouter un Talent de carrière",
"SHEET.AddTalentPrompt" : "Do you want to add this Talent? (Costs 100 Exp)",
"SHEET.AddTalentPrompt" : "Voulez vous ajouter ce Talent (100 Exp)",
"SHEET.RefundXPTitle" : "Add XP Back?",
"SHEET.RefundXPTitle" : "Remettre les XP ?",
"SHEET.RefundXPPrompt" : "Do you want to refund the experience?",
"SHEET.RefundXPPrompt" : "Voulez vous recharger l'expérience?",
"SHEET.CareerSkill" : "Changing Career Skill",
"SHEET.CareerSkill" : "Changer de compétence de carrière",
"SHEET.CareerSkillPrompt" : "You are changing the specialization of a skill in your current career. Do you want to apply this change to the career as well?",
"SHEET.CareerSkillPrompt" : "You are changing the specialization of a skill in your current career. Do you want to apply this change to the career as well?",
"SHEET.MeleeWeaponHeader" : "Melee Weapon(s)",
"SHEET.MeleeWeaponHeader" : "Arme(s) de Mélée",
"SHEET.RangedWeaponHeader" : "Ranged Weapon(s)",
"SHEET.RangedWeaponHeader" : "Projectile(s)",
"SHEET.ArmourAP" : "PA d'armure",
"SHEET.ArmourAP" : "PA d'armure",
"SHEET.ShieldAP" : "PA Bouclier",
"SHEET.ShieldAP" : "PA Bouclier",
"SHEET.TB" : "Toughness Bonus",
"SHEET.TB" : "Toughness Bonus",
"SHEET.CreateItem" : "Créer un item",
"SHEET.CreateItem" : "Créer un item",
"SHEET.PostItem" : "Envoyer l'Item au tchat",
"SHEET.PostItem" : "Envoyer l'Item au tchat",
"SHEET.EditItem" : "Editer l'item",
"SHEET.EditItem" : "Editer l'item",
"SHEET.Dropdown" : "lacher l'Item",
"SHEET.Dropdown" : "Lacher l'Item",
"SHEET.DeleteItem" : "Supprimer l'Item",
"SHEET.DeleteItem" : "Supprimer l'Item",
"SHEET.RemoveItem" : "Enlever l'Item",
"SHEET.RemoveItem" : "Enlever l'Item",
"SHEET.EncCount" : "Encombrement",
"SHEET.EncCount" : "Encombrement",
@ -79,18 +79,18 @@
"SHEET.LoreSpell" : "Lore Spell",
"SHEET.LoreSpell" : "Lore Spell",
"SHEET.CN" : "Casting Number",
"SHEET.CN" : "Casting Number",
"SHEET.SL" : "Success Levels Channelled",
"SHEET.SL" : "Success Levels Channelled",
"SHEET.CareerToolTip": "Mark a career as 'Current' to populate this area",
"SHEET.CareerToolTip": "Indiquez cette carrière comme 'Actuelle' pour remplir cette zone",
"SHEET.CharAbbrev": "Char.",
"SHEET.CharAbbrev": "Car.",
"SHEET.AdvAbbrev": "Adv.",
"SHEET.AdvAbbrev": "Av.",
"SHEET.BonusChar": "Bonus of selected characteristic is added to Rating",
"SHEET.BonusChar": "Le Bonus de la caractéristique selectionnée est ajoutée au score",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsTitle" : "Add Basic Skills",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsTitle" : "Ajouter les compétences de base",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsPrompt": "Add Basic Skills?",
"ACTOR.BasicSkillsPrompt": "Ajouter les compétences de base?",
"ACTOR.PreparationError" : "Something went wrong with preparing actor data: ",
"ACTOR.PreparationError" : "Quelquechose s'est mal passé lors de la préparation des données d'Acteurs: ",
"ACTOR.CastOrChannel" : "Cast or Channel",
"ACTOR.CastOrChannel" : "Incanter ou Focaliser",
"ITEM.PenniesValue" : "Valeur (in d)",
"ITEM.PenniesValue" : "Valeur (en sous)",
"ITEM.MeleeDamage" : "Dommages Mélée",
"ITEM.MeleeDamage" : "Dommages Mélée",
"ITEM.RangedDamage" : "Dommages Projectiles",
"ITEM.RangedDamage" : "Dommages Projectiles",
"ITEM.TwoHanded" : "A deux mains",
"ITEM.TwoHanded" : "A deux mains",
@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
"Category" : "Catégorie",
"Category" : "Catégorie",
"God" : "Dieu",
"God" : "Dieu",
"AoE" : "AoE",
"AoE" : "AoE",
"Radius" : "rayon",
"Radius" : "Rayon",
"Extendable Duration" : "Durée allongeable",
"Extendable Duration" : "Durée allongeable",
"Rollable" : "Lançable",
"Rollable" : "Lançable",
"Roll Characteristics" : "Lancer de Caractéristique",
"Roll Characteristics" : "Lancer de Caractéristique",
@ -296,21 +296,21 @@
"BROWSER.ModifiesRange" : "Modifie les distances",
"BROWSER.ModifiesRange" : "Modifie les distances",
"BROWSER.ItemList" : "Liste d'items",
"BROWSER.ItemList" : "Liste d'items",
"CHARGEN.AttrInstructions1" : "Drag this card onto your sheet. You may rearrange the numbers at the cost of 25 XP. Or, if you wish to",
