{ "label": "Trappings", "entries": [ { "id": "Abacus", "name": "Abacus" }, { "id": "Ale, Keg", "name": "Ale, Keg", "description": "

Capacity 3 gallons. Empty kegs can be refilled for 18d

" }, { "id": "Ale, pint", "name": "Ale, pint" }, { "id": "Amulet", "name": "Amulet" }, { "id": "Animal Trap", "name": "Animal Trap", "description": "

Used to catch game (see Gathering Food and Herbs)

" }, { "id": "Antitoxin Kit", "name": "Antitoxin Kit", "description": "

Contains a small knife, herbs, and a jar of leeches. A successful Heal Test with an antitoxin kit removes all Poisoned Conditions. Treatment takes at least two Rounds.

" }, { "id": "Arrow", "name": "Arrow", "description": "


" }, { "id": "Backpack", "name": "Backpack", "description": "

Counts as ‘worn’ when strapped to your back. 

" }, { "id": "Ball", "name": "Ball" }, { "id": "Bandage", "name": "Bandage", "description": "

A successful Heal or Dexterity Test removes +1 extra Bleeding Status.

" }, { "id": "Barrel", "name": "Barrel", "description": "

Capacity: 32 gallons of liquid.



" }, { "id": "Bastard Sword", "name": "Bastard Sword", "description": "" }, { "id": "Baton ", "name": "Baton ", "description": "" }, { "id": "Bedroll ", "name": "Bedroll ", "description": "

Endurance Tests rolled to resist Cold Exposure gain a bonus of +20 when resting.

" }, { "id": "Black Lotus", "name": "Black Lotus", "description": "

This deadly plant grows in Southland jungles and is used for blade venom. Victims who suffer at least 1 Wound from a sap-coated blade immediately take 2 Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with a Difficult (–10) Endurance Test.

" }, { "id": "Blanket", "name": "Blanket", "description": "

Endurance Tests rolled to resist Cold Exposure gain a bonus of +20 when resting.

" }, { "id": "Blunderbuss", "name": "Blunderbuss", "description": "" }, { "id": "Boat Hook", "name": "Boat Hook", "description": "" }, { "id": "Boiled Leather Breastplate", "name": "Boiled Leather Breastplate", "description": "" }, { "id": "Bolas", "name": "Bolas" }, { "id": "Bolt", "name": "Bolt", "description": "" }, { "id": "Bomb", "name": "Bomb" }, { "id": "Book, Apothecary", "name": "Book, Apothecary", "description": "

Apothecary books are usually hand-written. A basic apothecary book contains ingredient descriptions and diagrammed instructions for brewing processes. Formulas for Digestive Tonics, Healing Draughts, and Vitality Draughts are usually included (see Herbs and Draughts). Advanced texts contain formulas for more exotic draughts.

" }, { "id": "Book, Art", "name": "Book, Art", "description": "

Plays, poems, and ballads or perhaps musical arrangements scribbled on loose parchment, Art books come in many forms. They also include treatises on perspective, form, and style, often written by famous painters or sculptors — such as Leonardo da Miragliano — for mass printing 

" }, { "id": "Book, Cryptography", "name": "Book, Cryptography", "description": "

Where individual ciphers and encryption keys can be written on a single page or two, Cryptography books are often hand-scribed codices dealing with mathematics, numerology, and polyalphabetic encryption.

" }, { "id": "Book, Engineer", "name": "Book, Engineer", "description": "

The majority of engineering books are press-printed. Engineering is an advanced science in the Empire, largely due to the Imperial Engineers’ School in Altdorf and the Dwarf Engineers’ Guild. Because of this, Engineering texts are often authored, co-authored, or edited by Dwarfs.

