Add new spell translations
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@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
"name": "WH4-fr-translation",
"title": "Traduction du module WH4 en Français.",
"description": "La traduction du module WH4.",
"version": "1.2.4",
"version": "1.2.5",
"minimumCoreVersion" : "0.6.6",
"compatibleCoreVersion": "1.0.0",
"author": "LeRatierBretonnien",
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@ -4,6 +4,11 @@
"description": "<p>Vous posez vos mains sur un personnage ou un animal commun de votre taille ou plus petit et vous lui retirez 1 Point de Corruption, en l’absorbant dans votre âme. En réalisant ceci, vous devez réussir un Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure). Lancez ce sort sur une créature avec le Trait Corruption n’a aucun effet, à moins que le MJ en décide autrement. Surincantation: Pour chaque +3 DR, vous pouvez absorber 1 autre Point de Corruption, assorti d’un nouveau Test de Résistance à la Corruption (Mineure).</p>",
"id": "Absorb Corruption"
"name": "Accelerate",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You speed up your target’s senses, granting them +1 Movement, +10 Agility and +10 Combat Initiative. A target affected by this spell may not make Channelling, Language (Magick), or Pray Tests. When the spell ends, the target takes a Fatigued Condition for 1d10 minutes.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Overcast:</strong> For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute benefits by +1/+10. If you overcast by +6 SL, your target also gains an extra Action during their Turn. </p>",
"id": "Accelerate"
"name": "Odorat Aiguisé",
"description": "<p>Vous améliorez votre sens de l'odorat, en acquérant le Talent Sens Aiguisé (Odorat). Chaque +1 DR vous fait gagner un niveau supplémentaire dans le Talent, jusqu'à son maximum.</p>",
@ -14,6 +19,21 @@
"description": "<p>Vous visez un petit objet inanimé tel qu'une fiole, un pot, une boîte, un bocal ou un gobelet et vous pouvez le chauffer ou le refroidir à la température souhaitée en @Roll[1d10] minutes. Ce sort est souvent utilisé dans la fabrication de potions ou pour garder le contenu d'un récipient soit chaud soit congelé. </p>",
"id": "Adjust Temperature"
"name": "Aethyric Arrow",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You conjure a floating Magical arrow and use your hands to ‘throw’ it at the target. To do this, both your hands must be empty and free. Make a normal Ranged (Throwing) attack using your Willpower score in place of the weapon’s Range. Damage is calculated for a Bow and Arrow but with your Willpower Bonus in place of Strength Bonus. If any arrow wounds a target, you gain a maximum of 1 Advantage for these attacks. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may conjure an additional arrow, using a Free Attack to target any creature in range and roll another Ranged Test.</p>",
"id": "Aethyric Arrow"
"name": "Alarm",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You may cast this spell on any spot or object. When a creature passes within your Willpower Bonus yards of the target, you are jolted with an instant awareness of the disturbance, no matter where you are. </p>",
"id": "Alarm"
"name": "Allegiance",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Your gentle touch momentarily calms a target of your size or smaller, even if they were your mortal foe. For any further effect, the target must be able to understand your language, cannot be Immune to Psychology nor have the Bestial, Daemonic, Frenzy, Mindless, or Undead Creature Traits. If you win an Opposed Willpower Test, the creature immediately thinks of you as an ally and can be asked to help out in a fight or perform tasks according to the creature’s abilities and personality. For instance, a noble will not perform the tasks of a servant and a dutiful soldier will not take the life of their commander. Nor can a creature be commanded to do something overly detrimental to their well-being, such as jumping off a bridge or challenging a dragon. Asking such a thing immediately breaks the enchantment. Once the spell ends, the creature remembers everything that happened. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase your Opposed SL by +1 SL. For every +4 SL, you may increase the affected size by one step. </p>",
"id": "Allegiance"
"name": "Contours Ambrés",
"description": "<p>Vous ciblez une cible et vous tracez sa forme, tandis qu’une subtile ligne de Ghur clignote autour de la cible. Tout les Tests de Combat contrez cette créature bénéficient de +1 Avantage. Note: Ce sort peut avoir d’autres usages que le combat direct, selon le votre bon sens et celui du MJ. Par exemple, un MJ pourrait accorder qu’une foule en colère puisse devenir hostile à la cible, ou que des gardes se mettent à arrêter et à questionner le personnage ciblé.</p>",
@ -24,6 +44,11 @@
"description": "<p>Vous initiez une communication télépathique avec un animal commun de votre taille ou plus petit. Vous communiquez librement avec l’animal, en cohérence avec son Intelligence. Pendant la durée du sort, vous ne pouvez discutez avec d’autres personnes, ni lancer d’autre sort. Selon l’animal et sa personnalité, vous pouvez même lui donner des ordres, mais le MJ peut vous demander des Tests Opposés d’Emprise sur les Animaux. <br>Surincantation: Pour chaque +2, vous gagnez un bonus de +20 pour n’importe quel test d’Emprise sur les Animaux ou Dressage tant que le sort dure. Pour +3DR, le sort peu cible une Grande créature.</p>",
"id": "Animal Mastery"
"name": "Arcane Barrier",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You create a magical barrier which prevents creatures from passing through it. The thin barrier manifests as a wall that is Willpower Bonus yards wide and high or the barrier completely fills the space of a suitable portal or passageway. To most creatures, the barrier is near-invisible, requiring an Astounding Success (6+) on a Perception Test to see the subtle shimmering energy; anyone with the Second Sight Talent will see a Lore-appropriate barrier. You may bypass your own barrier with an Average (+20) Channelling Test. A creature may attempt to push through the magical barrier by winning a Cool or Channelling Test opposed by your Channelling. If the creature loses the Test, it gains a Stunned Condition. The barrier does not impede Ranged attacks but spells will be absorbed. If a Magical attack strike the barrier, you must pass a Willpower Test or the barrier is dispelled. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may enhance your barrier-related Channelling Tests by one step of Difficulty (ie, Average to Easy). For +6 SL, you may choose to increase the Duration to Willpower Bonus hours.</p>",
"id": "Arcane Barrier"
"name": "Assaut de Pierre (Terre)",
"description": "<p>Vous conjurez et lancer une poignée de cailloux haut dans l’air. Alors que les pierres s’envolent, elles grossissent de plus en plus et se mettent à pleuvoir sur la zone ciblée. Toutes les victimes souffrent d’un <em>Projectile Magique </em> avec des dégâts de +4 et doivent effectuer un Test <strong>d’Endurance Intermédiaire (+0)</strong> ou recevoir l’Etat @Condition[Prone].</p>",
@ -40,28 +65,33 @@
"id": "Autumn's Decay"
"name": "Awakening",
"description": "<p>You gather delicate but powerful filaments of Dhar before you, and direct them into the corpses of NPCs with powerful Traits or Characters with more than two completed Career levels. Each such corpse is reanimated into a Wight, to a maximum of SL+1 Wights reanimated within range. Starting with the <a></a><a class=\"condition-chat\" data-cond=\"Prone\"><i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i> Prone</a> Condition, the Wights are entirely under your control and can perform simple orders as you command. If you die or gain an <a></a><a class=\"condition-chat\" data-cond=\"Unconscious\"><i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i> Unconscious</a> Condition, the spell ends and the reanimated corpses fall dead again.</p>",
