Noms de talents traduits
This commit is contained in:
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
"id": "Aethyric Attunement",
"id": "Aethyric Attunement",
"name": "Aethyric Attunement",
"name": "Harmonisation Aethyrique",
"description": "<p>Your experience, talent or training lets you more safely manipulate the Winds of Magic. You do not suffer a Miscast if you roll a double on a successful Channel Test.</p>"
"description": "<p>Your experience, talent or training lets you more safely manipulate the Winds of Magic. You do not suffer a Miscast if you roll a double on a successful Channel Test.</p>"
@ -53,17 +53,17 @@
"id": "Battle Rage",
"id": "Battle Rage",
"name": "Battle Rage",
"name": "Contrôle de la Frénésie",
"description": "You are better able to control your Frenzy in combat. You can end your Frenzy with a successful Cool Test at the end of the round."
"description": "You are better able to control your Frenzy in combat. You can end your Frenzy with a successful Cool Test at the end of the round."
"id": "Beat Blade",
"id": "Beat Blade",
"name": "Beat Blade",
"name": "Battement",
"description": "<p>You are trained to make sharp controlled blows to your opponent’s weapon, creating an opening for an attack or simply impeding an incoming attack. For your Action, you can choose to Beat Blade before rolling. Perform a Melee Test; if successful, your opponent loses –1 Advantage, and loses a further –1 per SL you score. This Test is not Opposed. This Talent is of no use if your opponent has no weapon, or has a larger Size than you (see page 341).</p>"
"description": "<p>You are trained to make sharp controlled blows to your opponent’s weapon, creating an opening for an attack or simply impeding an incoming attack. For your Action, you can choose to Beat Blade before rolling. Perform a Melee Test; if successful, your opponent loses –1 Advantage, and loses a further –1 per SL you score. This Test is not Opposed. This Talent is of no use if your opponent has no weapon, or has a larger Size than you (see page 341).</p>"
"id": "Beneath Notice",
"id": "Beneath Notice",
"name": "Beneath Notice",
"name": "Insignifiant",
"description": "<p>The high and mighty pay no attention to your presence, knowing you are well beneath their notice. Assuming you are properly attired and not in an incongruous position, those of a higher Status Tier will normally ignore you unless your presence becomes inappropriate, which can make it very easy to listen into conversations you perhaps shouldn’t. Further, characters with a higher Status Tier than you gain no Advantage for striking or wounding you in combat, as there is nothing to be gained for defeating such a lowly cur.</p>"
"description": "<p>The high and mighty pay no attention to your presence, knowing you are well beneath their notice. Assuming you are properly attired and not in an incongruous position, those of a higher Status Tier will normally ignore you unless your presence becomes inappropriate, which can make it very easy to listen into conversations you perhaps shouldn’t. Further, characters with a higher Status Tier than you gain no Advantage for striking or wounding you in combat, as there is nothing to be gained for defeating such a lowly cur.</p>"
@ -73,7 +73,7 @@
"id": "Blather",
"id": "Blather",
"name": "Blather",
"name": "Baratiner",
"description": "<p>Called ‘opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble’ in Nordland, or simply ‘bullshitting’ in Ostland, blathering involves talking rapidly and incessantly, or talking volubly and at-length, about inconsequential or nonsense matters, and is used to verbally confuse and confound a target. You use your Charm Skill to Blather. Attempt an <strong>Opposed Charm/Intelligence</strong> Test. Success gives your opponent a Stunned Condition. Further, for each level you have in Blather, your opponent gains another Stunned Condition. Targets Stunned by Blather may do nothing other than stare at you dumbfounded as they try to catch-up with or understand what you are saying. Once the last Stunned Condition comes to an end, the target finally gets a word in, and may not be best pleased with you — after all, you have been talking about nothing or nonsense for some time. Should you stop talking, your opponent immediately loses all Stunned Conditions caused by your Blather. Generally, you can only attempt to Blather at a character once per scene, or perhaps longer as determined by the GM, as the target soon wises up to your antics.</p>\n<p> </p>"
"description": "<p>Called ‘opening your mouth and letting your belly rumble’ in Nordland, or simply ‘bullshitting’ in Ostland, blathering involves talking rapidly and incessantly, or talking volubly and at-length, about inconsequential or nonsense matters, and is used to verbally confuse and confound a target. You use your Charm Skill to Blather. Attempt an <strong>Opposed Charm/Intelligence</strong> Test. Success gives your opponent a Stunned Condition. Further, for each level you have in Blather, your opponent gains another Stunned Condition. Targets Stunned by Blather may do nothing other than stare at you dumbfounded as they try to catch-up with or understand what you are saying. Once the last Stunned Condition comes to an end, the target finally gets a word in, and may not be best pleased with you — after all, you have been talking about nothing or nonsense for some time. Should you stop talking, your opponent immediately loses all Stunned Conditions caused by your Blather. Generally, you can only attempt to Blather at a character once per scene, or perhaps longer as determined by the GM, as the target soon wises up to your antics.</p>\n<p> </p>"
@ -83,47 +83,47 @@
"id": "Bookish",
"id": "Bookish",
"name": "Bookish",
"name": "Studieux",
"description": "You are as at home in a library as a seaman at sea or a farmer a-farming. When using Research, you may reverse the dice of any failed Test if this will score a success."
"description": "You are as at home in a library as a seaman at sea or a farmer a-farming. When using Research, you may reverse the dice of any failed Test if this will score a success."
"id": "Break and Enter",
"id": "Break and Enter",
"name": "Break and Enter",
"name": "Effraction",
"description": "You are an expert at quickly breaking down doors and forcing entry. You may add +1 Damage for each level in this Talent when determining damage against inanimate objects such as windows, chests, doors, and similar."
"description": "You are an expert at quickly breaking down doors and forcing entry. You may add +1 Damage for each level in this Talent when determining damage against inanimate objects such as windows, chests, doors, and similar."
"id": "Briber",
"id": "Briber",
"name": "Briber",
"name": "Suborneur",
"description": "You are an exceedingly skilled briber. The GM should reduce the base cost of any required bribe by 10% per level you have in Briber, to a minimum of 10% of the original amount."
"description": "You are an exceedingly skilled briber. The GM should reduce the base cost of any required bribe by 10% per level you have in Briber, to a minimum of 10% of the original amount."
"id": "Cardsharp",
"id": "Cardsharp",
"name": "Cardsharp",
"name": "Tricheur",
"description": "You are used to playing, and winning, at cards, although your methods may involve a little cheating. When you successfully use Gamble or Sleight of Hand when playing cards, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 28 could be used for +8 SL. If you play a real card game to represent what is happening in-game, you may receive an extra number of cards per deal equal to your level in Cardsharp, then discard down to the appropriate hand-size before each round of play."
"description": "You are used to playing, and winning, at cards, although your methods may involve a little cheating. When you successfully use Gamble or Sleight of Hand when playing cards, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 28 could be used for +8 SL. If you play a real card game to represent what is happening in-game, you may receive an extra number of cards per deal equal to your level in Cardsharp, then discard down to the appropriate hand-size before each round of play."
"id": "Careful Strike",
"id": "Careful Strike",
"name": "Careful Strike",
"name": "Frappe précise",
"description": "<p>You are skilled at hitting your enemy exactly where you want to, either at range or in melee. You may modify your Hit Location result by up to +/–10 per time you have this Talent. So, if you had this Talent twice and hit location 34, the Right Arm, you could modify this down to 14, the Left Arm, or up to 54, the Body.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are skilled at hitting your enemy exactly where you want to, either at range or in melee. You may modify your Hit Location result by up to +/–10 per time you have this Talent. So, if you had this Talent twice and hit location 34, the Right Arm, you could modify this down to 14, the Left Arm, or up to 54, the Body.</p>"
"id": "Carouser",
"id": "Carouser",
"name": "Carouser",
"name": "Noctambule",
"description": "You are a seasoned drinker and know how to party hard. You may reverse the dice of any failed Consume Alcohol Test if this will score a Success."
"description": "You are a seasoned drinker and know how to party hard. You may reverse the dice of any failed Consume Alcohol Test if this will score a Success."
"id": "Cat-tongued",
"id": "Cat-tongued",
"name": "Cat-tongued",
"name": "Menteur",
"description": "<p>Like Ranald the Trickster God, you blend truth and lies as if there were no difference. When using Charm to lie, listeners do not get to oppose your Charm with their Intuition to detect if there is something fishy in what you say.</p>"
"description": "<p>Like Ranald the Trickster God, you blend truth and lies as if there were no difference. When using Charm to lie, listeners do not get to oppose your Charm with their Intuition to detect if there is something fishy in what you say.</p>"
"id": "Catfall",
"id": "Catfall",
"name": "Catfall",
"name": "Souplesse féline",
"description": "You are nimble and balanced like a cat, and are able to fall much greater distances unharmed than others might. Whenever you fall, you attempt an Athletics Test. If successful, reduce the distance fallen by 1 yard, +1 extra yard per +1 SL scored, for the purposes of calculating Damage."
"description": "You are nimble and balanced like a cat, and are able to fall much greater distances unharmed than others might. Whenever you fall, you attempt an Athletics Test. If successful, reduce the distance fallen by 1 yard, +1 extra yard per +1 SL scored, for the purposes of calculating Damage."
"id": "Chaos Magic",
"id": "Chaos Magic",
"name": "Chaos Magic",
"name": "Magie du Chaos",
"description": "By accident or design you have lost a portion of your soul to one of the Dark Gods, and can now practice the foul magics of Chaos. Your ruinous patron immediately grants you access to a single spell from the chosen Lore (most commonly the Nurgle, Slaanesh, or Tzeentch Lores) and you gain a Corruption point as the spell infiltrates your mind, never to be forgotten."