"CHARGEN.AttrInstructions1" : "Déplacer cette carte sur votre feuille. Vous pourrez modifier les chiffres au prix de 25 XP. Ou, si vous le souhaitez",
"CHARGEN.AttrInstructions2" : "or allocate points, subtract 50 XP.",
"CHARGEN.AttrInstructions2" : "allouer des points, pour un cout de 50 XP.",
"CHARGEN.CareerAdvancement" : "Career Advancement",
"CHARGEN.CareerAdvancement" : "Avancement de carrière",
"CHARGEN.CareerInstructions" : "Drag the career onto your character sheet and allocate 40 advances to the available skills. Also, add 1 Talent and allocate 5 advances across the marked characteristics. These advencements do not cost experience, so avoid clicking on the advancement buttons.",
"CHARGEN.CareerInstructions" : "Drag the career onto your character sheet and allocate 40 advances to the available skills. Also, add 1 Talent and allocate 5 advances across the marked characteristics. These advencements do not cost experience, so avoid clicking on the advancement buttons.",
"CHARGEN.ClassTrappings" : "Class Trappings",
"CHARGEN.ClassTrappings" : "Equipement de Classe",
"CHARGEN.ChooseCareer" : "Choose Career",
"CHARGEN.ChooseCareer" : "Choisir une carrière",
"CHARGEN.RerollCareer" : "Reroll Career",
"CHARGEN.RerollCareer" : "Re-tirer la carrière",
"CHARGEN.SpeciesInstructions" : "Choose 6 skills and drag them to your character sheet if they are not already included. Put 5 advancements in 3 of them, and 3 advancements in the other 3. These do not cost experience so avoid clicking the advancement buttons.",
"CHARGEN.SpeciesInstructions" : "Choisissez 5 compétences and déplacez les dans la feuille de personnage si elles ne sont pas déja présentes. Placez 5 avancements dans 3 d'entre elles, et 3 avancements dans 3 les autres. Cela ne coute aucune XP, donc ne cliquez pas sur les boutons d'avancement.",
"CHARGEN.RerollInstructions" : "You may reroll any duplicate Talent.",
"CHARGEN.RerollInstructions" : "Vous pouvez relancer un talent en double.",
"DIALOG.CastChannel" : "Cast or Channel this spell?",
"DIALOG.CastChannel" : "Incanter ou Focaliser ce sort ?",
"DIALOG.ChannelSkill" : "Channel Skill",
"DIALOG.ChannelSkill" : "Compétence Focaliser",
"DIALOG.MalignantInf" : "Malignant Influence",
"DIALOG.MalignantInf" : "Malignant Influence",
"DIALOG.MalignantInfTT" : "Miscast on unit rolls that include 8",
"DIALOG.MalignantInfTT" : "Miscast on unit rolls that include 8",
"DIALOG.DeleteItem" : "Are you sure you want to delete this item?",
"DIALOG.DeleteItem" : "Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet item?",
"DIALOG.SLBonus" : "SL Bonus",
"DIALOG.SLBonus" : "SL Bonus",
"DIALOG.SuccessBonus" : "Success Bonus",
"DIALOG.SuccessBonus" : "Success Bonus",
"DIALOG.TalentBonus" : "Talent Bonuses",
"DIALOG.TalentBonus" : "Talent Bonuses",
@ -325,42 +325,42 @@
"DIALOG.Min1" : "Minimum 1",
"DIALOG.Min1" : "Minimum 1",
"DIALOG.TableLookup" : "Table Lookup",
"DIALOG.TableLookup" : "Table Lookup",
"CHAT.CareerChoose" : "Choose Your Career",
"CHAT.CareerChoose" : "Choisissez votre carrière",
"CHAT.DamageError" : "Error calculating damage:",
"CHAT.DamageError" : "Erreur de calcul des dégats:",
"CHAT.DamageAppliedError" : "No damage values. Ensure the attacker is using a damage-causing item, like a weapon.",
"CHAT.DamageAppliedError" : "Aucune valeur de dégat. Assurez vous que l'attaquant utilise un objet capable de dégats, comme une arme.",
"CHAT.DamageAppliedErrorTiring" : "Cannot automate damage (likely due to Tiring)",
"CHAT.DamageAppliedErrorTiring" : "Cannot automate damage (likely due to Tiring)",
"CHAT.DamageApplied" : "Damage Applied",
"CHAT.DamageApplied" : "Dommages appliqués",
"CHAT.DamageShield" : "Shield",
"CHAT.DamageShield" : "Bouclier",
"CHAT.CriticalsNullified" : "Criticals Nullified",
"CHAT.CriticalsNullified" : "Critiques annulés",
"CHAT.DamageAP" : "Damage 1 AP on",
"CHAT.DamageAP" : "Damage 1 AP on",
"CHAT.ScatterNote" : "Note: Distance can be no more than half the distance between you and the target",