" }, { "id": "Book, Law", "name": "Book, Law", "description": "

Laws vary considerably from one region to the next. Cities with printing presses compile legislation in bound volumes, whereas judges in smaller towns often rely on documents handwritten centuries ago. Law books used by travelling lawyers or judges often combine printed and written pages from different towns across the Empire, collated and bound together within the same cover

" }, { "id": "Book, Magic", "name": "Book, Magic", "description": "

Spell grimoires are usually scribed by wizards, and their covers are often secured with locks. Sometimes grimoires are even protected by magical alarms or wards. Carrying a spell grimoire is punishable as heresy unless the owning wizard is licensed by the Colleges of Magic.

" }, { "id": "Book, Medicine", "name": "Book, Medicine", "description": "

Medical texts can either be scribed or press-printed, depending on the authoring physician’s prestige. Illuminations are common, and usually include detailed autopsy drawings and procedural diagrams.

" }, { "id": "Book, Religion", "name": "Book, Religion", "description": "

Religions books come in all forms in the Empire, a realm renowned for its religious observances. There is an eager market for the most popular texts, most of which are cheaply produced by printing presses.

" }, { "id": "Boots", "name": "Boots" }, { "id": "Bow", "name": "Bow" }, { "id": "Bowl", "name": "Bowl", "description": "" }, { "id": "Brass Penny", "name": "Brass Penny", "description": "" }, { "id": "Broom", "name": "Broom", "description": "" }, { "id": "Bucket", "name": "Bucket", "description": "" }, { "id": "Bugman’s XXXXXX Ale, pint ", "name": "Bugman’s XXXXXX Ale, pint ", "description": "

Merchants travel across the Old World to purchase this potent Dwarfen ale from the famous brewery founded by Josef Bugman. Bugman’s Ale is distributed to most major cities. One mug of Bugman’s counts as 4 mugs of normal ale for intoxication purposes (see @Item[Consume Alcohol]), and grants immunity to Fear Tests for 1d10 hours.

" }, { "id": "Bullet and Powder", "name": "Bullet and Powder", "description": "" }, { "id": "Candle", "name": "Candle", "description": "

Provides illumination for 10 yards when lit.

" }, { "id": "Canvas Tarp", "name": "Canvas Tarp", "description": "" }, { "id": "Cart", "name": "Cart", "description": "

One driver and one draft animal required.

" }, { "id": "Cask", "name": "Cask", "description": "

Capacity: 10 gallons of liquid.



" }, { "id": "Cavalry Hammer", "name": "Cavalry Hammer", "description": "" }, { "id": "Chalk", "name": "Chalk", "description": "" }, { "id": "Charcoal stick", "name": "Charcoal stick", "description": "" }, { "id": "Chicken", "name": "Chicken" }, { "id": "Chisel", "name": "Chisel", "description": "" }, { "id": "Cloak", "name": "Cloak", "description": "

Protects wearer against the elements. 

" }, { "id": "Clothing", "name": "Clothing", "description": "" }, { "id": "Coach", "name": "Coach", "description": "

Two drivers and four horses are standard.

" }, { "id": "Coat", "name": "Coat", "description": "

Protects wearer against the elements and extreme cold; without a good coat or similar, you will receive penalties to resist Cold Exposure

" }, { "id": "Comb", "name": "Comb", "description": "" }, { "id": "Cooking Pot", "name": "Cooking Pot", "description": "" }, { "id": "Coracle", "name": "Coracle", "description": "

Coracles are small, lightweight boats that accommodate one person and can be carried easily. They are made from leather or bark stretched over a wood frame, and rowed with a single oar.

" }, { "id": "Courtly Garb ", "name": "Courtly Garb ", "description": "

Nobles’ garb features embellishments such as lace cuffs & collars, excessive high-quality fabric and pointed shoes. Servants also wear courtly garb to banquets and ceremonies, although their surcoats and corsets are less ostentatious than the nobles’ fashions and can therefore be purchased at half price. 

