Compare commits
No commits in common. "941fd93cb1419f5c0769ffca8fef30847d225455" and "77cc368a7eb5c5f5742832f7789c092d7fef6bd3" have entirely different histories.
@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Archives Vol. III)",
"folders": {
"Armour": "Armures",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Spells": "Sorts"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"maxcost": {
"path": "system.cost.max",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": "system.duration.unit",
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": "system.incubation.unit",
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -1525,7 +1525,7 @@
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify:\">Votre main est méchamment coupée, ce qui rend votre prise glissante. Recevez 1 État @Condition[Hémorragique]. Tant que vous êtes sous l’effet de cet État, effectuez un Test de <strong>Dextérité Accessible (+20)</strong> avant d’effectuer une action qui nécessite que vous teniez quoi que ce soit dans cette main ; sur un échec, l’objet vous glisse de la main.</p>",
"description": "<p style=\"text-align: justify:\">Votre main est méchamment coupée, ce qui rend votre prise glissante. Recevez 1 État @Condition[Hémorragique]. Tant que vous êtes sous l’effet de cet État, effectuez un Test de <strong>Dextérité Accessible (+20)</strong> avant d’effectuer une action qui nécessite que vous teniez quoi que ce soit dans cette main ; sur un échec, l’objet vous glisse de la main.</p>",
"id": "Bleeding Hand",
"id": "Bleeding hand",
"name": "Main ensanglantée"
"name": "Main ensanglantée"
@ -2825,7 +2825,7 @@
"description": "<p>Vous êtes entraîné à vous placer très près d’un adversaire. Vous ne subissez aucune pénalité pour vous battre contre un adversaire avec une arme plus longue que la vôtre. De plus, si vous utilisez les règles optionnelles de Combat au contact (voir page 297), gagnez un bonus de +10 pour toucher votre adversaire.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous êtes entraîné à vous placer très près d’un adversaire. Vous ne subissez aucune pénalité pour vous battre contre un adversaire avec une arme plus longue que la vôtre. De plus, si vous utilisez les règles optionnelles de Combat au contact (voir page 297), gagnez un bonus de +10 pour toucher votre adversaire.</p>",
"id": "In–Fighter",
"id": "In–fighter",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"name": "Combattant au contact",
"tests": "Corps à corps quand vous combattez au contact ou que vous allez au contact"
"tests": "Corps à corps quand vous combattez au contact ou que vous allez au contact"
@ -3798,11 +3798,6 @@
"id": "Bolt (Shadow)",
"id": "Bolt (Shadow)",
"name": "Carreau (Ombres)"
"name": "Carreau (Ombres)"
"description": "<p>Vous concentrez la magie en un carreau destructeur. <em>Carreau</em> est un <em>Projectile magique</em> avec Dégât +4.</p>",
"id": "Bolt (Witchcraft)",
"name": "Carreau (Sorcellerie)"
"description": "<p>Vous effectuez immédiatement une attaque de Souffle, comme si vous aviez dépensé 2 Avantages pour activer le Trait de créature @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Souffle}. Souffle est un <em>Projectile magique</em> dont les Dégâts sont égaux à votre Bonus d'Endurance. Le MJ détermine quel type d'attaque de Souffle correspond le mieux à votre Talent Magie des Arcanes.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous effectuez immédiatement une attaque de Souffle, comme si vous aviez dépensé 2 Avantages pour activer le Trait de créature @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Souffle}. Souffle est un <em>Projectile magique</em> dont les Dégâts sont égaux à votre Bonus d'Endurance. Le MJ détermine quel type d'attaque de Souffle correspond le mieux à votre Talent Magie des Arcanes.</p>",
"id": "Breath",
"id": "Breath",
@ -3923,11 +3918,6 @@
"id": "Bridge (Shadow)",
"id": "Bridge (Shadow)",
"name": "Pont (Ombres)"
"name": "Pont (Ombres)"
"description": "<p>Vous créez un pont d'énergie magique, d'une longueur et d'une largeur maximales en mètres égales à votre Bonus de Force Mentale. Pour chaque +2 DR, vous pouvez augmenter la longueur ou la largeur d'un nombre de mètres égal à votre Bonus de Force Mentale.</p>",
"id": "Bridge (Witchcraft)",
"name": "Pont (Sorcellerie)"
"description": "<p>La magie qui afflue dans vos pieds s'assure que les matières organiques sur lesquelles vous marchez ne soient pas endommagées : les brindilles ne cassent pas, l'herbe revient à sa position d'origine, et même les fleurs délicates ne sont pas abîmées. Ceux qui cherchent à utiliser la Compétence @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.rt2rGSwFDCDHPh0A] pour vous suivre à travers un terrain rural subissent une pénalité de -30 à leurs Tests.</p>",
"description": "<p>La magie qui afflue dans vos pieds s'assure que les matières organiques sur lesquelles vous marchez ne soient pas endommagées : les brindilles ne cassent pas, l'herbe revient à sa position d'origine, et même les fleurs délicates ne sont pas abîmées. Ceux qui cherchent à utiliser la Compétence @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.rt2rGSwFDCDHPh0A] pour vous suivre à travers un terrain rural subissent une pénalité de -30 à leurs Tests.</p>",
"id": "Careful Step",
"id": "Careful Step",
@ -4333,11 +4323,6 @@
"id": "Dome (Shadow)",
"id": "Dome (Shadow)",
"name": "Dôme (Ombres)"
"name": "Dôme (Ombres)"
