{ "WFRP4E.system.title" : "Warhammer 4ième édition", "WFRP4E.system.description" : "Un système de jeu pour Warhammer 4 dans l'environnement de Foundry VTT.", "SETTINGS.InitRule" : "Règles d'initiative", "SETTINGS.InitHint" : "Configurez quelle méthode appliquer pour l'ordre d'initiative.", "SETTINGS.InitDefault" : "Par défaut (Par ordre d'Initiative, Agilité en cas d'égalité)", "SETTINGS.InitSL" : "Lancer un test d'Initiative, par ordre de plus haut DR", "SETTINGS.InitD10" : "Lancer un D10 et ajouter l'Initiative, par ordre décroissant", "SETTINGS.InitD10Agi" : "Lancer un D10, ajouter le Bonus d'Initiative et d'Agilité, par ordre décroissant", "SETTINGS.CapAdvIB" : "Limiter le nombre d'avantages au Bonus d'Initiative", "SETTINGS.CapAdvIBHint" : "Le nombre max. d'Avantages est égal au Bonus d'Initiative du personnage.", "SETTINGS.FastSL" : "DR Rapide", "SETTINGS.FastSLHint" : "Déterminer le DR avec l'option DR Rapide du livre de règle, cf page TODO.", "SETTINGS.TestsAbove100" : "Tests au dessus de 100%", "SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTests" : "Criticals and Fumbles on all Tests", "SETTINGS.TestsAbove100Hint" : "Utiliser les règles optionnelles pour les tests au-dessus de 100%, tel que décrit p.TOTO. Une réussite permet de gagner +1DR pour chaque tranche pleine de 10% au-dessus de 100%.", "SETTINGS.CriticalsFumblesAllTestsHint" : "Faire un double sur un test génère une réussite critique ou une maladresse.", "SETTINGS.ExtendedTests" : "Tests étendus et 0 DR", "SETTINGS.ExtendedTestsHint" : "Pbtenir un +/- 0DR sur un Test Etendu (Focalisation typiquement) donne un +1/-1 DR respectivement.", "SETTINGS.TestDialogAutoPopulate" : "Remplir automatiquement les dialogues de Test", "SETTINGS.TestDialogAutoPopulateHint" : "Ce paramètre rempli automatiquement les information des boites de dialogue concernant les Tests. Par exemple : TODOWielding Defensive weapons automatically fills 'SL Bonus' in roll dialogs for melee weapons. This only occurs if it is not the actor's turn. Also when wieldirg an Accurate or (Im)precise Weapon (on the actor's turn).", "SETTINGS.NpcAverageChar" : "Régler les caractéristiques moyennes des PNJ", "SETTINGS.NpcAverageCharHint" : "Saisir une race reconnue pour un PNJ rempli automatiquement ses caractéristiques aux valeurs moyennes prévues.", "SETTINGS.PartialChannelling" : "Focalisation partielle", "SETTINGS.PartialChannellingHint" : "A common house rule that improves the flexibility of Channelling. Instead of requiring the SL to reach the spell's CN, you can instead cast at anytime with the CN reduced by the SL gained so far.", "SETTINGS.RoundSummary" : "Afficher le résumé du round", "SETTINGS.RoundSummaryHint" : "Quand un round se termine, afficher toutes les états des combattants.", "SETTINGS.StatusTurnStart" : "Afficher les statistiques du combattant au début du tour", "SETTINGS.StatusTurnStartHint" : "Quand un combattant démare son tour, son statut est affiché (états et modificateurs). Ce message est identique à celui affiché lors d'un click droit sur un combattant.", "SETTINGS.FocusTurnStart" : "When a round ends, display all combatants with conditions", "SETTINGS.FocusTurnStartHint" : "Quand un round se termine, affichier tout les combattants avec leurs états.", "SETTINGS.HideTestData" : "Cacher les résultats des tests", "SETTINGS.HideTestDataHint" : "GM test chat cards don't show sensitive NPC data to players.", "SETTINGS.ManualChatCards" : "Saisie manuelle", "SETTINGS.ManualChatCardsHint" : "Affiche des zones de saisies vides pour permettre la saisie de résultats de dés physiques.", "SETTINGS.PlayerBrowser" : "Autoriser les joueurs au Navigateur", "SETTINGS.PlayerBrowserHint" : "Permettre aux joueurs de voir le navigateur d'items.", "SHEET.Close" : "Fermer", "SHEET.Configure" : "Configurer la feuille", "SHEET.Token" : "Configurer le Token", "SHEET.Import" : "Importer", "SHEET.Post" : "Envoyer au tchat", "SHEET.NestedWarning" : "Pas possible d'ajouter plus de 4 niveaux de contenants.", "SHEET.LocationWarning" : "Vider ce contenant avec de le déplacer", "SHEET.SkillMissingWarning" : "Vous n'avez pas cette compétence", "SHEET.AddSkillTitle" : "Ajouter une compétence de carrière", "SHEET.AddSkillPrompt" : "Voulez vous ajouter cette compétence?", "SHEET.AddTalentTitle" : "Ajouter un Talent de carrière", "SHEET.AddTalentPrompt" : "Voulez vous ajouter ce Talent (100 Exp)", "SHEET.RefundXPTitle" : "Remettre les XP ?", "SHEET.RefundXPPrompt" : "Voulez vous recharger l'expérience?", "SHEET.CareerSkill" : "Changer de compétence de carrière", "SHEET.CareerSkillPrompt" : "Vous changez la spécialisation de la compétence de votre carrière courante. Voulez vous appliquer ce changement sur la carrière elle-même ?", "SHEET.MeleeWeaponHeader" : "Arme(s) de Mélée", "SHEET.RangedWeaponHeader" : "Projectile(s)", "SHEET.ArmourAP" : "PA d'armure", "SHEET.ShieldAP" : "PA Bouclier", "SHEET.TB" : "Toughness Bonus", "SHEET.CreateItem" : "Créer un item", "SHEET.PostItem" : "Envoyer l'Item au tchat", "SHEET.EditItem" : "Editer l'item", "SHEET.Dropdown" : "Lacher l'Item", "SHEET.DeleteItem" : "Supprimer l'Item", "SHEET.RemoveItem" : "Enlever l'Item", "SHEET.EncCount" : "Encombrement", "SHEET.MaxEnc" : "Encombrement Max", "SHEET.VeryEnc" : "Très encombré", "SHEET.Encumbered" : "Encombré", "SHEET.UnEnc" : "Encombrement OK : pas de modificateurs", "SHEET.EncAbbrev" : "Enc", "SHEET.QtyAbbrev" : "Qu", "SHEET.CountEncOn" : "Cliquer pour ne pas compter l'encombrement de ce conteneur (chariot par exemple)", "SHEET.CountEncOff" : "Cliquer pour compter l'encombrement de ce conteneur (sac à dos porté sur soi par exemple)", "SHEET.CountEncTT" : "Ajouter cet encombrement au personnage (décocher si porté à part, comme un chariot par exemple)", "SHEET.PettySpell" : "Sort Mineur", "SHEET.LoreSpell" : "Sorts d'Arcane", "SHEET.CN" : "Niveau d'incantation", "SHEET.SL" : "DR Focalisé", "SHEET.CareerToolTip": "Indiquez cette carrière comme 'Actuelle' pour remplir cette zone", "SHEET.CharAbbrev": "Car.", "SHEET.AdvAbbrev": "Av.", "SHEET.BonusChar": "Le Bonus de la caractéristique selectionnée est ajoutée au score", "ACTOR.BasicSkillsTitle" : "Ajouter les compétences de base", "ACTOR.BasicSkillsPrompt": "Ajouter les compétences de base?", "ACTOR.PreparationError" : "Quelquechose s'est mal passé lors de la préparation des données d'Acteurs: ", "ACTOR.CastOrChannel" : "Incanter ou Focaliser", "ITEM.PenniesValue" : "Valeur (en sous)", "ITEM.MeleeDamage" : "Dommages Mélée", "ITEM.RangedDamage" : "Dommages Projectiles", "ITEM.TwoHanded" : "A deux mains", "ITEM.WeaponDamaged" : "L'arme est endommagée par", "ITEM.ShieldDamaged" : "Endommagé - PA réduits de", "ITEM.TrappingType" : "Type d'objet", "ITEM.MutationType" : "Type de Mutation", "ITEM.CountOwnerEnc" : "Count Towards owner's encumbrance?", "ITEM.ArmourType" : "Type d'armure", "ITEM.AmmunitionType" : "Type de munition", "ITEM.AmmunitionGroup" : "Groupe de munition", "ITEM.CountEnc" : "Compteur Enc", "ITEM.SkillModifier" : "Modificateur de compétence?", "ITEM.SkillModifierTT" : "Show the modifier in the Skills 'penalty' box", "ITEM.PrayerType" : "Type de prêtre", "ITEM.TalentMax" : "Talent Max", "ITEM.TalentTests" : "Tests du Talent", "ITEM.IsGrouped" : "Est