"name": "Eveil",
"description": "<p>Vous invoquez devant vous des filaments délicats mais puissants du Dhar, et vous les dirigez vers les cadavres de PNJ dotés de Traits puissants ou bien des personnages avec plus de deux niveaux de Carrière terminés. Chacun de ces cadavres est réanimé en Spectre, jusqu'à un maximum de DR + 1 Spectres réanimé. Les Spectres ainsi créés reçoivent l’État A Terre . Ils sont sont entièrement sous votre contrôle et peuvent exécuter des commandes simples. Si vous mourez ou subissez un État Inconscient , le sort prend fin et les cadavres réanimés tombent à nouveau morts.</p>",
"id": "Awakening"
"name": "Banish Daemonkind ",
"description": "<p>Your magicks destabilize the <i>Dhar </i>binding any Daemons within the Area of Effect. All affected targets with the <i>Daemonic </i>Creature Trait must pass a <b>Difficult (-10) Willpower </b>Test or suffer a <i>magic missile </i>with Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus (ignoring Armour Points). On an Astounding Failure (6+), the target is banished from this realm if it has the <i>Unstable </i>Creature Trait. <b>Overcast: </b>For every +2 SL, you may increase the Difficulty of the Willpower Test by one step (ie, from <b>Very Hard </b>to <b>Futile</b>).</p>",
"name": "Banir les Démons ",
"description": "<p>Votre magie déstabilise le lien entre les Démons et le Dhar dans l’aire d’effet. Toutes les créatures affectées avec le Trait Démoniaque doit réussir un Test de Force Mentale Complexe (-10) ou subir un Missile Magique avec des dommages égaux à votre Bonus de Force Mentale (en ignorant les Points d’Armure). Sur un échec Stupéfiant, la cible est bannie de ce monde si elle a le Trait Instable. <em>Surincantation</em>: Pour chaque +2DR, vous pouvez augmenter la difficulté du Test de Force Mentale d’un niveau </p>",
"id": "Banish Daemonkind "
"name": "Banish Undead",
"description": "<p>You create a magical vortex of <i>Dhar </i>that sucks energy from any creatures that have the <i>Undead </i>Trait. Any such targets take a <i>magic missile </i>with a Damage of +5. Skeletons and Zombies are instantly destroyed instead.</p>",
"name": "Banir les Morts-Vivants",
"description": "<p>Vous créez un Vortex magique de Dhar qui absorbe l’énergie de toute créatures avec le Trait Mort-Vivant. Chaque créature victime du sort reçoit un Missile Magique (+5). Les Squelettes et les Zombis sont instantanément détruits.</p>",
"id": "Banish Undead"
"name": "Berserk",
"description": "<p>Your target gains the Frenzy Creature Trait (see p190). </p>",
"id": "Berserk"
"name": "Déconcerter",
"description": "<p>Vous canalisez Ulgu en filaments délicats que votre cible assimile involontairement. Si la cible échoue à un Test Calme Intermédiaire (+0), prenez les unités et reportez-vous au tableau. C'est l'effet que la cible subit pendant la Durée du sort. </p>\n<p> </p>\n<table style=\"height: 102px;\" border=\"1\">\n<tbody>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">1d10</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">Effet Déconcertant</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">1-2</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">C'est un mystère: La cible refuse de bouger, prenant un État Empêtré qui est retiré à la fin du sort.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">3-4</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">Errance: La cible s'éloigne dans une direction aléatoire à son rythme de marche. Il y a 50 % de chances que la cible perde son action et ses actions gratuites.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">5-6</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">Attaque!: la cible attaque la créature la plus proche, ami ou ennemi. Si aucune créature n'est à portée d'une attaque possible, la cible se met en position stratégique pour le prochain Tour.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">7-9</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">Confus: La cible subit un État Assommé qui est supprimé à la fin du sort.</td>\n</tr>\n<tr style=\"height: 17px;\">\n<td style=\"width: 51px; height: 17px;\">10</td>\n<td style=\"width: 653px; height: 17px;\">Position fœtale: La cible s'enroule en boule au sol et devient une cible sans défense tant que dure le sort.</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n<p> </p>",
"id": "Bewilder"
"name": "Bind Daemon",
"description": "<p>You channel thick strands of <i>Dhar</i> that bind one or more Daemons of any kind within range. Perform a single <b>Channelling (Dhar)</b> Test which is opposed by each target’s <b>Willpower</b>. If you win, the Daemon takes a special @Condition[Unconscious] Condition for the spell’s duration: the Daemon is immobilized, but it is otherwise completely aware of what is going on around it and who performed the binding spell.</p>",
"name": "Lier un Démon",
"description": "<p>Vous canalisez des flux épais de Dhar permettant de lier un ou plusieurs démons à portée. Effectuer un seul Test de Focalisation (Dhar) Opposé à la Force Mentale de chaque cible. Si vous gagnez, le démon prend un Etat d’Inconscience pendant la durée du sort: le démon est immobilisé, mais il est complètement conscient de ce qui se passe autour de lui et qui a exécuté le sort de liaison.</p>",
"id": "Bind Daemon"
@ -80,10 +110,15 @@
"id": "Blood Boil"
"name": "Blot",
"description": "<p>Your touch causes a half-pint of spilled or pooled liquid to instantly dry up. No stain is left behind, but damage to surfaces remains (such as blotches of oil or acid burns).<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span></p>",
"name": "Tache",
"description": "<p>Votre toucher fait qu'une demi-pinte de liquide renversé ou en flaque s'assèche instantanément. Aucune tache n'est laissée sur place, mais les dommages causés aux surfaces demeurent (comme les taches d'huile ou les brûlures d'acide).</p>",
"id": "Blot"
"name": "Breath",
"description": "<p>You immediately make a Breath attack as if you had spent 2 Advantage to activate the Breath Creature Trait (WFRP4 p338) with a Damage Rating equal to your Willpower Bonus. You and your GM should decide in advance which type of Breath attack best suits your Magic Talent. Overcast: For every +2 SL achieved, you may increase Damage by +2. Note: This spell is halfway between errata and house rule. The original spell is weirdly worded and seems to have been an editing error. Former Developer Andy Law provided a version of this spell on the Ratcatcher Discord forum. </p>",
"id": "Breath"
"name": "Respirer sous l'Eau (Eau)",
"description": "<p>Votre cible gagne la capacité à respirer sous l’eau ou dans le vide, ainsi que +2 DR aux Tests de <strong>Résistance</strong> contre la fumée, le gaz, les spores et les poisons présents dans l'air.</p>",
@ -164,11 +199,26 @@
"description": "<p>Vous pouvez avertir subtilement la cible choisie d'une embuscade ou d'un événement imminent et dangereux sur le point de se produire. Cela prend la forme d'une simple pensée que vous projetez dansl'esprit de votre cible. Aucune ligne de vue n'est requise, mais vous devez être capable d'imaginer la cible dans votre esprit. Vous devez également parler leur langue. Si la cible tient compte de l'avertissement, elle obtient le niveau maximum possible dans le Talent Sixième Sens. </p>",
"id": "Danger"
"name": "Deft Hands",