"description": "By accident or design you have lost a portion of your soul to one of the Dark Gods, and can now practice the foul magics of Chaos. Your ruinous patron immediately grants you access to a single spell from the chosen Lore (most commonly the Nurgle, Slaanesh, or Tzeentch Lores) and you gain a Corruption point as the spell infiltrates your mind, never to be forgotten."
@ -133,22 +133,22 @@
"id": "Combat Master",
"id": "Combat Master",
"name": "Combat Master",
"name": "Maîtrise du combat",
"description": "Your accumulated years of combat experience allow you to keep lesser fighters at bay. For each level in this Talent, you count as one more person for the purposes of determining if one side out numbers the other. This Talent only comes into play when you are out-numbered. See Attacking for the rules for out-numbering."
"description": "Your accumulated years of combat experience allow you to keep lesser fighters at bay. For each level in this Talent, you count as one more person for the purposes of determining if one side out numbers the other. This Talent only comes into play when you are out-numbered. See Attacking for the rules for out-numbering."
"id": "Combat Reflexes",
"id": "Combat Reflexes",
"name": "Combat Reflexes",
"name": "Combat Instinctif",
"description": "You react like a ?ash of lightning. Add 10 to your Initiative for each level in this Talent when determining Combat Initiative."
"description": "You react like a ?ash of lightning. Add 10 to your Initiative for each level in this Talent when determining Combat Initiative."
"id": "Commanding Presence",
"id": "Commanding Presence",
"name": "Commanding Presence",
"name": "Présence imposante",
"description": "Your presence fills others with hushed awe and admiration. Such is your aura of authority, those with a lower Status may not resist your Leadership tests with their Willpower. Of course, enemies are still no more likely to respect or obey you, but the common folk rarely stand against you."
"description": "Your presence fills others with hushed awe and admiration. Such is your aura of authority, those with a lower Status may not resist your Leadership tests with their Willpower. Of course, enemies are still no more likely to respect or obey you, but the common folk rarely stand against you."
"id": "Concoct",
"id": "Concoct",
"name": "Concoct",
"name": "Concocter",
"description": "You are skilled at making potions, philters, and draughts on the go. You may take one free Crafting Endeavour to use Trade (Apothecary) without need of a Workshop. Other Crafting Endeavors use the normal rules."
"description": "You are skilled at making potions, philters, and draughts on the go. You may take one free Crafting Endeavour to use Trade (Apothecary) without need of a Workshop. Other Crafting Endeavors use the normal rules."
@ -158,17 +158,17 @@
"id": "Coolheaded",
"id": "Coolheaded",
"name": "Coolheaded",
"name": "Imperturbable",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Willpower Characteristic this does not count towards your Advances."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Willpower Characteristic this does not count towards your Advances."
"id": "Crack the Whip",
"id": "Crack the Whip",
"name": "Crack the Whip",
"name": "Claquer le fouet",
"description": "You know how to get the most out of your animals. When an animal you control is Fleeing or Running, it gains +1 Movement if you are using a whip."
"description": "You know how to get the most out of your animals. When an animal you control is Fleeing or Running, it gains +1 Movement if you are using a whip."
"id": "Craftsman",
"id": "Craftsman",
"name": "Craftsman",
"name": "Maitre Artisan",
"description": "You have true creative talent. Add the associated Trade Skill to any Career you enter. If the Trade Skill is already in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance."
"description": "You have true creative talent. Add the associated Trade Skill to any Career you enter. If the Trade Skill is already in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance."
@ -178,27 +178,27 @@
"id": "Deadeye Shot",
"id": "Deadeye Shot",
"name": "Deadeye Shot",
"name": "Tir mortel",
"description": "<p>You always hit an opponent right between the eyes… or wherever else you intended to hit. Instead of reversing the dice to determine which Hit Location is struck with your ranged weapons, you may pick a location.</p>"
"description": "<p>You always hit an opponent right between the eyes… or wherever else you intended to hit. Instead of reversing the dice to determine which Hit Location is struck with your ranged weapons, you may pick a location.</p>"
"id": "Dealmaker",
"id": "Dealmaker",
"name": "Dealmaker",
"name": "Négociateur",
"description": "<p>You are a skilled businessman who knows how to close a deal. When using the Haggle skill, you reduce or increase the price of the products by an extra 10%.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Note: The GM may put a lower limit on prices here to show a seller refusing to sell below cost.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are a skilled businessman who knows how to close a deal. When using the Haggle skill, you reduce or increase the price of the products by an extra 10%.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<p>Note: The GM may put a lower limit on prices here to show a seller refusing to sell below cost.</p>"
"id": "Detect Artifact",
"id": "Detect Artifact",
"name": "Detect Artifact",
"name": "Détection d'artefact",
"description": "You are able to sense when magic lies within an artefact. You may attempt an Intuition Test for any magical artefact touched. If successful, you sense the item is magical; further, each SL also provides a specific special rule the item uses, if it has any. Normally, you may only attempt this Test once per artefact touched."
"description": "You are able to sense when magic lies within an artefact. You may attempt an Intuition Test for any magical artefact touched. If successful, you sense the item is magical; further, each SL also provides a specific special rule the item uses, if it has any. Normally, you may only attempt this Test once per artefact touched."
"id": "Diceman",
"id": "Diceman",
"name": "Diceman",
"name": "Maîtrise des dés",
"description": "You are a dicing master, and all claims you cheat are clearly wrong. When you successfully use Gamble or Sleight of Hand when playing with dice, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 06 could be used for +6 SL. If you play any real-life dice games to represent in-game dice games, always roll extra dice equal to your Diceman level and choose the best results."
"description": "You are a dicing master, and all claims you cheat are clearly wrong. When you successfully use Gamble or Sleight of Hand when playing with dice, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 06 could be used for +6 SL. If you play any real-life dice games to represent in-game dice games, always roll extra dice equal to your Diceman level and choose the best results."
"id": "Dirty Fighting",
"id": "Dirty Fighting",
"name": "Dirty Fighting",
"name": "Combat déloyal",
"description": "You have been taught all the dirty tricks of unarmed combat. You may choose to cause an extra +1 Damage for each level in Dirty Fighting with any successful Melee (Brawling) hit."
"description": "You have been taught all the dirty tricks of unarmed combat. You may choose to cause an extra +1 Damage for each level in Dirty Fighting with any successful Melee (Brawling) hit."
@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
"id": "Distract",
"id": "Distract",
"name": "Distract",
"name": "Distraire",
"description": "<p>You are trained in simple movements to distract or startle your opponent, drawing eyes from your true intent. You may use your Move to perform a Distraction. This is resolved by an <strong>Opposed Athletics/Cool</strong> Test. If you win, your opponent can gain no Advantage until the end of the next Round.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are trained in simple movements to distract or startle your opponent, drawing eyes from your true intent. You may use your Move to perform a Distraction. This is resolved by an <strong>Opposed Athletics/Cool</strong> Test. If you win, your opponent can gain no Advantage until the end of the next Round.</p>"
@ -218,22 +218,22 @@
"id": "Drilled",
"id": "Drilled",
"name": "Drilled",
"name": "Coude-à_coude",
"description": "<p>You have been trained to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with other soldiers. If an enemy causes you to lose Advantage when standing beside an active ally with the Drilled Talent, you may keep 1 lost Advantage for each time you’ve taken the Drilled Talent.</p>"
"description": "<p>You have been trained to fight shoulder-to-shoulder with other soldiers. If an enemy causes you to lose Advantage when standing beside an active ally with the Drilled Talent, you may keep 1 lost Advantage for each time you’ve taken the Drilled Talent.</p>"
"id": "Dual Wielder",
"id": "Dual Wielder",
"name": "Dual Wielder",
"name": "Maniement de 2 armes",
"description": "<p>When armed with two weapons, you may attack with both for your Action. Roll to hit with the weapon held in your primary hand. If you hit, determine Damage as normal, but remember to keep your dice roll, as you will use it again. If the first strike hits, once it is resolved, the weapon in your secondary hand can then target an available opponent of your choice using the same dice roll for the first strike, but reversed. So, if you rolled 34 to hit with the first weapon, you use 43 to hit with the second. Remember to modify this second roll by your off-hand penalty (–20 unless you have the Ambidextrous Talent). This second attack is Opposed with a new defending roll, and damage for this second strike is calculated as normal. The only exception to this is if you roll a Critical for your first strike. If this happens, use the roll on the Critical Table to also act as the roll for the second attack. So, if you scored a critical to the head and rolled 56 on the Critical table for a Major Eye Wound, your second attack would then strike out with a to-hit value of 56. If you choose to attack with both weapons, all your defensive rolls until the start of your next Turn suffer a penalty of –10. You do not gain an Advantage when you successfully strike or Wound an opponent when Dual Wielding unless both attacks hit.</p>"
"description": "<p>When armed with two weapons, you may attack with both for your Action. Roll to hit with the weapon held in your primary hand. If you hit, determine Damage as normal, but remember to keep your dice roll, as you will use it again. If the first strike hits, once it is resolved, the weapon in your secondary hand can then target an available opponent of your choice using the same dice roll for the first strike, but reversed. So, if you rolled 34 to hit with the first weapon, you use 43 to hit with the second. Remember to modify this second roll by your off-hand penalty (–20 unless you have the Ambidextrous Talent). This second attack is Opposed with a new defending roll, and damage for this second strike is calculated as normal. The only exception to this is if you roll a Critical for your first strike. If this happens, use the roll on the Critical Table to also act as the roll for the second attack. So, if you scored a critical to the head and rolled 56 on the Critical table for a Major Eye Wound, your second attack would then strike out with a to-hit value of 56. If you choose to attack with both weapons, all your defensive rolls until the start of your next Turn suffer a penalty of –10. You do not gain an Advantage when you successfully strike or Wound an opponent when Dual Wielding unless both attacks hit.</p>"
"id": "Embezzle",
"id": "Embezzle",
"name": "Embezzle",
"name": "Escroqueur",
"description": "<p>You are skilled at skimming money from your employers without being detected. Whenever you secure money when Earning (during play or performing an Income Endeavour), you may attempt an <strong>Opposed Intelligence</strong> Test with your employer (assuming you have one). If you win, you skim 2d10 + SL brass pennies, 1d10 + SL silver shillings, or 1 + SL gold crowns (depending upon the size of the business in question, as determined by the GM) without being detected. If your employer wins by 6+ SL, you gain the money, but your embezzling is detected; what then happens is left to the GM. Any other result means you have failed to embezzle any money.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are skilled at skimming money from your employers without being detected. Whenever you secure money when Earning (during play or performing an Income Endeavour), you may attempt an <strong>Opposed Intelligence</strong> Test with your employer (assuming you have one). If you win, you skim 2d10 + SL brass pennies, 1d10 + SL silver shillings, or 1 + SL gold crowns (depending upon the size of the business in question, as determined by the GM) without being detected. If your employer wins by 6+ SL, you gain the money, but your embezzling is detected; what then happens is left to the GM. Any other result means you have failed to embezzle any money.</p>"
"id": "Enclosed Fighter",
"id": "Enclosed Fighter",
"name": "Enclosed Fighter",
"name": "Combattant en espace clos",
"description": "You have learned to make the most benefit out of fighting in enclosed spaces. You ignore penalties to Melee caused by confined spaces such as tunnels, the frontline, small fighting pits, and similar, and can use the Dodge Skill, even if it would normally be disallowed due to lack of space."