"description": "<p>Vous créez un dôme d'énergie magique au-dessus des têtes, bloquant les attaques de l'extérieur. Quiconque se trouve dans la Zone d'Effet gagne le Trait de créature @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Protection(+6)} contre les Attaques magiques ou à distances provenant de l'extérieur du dôme. Les personnes à l'intérieur peuvent attaquer des cibles situées à l'extérieur du dôme normalement, et le dôme ne gêne pas le déplacement",
"id": "Dome (Witchcraft)",
"name": "Dôme (Sorcellerie)"
"description": "<p>Vous tissez un masque et une cape d'<em>Ulgu</em> autour de votre silhouette, adoptant l'apparence d'une autre créature humanoïde avec laquelle vous êtes familier (comme déterminé par le MJ). Votre apparence trompe quiconque ne possède pas le Talent <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]</em>, bien que certains puissent le remarquer si vos manières sont incorrectes. Ceux possédant ce Talent doivent réussir un Test de <strong>Perception Complexe (-10)</strong> pour remarquer que vous camouflez votre silhouette. Cela ne leur permet pas de voir à travers le Sort. Pour ce faire, ils doivent le dissiper.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous tissez un masque et une cape d'<em>Ulgu</em> autour de votre silhouette, adoptant l'apparence d'une autre créature humanoïde avec laquelle vous êtes familier (comme déterminé par le MJ). Votre apparence trompe quiconque ne possède pas le Talent <em>@Compendium[wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]</em>, bien que certains puissent le remarquer si vos manières sont incorrectes. Ceux possédant ce Talent doivent réussir un Test de <strong>Perception Complexe (-10)</strong> pour remarquer que vous camouflez votre silhouette. Cela ne leur permet pas de voir à travers le Sort. Pour ce faire, ils doivent le dissiper.</p>",
"id": "Doppelganger",
"id": "Doppelganger",
@ -4798,11 +4783,6 @@
"id": "Magic Shield (Shadow)",
"id": "Magic Shield (Shadow)",
"name": "Bouclier magique (Ombres)"
"name": "Bouclier magique (Ombres)"
"description": "<p>Vous vous entourez d'une bande de magie protectrice. Tant que le Sort est actif, ajoutez +(Bonus de Force Mentale) DR quand vous tentez de dissiper un Sort.</p>",
"id": "Magic Shield (Witchcraft)",
"name": "Bouclier magique (Sorcellerie)"
"description": "<p>Vous focalisez les relents de <em>Dhar</em>, provoquant une brève déchirure dans la réalité. Un Démon Mineur apparaît immédiatement par cette déchirure (référez-vous à la page 335 pour y trouver deux exemples : @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.bestiary.KZkuwdOYmE3nwB2n] et @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.bestiary.8gG2Wim6wAlJWRax]. Un Démon Mineur apparaît immédiatement par cette déchirure. Effectuez un Test Opposé de <strong>Focalisation (Dhar)/Force Mentale</strong> avec le démon. Sur un succès, ce dernier répondra favorablement à un ordre que vous lui donnerez, littéralement, avant de disparaître (en partant du principe qu'il puisse accomplir ce que vous lui avez demandé avant la fin du Sort). Sur un échec, le démon attaque sur le champ.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous focalisez les relents de <em>Dhar</em>, provoquant une brève déchirure dans la réalité. Un Démon Mineur apparaît immédiatement par cette déchirure (référez-vous à la page 335 pour y trouver deux exemples : @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.bestiary.KZkuwdOYmE3nwB2n] et @Compendium[wfrp4e-core.bestiary.8gG2Wim6wAlJWRax]. Un Démon Mineur apparaît immédiatement par cette déchirure. Effectuez un Test Opposé de <strong>Focalisation (Dhar)/Force Mentale</strong> avec le démon. Sur un succès, ce dernier répondra favorablement à un ordre que vous lui donnerez, littéralement, avant de disparaître (en partant du principe qu'il puisse accomplir ce que vous lui avez demandé avant la fin du Sort). Sur un échec, le démon attaque sur le champ.</p>",
"id": "Manifest Lesser Daemon",
"id": "Manifest Lesser Daemon",
@ -5088,11 +5068,6 @@
"id": "Push (Shadow)",
"id": "Push (Shadow)",
"name": "Poussée (Ombres)"
"name": "Poussée (Ombres)"
"description": "<p>Toutes les créatures situées à une distance en mètres égale à votre Bonus de Force Mentale sont repoussées d'un nombre de mètres égal à votre Bonus de Force Mentale et gagnent l'État <em>@Condition[A Terre]{À Terre}</em>.Si cela les amène à entrer en contact avec un mur ou un autre grand obstacle, elles subissent un nombre de Dégâts égal à la distance parcourue en mètres. Pour chaque +2 DR, vous pouvez repousser les créatures d'un nombre de mètres supplémentaires égal à votre Bonus de Force Mentale.</p>",
"id": "Push (Witchcraft)",
"name": "Poussée (Sorcellerie)"
"description": "<p>Vous focalisez un important flux de <em>Dhar</em> directement vers le sol, faisant se rassembler et sortir de vieux os. DR+1 Squelettes sortiront ainsi du sol dans la zone d'effet que vous aurez choisie avant la fin du round. Il subissent tous l'État <em>@Condition[A Terre]{À Terre}</em>. Ces morts-vivants sont sous votre contrôle et sont capables d'exécuter les ordres simples que vous leur donnerez. Si vous êtes tué où que vous subissez l'État <em>@Condition[Inconscient]</em>, le Sort s'achève et les morts-vivants s'écroulent. Pour chaque DR+2 que vous obtenez, vous pouvez invoquer DR Squelettes supplémentaires.</p>",
