{ "label": "Sorts Ennemi Intérieur", "entries": [ { "id": "Blast of Corruption (Tzeentch)", "name": "Explosion de Corruption (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You channel profane magic into an explosive blast of corruption. This is a magic missile with Damage +5 that targets everyone in the Area of Effect. Everyone affected by the spell must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, or gain 1 Corruption.

" }, { "id": "Blast of Corruption (Undivided)", "name": "Explosion de Corruption (Undivided)", "description": "

You channel profane magic into an explosive blast of corruption. This is a magic missile with Damage +5 that targets everyone in the Area of Effect. Everyone affected by the spell must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, or gain 1 Corruption.

" }, { "id": "Blue Fire of Tzeentch", "name": "Flamme Bleu de Tzeentch", "description": "

Your words conjure a writhing ball of coruscating blue fire that engulfs your foes. Blue Fire of Tzeentch is a magic missile. Anyone within your Initiative Bonus yards of the target suffers a +3 Damage hit, and gains +1 Ablaze Condition.


Should a Character of size small or larger be reduced to 0
Wounds by this spell, or while suffering from an Ablaze Condition from
Blue Fire of Tzeentch, roll a d10. On a roll of 9, two Blue Horrors claw their way out of the Character’s screaming flesh, killing them in the process.

" }, { "id": "Bolt of Change", "name": "Eclair de Changement", "description": "

A pulsating bolt of scintillating Chaotic energy rends the air. Bolt of Change is a magic missile, and targets suffer a +7 Damage hit. Further, targets must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. A target that fails gains +1 Corruption Point. On a fumble, the target immediately rolls for a Mutation, and gains the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.hiU7vhBOVpVI8c7C]{Chaos Magic (Tzeentch)}  Talent. A Character affected by this spell may resist a mutation by spending a point of Resolve. 

" }, { "id": "Bolt of Corruption (Tzeentch)", "name": "Eclair de Corruption (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You channel dark magic into a damaging bolt of corrosive power. This is a magic missile with a Damage of +6. Targets affected by the spell must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, or gain 1 Corruption.

" }, { "id": "Bolt of Corruption (Undivided)", "name": "Eclair de Corruption (Undivided)", "description": "

You channel dark magic into a damaging bolt of corrosive power. This is a magic missile with a Damage of +6. Targets affected by the spell must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, or gain 1 Corruption.

" }, { "id": "Boon of Tzeentch", "name": "Aubaine de Tzeentch", "description": "

Your words, imbued with the labyrinthine prescience of the Changer of the Ways, twist your mind, granting you access to new arcane knowledge. Choose one Spell from any Lore (to ensure swift play, the GM may impose a nine second time limit). While Boon of Tzeentch is in effect, you may cast your new Spell as if you had memorised it, but may not record it in a Grimoire, Scroll, or similar. If you channel to cast the new Spell, you may use either Channelling (Dhar) or the Channelling Skill appropriate to the Lore the spell normally requires, should you possess it.


If you suffer a miscast when channelling or casting this new Spell, the Boon of Tzeentch Spell quits your mind in disgust, and also erases itself from your grimoire should it have allowed itself to be recorded there.

" }, { "id": "Curse of Tzeentch", "name": "Malédiction de Tzeentch", "description": "

Tzeentchian Lore has it that all spells ultimately derive from the God’s will, and so belong to him. Using this spell, a Tzeentch sorcerer can cause another wizard to lose the knowledge and ability to cast a spell they previously had mastery of.


Should the curse of Tzeentch be successfully cast, the caster must then make an opposed Willpower Test against the target. If the caster wins, the target loses access to a randomly selected spell. The effects of the spell lasts for one day for every level of success scored by the caster during the opposed test.

" }, { "id": "Demonic Mien (Tzeentch)", "name": "Demonic Mien (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You channel the transformative power of Chaos into your own flesh, temporarily sacrificing your mortal form on the altar of your god’s will. Your body is warped, assuming aspects of a Daemon loyal to your patron god. Roll 1d10 on the Demonic Miens table, and apply the relevant Trait for the duration of the spell. For every +2 SL you may both extend the duration and roll again on the table. Should you roll the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} Trait and be reduced to 0 Wounds, your soul is sucked into the Realms of Chaos as described in the Creature Traits rules.