groupée", "Basic" : "Basic", "Advanced" : "Avancée", "Qualities" : "Qualités", "Flaws" : "Défauts", "Location" : "Location", "Penalty" : "Pénalité", "Penalties" : "Pénalités", "Max" : "Max", "Tests" : "Tests", "Specification" : "Specification", "Price" : "Prix", "Encumbrance" : "Encombrement", "Availability" : "Disponibilité", "Special" : "Special", "Specialization" : "Specialisation", "Reach" : "Portée", "Contraction" : "Contraction", "Incubation" : "Incubation", "Duration" : "Durée", "Symptoms" : "Symptome", "Permanent" : "Permanent", "Status" : "Status", "Status Tier" : "Status Tier", "Status Standing" : "Status Standing", "Class" : "Classe", "Group" : "Groupe", "Personal Details" : "Personal Details", "Characteristics" : "Characteristics", "Characteristic" : "Characteristic", "Main" : "Général", "Skills" : "Compétences", "Skill" : "Compétence", "Skill Type" : "Type de Compétence", "Talents": "Talents", "Talent": "Talent", "Times Taken": "Pris x fois", "Combat": "Combat", "Magic": "Magie", "Religion": "Religion", "Trappings": "Equipement", "Notes": "Notes", "Income" : "Revenu", "Wounds" : "Blessures", "Modifier" : "Modificateur", "Modifiers" : "Modificateurs", "Range" : "Portée", "Target" : "Cible", "Damage" : "Dommage", "Ammunition" : "Ammunition", "Magic Missile" : "Projectile Magique", "Lore" : "Savoir", "Lore Effect" : "Effet du savoir", "CN" : "CN", "SL" : "DR", "Wearable" : "Portable", "Choose" : "Choisir", "Roll" : "Lancer", "Advantage" : "Avantage", "None" : "Aucun", "Free" : "Gratuit", "Armour" : "Armure", "Mutation" : "Mutation", "Mutations" : "Mutations", "Injury" : "Blessure", "Injuries" : "Blessures", "Criticals" : "Critiques", "Equipped" : "Equipé", "Worn" : "Worn", "Blessing" : "Béni", "Miracle" : "Miracle", "Physical" : "Physique", "Mental" : "Mental", "Success" : "Succès", "Cast" : "Incantation", "Channel" : "Focalisation", "Test" : "Test", "WeaponTest" : "Test d'arme", "CastingTest" : "Test d'incantation", "ChannellingTest" : "Test de Focalisation", "PrayerTest" : "Test de Prière", "Opposed" : "Opposé", "Failure" : "Echec", "Astounding" : "Stupéfiant", "Impressive" : "Impressionnant", "Marginal" : "Marginal(e)", "Critical" : "Critique", "Critical Wound" : "Blessure critique", "Critical Wounds" : "Blessures critiques", "Experience" : "Experience", "Spent" : "Dépensé", "Corruption" : "Corruption", "Fumble" : "Maladresse", "Misfire" : "Misfire", "Unopposed" : "Non opposé", "Head" : "Tête", "Body" : "Corps", "Right Arm" : "Bras droit", "Left Arm" : "Bras gauche", "Right Leg" : "Jambe droite", "Left Leg" : "Jambne gauche", "Arms" : "Bras", "Legs" : "Jambes", "Spell" : "Sort", "Total" : "Total", "Carries" : "Portés", "Memorized" : "Mémorisé", "Initial" : "Initial", "Advances" : "Avancées", "Current" : "Actuelle", "Complete" : "Terminée", "Movement" : "Mouvement", "Move" : "Mouvement", "Walk" : "Marche", "Run" : "Course", "Fortune" : "Chance", "Fate" : "Destin", "Resolve" : "Détermination", "Resilience" : "Résilience", "Career" : "Carrière", "Level" : "Niveau", "Biography" : "Biographie", "Personal Ambitions" : "Ambitions personnelles", "Party Ambitions" : "Ambitions de Groupe", "Short Term" : "Court Terme", "Long Term" : "Long Terme", "Motivation" : "Motivation", "Psychology" : "Psychologie", "Disease" : "Maladie", "Diseases" : "Maladies", "GM Notes" : "Notes MJ", "Blessed By" : "Béni Par", "Sin" : "Ame", "Species" : "Race", "Gender" : "Genre", "Career Level" : "Niveau de carrière", "Career Group" : "Groupe de carrière", "Career Class" : "Classe de carrière", "Career Tier" : "Niveau de carrière", "Earning Skill" : "Compétence apprise", "Age" : "Age", "Height" : "Taille", "Weight" : "Poids", "Hair Colour" : "Couleur de cheveux", "Eye Colour" : "Couleur de cheveux", "Distinguishing Mark" : "Marque Distinctive", "Star Sign" : "Signe Astral", "Basic Skills" : "Compétences de Base", "Grouped & Advanced Skills" : "Compétences Groupées & Avancées", "Creature Traits" : "Traits de Créature", "Creature Trait" : "Trait de Créature", "Creature Overview" : "Aperçu de la Créature", "Trained Skills" : "Compétences entraînées", "Traits" : "Traits", "Randomize Attributes" : "Attributs Aléatoires", "Character Name" : "Nom du personnage", "Extra" : "Extra", "Exp" : "Exp", "Details" : "Détails", "Attributes" : "Attributs", "Reroll" : "Relancer", "Description" : "Description", "Overcast" : "Overcast", "Other" : "Autre", "Category" : "Catégorie", "God" : "Dieu", "AoE" : "AoE", "Radius" : "Rayon", "Extendable Duration" : "Durée allongeable", "Rollable" : "Lançable", "Roll Characteristics" : "Lancer de Caractéristique", "Bonus Characteristic" : "Bonus de Caractéristique", "Weapon Group" : "Groupe d'arme", "Type" : "Type", "Container" : "Conteneur", "Money" : "Argent", "Prayer" : "Prêtre", "Trait" : "Trait", "Protects" : "Protects", "BROWSER.ItemCategories" : "Catégorie d'items", "BROWSER.IncludeWorld" : "Inclure les objets du monde ?", "BROWSER.FilterOptions" : "Options de filtre", "BROWSER.ModifiesDamage" : "Modifie les dommanes", "BROWSER.ModifiesRange" : "Modifie les distances", "BROWSER.ItemList" : "Liste d'items", "CHARGEN.AttrInstructions1" : "Déplacer cette carte sur votre feuille. Vous pourrez modifier les chiffres au prix de 25 XP. Ou, si vous le souhaitez", "CHARGEN.AttrInstructions2" : "allouer des points, pour un cout de 50 XP.", "CHARGEN.CareerAdvancement" : "Avancement de carrière", "CHARGEN.CareerInstructions" : "Déplacer cette carrière sur votre feuille de personnage et allouez 40 avancements aux compétences disponibles. Egalement, sélectionnez 1 Talent et allouez 5 avancement parmi les caractéristiques indiquées. Ces avancements ne coutent pas d'expérience, donc évitez de cliquez sur les boutons de progression.", "CHARGEN.ClassTrappings" : "Equipement de Classe", "CHARGEN.ChooseCareer" : "Choisir une carrière", "CHARGEN.RerollCareer" : "Re-tirer la carrière", "CHARGEN.SpeciesInstructions" : "Choisissez 5 compétences and déplacez les dans la feuille de personnage si elles ne sont pas déja présentes. Placez 5 avancements dans 3 d'entre elles, et 3 avancements dans 3 les autres. Cela ne coute aucune XP, donc ne cliquez pas sur les boutons d'avancement.", "CHARGEN.RerollInstructions" : "Vous pouvez relancer un talent en double.", "DIALOG.CastChannel" : "Incanter ou Focaliser ce sort ?", "DIALOG.ChannelSkill" : "Compétence Focaliser", "DIALOG.MalignantInf" : "Malignant Influence", "DIALOG.MalignantInfTT" : "Miscast on unit rolls that include 8", "DIALOG.DeleteItem" : "Etes vous sur de vouloir supprimer cet item?", "DIALOG.SLBonus" : "Bonus DR", "DIALOG.SuccessBonus" : "Bonus de Succés", "DIALOG.TalentBonus" : "Bonus de Talent", "DIALOG.SLBonusTT" : "DR qui est toujours ajouté ou retranché (p.e. Défensif)", "DIALOG.SuccessBonusTT" : "DR qui est toujours appliqué sur un succés (p.e. Talents)", "DIALOG.TalentBonusTT" : "Liste des bonus potentiels de Talents", "DIALOG.RollMode" : "Mode de lancer", "DIALOG.Extensions" : "Extensions", "DIALOG.CastSkill" : "Compétence d'incantation", "DIALOG.HitLocation" : "Effectuer un jet sur la table des localisations", "DIALOG.TableModifier" : "Modificateurs de table", "DIALOG.Min1" : "Minimum 1", "DIALOG.TableLookup" : "Recherche en Table", "CHAT.CareerChoose" : "Choisissez votre carrière", "CHAT.DamageError" : "Erreur de calcul des dégats:", "CHAT.DamageAppliedError" : "Aucune valeur de dégat. Assurez vous que l'attaquant utilise un objet capable de dégats, comme une arme.", "CHAT.DamageAppliedErrorTiring" : "Impossible d'automatiser les dommages (probablement du à l'état Fatigué)", "CHAT.DamageApplied" : "Dommages appliqués", "CHAT.DamageShield" : "Bouclier", "CHAT.CriticalsNullified" : "Critiques annulés", "CHAT.DamageAP" : "1 PA endommagé sur", "CHAT.ScatterNote" : "Note: La distance ne peut pas être que la moitié