" }, { "id": "Crossbow", "name": "Crossbow", "description": "" }, { "id": "Crossbow Pistol", "name": "Crossbow Pistol" }, { "id": "Cup", "name": "Cup", "description": "" }, { "id": "Cutlery", "name": "Cutlery", "description": "" }, { "id": "Dagger", "name": "Dagger" }, { "id": "Dart", "name": "Dart" }, { "id": "Davrich Lamp", "name": "Davrich Lamp", "description": "

A safety lamp emitting the light of a candle, first developed for Reikland’s mines by Master Engineer Davrich Stephansson. It flares brightly in ‘firedamp’ (explosive gasses); after 1d10 rounds of exposure to the lamp the firedamp will explode. It is wise to withdraw before this happens.

" }, { "id": "Deck of Cards", "name": "Deck of Cards", "description": "" }, { "id": "Destrier", "name": "Destrier", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Dice", "name": "Dice", "description": "" }, { "id": "Digestive Tonic", "name": "Digestive Tonic", "description": "

Provides +20 to recovery Tests from stomach ailments such as the Galloping Trots or The Bloody Flux

" }, { "id": "Disguise Kit", "name": "Disguise Kit", "description": "

Contains enough props for four disguises (e.g. wigs and make-up) and also materials for changing your appearance used by those with the Entertain (Acting) Skill (e.g. wax, fake blood, and prosthetics).

" }, { "id": "Dog collar and lead", "name": "Dog collar and lead" }, { "id": "Doll", "name": "Doll", "description": "" }, { "id": "Draught Horse", "name": "Draught Horse", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Ear Pick", "name": "Ear Pick", "description": "" }, { "id": "Earth Root", "name": "Earth Root", "description": "

This herb is ingested to negate the effects of Buboes caused by the Black Plague (though the swellings are still significant). Further, gain a bonus of +10 on all Tests concerning the disease. Dose: 1 per day.

" }, { "id": "Elf Arrow", "name": "Elf Arrow", "description": "" }, { "id": "Elf Bow", "name": "Elf Bow" }, { "id": "Engineering Marvel", "name": "Engineering Marvel", "description": "

Only for the exceedingly rich, you commission a work of art from one of the Engineers’ Guilds, allowing you to completely ignore the loss of an ear, hand, arm, or leg, as steam hisses and machinery clicks in place of blood and muscle. Should you ever receive a Critical Wound to the marvel, it automatically breaks down, and needs to be taken back for costly repair (at least 10% of the base cost, depending upon the nature of the Critical Wound received).

" }, { "id": "Eye patch", "name": "Eye patch", "description": "

Often decorated, an eye patch is used to cover scarred eye sockets.

" }, { "id": "Face Powder", "name": "Face Powder", "description": "" }, { "id": "False Eye", "name": "False Eye", "description": "

Particularly popular amongst the rich who prefer not to wear cruder eye-patches, false eyes come in many forms, from wooden to polished glass.

" }, { "id": "False Leg", "name": "False Leg", "description": "



A False Leg (or just a False Foot, for half price), allows you to ignore 1 point of Movement loss due to the missing body part. Further, for 100 XP you can regain the last point of Movement Loss as you train yourself to use your new body part, and for 200 XP you relearn how to use Dodge again. This all requires you not to lose your False Leg, though.





" }, { "id": "Faxtoryll", "name": "Faxtoryll", "description": "

When smeared on a wound, poultices made from this herbal coagulant remove all Bleeding Conditions without a Heal Test. Dose: 1 per Critical Wound.

" }, { "id": "Fish Hooks", "name": "Fish Hooks", "description": "

Can be used to catch fish (see Gathering Food and Herbs)

" }, { "id": "Flail", "name": "Flail" }, { "id": "Flask", "name": "Flask", "description": "

Capacity: 1 pint of liquid.



" }, { "id": "Flask of Spirits", "name": "Flask of Spirits" }, { "id": "Floor Brush", "name": "Floor Brush", "description": "" }, { "id": "Foil", "name": "Foil" }, { "id": "Food, groceries/day", "name": "Food, groceries/day", "description": "" }, { "id": "Gavel", "name": "Gavel", "description": "" }, { "id": "Gilded Nose", "name": "Gilded Nose", "description": "

Though most are made of wood or ceramic, the term gilded nose is widely used regardless. You can ignore the Fellowship loss for having no nose.