"description": "<p>You enhance your target’s ability to manipulate objects, granting them a bonus of +20 to Dexterity. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may select one Dex-based Talent to give your target (such as Artistic, Craftsman, Gunner, Master Tradesman, Rapid Reload, or Tinker) or you may add one more level in the chosen Talent. </p>",
"id": "Deft Hands"
"name": "Épouiller",
"description": "<p>Vous retirez 1 parasite non-magique d’un personnage ou d’un animal malade de même taille ou plus petit que vous.</p>\n<p> </p>",
"id": "Delouse"
"name": "Dire Touch",
"description": "<p>You jolt one living target with a harrowing energy, inflicting a magic missile with a Damage equal to twice your Dexterity Bonus. The energy carries one additional effect of your choice, replacing any Lore effects: </p>\n<ul>\n<li>Cold: Target gains a Stunned condition for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Death, Elementalism, Heavens, Life, Necromancy, Slaanesh. </li>\n<li>Corrosion: The touched item (armour or weapon) takes 1 Damage for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Metal, Necromancy, Nurgle, Warp, Witchcraft. Corruption: Target must pass a Combined Challenging (+0) Endurance/Cool Test or gain 1 Corruption point per failed Test. If this spell would trigger a Test for Mutation, the Test is Hard (-20). Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Necromancy, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Warp. </li>\n<li>Enervated: Any Wounds caused ignore Toughness Bonus. Target suffers a Fatigued Condition for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Death, Necromancy, Witchcraft. Fire: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain an Ablaze condition. Compatible Lores: Elementalism, Fire, Heavens, Hedgecraft, Light, Metal. </li>\n<li>Electrical: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets suffer a Stunned condition. Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Elementalism, Heavens, Life, Metal, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Pestilence: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Target must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or suffer a Festering Wound. Compatible Lores: Beasts, Nurgle, Warp, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Poison: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain a Poisoned condition. Compatible Lores: Beasts, Death, Necromancy, Nurgle, Shadows, Warp, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Shadow: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain an Entangled condition. Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Necromancy, Shadows, Witchcraft. </li>\n</ul>",
"id": "Dire Touch"
"name": "Dispirit",
"description": "<p>You suggest feelings of doom and gloom in the mind of a living person of your size or smaller. The target loses 2 Advantage and suffers a -10 penalty to all Willpower and Fellowship-based Tests. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute effect by -10. </p>",
"id": "Dispirit"
"name": "Éclat de Lune",
"description": "<p>Si Mannslieb est visible, vous faites descendre une sorte de folie lunaire sur toutes les Créatures dans l’aire d’effet. Ce sort n’aura aucun effet si Morrslieb est haute dans le ciel. Les cibles sont baignées par le clair de lune, réduisant leur détermination et provoquant des hallucinations: elles reçoivent toutes l’Etat Assommé et ne peuvent utiliser de points de Destin, de Chance, de Détermination ou de Résilience. Les cibles perdent également tout leurs points de Corruption Physiques. De plus, les Créatures doivent réussir un Test <strong>Opposé de Calme/Focalisation</strong> contre vous ou recevoir DR Etats Assommé . Tant que dans ce état, vos cibles se déplacent aléatoirement, selon la table de dispersion (<strong>WFRP4</strong> .page 163). Les Créatures qui échouent à enlever leurs Etat Assommé avant la fin du Sort doivent réussir un Test de <strong>Résistance à la Corruption Mentale (Modéré)</strong>. Le sort n’a aucun effet sur les créatures immunisés à la Psychologie. De plus, les Créatures avec les Traits Démoniaques, Changeur de Forme ou Mort-vivant sont affectés différemment: elles subissent à la place un Projectile Magique avec valeur de Dégâts de +6.</p>",
@ -194,11 +244,21 @@
"description": "<p>Vous réduisez la sévérité d’un seul symptôme d’une maladie d’un degré. Ce sort ne guérit pas la maladie et n’élimine pas les Symptômes. Chaque +2DR obtenus réduira le symptôme d’un degré supplémentaire, jusqu’à un minimum de Facile. </p>\n<p> </p>",
"id": "Ease Symptom"
"name": "Enthuse",
"description": "<p>You project hope and enthusiasm into the mind of a living person of your size or smaller. The target gains 2 Advantage and receives a +10 bonus to all Willpower and Fellowship-based Tests. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute effect by +10. </p>",
"id": "Enthuse"
"name": "Éteindre le Feu (Eau)",
"description": "<p>Vous criez des mots de puissance et conjurez suffisamment d’eau pour éteindre tous les feux dans la ZdE. Au sein de celle-ci, tous les Etats @Condition[Ablaze] sont immédiatement retirés. </p>",
"id": "Extinguish Fire (Water)"
"name": "Feel No Pain",
"description": "<p>You absorb powerful energy which makes you immune to most pain. Reduce any physical blow by 1 Damage and gain the Painless Creature Trait. Once the spell ends, any relevant Critical effects are applied. </p>",
"id": "Feel No Pain"
"name": "Saveur Brûlante",
"description": "<p>Votre magie brûlante peut rapidement faire cuire une portion de nourriture ou faire bouillir jusqu'à un quart de litre de liquide. Vous pouvez aussi utiliser ce sort pour donner à la nourriture ou à la boisson une saveur intense, par exemple épicée ou alcoolisée (qui pourrait provoquer des troubles gastro-intestinaux chez les personnes qui n'ont pas l'habitude d'une telle saveur après avoir échoué à un Test de Résistance).<br />Surincantation: Pour chaque +2 DR, vous pouvez doubler la quantité d'aliments ou de liquides affectés. </p>",
@ -329,6 +389,21 @@
"description": "<p>Vous utilisez votre magie innée pour améliorer votre capacité à voir dans des conditions de faible luminosité. Gagnez le Talent <em>Vision Nocturne </em>.</p>",
"id": "Night Sight"
"name": "Observe",
"description": "<p>Your target gains +20 to all Perception Tests. While the spell lasts, the target may Assess (gaining +1 Advantage) without making a Skill Test, though it still requires an Action. </p>",
"id": "Observe"
"name": "Panic",
"description": "<p>You induce a sudden urge to flee in your target, inflicting a Broken Condition upon a failed Cool Test. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add 1 Broken Condition. </p>",
"id": "Panic"
"name": "Paralyse",
"description": "<p>You attempt to paralyse one living creature of your Size or smaller. Perform an Opposed Channelling/Cool Test: if you win, the target takes 1 Entangled and 1 Stunned Conditions per 2 SL of the Opposed Test (minimum 1). If you win by 6 SL or more, the target takes the Unconscious Condition for the Duration. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add +1 SL to your Opposed Test. For every +3 SL, you may increase the Size of the creature affected by one step. </p>",
"id": "Paralyse"
"name": "Séparer la Mer (Eau)",
"description": "<p>Vous tendez les mains en direction d’un point d’eau à proximité (mare, rivière, lac, courant) et y ouvrez une brèche de la taille de la ZdE. Vous pouvez traverser, et marcher à la valeur de votre Marche sur le terrain humide. Les créatures prises par le retour des eaux doivent effectuer un Test de <strong>Natation Difficile (-20)</strong> ou alors sont prises par les courants et sujets aux règles de Noyade (WFRP4, page 181).</p>",
@ -344,6 +419,16 @@