de la distance entre vous et votre cible", "CHAT.ScatterYou" : "A vos pieds", "CHAT.ScatterThem" : "A leur pied", "CHAT.ChooseFrom" : "Choisir depuis", "CHAT.MustChoose" : "Choisir", "CHAT.CritCast" : "Si le sort cause des dégats, il inflige un", "CHAT.TotalPower" : "Le sort est incanté, quelque soit son CI et le DR obtenu, mais peut être dissipé.", "CHAT.UnstoppableForce" : "Si le sort est lancé avec succès, il ne peut être dissipé.", "CHAT.ColumnPrompt" : "Sélectionnez une colonne pour effectuer un tirage", "CHAT.CriticalWoundsApplied" : "Blessures appliquées à", "CHAT.OpposedWonAgainst" : "gagné contre", "CHAT.By" : "par", "Error.SpeciesSkills" : "Impossible d'ajouter des compétences pour les races", "Error.SpeciesTalents" : "Impossible d'ajouter des talents pour les races", "Error.CriticalWound" : "Erreur lors de l'application des blessures", "Error.DamageCalc" : "Erreur lors du calcul des dommmaages", "Error.Opposed" : "Impossible de finir le test opposé", "Error.MacroItemMissing" : "Votre Acteur n'a pas d'item appelé", "Error.NoAmmo" : "Plus de munitions!", "INCOME.YouEarn" : "Vous gagnez", "INCOME.Failure" : "Vous avez eu une très mauvaise semaine, et vous ne gagnez rien (ou votre argent a été volé).", "ROLL.CastingSuccess" : "Incantation réussie", "ROLL.CastingFailed" : "Incantation échouée", "ROLL.ChannelFailed" : "Focalisation échouée", "ROLL.ChannelSuccess" : "Focalisation réussie", "ROLL.TotalPower" : "Total Power", "ROLL.UnstoppableForce" : "Unstoppable Force", "ROLL.CritCast" : "Incantation critique", "ROLL.CritChannel" : "Flocalisation critique", "ROLL.MinorMis" : "Minor Miscast", "ROLL.MajorMis" : "Major Miscast", "ROLL.PrayRefused" : "Prayer Refused", "Roll.PrayGranted" : "Prayer Granted", "ROLL.Wrath" : "Wrath of the Gods", "ROLL.CancelOppose" : "Test opposé annulé", "ROLL.HitLocation" : "Localisation", "ROLL.OpposedStart" : "test opposé démarré!", "ROLL.Targeting" : "est en train de cibler", "ROLL.MisfireText1" : "Votre arme a explosé! Subissez", "ROLL.MisfireText2" : "dommages dans votre bras tenant l'arme.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Cavalry" : "Les armes de Cavalerie doivent être utilisées lors d'un combat monté. Quand elles ne sont pas utilisées ainsi, toutes les armes à 2 mains de ce groupe sont alors considérées comme des armes à 2 mains. Les armes de cavalerie à 1 main ne sont pas utilisées à pied.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Flail" : "Les personnages sans la compétence ajoutent le défaut d'arme Dangereuse à leurs fléaux, et les autres atouts ne sont pas utilisés.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Parry": "N'importe quelle arme à une main avec l'atout Défensive peut être utilisée avec Corps à Corps (Parade). Quand vous utilisez Corps à Corps (Parade), une arme peut-être utilisée pour opposer une attaque sans la pénalité de main gauche de -20.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Blackpowder" : "Ceux qui possèdent Projectiles (Ingénierie) peuvent utiliser des Armes à Poudre noire et des Explosifs sans pénalité. Si vous utilisez une Arme à Poudre Noire, d'Ingénierie ou Explosive et obtenez une maladresse qui est aussi un nombre paire — 00, 88, etc — votre arme explose dans votre main. Vous subissez les dommages dans votre bras utilisant l'arme, en utilisant le dé d'unité comme DR, et votre arme est détruite.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Crossbow" : "Les Arbalètes sont relativement simples à utiliser. Vous pouvez effectuer un Projectile (Crossbow) avec votre compétenc de Tir, mais l'arme perd tout ses avantages, tout en gardant ses inconvénients.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Engineering" : "Toutes les armes d'Ingénierie peuvent être utilisées par des personnages avec la compétance Projectiles (Poudre Noire), mais les armes perdent toutes leur qualités tout en gardant leur défauts. Si vous utilisez une Arme à Poudre Noire, d'Ingénierie ou Explosive et obtenez une maladresse qui est aussi un nombre paire — 00, 88, etc — votre arme explose dans votre main. Vous subissez les dommages dans votre bras utilisant l'arme, en utilisant le dé d'unité comme DR, et votre arme est détruite.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Explosives" : "Les personnages avec Projectiles (Ingénierie) peuvent utiliser les armes Explosives sans pénalités. Si vous utilisez une Arme à Poudre Noire, d'Ingénierie ou Explosive et obtenez une maladresse qui est aussi un nombre paire — 00, 88, etc — votre arme explose dans votre main. Vous subissez les dommages dans votre bras utilisant l'arme, en utilisant le dé d'unité comme DR, et votre arme est détruite.", "WFRP4E.GroupDescription.Throwing" : "Les Armes de Lancer sont relativement simples à utiliser. Vous pouvez effectuer un Projectile (Lancer) avec votre compétenc de Tir, mais l'arme perd tout ses avantages, tout en gardant ses inconvénients.", "WFRP4E.Reach.Personal" : "Personnel", "WFRP4E.Reach.VShort" : "Très court", "WFRP4E.Reach.Short" : "Court", "WFRP4E.Reach.Average" : "Moyen", "WFRP4E.Reach.Long" : "Long", "WFRP4E.Reach.VLong" : "Très long", "WFRP4E.Reach.Massive" : "Massive", "WFRP4E.Reach.PersonalDescription" : "Vos jambes et poings, peut-être votre tête, et tout ce qui y est attaché.", "WFRP4E.Reach.VShortDescription" : "Moins de 30cm de distance.", "WFRP4E.Reach.ShortDescription" : "Jusqu'à 60 cm de distance.", "WFRP4E.Reach.AverageDescription" : "Jusqu'à 90 cm de distance.", "WFRP4E.Reach.LongDescription" : "Jusqu'à 1,8 m de distance.", "WFRP4E.Reach.VLongDescription" : "Juqu'à 3m de distance; peut Engager des ennemis jusqu'à 4m au lieu de 2.", "WFRP4E.Reach.MassiveDescription" : "Au dessus de 3m de distance; peut Engager des ennemis à 6m, au lieu de 2.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Accurate" : "The weapon is accurate and easy to hit with. Gain a bonus of +10 to any Test when firing this weapon", "WFRP4E.Properties.Blackpowder" : "The crack of gunfire followed by gouts of smoke and confusion can be terrifying. If you are targeted by a Blackpowder weapon, you must pass an Average (+20) Cool Test or take a Broken Condition, even if the shot misses.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Blast" : "All Characters within (Rating) yards of the struck target point take SL+Weapon Damage, and suffer any Conditions the weapon inflicts.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Damage" : "A Damaging weapon can use the higher score from either the units die or the SL to determine the Damage caused from a successful hit. For example, if you roll 34 in your attack Test and the target number was 52 you can choose to use the SL, which in this case is 2, or the units die result, which is 4. An Undamaging weapon can never also be Damaging (Undamaging takes precedent).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Defensive" : "Defensive weapons are designed to parry incoming attacks. If you are wielding such a weapon, gain a bonus of +1 SL to any Melee Test when you oppose an incoming attack.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Distract" : "Distracting weapons can be used to drive an opponent back due to their dangerous or whip-like natures. Instead of causing Damage, a successful attack with a Distracting weapon can force an opponent back 1 yard per SL by which you win the Opposed Test.