"CHAT.ScatterNote" : "Note: Distance can be no more than half the distance between you and the target",
"CHAT.ScatterYou" : "At your feet",
"CHAT.ScatterYou" : "A vos pieds",
"CHAT.ScatterThem" : "At their feet",
"CHAT.ScatterThem" : "A leur pied",
"CHAT.ChooseFrom" : "Choose From",
"CHAT.ChooseFrom" : "Choisir depuis",
"CHAT.MustChoose" : "Must Choose",
"CHAT.MustChoose" : "Choisir",
"CHAT.CritCast" : "If the spell causes damage, it inflicts a",
"CHAT.CritCast" : "Si le sort cause des dégats, il inflige un",
"CHAT.TotalPower" : "The spell is cast, no matter its CN and your rolled SL, but can be dispelled",
"CHAT.TotalPower" : "The spell is cast, no matter its CN and your rolled SL, but can be dispelled",
"CHAT.UnstoppableForce" : "If the spell is successfully cast, it cannot be dispelled.",
"CHAT.UnstoppableForce" : "If the spell is successfully cast, it cannot be dispelled.",
"CHAT.ColumnPrompt" : "Select a column to roll on",
"CHAT.ColumnPrompt" : "Select a column to roll on",
"CHAT.CriticalWoundsApplied" : "Wounds applied to",
"CHAT.CriticalWoundsApplied" : "Wounds applied to",
"CHAT.OpposedWonAgainst" : "won against",
"CHAT.OpposedWonAgainst" : "won against",
"CHAT.By" : "by",
"CHAT.By" : "par",
"Error.SpeciesSkills" : "Could not add skills for species",
"Error.SpeciesSkills" : "Impossible d'ajouter des compétences pour les races",
"Error.SpeciesTalents" : "Could not add talents for species",
"Error.SpeciesTalents" : "Impossible d'ajouter des talents pour les races",
"Error.CriticalWound" : "Error applying wounds value",
"Error.CriticalWound" : "Erreur lors de l'application des blessures",
"Error.DamageCalc" : "Error calculating damage",
"Error.DamageCalc" : "Erreur lors du calcul des dommmaages",
"Error.Opposed" : "Could not complete opposed test",
"Error.Opposed" : "Impossible de finir le test opposé",
"Error.MacroItemMissing" : "Your controlled Actor does not have an item named",
"Error.MacroItemMissing" : "Votre Acteur n'a pas d'item appelé",
"Error.NoAmmo" : "No Ammo!",
"Error.NoAmmo" : "Plus de munitions!",
"INCOME.YouEarn" : "You earn",
"INCOME.YouEarn" : "Vous gagnez",
"INCOME.Failure" : "You have a very bad week, and earn nothing (or have your money stolen, or some similar mishap).",
"INCOME.Failure" : "Vous avez eu une très mauvaise semaine, et vous ne gagnez rien (ou votre argent a été volé).",
"ROLL.CastingSuccess" : "Casting Succeeded",
"ROLL.CastingSuccess" : "Incantation réussie",
"ROLL.CastingFailed" : "Casting Failed",
"ROLL.CastingFailed" : "Incantation échouée",
"ROLL.ChannelFailed" : "Channel Failed",
"ROLL.ChannelFailed" : "Focalisation échouée",
"ROLL.ChannelSuccess" : "Channel Succeeded",
"ROLL.ChannelSuccess" : "Focalisation réussie",
"ROLL.TotalPower" : "Total Power",
"ROLL.TotalPower" : "Total Power",
"ROLL.UnstoppableForce" : "Unstoppable Force",
"ROLL.UnstoppableForce" : "Unstoppable Force",
"ROLL.CritCast" : "Critical Cast",
"ROLL.CritCast" : "Critical Cast",
@ -441,31 +441,31 @@
"WFRP4E.Properties.Unreliable" : "Crafted without attention to functionality, a failed test using this item receives –1 SL. Further, penalties for wearing Unreliable armor are doubled.",
"WFRP4E.Properties.Unreliable" : "Crafted without attention to functionality, a failed test using this item receives –1 SL. Further, penalties for wearing Unreliable armor are doubled.",
"WFRP4E.Properties.Bulky" : "An awkward design crafted clumsily. Increase Encumbrance by +1 (small trinkets cannot normally have this flaw). Bulky clothing and armor are Enc 1 even when worn, and Fatigue penalties for armor are doubled.",
"WFRP4E.Properties.Bulky" : "An awkward design crafted clumsily. Increase Encumbrance by +1 (small trinkets cannot normally have this flaw). Bulky clothing and armor are Enc 1 even when worn, and Fatigue penalties for armor are doubled.",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.SLeather" : "Soft Leather",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.SLeather" : "Cuir Souple",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.BLeather" : "Boiled Leather",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.BLeather" : "Boiled Leather",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Mail" : "Mail",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Mail" : "Maille",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Plate" : "Plate",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Plate" : "Plaques",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Other" : "Other",