"description": "<p>You weave a writhing mist of <i>Dhar</i> about you, absorbing its dark energy into your body and soul. Make an Endurance Test for a Moderate Corrupting Influence. While the spell lasts, all your Channelling and Casting Tests are performed at <b>Average (+20)</b> Difficulty. In addition, you are granted access to your choice of one unlearned Spell from your Arcane or Lore spell lists. For the Duration, you count as having memorised the spell, but you cannot transcribe it to a grimoire or scroll.</p>",
"id": "Power"
"name": "Protective Aura",
"description": "<p>You create an aura of protective energy around you. Any living creature who wishes to make a close combat attack against a target within the AoE must first win an Opposed Cool/Channelling Test. </p>",
"id": "Protective Aura"
"name": "Provocation",
"description": "<p>You reach inside your victim's mind and twist it to stimulate an intense emotional response, inflicting your choice of Animosity, Hatred, or Prejudice with a specific Target of your choosing. Once the spell ends, any events put into motion are likely to continue and the victim may realize that something suspicious happened to them. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>",
"id": "Provocation"
"name": "Accélération",
"description": "<p>YVotre Toucher transforme un arbre dans un état animé, semi-conscient et à vos ordres. Tant que le sort dure, vous pouvez vous déplacer et agir normalement, mais vous devez être capable de maintenir votre concentration (Voir Interruption <strong>WFRP4</strong> .page237) ou le sort se dissipe, et l’arbre redevient inanimé. L’arbre ainsi animé a les caractéristiques de l’Homme-Arbre (Voir <strong>Bestiaire Non-Officiel</strong> .page 26), excepté que la Créature à le Trait Stupide et une Intelligence de 10. </p>\n<p> </p>",
@ -369,6 +454,11 @@
"description": "<p>You funnel <em>Dhar </em>towards the the bones of a single dead creature who was once a figure of significant power when alive. As a guideline, this requires a humanoid character or creature who had reached its third Career level or more (or equivalent in Traits). The skeletal champion will start with the <a></a><a class=\"condition-chat\" data-cond=\"Prone\"><i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i> Prone</a> Condition and can follow your simple instructions to the letter. Depending on the bones used, the GM might use the creature’s former Skills and Talents added to the base Skeleton profile, or may opt to use the following sample profile instead: <strong>Raise Chariot of Bone (Ritual) </strong>This spell is a ritual—see the section on Ritual Magic for more details.</p>",
"id": "Raise Champion"
"name": "Rally",
"description": "<p>You cause a living person suffering from Broken Conditions, Fear and/or Terror to immediately regroup. The affected target may move and act as normal when their Turn arrives, gaining +1 Advantage. </p>",
"id": "Rally"
"name": "Lire à Haute Voix",
"description": "<p>Une voix désincarnée lira à haute voix,sans traduction ni inflexion, le texte d'un document, d'un parchemin, d'un livre, d'un signe ou d'une écriture similaire, d'une manière lente et claire que les personnes à proximité peuvent entendre. Une fois commencé, le texte entiersera lu à haute voix et ne pourra pas être arrêté sans dissiperle sort. Un auditeur est autorisé à passer un Test d'Intelligence Facile (+40) pour mémoriser l'information lue, avec une pénalité cumulée de -10 pour chaque 10 minutes d'écoute.Le sort n'activera pas et ne vous aidera pas à mémoriserles effets magiques, lesinvocations, les prières, etc. </p>",
@ -389,6 +479,11 @@
"description": "<p>Vous vous entourez d'une aura qui effraie les animaux. Votre présence effraie les petites créatures voisines qui possèdent le Trait de la Créature Nerveux.</p>",
"id": "Repel Critters"
"name": "Repress",
"description": "<p>You immediately block the memory of a particular event from the mind of another living character. You must know the details of the event and be able to speak to the character in a language they understand. If the blocked memory is of a terrifying nature, the character will have nightmares that vaguely suggest that memory. After each night's rest, the victim is allowed a Very Hard (-30) Intelligence Test to recover theirmemory; if regained the character must make a Difficult (-10) Cool Test or gain a Corruption point. </p>",
"id": "Repress"
"name": "Résister au Feu (Feu)",
"description": "<p>Vous vous enveloppez dans une cape magique qui repousse le feu, les sorts et les armes enflammées. Vous gagnez le Trait <i>Immunisé (Feu)</i> .</p>",
@ -424,6 +519,26 @@
"description": "<p>Vous chantez une incantation à proximité d’un élément ciblé à portée et façonnez son énergie naturelle amorphe en une forme humanoïde d’une taille Grande. Vous devez maintenant la contrôler avec un Test de <strong>Focalisation</strong> réussi. Pour chaque degré de taille supérieure à la vôtre, augmenter d’un degré la difficulté du Test (de Intermédiaire à Difficile). Si vous réussissez, il bouge et agit selon vos ordres. Si vous échouez, le MJ contrôle la créature ou lance 1d10 à chaque Round: Sur 1-5, rien ne se passe ou il continue ce qu’il faisait; sur 6-7, il attaque son invocateur; sur 8-10, il attaque la créature la plus proche. <strong>Surincantation</strong>: Pour chaque +3 DR, vous pouvez augmenter sa Taille d’un degré. </p>",
"id": "Shape Elemental"
"name": "Silence",
"description": "<p>You target an area that blocks out all noise. No speech or sound may pass into or out of the AoE, no matter how loud. Spellcasting is impossible inside the area. </p>",
"id": "Silence"
"name": "Slippery Ground",
"description": "<p>You target a patch of ground, dousing it in a magical substance that has the viscousity of oil (but isn’t flammable). The area becomes difficult ground to cross. Any creature with two legs moving along the AoE must pass a Challenging (+0) Athletics Test or gain the Prone condition. A falling creature must pass a Dexterity Test or drop any items held in its hands. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the Difficulty of this Test by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult). </p>",
"id": "Slippery Ground"
"name": "Sluggish",
"description": "<p>Your target becomes slow as molasses. The affected creature gains the Slow Flaw for all attacks, and may only Move at Walking Rate. Charge, Run, Sprint, or Flee are not allowed. The creature may Engage with an opponent, but no Advantage bonus is gained. </p>",
"id": "Sluggish"
"name": "Smash",
"description": "<p>You target a door, inanimate object, or a small surface or section of wall with an AoE of Willpower Bonus yards. The target is pummelled with a magic missile of Damage +10. Creatures are not affected by this spell. </p>",
"id": "Smash"
"name": "Apaiser la Flore",
"description": "<p>Vous mettez en sommeil une seule plante ou arbre hostile pendant la durée du Sort. Ce sort n’a aucun effet sur les plantes avec une <strong>Intelligence</strong> supérieure à 10, comme les Hommes-Arbres.</p>\n<p> </p>",
@ -449,6 +564,11 @@
"description": "<p>Vous utiliser le Vent d'Azyr pour conjurer la lumière des étoiles autour de vous, en illuminant la Zone d'Effect d'une lumière douce qui révèle ce qui est caché. Les ténèbres (magiques et ordinaires) sont chassées, l'invisible est rendu visible, les illusions sont bannies, les personnages cachés ou déguisés sont mis à nu et les zones secrètes (portes, chambres, etc.) sont révélées. </p>",
"id": "Starshine"
"name": "Steal Aura",
