{ "label": "Items (Winds of Magic)", "folders": { "Ammunition": "Munitions", "Armour": "Armures", "Careers": "Carrières", "Lore of Beasts": "Domaine des Bêtes", "Lore of Death": "Domaine de la Mort", "Lore of Fire": "Domaine du Feu", "Lore of Heavens": "Domaine des Cieux", "Lore of Life": "Domaine de la Vie", "Lore of Light": "Domaine de la Lumière", "Lore of Metal": "Domaine du Métal", "Lore of Shadow": "Domaine des Ombres", "Skills": "Compétences", "Spells": "Sorts", "Trappings": "Possessions", "Weapons": "Armes" }, "mapping": { "description": "system.description.value", "trappings": "system.trappings", "class": { "path": "system.class.value", "converter": "generic_localization" }, "skills": { "path": "system.skills", "converter": "career_skills" }, "careergroup": { "path": "system.careergroup.value", "converter": "career_careergroup" }, "talents": { "path": "system.talents", "converter": "career_talents" }, "pduration": { "path": "system.duration.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "prange": { "path": "system.range.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "ptarget": { "path": "system.target.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "pdamage": { "path": "system.damage.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "tests": "system.tests.value", "sduration": { "path": "system.duration.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "srange": { "path": "system.range.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "starget": { "path": "system.target.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "sdamage": { "path": "system.damage.value", "converter": "spells_duration_range_target_damage" }, "penalty": "system.penalty.value", "location": { "path": "system.location.value", "converter": "generic_localization" }, "durationValue": "system.duration.value", "durationUnit": "system.duration.unit", "contraction": "system.contraction.value", "incubationValue": "system.incubation.value", "incubationUnit": "system.incubation.unit", "symptoms": "system.symptoms.value", "permanent": "system.permanent.value", "special": "system.special.value", "qualities": { "path": "system.qualities.value", "converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws" }, "flaws": { "path": "system.flaws.value", "converter": "trapping_qualities_flaws" } }, "entries": { "Suffuse with (Wind)": { "Name": "Suffuse with (Wind)", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p>In addition, you benefit from an extra effect depending on which wind you are suffused with.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.0Xdm4r7l2EwC4fcg]{Aqshy}: You can benefit from the Frenzy Talent and may use your Channelling (Aqshy) Skill in place of Willpower for the purposes of entering Frenzy.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.CkMYRYCLrkMnyVm5]{Azyr}: You can use your Channelling (Azyr) Skill in place of the Perception Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.K9FPtiDLwTkC7FuO]{Chamon}: You can use your Channelling (Chamon) Skill in place of the Evaluate Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.J6K5TPxI8qIGQKKH]{Ghur}: You can use your Channelling (Ghur) Skill in place of the Charm Animal Skill and the Lore (Beasts) Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.YgDEUO0G0XcqQJqg]{Ghyran}: You can use your Channelling (Ghyran) Skill in place of the Lore (Plants, Animals, Herbs) Skill and the Animal Care Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.2cv6hhZ57iV6z5Il]{Hysh}: You can use your Channelling (Hysh) Skill in place of the Research Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.O2v9RQiFf0obskP5]{Shyish}: You can use your Channelling (Shyish) Skill in place of the Intimidate Skill for all relevant Tests.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.EjGYZ4CgX2jZW7Ot]{Ulgu}: You can use your Channelling (Ulgu) Skill in place of the Stealth Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Quick Passage": { "Name": "Quick Passage", "Description": "<p>You move across wilderness terrain with ease. You gain +1 Movement and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.MGEPI4jNhymNIRVz]{Scale Sheer Surface} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.1dUizIgLBgn4jICC]{Strider (Any 1)} Talents. If you already have these Talents, add +1 temporary level, plus another temporary level per +2 SL on your Casting Test. You also gain +10 on Tests to avoid @Condition[Entangled] Conditions.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Invigorating Chant": { "Name": "Invigorating Chant", "Description": "<p>You awaken or invigorate plant-based creatures such as Dryads, Tree Kin, Fenbeasts, and carnivorous plants (assuming that dormant organisms of that type are within the Area of Effect). Creatures that were sleeping or dormant must spend 1 round stirring before they can act. Targets immediately heal +SL Wounds, and for the spell’s duration receive +SL on all Tests. You cannot control creatures with this spell. Creatures might be irate if awakened out-of-season, but they are unlikely to attack you for the spell’s duration.</p><p>Nature spirits of this type take on a wide variety of forms and abilities, whilst it is left up to the GM to decide on their exact properties, the rules of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.crM1lGXmRt8J1Vmx]{Constructs} can be used to give a general notion of the abilities and limitations of such creatures.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Magister Inquisitor": { "Name": "Magister Inquisitor", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.XqOkYrrp82Ktyszq]{Magister Vigilant}</p>" }, "Pit of Tarnus": { "Name": "Pit of Tarnus", "Description": "<p>You cause a dark pit to open in the ground with a diameter and depth equal to the Area of Effect. Targets standing on or adjacent to the pit must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test to avoid falling in. Marginal Failures allow victims to grab on to the edge. When the spell ends, the pit closes and victims inside are crushed for 20 Damage, burying them alive. Buried victims are subject to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocation}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Suffuse with Aqshy": { "Name": "Suffuse with Aqshy", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Aqshy</strong></em>: You can benefit from the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.hXcfygzujgyMN1uI]{Frenzy} Talent and may use your Channelling (Aqshy) Skill in place of Willpower for the purposes of entering Frenzy.</p>" }, "Fate of Bjuna": { "Name": "Fate of Bjuna", "Description": "<p>Targets succumb to hysterical laughter and may even choke to death. Every round, they must roll a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or receive a @Condition[Stunned] Condition and suffer their own Strength Bonus + 6 Damage, ignoring Armour. This Damage has a 50% chance of being applied to the head and a 50% chance of being applied to the body. The targets’ convulsions cause organs to rupture and blood vessels to burst.</p><p>For every +2 SL, you may surround one target with purple energy. If the target fails a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test, the Shyish energy enters their mouth. The target immediately takes @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocation} damage and continues suffocating for the spell’s duration.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Ulric (Reversed)": { "Name": "Ulric (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Battle, Wolves, Winter</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Ranged (Blackpowder) Tests. Tests made to resist Prejudice or Animosity.</p>" }, "Mark of Ghur": { "Name": "Mark of Ghur", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Ghur</em> appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.J6K5TPxI8qIGQKKH]{Suffuse with Ghur} Talent.</p>" }, "Random Caster": { "Name": "Random Caster", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.xtMKRZwrbINYGph2]{Xirat’p} can cast spells at random. When they are attacked, roll on the following table once per round to determine which kind of spell they cast. Having chosen the lore randomly, either choose the spell or generate randomly. More spells from the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-eis.journals.IZVgB7zmTm4rK2yJ.JournalEntryPage.6aHizetwTRbkMZ7W#the-lore-of-tzeentch]{Lore of Tzeentch} can be found in the <strong>Enemy in Shadows Companion</strong> and the <strong>Death on the Reik Companion</strong>; and more spells from the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-pbtt.journals.gX4TCKy0TPwS68ba.JournalEntryPage.MOIADJ2A0ZOzDGEp]{Lore of Slaanesh} are in the <strong>Power Behind the Throne Companion</strong>.</p><p>@Table[random-caster]{Random Caster}</p>" }, "Tide of Years": { "Name": "Tide of Years", "Description": "<p>You cause a non-magical object to age instantly and crumble to dust. The maximum Encumbrance of the affected object is 2 plus 1 Encumbrance for every +2 SL on your Casting Test. Items with the Durable Quality do not crumble but instead lose all Qualities.</p><p>You can cast Tide of Years on a living creature if you achieve 4 or more SL on your Casting Test. The target must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test or grow older in a matter of seconds. Permanently reduce Strength and Toughness by 1d10 each. Daemons, Undead, and plant-based creatures are immune to this effect.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Puchta’s Silver Compass": { "Name": "Puchta’s Silver Compass", "Description": "<p>You imbue a normal compass with meteoric silver. For the duration of the spell the compass behaves as a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.ew9yY1K70U0wVCjS#compass-of-meteoric-silver]{Compass of Meteoric Silver}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Healing Light": { "Name": "Healing Light", "Description": "<p>Your target glows with a bright, cleansing light the brightness of a campfire. They regain Wounds equal to your Intelligence Bonus + Willpower Bonus. If the target passes a <strong>Very Hard (–30) Endurance</strong> Test, they also remove 1 Corruption point gained within the last hour.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Haunted": { "Name": "Haunted", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.8mZJEfg4aVL5zhSE]{Scryer}</p>" }, "White Eyes": { "Name": "White Eyes", "Description": "<p>You are momentarily blinded by the light of <em>Hysh</em> and gain 3 @Condition[Blinded] Conditions. Once you regain your sight your irises have lost all colour, and your eyes become pure white globes. Suffer -1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Cursecraft": { "Name": "Cursecraft", "Description": "<blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>Curses are mostly associated with witches. Reduce the <strong>CN</strong> to 25 and <strong>Learning XP</strong> to 100 to represent a reduced difficulty for spellcasters who practise one of the following Lores: Witchcraft, Daemonology, Necromancy, or any Chaos Lore.</p></blockquote><p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: The item to be cursed.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: No conditions necessary.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Curses are powered by the lifeblood of the practitioner who creates them. The creator of a curse must sacrifice a single Wound, which will never heal. Additionally, the process is equivalent to @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption}.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails and the ingredients are destroyed.</p><p>You imbue the item with a magical ability (a boon), that also comes with the deliberate cost of an ironic or dangerous side-effect (a bane). It is up to the player and GM to decide on the nature of the benefit and the curse, but several examples of cursed items are provided on @UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.n7PB6OyesRUQELSB]{Cursed Items}.</p>" }, "Forge of Tarnus": { "Name": "Forge of Tarnus", "Description": "<p>You lay your hands on the unlit coals of a forge, imbuing them with <em>Aqshy</em> and causing them to burn with unnatural intensity. Any Trade (Smith) Tests made whilst the spell is in effect benefit from +1 SL, including those used to craft Magical Items (see @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-archives2.journals.hCDofMZ5QV2Y7z6r]{Archives of the Empire Vol. II}).</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Astromancer": { "Name": "Astromancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.j72t0e5BVIgeOMB4.JournalEntryPage.EpHoISPX7OlMGttN]{Astromancer}</p>" }, "Druid": { "Name": "Druid", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.Q9sQhbDN8NUHXYdA.JournalEntryPage.KGWoTLSkr4Gj2AlR]{Druid}</p>" }, "Armoured Mite": { "Name": "Armoured Mite", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.q6buibTm8J7mvxAS]{Combat Familiar}</p>" }, "Boots of Sudden Remorse": { "Name": "Boots of Sudden Remorse", "Description": "" }, "Transmutation of Chamon": { "Name": "Transmutation of Chamon", "Description": "<p>You wrench Chamon from the metals worn by your foes, and the earth itself, briefly transforming the flesh of your enemies into metal. This is a magic missile affecting all in the Area of Effect, with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus; the spell ignores Toughness Bonus and inflicts +1 @Condition[Blinded], @Condition[Deafened], and @Condition[Stunned] Condition, all of which last for the duration of the spell. All affected targets gain +1 Armour Point from the gold wrapped about their bodies, but also suffer from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocation}. If targets die while the spell is in effect, they are permanently encased in a shell of base metals, a macabre reminder of the risks of sorcery.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Blitzbeil (Reversed)": { "Name": "Blitzbeil (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Strength, Ferocity</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Gossip Tests. Haggle Tests.</p>" }, "Eyes of the Pack": { "Name": "Eyes of the Pack", "Description": "<p>You allow the target to see through your eyes. The target can switch between their own perspective and yours at will, without range limits. Your line of sight may assist certain spells such as teleportation. The target cannot cast spells through your body, however.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Cauterise": { "Name": "Cauterise", "Description": "<p>Channelling Aqshy through your hands, you lay them on an ally’s wounds. The target immediately heals [[/r 1d10]] Wounds and removes all @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions. Furthermore, the wounds will not become infected. Targets without the <em>Arcane Magic (Fire)</em> Talent, must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or scream in agony. If they fail by 6 SL or more, the target gains the @Condition[Unconscious] Condition and is permanently scarred, waking up 1d10 hours later.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Animus Imprisoned": { "Name": "Animus Imprisoned", "Description": "<p>You imprison the target’s soul in a bottle, vial, or pouch. The target’s body remains in a coma indefinitely, until the soul-vessel is opened in its immediate vicinity by an Amethyst wizard or priest of Morr. Comatose bodies must be fed and given water, or they will eventually die. You can telepathically communicate with the imprisoned soul. When awakened, the target must Test for exposure to a @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Source of Corruption}. Should the soul-vessel be opened incorrectly or far away from the body, the target dies, and its soul becomes a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.GgSxlomoV220kd3G]{Ghost}.</p><p>Soul jars can be used as ingredients to enhance the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.foZedAFB3TQpU0SJ]{Telepathy} spell when communicating with other Amethyst wizards, provided your victim has previously met the wizard. The bound soul becomes a medium on the spirit-plane, enabling an infinite range of communication. If the spell miscasts, the vessel breaks, and the soul is released as described above.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Suffuse with Hysh": { "Name": "Suffuse with Hysh", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Hysh</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Hysh) Skill in place of the Research Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Awakening of the Wood": { "Name": "Awakening of the Wood", "Description": "<p>You rouse an area of forest, causing lashing branches and tangling thorns to assail those caught within. Targets in the Area of Effect suffer a magic missile hit with Damage +4. Targets who fail an <strong>Average (+20) Dodge</strong> Test also receive a @Condition[Bleeding] Condition and an @Condition[Entangled] Condition with a Strength of 30.