"description": "You have learned to make the most benefit out of fighting in enclosed spaces. You ignore penalties to Melee caused by confined spaces such as tunnels, the frontline, small fighting pits, and similar, and can use the Dodge Skill, even if it would normally be disallowed due to lack of space."
@ -243,7 +243,7 @@
"id": "Fast Hands",
"id": "Fast Hands",
"name": "Fast Hands",
"name": "Mains agiles",
"description": "You can move your hands with surprising dexterity. Bystanders get no passive Perception Tests to spot your use of the Sleight of Hand Skill, instead they only get to Oppose your Sleight of Hand Tests if they actively suspect and are looking for your movements. Further, attempts to use Melee (Brawling) to simply touch an opponent gain a bonus of +10 <20> your level in Fast Hands."
"description": "You can move your hands with surprising dexterity. Bystanders get no passive Perception Tests to spot your use of the Sleight of Hand Skill, instead they only get to Oppose your Sleight of Hand Tests if they actively suspect and are looking for your movements. Further, attempts to use Melee (Brawling) to simply touch an opponent gain a bonus of +10 <20> your level in Fast Hands."
@ -253,22 +253,22 @@
"id": "Fearless",
"id": "Fearless",
"name": "Fearless",
"name": "Sans peur",
"description": "<p>You are either brave enough or crazy enough that fear of certain enemies has become a distant memory. With a single <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test, you may ignore any Intimidate, Fear, or Terror effects from the specified enemy when encountered. Typical enemies include Beastmen, Greenskins, Outlaws, Vampires, Watchmen, and Witches.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are either brave enough or crazy enough that fear of certain enemies has become a distant memory. With a single <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test, you may ignore any Intimidate, Fear, or Terror effects from the specified enemy when encountered. Typical enemies include Beastmen, Greenskins, Outlaws, Vampires, Watchmen, and Witches.</p>"
"id": "Feint",
"id": "Feint",
"name": "Feint",
"name": "Feinte",
"description": "You have trained how to make false attacks in close combat to fool your opponent. You may now make a Feint for your Action against any opponent using a weapon. This is resolved with an Opposed Melee (Fencing)/Melee Test. If you win, and you attack the same opponent before the end of the next Round, you may add the SL of your Feint to your attack roll."
"description": "You have trained how to make false attacks in close combat to fool your opponent. You may now make a Feint for your Action against any opponent using a weapon. This is resolved with an Opposed Melee (Fencing)/Melee Test. If you win, and you attack the same opponent before the end of the next Round, you may add the SL of your Feint to your attack roll."
"id": "Field Dressing",
"id": "Field Dressing",
"name": "Field Dressing",
"name": "Pansement de fortune",
"description": "You are used to treating wounds quickly. If you fail a Heal Test when using Bandages, you may reverse the result if this will score a success; however, if you do so, you may not score more than +1 SL as you focus on speed over accuracy"
"description": "You are used to treating wounds quickly. If you fail a Heal Test when using Bandages, you may reverse the result if this will score a success; however, if you do so, you may not score more than +1 SL as you focus on speed over accuracy"
"id": "Fisherman",
"id": "Fisherman",
"name": "Fisherman",
"name": "Pêcheur",
"description": "You are a very capable fisherman and know all the best ways to land fiseed yourself and a number of others equal to your level in Fisherman, assuming you choose to spend at least an hour or so with a line and bait. You may secure more fish in addition to this using the normal rules for foraging "
"description": "You are a very capable fisherman and know all the best ways to land fiseed yourself and a number of others equal to your level in Fisherman, assuming you choose to spend at least an hour or so with a line and bait. You may secure more fish in addition to this using the normal rules for foraging "
@ -278,17 +278,17 @@
"id": "Flee!",
"id": "Flee!",
"name": "Flee!",
"name": "Fuite!",
"description": "When your life is on the line you are capable of impressive bursts of speed. Your Movement Attribute counts as 1 higher when Fleeing."
"description": "When your life is on the line you are capable of impressive bursts of speed. Your Movement Attribute counts as 1 higher when Fleeing."
"id": "Fleet Footed",
"id": "Fleet Footed",
"name": "Fleet Footed",
"name": "Véloce",
"description": "You gain +1 to your Movement Attribute."
"description": "You gain +1 to your Movement Attribute."
"id": "Frenzy",
"id": "Frenzy",
"name": "Frenzy",
"name": "Frénésie",
"description": "<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\">With a Willpower Test, you can work yourself into a state of frenzy by psyching yourself up, howling, biting your shield, or similar. If you succeed, you become subject to Frenzy.</p>\n<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\">While subject to Frenzy you are immune to all other psychology, and will not flee or retreat for any reason; indeed you must always move at full rate towards the closest enemy you can see in order to attack. Generally, the only Action you may take is a Weapon Skill Test or an Athletics Test to reach an enemy more quickly. Further, you may take a Free Action Melee Test each Round as you are throwing everything you have into your attacks. Lastly, you gain a bonus of +1 Strength Bonus, such is your ferocity. You remain in Frenzy until all enemies in your line of sight are pacified, or you receive the <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Stunned</em> or <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Unconscious</em> condition. After your Frenzy is over you immediately receive a <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Fatigued</em> condition.</p>"
"description": "<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\">With a Willpower Test, you can work yourself into a state of frenzy by psyching yourself up, howling, biting your shield, or similar. If you succeed, you become subject to Frenzy.</p>\n<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\"> </p>\n<p style=\"user-select: text; color: #111111;\">While subject to Frenzy you are immune to all other psychology, and will not flee or retreat for any reason; indeed you must always move at full rate towards the closest enemy you can see in order to attack. Generally, the only Action you may take is a Weapon Skill Test or an Athletics Test to reach an enemy more quickly. Further, you may take a Free Action Melee Test each Round as you are throwing everything you have into your attacks. Lastly, you gain a bonus of +1 Strength Bonus, such is your ferocity. You remain in Frenzy until all enemies in your line of sight are pacified, or you receive the <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Stunned</em> or <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Unconscious</em> condition. After your Frenzy is over you immediately receive a <em style=\"user-select: text;\">Fatigued</em> condition.</p>"
@ -298,7 +298,7 @@
"id": "Furious Assault",
"id": "Furious Assault",
"name": "Furious Assault",
"name": "Assaut féroce",
"description": "Your blows follow one another in quick succession, raining down on your opponents with the fury of Ulric. Once per Round, if you hit an opponent in close combat, you may immediately spend an Advantage or your Move to make an extra attack (assuming you have your Move remaining)."
"description": "Your blows follow one another in quick succession, raining down on your opponents with the fury of Ulric. Once per Round, if you hit an opponent in close combat, you may immediately spend an Advantage or your Move to make an extra attack (assuming you have your Move remaining)."
@ -308,22 +308,22 @@
"id": "Gunner",
"id": "Gunner",
"name": "Gunner",
"name": "Artilleur",
"description": "You can reload blackpowder weapons with practiced ease. Add SL equal to your level in Gunner to any Extended Test to reload a Blackpowder weapon."
"description": "You can reload blackpowder weapons with practiced ease. Add SL equal to your level in Gunner to any Extended Test to reload a Blackpowder weapon."
"id": "Hardy",
"id": "Hardy",
"name": "Hardy",
"name": "Dur à cuire",
"description": "You gain a permanent addition to your Wounds, equal to your Toughness Bonus. If your Toughness Bonus should increase, then the number of Wounds Hardy provides also increases."