"description": "<p>Vous focalisez un important flux de <em>Dhar</em> directement vers le sol, faisant se rassembler et sortir de vieux os. DR+1 Squelettes sortiront ainsi du sol dans la zone d'effet que vous aurez choisie avant la fin du round. Il subissent tous l'État <em>@Condition[A Terre]{À Terre}</em>. Ces morts-vivants sont sous votre contrôle et sont capables d'exécuter les ordres simples que vous leur donnerez. Si vous êtes tué où que vous subissez l'État <em>@Condition[Inconscient]</em>, le Sort s'achève et les morts-vivants s'écroulent. Pour chaque DR+2 que vous obtenez, vous pouvez invoquer DR Squelettes supplémentaires.</p>",
"id": "Raise Dead",
"id": "Raise Dead",
@ -9383,11 +9358,11 @@
"Food and Drink": "Nourriture et Boissons",
"Food and Drink": "Nourriture et Boissons",
"Herbs and Draughts": "Herbes et Décoctions",
"Herbs and Draughts": "Herbes et Décoctions",
"Injuries": "Blessures",
"Injuries": "Blessures",
"Lore of Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Bests": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Daemonology": "Démonologie",
"Lore of Daemonology": "Démonologie",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la mort",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Heavens": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Heaven": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Hedgecraft": "Magie des Haies",
"Lore of Hedgecraft": "Magie des Haies",
"Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie",
"Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie",
"Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière",
"Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière",
@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Lustria)",
"folders": {
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Spells": "Sorts",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"modType": "system.modType.value",
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Old World Bundle II)",
"folders": {
"Lore of the Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Heavens": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Hedgecraft": "Magie des Haies",
"Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie",
"Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière",
"Lore of Metal": "Domaine du Métal",
"Lore of Shadows": "Domaine des Ombres",
"Lore of Witchcraft": "Sorcellerie"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"maxcost": {
"path": "system.cost.max",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -1,19 +1,19 @@
"label": "Tables (Nuits agitées et dures journées)",
"label": "Tables (Nuits agitées et dures journées)",
"mapping": {
"mapping": {
"results": {
"results": {
"path": "results",
"path": "results",
"converter": "resultConverter"
"converter": "resultConverter"
"entries": [
"entries": [
"id": "Career - Gnome",
"id": "Career - Gnome",
"name": "Carrières - Gnome"
"name": "Carrières - Gnome"
"id": "Eye Colour - Gnome",
"id": "Eye Colour - Gnome",
"name": "Couleur des Yeux - Gnome",
"name": "Couleur des Yeux - Gnome",
"results": {
"results": {
"2-2": "Bleu clair",
"2-2": "Bleu clair",
"3-3": "Bleu",
"3-3": "Bleu",
@ -26,10 +26,10 @@
"19-19": "Marron foncé",
"19-19": "Marron foncé",
"20-20": "Violet"
"20-20": "Violet"
"id": "Hair Colour - Gnome",
"id": "Hair Colour - Gnome",
"name": "Couleur des Cheveux - Gnome",
"name": "Couleur des Cheveux - Gnome",
"results": {
"results": {
"2-2": "Noir",
"2-2": "Noir",
"3-3": "Marron Foncé",
"3-3": "Marron Foncé",
@ -42,10 +42,10 @@
"19-19": "Blond cendré",
"19-19": "Blond cendré",
"20-20": "Blanc"
"20-20": "Blanc"
"id": "Species (Rough Nights & Hard Days)",
"id": "Species (Rough Nights & Hard Days)",
"name": "Espèces (Nuits Agitées & Dures Journées)",
"name": "Espèces (Nuits Agitées & Dures Journées",
"results": {
"results": {
"1-89": "Humain",
"1-89": "Humain",
@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
"98-98": "Gnome",
"98-98": "Gnome",
"99-99": "Haut Elfe",
"99-99": "Haut Elfe",
"100-100": "Elfe Sylvain"
"100-100": "Elfe Sylvain"
@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Salzenmund)",
"mapping": {
"effects": {
"converter": "process_effects",
"path": "effects"
"careergroup": {
"converter": "career_careergroup",
"path": "system.careergroup.value"
"class": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.class.value"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"description": "system.description.value",
"durationUnit": "system.duration.unit",
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"flaws": {
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws",
"path": "system.flaws.value"
"incubationUnit": "system.incubation.unit",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"location": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.location.value"
"modifier": {
"converter": "mutations_modifier",
"path": "system.modifier.value"
"mutationType": {
"converter": "generic_localization",
"path": "system.mutationType.value"
"pdamage": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.damage.value"
"pduration": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.duration.value"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"prange": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.range.value"
"ptarget": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": ""
"qualities": {
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws",
"path": "system.qualities.value"
"sdamage": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.damage.value"
"sduration": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.duration.value"
"skills": {
"converter": "career_skills",
"path": "system.skills"
"special": "system.special.value",
"srange": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": "system.range.value"
"starget": {
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage",