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Ace of Hammers (Reversed)": { "Name": "Ace of Hammers (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Defiance of Evil</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Ranged (Any), Charm.</p>" }, "Gehenna’s Golden Globe": { "Name": "Gehenna’s Golden Globe", "Description": "<p>You create a magical, golden sphere that transforms those it touches into statues. Targets within the AoE are affected as if by the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.JFbQIzH3eX1dSH9I]{Golden Touch} spell. This spell uses the random vortex rules.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Nectar of Veracity": { "Name": "Nectar of Veracity", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 hour</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Moderate</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[10gc]{10 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Grassland</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -20</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 weeks</p><p>The drinker feels an urge to tell the truth. Should they wish to lie they must first pass a <strong>Hard (-20) Cool</strong> Test. The effects last for [[/r 3d10]] hours.</p>" }, "Crucible of Chamon": { "Name": "Crucible of Chamon", "Description": "<p>You channel <em>Chamon</em> into a single non-magical, metallic object, such as a weapon or piece of armour covering a single body part. The item melts, dripping to the floor as molten metal, cooling almost immediately. If held, the item is dropped. If worn, the wearer takes a hit like a magic missile with Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus. While the object is destroyed, the metal retains its base value, and may be used by a smith as raw material.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Blinding Light": { "Name": "Blinding Light", "Description": "<p>You emit a bright, blinding flash of light from your hand or staff. Everyone looking at you, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent, receives +SL @Condition[Blinded] Conditions. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Clarity of Thought": { "Name": "Clarity of Thought", "Description": "<p>You calm your target’s mind, allowing them to think clearly. The target ignores any negative modifiers to their mental processes, such as Conditions like @Condition[Stunned], Mental Mutations, Psychologies, and so forth while the spell is in effect.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "O Mere Be More": { "Name": "O Mere Be More", "Description": "<p>This is a new spell Mòna has been working on but has yet to perfect. In order to cast the spell, you must stand on the edge of a marsh, one foot in water and the other on dry land. The edge of the marsh then creeps outward across the Area of Effect.</p>" }, "Forest of Thorns": { "Name": "Forest of Thorns", "Description": "<p>This spell may only target a patch of earth. You cause a dense knot of wickedly spiked brambles and tangled vines to burst upwards, covering the Area of Effect. While the spell is active, anyone without the <em>Arcane Magic (Life)</em> Talent attempting to traverse the area on foot must make a <strong>Hard (–20) Agility</strong> Test. If the target fails, they gain 1 @Condition[Bleeding] Condition and 1 @Condition[Entangled] Condition with a Strength equal to your Willpower. After the spell ends, the growth remains but loses its magical properties.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Phâ’s Protection": { "Name": "Phâ’s Protection", "Description": "<p>You summon a protective aura of pure holy light. Profane creatures — those with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} Creature Trait, those with mutations, and those with more Corruption than their Willpower Bonus and Toughness Bonus combined — cannot enter the Area of Effect. Any already within the area gain the @Condition[Broken] Condition until they leave. Creatures within the area cannot gain any Corruption points while the spell is active.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Create Familiar": { "Name": "Create Familiar", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: You must prepare a suitable vessel for the familiar. This could be almost anything from a marionette to a pet cat, a small skeleton, or a grimoire. More information on vessels is found in @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.CvCQvNKGwuf0txLA]{Familiars}. An idea or concept may serve as a vessel, but double the CN if so.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: No conditions necessary.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Familiars are a serious investment. The spellcaster must permanently surrender either a Wound, a Fate point, or a Resilience point during the ritual.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails and the vessel is destroyed.</p><p>You imbue the vessel with a portion of your own essence, as well as a degree of magical power. You now possess a familiar, which can be one of three types: a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.5c8TPGmO1Wx2zu9z]{Power Familiar} (which can help with spellcasting), a @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.Xsikkjo2hxid0eWR]{Spell Familiar} (a wizard in its own right), or a @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.q6buibTm8J7mvxAS]{Combat Familiar} (a magical bodyguard devoted to your safety).</p><p>Familiars are Characters of their own; they do not necessarily like their creators, but they are bound to protect and obey them. Familiars may even improve over time and even be played by other Players. See @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.OhNDQxbLQuuww5Wz]{Familiars as Characters} for more information.</p><p>Most wizards make do with a single familiar, but some create a second. It is a trickier process, as personal essence is used up at a greater rate to imbue an additional familiar with the required potency. The sacrifice is increased to two Wounds, Fate Points, or Resilience Points, and the CN is increased to 80.</p><p>By default, familiars are assumed to be humanoid in appearance. If a wizard wishes to construct one that deviates from a humanoid appearance, the GM should consider what sort of abilities or deficits result from its new shape.</p><p>If a wizard seeks to create a more useful servant through altering its form they can do so, though this will make the process of creating the familiar more difficult. The table below indicates how the CN should be altered to account for familiars of greater or lesser complexity. This is not necessarily an exhaustive list but gives GMs some ideas on how creating a familiar may be easier or more complex.</p><table style=\"width: 56.0878%; height: 180px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr style=\"height: 10px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 10px;\"><strong>Trait</strong></td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 10px;\"><strong>CN</strong></td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Tiny)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">-10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Little)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">-5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">No Arms</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">-10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">May not talk</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">-10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">May not smell</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">-5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.sJ3yX1kvzu2hgNq5]{Amphibious}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+20</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.JQa5DLnTs2SEzRrc]{Dark Vision}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight (20)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+20</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.UmxGZRV0Lw3TZ0Kx]{Stride}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (10)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+30</td></tr></tbody></table>" }, "Iron Clad Imp": { "Name": "Iron Clad Imp", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.q6buibTm8J7mvxAS]{Combat Familiar}</p>" }, "Grand Astromancer": { "Name": "Grand Astromancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.j72t0e5BVIgeOMB4.JournalEntryPage.EpHoISPX7OlMGttN]{Astromancer}</p>" }, "Conjuration of the Incarnate Elemental of Death": { "Name": "Conjuration of the Incarnate Elemental of Death", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: An hourglass filled with sand made from the powdered bones of a monarch.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.Ze31kfg0jPiRs9Tk]{Extreme Saturation}, an @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, or a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.I2s6w4BMltNtspCs]{Storm of Magic}.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: Individuals within Willpower Bonus yards of the spellcaster, including the caster, suffer Damage equal to the caster’s Willpower Bonus and suffer the @Condition[Prone] Condition. This is a magical attack that is not reduced by Toughness Bonus or Armour Points.</p><p>The twin-headed serpentine form of an @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.2ODxoEtEl6ZMzE0j]{Incarnate Elemental of Death} hatches from the hourglass.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Concoct": { "Name": "Concoct", "Description": "<p>You are skilled at making potions, philtres, and draughts on the go. You may take one free @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.gLDW6JBuoYuzCoya.JournalEntryPage.RQLJYU3OyA0WUoPG]{Crafting} Endeavour or @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.hS8fXNOVs0vTvpiD]{Brew Potion} Endeavour to use Trade (Apothecary) or Trade (Alchemist) without the need for a workshop or laboratory. Other Crafting Endeavours are not affected.</p>" }, "Fat of the Land": { "Name": "Fat of the Land", "Description": "<p>You flood the target’s body with nourishing Ghyran. The target need not eat or drink, but still excretes as normal, though any leavings are verdant green. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Alchemist Apprentice": { "Name": "Alchemist Apprentice", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.kLTWtoz5d7Yt2zAJ.JournalEntryPage.aYYDra6LCt6daz0s]{Alchemist}</p>" }, "Shaman’s Apprentice": { "Name": "Shaman’s Apprentice", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.DND7iNuVrCXgTXki.JournalEntryPage.AzRC4qW92gvO1P8C]{Shaman}</p><p></p>" }, "Crystal Maze": { "Name": "Crystal Maze", "Description": "<p>You entrap enemies within the legendary crystal labyrinth that exists in the Aethyr. Targets disappear and cannot be harmed or affected in any way. Each trapped target must roll [[/r 1d10]] at the end of their subsequent rounds: @Table[crystal-maze]{Crystal Maze}</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Transmutator": { "Name": "Transmutator", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.TL27HuBfhnnsHjpt]{Mundane Alchemist}</p>" }, "Druid’s Apprentice": { "Name": "Druid’s Apprentice", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.Q9sQhbDN8NUHXYdA.JournalEntryPage.KGWoTLSkr4Gj2AlR]{Druid}</p>" }, "Invocate Daemon": { "Name": "Invocate Daemon", "Description": "<blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>The <strong>CN</strong> of this spell equals the target Daemon's Willpower, this must be filled in accordingly in the <strong>Details</strong> tab.</p></blockquote><p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: Bounds of good taste inhibit a discussion of ingredients, but Daemons typically pay no heed to mortals unless they know at least one of the names the Daemon uses. The invoker must also cause significant mayhem, suffering, or death during the ritual.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: The invoker must cast @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.NwVgP5msZHERwEfK]{Octagram} before beginning the ritual.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or permanently lose a point of Strength or Toughness (randomly determined).</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The Daemon becomes aware that a mortal has tried to invoke it. Their reaction depends on the Daemon in question, though most find such invasions of their privacy a serious affront.</p><p>You invocate the Daemon, which manifests inside the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.NwVgP5msZHERwEfK]{Octagram} you prepared earlier. It remains there for a number of days equal to the caster’s Intelligence Bonus, after which it returns to the Realms of Chaos.</p><p>You can communicate with the Daemon during this time, but it is not required to answer you or obey you in any way. Daemonologists must be prepared to make additional sacrifices and bargains once they have invoked a Daemon, but what exactly these bargains are, and what the Daemon is willing to offer in return, is left up to the Player and GM to decide.</p><p>Daemons have multifaceted identities, involving a nigh-unpronounceable true name, assorted common names, euphemistic epithets, and grandiloquent titles. Generally, the more you know the more you can bargain with, but there is a matter of etiquette. Knowledge of their true name can give power over a Daemon, but they invariably seek to destroy those who possess it. The best strategy is to use a Daemon’s common name whilst insinuating that you know their true name but also reassuring them that you will guard it respectfully. The GM may award up to +3 SL to Tests made to complete this ritual based on how much research the Daemonologist has undertaken into learning the identity of the Daemon they are invoking.</p>" }, "Mark of Hysh": { "Name": "Mark of Hysh", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Hysh</em> appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.2cv6hhZ57iV6z5Il]{Suffuse with Hysh} Talent</p>" }, "Death’s Release": { "Name": "Death’s Release", "Description": "<p>You surround a spirit with <em>Shyish</em> to unbind it from the world. Creatures with both the Undead and Ethereal traits must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test every round or receive a @Condition[Stunned] Condition as they are forced to confront their own state of existence. Spirits that accrue 3 @Condition[Stunned] Conditions are released from the mortal realm.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Pistol of Involuntary Solitude": { "Name": "Pistol of Involuntary Solitude", "Description": "" }, "Bridge of Shadows": { "Name": "Bridge of Shadows", "Description": "<p>You transport a group of willing targets through the air in a swathe of shadows. Targets fly to a destination of your choice within line of sight up to a maximum distance of your Willpower in yards. This distance is measured from their starting position.</p><p>You can fly along with the group if you are within the Area of Effect. Targets cannot fly through solid objects, but they can fly over obstacles up to your Willpower yards in height. The group arrives at its destination when the spell expires.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Newly Conjured": { "Name": "Newly Conjured", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.Xsikkjo2hxid0eWR]{Spell Familiar}</p>" }, "Metallic Affinity": { "Name": "Metallic Affinity", "Description": "<p>You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.5QcrpLQWWrsbKR79]{Numismatics} Talent, but it can be applied to anything made of metal.</p>" }, "Rapid Growth": { "Name": "Rapid Growth", "Description": "<p>Your hair and fingernails grow at an alarming rate. You must spend a portion of each day trimming them back. Further manifestations cause plantlife to also form, such as ivy growing in hair or mould under your fingernails, which grow back within a day if removed.</p>" }, "Feather of Lead": { "Name": "Feather of Lead", "Description": "<p>Calling on the golden wind, you alter the density of your target’s belongings, raising or lowering their weight. For the duration of the spell, choose one effect for everyone within the area of effect: </p><ul type=\"disc\"><li>Count as two steps more Overburdened</li><li>Do not count as Overburdened</li></ul><p>See @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.oAPLajkv4l9IlRzO]{Encumbrance} for details on Encumbrance.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Beast Tongue": { "Name": "Beast Tongue", "Description": "<p>You can commune with all creatures possessing the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} Trait. <em>Ghur</em> clogs your throat, and your language comes out as snarls, hisses, and roars as befits the beasts to whom you speak. While the creatures are not compelled to answer you or do as you bid, most hear you out. You gain +20 on all Charm Animal and Animal Training Tests. While this spell is active, you may only speak with beasts — you may not speak any civilised tongues and can only communicate with your party using gestures or Language (Battle). You cannot cast spells or dispel while Beast Tongue is active.