"description": "You gain a permanent addition to your Wounds, equal to your Toughness Bonus. If your Toughness Bonus should increase, then the number of Wounds Hardy provides also increases."
"id": "Hatred",
"id": "Hatred",
"name": "Hatred",
"name": "Haine",
"description": "You are consumed with hatred for something in the Old World, as described on page 190. Each time you take this Talent you develop hatred for a new group. Examples you could take include: Beastmen, Greenskins, Monsters, Outlaws, Sigmarites, Undead, Witches."
"description": "You are consumed with hatred for something in the Old World, as described on page 190. Each time you take this Talent you develop hatred for a new group. Examples you could take include: Beastmen, Greenskins, Monsters, Outlaws, Sigmarites, Undead, Witches."
"id": "Holy Hatred",
"id": "Holy Hatred",
"name": "Holy Hatred",
"name": "Haine sacrée",
"description": "Your prayers drip with the hatred you feel for your blasphemous enemies. You deal +1 Damage with Miracles for each level in this Talent."
"description": "Your prayers drip with the hatred you feel for your blasphemous enemies. You deal +1 Damage with Miracles for each level in this Talent."
@ -333,12 +333,12 @@
"id": "Hunter's Eye",
"id": "Hunter's Eye",
"name": "Hunter's Eye",
"name": "Oeil du chasseur",
"description": "You are a skilled hunter and know all the best techniques to find game. When travelling through well-stocked lands, you are automatically assumed to be able to hunt down enough game to feed yourself and a number of others equal to your level in Hunter<65>s Eye, so long as you have time and the correct equipment. You may secure more food in addition to this using the normal rules for foraging."
"description": "You are a skilled hunter and know all the best techniques to find game. When travelling through well-stocked lands, you are automatically assumed to be able to hunt down enough game to feed yourself and a number of others equal to your level in Hunter<65>s Eye, so long as you have time and the correct equipment. You may secure more food in addition to this using the normal rules for foraging."
"id": "Impassioned Zeal",
"id": "Impassioned Zeal",
"name": "Impassioned Zeal",
"name": "Ferveur ardente",
"description": "<p>When you talk about your cause, case, or religion, your words fill with passion and fervent zeal. You may double your Fellowship for the purposes of determining the number of people influenced by your Public Speaking when talking about your cause.</p>"
"description": "<p>When you talk about your cause, case, or religion, your words fill with passion and fervent zeal. You may double your Fellowship for the purposes of determining the number of people influenced by your Public Speaking when talking about your cause.</p>"
@ -348,42 +348,42 @@
"id": "In-fighter",
"id": "In-fighter",
"name": "In-fighter",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"description": "<p>You are skilled at drawing in close to an opponent. You suffer no penalties for fighting against an opponent with a longer weapon than you. Further, if you use the optional rules for In-fighting (see page 297), gain a bonus of +10 to hit your opponent.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are skilled at drawing in close to an opponent. You suffer no penalties for fighting against an opponent with a longer weapon than you. Further, if you use the optional rules for In-fighting (see page 297), gain a bonus of +10 to hit your opponent.</p>"
"id": "Inspiring",
"id": "Inspiring",
"name": "Inspiring",
"name": "Exaltant",
"description": "<p>Your rousing words and pleas can turn the tide of a battle. Refer to the following table to see how many people you can now influence with your Leadership Skill when at war.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<table title=\"\" border=\"1\" summary=\"\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>Talent Taken</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Number of soldiers influenced</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>1</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>As normal × 5</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>2</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>As normal × 10</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>3</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 20</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>4</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 50</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>5</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 100</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>6</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 200</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>7</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 500</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>8</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 1000</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>9</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> All who can hear your inspiring voice</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>"
"description": "<p>Your rousing words and pleas can turn the tide of a battle. Refer to the following table to see how many people you can now influence with your Leadership Skill when at war.</p>\n<p> </p>\n<div>\n<table title=\"\" border=\"1\" summary=\"\" cellspacing=\"0\" cellpadding=\"0\">\n<tbody>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>Talent Taken</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>Number of soldiers influenced</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>1</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>As normal × 5</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>2</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p>As normal × 10</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>3</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 20</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>4</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 50</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>5</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 100</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>6</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 200</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>7</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 500</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>8</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> As normal × 1000</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n<tr>\n<td>\n<p>9</p>\n</td>\n<td>\n<p> All who can hear your inspiring voice</p>\n</td>\n</tr>\n</tbody>\n</table>\n</div>"
"id": "Instinctive Diction",
"id": "Instinctive Diction",
"name": "Instinctive Diction",
"name": "Diction Instinctive",
"description": "<p>You instinctively understand the language of Magick, and are capable of articulating the most complex phrases rapidly without error. You do not suffer a Miscast if you roll a double on a successful Language (Magick) Test.</p>"
"description": "<p>You instinctively understand the language of Magick, and are capable of articulating the most complex phrases rapidly without error. You do not suffer a Miscast if you roll a double on a successful Language (Magick) Test.</p>"
"id": "Invoke",
"id": "Invoke",
"name": "Invoke",
"name": "Invocation",
"description": "<p>You are blessed by one of the Gods and can empower one of your Cult’s Miracles. Further, you may purchase extra miracles for 100 XP per miracle you currently know. So, if you already know 3 miracles, your next miracle costs 300 XP to purchase. Full rules for learning new miracles are provided in <strong>Chapter 7: Religion and Belief</strong>. Under normal circumstances, you may not learn more than one <em>Invoke (Divine Lore)</em> Talent. Further, you may not learn the <em>Petty Magic</em> or <em>Arcane Magic</em> Talents when you have the Invoke Talent. You can unlearn this Talent for 100 XP, but will lose all of your miracles if you do so, and will also garner the extreme disfavor of your God, with effects determined by your GM</p>"
"description": "<p>You are blessed by one of the Gods and can empower one of your Cult’s Miracles. Further, you may purchase extra miracles for 100 XP per miracle you currently know. So, if you already know 3 miracles, your next miracle costs 300 XP to purchase. Full rules for learning new miracles are provided in <strong>Chapter 7: Religion and Belief</strong>. Under normal circumstances, you may not learn more than one <em>Invoke (Divine Lore)</em> Talent. Further, you may not learn the <em>Petty Magic</em> or <em>Arcane Magic</em> Talents when you have the Invoke Talent. You can unlearn this Talent for 100 XP, but will lose all of your miracles if you do so, and will also garner the extreme disfavor of your God, with effects determined by your GM</p>"
"id": "Iron Jaw",
"id": "Iron Jaw",
"name": "Iron Jaw",
"name": "Machoires d'acier",
"description": "<p>You are made of sturdy stuff and can weather even the strongest blows. Whenever you gain one or more Stunned Conditions, you may make an immediate <strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test to not take one of them, with each SL removing an extra Stunned Condition.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are made of sturdy stuff and can weather even the strongest blows. Whenever you gain one or more Stunned Conditions, you may make an immediate <strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test to not take one of them, with each SL removing an extra Stunned Condition.</p>"
"id": "Iron Will",
"id": "Iron Will",
"name": "Iron Will",
"name": "Volonté de fer",
"description": "You have an indomitable will of iron, and will never willingly bow down before another. Use of the Intimidate skill does not cause Fear in you, and will not stop you speaking out against the intimidating party."
"description": "You have an indomitable will of iron, and will never willingly bow down before another. Use of the Intimidate skill does not cause Fear in you, and will not stop you speaking out against the intimidating party."
"id": "Jump Up",
"id": "Jump Up",
"name": "Jump Up",
"name": "Saut carpé",
"description": "<p>You are hard to keep down. You may perform a <strong>Challenging (+0) Athletics</strong> Test to immediately regain your feet whenever you gain a Prone Condition. This Athletics Test is often modified by the Strength behind the blow that knocks you down: for every +10 Strength the blow has over your Toughness, you suffer a penalty of –10 to the Athletics Test, and vice versa</p>"
"description": "<p>You are hard to keep down. You may perform a <strong>Challenging (+0) Athletics</strong> Test to immediately regain your feet whenever you gain a Prone Condition. This Athletics Test is often modified by the Strength behind the blow that knocks you down: for every +10 Strength the blow has over your Toughness, you suffer a penalty of –10 to the Athletics Test, and vice versa</p>"
"id": "Kingpin",
"id": "Kingpin",
"name": "Kingpin",
"name": "Caïd",
"description": "You have earned an air of respectability despite your nefarious ways. You may ignore the Status loss of the Criminal Talent."
"description": "You have earned an air of respectability despite your nefarious ways. You may ignore the Status loss of the Criminal Talent."