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Entangle" : "Your weapon wraps around your opponents, entangling them. Any opponent successfully hit by your weapon gains the Entangled Condition with a Strength value equal to your Strength Characteristic. When Entangling an opponent, you cannot otherwise use the weapon to hit. You can end the Entangling whenever you wish.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Fast" : "Fast weapons are designed to strike out with such speed that parrying is not an option, leaving an opponent skewered before they can react. A wielder of a Fast weapon can choose to attack with the Fast weapon outside of the normal Initiative sequence, either striking first, last, or somewhere in between as desired. Further, all Melee Tests to defend against Fast weapons suffer a penalty of –10 if your opponent is using a weapon without the Fast Quality; other Skills defend as normal. Two opponents with Fast weapons fight in Initiative order (relative to each other) as normal. A Fast weapon may never also be Slow (Slow takes precedent).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Hack" : "Hacking weapons have heavy blades that can hack through armor with horrific ease. If you hit an opponent, you Damage a struck piece of armor or shield by 1 point as well as wounding the target.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Impact" : "Some weapons are just huge or cause terrible damage due to their weight or design. On a successful hit, add the result of the units die of the attack roll to any Damage caused by an Impact weapon. An Undamaging weapon can never also have Impact (Undamaging takes precedent).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Impale" : "Impale weapons can kill with a single clean blow. Impale weapons cause a Critical Hit on any number divisible by 10 (i.e.: 10, 20, 30, etc.) as well as on doubles (i.e.: 11, 22, 33) rolled equal or under an appropriate Test in combat. If the impale comes from a ranged weapon, the ammunition used has firmly lodged itself in the target’s body. Arrows and bolts require a successful Challenging (+0) Heal Test to remove — bullets require a surgeon (see the Surgery Talent in Chapter 4: Skills and Talents). You cannot heal 1 of your Wounds for each unremoved arrow or bullet.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Penetrating" : "The weapon is highly effective at penetrating armour. Non-metal APs are ignored, and the first point of all other armour is ignored.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Pistol" : "You can use this weapon to attack in Close Combat.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Precise" : "The weapon is easy to get on target. Gain a bonus of +1 SL to any successful Test when attacking with this weapon.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Pummel" : "Pummel weapons are especially good at battering foes into submission. If you score a Head hit with a Pummel weapon, attempt an Opposed Strength/ Endurance test against the struck opponent. If you win the test, your opponent gains a Stunned Condition.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Repeater" : "Your weapon holds (Rating) shots, automatically reloading after each time you fire. When you use all your shots, you must fully reload the weapon using the normal rules.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Shield" : "If you use this weapon to oppose an incoming attack, you count as having (Rating) Armour Points on all locations of your body. If your weapon has a Shield Rating of 2 or higher (so: Shield 2 or Shield 3), you may also Oppose incoming missile shots in your Line of Sight.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Trapblade" : "Some weapons are designed to trap other weapons, and sometimes even break them. If you score a Critical when defending against an attack from a bladed weapon you can choose to trap it instead of causing a Critical Hit. If you choose to do this, enact an Opposed Strength Test, adding your SL from the previous Melee Test. If you succeed, your opponent drops the blade as it is yanked free. If you score an Astounding Success, you not only disarm your opponent, but the force of your maneuver breaks their blade unless it has the Unbreakable quality. If you fail the Test, your opponent frees the blade and may fight on as normal.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Unbreakable" : "The weapon is exquisitely well-made or constructed from an especially strong material. Under almost all circumstances, this weapon will not break, corrode, or lose its edge.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Wrap" : "Wrap weapons typically have long chains with weights at the end, making it very difficult to parry them effectively. Melee Tests opposing an attack from a Wrap weapon suffer a penalty of –1 SL, as parried strikes wrap over the top of shields, or around blades.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Flexible" : "Flexible armor can be worn under a layer of non-Flexible armor if you wish. If you do so, you gain the benefit of both.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Impenetrable" : "The armor is especially resilient, meaning most attacks simply cannot penetrate it. All Critical Wounds caused by an odd number to hit you, such as 11 or 33, are ignored.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Durable" : "Laboriously crafted using strong materials, the item can take +Durable Damage points before it suffers any negatives and gains a saving throw of 9+ on a 1d10 roll against instant breakage from sources like Trap Blade. This Quality can be taken multiple times. Each time it is taken, the saving throw improves by 1 (e.g. From 9+ to 8+).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Fine" : "Meticulously crafted to please the eye. This Quality is a sign of social status and can be taken multiple times. The higher the quality, the more impressive it seems.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Lightweight" : "Cleverly crafted for ease of carrying. Reduce Encumbrance points by 1.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Practical" : "Expertly crafted with utility in mind. A failed test using this item receives +1 SL. If the item is a piece of armor, any penalties for wearing it are reduced by one level (for example from -30 to -20).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Dangerous" : "Some weapons are almost as likely to hurt you as your opponent. Any failed test including a 9 on either 10s or units die results in a Fumble.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Imprecise" : "Imprecise weapons are difficult to bring to bear as they are unwieldy or hard to aim. Suffer a penalty of –1 SL when using the weapon to attack. An Imprecise Weapon can never be Precise (Imprecise takes precedent).", "WFRP4E.Properties.Reload" : "The weapon is slow to reload. An unloaded weapon with this flaw requires an Extended Ranged Test for the appropriate Weapon Group scoring (Rating) SL to reload. If you are interrupted while reloading, you must start again from scratch.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Slow" : "Slow weapons are unwieldy and heavy, making them difficult to use properly. Characters using Slow weapons always strike last in a Round, regardless of Initiative order. Further, opponents gain a bonus of +1 SL to any Test to defend against your attack", "WFRP4E.Properties.Tiring" : "The weapon is fatiguing to use or difficult to bring to bear. You only gain the benefit of the Impact and Damaging Weapon Traits on a Turn you Charge.

