Add new status
This commit is contained in:
@ -244,7 +244,7 @@
"tests": "Corps à corps pour effectuer une manoeuvre de Battement"
"description": "<p>Les grands et puissants ne prêtent pas attention à votre présence, sachant que vous n'êtes pas digne d'être remarqué. En supposant que vous êtes correctement vêtu et pas dans une position incongrue, les personnes d'un Echelon de Statut plus haut vous ignorent, à moinsque votre présence ne soit déplacée, ce qui peut rendre très facile l'écoute de conversations que nou sn'êtes peut-être pas censé entendre. De pluis, les Personnages d'un Echelon de Statut plus élevé que vous ne gagent pas d'Avantage lorsqu'ils vous battent en combat, car il n'y a aucun mérite à batte un si pauvre hère.</p>",
"description": "<p>Les grands et puissants ne prêtent pas attention à votre présence, sachant que vous n'êtes pas digne d'être remarqué. En supposant que vous êtes correctement vêtu et pas dans une position incongrue, les personnes d'un Echelon de Statut plus haut vous ignorent, à moins que votre présence ne soit déplacée, ce qui peut rendre très facile l'écoute de conversations que vous n'êtes peut-être pas censé entendre. De plus, les Personnages d'un Echelon de Statut plus élevé que vous ne gagent pas d'Avantage lorsqu'ils vous battent en combat, car il n'y a aucun mérite à battre un si pauvre hère. </p>",
"effects": [],
"id": "Beneath Notice",
"name": "Insignifiant",
@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
"name": "WH4-fr-translation",
"title": "WFRP4e - Core Module en français.",
"description": "Traduction Française pour Warhammer v4.",
"version": "4.0.13",
"version": "4.0.14",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.8.0",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "0.8.8",
"author": "LeRatierBretonnien",
@ -161,6 +161,92 @@ export class WH4FRPatchConfig {
game.wfrp4e.config.conditionScripts = {
"ablaze" : async function (actor) {
let effect = actor.hasCondition("ablaze")
let value = effect.conditionValue;
let leastProtectedLoc;
let leastProtectedValue = 999;
for (let loc in actor.status.armour)
if (actor.status.armour[loc].value != undefined && actor.status.armour[loc].value < leastProtectedValue)
leastProtectedLoc = loc;
leastProtectedValue = actor.status.armour[loc].value;
let rollString = `1d10 + ${value - 1}`
let roll = new Roll(`${rollString} - ${leastProtectedValue || 0}`).roll();
let msg = `<h2>En Flammes</h2><b>Formule</b>: ${rollString}<br><b>Lancer</b>: ${ =>, 3).join(" ")}` // Don't show AP in the roll formula
actor.runEffects("preApplyCondition", {effect, data : {msg, roll, rollString}})
value = effect.conditionValue;
let damageMsg = (`<br>` + await actor.applyBasicDamage(, {damageType : game.wfrp4e.config.DAMAGE_TYPE.IGNORE_AP, suppressMsg : true})).split("")
damageMsg.splice(damageMsg.length-1, 1) // Removes the parentheses and adds + AP amount.