@ -393,7 +393,7 @@
"id": "Linguistics",
"id": "Linguistics",
"name": "Linguistics",
"name": "Linguistique",
"description": "<p>You have a natural affinity for languages. Given a month’s exposure to any Language, you count the associated Language Skill as a Basic Skill with a successful Intelligence Test (which can be attempted once per month). <strong>Note</strong>: Linguistics only works for languages used to frequently communicate with others, so does not work with Language (Magick).</p>"
"description": "<p>You have a natural affinity for languages. Given a month’s exposure to any Language, you count the associated Language Skill as a Basic Skill with a successful Intelligence Test (which can be attempted once per month). <strong>Note</strong>: Linguistics only works for languages used to frequently communicate with others, so does not work with Language (Magick).</p>"
@ -408,12 +408,12 @@
"id": "Magic Resistance",
"id": "Magic Resistance",
"name": "Magic Resistance",
"name": "Résistance à la Magie",
"description": "You are resistant to magic. The SL of any spell affecting you is reduced by 2 The SL of a spell is only modified by the highest Magic Resistance Talent within the target area. Further, you may never learn the Arcane Magic, Bless, Invoke, Petty Magic, or Witch! Talents"
"description": "You are resistant to magic. The SL of any spell affecting you is reduced by 2 The SL of a spell is only modified by the highest Magic Resistance Talent within the target area. Further, you may never learn the Arcane Magic, Bless, Invoke, Petty Magic, or Witch! Talents"
"id": "Magical Sense",
"id": "Magical Sense",
"name": "Magical Sense",
"name": "Perception de la magie",
"description": "<p>You are able to sense the Winds of Magic in others. You may attempt an <strong>Average (+20) Intuition</strong> Test whenever you encounter a spellcaster. If you pass, you sense the target is a witch. Further, if you score an Astounding Success (+6), can also determine the target’s highest Channeling Specialization.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are able to sense the Winds of Magic in others. You may attempt an <strong>Average (+20) Intuition</strong> Test whenever you encounter a spellcaster. If you pass, you sense the target is a witch. Further, if you score an Astounding Success (+6), can also determine the target’s highest Channeling Specialization.</p>"
@ -423,32 +423,32 @@
"id": "Marksman",
"id": "Marksman",
"name": "Marksman",
"name": "Tireur de précision",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Ballistic Skill (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Ballistic Skill (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Master Orator",
"id": "Master Orator",
"name": "Master Orator",
"name": "Grand Orateur",
"description": "You are skilled at firing up crowds. You gain a gain a SL bonus equal to your levels of Master Orator to any Charm Test when Public Speaking before a crowd."
"description": "You are skilled at firing up crowds. You gain a gain a SL bonus equal to your levels of Master Orator to any Charm Test when Public Speaking before a crowd."
"id": "Master Tradesman",
"id": "Master Tradesman",
"name": "Master Tradesman",
"name": "Travailleur qualifié",
"description": "You are exceptionally skilled at your specified Trade skill. You reduce the required SL of any Extended Test using your Trade Skill by the level of your Master Tradesman Talent"
"description": "You are exceptionally skilled at your specified Trade skill. You reduce the required SL of any Extended Test using your Trade Skill by the level of your Master Tradesman Talent"
"id": "Master of Disguise",
"id": "Master of Disguise",
"name": "Master of Disguise",
"name": "Maitre en déguisement",
"description": "You are an expert at taking on the appearance and mannerisms of others. With nothing but posture changes, face twisting, and careful use of appropriate clothing, you no longer look like yourself without having to use a Disguise Kit."
"description": "You are an expert at taking on the appearance and mannerisms of others. With nothing but posture changes, face twisting, and careful use of appropriate clothing, you no longer look like yourself without having to use a Disguise Kit."
"id": "Menacing",
"id": "Menacing",
"name": "Menacing",
"name": "Menaçant",
"description": "You have an imposing presence. When using the Intimidate Skill, gain a SL bonus equal to your levels of Menacing."
"description": "You have an imposing presence. When using the Intimidate Skill, gain a SL bonus equal to your levels of Menacing."
"id": "Mimic",
"id": "Mimic",
"name": "Mimic",
"name": "Imitation",
"description": "You have a good ear for accents and dialects, and can reproduce them accurately. You may replicate any accent you are exposed to for at least a day with an Initiative Test; this Test may be attempted once per day. Once passed, you may always mimic the accent, and locals will believe you to be one of their own"
"description": "You have a good ear for accents and dialects, and can reproduce them accurately. You may replicate any accent you are exposed to for at least a day with an Initiative Test; this Test may be attempted once per day. Once passed, you may always mimic the accent, and locals will believe you to be one of their own"
@ -458,27 +458,27 @@
"id": "Nimble Fingered",
"id": "Nimble Fingered",
"name": "Nimble Fingered",
"name": "Doigts de fée",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Dexterity (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Dexterity (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Noble Blood",
"id": "Noble Blood",
"name": "Noble Blood",
"name": "Noblesse",
"description": "You are either born into the nobility, or otherwise elevated to it by in-game events. Assuming you are dressed appropriately, you are always considered of higher Status than others unless they also have the Noble Blood Talent, where Status is compared as normal."
"description": "You are either born into the nobility, or otherwise elevated to it by in-game events. Assuming you are dressed appropriately, you are always considered of higher Status than others unless they also have the Noble Blood Talent, where Status is compared as normal."
"id": "Nose for Trouble",
"id": "Nose for Trouble",
"name": "Nose for Trouble",
"name": "Flairer les ennuis",
"description": "<p>You are used to getting into, and preferably out of, trouble. You may attempt an Intuition Test to spot those seeking to cause trouble or seeking to cause you harm, even if normally you would not be allowed a Test (because of Talents or a Spell, for example). This Test will likely be Opposed if others are hiding, and the GM may prefer to take this Test on your behalf in secret so you do not know the results should you fail. If any troublemakers you spot start combat, you may ignore any <em>Surprised </em>Condition they would normally inflict.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are used to getting into, and preferably out of, trouble. You may attempt an Intuition Test to spot those seeking to cause trouble or seeking to cause you harm, even if normally you would not be allowed a Test (because of Talents or a Spell, for example). This Test will likely be Opposed if others are hiding, and the GM may prefer to take this Test on your behalf in secret so you do not know the results should you fail. If any troublemakers you spot start combat, you may ignore any <em>Surprised </em>Condition they would normally inflict.</p>"
"id": "Numismatics",
"id": "Numismatics",
"name": "Numismatics",
"name": "Numismate",
"description": "<p>You are well versed with the different coinage of the Old World, and are adept at determining their value. You can judge the true value of a coin by experience alone, not even requiring a Test. Further, you can identify forged coins with a Simple Evaluate Test; it is never Opposed by the SL of the Forger.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are well versed with the different coinage of the Old World, and are adept at determining their value. You can judge the true value of a coin by experience alone, not even requiring a Test. Further, you can identify forged coins with a Simple Evaluate Test; it is never Opposed by the SL of the Forger.</p>"
"id": "Old Salt",
"id": "Old Salt",
"name": "Old Salt",
"name": "Loup de mer",
"description": "You are an experienced seaman, and are very used to sea life. You can ignore all negative modifiers to Tests at sea derived from poor weather, rolling ships, and similar. Further, you count as two seamen towards the minimum number of crew to pilot a sea-going vessel."
"description": "You are an experienced seaman, and are very used to sea life. You can ignore all negative modifiers to Tests at sea derived from poor weather, rolling ships, and similar. Further, you count as two seamen towards the minimum number of crew to pilot a sea-going vessel."
@ -488,12 +488,12 @@
"id": "Panhandle",
"id": "Panhandle",
"name": "Panhandle",
"name": "Faire la manche",
"description": "You are a skilled beggar, able to get even the most jaded individual to contribute to your cause. You can perform a Charm Test every half hour when Begging, not every hour (see page 120). "
"description": "You are a skilled beggar, able to get even the most jaded individual to contribute to your cause. You can perform a Charm Test every half hour when Begging, not every hour (see page 120). "
"id": "Perfect Pitch",
"id": "Perfect Pitch",
"name": "Perfect Pitch",
"name": "Oreille absolue",
"description": "You have perfect pitch, able to replicate notes perfectly and identify them without even making a Test. Further, add Entertain (Sing) to any Career you enter; if it is already in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance."
"description": "You have perfect pitch, able to replicate notes perfectly and identify them without even making a Test. Further, add Entertain (Sing) to any Career you enter; if it is already in your Career, you may instead purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance."
@ -503,7 +503,7 @@
"id": "Pharmacist",
"id": "Pharmacist",
"name": "Pharmacist",
"name": "Pharmacologie",
"description": "You are highly skilled at pharmacy, better able than most to make pills, ointments, unguents, oils, creams, and more. You may reverse any failed Trade (Apothecary) test if this allows the Test to succeed"
"description": "You are highly skilled at pharmacy, better able than most to make pills, ointments, unguents, oils, creams, and more. You may reverse any failed Trade (Apothecary) test if this allows the Test to succeed"
@ -518,7 +518,7 @@
"id": "Pure Soul",
"id": "Pure Soul",
"name": "Pure Soul",
"name": "Ame pure",
"description": "Your soul is pure, quite resistant to the depredations of Chaos. You may gain extra Corruption points equal to your level of Pure Soul before having to Test to see if you become corrupt."
"description": "Your soul is pure, quite resistant to the depredations of Chaos. You may gain extra Corruption points equal to your level of Pure Soul before having to Test to see if you become corrupt."
@ -528,7 +528,7 @@
"id": "Reaction Strike",
"id": "Reaction Strike",
"name": "Reaction Strike",
"name": "Frappe réactive",
"description": "<p>Your fast reactions have allowed you to fell many opponents before they have even swung their blades. When you are Charged, you may attempt a <strong>Challenging (+0) Initiative</strong> Test to gain an immediate Free Attack outside the normal turn sequence. This attack is resolved with whatever weapon you are carrying in your primary hand. You may make as many Reaction Strikes in a Round as you have levels in this Talent, but can only attack each individual charger once each.</p>"
"description": "<p>Your fast reactions have allowed you to fell many opponents before they have even swung their blades. When you are Charged, you may attempt a <strong>Challenging (+0) Initiative</strong> Test to gain an immediate Free Attack outside the normal turn sequence. This attack is resolved with whatever weapon you are carrying in your primary hand. You may make as many Reaction Strikes in a Round as you have levels in this Talent, but can only attack each individual charger once each.</p>"
@ -538,7 +538,7 @@
"id": "Relentless",
"id": "Relentless",
"name": "Relentless",
"name": "Impitoyable",
"description": "When you have your mind set on a target, there is nothing anyone can do to stop you reaching them. If you use Advantage when Disengaging, you may keep a number of Advantage equal to your level of Relentless. Further, you may use Advantage to Disengage even if you have lower Advantage than your opponents."