Note: This changes the Damage shown in the chat card:
'Not Charging' | 'Charging' Damage.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Undamaging" : "Some weapons are not very good at penetrating armour. All APs are doubled against Undamaging weapons. Further, you do not automatically inflict a minimum of 1 Wound on a successful hit in combat.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Partial" : "The armor does not cover the entire hit location. An opponent that rolls an even number to hit, or rolls a Critical Hit, ignores the partial armor’s APs.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Weakpoints" : "The armor has small weakpoints where a blade can slip in if your opponent is sufficiently skilled or lucky. If your opponent has a weapon with the Impale Quality and scores a Critical, the APs of your armor are ignored.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Ugly" : "Crafted without any aesthetic awareness whatsoever, Ugly items attract negative attention, and related Fellowship Tests might even suffer a –10 penalty.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Shoddy" : "Hastily crafted by an amateur or fraudster. The item breaks when used in any failed Test rolling a double. Similarly, Shoddy armor breaks if any Critical Hit is sustained to a Hit Location it protects.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Unreliable" : "Crafted without attention to functionality, a failed test using this item receives –1 SL. Further, penalties for wearing Unreliable armor are doubled.", "WFRP4E.Properties.Bulky" : "An awkward design crafted clumsily. Increase Encumbrance by +1 (small trinkets cannot normally have this flaw). Bulky clothing and armor are Enc 1 even when worn, and Fatigue penalties for armor are doubled.", "WFRP4E.ArmourType.SLeather" : "Cuir Souple", "WFRP4E.ArmourType.BLeather" : "Cuir Bouilli", "WFRP4E.ArmourType.Mail" : "Maille", "WFRP4E.ArmourType.Plate" : "Plate", "WFRP4E.ArmourType.Other" : "Autre", "WFRP4E.Availability.Common" : "Commun", "WFRP4E.Availability.Scarce" : "Limité", "WFRP4E.Availability.Rare" : "Rare", "WFRP4E.Availability.Exotic" : "Exotique", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Weapon" : "Arme", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Armour" : "Armure", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Money" : "Argent", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ammunition" : "Munition", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Container" : "Contenant", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.ClothingAccessories" : "Vêtements & Accessoires", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.FoodDrink" : "Nourriture & Boisson", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.ToolsKits" : "Outils et Kits", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.BooksDocuments" : "Livres & Documents", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.TradeTools" : "Outils de commerce et artisanat", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.DrugsPoisonsHerbsDraughts" : "Potions, Poisons, Herbes et Drogues", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredient" : "Ingrédient", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Ingredients" : "Ingrédients", "WFRP4E.TrappingType.Misc" : "Divers", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Beasts" : "Chaque fois que vous lancez avec succès un sort du Domaine de la Bête, vous pouvez aussi gagner le Trait de Créature Peur (1) pour les D10 prochains rounds.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Death" : "Les cibles affectées par des Sorts du Domaine de la Mort sont drainées de leur force vitale et demeurent affaiblies et léthargiques. Vous pouvez assigner +1 Etat Exténué à chaque cible vivante affectée par un Sort de ce Domaine. Une cible peut n'avoir qu'un seul Etat Exténué gagné de cette façon à la fois.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Fire" : "Vous pouvez infliger +1 Etat Enflammé à quiconque est ciblé par les Sorts du Domaine du Feu, à moins qu'ils ne possèdent également le Talent Magie des Arcanes (Feu). Chaque état Enflammé situé à une distance en mètres égale à votre Bonus de Force Mentale ajoute +10 aux tentatives de Focalisation ou d'Incantation avec Aqshy.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Heavens" : "Les sorts infligeants des dégâts ignorent les PA des armures en métal, et se dirigent vers toutes les autres cibles dans les 2 mètres, à l'exception de ceux possédant le Talent Magie des Arcanes (Cieux), infligeant un nombre de Dégâts égal à votre Bonus de Force Mentale, traités comme un Projectile Magique.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Metal" : "Les Sorts infligeant des Dégâts ignorent les PA des armures métalliques, et infligent un bonus de Dégâts égale aux nombre de PA de l'armure métallique portée à n'importe quelle localisation frappée. Donc si votre Sort frappe un Bras protégé par 2 PA d'une armure métallique, il inflige +2 Dégâts supplémentaire et ignore les PA.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Life" : "Recevez un bonus de +10 aux lancers pour Incanter ou Focaliser dans un environnement rural ou sauvage. Les créatures vivantes - par exemple les créatures ne possédant pas les Traits Démoniaque ou Mort-vivant - ciblées par les sorts du Domaine de la Vie se voient retirer tous les autres effets Exténué et Hémorragique, après que tout les autres effets ont été appliqués. Les créatures avec Trait Mort-vivant subissent un nombre de Dégâts supplémentaires égal à votre Bonus de Force Mentale, ignorant le Bonus d'Endurance et les PA, si elles sont affectées par un Sort issu du Domaine de la Vie.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Light" : "Vous pouvez infliger un état Aveuglé aux cibles des Sorts du Domaine de la Lumière, à moins qu'ils ne possèdent pas le Talent Magie de Arcanes (Lumière). Si une cible possède les Traits de créature Démoniaque ou Mort-vivant, les Sorts infligent une frappe supplémentaire avec un nombre de Dégâts égale à votre Bonus d'Intelligence qui ignore le Bonus d'Endurance et les PA.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Hedgecraft" : "Les sorts de la Magie Sauvahge ne peuvent être lancés sans Ingrédients. Par chance, ceux qu'ils utilisent se trouvent facilement en bordure des villages et ne sont, la plupart du temps, que des herbes et des plantes. Vous récupérez DR+1 Ingédients lorsque vous cherchez de la nourriture en utilisant Savoir (Herboristerie), comme décrit page 131, ou vous pouvez encore les acheter pour 5 sous de cuivre chacun.", "WFRP4E.LoreDescription.Witchcraft" : "A chaque fois qu'un adepte du Domaine de la Sorcellerie fait un jet sur le Tableau des Incantations Imparfaites, il gagne 1 point de Corruption. De plus, vous pouvez infliger 1 Etat Hémorragique à toute cible d'un sort de ce Domaine. Enfin, le fait de Focaliser ou lancer des sorts de ce Domaine nécessite systématiquement un lancer sur la Table des Incantations Imparfaites Mineures à moins d'utiliser un Ingrédient. Les Ingrédients sont en général des animaux de petite taille, et peuvent s'acheter pour NI du sort sous de bronze, au lieu des pistoles habituelles. Un Sorcier peut découvrir lui-même ses Ingrédients, avec Survie en Extérieur : un jet réussi permet de trouver DR+1 Ingrédients.", "WFRP4E.EncumbrancePenalties.Encumbered" : "–1 Mouvement (min: 3), –10 Agilité, +1 Fatigue de Voyage", "WFRP4E.EncumbrancePenalties.VeryEnc" : "–2 Mouvement (min: 2), –20 Agilité (min: 10), +2 Fatigue de Voyage", "WFRP4E.EncumbrancePenalties.MaxEnc" : "Vous ne pouvez plus vous déplacer.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Ablaze" : "At the end of every Round, you suffer 1d10 Wounds, modified by Toughness Bonus and Armor Points on the least protected Hit Location, with a minimum of 1 Wound suffered. Each extra Ablaze Condition you have adds +1 to the Damage suffered; so, three Ablaze Conditions result in 1d10+2 Damage suffered.