msg += damageMsg.join("").concat(` + ${leastProtectedValue} AP)`)
let messageData = game.wfrp4e.utility.chatDataSetup(msg);
messageData.speaker = {alias:}
actor.runEffects("applyCondition", {effect, data : {messageData}})
return messageData
"poisoned" : async function (actor) {
let effect = actor.hasCondition("poisoned")
let msg = `<h2>Empoisonné</h2>`
actor.runEffects("preApplyCondition", {effect, data : {msg}})
let value = effect.conditionValue;
msg += await actor.applyBasicDamage(value, {damageType : game.wfrp4e.config.DAMAGE_TYPE.IGNORE_ALL, suppressMsg : true})
let messageData = game.wfrp4e.utility.chatDataSetup(msg);
messageData.speaker = {alias:}
actor.runEffects("applyCondition", {effect, data : {messageData}})
return messageData
"bleeding" : async function(actor) {
let effect = actor.hasCondition("bleeding")
let bleedingAmt;
let bleedingRoll;
let msg = `<h2>Hémorragie</h2>`
actor.runEffects("preApplyCondition", {effect, data : {msg}})
let value = effect.conditionValue;
msg += await actor.applyBasicDamage(value, {damageType : game.wfrp4e.config.DAMAGE_TYPE.IGNORE_ALL, minimumOne : false, suppressMsg : true})
if (actor.status.wounds.value == 0 && !actor.hasCondition("unconscious"))
await actor.addCondition("unconscious")
msg += `<br><b>${}</b> tombe inconscient!`
if (actor.hasCondition("unconscious"))
bleedingAmt = value;
bleedingRoll = new Roll("1d100").roll().total;
if (bleedingRoll <= bleedingAmt * 10)
msg += `<br><b>${}</b> meurt de la perte de sang! (Lancé ${bleedingRoll})`
else if (bleedingRoll % 11 == 0)
msg += `<br><b>${}'s</b> cicatrise un peu et élimine 1 Etat Hémorragique (Lancé ${bleedingRoll})`
msg += `<br>Bleeding Roll: ${bleedingRoll}`
let messageData = game.wfrp4e.utility.chatDataSetup(msg);
messageData.speaker = {alias:}
actor.runEffects("applyCondition", {effect, data : {messageData, bleedingRoll}})
return messageData
game.wfrp4e.config.statusEffects = [
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/conditions/bleeding.png",
@ -375,6 +461,509 @@ export class WH4FRPatchConfig {
game.wfrp4e.config.systemEffects = {
"enc1" : {
label: "Encombrement 1",
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/effects/enc1.png",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prePrepareData",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
|||| -= 10;
|||| -= 1;
if ( < 3)
|||| = 3`
"enc2" : {
label: "Encombrement 2",
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/effects/enc2.png",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prePrepareData",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
|||| -= 20;
|||| -= 2;
if ( < 2)
|||| = 2`
"enc3" : {
label: "Encombrement 3",
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/effects/enc3.png",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prePrepareData",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
|||| = 0;`
"cold1" : {
label: "Exposition au Froid 1",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"cold2" : {
label: "Exposition au Froid 2",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.i.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.fel.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"cold3" : {
label: "Exposition au Froid 3",
icon: "",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "oneTime",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
let tb =
let damage = new Roll("1d10").roll().total
damage -= tb
if (damage <= 0) damage = 1
if ( <= damage)
ui.notifications.notify("Encaisse " + damage + " dégats")
"heat1" : {
label: "Exposition à la chaleur 1",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"heat2" : {
label: "Exposition à la chaleur 2",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.i.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.fel.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"heat3" : {
label: "Exposition à la chaleur 3",
icon: "",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "oneTime",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
let tb =
let damage = new Roll("1d10").roll().total
damage -= tb
if (damage <= 0) damage = 1
ui.notifications.notify("Encaisse " + damage + " dégats")
"thirst1" : {
label: "Assoiffé 1",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.fel.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"thirst2" : {
label: "Assoiffé 2+",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.i.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.fel.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "invoke",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
let tb =
let damage = new Roll("1d10").roll().total
damage -= tb
if (damage <= 0) damage = 1
ui.notifications.notify("Encasse " + damage + " dégats")
"starvation1" : {
label: "Affamé 1",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "data.characteristics.s.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": ``
"starvation2" : {
label: "Affamé 2",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.i.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.fel.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.t.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.s.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
{key : "data.characteristics.wp.calculationBonusModifier", mode: 2, value: 1},
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "invoke",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
let tb =
let damage = new Roll("1d10").roll().total
damage -= tb
if (damage <= 0) damage = 1
ui.notifications.notify("Encaisse " + damage + " dégats")
"infighting": {
label: "Combat au contact",
icon: "modules/wfrp4e-core/icons/talents/in-fighter.png",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prePrepareItem",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
if (args.item.type == "weapon" && args.item.isEquipped)
let weaponLength = args.item.reachNum
if (weaponLength > 3)
let improv = duplicate(game.wfrp4e.config.systemItems.improv)
|||| = args.item.twohanded.value
|||| = args.item.offhand.value
||||{"data" :, name : + " (Combat au Contact")})
"defensive": {
label: "Posture Défensive [Compétence]",
icon: "",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prefillDialog",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
let skillName = this.effect.label.substring(this.effect.label.indexOf("[") + 1, this.effect.label.indexOf("]"))
if (!