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Assault of Stone": { "Name": "Assault of Stone", "Description": "<p>You draw upon earthbound <em>Hysh</em> to reshape the ground. Churning rocks and soil form a hill approximately 20 yards in diameter and 5 yards tall. Characters standing on the rising ground must make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test or suffer 20 Damage to a random body location. Even those who manage to dodge suffer 10 Damage. The hill remains permanently.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Restless": { "Name": "Restless", "Description": "<p>You tend not to want to stay in one place for long, always needing to move about. It’s worse when you’re in closed spaces. You cannot lose @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions within the walls of a large city (except Middenheim).</p>" }, "Wandering Shadow": { "Name": "Wandering Shadow", "Description": "<p>Your shadow detaches from your body and moves independently under your direction at your Movement rate. You must use an action to direct your shadow’s movement, otherwise it stands still.</p><p>You can see, hear, and smell from your shadow’s position but cannot cast spells from it. The shadow is destroyed if it moves into direct sunlight or more than 48 yards from a light source. The shadow causes @Fear[1]{Fear (1)} but cannot attack.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Driving Intent": { "Name": "Driving Intent", "Description": "<p>You bestow a target with clarity and resolve, providing a +" }, "Bind Monstrous Beast": { "Name": "Bind Monstrous Beast", "Description": "<blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>The <strong>CN</strong> of this spell equals the target Beast's Wounds, this must be filled in accordingly in the <strong>Details</strong> tab</p></blockquote><p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: The skull or hide from the same species as the beast being bound.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: The inhabited lair of a suitable beast must be within Willpower yards of the caster.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The beast becomes immediately aware that someone has tried to enslave it to their will and regards this as a serious threat.</p><p>You project your will onto that of the target beast. You must win an <strong>Opposed Willpower</strong> Test against the creature to control it. Failure almost always results in the creature attacking the wizard who failed to bind it.</p><p>If the creature is successfully bound, it serves you for Willpower Bonus days. During this time, it will follow clear orders you give it. At the end of this time, the beast’s own will reasserts itself. How resentful it feels about the escapade depends on what use it was put to during its period of servitude, but it is unlikely to regard you with fondness.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p>" }, "Pierce the Veil": { "Name": "Pierce the Veil", "Description": "<p>You gain the ability to see through darkness, mist, smoke, and fog as if under clear daylight conditions. You can also see through magical darkness, invisibility, and illusions by passing an Opposed Willpower Test against the caster of the spell.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Breach the Unknown": { "Name": "Breach the Unknown", "Description": "<p>You learn the physical properties of an object or creature. An object is understood as if you had studied it closely for a day. A creature’s health is known, along with its highest physical attribute. For every +2 SL, you learn one extra detail that isn’t visibly apparent (such as a poisonous or medicinal property, a creature Trait, and so on).</p><p>Casting this spell on a magical object that you’re touching grants temporary usage of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.g3y373FnWJEAxgEB]{Detect Artefact} Talent.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Curse of Age": { "Name": "Curse of Age", "Description": "<p>Any creature born within Willpower yards of you ages at an accelerated rate, living for no more than three quarters of the span it would otherwise.</p>" }, "Potion of Flight": { "Name": "Potion of Flight", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: [[/r 1d10]] rounds</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Extreme</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[20gc]{20 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Mountainsides</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -20</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The drinker benefits from the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight (20)} Creature Trait. The effect lasts for [[/r 1d10]] minutes — most drinkers make their way to solid ground again as soon as they can.</p>" }, "Firewall": { "Name": "Firewall", "Description": "<p>You channel a streak of Aqshy, creating a wall of flame. The Firewall is Willpower Bonus yards wide and 1 yard deep. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test you may extend the length by Willpower Bonus yards. Anyone crossing the firewall gains 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition and suffers a <em>magic missile</em> hit with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Terror of the Faculty": { "Name": "Terror of the Faculty", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.5qc7HEs9akxw0hmR]{Beadle}</p>" }, "Flock of Doom": { "Name": "Flock of Doom", "Description": "<p>You call down a murder of crows or similar local birds to assail your foes. The flock attacks everyone in the Area of Effect who does not possess the <em>Arcane Magic (Beasts)</em> Talent ferociously, inflicting a +7 Damage hit at the end of the round. The flock remains in play for the duration of the spell.</p><p>For your Action you may make an <strong>Average (+20) Charm Animal</strong> Test to move the flock to another target within range. While within the Area of Effect, all creatures suffer 1 @Condition[Blinded] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "The Amber Spear": { "Name": "The Amber Spear", "Description": "<p>You hurl a great spear of pure <em>Ghur</em> in a straight line. This is a <em>magic missile</em> with a Damage of +12. It strikes the first creature in its path, ignoring Armour Points from leather and furs. If the target suffers any Wounds, they suffer 1 @Condition[Bleeding] Condition, after which the spear continues on its path, striking each target in the same manner. The spear deals –1 Damage for each target it passes through.</p><p>If the spear fails to inflict any Wounds, its progress is stopped and the spell comes to an end. The Amber Spear only inflicts the minimum @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.wmA76Q2zJJ9HrkvA#4:-apply-damage]{1 Wound} on the first target it strikes.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Sigmar": { "Name": "Sigmar", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Victory, Unity, Hope</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Leadership.</p>" }, "Druid Lord": { "Name": "Druid Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.Q9sQhbDN8NUHXYdA.JournalEntryPage.KGWoTLSkr4Gj2AlR]{Druid}</p>" }, "Merciw’s Monstrous Regiment": { "Name": "Merciw’s Monstrous Regiment", "Description": "<p>You bestow the strength of the wilds upon your allies. Friendly targets within the Area of Effect receive +30 to Strength and Toughness to a maximum of 100. This spell does not affect you.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Turned Around": { "Name": "Turned Around", "Description": "<p>You curse your target into becoming confused and losing all sense of direction. In order for this spell to work the target must not be aware that it has been cast. If successful, for the duration of the spell the target suffers from -3 SL to any Navigation Tests made whilst in the confines of a swamp.</p>" }, "Body of Fire": { "Name": "Body of Fire", "Description": "<p>Your body is sheathed in flame and your blood becomes pyrophoric. Targets attempting to grab or grapple you suffer 8 + SL Damage and must pass a <strong>Hard (–20) Cool</strong> Test every round or let go. Every round that you Grapple with an opponent, they receive 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition and suffer 8 + SL additional Damage. </p><p>If you are wounded in melee combat, fiery blood squirts at your attacker, who must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test or suffer a magic missile hit with Damage +3 (ignoring Armour). Your clothes and trappings are immune to fire, but you can still be damaged by fire attacks.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Vauge": { "Name": "Vauge", "Description": "<p>When speaking you are often unsure of yourself, given to obfuscation and hesitation. Sugger -1 SL to all Charm and Gossip Tests.</p>" }, "Mark of Shyish": { "Name": "Mark of Shyish", "Description": "<p>The rune of Shyish appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.O2v9RQiFf0obskP5]{Suffuse with Shyish} Talent.</p>" }, "Leaf Fall": { "Name": "Leaf Fall", "Description": "<p>You surround yourself with swirling leaves, your body becoming limber and supple as a willow branch. Missile attacks against you suffer –2 SL and you gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.TaYriYcJkFuIdBKp]{Contortionist} Talent. You reduce Damage from falling, crushing, or blunt weapons (such as clubs and hammers) by 3.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Abulla’s Snare": { "Name": "Abulla’s Snare", "Description": "<p>You hurl a magical snare that gives the target 2 @Condition[Entangled] Conditions with a Strength equal to your Willpower. The snare lifts the target 2 yards above the ground. Next round, the target is pulled toward you, and remains hanging about 5 yards above, and 2 yards to the front of, your head until the spell ends, moving along with you. For every +1 SL, add one @Condition[Entangled] Condition, or levitate the target 2 yards higher (maximum 10 yards). The target suffers @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.bdfiyhEYtKs7irqc#falling]{falling} damage when released.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Summon Mount": { "Name": "Summon Mount", "Description": "<p>You summon a wild animal to serve as your mount. The GM chooses a regular, non-monstrous animal native to the terrain. Typical examples include stags, boars, or bears. You temporarily gain the pertinent Ride Skill equal to your Language (Magick) Skill. The mount will fight on your behalf but retains its self-preservation instincts.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Vengeful Hood": { "Name": "Vengeful Hood", "Description": "<p>You are surrounded by a cowl of amber light that weakens and redirects non-magical attacks. If an attack would hit you, make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test. If successful, the attack’s damage is reduced by your Willpower Bonus + SL. If an attack is reduced to 0 Damage in this way it is deflected instead. Ranged attacks hit a random target within 2 yards of you — resolve this as if they were the original target. Melee attacks are reflected to strike the attacker, who may not attempt to oppose the attack.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Morrslieb (Reversed)": { "Name": "Morrslieb (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Misfortune, Chaos</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Tests made to resist Corruption</p>" }, "Mark of Ulgu": { "Name": "Mark of Ulgu", "Description": "<p>The rune of Ulgu appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.EjGYZ4CgX2jZW7Ot]{Suffuse with Ulgu} Talent.</p>" }, "AP06mXK4djaTPgDf": { "Name": "Alchemist", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.TL27HuBfhnnsHjpt]{Mundane Alchemist}</p>" }, "Shadow Grove": { "Name": "Shadow Grove", "Description": "<p>You create an area in which all shadows are perceptible, even those cast by invisible creatures or aethyric manifestations. Invisible opponents can be spotted normally. Attacks against revealed opponents have a –10 penalty. </p><p>Creatures possessed by Daemons or spirits cast multiple shadows — one for themselves plus additional shadows for their possessors. </p><p>A light source or natural light is required to see the revealed shadows; the spell does not work in total darkness.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Hunter’s Moons": { "Name": "Hunter’s Moons", "Description": "<p>You howl at the blood-red moons to invigorate yourself and allies. All friendly targets within the Area of Effect gain +1 Movement, and +10 Strength and Toughness.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Bewilder": { "Name": "Bewilder", "Description": "<p>If the target fails a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test, they become confused. Roll [[/r 1d10]] to determine the target’s behaviour for the spell’s duration: @UUID[RollTable.Hql7qEGQQYhzxqGf]{Bewilder Actions}</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Imbue Staff": { "Name": "Imbue Staff", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A quarterstaff or metal rod of similar length. Paraphernalia and decorations relating to the caster’s Lore of Magic. </p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: No conditions necessary.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: A Fortune or Resolve point (these may be regained in due course as usual).</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails and the ingredients are destroyed.</p><p>You imbue the staff with magical symbology and power. It is now an @UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.xxTcTs5H1bmevH2B#enchanted-staff]{Enchanted Staff}.</p>" }, "Beast Master": { "Name": "Beast Master", "Description": "<p>Your breath steams and your eyes take on a shining amber sheen as Ghur suffuses you. Your gaze and words convince 1 creature of with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Small, Average, or Large)} Traits that you are its pack master. It fights to the death to protect you. While subject to your mastery the beast follows your commands, instinctively understanding simple instructions. If the spell ends, the creature retains enough respect and fear not to attack you unless compelled to. Your allies may not be so fortunate.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "The Tower": { "Name": "The Tower", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Hubris, Hidden Threat</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Bribery, Stealth.</p>" }, "Phantasmal": { "Name": "Phantasmal", "Description": "<p>If you use Language (Magick) or Dodge to oppose an attack, rolling doubles and succeeding causes you to grow insubstantial, granting you the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (9)} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.D0ImWEIMSDgElsnl]{Unstable} Traits for Willpower Bonus rounds.</p>" }, "Lord Celestial": { "Name": "Lord Celestial", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.j72t0e5BVIgeOMB4.JournalEntryPage.EpHoISPX7OlMGttN]{Astromancer}</p>" }, "CORrT86L4a6BIGfZ": { "Name": "Master Alchemist", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.TL27HuBfhnnsHjpt]{Mundane Alchemist}</p>" }, "Ashes and Dust": { "Name": "Ashes and Dust", "Description": "<p>You summon a swirling cloud of choking dust. Targets within the Area of Effect suffer 8 Damage ignoring Armour, and begin to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{suffocate} until they leave the cloud. This spell uses the @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.JcEoePfWMZkaFnJX#random-vortices]{Random Vortex} rules.</p><p>If you achieve +4 SL, you can summon a Purple Sun of Xereus at the centre of the cloud. This 1-yard-diameter globe of purple-edged darkness causes @Fear[2]{Fear (2)} and disintegrates anything it touches. Targets struck by the globe must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or die instantly. Obstacles such as walls and doors are burned through automatically.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Curse of Rust": { "Name": "Curse of Rust", "Description": "<p>You turn a non-magical, metal object into rust, rendering it permanently useless. If you achieve +4 SL, the spell may also affect a non-metal object, making it brittle as glass for a number of minutes equal to your Willpower Bonus. An object of mixed composition may become temporarily brittle around its rusted metal components. If metal fasteners are holding an object together it may fall apart, and its non-metal components may shatter if they were also cursed. </p><p>An object of 1 Encumbrance can be cursed in this way, plus 1 Encumbrance for every additional +2 SL.