One Ablaze Condition can be removed with a successful Athletics Test, with each SL removing an extra Ablaze Condition. The Difficulty for this Test is modified by circumstances: it’s much easier to put out a fire rolling around on sand than it is in the middle of an oil-soaked kitchen", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Bleeding" : "You are bleeding badly. Lose 1 Wound at the end of every Round, ignoring all modifiers. Further, suffer a penalty of –10 to any Tests to resist Festering Wounds, Minor Infection, or Blood Rot. If you reach 0 Wounds, you no longer lose Wounds and instead fall immediately unconscious (gain the Unconscious Condition). At the end of Round, you have a 10% chance of dying per Bleeding Condition you have; so, if you had 3 Bleeding Conditions, you would die from blood loss on a roll of 0–30. If a double is scored on this roll, your wound clots a little: lose 1 Bleeding.You cannot regain consciousness until all Bleeding Conditions are removed (see Injury)

A Bleeding Condition can be removed with: a successful Heal Test, with each SL removing an extra Bleeding Condition; or with any spell or prayer that heals Wounds, with one Condition removed per Wound healed.

Once all Bleeding Conditions are removed, gain one Fatigued Condition.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Blinded" : "Perhaps because of a flash of light, or because of liquid sprayed in your face, you are unable to see properly. You suffer a –10 penalty to all Tests involving sight, and any opponent attacking you in close combat gains a bonus of +10 to hit you.