" }, { "id": "Gloves", "name": "Gloves", "description": "" }, { "id": "Gold Crown", "name": "Gold Crown", "description": "" }, { "id": "Grain Flail", "name": "Grain Flail" }, { "id": "Grappling Hook", "name": "Grappling Hook", "description": "

Coupled with a rope, allows unscalable surfaces to be climbed.

" }, { "id": "Great Axe", "name": "Great Axe" }, { "id": "Guild License", "name": "Guild License", "description": "

Guild licenses are usually printed on single sheets of parchment, stamped with an official seal, and signed by the local guild master. Guild licenses are not purchased; instead, they are granted to guild members according to each guild’s traditions and laws.

" }, { "id": "Halberd", "name": "Halberd" }, { "id": "Hammer", "name": "Hammer", "description": "" }, { "id": "Hand Mirror", "name": "Hand Mirror", "description": "" }, { "id": "Hand Weapon", "name": "Hand Weapon", "description": "" }, { "id": "Handgun", "name": "Handgun", "description": "" }, { "id": "Hat", "name": "Hat", "description": "

Fine quality hats are status symbols in the Empire’s towns and cities. The more flamboyant the hat, the better.

" }, { "id": "Healing Draught", "name": "Healing Draught", "description": "

If you have more than 0 Wounds, recover Toughness Bonus Wounds immediately. Dose: 1 per encounter.

" }, { "id": "Healing Poultice", "name": "Healing Poultice", "description": "

This foul-smelling medicinal wrap is made from animal dung and urine combined with any number of common herbs such as Sigmafoil, Tarrabeth, and Valerian. You do not suffer any Minor Infections from a Critical Wound treated with a Healing Poultice.

" }, { "id": "Heartkill", "name": "Heartkill", "description": "

Combining the venoms from an Amphisbaena (a rare, two-headed serpent) and a Jabberslythe produces an odorless, colorless poison. When ingested, the deadly mixture inflicts 4 Poisoned Conditions. Resisted with a Difficult (–10) Endurance Test.

" }, { "id": "Heavy Crossbow", "name": "Heavy Crossbow" }, { "id": "Hochland Long Rifle", "name": "Hochland Long Rifle", "description": "" }, { "id": "Hoe", "name": "Hoe", "description": "" }, { "id": "Homing Pigeon", "name": "Homing Pigeon" }, { "id": "Hood", "name": "Hood", "description": "" }, { "id": "Hook", "name": "Hook", "description": "

You have a hook strapped where you used to have a hand. A surprisingly nimble tool once you are used to it, you can buy back the –20 penalty on all Tests involving two hands for 100 XP per 5 you subtract from the penalty, removing the penalty completely for 400 XP. Append: In Close Combat, a Hook counts as a Dagger

" }, { "id": "Hunting Dog", "name": "Hunting Dog" }, { "id": "Improvised Shot and Powder", "name": "Improvised Shot and Powder", "description": "" }, { "id": "Improvised Weapon", "name": "Improvised Weapon", "description": "" }, { "id": "Incendiary", "name": "Incendiary" }, { "id": "Instrument", "name": "Instrument", "description": "

Various instruments are included in this category. The standard price and encumbrance reflects medium-sized instruments (e.g. mandolin, coach horn, small drum). Small instruments are half the price and 0 Encumbrance points (e.g. flute, recorder, tambourine). Larger instruments are double the price and 2 Encumbrance points (e.g. harp, lute, large drum).

" }, { "id": "Javelin", "name": "Javelin" }, { "id": "Jewellry", "name": "Jewellry", "description": "

Prices vary by craftsmanship, metal type, and gem value. As a general guideline, common rings without any gemstones cost 10 coins equal to their metal type (i.e. brass, silver or gold) whereas necklaces cost 20 coins of the same metal type

" }, { "id": "Jug", "name": "Jug", "description": "

Capacity: 1 gallon of liquid.