"path": ""
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"talents": {
"converter": "career_talents",
"path": "system.talents"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings"
@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
"label": "Items (Sea of Claws)",
"label": "Items (Sea of Claws)",
"folders": {
"Ammunition": "Munitions",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Criticals": "Critiques",
"Diseases": "Maladies",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Spells": "Sorts",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
@ -21,7 +11,6 @@
"path": "system.skills",
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"converter": "career_skills"
"modType": "system.modType.value",
"careergroup": {
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"converter": "career_careergroup"
@ -1,15 +1,5 @@
"label": "Items (Up In Arms)",
"label": "Items (Up In Arms)",
"folders": {
"Ammunition": "Munitions",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Criticals": "Critiques",
"Prayers": "Prières",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Spells": "Sorts",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"mapping": {
"skills": {
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"path": "system.skills",
@ -1,22 +1,5 @@
"label": "Items (Winds of Magic)",
"label": "Items (Winds of Magic)",
"folders": {
"Ammunition": "Munitions",
"Armour": "Armures",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Lore of Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes",
"Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort",
"Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu",
"Lore of Heavens": "Domaine des Cieux",
"Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie",
"Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière",
"Lore of Metal": "Domaine du Métal",
"Lore of Shadow": "Domaine des Ombres",
"Skills": "Compétences",
"Spells": "Sorts",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
@ -1,95 +0,0 @@
"label": "Items (Imperial Zoo)",
"folders": {
"Ammunition": "Munitions",
"Careers": "Carrières",
"Prayers": "Prières",
"Trappings": "Possessions",
"Weapons": "Armes"
"mapping": {
"description": "system.description.value",
"trappings": "system.trappings",
"class": {
"path": "system.class.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"skills": {
"path": "system.skills",
"converter": "career_skills"
"modType": "system.modType.value",
"careergroup": {
"path": "system.careergroup.value",
"converter": "career_careergroup"
"talents": {
"path": "system.talents",
"converter": "career_talents"
"pduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"prange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"ptarget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"pdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"test": {
"path": "system.test",
"converter": "role_skills"
"tests": "system.tests.value",
"sduration": {
"path": "system.duration.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"srange": {
"path": "system.range.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"starget": {
"path": "",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"sdamage": {
"path": "system.damage.value",
"converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage"
"penalty": "system.penalty.value",
"location": {
"path": "system.location.value",
"converter": "generic_localization"
"durationValue": "system.duration.value",
"durationUnit": {
"path": "system.duration.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"contraction": "system.contraction.value",
"incubationValue": "system.incubation.value",
"incubationUnit": {
"path": "system.incubation.unit",
"converter": "disease_duration_unit"
"symptoms": "system.symptoms.value",
"permanent": "system.permanent.value",
"special": "system.special.value",
"qualities": {
"path": "system.qualities.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
"flaws": {
"path": "system.flaws.value",
"converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws"
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
"url": "",
"url": "",
"version": "8.2.3",
"version": "8.2.2",
"esmodules": [
"esmodules": [
@ -117,7 +117,7 @@
"manifest": "",
"manifest": "",
"download": "",
"download": "",
"id": "wh4-fr-translation",
"id": "wh4-fr-translation",
"compatibility": {
"compatibility": {
"minimum": "11",
"minimum": "11",
@ -257,12 +257,8 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
s1 = res[1].trim() + " ( )";
s1 = res[1].trim() + " ( )";
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: s1, type: "skill" }, true)
translItem = game.babele.translate(, { name: s1, type: "skill" }, true)
translw = translItem?.name || undefined
translw = translItem?.name || undefined
if(translw) {
let res2 = re.exec(translw);
let res2 = re.exec(translw);
transl = res2[1] + "(" + subword + ")";
transl = res2[1] + "(" + subword + ")";
} else {
transl = res[1] + " (" + subword + ")";
@ -662,10 +658,6 @@ Hooks.once('init', () => {
// Auto-translate duration
// Auto-translate duration
"spells_duration_range_target_damage": (value) => {
"spells_duration_range_target_damage": (value) => {
return WFRP4FrTranslation.processSpellContent(value);
return WFRP4FrTranslation.processSpellContent(value);
// Auto-translate disease duration units
"disease_duration_unit": (unit) => {
return game.i18n.localize(unit).capitalize();