One Blinded Condition is removed at the end of every other Round", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Broken" : "You are terrified, defeated, panicked, or otherwise convinced you are going to die. On your turn, your Move and Action must be used to run away as fast as possible until you are in a good hiding place beyond the sight of any enemy; then you can use your Action on a Skill that allows you to hide more effectively. You also receive a penalty of –10 to all Tests not involving running and hiding.

You cannot Test to rally from being Broken if you are Engaged with an enemy. If you are unengaged, at the end of each Round, you may attempt a Cool Test to remove a Broken Condition, with each SL removing an extra Broken Condition, and the Difficulty determined by the circumstances you currently find yourself: it is much easier to rally when hiding behind a barrel down an alleyway far from danger (Average +20) than it is when three steps from a slavering Daemon screaming for your blood (Very Hard –30).

If you spend a full Round in hiding out of line-of-sight of any enemy, you remove 1 Broken Condition.

Once all Broken Conditions are removed, gain 1 Fatigued Condition.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Deafened" : "Whether caused by a loud noise or a blow to the head, you are unable to hear properly. You suffer a –10 penalty to all Tests involving hearing, and any opponent attacking you in close combat from the flank or rear gains an extra bonus of +10 to hit you (this bonus does not increase with multiple Deafened Conditions). One Deafened condition is removed at the end of every other Round and is often replaced with tinnitus.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Entangled" : "You are wrapped in something restricting your movement; it could be ropes, spider’s webbing, or an opponent’s bulging biceps. On your turn, you may not Move, and all your actions involving movement of any kind suffer a penalty of –10 (including Grappling). For your Action, you can remove an Entangled Condition if you win an Opposed Strength Test against the source of the entanglement, with each SL removing an extra Entangled Condition.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Fatigued" : "You are exhausted or stressed, and certainly in need of rest. You suffer a –10 penalty to all Tests. Removing a Fatigued Condition normally requires rest, a spell, or a divine effect, though in some instances, such as when a Fatigued Condition is caused by carrying too much (see Encumbrance), simply changing your circumstances (carrying fewer trappings, for example) can remove a Condition.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Poisoned" : "Vous avez été empoisonné ou un venin vous a été injecté. La difficulté de tout les Tests effectués pour éliminer le poison est dictée par le poison ou le venin en question. A la fin de chaque round, perdez 1 Point de Blessure, en ignorant tous les modificateurs. De plus, vous subissez une pénalité de -10 à tous vos Tests. Si vous atteignez 0 Point de Blessure alors que vous êtes Empoisonné, vous ne pouvez soigner aucune Blessure tant qu'il vous reste des Etats Empoisonnés. Si vous tombez Inconscient alors que vous ête Empoisonné, effectuez un Test de Résistance après un nombre de rounds équivalent à votre Bonus d'Endurance ou vous mourrez dans d'horribles souffrances (cf. page 172). A la fin de chaque round, vous pouvez effectuer un test de Resistance. Sur un succès, retirez un Etat Empoisonné, et chaque DR permet d'en retirer un supplémentaire. Un Test de Guérison permet d'obtenr le même résultat. Une fois débarassé de tous les Etats Empoisonné, gagnez 1 Etat Exténué.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Prone" : "You have fallen to the ground, possibly because you have run out of Wounds, you’ve tripped, or because you’ve been hit by something rather large. On your turn, your Move can only be used to stand up or crawl at half your Movement in yards (note: if you have 0 Wounds remaining, you can only crawl). You suffer a –20 penalty to all Tests involving movement of any kind, and any opponent trying to strike you in Melee Combat gains +20 to hit you.

Unlike most other conditions, Prone does not stack — you are either Prone, or you are not. You lose the Prone Condition when you stand up.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Stunned" : "You have been struck about the head or otherwise disorientated or confused; your ears are likely ringing, and little makes sense.

You are incapable of taking an Action on your turn but are capable of half your normal movement. You can defend yourself in opposed Tests — but not with Language (Magick). You also suffer a –10 penalty to all Tests. If you have any Stunned Conditions, any opponent trying to strike you in Melee Combat gains +1 Advantage before rolling the attack.

At the end of each Round, you may attempt a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test. If successful, remove a Stunned Condition, with each SL removing an extra Stunned Condition.

Once all Stunned Conditions are removed, gain 1 Fatigued Condition if you don’t already have one.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Surprised" : "You have been caught unawares and you aren’t at all ready for what’s about to hit you. You can take no Action or Move on your turn and cannot defend yourself in opposed Tests. Any opponent trying to strike you in Melee Combat gains a bonus of +20 to hit.

The Surprised Condition does not stack, so you do not collect multiple Surprised Conditions, even should you be technically surprised multiple times in a Round.

At the end of each Round, or after the first attempt to attack you, you lose the Surprised Condition.", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Unconscious" : "You are knocked out, asleep, or otherwise insensible. You can do nothing on your turn and are completely unaware of your surroundings. Any Melee attack targeting you automatically hits on the location of the attacker’s choice with the maximum possible SL it could score, and also inflicts a Critical Wound; or, if the GM prefers, any close combat hit simply kills you. Any ranged combat hit automatically does the same if the shooter is at Point Blank range.

The Unconscious Condition does not stack — you are either Unconscious, or you are not — so you do not collect multiple Unconscious Conditions.

Recovering from unconsciousness requires different circumstances depending upon why you fell unconscious. Refer to Injury for more on this. If you spend a Resolve point to remove an Unconscious condition, but have not resolved the cause of the incapacitation, you gain another Unconscious Condition at the end of the round. When you lose the Unconscious Condition, you gain the Prone and Fatigued Conditions", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Grappling" : "If you begin your turn Grappling, you may break the Grapple if you have a higher Advantage than your opponent, and do not count as being Engaged for your Move; otherwise, you must make an Opposed Strength Test for your Action. If you win, you can do one of the following:
", "WFRP4E.Conditions.Fear" : "When subject to Fear, you suffer –1 SL on all Tests to affect the source of your fear. You may not move closer to whatever is causing Fear without passing a Challenging (+0) Cool Test. If it comes closer to you, you must pass a Challenging (+0) Cool Test, or gain a Broken Condition", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Blight" : "You are seriously ill and perhaps close to Morr’s Portal as deadly poisons flood your body.\n\nPass a Very Easy (+60) Endurance daily (normally when you sleep) or die, passing away, perhaps in your sleep, perhaps lost in a fever, perhaps in agony. If Blight is marked as (Moderate), this Test is Easy (+40); if marked as (Severe), this Test is Average (+20).", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Buboes" : "You have huge swellings of the lymph nodes, possibly in the groin, neck or armpits. These are enormously painful and may bleed or seep pus. They are disgusting, smelly, and some would argue a sure sign of the Lord of Pestilence’s favor, believing they hide tiny, growing Daemons. Common practice is to lance these terrible expressions of taint to remove whatever nestles within, though doing so often results in Festering Wounds.\n\nSuffer a penalty of –10 to all physical Tests, and to all Fellowship Tests if the buboes can be seen (or smelled!).", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Convulsions" : "Your body periodically spasms or shakes as the infection seemingly uses you like a puppet.\n\nSuffer a penalty of –10 to all physical Tests as your body convulses beyond your control. If this symptom is marked as (Moderate), the penalty increases to –20. If it is marked as (Severe), you need to be tied down in order not to hurt yourself, leaving you effectively incapacitated.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.CoughsandSneezes" : "You intermittently cough or sneeze, spreading your disease to all around you. Any characters in your environment are exposed to the disease you carry, and need Test for Contraction once per hour, or part thereof, of exposure.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Fever" : "Your temperature is high, you’re likely sweating, and you really don’t look at all well. Suffer a penalty of –10 to all physical and Fellowship Tests. If your Fever is marked as (Severe), it has completely incapacitated you, leaving you bed-ridden. Take the Unconscious Condition, though expenditure of a Resolve point can bring consciousness for a few minutes.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Flux" : "There’s a rumble and a grumble, then you’re off for yet another sprint to the splattered outhouse. Pale and weary, you’ve had better days. Any given situation may be the moment you just have to go to the privy. You are expected to take every opportunity you can to pop off for an essential stop, and this is largely left in your hands. In addition, the GM can choose any point during the session’s play to claim you need to go. You have a number of rounds equal to your Toughness Bonus to get to an appropriate place to relieve yourself; whether you get there in time or not, your body will empty itself in a spectacular fashion. If the Flux is marked as (Moderate), the GM can make you go twice a session. If it is marked as (Severe), the GM can do it three times, and you will also lose 1 Wound per visit, as the bloody flux leaves you utterly drained. ", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Gangrene" : "Your flesh is turning black, dying, infected with something awful, and it isn’t going to get better. Roll percentile dice to determine a Hit Location. If you roll Body, luckily the Gangrene did not settle in during this infection. If you roll Head, your nose is affected. If you roll Arms, it’s your fingers. If you roll Leg, it’s your feet. Each day, roll an Average (+20) Endurance Test. If you pass, you hold off the Gangrene; if you fail, it grows worse. If you ever fail more times than you have Toughness Bonus, you completely lose all capability with the affected location. If this occurs, use the same rules as Amputated Parts. For as long as you have Gangrene, suffer a penalty –10 to all Fellowship Tests, and suffer the Wounded symptom. Further, if not already suffering it, you also suffer from Blight until the affected tissue is amputated; this remains even if you are cured of the disease that started the Gangrene. ", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Lingering" : "You have an infection that just refuses to go away. Indeed, you fear it may be getting worse… After your disease reaches the end of its duration, attempt an Endurance Test with the Difficulty marked on the symptom like so: Lingering (Average) or Lingering (Easy). If this scores a Marginal Failure (0), the duration extends for an extra 1d10 days. If it scores a Failure (–2), develop a Festering Wound. On an Astounding Failure (–6), you instead develop Blood Rot. ", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Malaise" : "You don’t feel at all well. You are tired, find it hard to concentrate, and just generally ill. Take a Fatigued Condition that you can only remove when you have recovered from your illness. ", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Nausea" : "You feel very sick and are prone to vomiting if you move around too quickly. Whenever you fail a Test involving physical movement, your nausea overwhelms you and you vomit. You gain the Stunned condition, which represents you being sick repeatedly or dry heaving, depending upon your current circumstances. ", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Pox" : "You are covered in pustules, inflamed swellings, disgusting rashes, or itchy spots, which are unlikely to be your most attractive feature. Pox are largely a cosmetic issue, resulting in a penalty of –10 to Fellowship Tests. Additionally, remember to roleplay and describe all the scratching; if you want to withhold from this for a while, pass an Average (+20) Cool Test. When the Pox ends, attempt an Average (+20) Cool Test. If this fails, reverse the Test dice and apply permanent scarring to that Hit Location, showing an area where you scratched and the pox there healed badly. If the Hit Location is the head, permanently lose 1 in Fellowship.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Wounded" : "You have a wound or open sore that does not heal properly because of an infection. For each Wounded symptom you have, you cannot heal one of your Wounds, which stays open and sore, possibly seeping foul-smelling pus. Every day, take an Easy (+20) Endurance Test or gain a Festering Wound if you do not already have one.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Delirium" : "Your sensibility comes and goes, with moments of clarity replaced suddenly by bouts of raving, hallucinations, and terror. Make a Challenging (+0) Willpower Test each hour, and consult the Delirium table.", "WFRP4E.SymptomDescriptions.Swelling" : "A part of the body swells up to several times its normal size, turning an angry red or purple colour and becoming almost unusable. The affected body part is normally the location of a wound or bite causing the Swelling, or the point of contact where a disease or infection entered the body.

