{ "name": "Poisoned Wind", "die": "1d10", "hide" : true, "rows": [ { "description": "-10 to Initiative for the following hour", "range": [ 1, 4 ] }, { "description": "Victim hallucinates millions of small spiders, and may only stamp, scream, and scratch for [[1d10]] Rounds.", "range": [ 5, 5 ] }, { "description": "Victim believes the nearest rock is an animated and hostile piece of warpstone,and must attack it for [[1d10]] Rounds.", "range": [ 6, 6 ] }, { "description": "Victim must flee for [[1d10]] Rounds.", "range": [ 7, 7 ] }, { "description": "Victim believes they are a bird, drops all weapons and equipment, and attempts to fly for [[1d10]] Rounds.", "range": [ 8, 8 ] }, { "description": "Victim suffers acute paranoia and attacks nearest Character for [[1d10]] Rounds.", "range": [ 9, 10 ] } ] }