{ "label": "Items Ennemis Intérieur", "entries": [ { "id": "Absorb", "name": "Absorber", "description": "

At the end of the Round, if the creature has a higher Advantage than all engaged opponents, it absorbs one opponent of equal Size or smaller. An absorbed victim gains a number of Entangled Conditions equal to the creature's Strength Bonus, and counts as being in a Grapple. An absorbed victim loses the creature’s Strength Bonus in Wounds at the end of each Round; Armour points or Toughness Bonus do not reduce this loss. The same number of Wounds are ‘healed’ by the creature. If an absorbed victim is killed, the creature retreats to digest the suspended corpse over the next few days. Any attack that hits the creature does an equal amount of Damage to the absorbed victim.

" }, { "id": "Amorphous", "name": "Amorphe", "description": "

The creature is an amorphous blob. It halves any Wounds
suffered from Damage other than fire, cold, or magic. It ignores all Critical Wounds, and can only be destroyed by being reduced to 0 Wounds by extreme cold, fire, or magic. If reduced to 0 Wounds by other means, it falls dormant for d10 Rounds, then regenerates +1 Wound. Amorphous creatures shy away from extreme sources of heat or cold

" }, { "id": "Blighted", "name": "Pourri", "description": "

The creature harbours the disease listed, and it can pass it on with a touch. If touched, the victim must check for Contraction, but the Test is 2 steps more Difficult than normal. If the disease is contracted, its Incubation is changed to ‘Instant’.

" }, { "id": "Chosen of Tzeentch", "name": "Choisi par Tzeentch", "description": "" }, { "id": "Common Cold", "name": "Froidure Courante", "description": "

Seasonal, like the reddening of leaves in the autumn, the Common Cold is nonetheless a constant bane of  the Old World. What begins with weak coughing and sneezing might develop into something serious in a matter of days, if not tended to. Every elderly person in the Empire has their own home remedies and wards against the illness, as well as memories of it worsening and taking friends and loved ones into Morr’s embrace.


Characters with the Common Cold who again suffer from Exposure due to rain or snow will have the duration of the disease extended by 1d10 days. If a Character ever suffers more than 14 days of the Common Cold, it develops into Pneumonia.



" }, { "id": "Cult Acolyte", "name": "Acolyte du Culte", "description": "" }, { "id": "Cult Magus", "name": "Magus du Culte", "description": "" }, { "id": "Disciple of Change", "name": "Disciple du Changement", "description": "

When a mutation is gained, roll twice and choose one of the two results.

" }, { "id": "Double Life", "name": "Double Vie", "description": "

So adept are you at maintaining your Secret Identity, that you are able to live two completely separate lives. When you purchase this Talent, you may enter into a second Career alongside your Chaos Career. You now count as belonging to both Careers, and may purchase Advances and Talents in either one, as well as enter and leave new Careers from either. As always, any changes in Career need approval from your GM so they best fit any campaign plans and properly reflect your double life.

" }, { "id": "Fleshthief", "name": "Voleur de chair", "description": "

The creature, which must have the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} Trait, can wear the flesh of any Human it kills. Further, it can impersonate the Character of the worn flesh perfectly, able to mimic voices and mannerisms with an uncanny ability. Preparing the flesh takes 1d10 Rounds, after which it can be worn or removed at will, which takes 1 Round. Once prepared, the flesh only rots should the creature die, but it can be damaged by normal means. If the creature wishes, it can burst free from a worn flesh suit in a horrific fashion, granting the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.kJNAY1YRaCy9IgmT]{Terror 1}  Trait for 1 Round, but also ruining the flesh, meaning it cannot be used again.


Those who know the Character being impersonated may attempt a
Futile (-40) Intuition Test to detect that there is something wrong, though they will not know exactly what .