" }, { "id": "Demonic Mien (Undivided)", "name": "Demonic Mien (Undivided)", "description": "

You channel the transformative power of Chaos into your own flesh, temporarily sacrificing your mortal form on the altar of your god’s will. Your body is warped, assuming aspects of a Daemon loyal to your patron god. Roll 1d10 on the Demonic Miens table, and apply the relevant Trait for the duration of the spell. For every +2 SL you may both extend the duration and roll again on the table. Should you roll the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} Trait and be reduced to 0 Wounds, your soul is sucked into the Realms of Chaos as described in the Creature Traits rules.

" }, { "id": "Foul Messenger (Tzeentch)", "name": "Messager Infect (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You conjure forth a swarm of minor daemons shackled to  your will. The form of the daemons will vary depending on your deity. The daemons will bear a short message (approximately 25 words) to your target. They travel almost instantaneously, and are invisible (and inaudible) to anyone without the Second Sight Talent even while delivering their message. Anyone with the Talent may make a Hard (–20) Perception Test to notice the swarm, and hear their message. For every +2 SLs, you may double the length of the message.

" }, { "id": "Foul Messenger (Undivided)", "name": "Messager Infect (Undivided)", "description": "

You conjure forth a swarm of minor daemons shackled to  your will. The form of the daemons will vary depending on your deity. The daemons will bear a short message (approximately 25 words) to your target. They travel almost instantaneously, and are invisible (and inaudible) to anyone without the Second Sight Talent even while delivering their message. Anyone with the Talent may make a Hard (–20) Perception Test to notice the swarm, and hear their message. For every +2 SLs, you may double the length of the message.

" }, { "id": "Joyous Aspect (Tzeentch)", "name": "Aspect Joyeux (Tzeentch)", "description": "

The caster infuses the target (perhaps themselves) with a corrupted caul of Dhar-infused Ulgu, sheathing them in an aura of concealment. While the spell is in force, the target appears without flaw, or blemish. Scars, deformities and, most crucially, mutations are undetectable, save through Divine means. 


While obvious deformities are hidden, the targets can appear strange, or outlandish, infused with too much life, or unnaturally alluring. Passing a Hard (–20) Perception Test reveals something is awry, though not precisely what. For Characters with the Second Sight Talent the Test is  Challenging (+0), and should they succeed they will become aware that a spell is in place, but not what it hides.

" }, { "id": "Joyous Aspect (Undivided)", "name": "Aspect Joyeux (Undivided)", "description": "

The caster infuses the target (perhaps themselves) with a corrupted caul of Dhar-infused Ulgu, sheathing them in an aura of concealment. While the spell is in force, the target appears without flaw, or blemish. Scars, deformities and, most crucially, mutations are undetectable, save through Divine means. 


While obvious deformities are hidden, the targets can appear strange, or outlandish, infused with too much life, or unnaturally alluring. Passing a Hard (–20) Perception Test reveals something is awry, though not precisely what. For Characters with the Second Sight Talent the Test is  Challenging (+0), and should they succeed they will become aware that a spell is in place, but not what it hides.

" }, { "id": "Master of Fortune", "name": "Maître de la Chance", "description": "

Tzeentch sorcerers often bargain with their master to provide them with insights about their potential fate. Scrying in this manner is dangerous, for Tzeentch is a capricious god, even in the case of his own favoured servants.Once the spell is cast it may not be cast again until its duration has run out.


Determine the result of the
Language (Magick) Test needed to cast the spell. For every positive SL the caster benefits from an a point of Fortune which they can use as normal for the duration of the spell.However, if the spell fails then for every negative level of success the caster receives a point of Corruption as they receive a dizzying array of disturbing future echoes.