"description": "When you have your mind set on a target, there is nothing anyone can do to stop you reaching them. If you use Advantage when Disengaging, you may keep a number of Advantage equal to your level of Relentless. Further, you may use Advantage to Disengage even if you have lower Advantage than your opponents."
@ -548,12 +548,12 @@
"id": "Resolute",
"id": "Resolute",
"name": "Resolute",
"name": "Déterminé",
"description": "You launch into attacks with grim determination. Add your level of Resolute to your Strength Bonus when you Charge."
"description": "You launch into attacks with grim determination. Add your level of Resolute to your Strength Bonus when you Charge."
"id": "Reversal",
"id": "Reversal",
"name": "Reversal",
"name": "Renversement",
"description": "<p>You are used to desperate combats, able to turn even the direst circumstances to your Advantage. If you win an <strong>Opposed Melee</strong> Test, instead of gaining +1 Advantage, you may take all your opponent’s Current Advantage. If you do this, you do not cause any Damage, even if it is your Turn in the Round.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are used to desperate combats, able to turn even the direst circumstances to your Advantage. If you win an <strong>Opposed Melee</strong> Test, instead of gaining +1 Advantage, you may take all your opponent’s Current Advantage. If you do this, you do not cause any Damage, even if it is your Turn in the Round.</p>"
@ -563,22 +563,22 @@
"id": "River Guide",
"id": "River Guide",
"name": "River Guide",
"name": "Guide fluvial",
"description": "<p>You know all the tricks for navigating dangerous rivers. You don’t need to Test for passing through dangerous stretches of water until the Difficulty for doing so is –10 or lower — you automatically pass all Tests easier than this. Further, if you have the appropriate Lore (Local) Skill, you need never Test for navigating dangerous waters — you are assumed to know the route through.</p>"
"description": "<p>You know all the tricks for navigating dangerous rivers. You don’t need to Test for passing through dangerous stretches of water until the Difficulty for doing so is –10 or lower — you automatically pass all Tests easier than this. Further, if you have the appropriate Lore (Local) Skill, you need never Test for navigating dangerous waters — you are assumed to know the route through.</p>"
"id": "Robust",
"id": "Robust",
"name": "Robust",
"name": "Robuste",
"description": "<p>You are as tough as old boots and just soak up damage. You reduce all incoming Damage by an extra +1 per time you have taken the Robust Talent, even if the Damage cannot normally be reduced, but still suffer a minimum of 1 Wound from any Damage source.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are as tough as old boots and just soak up damage. You reduce all incoming Damage by an extra +1 per time you have taken the Robust Talent, even if the Damage cannot normally be reduced, but still suffer a minimum of 1 Wound from any Damage source.</p>"
"id": "Roughrider",
"id": "Roughrider",
"name": "Roughrider",
"name": "Cavalier émérite",
"description": "<p>You are at home in the saddle in even the most difficult of circumstances, and know how to get the best out of your mount during conflict. Assuming you have the Ride skill, you can direct your mount to take an Action, not just a Move, without a Ride test.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are at home in the saddle in even the most difficult of circumstances, and know how to get the best out of your mount during conflict. Assuming you have the Ride skill, you can direct your mount to take an Action, not just a Move, without a Ride test.</p>"
"id": "Rover",
"id": "Rover",
"name": "Rover",
"name": "Nomade",
"description": "You are at home roaming the wild places. When using Stealth in a rural environment, bystanders do not get passive Perception Tests to detect you; they can only spot you if they are specifically on look-out, or watching for hidden spies."
"description": "You are at home roaming the wild places. When using Stealth in a rural environment, bystanders do not get passive Perception Tests to detect you; they can only spot you if they are specifically on look-out, or watching for hidden spies."
@ -588,27 +588,27 @@
"id": "Savvy",
"id": "Savvy",
"name": "Savvy",
"name": "Perspicace",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Intelligence Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Intelligence Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Scale Sheer Surface",
"id": "Scale Sheer Surface",
"name": "Scale Sheer Surface",
"name": "Grimpeur",
"description": "You are an exceptional climber. You can attempt to climb even seemingly impossible surfaces such as sheer fortifications, ice shelves, plastered walls, and similar, and you ignore any penalties to Climb Tests derived from the difficulty of the surface climbed."
"description": "You are an exceptional climber. You can attempt to climb even seemingly impossible surfaces such as sheer fortifications, ice shelves, plastered walls, and similar, and you ignore any penalties to Climb Tests derived from the difficulty of the surface climbed."
"id": "Schemer",
"id": "Schemer",
"name": "Schemer",
"name": "Intrigant",
"description": "You are a master of politics and see conspiracy around every corner. Once per session, you may ask the GM one question regarding a political situation or entangled web of social connections; the GM will perform a secret Intelligence Test and provide you some observations regarding the situation based upon your SL."
"description": "You are a master of politics and see conspiracy around every corner. Once per session, you may ask the GM one question regarding a political situation or entangled web of social connections; the GM will perform a secret Intelligence Test and provide you some observations regarding the situation based upon your SL."
"id": "Sea Legs",
"id": "Sea Legs",
"name": "Sea Legs",
"name": "Pied marin",
"description": "You are used to the rolling motion of the oceans, and are very unlikely to get sea sick, even in the worst storms. Under normal conditions at sea, you need never Test to see if you become Sea Sick. At other times (such as a storm, or a magically induced bout of Sea Sickness), you can ignore any penalties to Tests to avoid Sea Sickness."
"description": "You are used to the rolling motion of the oceans, and are very unlikely to get sea sick, even in the worst storms. Under normal conditions at sea, you need never Test to see if you become Sea Sick. At other times (such as a storm, or a magically induced bout of Sea Sickness), you can ignore any penalties to Tests to avoid Sea Sickness."
"id": "Seasoned Traveller",
"id": "Seasoned Traveller",
"name": "Seasoned Traveller",
"name": "Voyageur aguerri",
"description": "<p>You are an inquisitive soul who has travelled far and wide, learning all manner of local information. Add Lore (Local) to any Career you enter; if it is already in Career, you may purchase the Skill, both times — a different Specialty each time, such as Altdorf, Vorbergland, or Ubersreik — for 5 XP fewer per Advance.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are an inquisitive soul who has travelled far and wide, learning all manner of local information. Add Lore (Local) to any Career you enter; if it is already in Career, you may purchase the Skill, both times — a different Specialty each time, such as Altdorf, Vorbergland, or Ubersreik — for 5 XP fewer per Advance.</p>"
@ -623,22 +623,22 @@
"id": "Shadow",
"id": "Shadow",
"name": "Shadow",
"name": "Discret",
"description": "You are skilled at following people without being spotted. You may use the Shadowing rules on page 130 without doing a Combined Test. Instead you test against just your Perception or your Stealth Skill, whichever is higher."
"description": "You are skilled at following people without being spotted. You may use the Shadowing rules on page 130 without doing a Combined Test. Instead you test against just your Perception or your Stealth Skill, whichever is higher."
"id": "Sharp",
"id": "Sharp",
"name": "Sharp",
"name": "Vivacité",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Initiative Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Initiative Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Sharpshooter",
"id": "Sharpshooter",
"name": "Sharpshooter",
"name": "Tireur d'élite",
"description": "You can make aimed shots of exceptional accuracy. You ignore any negative Difficulty modifier to Ranged Tests due to the size of your target."
"description": "You can make aimed shots of exceptional accuracy. You ignore any negative Difficulty modifier to Ranged Tests due to the size of your target."
"id": "Shieldsman",
"id": "Shieldsman",
"name": "Shieldsman",
"name": "Porte-bouclier",
"description": "You are skilled at using your shield to maneuver others in combat so you can take advantage of a desperate situation. When using a Shield to defend, you gain Advantage equal to the number of levels you have in Shieldsman if you lose the Opposed Test."
"description": "You are skilled at using your shield to maneuver others in combat so you can take advantage of a desperate situation. When using a Shield to defend, you gain Advantage equal to the number of levels you have in Shieldsman if you lose the Opposed Test."
@ -648,7 +648,7 @@
"id": "Slayer",
"id": "Slayer",
"name": "Slayer",
"name": "Meurtrier",
"description": "<p>When determining Damage use your opponent’s Toughness Bonus as your Strength Bonus if it is higher; always determine this before any other rules modify your Strength or Strength Bonus. Further, if your target is larger than you, and your score a Critical, multiply all melee Damage you cause by the number of steps larger your target is (so, 2 steps = ×2, 3 steps = ×3, and so on); this multiplication is calculated after all modifiers are applied. See Size.</p>"
"description": "<p>When determining Damage use your opponent’s Toughness Bonus as your Strength Bonus if it is higher; always determine this before any other rules modify your Strength or Strength Bonus. Further, if your target is larger than you, and your score a Critical, multiply all melee Damage you cause by the number of steps larger your target is (so, 2 steps = ×2, 3 steps = ×3, and so on); this multiplication is calculated after all modifiers are applied. See Size.</p>"
@ -658,12 +658,12 @@
"id": "Sniper",
"id": "Sniper",
"name": "Sniper",
"name": "Tireur embusqué",
"description": "<p>Distance is of no import to your shooting skills, and you are just as adept at picking off far-away targets as those nearby. You suffer no penalties for shooting at Long range, and half the penalties for Extreme range.</p>"
"description": "<p>Distance is of no import to your shooting skills, and you are just as adept at picking off far-away targets as those nearby. You suffer no penalties for shooting at Long range, and half the penalties for Extreme range.</p>"
"id": "Speedreader",
"id": "Speedreader",
"name": "Speedreader",
"name": "Lecture rapide",
"description": "You read books at a voracious pace. You may reverse a failed Research Test if this will grant success. If the speed at which you read is important during combat, a successful Language Test lets you read and fully comprehend a number of pages per Round equal to your SL plus Speedreader level (minimum of 1, even if you fail the Test)."