" }, { "id": "Mark of Tzeentch", "name": "Marque de Tzeentch", "description": "

Tzeentch, the Lord of Change, has marked this creature with a physical brand, proclaiming it as an important piece in the great game. This creature gains 1d10/3 Mutations (rounding up), alternating between Mental and Physical Mutations. All Physical Mutations should be determined using the Tzeentch column. This creature gains Etiquette (Followers of Tzeentch), and is subject to Animosity towards overt followers of Nurgle. The creature is also subject to Animosity by followers of Nurgle, so long as the Mark of Tzeentch can be seen. Additionally, this creature may purchase the following Talents as if they were Career Advances: Aethyric Attunement, Arcane Magic (Any), Chaos
Magic (Tzeentch), Fast Hands, Instinctive Diction, Magical Sense, Petty Magic, Second Sight, War Wizard, and Witch! for the normal XP costs.

" }, { "id": "Master Magus", "name": "Maitre Magus", "description": "" }, { "id": "Mindless", "name": "Sans cerveau", "description": "

The creature is mindless, living by base instinct or magical compulsion alone. It has no Initiative, Intelligence, Willpower, or Fellowship Characteristics, and need never Test them. For the purposes of calculating Wounds, it uses its Stength Bonus whenever Willpower Bonus is required. As it has no Initiative Characteristic, it always takes its Turn last in any Round .

" }, { "id": "Pneumonia", "name": "Pneumonie", "description": "

This is a build-up of fluid in the lungs from other illnesses that cause inflammation, fever, and sometimes even death. Pneumonia is known colloquially as ‘Morr’s Rattle’, named after the chilling rattling noise made when the infected attempt to breathe deeply.


A Character with Pneumonia must succeed on a Challenging (+0) Endurance Test every day that they exert themselves through travel, combat, or any other physical activity. Failure causes the Fever symptom to become Severe. Whilst the Fever (Severe) symptom is in effect, the same Test must be passed every day, otherwise the disease develops the Blight symptom as well.

" }, { "id": "Ring of Opsianon", "name": "Anneau d'Opsianon", "description": "

Gideon wears a gold ring set with a black, faceted obsidian stone.

" }, { "id": "Shapeshifter", "name": "Changeforme", "description": "

This creature can shift at will between their regular form and that of the denoted Creature. The transformation takes one full Round, during which neither Movement nor Action is possible. When the moon Mannslieb is full, this creature must make an Average (+20) Willpower Test at dusk to avoid transforming spontaneously. Creatures that gain this Trait through greater difficulty with this Test at first, at GM discretion. When transformed, the creature retains its mental attributes (Int, WP, and Fel), but the rest
of its profile becomes that of the denoted Creature.

" }, { "id": "Split", "name": "Séparation", "description": "

If the creature suffers a Critical Wound, or loses all its Wounds, it splits in half and is replaced by two Blue Horrors, both of which are unwounded.

" }, { "id": "Suffused with Magic", "name": "Répand la Magie", "description": "

All spells cast within Willpower Bonus yards of you gain +1 SL to cast. This Bonus may only be claimed once per casting, no matter how many Characters with this Talent are in the vicinity.

" }, { "id": "Tzeentch's Blessing", "name": "Bénédiction de Tzeentch", "description": "

Tzeentch, the Chaos God of Magic, has gifted you with a worming parasite within your mind. When you purchase this Talent, a single Spell wriggles free into your head where it takes residence, occasionally whispering to you as you sleep. The Spell can be chosen from any Colour Magic lore.


After this, you may purchase one more Colour Magic spell for 100 XP for every spell you have memorised from the Lore of Tzeentch.

" }, { "id": "Tzeentch's Fire", "name": "Feu de Tzeentch", "description": "

The creature is wreathed with Tzeentchs fire that frequently flies forth from fingertips, mouths, or burning eyes. All creatures of the same type (e.g. all Pink Horrors, or all Blue Horrors) in the vicinity pool their power. One Horror is chosen to be the focus (caster), and may cast 1 Tzeentch Spell: Pink Horrors cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.sklbZU3K8ogeu3mC]{Pink Fire of Tzeentch} Spell; other creatures cast the @Compendium[eis.eisspells.mR4cEXEAfLCqlnQ6]{Blue Fire of Tzeentch} Spell. Each additional contributing creature adds +1 SL, to a maximum of +9 SL, as a Free Action.

" } ] }