"description": "<p>You conjure a pair of shimmering magical hands that launch at your target, who must be a single creature protected by a magical spell or aura. Perform an Opposed Channelling/Cool Test against the targeted creature. If you win, the shimmering hands strip away the protective magics from the target and bestow them to you. The stolen spell’s Duration now resets using your Profile instead. You do not gain any Lore benefit from the stolen spell. Examples of protective spells include: <em>Protection from Rain, Aethyric Armour, Arrow Shield, Dome, Magic Shield, Mundane Aura, Ward, Comfort, Painless, Protective Aura, Word of Invulnerability, Hunter’s Hide, Purple Pall of Shyish, Aqshy’s Aegis, Purge, Cerulean Shield, Glittering Robe, Barkskin, Regenerate, Banishment, Pha’s Protection, Shroud of Invisibility. </em></p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add 1 SL to your Opposed Test. </p>",
"id": "Steal Aura"
"name": "Attiser les Flammes (Feu)",
"description": "<p>YVous enflammez une source de matériau inflammable à portée, ce qui la fait s’enflammer, et lui fait gagner 1 Etat @Condition[Ablaze]. C’est à la discrétion du MJ de déterminer ce qui est inflammable et à quelle vitesse le feu pourrait s’étendre. <strong>Surincantation</strong>: Vous pouvez causer +1 Etat @Condition[Ablaze] pour chaque +2 DR obtenu.</p>",
@ -469,6 +589,11 @@
"description": "<p>Une énergie agressive jaillit de vous, enfermant une seule cible affecté par une ou plusieurs bénédictions. Toutes les bénédictions sur la cible sont éliminées. </p>",
"id": "Subvert Blessing"
"name": "Subvert Miracle",
"description": "<p>Hostile energy spills out from you towards the target of an active Miracle. The Miracle ends immediately and all its effects are nullified. </p>",
"id": "Subvert Miracle"
"name": "Pluie d’Eté",
"description": "<p>Vos paroles magiques invoquent des sombres nuages venus de nul part, libérant une pluie torrentielle dans tous environnement extérieur, sauf les déserts. Ce déluge éteint les feux, les Projectiles à Poudre Noire et les explosifs. Toutes les attaques à distance sont considérées avec une portée supplémentaire de 2 niveaux: à bout portant compte comme Moyenne, Courte compte comme Extrême, et tout autre distance est impossible. La zone environnante devient un terrain difficile jusqu’à ce que le sol sèche. La pluie fourni de l’eau pour la vie locale, créant des petites mares d’eau pure et potable.</p>\n<p> </p>",
@ -499,6 +624,11 @@
"description": "<p>You shout out to all allies within range, bolstering their courage and resolve. Any ally affected by @Condition[Fear], @Condition[Terror] or @Condition[Broken] Conditions no longer suffer these effects. In addition, each ally gains a Resolve point which is automatically lost at the end of the scene. This spell does not protect against future sources of Fear or Terror, etc.</p>",
"id": "The Standing Ox"
"name": "Tongues",
"description": "<p>You are able to speak and make yourself understood in any common spoken language. </p>",
"id": "Tongues"
"name": "Tormenting Vision",
"description": "<p>You channel <i>Dhar </i>and direct it to strike one creature within range, inflicting a hellish vision upon the target. The creature must pass a <b>Challenging (+0) Cool </b>Test or take 1 + SL @Condition[Stunned] Conditions. If the target does not remove these Conditions within its Willpower Bonus Rounds, it suffers as many Mental Corruption points as it then has Conditions.</p>",
@ -554,6 +684,16 @@
"description": "<p>Vous gagnez +20 à tout Test de Résistance aux Drogues et Poisons. Si le poison en question n'offre normalement pas de Test, vous êtes autorisé à effectuer un Test de Résistance Intermédiaire (+0).Ce sort ne fonctionne pas sur les poisons et les Etats qui ont déjà pris effet.</p>",
"id": "Withstand Poison"
"name": "Wizard Duel",
"description": "<p>You lock yourself into an immediate mental contest against a rival magician. If the target has no Channelling Skill, you immediately suffer a Minor Miscast. Once begun, you and your target are locked into your duel and you both count as having the Surprised Condition until the contest ends. </p>\n<p>At the start of each Round, perform an <strong>Opposed Channelling</strong> Test. The loser gains +1 Fatigued Condition; if the opposed SL exceeds their Willpower Bonus, they must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test or take the Unconscious Condition. If a combatant takes more Fatigued Conditions than their Toughness Bonus, they suffer the Unconscious Condition. </p>\n<p>The duel ends when either combatant takes an Unconscious Condition; an outsider interrupts either duellist, causing both duellists a Surprised Condition from the severed connection; or the winner of that Round decides to end the duel—immediately inflicting +1 Stunned Condition on the loser for each Round that you won. </p>\n<p><strong>Overcast: </strong>For every +1 SL, you may add 1 SL to the first Opposed Test if the Test is successful. </p>",
"id": "Wizard Duel"
"name": "Word of Invulnerability",
"description": "<p>You utter a magic word that wraps a protective cloak around you, absorbing Damage from non-Magical sources (such as attacks, falling, suffocation, etc). You are not protected from the additional effects of Critical Hits. The spell absorbs Willpower Bonus + SL Damage, then the cloak dissipates. </p>\n<p><strong>Overcast:</strong> For every +2 SL, you may increase the Damage absorbed by 1.</p>",
"id": "Word of Invulnerability"
"name": "Word of Pain",
"description": "<p>Instant You invoke a forbidden word, possibly of Daemonic origin, which inflicts excruciating pain to all living creatures within the AoE (except you). All affected targets suffer a <i>magic missile </i>with a Damage of +8 that ignores Armour Points. Further, your targets must pass a <b>Challenging (+0) Cool </b>Test or gain SL @Condition[Broken] Conditions (minimum of 1).</p>",
@ -10,6 +10,15 @@
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Accelerate",
"name": "Accelerate",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You speed up your target’s senses, granting them +1 Movement, +10 Agility and +10 Combat Initiative. A target affected by this spell may not make Channelling, Language (Magick), or Pray Tests. When the spell ends, the target takes a Fatigued Condition for 1d10 minutes.</p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\"><strong>Overcast:</strong> For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute benefits by +1/+10. If you overcast by +6 SL, your target also gains an extra Action during their Turn. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Acute Smell",
"name": "Odorat Aiguisé",
@ -28,6 +37,33 @@
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Aethyric Arrow",
"name": "Aethyric Arrow",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You conjure a floating Magical arrow and use your hands to ‘throw’ it at the target. To do this, both your hands must be empty and free. Make a normal Ranged (Throwing) attack using your Willpower score in place of the weapon’s Range. Damage is calculated for a Bow and Arrow but with your Willpower Bonus in place of Strength Bonus. If any arrow wounds a target, you gain a maximum of 1 Advantage for these attacks. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may conjure an additional arrow, using a Free Attack to target any creature in range and roll another Ranged Test.</p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Special ",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Alarm",
"name": "Alarm",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You may cast this spell on any spot or object. When a creature passes within your Willpower Bonus yards of the target, you are jolted with an instant awareness of the disturbance, no matter where you are. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale jours",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Allegiance",