"description": "You read books at a voracious pace. You may reverse a failed Research Test if this will grant success. If the speed at which you read is important during combat, a successful Language Test lets you read and fully comprehend a number of pages per Round equal to your SL plus Speedreader level (minimum of 1, even if you fail the Test)."
@ -673,167 +673,167 @@
"id": "Step Aside",
"id": "Step Aside",
"name": "Step Aside",
"name": "Pas de côté",
"description": "You are skilled at being where enemy weapons are not. If you use Dodge to defend against an incoming attack and win the Opposed Test, you may move up to 2 yards as you dive away, and no longer count as Engaged. None of your opponents will gain a Free Attack when you do this."
"description": "You are skilled at being where enemy weapons are not. If you use Dodge to defend against an incoming attack and win the Opposed Test, you may move up to 2 yards as you dive away, and no longer count as Engaged. None of your opponents will gain a Free Attack when you do this."
"id": "Stone Soup",
"id": "Stone Soup",
"name": "Stone Soup",
"name": "Brouet",
"description": "You are used to getting by with less, and know how to survive lean times. You can subsist on half the amount of food required without any negative penalties (bar feeling really hungry), and need only test for Starvation every 3 days, not 2"
"description": "You are used to getting by with less, and know how to survive lean times. You can subsist on half the amount of food required without any negative penalties (bar feeling really hungry), and need only test for Starvation every 3 days, not 2"
"id": "Stout-hearted",
"id": "Stout-hearted",
"name": "Stout-hearted",
"name": "Coeur vaillant",
"description": "<p>No matter how bad things get, you always seem to come back for more. You may attempt a Cool Test to remove a Broken Condition at the end of each of your Turns as well as at the end of the Round (168).</p>"
"description": "<p>No matter how bad things get, you always seem to come back for more. You may attempt a Cool Test to remove a Broken Condition at the end of each of your Turns as well as at the end of the Round (168).</p>"
"id": "Strider",
"id": "Strider",
"name": "Strider",
"name": "Bon marcheur",
"description": "You are experienced in traversing difficult ground. You ignore all movement penalties when crossing over or through a specified terrain. Typical specialties include: Coastal, Deserts, Marshes, Rocky, Tundra, Woodlands."
"description": "You are experienced in traversing difficult ground. You ignore all movement penalties when crossing over or through a specified terrain. Typical specialties include: Coastal, Deserts, Marshes, Rocky, Tundra, Woodlands."
"id": "Strike Mighty Blow",
"id": "Strike Mighty Blow",
"name": "Strike Mighty Blow",
"name": "Coup puissant",
"description": "You know how to hit hard! You deal your level of Strike Mighty Blow in extra Damage with melee weapons."
"description": "You know how to hit hard! You deal your level of Strike Mighty Blow in extra Damage with melee weapons."
"id": "Strike to Injure",
"id": "Strike to Injure",
"name": "Strike to Injure",
"name": "Frappe blessante",
"description": "<p>You are an expert at striking your enemies most vulnerable areas. You inflict your level of Strike to Injure in additional Wounds when you cause a Critical Wound.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are an expert at striking your enemies most vulnerable areas. You inflict your level of Strike to Injure in additional Wounds when you cause a Critical Wound.</p>"
"id": "Strike to Stun",
"id": "Strike to Stun",
"name": "Strike to Stun",
"name": "Frappe assomante",
"description": "<p>You know where to hit an opponent to bring him down fast. You ignore the ‘Called Shot’ penalty to strike the Head Hit Location when using a melee weapon with the <em>Pummel</em> Quality. Further, you count all improvised weapons as having the <em>Pummel</em> Quality</p>"
"description": "<p>You know where to hit an opponent to bring him down fast. You ignore the ‘Called Shot’ penalty to strike the Head Hit Location when using a melee weapon with the <em>Pummel</em> Quality. Further, you count all improvised weapons as having the <em>Pummel</em> Quality</p>"
"id": "Strong Back",
"id": "Strong Back",
"name": "Strong Back",
"name": "Infatigable",
"description": "<p>You have a strong back that is used to hard work. You may add your levels in Strong Back to your SL in any Opposed Strength Tests, and can carry additional Encumbrance points of trappings (see page 293) equal to your level of Strong Back.</p>"
"description": "<p>You have a strong back that is used to hard work. You may add your levels in Strong Back to your SL in any Opposed Strength Tests, and can carry additional Encumbrance points of trappings (see page 293) equal to your level of Strong Back.</p>"
"id": "Strong Legs",
"id": "Strong Legs",
"name": "Strong Legs",
"name": "Bonnes jambes",
"description": "You have strong legs able to carry you great distances when you jump. Add your Strong Legs level to your SL in any Athletics Tests involving Leaping"
"description": "You have strong legs able to carry you great distances when you jump. Add your Strong Legs level to your SL in any Athletics Tests involving Leaping"
"id": "Strong Swimmer",
"id": "Strong Swimmer",
"name": "Strong Swimmer",
"name": "Nageur endurant",
"description": "You are an especially strong swimmer and used to holding your breath for a long time underwater. Gain a bonus of your level in Strong Swimmer to your Toughness Bonus for the purposes of holding your breath. Drowning and Suffocation"
"description": "You are an especially strong swimmer and used to holding your breath for a long time underwater. Gain a bonus of your level in Strong Swimmer to your Toughness Bonus for the purposes of holding your breath. Drowning and Suffocation"
"id": "Strong-minded",
"id": "Strong-minded",
"name": "Strong-minded",
"name": "Obstiné",
"description": "You are the epitome of determination and resolve. Add your level in Strong Minded to your maximum Resolve pool."
"description": "You are the epitome of determination and resolve. Add your level in Strong Minded to your maximum Resolve pool."
"id": "Sturdy",
"id": "Sturdy",
"name": "Sturdy",
"name": "Costaud",
"description": "You have a brawny physique, or are very used to carrying things. Increase the number of Encumbrance Points you can carry by your Sturdy level x 2"
"description": "You have a brawny physique, or are very used to carrying things. Increase the number of Encumbrance Points you can carry by your Sturdy level x 2"
"id": "Suave",
"id": "Suave",
"name": "Suave",
"name": "Affable",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Fellowship Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Fellowship Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Super Numerate",
"id": "Super Numerate",
"name": "Super Numerate",
"name": "Doué en calcul",
"description": "<p>You have a gift for calculation and can work out the solution to most mathematical problems with ease. You may use a simple calculator to represent what your PC is capable of mentally computing.</p>"
"description": "<p>You have a gift for calculation and can work out the solution to most mathematical problems with ease. You may use a simple calculator to represent what your PC is capable of mentally computing.</p>"
"id": "Supportive",
"id": "Supportive",
"name": "Supportive",
"name": "Coopératif",
"description": "<p>You know what to say and when to make the most impact upon your superiors. When you successfully use a social Skill to influence those with a higher Status tier, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 46 could be used for +6 SL.</p>"
"description": "<p>You know what to say and when to make the most impact upon your superiors. When you successfully use a social Skill to influence those with a higher Status tier, you can choose to either use your rolled SL, or the number rolled on your units die. So, a successful roll of 46 could be used for +6 SL.</p>"
"id": "Sure Shot",
"id": "Sure Shot",
"name": "Sure Shot",
"name": "Tir sûr",
"description": "<p>You know how to find the weak spots in a target’s armor. When you hit a target with a Ranged weapon, you may ignore Armor Points equal to your Sure Shot level.</p>"
"description": "<p>You know how to find the weak spots in a target’s armor. When you hit a target with a Ranged weapon, you may ignore Armor Points equal to your Sure Shot level.</p>"
"id": "Surgery",
"id": "Surgery",
"name": "Surgery",
"name": "Chirurgie",
"description": "<p>You are a surgeon, able to open and close the flesh in order to heal others. You can treat any Critical Wound marked as needing Surgery. You can also perform surgery to resolve internal issues with an Extended Challenging (+0) Heal Test with a target SL determined by the GM (usually 5–10) depending upon the difficulty of the procedure at hand. This will cause 1d10 Wounds and 1 <em>Bleeding </em>Condition per Test, meaning surgery has a high chance of killing a patient if the surgeon is not careful. After surgery, the patient must pass an Average (+20) Endurance Test or gain a Minor Infection.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are a surgeon, able to open and close the flesh in order to heal others. You can treat any Critical Wound marked as needing Surgery. You can also perform surgery to resolve internal issues with an Extended Challenging (+0) Heal Test with a target SL determined by the GM (usually 5–10) depending upon the difficulty of the procedure at hand. This will cause 1d10 Wounds and 1 <em>Bleeding </em>Condition per Test, meaning surgery has a high chance of killing a patient if the surgeon is not careful. After surgery, the patient must pass an Average (+20) Endurance Test or gain a Minor Infection.</p>"
"id": "Tenacious",
"id": "Tenacious",
"name": "Tenacious",
"name": "Persévérant",
"description": "You never give up, no matter how impossible your travails appear. You can double the length of time successful Endurance Tests allow you to endure a hardship. This includes enduring prolonged riding, exposure, rituals, and similar adversities"
"description": "You never give up, no matter how impossible your travails appear. You can double the length of time successful Endurance Tests allow you to endure a hardship. This includes enduring prolonged riding, exposure, rituals, and similar adversities"
"id": "Tinker",
"id": "Tinker",
"name": "Tinker",
"name": "Bricoleur",
"description": "You are somewhat of a Johann-of-all-trades, able to repair almost anything. You count all non-magical Trade Skills as Basic when repairing broken items."