" }, { "id": "Key", "name": "Key", "description": "" }, { "id": "Knife", "name": "Knife" }, { "id": "Knife", "name": "Knife", "description": "" }, { "id": "Knuckledusters", "name": "Knuckledusters" }, { "id": "Lamp Oil", "name": "Lamp Oil", "description": "

Contains enough fuel for 4 hours of standard use, or 8 hours of low flame equivalent to a candle.

" }, { "id": "Lance", "name": "Lance", "description": "" }, { "id": "Lantern", "name": "Lantern", "description": "

Provides illumination for 20 yards.

" }, { "id": "Lasso", "name": "Lasso" }, { "id": "Lead Bullet", "name": "Lead Bullet", "description": "" }, { "id": "Leaflet", "name": "Leaflet" }, { "id": "Leather Jack", "name": "Leather Jack" }, { "id": "Leather Jerkin", "name": "Leather Jerkin" }, { "id": "Leather Leggings", "name": "Leather Leggings" }, { "id": "Leather Skullcap", "name": "Leather Skullcap" }, { "id": "Legal Document", "name": "Legal Document", "description": "

A simple legal document such as a will, IOU or letter of intent.

" }, { "id": "Light Warhorse", "name": "Light Warhorse", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Lock Picks", "name": "Lock Picks", "description": "

An assortment of small, variously-shaped tools needed to use the Pick Lock Skill without penalty. 

" }, { "id": "Longbow", "name": "Longbow" }, { "id": "Mad Cap Mushrooms", "name": "Mad Cap Mushrooms", "description": "

These hallucinogenic mushrooms are eaten by Goblin fanatics before battle. They induce a berserker rage, adding +10 Strength, +4 Wounds, and the Frenzy Talent. When the effect wears off, the user loses 1d10 Wounds. Non-Greenskins must also pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test or contract a Minor Infection. Duration: Active when chewed plus an additional 2d10 minutes.

" }, { "id": "Mail Chausses", "name": "Mail Chausses" }, { "id": "Mail Coat", "name": "Mail Coat" }, { "id": "Mail Coif", "name": "Mail Coif" }, { "id": "Mail Shirt", "name": "Mail Shirt" }, { "id": "Main Gauche", "name": "Main Gauche" }, { "id": "Manacles", "name": "Manacles", "description": "

Prisoners trying to break out of manacles suffer 1 Wound and must pass a Very Hard (-30) Strength Test.

" }, { "id": "Mandrake Root", "name": "Mandrake Root", "description": "

This highly-addictive deliriant grows under gallows, and is chewed to keep an unquiet mind still. Users must pass a Willpower Test every Round to perform an Action or a Move (choose one); further, Movement is halved. However, Cool Tests receive a bonus of +20. Duration: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes.

" }, { "id": "Map", "name": "Map" }, { "id": "Mask", "name": "Mask", "description": "" }, { "id": "Match", "name": "Match", "description": "" }, { "id": "Meal, inn", "name": "Meal, inn", "description": "" }, { "id": "Military Flail", "name": "Military Flail" }, { "id": "Monkey", "name": "Monkey", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Moonflower", "name": "Moonflower", "description": "

This tranquilizer is a dried moss which grows only on leaves in the Laurelorn forest. Elves use Moonflower to treat Black Plague, granting a bonus of +30 to any associated Tests for Elves to resist the disease, otherwise it has no effect on their species. Others can inhale vapors from boiling the moss and if they fail a Very Hard (–30) Willpower Test will gain an Unconscious Condition; if passed, they receive a bonus of +20 to Cool Tests and gain a Fatigued Condition. Moonflower is used by the most expensive Physicians as an anesthetic. Duration: 1d10+5 hours.

" }, { "id": "Mop", "name": "Mop", "description": "" }, { "id": "Mule", "name": "Mule", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Nails ", "name": "Nails ", "description": "" }, { "id": "Nightshade", "name": "Nightshade", "description": "

Consuming this herb causes the victim to fall into a deep sleep after 2-3 hours, unless an Endurance Test is passed. A Nightshade slumber lasts 1d10+4 hours. Dose: 1 per person.