"name": "Allegiance",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Your gentle touch momentarily calms a target of your size or smaller, even if they were your mortal foe. For any further effect, the target must be able to understand your language, cannot be Immune to Psychology nor have the Bestial, Daemonic, Frenzy, Mindless, or Undead Creature Traits. If you win an Opposed Willpower Test, the creature immediately thinks of you as an ally and can be asked to help out in a fight or perform tasks according to the creature’s abilities and personality. For instance, a noble will not perform the tasks of a servant and a dutiful soldier will not take the life of their commander. Nor can a creature be commanded to do something overly detrimental to their well-being, such as jumping off a bridge or challenging a dragon. Asking such a thing immediately breaks the enchantment. Once the spell ends, the creature remembers everything that happened. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase your Opposed SL by +1 SL. For every +4 SL, you may increase the affected size by one step. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Amber Contour",
"name": "Contours Ambrés",
@ -46,6 +82,15 @@
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Arcane Barrier",
"name": "Arcane Barrier",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">You create a magical barrier which prevents creatures from passing through it. The thin barrier manifests as a wall that is Willpower Bonus yards wide and high or the barrier completely fills the space of a suitable portal or passageway. To most creatures, the barrier is near-invisible, requiring an Astounding Success (6+) on a Perception Test to see the subtle shimmering energy; anyone with the Second Sight Talent will see a Lore-appropriate barrier. You may bypass your own barrier with an Average (+20) Channelling Test. A creature may attempt to push through the magical barrier by winning a Cool or Channelling Test opposed by your Channelling. If the creature loses the Test, it gains a Stunned Condition. The barrier does not impede Ranged attacks but spells will be absorbed. If a Magical attack strike the barrier, you must pass a Willpower Test or the barrier is dispelled. </p>\n<p style=\"text-align: justify;\">Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may enhance your barrier-related Channelling Tests by one step of Difficulty (ie, Average to Easy). For +6 SL, you may choose to increase the Duration to Willpower Bonus hours.</p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Assault of Stone (Earth)",
"name": "Assaut de Pierre (Terre)",
@ -75,8 +120,8 @@
"id": "Awakening",
"name": "Awakening",
"description": "<p>You gather delicate but powerful filaments of Dhar before you, and direct them into the corpses of NPCs with powerful Traits or Characters with more than two completed Career levels. Each such corpse is reanimated into a Wight, to a maximum of SL+1 Wights reanimated within range. Starting with the <a></a><a class=\"condition-chat\" data-cond=\"Prone\"><i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i> Prone</a> Condition, the Wights are entirely under your control and can perform simple orders as you command. If you die or gain an <a></a><a class=\"condition-chat\" data-cond=\"Unconscious\"><i class=\"fas fa-user-injured\"></i> Unconscious</a> Condition, the spell ends and the reanimated corpses fall dead again.</p>",
"name": "Eveil",
"description": "<p>Vous invoquez devant vous des filaments délicats mais puissants du Dhar, et vous les dirigez vers les cadavres de PNJ dotés de Traits puissants ou bien des personnages avec plus de deux niveaux de Carrière terminés. Chacun de ces cadavres est réanimé en Spectre, jusqu'à un maximum de DR + 1 Spectres réanimé. Les Spectres ainsi créés reçoivent l’État A Terre . Ils sont sont entièrement sous votre contrôle et peuvent exécuter des commandes simples. Si vous mourez ou subissez un État Inconscient , le sort prend fin et les cadavres réanimés tombent à nouveau morts.</p>",
"sduration": "Until sunrise",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
@ -84,8 +129,8 @@
"id": "Banish Daemonkind ",
"name": "Banish Daemonkind ",
"description": "<p>Your magicks destabilize the <i>Dhar </i>binding any Daemons within the Area of Effect. All affected targets with the <i>Daemonic </i>Creature Trait must pass a <b>Difficult (-10) Willpower </b>Test or suffer a <i>magic missile </i>with Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus (ignoring Armour Points). On an Astounding Failure (6+), the target is banished from this realm if it has the <i>Unstable </i>Creature Trait. <b>Overcast: </b>For every +2 SL, you may increase the Difficulty of the Willpower Test by one step (ie, from <b>Very Hard </b>to <b>Futile</b>).</p>",
"name": "Banir les Démons ",
"description": "<p>Votre magie déstabilise le lien entre les Démons et le Dhar dans l’aire d’effet. Toutes les créatures affectées avec le Trait Démoniaque doit réussir un Test de Force Mentale Complexe (-10) ou subir un Missile Magique avec des dommages égaux à votre Bonus de Force Mentale (en ignorant les Points d’Armure). Sur un échec Stupéfiant, la cible est bannie de ce monde si elle a le Trait Instable. <em>Surincantation</em>: Pour chaque +2DR, vous pouvez augmenter la difficulté du Test de Force Mentale d’un niveau </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Vous",
"starget": "Force Mentale mètres",
@ -93,13 +138,22 @@
"id": "Banish Undead",
"name": "Banish Undead",
"description": "<p>You create a magical vortex of <i>Dhar </i>that sucks energy from any creatures that have the <i>Undead </i>Trait. Any such targets take a <i>magic missile </i>with a Damage of +5. Skeletons and Zombies are instantly destroyed instead.</p>",
"name": "Banir les Morts-Vivants",
"description": "<p>Vous créez un Vortex magique de Dhar qui absorbe l’énergie de toute créatures avec le Trait Mort-Vivant. Chaque créature victime du sort reçoit un Missile Magique (+5). Les Squelettes et les Zombis sont instantanément détruits.</p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": "5 "
"id": "Berserk",
"name": "Berserk",
"description": "<p>Your target gains the Frenzy Creature Trait (see p190). </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Bewilder",
"name": "Déconcerter",
@ -111,8 +165,8 @@
"id": "Bind Daemon",
"name": "Bind Daemon",
"description": "<p>You channel thick strands of <i>Dhar</i> that bind one or more Daemons of any kind within range. Perform a single <b>Channelling (Dhar)</b> Test which is opposed by each target’s <b>Willpower</b>. If you win, the Daemon takes a special @Condition[Unconscious] Condition for the spell’s duration: the Daemon is immobilized, but it is otherwise completely aware of what is going on around it and who performed the binding spell.</p>",
"name": "Lier un Démon",
"description": "<p>Vous canalisez des flux épais de Dhar permettant de lier un ou plusieurs démons à portée. Effectuer un seul Test de Focalisation (Dhar) Opposé à la Force Mentale de chaque cible. Si vous gagnez, le démon prend un Etat d’Inconscience pendant la durée du sort: le démon est immobilisé, mais il est complètement conscient de ce qui se passe autour de lui et qui a exécuté le sort de liaison.</p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
@ -147,13 +201,22 @@
"id": "Blot",
"name": "Blot",
"description": "<p>Your touch causes a half-pint of spilled or pooled liquid to instantly dry up. No stain is left behind, but damage to surfaces remains (such as blotches of oil or acid burns).<span class=\"Apple-converted-space\"> </span></p>",
"name": "Tache",