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.190271 7f26da0006c0 Recovering log #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.262428 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/11/10-21:59:37.200556 7f26da0006c0 Delete type=3 #881
2024/10/25-11:13:31.272351 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/11/10-21:59:37.200692 7f26da0006c0 Delete type=0 #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.272485 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/11/10-22:07:57.811358 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.961212 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.811389 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.961246 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.818109 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #886
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968824 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/11/10-22:07:57.840218 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982105 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.318371 7fd41ce006c0 Recovering log #879
2024/10/25-11:02:14.613097 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.328946 7fd41ce006c0 Delete type=3 #877
2024/10/25-11:06:53.515546 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.329049 7fd41ce006c0 Delete type=0 #879
2024/10/25-11:06:53.515583 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.809812 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: started
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632155 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/11/02-20:46:37.809834 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632384 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 16 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.816862 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #882
2024/10/25-11:06:53.632399 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831057 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!3IgmiprzLB6Lwenc' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:53.682364 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 13 keys, 49612 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.682409 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 49612 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.759685 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.759831 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:53.760171 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 16 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!suuYN87Al1ZZWtQQ.jhgNnhWhrkOpKs1B' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.205268 7f26db4006c0 Recovering log #885
2024/10/25-11:13:31.274940 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #876
2024/11/10-21:59:37.215166 7f26db4006c0 Delete type=3 #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.284797 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #874
2024/11/10-21:59:37.215219 7f26db4006c0 Delete type=0 #885
2024/10/25-11:13:31.284855 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #876
2024/11/10-22:07:57.818257 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #890: started
2024/10/25-11:14:13.007098 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #882: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.818290 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #890: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:13.007123 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #882: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.825454 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #888
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013389 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #880
2024/11/10-22:07:57.840246 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013596 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.333337 7fd416a006c0 Recovering log #881
2024/10/25-11:02:14.635105 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.344094 7fd416a006c0 Delete type=3 #879
2024/10/25-11:06:53.761405 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #877: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.344188 7fd416a006c0 Delete type=0 #881
2024/10/25-11:06:53.761445 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #877: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.816966 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #886: started
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848549 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #875
2024/11/02-20:46:37.816994 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #886: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848875 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 319 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.823114 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #884
2024/10/25-11:06:53.848896 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831072 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!folders!3uquYH73ttCdoH0I' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:53.909256 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #878@0: 103 keys, 115139 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.909290 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 115139 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987532 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987683 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #743