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Paranoth’s Pathway": { "Name": "Paranoth’s Pathway", "Description": "<p>Your party moves effortlessly through forests. Everyone within the Area of Effect gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.1dUizIgLBgn4jICC]{Strider (Woodlands)} Talent. If they already know this Talent, add +1 temporary level, plus another temporary level per +2 SL. Additionally, if you achieve +4 SL, your party can pass without trace, making it impossible to track your movements. The spell ends if your party crosses another path or harms a living tree.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Suffuse with Azyr": { "Name": "Suffuse with Azyr", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Azyr</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Azyr) Skill in place of the Perception Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Hush": { "Name": "Hush", "Description": "<p>You create a sound dampening aura of <em>Ulgu</em> which moves with the target. <em>Hush</em> cannot be cast on an unwilling target, though an object targeted by <em>Hush</em> could be picked up after it is cast. The spell has three forms; choose one at the time of casting:</p><ul><li><p>No sounds leave the Area of Effect but sounds still enter the Area of Effect.</p></li><li><p>No sounds enter the Area of Effect but sounds produced within the Area of Effect are treated normally.</p></li><li><p>No sounds are produced within the Area of Effect.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Silence": { "Name": "Silence", "Description": "<p>You create a zone around you through which no noise can travel. Within the zone no sound can be heard, and people outside the zone cannot hear anything emenating from it. This interferes with the casting of spells, which suffer from a penalty of -3 SL as a result.</p>" }, "Ulric": { "Name": "Ulric", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Battle, Wolves, Winter</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Charm Animal, Endurance, Outdoor Survival. </p>" }, "Small Friends": { "Name": "Small Friends", "Description": "<p>You attract small, though harmless, animals like squirrels, mice, small birds, and so on. They seem to show up when least appropriate, leaving droppings in food and drink or otherwise interrupting. This may occur when a member of your party Fumbles any Fellowship-based Test within 20 yards of you.</p>" }, "Enlightened Condescension": { "Name": "Enlightened Condescension", "Description": "<p> You see yourself akin to a beacon of knowledge blazing up above a black sea of ignorance. Even among your equal and lower peers, your deep knowledge (or rather your opinion about your own education) comes off as arrogant and pretentious. You take a -10 penalty to your initial Fellowship score as you can’t help but express pity at other people’s lack of comprehension.</p>" }, "Whiff of Ghyran": { "Name": "Whiff of Ghyran", "Description": "<p>You give off an odour of damp earth, green shoots, and freshly cut grass.</p>" }, "Spell Familiar": { "Name": "Spell Familiar", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.Xsikkjo2hxid0eWR]{Spell Familiar}</p>" }, "Brooch of Unwanted Attraction": { "Name": "Brooch of Unwanted Attraction", "Description": "" }, "Ygethmor’s Flaming Blizzard": { "Name": "Ygethmor’s Flaming Blizzard", "Description": "<p>You create a mighty gale of sparks and cinders. Targets within the Area of Effect suffer 8 + SL Damage every round and must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Athletics</strong> Test or receive the @Condition[Prone] Condition. Flammable objects and terrain features in the area have a 25% chance of igniting each round. </p><p>Only hard cover provides shelter from the flaming blizzard’s effects.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Musk": { "Name": "Musk", "Description": "<p>You exude a strong natural musk. Fellowship Tests made when interacting with Gold Status Characters suffer –1 SL when you are within 5 yards.</p>" }, "Barkskin": { "Name": "Barkskin", "Description": "<p>You cause the target’s skin to become hard and rough like the bark of a tree. While affected by the spell, add +2 to the target’s Toughness Bonus, but suffer –10 to Agility and Dexterity.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Draught of Power": { "Name": "Draught of Power", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 round</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Extreme</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[20gc]{20 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Forest</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: +0</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -3 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The drinker reduces spell and ritual CNs by half. After [[/r 2d10]] rounds the effect wears off.</p>" }, "Suffuse with Ulgu": { "Name": "Suffuse with Ulgu", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Ulgu</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Ulgu) Skill in place of the Stealth Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Almanac": { "Name": "Almanac", "Description": "<p>You spend a day attuning yourself to an area’s natural flows of magic. At the end of the day, you can forecast major seasonal and weather events for the coming year (such as the last frost, good or poor harvest, dry summer, major storm, and so on). You do not know specific dates but if you score at least +2 SL, you can narrow down your predictions to a 1-week period and to the exact day with +4 SL. You may cast other spells and move around normally while investigating the area.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Musk Spray": { "Name": "Musk Spray", "Description": "<p>You spray a foul-smelling musk from your hands. Choose one of the following effects:</p><ul><li><p>Squirt a character or object with an easily identifiable odour. Tests to locate the target gain +2 SL.</p></li><li><p>Mark an area up to Willpower Bonus yards as your territory. Wild animals only enter the marked area if they are starving or threatened and pass an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test. Monsters are not deterred.</p></li></ul><p>The musk lasts for 1 day plus an extra day per +2 SL. It cannot be washed off.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p>" }, "Whispery Voice": { "Name": "Whispery Voice", "Description": "<p>Your voice becomes thin and airy. You can no longer shout. In noisy surroundings, listeners must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Perception (Hearing)</strong> Test to hear your voice.</p>" }, "Al-kahest": { "Name": "Al-kahest", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.ew9yY1K70U0wVCjS#al-kahest]{Al-kahest}</p>" }, "Goldsteel Shielding": { "Name": "Goldsteel Shielding", "Description": "<p>You summon a thin covering of Goldsteel to reinforce an object, building or surface. As a guideline, each exterior wall of a small, two-storey house covers approximately 4x4 yards of surface area. Multiple castings might be needed to shield an entire building. Shielded surfaces cannot be damaged by natural phenomena such as fires, earthquakes or hurricanes, and their Armour increases by 4. Taking cover behind Goldsteel shielding reduces Corruption by two levels (so a Major Exposure becomes Minor and so on) and grants +1 SL to Dispel Tests made against spells targeting you.</p><p>This spell does not affect living tissue. Gold wizards often use Goldsteel to contain malignant influences such as Warpstone for safer transport.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Mystic Mist": { "Name": "Mystic Mist", "Description": "<p>Mystic Mist has the same effect as the @UUID[JournalEntry.7xFrgrOyYX4SVrBL.JournalEntryPage.a68AllavjryjAKv6]{Lore of Shadows} spell @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.unFp2SMvY4m4wGhB]{Mystifying Miasma}, though Mòna finds it easier to cast, as reflected in the lower CN.</p>" }, "Mutable Metal": { "Name": "Mutable Metal", "Description": "<p>You touch a non-magical object made of metal, which instantly becomes warm to the touch as you squeeze <em>Chamon</em> into it. You may bend and mangle the object with an <strong>Average (+20) Strength</strong> Test. If you wish to make a more complex alteration and the GM agrees, you may attempt a pertinent <strong>Average (+20) Trade</strong> or <strong>Art</strong> Test instead, depending on what you are trying to achieve.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Gardener’s Warcry": { "Name": "Gardener’s Warcry", "Description": "<p>This spell may only target a patch of earth. You summon a small Blood Forest, covering the Area of Effect. Anyone standing in the area immediately suffers 10 Damage (modified by TB and Armour) and receives a @Condition[Bleeding] Condition from lashing branches and thorns. The Blood Forest remains until cut down or burned. Anyone passing through the Blood Forest at more than half of their Movement must make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Agility</strong> Test or receive a @Condition[Bleeding] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Newly Crafted": { "Name": "Newly Crafted", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.q6buibTm8J7mvxAS]{Combat Familiar}</p>" }, "Metal Mended": { "Name": "Metal Mended", "Description": "<p>You repair a damaged metal object of any size to its original state. Missing pieces are magically replaced, provided you have at least three-quarters of the object to work with.</p><p>Alternatively, this spell can ‘sinter’ two metal objects together. Sintering may assist Trade (Smithing) Tests, or fuse enemy armour pieces to reduce their effectiveness (adds @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.Y9YhHl3jvQECBWGq#unreliable]{Unreliable} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.Y9YhHl3jvQECBWGq#bulky]{Bulky} flaws). Other creative applications are subject to GM discretion.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Augury": { "Name": "Augury", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.IfozNVc6u3EFeglG]{Augury (Int)}</p>" }, "Psychometry": { "Name": "Psychometry", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.oEoVBFC9iyUAJgpx]{Psychometry (Int)}</p>" }, "Animal Aversion": { "Name": "Animal Aversion", "Description": "<p>An aura of mystery settles over you. Animals feel it: horses get nervous, cats run away, dogs start barking. Animal Care, Animal Training, Charm Animal, and Ride Tests suffer from –1 SL.</p>" }, "Burning Head": { "Name": "Burning Head", "Description": "<p>You hurl a ball of fire roughly two feet in diameter, in the shape of a flaming head. The burning head flies in a straight line laughing maniacally, striking all targets in its path, until it reaches the extent of the spell’s range.</p><p>Hits are <em>magic missiles</em> with Damage +4 (Damage +0 if the target passes a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test). Everyone the burning head strikes receives 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition. Targets who lose at least 1 Wound from the burning head treat you as possessing the @Fear[1]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Dirty": { "Name": "Dirty", "Description": "<p>For some reason, you attract dirt and can never fully get clean.</p>" }, "Grey Wings": { "Name": "Grey Wings", "Description": "<p>You summon a flock of grey birds that teleports you or another single target up to 100 yards from the target’s initial position. </p><p>The target can move through solid objects, even if you do not have line of sight to the destination. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test you can increase the teleportation distance by 100 yards. Unwilling targets can avoid the effects with an <strong>Easy (+40) Dodge</strong> Test.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Bleaching": { "Name": "Bleaching", "Description": "<p><em>Hysh</em> swirls around your head, making your hair stand out in all directions. When the winds disappear, they have taken the pigment with them — your hair becomes completely white.</p>" }, "Sigmar (Reversed)": { "Name": "Sigmar (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Victory, Unity, Hope</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Channelling.</p>" }, "Psychometrician": { "Name": "Psychometrician", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.8mZJEfg4aVL5zhSE]{Scryer}</p>" }, "Potion of Fortune": { "Name": "Potion of Fortune", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 round</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Extreme</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[20gc]{20 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Mountainsides</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -10</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -2 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The drinker may make an @UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.IfozNVc6u3EFeglG]{Easy (+40) Augury} Test, using their Intelligence if they do not possess the Augury Skill.</p>" }, "Speed of Lykos": { "Name": "Speed of Lykos", "Description": "<p>You imbue yourself or another target with supernatural speed. The target can move 100 yards on its next round and still perform an action. Obstacles and terrain impede movement as normal. Targets who are slain while under the effects of this spell can perform an immediate bonus action before they die.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Wyssan’s Wildform": { "Name": "Wyssan’s Wildform", "Description": "<p>You call on the wild power of Ghur to infuse you, surrendering to its savage delights. You gain the following Creature Traits: @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboreal}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.VUJUZVN3VYhOaPjj]{Armour (2)}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.GbDyBCu8ZjDp6dkj]{Belligerent}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.a8MC97PLzl10WocT]{Big}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite (Strength Bonus +1)}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.fjd1u9VAgiYzhBRp]{Fury}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.mDgEMOoJpi8DkRYb]{Magical}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon (Strength Bonus +2)}. While the spell is in effect, you are incapable of using any Language or Lore Skills.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Master Druid": { "Name": "Master Druid", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.Q9sQhbDN8NUHXYdA.JournalEntryPage.KGWoTLSkr4Gj2AlR]{Druid}</p>" }, "Ribauld’s Retroactive Illusion": { "Name": "Ribauld’s Retroactive Illusion", "Description": "<p>You reach far into the past and create an illusion that alters the present reality. Choose a terrain feature and teleport it up to Willpower yards from its position. The terrain must be house-sized or smaller and cannot be part of the ground (such as a hill). Eligible terrain includes buildings, trees, boulders, streams, and pools. Characters occupying the terrain feature teleport along with it.</p><p>In order to qualify as a target for the spell, the terrain feature must not be a famous landmark, and the new location must be a sensible location (a tree or house may not suddenly be built on water and so on). The GM has final say over what amounts to famous or sensible.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Apprentice Pyromancer": { "Name": "Apprentice Pyromancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.wjJ2wq1bzzON74vV.JournalEntryPage.itwBfr0GHErukQ3E]{Pyromancer}</p>" }, "Suffuse with Ghur": { "Name": "Suffuse with Ghur", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Ghur</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Ghur) Skill in place of the Charm Animal Skill and the Lore (Beasts) Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Golden Touch": { "Name": "Golden Touch", "Description": "<p>After casting this spell, the next living creature you touch transforms into a golden statue. The target may attempt a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test to resist being petrified. As a statue, the target cannot see, hear, or feel anything, but does not suffocate. Duration is rolled secretly by the GM. The target counts as having a Toughness Bonus of 10, but Wounds are suffered normally. If the statue suffers Wounds the spell is ended immediately.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Leaden Tongue": { "Name": "Leaden Tongue", "Description": "<p>Your voice takes on a harsh tone, akin to metal clashing upon metal. Tests involving speech, such as Gossip or Entertain (Singing) suffer from –1 SL.</p>" }, "Conjuration of the Bloody Hidesman": { "Name": "Conjuration of the Bloody Hidesman", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A constructed totem comprised of the bones and freshly flensed pelts from eight or more large animals.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.Ze31kfg0jPiRs9Tk]{Extreme Saturation}, an @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, or a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.I2s6w4BMltNtspCs]{Storm of Magic}.