Head: The eyes and tongue bulge, the cheeks become livid, the jaw is forced open. Eating is impossible, but clear liquids maybe sipped in small quantities. Any Tests requiring speech are 3 steps more Difficult.
Arm:The arm and hand swell, the shoulder and elbow joints cannot move, and the hand becomes useless. For the duration, the arm counts as Amputated (WFRP, page 180).
Body: The entire body swells until the sufferer can no longer wear clothes. All Tests involving movement become 3 steps more Difficult.
Leg: The leg swells grotesquely, becoming as wide as the widest part of the thigh for its entire length. The foot is almost indistingushable. For the duration, the leg counts as Amputated (WFRP, page 180).", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Blight" : "None that work", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Buboes" : "A successful Heal Test with Surgery can lance your buboes, removing the penalty. If the Test is failed, gain a Festering Wound. If your Buboes are lanced, make a Difficult (–10) Endurance Test once per day or more swell into place", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Convulsions" : "Rare herbs and alchemical mixes can lessen this symptom for a day, bringing Severe down to Moderate, and Moderate down to standard convulsions. These can be created by any with the Trade (Apothecary) skill and access to the appropriate ingredients (which can cost upwards of 10 shillings or more per dose). The final medicine is Rare and usually genuine (80%), and can be bought for around 1 GC per dose from Apothecaries, putting it beyond the reach of most citizens of the Empire.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.CoughsandSneezes" : "None that work", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Fever" : "There are many common, often disgusting, remedies for a fever, most of which don’t work (only 10% of commercial cures are genuine). A successful Heal Test does little more that inform you how long the fever will likely last. The cures range from a few pennies to many shillings in cost. If genuine, they will remove the symptoms of a Fever (not a severe one) if you pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Flux" : "Real cures for the Flux are rare (10% of commercial remedies are genuine), but many apothecaries and herbalists swear theirs work every time. Costs vary widely according to where you buy the cures, from a few brass coins to small bag of silver. If genuine, the Flux can be held off for your Toughness Bonus in hours by taking a remedy.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Gangrene" : "Amputation of the gangrenous location is the only effective treatment.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Lingering" : "Cures for lingering infections are commonplace and usually relatively cheap, rarely costing more than a shilling. However, almost all are fake or based on faulty lore. Any bought cure has only a 10% chance of being genuine, but if so will negate the need to roll the Endurance Test if taken on the correct day (which will require a successful Heal Test to determine).", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Malaise" : "Medicine treating Malaise, costing anything from a few pence to a handful of silver, is usually genuine (75% chance); and, if so, pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test to ignore the symptom for the day.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Nausea" : "Remedies for Nausea are Common and usually genuine (60% chance), and typically cost around thirty pennies; if genuine, pass a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test, and the Nausea can be ignored for a number of hours equal to your Toughness Bonus.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Pox" : "Poxes are exceedingly common, and so are remedies, which are usually creams or oils. Larger temples of Shallya often keep a stock of the cream for free (though donations are expected) and apothecaries and herbalists of all kinds sell similar products for relatively low prices (rarely more than six or seven pence for a week’s worth of treatment, with a 90% chance of being genuine medicine). Using a cream increases all Cool Tests to resist scratching to Very Easy (+60), but is usually unsightly.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Wounded" : "A daily successful Heal Test ensures the Wound is clean and does not require an Endurance Test to be further infected.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Delirium" : "Some authorities treat delirium as part of a fever, prescribing the same measures. Remedies cost from a few pennies to a few shillings, and 10% are genuine.

With the correct medicine, a successful Challenging (+0) Heal Test banishes the hallucinations for 1d10 hours.

It is also common to sedate delirious patients with a tranquillising drug, such as Moonflower or even Nightshade, to keep the patient comfortable until the condition has passed, sending them into a Fitful Sleep until they either recover or die.", "WFRP4E.SymptomTreatment.Swelling" : "Most treatments involve plunging the affected part, or sometimes the whole body, into an ice-water bath to reduce the heat that accompanies the swellings. An Extended Hard (-20) Heal Test requiring +3 SL reduces the swelling by 2d10 hours. Each Test takes an hour. The patient is left with +1 Fatigued Condition for every Test made in the process.

Some physicians instead bleed the patient with a blade or leeches. A successful Extended Heal Test requiring +4 SL and Trade Tools (Physician) reduces the swelling by (1d10 + the patient's Toughness Bonus) hours. Each Test has a base Difficulty of Impossible (-50) and takes half an hour." }