"description": "<p>Votre toucher fait qu'une demi-pinte de liquide renversé ou en flaque s'assèche instantanément. Aucune tache n'est laissée sur place, mais les dommages causés aux surfaces demeurent (comme les taches d'huile ou les brûlures d'acide).</p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Breath",
"name": "Breath",
"description": "<p>You immediately make a Breath attack as if you had spent 2 Advantage to activate the Breath Creature Trait (WFRP4 p338) with a Damage Rating equal to your Willpower Bonus. You and your GM should decide in advance which type of Breath attack best suits your Magic Talent. Overcast: For every +2 SL achieved, you may increase Damage by +2. Note: This spell is halfway between errata and house rule. The original spell is weirdly worded and seems to have been an editing error. Former Developer Andy Law provided a version of this spell on the Ratcatcher Discord forum. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Special ",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Breathe Underwater (Water)",
"name": "Respirer sous l'Eau (Eau)",
@ -298,6 +361,15 @@
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Deft Hands",
"name": "Deft Hands",
"description": "<p>You enhance your target’s ability to manipulate objects, granting them a bonus of +20 to Dexterity. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may select one Dex-based Talent to give your target (such as Artistic, Craftsman, Gunner, Master Tradesman, Rapid Reload, or Tinker) or you may add one more level in the chosen Talent. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale minutes",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Delouse",
"name": "Épouiller",
@ -307,6 +379,24 @@
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Dire Touch",
"name": "Dire Touch",
"description": "<p>You jolt one living target with a harrowing energy, inflicting a magic missile with a Damage equal to twice your Dexterity Bonus. The energy carries one additional effect of your choice, replacing any Lore effects: </p>\n<ul>\n<li>Cold: Target gains a Stunned condition for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Death, Elementalism, Heavens, Life, Necromancy, Slaanesh. </li>\n<li>Corrosion: The touched item (armour or weapon) takes 1 Damage for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Metal, Necromancy, Nurgle, Warp, Witchcraft. Corruption: Target must pass a Combined Challenging (+0) Endurance/Cool Test or gain 1 Corruption point per failed Test. If this spell would trigger a Test for Mutation, the Test is Hard (-20). Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Necromancy, Nurgle, Slaanesh, Tzeentch, Warp. </li>\n<li>Enervated: Any Wounds caused ignore Toughness Bonus. Target suffers a Fatigued Condition for every full 5 Wounds suffered (minimum 1). Compatible Lores: Death, Necromancy, Witchcraft. Fire: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain an Ablaze condition. Compatible Lores: Elementalism, Fire, Heavens, Hedgecraft, Light, Metal. </li>\n<li>Electrical: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets suffer a Stunned condition. Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Elementalism, Heavens, Life, Metal, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Pestilence: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Target must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or suffer a Festering Wound. Compatible Lores: Beasts, Nurgle, Warp, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Poison: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain a Poisoned condition. Compatible Lores: Beasts, Death, Necromancy, Nurgle, Shadows, Warp, Witchcraft. </li>\n<li>Shadow: Any Wounds caused ignore Armour Points. Targets gain an Entangled condition. Compatible Lores: Daemonology, Necromancy, Shadows, Witchcraft. </li>\n</ul>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Dispirit",
"name": "Dispirit",
"description": "<p>You suggest feelings of doom and gloom in the mind of a living person of your size or smaller. The target loses 2 Advantage and suffers a -10 penalty to all Willpower and Fellowship-based Tests. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute effect by -10. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Drawing Down the Moon",
"name": "Éclat de Lune",
@ -352,6 +442,15 @@
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Enthuse",
"name": "Enthuse",
"description": "<p>You project hope and enthusiasm into the mind of a living person of your size or smaller. The target gains 2 Advantage and receives a +10 bonus to all Willpower and Fellowship-based Tests. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the attribute effect by +10. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Extinguish Fire (Water)",
"name": "Éteindre le Feu (Eau)",
@ -361,6 +460,15 @@
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Feel No Pain",
"name": "Feel No Pain",
"description": "<p>You absorb powerful energy which makes you immune to most pain. Reduce any physical blow by 1 Damage and gain the Painless Creature Trait. Once the spell ends, any relevant Critical effects are applied. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Vous",
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Fiery Flavour",
"name": "Saveur Brûlante",
@ -595,6 +703,33 @@
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Observe",
"name": "Observe",
"description": "<p>Your target gains +20 to all Perception Tests. While the spell lasts, the target may Assess (gaining +1 Advantage) without making a Skill Test, though it still requires an Action. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Panic",
"name": "Panic",
"description": "<p>You induce a sudden urge to flee in your target, inflicting a Broken Condition upon a failed Cool Test. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add 1 Broken Condition. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Paralyse",
"name": "Paralyse",
"description": "<p>You attempt to paralyse one living creature of your Size or smaller. Perform an Opposed Channelling/Cool Test: if you win, the target takes 1 Entangled and 1 Stunned Conditions per 2 SL of the Opposed Test (minimum 1). If you win by 6 SL or more, the target takes the Unconscious Condition for the Duration. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add +1 SL to your Opposed Test. For every +3 SL, you may increase the Size of the creature affected by one step. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Part the Seas (Water)",
"name": "Séparer la Mer (Eau)",
@ -622,6 +757,24 @@
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Protective Aura",
"name": "Protective Aura",
"description": "<p>You create an aura of protective energy around you. Any living creature who wishes to make a close combat attack against a target within the AoE must first win an Opposed Cool/Channelling Test. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Vous",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Provocation",
"name": "Provocation",
"description": "<p>You reach inside your victim's mind and twist it to stimulate an intense emotional response, inflicting your choice of Animosity, Hatred, or Prejudice with a specific Target of your choosing. Once the spell ends, any events put into motion are likely to continue and the victim may realize that something suspicious happened to them. The spell has no effect on creatures with any of these Traits: Bestial, Daemonic, Immunity to Psychology, Mindless, Undead. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Quickening",
"name": "Accélération",
@ -667,6 +820,15 @@
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Rally",
"name": "Rally",