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: Individuals within Willpower Bonus yards of the spellcaster, including the caster, suffer a freezing blast of pure Ghur. This is an attack with a Damage of +12 that ignores armour made from leather or furs.</p><p>The bloody totem takes on the form of an @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.vAIvEmLRcPjg5GOv]{Incarnate Elemental of Beasts}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Acceptance of Fate": { "Name": "Acceptance of Fate", "Description": "<p>You embolden allies with your words. Friendly targets are immune to Fear for the spell’s duration, and Terror is treated as Fear instead. Additionally, all Psychology effects caused by grief are permanently removed.</p><p>This spell may instead be cast on nearby enemies to make them heedless of danger. Targets who fail a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test may not flee combat for the spell’s duration.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Savage Gaze": { "Name": "Savage Gaze", "Description": "<p>You may use Willpower to oppose melee attacks from wolves, bears, boars, and rats. Additionally, if you roll a Critical when doing so, roll on the @Table[crithead]{Head Critical Wounds} Table; the number of Wounds is how many @Condition[Broken] Conditions the animal receives.</p>" }, "Suffuse with Chamon": { "Name": "Suffuse with Chamon", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Chamon</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Chamon) Skill in place of the Evaluate Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Skeletal Frame": { "Name": "Skeletal Frame", "Description": "<p>Your muscles wither; reduce your Strength by 5.</p>" }, "Acolyte of the Light Order": { "Name": "Acolyte of the Light Order", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4hwftTG3PqNnmUfK.JournalEntryPage.L1HMS581Scz2IyCJ]{Hierophant}</p>" }, "Mark of Ghyran": { "Name": "Mark of Ghyran", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Ghyran</em> appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.YgDEUO0G0XcqQJqg]{Suffuse with Ghyran} Talent.</p>" }, "T’Essla’s Arc": { "Name": "T’Essla’s Arc", "Description": "<p>A crackling bolt of lightning shoots from your fingertips, striking your target. This is a magic missile with Damage +10 that inflicts 1 @Condition[Blinded] Condition. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Spiriter Lord": { "Name": "Spiriter Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.hFQtvGpxh0D8Xfcl.JournalEntryPage.i7trRLZo2Pp05UnQ]{Spiriter}</p>" }, "Flesh of Stone": { "Name": "Flesh of Stone", "Description": "<p>You turn a target into living stone. Unwilling targets can resist the spell with an Opposed Willpower Test. Affected targets can move and fight, but cannot speak, and their Movement is halved. The target’s Strength and Toughness are increased by 30 and they gain 4 additional Armour Points on every location. The target doesn’t need to breathe while under the spell.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Debauch's Friend": { "Name": "Debauch's Friend", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: [[/r 1d10]] minutes</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Moderate</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[5gc]{5 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Grassland</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: +0</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: +0 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 1 week</p><p>The drinker automatically passes any Consume Alcohol Tests. The effect wears off after [[/r 1d10]] hours.</p>" }, "Lifebloom Silt": { "Name": "Lifebloom Silt", "Description": "<p>You imbue a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.HKSn8iNSS9WcAuJc]{Fenbeast} with greater regenerative power. For the duration of the spell it regenerates double the number of Wounds it would normally.</p>" }, "Hair Tonic": { "Name": "Hair Tonic", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 15 minutes</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Moderate</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[10gc]{10 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Coastal Regions</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -10</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: +0 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 1 week</p><p>When applied to an area, hair tonic causes hair to grow profusely. One dose is enough to cover a Human scalp. If the tonic is accidentally ingested (or slipped to an unsuspecting drinker) hair grows in the mouth, imposing a penalty of –2 SL to Fellowship-based Tests. The new hair growth lasts until it naturally falls out or is shaven off, quite a risky procedure for someone who drinks the tonic.</p>" }, "Soul Vortex": { "Name": "Soul Vortex", "Description": "<p>You hurl a shimmering ball of Shyish which erupts into purple flames, swirling with ghostly faces, mouths agape in silent terror. Targets within the Area of Effect receive +1 @Condition[Broken] Condition. Targets with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, take a <em>magic missile</em> hit with a Damage of +10 that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armour Points.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Sapphire Arch": { "Name": "Sapphire Arch", "Description": "<p>You summon a sweeping arch of pure sapphire. The arch is 4 yards wide and 3 yards high. Any creature or object that passes through the arch disappears into a limbo dimension. The arch then vanishes at the end of your next round. When you next cast this spell, everyone who previously entered exits without noticing the passage of time. If you are slain before casting again, the occupants are expelled at their original location in a shower of crystal shards, with a @Condition[Stunned] and @Condition[Prone] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Conjuration of the Jack O' Cinders": { "Name": "Conjuration of the Jack O' Cinders", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A colossal pyre must be constructed and kept ablaze whilst the ritual is in progress.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.Ze31kfg0jPiRs9Tk]{Extreme Saturation}, an @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, or a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.I2s6w4BMltNtspCs]{Storm of Magic}.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: Individuals within Willpower Bonus yards of the spellcaster, including the caster, suffer 4 @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions.</p><p>From the inferno you summon forth an @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.8Ct3OotoGRqV4nkd]{Incarnate Elemental of Fire}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Fate Illuminated": { "Name": "Fate Illuminated", "Description": "<p>You glean insight to a target’s intentions or destiny. You may ask the GM a yes or no question about the target’s intent within the next hour. Examples might include <em>‘does he intend to steal something?’</em> or <em>‘will she fight if the situation escalates?’</em>. Questions such as <em>‘is he carrying a weapon?’</em> would not qualify, because they don’t relate to intent. You can ask one additional question per +2 SL on your Casting Test.</p><p>If you touch the target, you may instead choose to learn its @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.fn8QNQQ1S2rh12Us]{Dooming} along with any curses or portents affecting it, including active symbols and reversed symbols (see @UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.IfozNVc6u3EFeglG]{Augury}).</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Shaman": { "Name": "Shaman", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.DND7iNuVrCXgTXki.JournalEntryPage.AzRC4qW92gvO1P8C]{Shaman}</p>" }, "Light of Purity": { "Name": "Light of Purity", "Description": "<p>You imbue a single light source with purifying magic. Everyone within the light’s radius gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.vMYEkrWj0ip6ZOdv]{Resistance (Disease)} Talent. Furthermore, wizards receive a bonus to dispel Dark and Chaos spells equal to the total SL on your Casting Test. Range and duration are determined by the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.fiXbxW3H96StJWmH]{light source} to a maximum of 1 mile and 1 day.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Swift Passing": { "Name": "Swift Passing", "Description": "<p>Your touch brings the release of death to a single mortally wounded target. If you successfully touch a target with 0 Wounds remaining and at least 2 Critical Wounds, death swiftly follows. Furthermore, the target cannot be raised as Undead.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Lucidity Tonic": { "Name": "Lucidity Tonic", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 hour</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Major</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[10gc]{10 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Grassland</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -10</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 1 month</p><p>The drinker receives +1 SL to all Intelligence- and Willpower-based Tests and does not suffer from @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions. The effects last for [[/r 3d10]] hours, after which the drinker receives 3 Fatigued Conditions.</p>" }, "Mistral From the Stratosphere": { "Name": "Mistral From the Stratosphere", "Description": "<p>You radiate frigid <em>Azyr</em> from your outstretched hand. Choose a direction. All targets in that direction and within range take 12 Damage (ignoring Armour Points but not Toughness Bonus). Additionally, they must roll a <strong>Hard (–20) Endurance</strong> Test or suffer the first stage of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#exposure]{Cold Exposure}. Liquid water in the Area of Effect freezes at a rate of 1 inch of thickness per round.</p><p>On subsequent rounds, you can either point the mistral in another direction or continue freezing the same targets. Targets only take Damage on the first round but must Test against @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#exposure]{Cold Exposure} every round. Targets recover any lost Characteristics at a rate of 10 points per hour. You can move while casting this spell.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Dance of Despair": { "Name": "Dance of Despair", "Description": "<p>You conjure a stringless fiddle that compels enemies to dance uncontrollably, losing all sense of urgency. Targets can attempt a Willpower Test to resist the dance. Affected enemies cannot move or take actions unless they first pass a <strong>Hard (–20) Athletics</strong> Test or Challenging <strong>Perform (Dance)</strong> Test. When the spell expires, affected targets receive a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition. Friendly or neutral characters are unaffected by the spell.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Boiling Blood": { "Name": "Boiling Blood", "Description": "<p>You cause the target’s blood to boil if it fails a <strong>Difficult (–10) Endurance</strong> Test. The target immediately receives 2 @Condition[Blinded] Conditions from the pain, and at the start of its rounds suffers 10 + SL Damage (ignoring Armour, but not TB). Targets slain by this spell explode in a spray of scalding blood, inflicting a <em>magic missile</em> hit with Damage +1 against everyone within 2 yards.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Deep Pockets": { "Name": "Deep Pockets", "Description": "<p>You deposit one object into a pocket dimension, making it weightless and invisible. Containers count as one object even if full. The item must have an Encumbrance of 1, plus 1 for every +2 SL on your Casting Test. The object cannot be found with Perception Tests. It may be plucked forth with an Action. If the spell reaches its duration before the item is retrieved, it is lost.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Potion of Invisibility": { "Name": "Potion of Invisibility", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: [[/r 1d10]] rounds</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Extreme</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[20gc]{20 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Areas of Heavy or Extreme Environmental Saturation</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -20</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -2 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The potion turns the drinker invisible. They may not be perceived by mundane senses. Those with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent can attempt to see the drinker but suffer a –2 SL penalty on their Perception Test. The drinker may still be perceived if people hear them.</p><p>If the drinker attacks anyone, the target suffers the @Condition[Surprised] Condition. At the start of every subsequent Round, targets can make a <strong>Difficult (–10) Intelligence</strong> Test. If they succeed, they realise they are being assailed by an invisible opponent and may attack and defend as normal, but will suffer –3 SL to Weapon Skill and Ballistic Skill Tests. If they fail, they receive another Surprised Condition.</p><p>The effect lasts for [[/r d10]] minutes.</p>" }, "Thieves!": { "Name": "Thieves!", "Description": "<p>You suffer from paranoia, convinced everyone is out to steal your money. Gain @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.klCJX0mNpXYH5AIx]{Prejudice (Strangers)}.</p>" }, "Lie of the Land": { "Name": "Lie of the Land", "Description": "<p>Touching the earth, your senses flow through the Ghyran tracing the nearby area. After communing for 1 minute, you receive a mental map of natural features — land, forests, rivers — within range. Settlements may be alluded to as areas of clear terrain or trenches. If you increase the range using Overcasting, the time it takes to commune with the land increases by 1 minute for each SL.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Traitor of Tarn": { "Name": "Traitor of Tarn", "Description": "<p>You compel an enemy to switch allegiances. If the target fails an Opposed Willpower Test, they regard you as an ally and treat their former allies as enemies. Each time a target is asked to attack a former ally, it can attempt a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test to break the enchantment. Targets will not follow instructions that are clearly suicidal. </p><p>When this spell is cast upon a neutral target, you instead gain +2 SL to any Fellowship-based Tests you make involving the neutral target. The spell has no effect on friendly targets.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Pyromancer Lord": { "Name": "Pyromancer Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.wjJ2wq1bzzON74vV.JournalEntryPage.itwBfr0GHErukQ3E]{Pyromancer}</p><p></p>" }, "Horn of Andar": { "Name": "Horn of Andar", "Description": "<p>You invoke a piercing horn blast that affects everyone in range. Friendly targets receive a +2 SL bonus on Cool and Leadership Tests for their improved morale. Enemies suffer –2 SL to Cool and Leadership Tests because of their despair. Enemies must also pass an immediate @Fear[1]{Fear (1)} Test. Neutral targets are unaffected.</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>The Active Effect uses the same rules for <strong>Group Advantage</strong> when determining whether an Actor is friendly or an enemy. See the description for the <strong>Group Advantage</strong> setting for details. </p></blockquote><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Despondent Slough": { "Name": "Despondent Slough", "Description": "<p>The ground between the target’s feet becomes cold and sucking mud. Escape is not easy, and the more the target struggles to free themselves the more hopeless and dejected they become. The target gains one @Condition[Entangled] Condition with a Strength equal to your Intelligence. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test, you may give the target an additional @Condition[Entangled] Condition. The spell lasts until all @Condition[Entangled] Conditions are removed. Each round the target remains Entangled, they must make an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p>" }, "Divination": { "Name": "Divination", "Description": "<p>You scry across time and space. Choose one of the following 3 effects:</p><ul><li><p>Learn the most auspicious time for a future action. The GM secretly rolls a <strong>Challenging (+0) Intelligence</strong> Test for you, to determine the accuracy of your prediction. Examples might include forecasting the Winds of Magic, favourable weather, or a change of guards.</p></li><li><p>Locate a lost or stolen object. You must have seen the object previously. This spell points you in the direction of the object but does not reveal its distance.