2024/10/25-11:06:53.987868 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 319 : 1 .. '!items!ylFhk7mGZOnAJTUT' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.234866 7f26d96006c0 Recovering log #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.299705 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/11/10-21:59:37.244543 7f26d96006c0 Delete type=3 #881
2024/10/25-11:13:31.310265 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/11/10-21:59:37.244603 7f26d96006c0 Delete type=0 #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.310327 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/11/10-22:07:57.833130 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.992713 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.833158 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.992746 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.839946 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #886
2024/10/25-11:14:12.999857 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/11/10-22:07:57.840275 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013573 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.363291 7fd4174006c0 Recovering log #879
2024/10/25-11:02:14.680878 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.373516 7fd4174006c0 Delete type=3 #877
2024/10/25-11:06:54.489608 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.373613 7fd4174006c0 Delete type=0 #879
2024/10/25-11:06:54.489645 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831166 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: started
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679020 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831219 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679237 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 2 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.837655 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #882
2024/10/25-11:06:54.679254 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.874151 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:54.778037 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 3 keys, 19297 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.778079 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 19297 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859309 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859494 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:54.859833 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 2 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!cZtNgayIw2QFhC9u.ts265H1XkisLgdow' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.174613 7f26d96006c0 Recovering log #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.249309 7f1b80c006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/11/10-21:59:37.185991 7f26d96006c0 Delete type=3 #881
2024/10/25-11:13:31.259752 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/11/10-21:59:37.186075 7f26d96006c0 Delete type=0 #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.259834 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/11/10-22:07:57.796832 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968938 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.796866 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.968964 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.803409 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #886
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975187 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/11/10-22:07:57.811212 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982122 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.302645 7fd4174006c0 Recovering log #879
2024/10/25-11:02:14.590539 7f1b80c006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.313335 7fd4174006c0 Delete type=3 #877
2024/10/25-11:06:52.669208 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.313399 7fd4174006c0 Delete type=0 #879
2024/10/25-11:06:52.669239 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.802619 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: started
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960331 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/11/02-20:46:37.802645 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960532 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 68 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.809669 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #882
2024/10/25-11:06:52.960542 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831037 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!50u8VAjdmovyr0hx' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:53.057622 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 46 keys, 59885 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.057653 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 59885 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:53.513947 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:53.514078 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:53.514263 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 68 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yzw9I0r3hCK7PJnz.sPNCYj2nR3Cp3jHd' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.159352 7f26daa006c0 Recovering log #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.235665 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #874
2024/11/10-21:59:37.169462 7f26daa006c0 Delete type=3 #881
2024/10/25-11:13:31.246253 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #872
2024/11/10-21:59:37.169528 7f26daa006c0 Delete type=0 #883