"description": "<p>You cause a living person suffering from Broken Conditions, Fear and/or Terror to immediately regroup. The affected target may move and act as normal when their Turn arrives, gaining +1 Advantage. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Read Out",
"name": "Lire à Haute Voix",
@ -703,6 +865,15 @@
"starget": "Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Repress",
"name": "Repress",
"description": "<p>You immediately block the memory of a particular event from the mind of another living character. You must know the details of the event and be able to speak to the character in a language they understand. If the blocked memory is of a terrifying nature, the character will have nightmares that vaguely suggest that memory. After each night's rest, the victim is allowed a Very Hard (-30) Intelligence Test to recover theirmemory; if regained the character must make a Difficult (-10) Cool Test or gain a Corruption point. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Resist Fire (Fire)",
"name": "Résister au Feu (Feu)",
@ -766,6 +937,42 @@
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Silence",
"name": "Silence",
"description": "<p>You target an area that blocks out all noise. No speech or sound may pass into or out of the AoE, no matter how loud. Spellcasting is impossible inside the area. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Slippery Ground",
"name": "Slippery Ground",
"description": "<p>You target a patch of ground, dousing it in a magical substance that has the viscousity of oil (but isn’t flammable). The area becomes difficult ground to cross. Any creature with two legs moving along the AoE must pass a Challenging (+0) Athletics Test or gain the Prone condition. A falling creature must pass a Dexterity Test or drop any items held in its hands. </p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may increase the Difficulty of this Test by one step (ie, from Challenging to Difficult). </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale minutes",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Sluggish",
"name": "Sluggish",
"description": "<p>Your target becomes slow as molasses. The affected creature gains the Slow Flaw for all attacks, and may only Move at Walking Rate. Charge, Run, Sprint, or Flee are not allowed. The creature may Engage with an opponent, but no Advantage bonus is gained. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "1 ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Smash",
"name": "Smash",
"description": "<p>You target a door, inanimate object, or a small surface or section of wall with an AoE of Willpower Bonus yards. The target is pummelled with a magic missile of Damage +10. Creatures are not affected by this spell. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Contact",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Soothe the Savage Plant",
"name": "Apaiser la Flore",
@ -811,6 +1018,15 @@
"starget": "Bonus de AoE (Willpower mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Steal Aura",
"name": "Steal Aura",
"description": "<p>You conjure a pair of shimmering magical hands that launch at your target, who must be a single creature protected by a magical spell or aura. Perform an Opposed Channelling/Cool Test against the targeted creature. If you win, the shimmering hands strip away the protective magics from the target and bestow them to you. The stolen spell’s Duration now resets using your Profile instead. You do not gain any Lore benefit from the stolen spell. Examples of protective spells include: <em>Protection from Rain, Aethyric Armour, Arrow Shield, Dome, Magic Shield, Mundane Aura, Ward, Comfort, Painless, Protective Aura, Word of Invulnerability, Hunter’s Hide, Purple Pall of Shyish, Aqshy’s Aegis, Purge, Cerulean Shield, Glittering Robe, Barkskin, Regenerate, Banishment, Pha’s Protection, Shroud of Invisibility. </em></p>\n<p>Overcast: For every +2 SL, you may add 1 SL to your Opposed Test. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Stoke Fire (Fire)",
"name": "Attiser les Flammes (Feu)",
@ -847,6 +1063,15 @@
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Subvert Miracle",
"name": "Subvert Miracle",
"description": "<p>Hostile energy spills out from you towards the target of an active Miracle. The Miracle ends immediately and all its effects are nullified. </p>",
"sduration": "Instantané",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Summer Rain",
"name": "Pluie d’Eté",
@ -876,7 +1101,7 @@
"id": "Tanglethorn",
"name": "ntrave de la Ronce",
"name": "Entrave de la Ronce",
"description": "<p>Vous ciblez une parcelle de terre nue, invoquant une haie dense de ronces, de lianes et d’épines. Les plantes se saisissent de tout ce qui bouge à l’intérieur de la zone, infligeant l’équivalent d’un Projectile Magique de Dégâts 0 à la fin de votre tour, pendant chaque Round. La zone devient un terrain difficile. Toute créature essayant de sortie de la zone à pied doit réussir un test <strong>d’Agilité Complexe (-10)</strong> ou recevoir 1 état <i>Empêtré</i>, avec votre Force Mentale comme Force. Lorsque le sort se termine, les ronces perdent leur propriétés surnaturelles. </p>\n<p> </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale rounds",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
@ -901,6 +1126,15 @@
"starget": "Bonus de Force Mentale mètres",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Tongues",
"name": "Tongues",
"description": "<p>You are able to speak and make yourself understood in any common spoken language. </p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale minutes",
"srange": "Vous",
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Tormenting Vision",
"name": "Tormenting Vision",
@ -1000,6 +1234,24 @@
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Wizard Duel",
"name": "Wizard Duel",
"description": "<p>You lock yourself into an immediate mental contest against a rival magician. If the target has no Channelling Skill, you immediately suffer a Minor Miscast. Once begun, you and your target are locked into your duel and you both count as having the Surprised Condition until the contest ends. </p>\n<p>At the start of each Round, perform an <strong>Opposed Channelling</strong> Test. The loser gains +1 Fatigued Condition; if the opposed SL exceeds their Willpower Bonus, they must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test or take the Unconscious Condition. If a combatant takes more Fatigued Conditions than their Toughness Bonus, they suffer the Unconscious Condition. </p>\n<p>The duel ends when either combatant takes an Unconscious Condition; an outsider interrupts either duellist, causing both duellists a Surprised Condition from the severed connection; or the winner of that Round decides to end the duel—immediately inflicting +1 Stunned Condition on the loser for each Round that you won. </p>\n<p><strong>Overcast: </strong>For every +1 SL, you may add 1 SL to the first Opposed Test if the Test is successful. </p>",
"sduration": "Special ",
"srange": "Force Mentale mètres",
"starget": "Special ",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Word of Invulnerability",
"name": "Word of Invulnerability",
"description": "<p>You utter a magic word that wraps a protective cloak around you, absorbing Damage from non-Magical sources (such as attacks, falling, suffocation, etc). You are not protected from the additional effects of Critical Hits. The spell absorbs Willpower Bonus + SL Damage, then the cloak dissipates. </p>\n<p><strong>Overcast:</strong> For every +2 SL, you may increase the Damage absorbed by 1.</p>",
"sduration": "Bonus de Force Mentale Rounds",
"srange": "Vous",
"starget": "Vous",
"sdamage": ""
"id": "Word of Pain",
"name": "Word of Pain",
Reference in New Issue
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