</p></li><li><p>Modify a single future die roll by plus or minus 10. You must be very specific about the conditions. Examples include a creature’s next attack against you, or the next Dodge Test you attempt. You can only be under one effect of this type at a time.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Inculcate Mizzle": { "Name": "Inculcate Mizzle", "Description": "<p>You implore the clouds to gather and issue forth a gentle but freezing, penetrating rain. Fimir find this sort of weather comforting, but other creatures must make an <strong>Easy (+40) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition. Tests made to shoot blackpowder weapons, cast spells from the Lore of Fire, or enter Frenzy suffer –2 SL whilst the drizzle persists.</p>" }, "Suffuse with Shyish": { "Name": "Suffuse with Shyish", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Shyish</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Shyish) Skill in place of the Intimidate Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Starcrossed": { "Name": "Starcrossed", "Description": "<p>While this spell is active, you can spend Fortune points to force an opponent to reroll Tests. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Knot Untied": { "Name": "Knot Untied", "Description": "<p>You gain insight into a puzzle, riddle, trap, or mystery that’s only solvable through deduction. The GM must give you one hint towards the solution, plus one additional hint for every +2 SL. Relevant Lore Tests also receive a bonus of +2 SL.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Winter Coat": { "Name": "Winter Coat", "Description": "<p>You grow a thick coat of fur that protects you from the elements and blades alike. You become immune to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#exposure]{Cold Exposure} and modify all Critical Hit table rolls against you by –10. However, you reduce your Agility and Fellowship by –10.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Leonardo's Alchemical Powder": { "Name": "Leonardo's Alchemical Powder", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.ew9yY1K70U0wVCjS#leonardos-alchemical-powder]{Leonardo's Alchemical Powder}</p>" }, "Fly-Infested Rotweed": { "Name": "Fly-Infested Rotweed", "Description": "<p>You cause flies and other insects resting in the matter that makes up the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.HKSn8iNSS9WcAuJc]{Fenbeast} to issue forth and fly around the creature. The Fenbeast gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait.</p>" }, "The Daemon": { "Name": "The Daemon", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Manipulation, Danger</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Channelling, Charm, Language (Magick).</p>" }, "Mantle of Mist": { "Name": "Mantle of Mist", "Description": "<p>Mist, fog, smoke, and other vapours seem drawn to your side. Stealth Tests in foggy, misty, or hazy areas benefit from +1 SL. Stealth Tests in brightly lit areas suffer from -1 SL.</p>" }, "Morr (Reversed)": { "Name": "Morr (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Death, Dreams</p><p><strong>Related Tests</strong>: Intuition</p>" }, "Net of Amyntok": { "Name": "Net of Amyntok", "Description": "<p>You cast a delicate net woven from strands of Hysh over your targets, whose minds are overcome with conundrums and puzzles, leaving them paralysed with indecision. Targets gain +1 @Condition[Stunned] Condition, which they cannot lose while the spell is in effect. When recovering from the Condition, targets Test their Intelligence instead of the Endurance Skill. Targets with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} Creature Trait are immune to this spell.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Troubling Foresight": { "Name": "Troubling Foresight", "Description": "<p>When under stress, you are plagued with unbidden visions of the future. If you fail any Willpower-based Test by 3 SL or more, you fall @Condition[Prone] and see disturbing revelations of disaster.</p>" }, "Bind Spirit Within Power Stone": { "Name": "Bind Spirit Within Power Stone", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A @UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.FZRfLKxw9PKppUR2]{Power Stone} and a @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.EfqVT5YNmvbLlwkK#minor-elementals]{Minor Elemental} (or similar spirit)</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: If the ritual takes place at a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.1nNoPmPeDS1nwkQL#leyline-junctions]{Leyline Junction} or @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, the CN is halved.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: No sacrifice required.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: None.</p><p>You bind a minor spirit within a @UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.FZRfLKxw9PKppUR2]{Power Stone}. Wizards often summon Minor Elementals for this task. The benefits of possessing a Power Stone inhabited by a Minor Elemental are explained on @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.EfqVT5YNmvbLlwkK#minor-elementals]{Minor Elementals}</p><p>Versions of this ritual are said to exist for other sorts of spirit — Forest Spites, Ghosts and Spectres, Daemons, Incarnate Elementals, and so on. The details of such rituals are left up to the GM, but bear in mind that these creatures tend to be more wilful than Minor Elementals, and resentful of those who seek to control them without carefully justified warrant.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Blitzbeil": { "Name": "Blitzbeil", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Strength, Ferocity</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Tests to enter Frenzy. Melee (Basic).</p>" }, "Dagger of Stolen Luck": { "Name": "Dagger of Stolen Luck", "Description": "" }, "Ignite": { "Name": "Ignite", "Description": "<p>You cause an object or person to catch fire. The target receives 2 @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions. If you cast Ignite upon a target that already has @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions, you can instead spread the flames to others. Distribute 3 new @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions among others within 2 yards of the target.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Magical Assistant": { "Name": "Magical Assistant", "Description": "<p>This Talent is specific to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.5c8TPGmO1Wx2zu9z]{Power Familiars}. No other Character Species has access to this Talent.</p><p>The familiar may assist the wizard who created them with any Channelling, Lore (Magic), or Language (Magick) Tests they make. They can also assist with Research Tests, provided the research is into a magical innovation or discovery. The assistant provides a bonus of +20 to these Tests rather than the normal +10 (see @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.lQThXbnpgQ30VBXR#assistance]{Assistance}).</p>" }, "Compass of Meteoric Silver": { "Name": "Compass of Meteoric Silver", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.ew9yY1K70U0wVCjS#compass-of-meteoric-silver]{Compass of Meteoric Silver}</p>" }, "Spiriter": { "Name": "Spiriter", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.hFQtvGpxh0D8Xfcl.JournalEntryPage.i7trRLZo2Pp05UnQ]{Spiriter}</p>" }, "Celestial Acolyte": { "Name": "Celestial Acolyte", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.j72t0e5BVIgeOMB4.JournalEntryPage.EpHoISPX7OlMGttN]{Astromancer}</p>" }, "Aura of Light": { "Name": "Aura of Light", "Description": "<p>You give off a radiant energy that makes other light sources glow brighter. All light sources within 20 yards provide stronger light (+2 yards). Further manifestations increase this effect.</p>" }, "Leyfinding": { "Name": "Leyfinding", "Description": "<p>Tapping into the flows of earthbound magic, you receive a detailed mental map of all leylines and stone circles within range. This knowledge provides +2 SL to Navigation Tests made to locate planned or natural leylines. You cannot discern specific colours of magic from afar, but you can sense each leyline’s overall strength (minor or major), along with the number of waystones in every stone circle. See @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi]{The Winds at Work} for more on leylines and waystones.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Feral": { "Name": "Feral", "Description": "<p>Your nails thicken and lengthen, and your teeth grow pointed. You have a wild-eyed appearance that others find unsettling. You suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Grand Illusion": { "Name": "Grand Illusion", "Description": "<p>This spell functions as the Lore of Shadows spell @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.WPqwC6WOaJKVHnJm]{Illusion}, except <em>Grand Illusion</em> includes complete sensory effects, scent, touch, sound, taste, and appearance, and is not limited to static scenes. The caster must describe in detail the illusion when it is cast.</p><p>This illusion is real to anyone who believes it. Thus, a <em>Grand Illusion</em> of a bridge can be crossed successfully by those fooled by it. Anyone who realises it is an illusion can no longer treat it as real — which might have serious consequences if they were only halfway across an illusory bridge.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Grey Lord": { "Name": "Grey Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.7xFrgrOyYX4SVrBL.JournalEntryPage.eZxfheujk03euEN4]{Shadowmancer}</p><p></p>" }, "Purging": { "Name": "Purging", "Description": "<p>You feel bathed in purifying light, but this is not a gentle sensation. You must pass a <strong>Hard (–20) Endurance</strong> Test or suffer the @Symptom[Fever] Symptom for the next [[/r 2d10]] days. However, afterwards you feel energised. <em>Hysh’s</em> powers of preservation and healing have done their work. Gain +1 SL to any Tests to resist contracting disease.</p>" }, "Inextinguishable Flame": { "Name": "Inextinguishable Flame", "Description": "<p>You make a normal fire inextinguishable by any means. The target can be up to the size of a campfire and remains burning for Willpower Bonus hours. The duration is extended to days with +2 SL on your Casting Test, weeks with +4 SL, and months with +6 SL.</p><p>The fire does not consume fuel while the spell lasts. Burning logs that are separated into smaller fires remain inextinguishable. Alternatively, you can cast this in reverse to extinguish any fire of the same size. No other spell can extinguish an Inextinguishable Flame, nor can its effect be dispelled.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Laboratory Assistant": { "Name": "Laboratory Assistant", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.5qc7HEs9akxw0hmR]{Beadle}</p>" }, "Enchant Weapon": { "Name": "Enchant Weapon", "Description": "<p>You encase a single non-magical weapon with heavy bands of Chamon, enhancing its potency. For the duration of the spell it counts as magical, gains a bonus to Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, and gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.wdXywmb7FBVipOw8#unbreakable]{Unbreakable} Quality. For every +3 SL you may also add 1 Weapon Quality or remove 1 Weapon Flaw from the weapon, while the spell is in effect.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Nectar of Beauty": { "Name": "Nectar of Beauty", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 hour</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Moderate</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[10gc]{10 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Forest</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -20</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 weeks</p><p>Warts, moles, and scars fade, and the structure of the drinker’s face and body become more symmetrical. The drinker gains a +1 SL bonus to any Fellowship-based Tests made with Characters who are ordinarily attracted to the drinker’s species and gender. The effects last for [[/r 3d10]] hours.</p>" }, "Mystery Imp": { "Name": "Mystery Imp", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.Xsikkjo2hxid0eWR]{Spell Familiar}</p>" }, "Curse of Anraheir": { "Name": "Curse of Anraheir", "Description": "<p>You summon small spirits out of the ground to harass and distract your foes. The spirits do not cause damage, but enemy targets within the Area of Effect suffer –2 Movement and –20 Weapon Skill, Ballistic Skill, and Agility. Targets who leave the area are followed by pesky spirits but suffer only –1/–10 to these Characteristics. </p><p>Mounts must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or flee until they are calmed with a successful <strong>Challenging (+0) Ride</strong> Test. The earth spirits are invisible to everyone except the targets, and they cannot be harmed by any means.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "The Crossed Scythes": { "Name": "The Crossed Scythes", "Description": "<blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>The <strong>CN</strong> of this spell equals the target entity's Willpower, this must be filled in accordingly in the <strong>Details</strong> tab.</p></blockquote><p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: No ingredients, though the caster requires the tools with which to create the carving.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: Before commencing the ritual, the wizard must engrave a symbol of crossed downward-pointing scythes over the entrance to a tomb, cave entrance, gatehouse, or other portal. This requires an <strong>Extended Challenging (+0) Art (Engraving)</strong> Test to a total of 20 SL. Beyond this portal there must be an Undead creature the Wizard seeks to suppress.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test or suffer 1 Damage which cannot be reduced by Toughness Bonus or Armour Points.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails; the entity becomes aware of the effort to contain it.</p><p>Occasionally, an Amethyst Wizard will mark a tomb with a pair of overlaid and reversed Shyish runes. Only a fool would enter such a place, for this symbol warns of great evil slumbering within and acts as a ward against its escape. If an Amethyst Wizard seeks to create such a carving, they must be gifted at channelling <em>Shyish</em> and also deft with a hammer and chisel.</p><p>Once the symbol is carved and the ritual complete, any Undead creature without the Construct Trait that tries to cross the threshold must make a <strong>Very Difficult (–30)</strong> Cool Test to do so. If the creature fails the Test, they cannot pass the engraving and must take a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition for every –SL. They must do this even if they would not normally suffer <em>Fatigued</em> Conditions.</p><p>The creature could try to cross the threshold again the following turn, but would continue to accrue @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions until they pass the Cool Test. The creature can only recover from these <em>Fatigued</em> Conditions after a full night’s rest.</p><p>Undead creatures with the Construct Trait must make a <strong>Very Difficult (-30) Endurance</strong> Test. If the creature fails the Test, they cannot pass the engraving and suffer 1 Wound for every –SL.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Alchemist": { "Name": "Alchemist", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.kLTWtoz5d7Yt2zAJ.JournalEntryPage.aYYDra6LCt6daz0s]{Alchemist}</p>" }, "Nectar of Vitality": { "Name": "Nectar of Vitality", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: 1 round</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Extreme</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[10gc]{10 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Swamp</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -20</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The drinker benefits from the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.rykaI9zIg6XBVr6h]{Regenerate} Creature Trait. The effect lasts for [[/r 1d10]] minutes.</p>" }, "Iyrtu’s Embrace": { "Name": "Iyrtu’s Embrace", "Description": "<p>Your arms are sheathed in gauntlets of Shyish, bestowing great crushing power. Your Strength is increased by +10 for every +1 SL. You automatically succeed on grapple attacks (if you roll a miss, count the result as +0 SL).</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Instant Recall": { "Name": "Instant Recall", "Description": "<p>Whenever you use a Fortune Point to reroll a Test to recall information, such as using a Lore Skill, you automatically succeed.</p>" }, "Writhing Worm": { "Name": "Writhing Worm", "Description": "<p>You summon a huge brown worm that wriggles swiftly to your target. The target is automatically @Condition[Grappling]{Grappled} and suffers an @Condition[Entangled] Condition. The worm has a Strength of 50 for grappling. If the worm wins its Opposed Strength Test, it may perform one of the following two actions:</p><ul><li><p>Add another @Condition[Entangled] Condition.