" }, { "id": "Mindfire", "name": "Esprit Enflammé", "description": "

The air warps around your fingertips, forming a bolt of shimmering, hazy magical energy that can be hurled at your target. Anyone affected by Mindfire must make a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain 1 Corruption Point. For every +2 SL, you may make one target gain an additional Corruption Point if the Cool Test is failed. Should a Mutation occur as a result of this Spell, the target automatically rolls on the Mental Mutation table, and gains +1 Ablaze Condition as unnatural fire spills from every orifice in their head.

" }, { "id": "Obsession (Tzeentch)", "name": "Obsession (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You must possess a beloved or precious object belonging to the target. You weave magic infused with the raw stuff of Chaos into the object that, in turn, affects the target. They become obsessed with something: the precise nature of the obsession depends onthe individual in question, and your Lore. For instance, when cast with the Lore of Nurgle, Obsession may cause a recently wounded target to become obsessed with picking at their scabs. The Lore of Slaanesh may cause an epicure or gourmand to overeat.


The target must pass an
Average (+20) Endurance Test every hour, or succumb to their obsession. On a failure, future tests become Challenging (+0). Subsequent failings make Tests increasingly harder, until they become Very Hard (–30). Should the target ever Fumble one of these Tests (fail while rolling a double), the target becomes completely obsessed. They can do nothing except indulge the obsession, no matter the costs or implications, for d10–Will Power Bonus hours (minimum 1 hour). At the end of the spell’s duration, in addition to any other physical, social, or financial implications, the target must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain +1 Corruption Point.


A target may only ever be affected once by this spell once for each Lore with which it is cast. Any future attempts on the same target with this spell have no effect.

" }, { "id": "Obsession (Undivided)", "name": "Obsession (Undivided)", "description": "

You must possess a beloved or precious object belonging to the target. You weave magic infused with the raw stuff of Chaos into the object that, in turn, affects the target. They become obsessed with something: the precise nature of the obsession depends onthe individual in question, and your Lore. For instance, when cast with the Lore of Nurgle, Obsession may cause a recently wounded target to become obsessed with picking at their scabs. The Lore of Slaanesh may cause an epicure or gourmand to overeat.


The target must pass an
Average (+20) Endurance Test every hour, or succumb to their obsession. On a failure, future tests become Challenging (+0). Subsequent failings make Tests increasingly harder, until they become Very Hard (–30). Should the target ever Fumble one of these Tests (fail while rolling a double), the target becomes completely obsessed. They can do nothing except indulge the obsession, no matter the costs or implications, for d10–Will Power Bonus hours (minimum 1 hour). At the end of the spell’s duration, in addition to any other physical, social, or financial implications, the target must pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain +1 Corruption Point.


A target may only ever be affected once by this spell once for each Lore with which it is cast. Any future attempts on the same target with this spell have no effect.

" }, { "id": "Pink Fire of Tzeentch", "name": "Flammes Roses de Tzeentch", "description": "

Swirling bolts of pink fire arc from your outstretched fingertips, causing reality to scream in anguish. Pink Fire of Tzeentch is a magic missile. Targets affected suffer a +6 Damage hit, and gain +1 Ablaze Condition.


Should a Character of size small or larger be reduced to 0 Wounds by this spell, or while suffering from an Ablaze Condition caused by
Pink Fire of Tzeentch, roll a d10. On a roll of 9, a Pink Horror claws its way out of the target’s writhing corpse, killing the individual.

" }, { "id": "Power of Chaos (Tzeentch)", "name": "Puissance du Chaos (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You call on the Dark Gods of Chaos to aid your efforts by tearing a small rent to the aethyr. Any spells cast within Fellowship Bonus yards of the point targeted by the spell have their CN halved. Anyone within the AoE must pass an Average (+20) Endurance Test at the end of each Round or gain +1 Corruption Point. Anyone casting a spell within the AoE makes their Test at Average (+20) Difficulty.

" }, { "id": "Power of Chaos (Undivided)", "name": "Puissance du Chaos (Undivided)", "description": "

You call on the Dark Gods of Chaos to aid your efforts by tearing a small rent to the aethyr. Any spells cast within
Fellowship Bonus yards of the point targeted by the spell have their CN halved. Anyone within the AoE must pass an
Average (+20) Endurance Test at the end of each Round or gain +1 Corruption Point. Anyone casting a spell within the AoE makes their Test at Average (+20) Difficulty.