" }, { "id": "Open Plate Helm", "name": "Open Plate Helm" }, { "id": "Paint Brush", "name": "Paint Brush", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pan", "name": "Pan", "description": "" }, { "id": "Parchment/sheet", "name": "Parchment/sheet" }, { "id": "Perfume", "name": "Perfume", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pestle & Mortar", "name": "Pestle & Mortar", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pewter Stein", "name": "Pewter Stein", "description": "

Beer mug/tankard made of pewter



" }, { "id": "Pick", "name": "Pick", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pick", "name": "Pick", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pike", "name": "Pike" }, { "id": "Pins", "name": "Pins", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pipe and Tobacco", "name": "Pipe and Tobacco", "description": "" }, { "id": "Pistol", "name": "Pistol", "description": "" }, { "id": "Placard", "name": "Placard", "description": "" }, { "id": "Plate", "name": "Plate", "description": "" }, { "id": "Plate Bracers", "name": "Plate Bracers" }, { "id": "Plate Breastplate", "name": "Plate Breastplate" }, { "id": "Plate Helm", "name": "Plate Helm" }, { "id": "Plate Leggings", "name": "Plate Leggings" }, { "id": "Pole (3 yards)", "name": "Pole (3 yards)", "description": "

A long pole used for barging; counts as an @Item[Improvised Weapon]

" }, { "id": "Pony", "name": "Pony", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "Pouch", "name": "Pouch", "description": "" }, { "id": "Quarterstaff", "name": "Quarterstaff" }, { "id": "Quill Pen", "name": "Quill Pen", "description": "" }, { "id": "Rags", "name": "Rags", "description": "" }, { "id": "Rake", "name": "Rake", "description": "" }, { "id": "Ranald's Delight", "name": "Ranald's Delight", "description": "

This highly-addictive stimulant is a synthetic compound made from sulphur, mercury and other elements. Inhaling the powder provides a bonus of +1 to Movement, and +10 to WS, S, T, and Agi. Tis last for 3 hours, after which the user suffers a penalty of –2 Movement and –20 on Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Agility. Duration: 1 day.

" }, { "id": "Rapier", "name": "Rapier", "description": "" }, { "id": "Rations, 1 day", "name": "Rations, 1 day", "description": "" }, { "id": "Reading Lens", "name": "Reading Lens", "description": "

Glass lenses with handles provide a +20 bonus to Read/Write Tests for deciphering tiny or unintelligible writing. Perception Tests to search for fine details such as secret doors or compartments also receive a +20 bonus

" }, { "id": "Religious Symbol", "name": "Religious Symbol", "description": "" }, { "id": "Repeater Handgun", "name": "Repeater Handgun", "description": "" }, { "id": "Repeater Pistol", "name": "Repeater Pistol", "description": "" }, { "id": "Riding Horse", "name": "Riding Horse", "description": "

Horse trained for war.

" }, { "id": "River Barge", "name": "River Barge", "description": "

Three crew are standard.

" }, { "id": "Robes", "name": "Robes", "description": "" }, { "id": "Rock", "name": "Rock" }, { "id": "Room, common/night", "name": "Room, common/night", "description": "

Guests sleeping in common rooms should be wary of thieves.

" }, { "id": "Room, private/night", "name": "Room, private/night", "description": "

Accommodates 2 guests. Large rooms cost double the price and accommodate 4 guests.

" }, { "id": "Rope, 10 yards", "name": "Rope, 10 yards", "description": "" }, { "id": "Row Boat", "name": "Row Boat", "description": "

One rower is standard.

" }, { "id": "Sack", "name": "Sack", "description": "

Requires 1 hand to carry.

" }, { "id": "Sack, Large", "name": "Sack, Large", "description": "

Requires 1 hand to carry (or 2 hands if full).

" }, { "id": "Saddle and Harness", "name": "Saddle and Harness" }, { "id": "Saddlebags", "name": "Saddlebags", "description": "

Requires 1 hand to carry (or 2 hands if full).