2024/10/25-11:13:31.246323 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #874
2024/11/10-22:07:57.788973 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975313 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.789013 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #888: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:12.975344 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #880: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.796657 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #886
2024/10/25-11:14:12.981863 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #878
2024/11/10-22:07:57.811195 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:12.982140 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.287630 7fd417e006c0 Recovering log #879
2024/10/25-11:02:14.565982 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.298114 7fd417e006c0 Delete type=3 #877
2024/10/25-11:06:52.438654 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.298277 7fd417e006c0 Delete type=0 #879
2024/10/25-11:06:52.438743 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #875: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.823249 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: started
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529229 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #873
2024/11/02-20:46:37.823283 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #884: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529553 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 461 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.830851 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #882
2024/10/25-11:06:52.529576 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.831087 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables!4l60Lxv8cpsyy2Cg' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:52.585202 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #876@0: 234 keys, 20231 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:52.585250 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 20231 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:52.667658 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:52.667838 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #741
2024/10/25-11:06:52.668122 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 461 : 1 .. '!tables.results!tfaYKDZqu7kgZvRG.yvbwKursaixh2dby' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
@ -1 +1 @@
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
2024/11/10-21:59:37.220425 7f26daa006c0 Recovering log #526
2024/10/25-11:13:31.288238 7f1b816006c0 Recovering log #517
2024/11/10-21:59:37.230906 7f26daa006c0 Delete type=3 #524
2024/10/25-11:13:31.297752 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=3 #515
2024/11/10-21:59:37.230956 7f26daa006c0 Delete type=0 #526
2024/10/25-11:13:31.297826 7f1b816006c0 Delete type=0 #517
2024/11/10-22:07:57.825683 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #531: started
2024/10/25-11:14:12.999976 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #523: started
2024/11/10-22:07:57.825727 7f26d3e006c0 Level-0 table #531: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:14:13.000000 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #523: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/10-22:07:57.832981 7f26d3e006c0 Delete type=0 #529
2024/10/25-11:14:13.006975 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #521
2024/11/10-22:07:57.840262 7f26d3e006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:14:13.013584 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
@ -1,7 +1,11 @@
2024/11/02-20:31:20.349636 7fd417e006c0 Recovering log #522
2024/10/25-11:02:14.656712 7f1b802006c0 Delete type=3 #1
2024/11/02-20:31:20.359716 7fd417e006c0 Delete type=3 #520
2024/10/25-11:06:53.988857 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #518: started
2024/11/02-20:31:20.359790 7fd417e006c0 Delete type=0 #522
2024/10/25-11:06:53.988906 7f1b7e4006c0 Level-0 table #518: 0 bytes OK
2024/11/02-20:46:37.837724 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #527: started
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197076 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=0 #516
2024/11/02-20:46:37.837743 7fd415a006c0 Level-0 table #527: 0 bytes OK
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197236 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 35 : 1
2024/11/02-20:46:37.844202 7fd415a006c0 Delete type=0 #525
2024/10/25-11:06:54.197245 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacting 1@0 + 0@1 files
2024/11/02-20:46:37.874166 7fd415a006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal!056ILNNrLiPq3Gi3' @ 72057594037927935 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
2024/10/25-11:06:54.299700 7f1b7e4006c0 Generated table #519@0: 24 keys, 67583 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.299719 7f1b7e4006c0 Compacted 1@0 + 0@1 files => 67583 bytes
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488386 7f1b7e4006c0 compacted to: files[ 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 ]
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488518 7f1b7e4006c0 Delete type=2 #384
2024/10/25-11:06:54.488671 7f1b7e4006c0 Manual compaction at level-0 from '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 35 : 1 .. '!journal.pages!yfZxl4I7XAuUF6r3.apXmOlZRmGT4GreB' @ 0 : 0; will stop at (end)
Binary file not shown.
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