" }, { "id": "Rend Aethyr (Tzeentch)", "name": "Déchirement d'Aethyr (Tzeentch)", "description": "

Your foul, profane words tear apart the fabric of reality, ripping a hole in the world, through which the servants of the Dark Gods are free to pour. A ragged portal to the aethyr appears.


At the end of every Round, one Lesser Daemon crosses from the Realms of Chaos through the portal. These Daemons are not under your control, but are likely to defend you and attack your enemies, should that be your unholy master’s will. The Daemons summoned depend on your Chaos Lore: Daemonettes of Slaanesh, Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Horrors of Tzeentch, Bloodletters of Khorne, and, for Sorcerers of Chaos Undivided, Furies of Chaos. While the spell is in effect, any Daemons it summons are immune to the
Unstable Condition.


For every +5 SL Overcast, you may increase the rate the
Daemons arrive by +1.


Living creatures must pass an
Average (+20) Endurance Test at the end of every Round where they can see the tear, or gain +1 Corruption. Any living creature foolish or unlucky enough to enter the rift falls into the Realms of Chaos and is immediately killed, unless a Fate point is spent. In that case, they are spat back into reality, perhaps saved by some power for an as of yet unfulfilled purpose.


Should you Fumble the casting of this spell, the Daemons crossing from the Realms of Chaos belong to a rival deity, and may well be immediately hostile to their summoner!

" }, { "id": "Rend Aethyr (Undivided)", "name": "Déchirement d'Aethyr (Undivided)", "description": "

Your foul, profane words tear apart the fabric of reality, ripping a hole in the world, through which the servants of the Dark Gods are free to pour. A ragged portal to the aethyr appears.


At the end of every Round, one Lesser Daemon crosses from the Realms of Chaos through the portal. These Daemons are not under your control, but are likely to defend you and attack your enemies, should that be your unholy master’s will. The Daemons summoned depend on your Chaos Lore: Daemonettes of Slaanesh, Plaguebearers of Nurgle, Horrors of Tzeentch, Bloodletters of Khorne, and, for Sorcerers of Chaos Undivided, Furies of Chaos. While the spell is in effect, any Daemons it summons are immune to the 
Unstable Condition.


For every +5 SL Overcast, you may increase the rate the
Daemons arrive by +1.


Living creatures must pass an 
Average (+20) Endurance Test at the end of every Round where they can see the tear, or gain +1 Corruption. Any living creature foolish or unlucky enough to enter the rift falls into the Realms of Chaos and is immediately killed, unless a Fate point is spent. In that case, they are spat back into reality, perhaps saved by some power for an as of yet unfulfilled purpose.


Should you Fumble the casting of this spell, the Daemons crossing from the Realms of Chaos belong to a rival deity, and may well be immediately hostile to their summoner!

" }, { "id": "Sense the Skein", "name": "Sens de la Vie", "description": "

Your eyes glow pink and blue as you speak forbidden words of power. The scales fall from your eyes and you see, for a few fleeting moments, the interconnected fate of all things. You may choose one target you can see, and the GM must reveal the target’s Motivation, Short-Term Ambition, and Long-Term Ambition.

" }, { "id": "Slave to Darkness (Tzeentch)", "name": "Esclave des ténèbres (Tzeentch)", "description": "

You implore your patron to take the soul of your target, replacing it with something terrible. Make an Opposed Willpower Test, which you must win by at least 2+ SL. Should you do this, the victim’s soul is sent howling into the Realms of Chaos, and the remaining body is possessed by a Daemon. Unless the target spends a Fate point, control of the Character is passed to the GM. Should you not win the  Test by at least 2+ SL, you instead suffer a Major Miscast, and the spell fails. Should you Fumble the Test, you are punished by your god for your arrogance. Your soul is torn from your body, never to return unless you spend a Fate point to resist this, although your patron is unlikely to be pleased if you flagrantly reject their authority in such a fashion.