"WFRP4E.ArmourType.Other" : "Autre",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Common" : "Common",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Common" : "Commun",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Scarce" : "Scarce",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Scarce" : "Limité",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Rare" : "Rare",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Rare" : "Rare",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Exotic" : "Exotic",
"WFRP4E.Availability.Exotic" : "Exotique",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Weapon" : "Weapons",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Weapon" : "Arme",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Armour" : "Armour",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Armour" : "Armure",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Money" : "Money",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Money" : "Argent",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ammunition" : "Ammunition",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ammunition" : "Munition",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Container" : "Container",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Container" : "Contenant",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.ClothingAccessories" : "Clothing and Accessories",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.ClothingAccessories" : "Vêtements & Accessoires",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.FoodDrink" : "Food and Drink",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.FoodDrink" : "Nourriture & Boisson",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.ToolsKits" : "Tools and Kits",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.ToolsKits" : "Tools and Kits",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.BooksDocuments" : "Books and Documents",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.BooksDocuments" : "Livres & Documents",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.TradeTools" : "Trade Tools and Workshops",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.TradeTools" : "Trade Tools and Workshops",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.DrugsPoisonsHerbsDraughts" : "Drugs, Poisons, Herbs, and Draughts",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.DrugsPoisonsHerbsDraughts" : "Drugs, Poisons, Herbs, and Draughts",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredient" : "Ingredient",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredient" : "Ingrédient",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredients" : "Ingredients",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredients" : "Ingrédients",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Misc" : "Miscellaneous",
"WFRP4E.TrappingType.Misc" : "Divers",
"WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Beasts" : "Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the Fear (1) Creature Trait for the next 1d10 Rounds.",
"WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Beasts" : "Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the Fear (1) Creature Trait for the next 1d10 Rounds.",
"WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Death" : "Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 Fatigued Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.",
"WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Death" : "Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 Fatigued Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.",
Reference in New Issue
Block a user