" }, { "id": "Salwort", "name": "Salwort", "description": "

When held under someone’s nose, the aroma from a crushed sprig of this herb removes 1 Stunned Condition. Dose: 1 per encounter.

" }, { "id": "Saw", "name": "Saw", "description": "" }, { "id": "Scepter", "name": "Scepter", "description": "

The highest-ranking legal officials carry scepters to indicate their status.

" }, { "id": "Scroll Case", "name": "Scroll Case", "description": "

Counts as ‘worn’ when slung over your shoulder.

" }, { "id": "Shield", "name": "Shield" }, { "id": "Shield (Buckler)", "name": "Shield (Buckler)" }, { "id": "Shield (Large)", "name": "Shield (Large)" }, { "id": "Shoes", "name": "Shoes", "description": "" }, { "id": "Shortbow", "name": "Shortbow" }, { "id": "Sickle", "name": "Sickle", "description": "" }, { "id": "Signet Ring", "name": "Signet Ring", "description": "



Gold rings with engraved stamps are worn by nobles and guild officials, who use them to imprint heraldry or insignia into sealing wax.





" }, { "id": "Silver Shilling", "name": "Silver Shilling", "description": "" }, { "id": "Sling", "name": "Sling" }, { "id": "Sling Bag", "name": "Sling Bag", "description": "

Counts as ‘worn’ when slung over your shoulder.

" }, { "id": "Small shot and Powder", "name": "Small shot and Powder", "description": "" }, { "id": "Spade", "name": "Spade", "description": "" }, { "id": "Spear", "name": "Spear", "description": "" }, { "id": "Spike", "name": "Spike", "description": "" }, { "id": "Spirits, pint", "name": "Spirits, pint" }, { "id": "Spit", "name": "Spit", "description": "

Extracted from Chameleoleeches found in the marshes of the Empire, this extraordinarily powerful hallucinogen brings visions of something deeply desired, such as a lost lover, a dead friend, or a missing child. Called Spit on the streets, it’s popular with those lost to despair. Upon exposure, you must pass a Very Hard (–30) Toughness Test or be lost to a fully real fantasy, which is a matter for the GM to handle. Duration: 1d10 minutes.

" }, { "id": "Stables/night", "name": "Stables/night" }, { "id": "Staff Sling", "name": "Staff Sling" }, { "id": "Stamp, engraved", "name": "Stamp, engraved", "description": "" }, { "id": "Stone Bullet", "name": "Stone Bullet", "description": "" }, { "id": "Storm Lantern", "name": "Storm Lantern", "description": "

Shutters protect the flame from wind, and also enable the light to be directed in a 90° arc or darkened altogether. Provides illumination for 20 yards, or 30 when targeted.

" }, { "id": "Swordbreaker", "name": "Swordbreaker" }, { "id": "Tattoo", "name": "Tattoo", "description": "" }, { "id": "Telescope", "name": "Telescope", "description": "" }, { "id": "Tent", "name": "Tent", "description": "" }, { "id": "Throwing Axe", "name": "Throwing Axe" }, { "id": "Throwing Knife", "name": "Throwing Knife" }, { "id": "Tinderbox", "name": "Tinderbox", "description": "" }, { "id": "Tongs, steel", "name": "Tongs, steel", "description": "" }, { "id": "Trade Tools (Type)", "name": "Trade Tools (Type)", "description": "

Apothecary: Tools include pestle and mortar, spoons, jars, and weights and scales. Workshops also include oil burners and shelves full of ingredients.




Artisan: The potential range of tools used by Artisans is wide.


Sample packages include:




Other Artisans include: Armorer, Bowyer, Brewer, Candlemaker, Calligrapher, Cartographer, Cobbler, Cook, Cooper, Embalmer, Gem Cutter, Glassblower, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Mason, Painter, Potter, Shipwright, Stoneworker, Tailor, Tanner, Vintner, Weaver, Weaponsmith and Woodcarver.