"description": "You are somewhat of a Johann-of-all-trades, able to repair almost anything. You count all non-magical Trade Skills as Basic when repairing broken items."
"id": "Tower of Memories",
"id": "Tower of Memories",
"name": "Tower of Memories",
"name": "Tour des souvenirs",
"description": "<p>A recollection technique first instigated by the Cult of Verena, reputedly from Elven practices taught by the Loremasters of Hoeth, Tower of Memories allows you to perfectly recall a sequence of facts by storing them in an imaginary spire. You can recall a sequence as long as your Intelligence without having to make a Test. For every 10 more items you attempt to memorize, you must make an increasingly difficult Intelligence Test to recall the list correctly, starting at <strong>Very Easy (+60)</strong> for +10, <strong>Easy (+40)</strong> for +20, <strong>Average (+20)</strong> for +30, and so on. Beyond it’s obvious utility for Gamble Tests, where having this Talent adds a bonus of +20 to +60 depending upon how useful recalling sequences is to the game at hand, the GM can apply bonuses to other Tests as appropriate. Each time you take this Talent you may recall an extra sequence without having to forget a previously stored one</p>"
"description": "<p>A recollection technique first instigated by the Cult of Verena, reputedly from Elven practices taught by the Loremasters of Hoeth, Tower of Memories allows you to perfectly recall a sequence of facts by storing them in an imaginary spire. You can recall a sequence as long as your Intelligence without having to make a Test. For every 10 more items you attempt to memorize, you must make an increasingly difficult Intelligence Test to recall the list correctly, starting at <strong>Very Easy (+60)</strong> for +10, <strong>Easy (+40)</strong> for +20, <strong>Average (+20)</strong> for +30, and so on. Beyond it’s obvious utility for Gamble Tests, where having this Talent adds a bonus of +20 to +60 depending upon how useful recalling sequences is to the game at hand, the GM can apply bonuses to other Tests as appropriate. Each time you take this Talent you may recall an extra sequence without having to forget a previously stored one</p>"
"id": "Trapper",
"id": "Trapper",
"name": "Trapper",
"name": "Trappeur",
"description": "You are skilled at spotting and using traps. You may take a Perception Test to spot traps automatically without having to tell the GM of your intention; the GM may prefer to make some of these Tests on your behalf in private."
"description": "You are skilled at spotting and using traps. You may take a Perception Test to spot traps automatically without having to tell the GM of your intention; the GM may prefer to make some of these Tests on your behalf in private."
"id": "Trick Riding",
"id": "Trick Riding",
"name": "Trick Riding",
"name": "Acrobaties équestres",
"description": "You are capable of amazing feats of agility on horseback. You can use any of your Performer Skills and unmodified Dodge skill when on horseback. Further, when mounted, you can make your Move at the start of the Round instead of on your Turn."
"description": "You are capable of amazing feats of agility on horseback. You can use any of your Performer Skills and unmodified Dodge skill when on horseback. Further, when mounted, you can make your Move at the start of the Round instead of on your Turn."
"id": "Tunnel Rat",
"id": "Tunnel Rat",
"name": "Tunnel Rat",
"name": "Rat d'égout",
"description": "You are at home in tunnels, sewers, and other underground environments. When using Stealth in an underground environment, bystanders do not get passive Perception Tests to detect you; they can only spot you if they are specifically on look-out, or watching for hidden others."
"description": "You are at home in tunnels, sewers, and other underground environments. When using Stealth in an underground environment, bystanders do not get passive Perception Tests to detect you; they can only spot you if they are specifically on look-out, or watching for hidden others."
"id": "Unshakable",
"id": "Unshakable",
"name": "Unshakable",
"name": "Inébranlable",
"description": "<p>You are a jaded veteran who has survived more than one hail of shots from Blackpowder weapons. You need only take a Cool Test to resist a <em>Broken </em>Condition if you are successfully wounded by a Blackpowder weapon, not just if you are shot at </p>"
"description": "<p>You are a jaded veteran who has survived more than one hail of shots from Blackpowder weapons. You need only take a Cool Test to resist a <em>Broken </em>Condition if you are successfully wounded by a Blackpowder weapon, not just if you are shot at </p>"
"id": "Very Resilient",
"id": "Very Resilient",
"name": "Very Resilient",
"name": "Très résistant",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Toughness Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Toughness Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "Very Strong",
"id": "Very Strong",
"name": "Very Strong",
"name": "Très fort",
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Strength Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"description": "You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Strength Characteristic (this does not count towards your Advances)."
"id": "War Leader",
"id": "War Leader",
"name": "War Leader",
"name": "Seigneur de guerre",
"description": "<p>Your stern gaze and inspiring words motivate your soldiers to fight on to the end. All subordinates able to see you may add your level in War Leader to their SL in one Willpower Test per Round. This bonus does not stack.</p>"
"description": "<p>Your stern gaze and inspiring words motivate your soldiers to fight on to the end. All subordinates able to see you may add your level in War Leader to their SL in one Willpower Test per Round. This bonus does not stack.</p>"
"id": "War Wizard",
"id": "War Wizard",
"name": "War Wizard",
"name": "Mage de guerre",
"description": "You are trained to cast magic while in the thick of combat. On your Turn, you may cast one Spell with a Casting Number of 5 or less for free without using your Action. However, if you do this, you may not cast another spell this Turn."
"description": "You are trained to cast magic while in the thick of combat. On your Turn, you may cast one Spell with a Casting Number of 5 or less for free without using your Action. However, if you do this, you may not cast another spell this Turn."
"id": "Warrior Born",
"id": "Warrior Born",
"name": "Warrior Born",
"name": "Guerrier né",
"description": "<p>You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Weapon Skill Characteristic (doesn't count as Advances).</p>"
"description": "<p>You gain a permanent +5 bonus to your starting Weapon Skill Characteristic (doesn't count as Advances).</p>"
"id": "Waterman",
"id": "Waterman",
"name": "Waterman",
"name": "Marinier",
"description": "You are an experienced freshwater sailor and are well-versed with river vessels. You can ignore all negatives to your Tests when onboard a barge derived from rolling waters, swaying vessels, unsure footing, and similar. Further, you count as two boatmen towards the minimum number of crew to pilot a river vessel."
"description": "You are an experienced freshwater sailor and are well-versed with river vessels. You can ignore all negatives to your Tests when onboard a barge derived from rolling waters, swaying vessels, unsure footing, and similar. Further, you count as two boatmen towards the minimum number of crew to pilot a river vessel."
"id": "Wealthy",
"id": "Wealthy",
"name": "Wealthy",
"name": "Nanti",
"description": "<p>You are fabulously wealthy, and are rarely ever short of coin. When Earning (including Income Endeavor) you secure +1 GC per time you have this Talent.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are fabulously wealthy, and are rarely ever short of coin. When Earning (including Income Endeavor) you secure +1 GC per time you have this Talent.</p>"
"id": "Well-prepared",
"id": "Well-prepared",
"name": "Well-prepared",
"name": "Prévoyant",
"description": "<p>You are used to anticipating the needs of others, and yourself. A number of times per session equal to your level of Well-Prepared, you may pull the trapping required for the current situation from your backpack (or similar) as long as it is Encumbrance 0, could feasibly been bought recently, and doesn’t stretch credibility too far. This could be anything from a flask of spirits to fortify a wounded comrade to a pfennig-whistle needed by a passing entertainer. Whenever you do this, you must deduct the cost for the prepared item from your purse, representing the coin you spent earlier.</p>"
"description": "<p>You are used to anticipating the needs of others, and yourself. A number of times per session equal to your level of Well-Prepared, you may pull the trapping required for the current situation from your backpack (or similar) as long as it is Encumbrance 0, could feasibly been bought recently, and doesn’t stretch credibility too far. This could be anything from a flask of spirits to fortify a wounded comrade to a pfennig-whistle needed by a passing entertainer. Whenever you do this, you must deduct the cost for the prepared item from your purse, representing the coin you spent earlier.</p>"
"id": "Witch!",
"id": "Witch!",
"name": "Witch!",
"name": "Sorcier!",
"description": "You have learned magic through trial and error. Add Language (Magick) to any Career you enter; if it is already in your Career, you may purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance. Further, you may spend 1 Resilience point to immediately cast any spell as if it were one of your Arcane Lore spells; you also instantly memorise that spell as one of your Arcane Lore spells for 0 XP. You can do this a number of times equal to your level in this Talent."
"description": "You have learned magic through trial and error. Add Language (Magick) to any Career you enter; if it is already in your Career, you may purchase the Skill for 5 XP fewer per Advance. Further, you may spend 1 Resilience point to immediately cast any spell as if it were one of your Arcane Lore spells; you also instantly memorise that spell as one of your Arcane Lore spells for 0 XP. You can do this a number of times equal to your level in this Talent."
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