if ((args.type == "skill" && == skillName) ||
(args.type == "weapon" && == skillName) ||
(args.type == "cast" && skillName == "Langue (Magick)") ||
(args.type == "prayer" && skillName == "Prière") ||
(args.type == "trait" && args.item.rollable.skill == skillName))
args.prefillModifiers.modifier += 20`
"dualwielder" : {
label: "Maniement de 2 armes",
icon: "modules/wfrp4e-core/icons/talents/dual-wielder.png",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prefillDialog",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
if (
args.prefillModifiers.modifier -= 10`
"consumealcohol1" : {
label: "Résistance à l'alcool 1",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -10},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -10},
"consumealcohol2" : {
label: "Résistance à l'alcool 2",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -20},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -20},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -20},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -20},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -20},
"consumealcohol3" : {
label: "Résistance à l'alcool 3",
icon: "",
changes : [
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -30},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -30},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -30},
{key : "", mode: 2, value: -30},
{key : "data.characteristics.dex.modifier", mode: 2, value: -30},
"stinkingdrunk1" : {
label: "Courage du Marienbourgeois",
icon: "",
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "prefillDialog",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"script": `
if (args.type=="skill" &&"Calme")
args.prefillModifiers.modifier += 20`
game.wfrp4e.config.systemItems = {
reload : {
type: "extendedTest",
name: "",
data: {
SL: {
test: {
value: ""
completion: {
value: "remove"
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
reloading: ""
improv : {
name: "Arme improvisée",
type: "weapon",
effects : [],
data: {
damage: { value: "SB + 1" },
reach: { value: "personal" },
weaponGroup: { value: "basic" },
twohanded: { value: false },
qualities: { value: "" },
flaws: { value: [{name : "undamaging"}] },
special: { value: "" },
range: { value: "" },
ammunitionGroup: { value: "" },
offhand: { value: false },
stomp : {
name: "Piétiner",
type: "trait",
effects : [],
data: {
specification: { value: "4" },
rollable: { value: true, rollCharacteristic: "ws", bonusCharacteristic: "s", defaultDifficulty: "challenging", damage : true },
unarmed : {
name: "Désarmé",
type: "weapon",
effects : [],
data: {
damage: { value: "SB + 0" },
reach: { value: "personal" },
weaponGroup: { value: "brawling" },
twohanded: { value: false },
qualities: { value: "" },
flaws: { value: [{name : "undamaging"}] },
special: { value: "" },
range: { value: "" },
ammunitionGroup: { value: "" },
offhand: { value: false },
fear : {
name : "Peur",
type : "extendedTest",
data : {
completion:{value: 'remove'},
description:{type: 'String', label: 'Description', value: ''},
failingDecreases:{value: true},
gmdescription:{type: 'String', label: 'Description', value: ''},
hide: { test: false, progress: false },
negativePossible: { value: false },
SL: { current: 0, target: 1 },
test: { value: 'Calme' }
label: "Peur",
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/conditions/fear.png",
transfer: true,
flags: {
core : {
statusId : "fear"
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "dialogChoice",
"effectData": {
"description": "Tests affectés",
"slBonus": "-1"
"script": `
if (this.flags.wfrp4e.fearName)
this.flags.wfrp4e.effectData.description += " " + this.flags.wfrp4e.fearName
this.flags.wfrp4e.effectData.description += " the source of fear"
terror: {
label: "Terreur",
icon: "systems/wfrp4e/icons/conditions/terror.png",
transfer: true,
flags: {
wfrp4e: {
"effectTrigger": "oneTime",
"effectApplication": "actor",
"terrorValue": 1,
"script": `
||||"Calme").then(setupData =>{
|||| => {
if (test.result.outcome == "failure")
let terror = this.effect.flags.wfrp4e.terrorValue
if (test.result.SL < 0)
terror += Math.abs(test.result.SL)
||||"broken", terror)
||||, name)
game.wfrp4e.config.symptomEffects = {
"blight": {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user