Artist: Brushes and paints, hammer and chisels, rasps and files, and scrapers. Workshops also include easels or pedestals and supplies of canvas, parchment, vellum, wood, clay or uncut stone.


Engineer: Hourglass, measuring rod, fuse cord, drafting compass, and T-square. Workshops also include pulleys, ropes, and drafting tables.


Herbalist: Pestle and mortar, small knives, pruning shears, and gloves. Workshops also include drying racks, strainers, funnels, bowls, and jars.


Navigator: Quadrant, astrolabe, charts and compasses, hourglass, and sounding line.


Physician: Needles and sutures, bandages, scalpel, vinegar, forceps, and a speculum. Workshops also include anatomical drawings, assorted implements, and a surgery table. 

" }, { "id": "Tweezers", "name": "Tweezers", "description": "" }, { "id": "Unarmed", "name": "Unarmed" }, { "id": "Uniform", "name": "Uniform", "description": "" }, { "id": "Vitality Draught", "name": "Vitality Draught", "description": "

Drinking this draught instantly removes all Fatigued Conditions.

" }, { "id": "Wagon", "name": "Wagon", "description": "

One driver and two horses are standard .

" }, { "id": "Walking Cane", "name": "Walking Cane", "description": "

Polished wooden canes with metal caps are status symbols amongst wealthier townsfolk.

" }, { "id": "Warhammer", "name": "Warhammer", "description": "" }, { "id": "Waterskin", "name": "Waterskin", "description": "

Counts as ‘worn’ when slung over your shoulder.

" }, { "id": "Weirdroot", "name": "Weirdroot", "description": "

One of the most common street-drugs in the Empire, Weirdroot is chewed, bringing a sense of euphoria and pleasant hallucinations, which some suggest may be connected to the Winds of Magic. The drug gives a +10 bonus to Toughness and Willpower Tests, but a penalty of –10 to Agility, Initiative, and Intelligence Tests. Duration: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes.

" }, { "id": "Whip", "name": "Whip" }, { "id": "Wine & Spirits, drink", "name": "Wine & Spirits, drink" }, { "id": "Wine, bottle", "name": "Wine, bottle" }, { "id": "Wooden Teeth", "name": "Wooden Teeth", "description": "

False Teeth are often beautifully carved and painted, and sometimes a significant improvement to the originals. You ignore all penalties for loss of teeth.

" }, { "id": "Workshop (Type)", "name": "Workshop (Type)", "description": "

Apothecary: Tools include pestle and mortar, spoons, jars, and weights and scales. Workshops also include oil burners and shelves full of ingredients.




Artisan: The potential range of tools used by Artisans is wide.


Sample packages include:




Other Artisans include: Armorer, Bowyer, Brewer, Candlemaker, Calligrapher, Cartographer, Cobbler, Cook, Cooper, Embalmer, Gem Cutter, Glassblower, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Mason, Painter, Potter, Shipwright, Stoneworker, Tailor, Tanner, Vintner, Weaver, Weaponsmith and Woodcarver.




Artist: Brushes and paints, hammer and chisels, rasps and files, and scrapers. Workshops also include easels or pedestals and supplies of canvas, parchment, vellum, wood, clay or uncut stone.


Engineer: Hourglass, measuring rod, fuse cord, drafting compass, and T-square. Workshops also include pulleys, ropes, and drafting tables.


Herbalist: Pestle and mortar, small knives, pruning shears, and gloves. Workshops also include drying racks, strainers, funnels, bowls, and jars.


Navigator: Quadrant, astrolabe, charts and compasses, hourglass, and sounding line.


Physician: Needles and sutures, bandages, scalpel, vinegar, forceps, and a speculum. Workshops also include anatomical drawings, assorted implements, and a surgery table. 

" }, { "id": "Worms", "name": "Worms" }, { "id": "Writing Kit", "name": "Writing Kit", "description": "" }, { "id": "Zweihander", "name": "Zweihander", "description": "" } ] }