Given the risks and limitations inherent in this spell, it is generally cast on victims that have been ‘prepared’ for their sacrifice; they have been bound, drugged, and/or otherwise pacified.

" }, { "id": "Slave to Darkness (Undivided)", "name": "Esclave des ténèbres (Undivided)", "description": "

You implore your patron to take the soul of your target, replacing it with something terrible. Make an Opposed Willpower Test, which you must win by at least 2+ SL. Should you do this, the victim’s soul is sent howling into the Realms of Chaos, and the remaining body is possessed by a Daemon. Unless the target spends a Fate point, control of the Character is passed to the GM. Should you not win the  Test by at least 2+ SL, you instead suffer a Major Miscast, and the spell fails. Should you Fumble the Test, you are punished by your god for your arrogance. Your soul is torn from your body, never to return unless you spend a Fate point to resist this, although your patron is unlikely to be pleased if you flagrantly reject their authority in such a fashion.


Given the risks and limitations inherent in this spell, it is generally cast on victims that have been ‘prepared’ for their sacrifice; they have been bound, drugged, and/or otherwise pacified.

" }, { "id": "The Flickering Flames of Fickle Fate", "name": "Flammes Vacillantes du Destin", "description": "

You conjure forth a torrent of magical fire, which spits, crackles and burns without material fuel. The fire has no physical properties and does not burn, damage, or emit heat. All living creatures and Daemons who can see the fire may choose to reroll every Test once, as if they had spent a Fortune Point, even if they passed the Test. Each time they do so, they must then pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or gain +1 Corruption Point. Characters bearing the Mark of Tzeentch are immune to this Corruption. The Test to resist gaining Corruption may not be rerolled using this Spell’s effect.

" }, { "id": "Transformation of Tzeentch", "name": "Transformation de Tzeentch", "description": "

At your command, bonds of aethyric fire coil from the earth, enshrouding your target in a cocoon of magical energy. Targets affected gain the Prone Condition, and are considered Helpless for the duration of the Spell. When Transformation of Tzeentch ends, the target must make a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, opposed by your Language (Magick) Skill. If they lose, they gain +1 Corruption Point, +1 extra Point for every SL by which they lost.

" }, { "id": "Tzeentch's Firestorm", "name": "Tempête de feu de Tzeentch", "description": "

A swirling storm of purple arcane fire bursts forth, summoned by your profane cackling. Tzeentch’s Firestorm is a magic missile. Everyone within Initiative Bonus yards of the target suffers a +9 Damage hit, and gains +1 Ablaze Condition.


Should a Character of size small or larger be reduced to 0 Wounds by this Spell, or while suffering from an Ablaze Condition caused by
Tzeentch’s Firestorm, roll a d10. On a roll of 9, two Pink Horrors claw their way out of the target’s magically burning corpse, killing the poor unfortunate.

" }, { "id": "Tzeentch's Golden Aura", "name": "Aura Doré de Tzeentch", "description": "

This is one of the most straightforward and practical spells in a Tzeentch sorcerer’s arsenal. A swirling vortex of yellow fire is summoned out of the aethyr and wraps about the caster’s body, shielding them from incoming blows and missiles. Whilst the spell is in effect, the caster benefits from the Creature Trait @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward 9+} .

" }, { "id": "Word of Tzeentch", "name": "Mot de Tzeentch", "description": "

As your tongue forms the twisted sound-patterns of this blasphemous Spell, two voices seem to utter from your throat, in unholy and unnatural harmony with each other. Your words carry extra meaning for those affected by the Spell, though targets can never remember what was said. They are left with a haunting sense of foreboding, as if they have forgotten something very important about their own future.


Living targets affected by the Spell must make an
Opposed Intelligence Test with you. If the target loses, they gain 1 Stunned Condition, +1 additional Stunned Condition for each SL by which they lost. If they Fumble, they gain the Unconscious Condition, and +1 Corruption.


Once all Conditions have been removed, targets affected must pass an Average (+20) Endurance Test, or gain +1 Corruption. Should they Fumble, they immediately gain 1 Mental Mutation, and may not take a Short-term Ambition for the next 1d10 weeks.

" } ] }