</p></li><li><p>Secrete sticky enzymes that dissolve 1 point of leather or similar armour on all hit locations. Leather items like pouches and backpacks are also dissolved.</p></li></ul><p>The worm cannot inflict Damage with grappling, nor can it be harmed by any means. The spell ends if the target breaks free.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Beadle": { "Name": "Beadle", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.5qc7HEs9akxw0hmR]{Beadle}</p>" }, "Practical Robes": { "Name": "Practical Robes", "Description": "<p>These costumes are inexpensive, comfortable, and relatively plain. A wizard wearing practical robes may even go unrecognised in many situations.</p><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.xxTcTs5H1bmevH2B#wizards-robes]{Wizard's Robes}</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>Before adding this Item to an Actor, rename the Active Effect and replace <strong>Lore</strong> with the appropriate value.</p><p><strong>e.g. </strong><em>To create a robes used by a Bright Wizard, the Active Effect should be named <strong>Practical Robes (Fire)</strong></em></p></blockquote>" }, "Amber Talons": { "Name": "Amber Talons", "Description": "<p>Your nails grow into wickedly sharp talons of crystal amber. Your unarmed attacks are magical, have a Damage equal to SL plus your Strength Bonus plus your Willpower Bonus, and inflict 1 @Condition[Bleeding] Condition whenever they cause a loss of Wounds. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Bright Skin": { "Name": "Bright Skin", "Description": "<p>Tattoo-like symbols glowing beneath your skin. The glowing intensifies as you become more emotional. You suffer –1 SL to sight-based Stealth Tests</p>" }, "Earthpool": { "Name": "Earthpool", "Description": "<p>After successfully casting the spell, you immediately disappear into the ground in a wild torrent of <em>Ghyran</em>. You appear at the start of the next round at any point within Willpower yards, erupting from the earth violently. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test, you may increase the distance travelled by your Willpower in yards. Any enemies you engage after erupting gain the @Condition[Surprised] Condition. This spell will not allow you to move through solid rock but will allow you to move through water.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Cerulean Eyes": { "Name": "Cerulean Eyes", "Description": "<p>Your eyes become pale blue orbs which emit a faint glow. This is unnerving to others. Suffer -1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Disrupt Magic": { "Name": "Disrupt Magic", "Description": "<p>You know a more aggressive form of dispelling that targets a wizard who is channelling magic for a spell or ritual. If you successfully cast <em>Disrupt Magic</em> before the other spellcaster finishes their spell, you can opt to take an <strong>Opposed Willpower</strong> Test against the spellcaster. If you win, their spell fails and they suffer a @Table[minormis]{Minor Miscast}.</p>" }, "Great Fires of U’Zhul": { "Name": "Great Fires of U’Zhul", "Description": "<p>You hurl an explosive blast of Aqshy. The flames erupt into a furious blaze, burning with the heat of a forge. This is a <em>magic missile</em> with Damage +10 that ignores AP and inflicts 2 @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions and the @Condition[Prone] Condition.</p><p>Everyone within the Area of Effect of the target suffers a Damage +5 hit ignoring AP and must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test or gain 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition. The spell stops behaving like a <em>magic missile</em> as the fire continues to burn in the Area of Effect for the duration. Anyone within the Area of Effect at the end of a round suffers [[/r 1d10 + 6]] Damage, ignoring AP, and gains 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Trial and Error": { "Name": "Trial and Error", "Description": "<p>You direct the magic of logic to aid yourself or an ally. Choose one Skill to enhance at the time of casting. Your target receives a bonus of +2 SL to their next Test using that Skill. If you achieve +2 SL, the target also receives a single use reroll on the designated Skill Test.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Flicker": { "Name": "Flicker", "Description": "<p>Light seems uncomfortable in your presence. Candles flicker, lanterns dim, and fires burn low when you are around. If you succeed on a <strong>Difficult (-10) Willpower</strong> Test, you can extinguish a small flame within 20 yards, such as an approaching watchman’s lantern.</p>" }, "Carve Ogham Stone": { "Name": "Carve Ogham Stone", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A large piece of granite shot through with veins of quartz. The stone should be around six feet in height and a foot in breadth, or larger. </p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: Before the ritual begins you must inscribe the stone with suitable magical symbols, warding off magical energies or attracting them depending on what purpose the stone will serve. You must have the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.GogGbYxkVdCmiKqf]{Read/Write} Talent and make a <strong>Difficult (-10) Language Magick</strong> Test followed by an <strong>Average (+20) Art (Engraving)</strong> Test. If you succeed on both Tests, the ritual may begin. Sacrifices: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails. </p><p>You create an Ogham stone. Whilst it is not a true substitute for the waystones created by Elves or Dwarfs, it can have one of the following waystone properties: @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.5Y6IrcCljT6TZx3Q#waystone-properties]{Attraction, Containment, or Dampening}. Ogham stones can also be constructed into a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.5Y6IrcCljT6TZx3Q#ogham-circles]{druidic circle}.</p>" }, "Insubstantial": { "Name": "Insubstantial", "Description": "<p>You become very slightly transparent, only noticeable in certain lights. You lose 10% of your weight and suffer from –5 Strength.</p>" }, "Meissner’s Instantaneous Librarian": { "Name": "Meissner’s Instantaneous Librarian", "Description": "<p>You locate a desired scroll, tome, or grimoire, causing it to glow for Willpower Bonus + SL Rounds. If you do not know the book’s title, you may instead specify a topic in 10 or fewer words. The more detailed your topic, the more specific the outcome. In large libraries, a vague topic might cause multiple books to glow. For example, searching for ‘dark rituals’ in a warlock’s library will illuminate multiple tomes, whereas ‘Tzeentchian rituals requiring human sacrifice under Morrslieb’s light’ will narrow down the selection considerably.</p><p>Using this spell immediately contributes 1 + SL towards the target SL of an Extended Research Test. Subsequent research usually requires spending time reading. However, if the research is complex and the library is sufficiently well equipped, the GM might count a second or third use of this spell toward the target SL.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Potency Draught": { "Name": "Potency Draught", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: [[/r 1d10]] rounds</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Minor</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[7gc]{7 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Forest</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: +0</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -1 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 1 month</p><p>The drinker is infused with strength and vigour. The drinker’s Strength and Toughness Bonuses are increased by 2 and they gain +2 SL to any Strength- or Toughness-based Test they make. The effects last for [[/r 1d10]] hours.</p>" }, "Aura of Growth": { "Name": "Aura of Growth", "Description": "<p>You emit an aura of growth and vigour. Remaining in one place for any extended period causes a noticeable boost in the life and colour of the surrounding flora, no matter where you reside. Any Outdoor Survival Tests you make to find food benefit from +1 SL.</p>" }, "Illusion": { "Name": "Illusion", "Description": "<p>You spin a web of intricate strands of <em>Ulgu</em>, obfuscating the Area of Effect with an illusory image of your choosing. You automatically fool anyone without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent. Those with that Talent must pass a <strong>Difficult (–10) Intuition</strong> Test to notice the illusion. This does not let them see through the spell or end its effects — they merely understand it is an illusion. The illusion is typically unmoving. For your action, you may make a <strong>Hard (–20) Channelling</strong> Test to make the illusion move within its space for that round.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Mindslip": { "Name": "Mindslip", "Description": "<p>You conjure delicate threads of <em>Ulgu</em> in your target’s mind, causing all prior memory of you to disappear for the spell’s duration. Once the spell is over, the target must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Intelligence</strong> Test, or the memory loss becomes permanent until dispelled.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Forge of Chamon": { "Name": "Forge of Chamon", "Description": "<p>You alter the quality of a metal item. You may add 1 Item Quality or remove 1 Item Flaw. For every +2 SL, you may add another Item Quality or remove another Item Flaw. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Catalyst": { "Name": "Catalyst", "Description": "<p>Your influence causes even destructive things to procreate. Diseases incubate twice as fast and last twice as long in Characters within 10 yards of you. In addition, unpreserved food perishes twice as fast while you are near.</p>" }, "Vulnerability to Darkness": { "Name": "Vulnerability to Darkness", "Description": "<p>When in areas of darkness, Channelling (<em>Hysh</em>) and Language (Magick) Tests suffer from -1 SL.</p>" }, "Enchanted Staff": { "Name": "Enchanted Staff", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.xxTcTs5H1bmevH2B#enchanted-staff]{Enchanted Staff}</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>Before adding this Item to an Actor, rename the Active Effect and replace <<strong>Lore></strong> with the appropriate value.</p><p><strong>e.g. </strong><em>To create a staff used by a Bright Wizard, the Active Effect should be named <strong>Staff of Fire</strong></em></p></blockquote>" }, "Nature’s Whisper": { "Name": "Nature’s Whisper", "Description": "<p>You commune telepathically with minor river or tree spirits. To cast this spell, you must be in contact with the river or tree being questioned. Spirits’ answers can be vague if questions are too complex. River spirits generally answer questions pertaining to happenings within 1 mile upstream or downstream. Trees have similar ranges of awareness within a forest. River spirits recall the last 24 hours, whereas tree spirits have memories spanning years. However, tree spirits are slow and ponderous, requiring 5 minutes or longer to answer just a single question. </p><p>Spirits might request aid in exchange for information. This spell does not make them predisposed to like you and provides no benefits to communication with animated nature spirits, such as Naiads and Dryads.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Corrupt Waystone": { "Name": "Corrupt Waystone", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: An unbroken waystone.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: No conditions necessary.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails. </p><p>You alter the properties of a waystone, corrupting it to produce the effects described in @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.yLUOK05g65WDiAU1#corruption-of-leylines-and-waystones]{Corruption of Leylines and Waystones}. </p><p>If the waystone is part of a planned leyline, not only does this affect the stone in question, but magic stops flowing through the leyline. Magic coalesces and stagnates around the closest ‘upstream’ waystone that isn’t also corrupted. The next stone in line becomes a new gathering stone, and then magic is passed on from this point.</p><p>This is quickly noticed by the High Elf Mages of Saphery, who will make it a priority to locate the source of the disruption and hunt down those responsible.</p>" }, "Nemophilist": { "Name": "Nemophilist", "Description": "<p>You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboreal} Trait</p>" }, "Beast Unbroken": { "Name": "Beast Unbroken", "Description": "<p>You cause a domestic animal to become wild and ornery. The GM decides whether an animal flees into the wilds or turns against its former owner. The Charm Animal Skill cannot tame the target, only dissuade them from attacking. Riders must pass a <strong>Hard (–20) Ride</strong> Test to avoid being thrown from their mount.</p><p>If you roll +4 SL or more on your Casting Test, you may instead cause a Human to undergo a repugnant transformation. The target can resist with a <strong>Difficult (–10) Willpower</strong> Test. If the target fails, they sprout thick body hair and lose their capacity for speech. The target’s actions are determined by rolling 1d10 every round: @Table[beast-unbroken]</p><p>For both applications of The Beast Unbroken, the target remains under the effects until the curse is dispelled.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "The First Portent of Amul": { "Name": "The First Portent of Amul", "Description": "<p>You gain +1 Fortune point. For every +2 SL, gain +1 more. Any unused points are lost when the spell ends. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Master Pyromancer": { "Name": "Master Pyromancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.wjJ2wq1bzzON74vV.JournalEntryPage.itwBfr0GHErukQ3E]{Pyromancer}</p>" }, "Siphon": { "Name": "Siphon", "Description": "<p>When a living being of Size Small or larger, who is suffering from @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions as a result of one of your spells, dies, you gain 1 Wound up to your maximum Wounds.</p>" }, "Vulnerable to Cold": { "Name": "Vulnerable to Cold", "Description": "<p>You are uncomfortable in the cold. All Tests you make while suffering from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#exposure]{Cold Exposure} are one step more difficult.</p>" }, "Master Spiriter": { "Name": "Master Spiriter", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.hFQtvGpxh0D8Xfcl.JournalEntryPage.i7trRLZo2Pp05UnQ]{Spiriter}</p>" }, "Scentless": { "Name": "Scentless", "Description": "<p>Your natural smell is replaced by the scent of clean, fresh air. Reeking fluids, noxious potions, and other sources of stench gradually lose their aroma on contact with your person. Attempts to track you using scent can be no easier than Hard (–20).</p>" }, "Fault of Form": { "Name": "Fault of Form", "Description": "<p>You alter the composition of a weapon, rendering it less effective. The target weapon must be at least partially made of metal. All beneficial Qualities of the weapon are lost, and the wielder suffers -1 SL to Tests to hit with it. Furthermore, certain weapon Flaws become worse: Dangerous fumbles on an 8, 9, or doubles, Reload time is doubled, Slow provides +2 SL to defenders.</p><p>Magical weapons are not altered by this spell, however their enchantments are temporarily negated if you roll +4 SL.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Suffuse with Ghyran": { "Name": "Suffuse with Ghyran", "Description": "<p>You are suffused with one of the Winds of Magic, which those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} can perceive clinging to your body. Any successful attempts to cast spells from the lore associated with the wind within 8 yards of you gain +1 SL. You can only claim this bonus once, no matter how many sources in your vicinity are suffused with your associated Wind of Magic.</p><p><em><strong>Ghyran</strong></em>: You can use your Channelling (Ghyran) Skill in place of the Lore (Plants, Animals, Herbs) Skill and the Animal Care Skill for all relevant Tests.</p>" }, "Hierophant": { "Name": "Hierophant", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4hwftTG3PqNnmUfK.JournalEntryPage.L1HMS581Scz2IyCJ]{Hierophant}</p>" }, "Create Waystone Property": { "Name": "Create Waystone Property", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: An unbroken waystone.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: The waystone must be an active part of a planned @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.5Y6IrcCljT6TZx3Q]{leyline}.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails.</p><p>You alter the @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.5Y6IrcCljT6TZx3Q#waystone-properties]{properties} of a functioning waystone to create an Amplification, Containment, Dampening, or Refraction effect.</p><p>If the creating the new property disrupts the flow of magic towards the @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.yLUOK05g65WDiAU1]{Great Vortex}, High Elf Mages from Saphery may, in time, investigate the cause of the magical disruption and mete out harsh consequences to those who caused the interference.</p>" }, "The Daemon (Reversed)": { "Name": "The Daemon (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Manipulation, Danger</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Leadership</p>" }, "Shaman Lord": { "Name": "Shaman Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.DND7iNuVrCXgTXki.JournalEntryPage.AzRC4qW92gvO1P8C]{Shaman}</p>" }, "Vigilant’s Apprentice": { "Name": "Vigilant’s Apprentice", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.XqOkYrrp82Ktyszq]{Magister Vigilant}</p>" }, "Jade Casket": { "Name": "Jade Casket", "Description": "<p>You surround a corpse with glowing, green magic to revive it as your servant. The target must have died within the last hour. The creature animates with its maximum Wounds. You can issue simple commands to the target, who otherwise protects you from harm instinctively. The target retains all its non-magical Skills, Traits, and Talents but cannot speak. Though the target is not truly alive and retains no memory of its former life, it is not an Undead creature.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Aqshy’s Aegis": { "Name": "Aqshy’s Aegis", "Description": "<p>You wrap yourself in a fiery cloak of Aqshy, channelling flame into an aegis. You are completely immune to damage from non-magical fire, including the breath attacks of monsters, and ignore any @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions you receive. You receive the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (9)} Creature Trait against magical fire attacks, including warpfire and spells from the Lore of Fire.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Whiff of Aqshy": { "Name": "Whiff of Aqshy", "Description": "<p>You leave behind the smell of burnt toast, and strands of smoke, in your wake.</p>" }, "Shyish Uncovered": { "Name": "Shyish Uncovered", "Description": "<p>You become aware of all deaths that occurred in the spell’s Area of Effect within the past month. Every +1 SL adds another month to this period. You learn the number and species of creatures and when they died, but not their names or manners of death. If you know the name of a person who died in the area, you can ask them one question per additional +2 SL. Questions must be answerable with knocks. For example one knock for ‘yes’ and two knocks for ‘no’, or multiple knocks to answer numeric questions.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Glittering Robe": { "Name": "Glittering Robe", "Description": "<p>Wild flurries of Chamon whirl around you, deflecting blows and intercepting missiles and magical attacks. Gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (9+)} Creature Trait. against all attacks and spells targeting you. Each hit successfully saved increases the Ward’s effectiveness by 1, to a maximum of Ward (3+).</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Red Mist": { "Name": "Red Mist", "Description": "<p>Whenever you receive a @Condition[Surprised] Condition, you must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test. If you fail this Test, you enter a state of @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.hXcfygzujgyMN1uI]{Frenzy} if you are in a combat situation or suffer from @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Q2MCUrG2HppMcvN0]{Animosity (Everyone)} in a non-combat situation.</p>" }, "Sanguine Swords": { "Name": "Sanguine Swords", "Description": "<p>You summon a magical red sword that hovers in front of you. Each additional +2 SL on your Casting Test allows you to summon an extra sword (maximum 6 swords).</p><p>On every subsequent round, you can spend your action to direct the swords against targets within range and line of sight. A target can only be attacked by one sword at a time. The swords possess the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Fly (20)} Creature Trait and strike with Weapon Skill 60 and deal 8 Damage before returning quickly to you. Sanguine Swords can be defended against normally and do not accrue Advantage. The swords can be dispelled but are otherwise indestructible.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Curse of Fate": { "Name": "Curse of Fate", "Description": "<p>Your target suffers –10 on all Tests for the spell’s duration. Only one curse can be placed on a target at a time. You require line of sight to your target.</p><p>A more powerful variant of this spell, called Fate of Doom, can be cast if you achieve +6 SL. Range is increased to 1 mile and your target loses a Fate point permanently. If your target does not have a Fate point, the next Critical Hit received within the spell’s duration is resolved as ‘00’ on the relevant table.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "The Ox Stands": { "Name": "The Ox Stands", "Description": "<p>You shout encouragement to your allies. Immediately remove SL+1 @Condition[Broken] Conditions from allies in the Area of Effect. Allies in the area do not need to make further Fear or Terror Tests for the duration of this spell.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Stoicism": { "Name": "Stoicism", "Description": "<p>Given your wisdom, you have a deeper understanding of the nature of the Realm of Chaos and how emotions can feed its influence. You must resist Psychology Tests when you are able to, even if you feel that to do so is not in your interest. Gain +2 SL to Cool Tests made to resist Psychology.</p>" }, "Meteoric Ironclad": { "Name": "Meteoric Ironclad", "Description": "<p>You encase targets in suits of magic armour, making them temporarily impervious to most attacks. Targets gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (4)} Creature Trait. The magic armour is weightless and can therefore be combined with regular armour.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Comet of Casandora": { "Name": "Comet of Casandora", "Description": "<p>You channel all the Azyr you can muster and reach out to the skies, calling down a comet to wreak havoc amongst your foes. Select a target point within range. At the end of the next round, make an <strong>Average (+20) Perception</strong> Test.</p><p>For every +SL you achieve on the Perception Test, you may move your point of impact by Initiative Bonus yards. For every –SL, the GM moves the point of impact by Initiative Bonus yards in a random direction. Comet of Casandora then acts as a <em>magic missile</em> with Damage +12 that hits all targets in the Area of Effect. Targets also gain 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition and the @Condition[Prone] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Kindleflame": { "Name": "Kindleflame", "Description": "<p>You subtly alter material properties, making targets more flammable. Everything within the Area of Effect that isn’t normally flammable can catch fire, even water and stone. </p><p>Everything within the Area of Effect that’s already flammable takes +SL additional fire damage and receives an extra @Condition[Ablaze] Condition whenever it’s required to take them.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Cerulean Shield": { "Name": "Cerulean Shield", "Description": "<p>You encase yourself in a crackling cage of sparking electricity and Azyr. For the spell’s duration, gain +SL Armour Points to all locations against melee attacks. If attacked by metal weapons — such as daggers, swords, and spears with metal tips — your attacker takes your Willpower Bonus in Damage (this Damage is reduced by TB, but not by Armour). </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Enemy Foreseen": { "Name": "Enemy Foreseen", "Description": "<p>You cannot be @Condition[Surprised]. The GM must alert you of danger Initiative Bonus rounds in advance of encountering an ambush or similar situation. You can use this time to escape or prepare a surprise of your own.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Aura of Tranquility": { "Name": "Aura of Tranquility", "Description": "<p>You emit a strange, but peaceful aura that others find calming. All Intimidate Tests in your presence suffer from –1 SL.</p>" }, "Substance of Shadow": { "Name": "Substance of Shadow", "Description": "<p>You make a target invisible and partially insubstantial. The target must be positioned entirely within a shadow, but this must be caused by an object blocking a visible source of light. Total darkness does not count. </p><p>The target cannot be affected by material attacks, pushed, or touched in any way. Magical attacks are resolved normally. The target can attack or touch material things without penalties. The spell ends if any part of the target leaves the shadow. </p><p>Substance of Shadow can be cast on inanimate objects.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.<p>" }, "Transformation of Kadon": { "Name": "Transformation of Kadon", "Description": "<p>You transform yourself into a monstrous beast. The creature must be Size Large or Enormous. The monster type is determined by the GM. Examples include:</p><ul><li><p><strong>Amber or Elven Wizard</strong>: @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.MLtDY4bwzGQpaABN]{Demigryph}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.LZttdCIxmFr1sGsS]{Dragon}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.RiXpMLex8SZf6gaQ]{Hippogryph}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-empire-ruins.actors.pkOKYojzxGEcaKaC]{Great Eagle}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.8g9rnHLiZ1pJcPPt]{Griffon}</p></li><li><p><strong>Beastman Shaman, Witch, Chaos Sorcerer</strong>: @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.XtVkAVgZRIIgrBXb]{Manticore}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.A4G4bTYxot3ZygZO]{Hydra}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.9q8QzWB4o7aj6ZxL]{Jabberslythe}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.KeB0khEeq462qTJw]{Wyvern}</p></li></ul><p>You retain your original Intelligence and Willpower scores; all other Characteristics are replaced with the monster’s. You cannot cast spells in this form. All your Skills and Talents are replaced with the monster’s Skills and Creature Traits.</p><p>If you achieve +4 or more SL on your Casting Test, you may either:</p><ul><li><p>Choose 1 Optional Creature Trait, or:</p></li><li><p>Cast the transformation on someone else instead, as a Touch spell. Unwilling targets may resist with an <strong>Opposed Willpower</strong> Test.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "A Bite of Midges": { "Name": "A Bite of Midges", "Description": "<p>You call forth a great swirling cloud of midges to plague your foes with painful bites. The flock attacks every warm-blooded creature in the Area of Effect, inflicting a +2 Damage hit at the end of the Round. The swarm remains in play for the duration of the spell. While within the Area of Effect, all warm-blooded creatures must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or gain one @Condition[Blinded] Condition and one @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p>" }, "Vulnerability to Sunlight": { "Name": "Vulnerability to Sunlight", "Description": "<p>When you are exposed to sunshine, Channelling (Ulgu) and Language (Magick) Tests become one step harder.</p>" }, "Mail of Stolen Valour": { "Name": "Mail of Stolen Valour", "Description": "" }, "Fire Resistant": { "Name": "Fire Resistant", "Description": "<p>You double your Toughness Bonus when calculating Damage from fire including @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions and breath attacks.</p>" }, "Alchemist Lord": { "Name": "Alchemist Lord", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.kLTWtoz5d7Yt2zAJ.JournalEntryPage.aYYDra6LCt6daz0s]{Alchemist}</p>" }, "Master Alchemist": { "Name": "Master Alchemist", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.kLTWtoz5d7Yt2zAJ.JournalEntryPage.aYYDra6LCt6daz0s]{Alchemist}</p>" }, "Tinkerer": { "Name": "Tinkerer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.TL27HuBfhnnsHjpt]{Mundane Alchemist}</p>" }, "Materialize the Living Swamp": { "Name": "Materialize the Living Swamp", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.OEHbk3qDTzTA2LUn#fenbeasts]{heartstone} and access to a suitable quantity of organic matter.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.Ze31kfg0jPiRs9Tk]{Heavy, Extreme, or Corrupted Saturation}, an @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, or a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.I2s6w4BMltNtspCs]{Storm of Magic}.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or permanently lose a point of Strength or Toughness (randomly determined).</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails.</p><p>Marsh matter and vegetation coalesce into the form of a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.HKSn8iNSS9WcAuJc]{Fenbeast}. The creature lives for a number of days equal to your Willpower Bonus. If the Fenbeast enters an area of @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.Ze31kfg0jPiRs9Tk]{Extreme Saturation} its lifespan is extended whilst it remains there. The creature follows your orders. You can dismiss the Fenbeast at any time, whereupon it collapses into a pile of rotting sludge.</p>" }, "Create Construct": { "Name": "Create Construct", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: A suitable form for the construct to inhabit.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: No conditions necessary.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test or permanently lose a point of either Strength or Toughness.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails.</p><p>Given the vast differences between various constructs it is impossible to catalogue them all or detail the methods of their creation beyond some general principles. A wizard wishing to create a construct must have raw materials to form the construct’s body. Suitable materials include a metal automaton, a puppet, a pile of organic matter, or an empty suit of armour. Detailed ideas for forms of construct are given on @UUID[JournalEntry.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.OEHbk3qDTzTA2LUn]{Magical Constructs}. A construct has the following profile by default.</p><p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.xMkvNDWMCyLLL6G9]{Construct}</p><p>Wizards may provide their construct with additional Creature Traits, but doing so increases the CN of the ritual. Constructs tend to be lumpen and massive, so Traits that boost their strength and resilience are relatively easy to imbue, whilst Traits that improve their manoeuvrability can be challenging. See @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.vUPuF2ZsWvNKUCWy]{Creature Traits}.</p><table style=\"width: 56.0878%; height: 323px; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto;\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\"><strong>Trait</strong></td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\"><strong>CN</strong></td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.a8MC97PLzl10WocT]{Big}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.15ENOMf345S5AL68]{Brute}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.4mF5Sp3t09kZhBYc]{Champion}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.UsJ2uIOOtHA7JqD5]{Die Hard}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.9MjH4xyVrd3Inzak]{Fast}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+20</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight (20)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+30</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.zImcTgEl2XNnbu5W]{Hardy}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns (SB+3)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.VFV2dmrfuVJ3RJnD]{Rear}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Tiny)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">–20</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Little)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">–15</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Small)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">–10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Average)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">–5</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Enormous)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+60</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.8slW8CJ2oVTxeQ6q]{Size (Monstrous)}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+120</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.UmxGZRV0Lw3TZ0Kx]{Stride}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+20</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.k9539MBTFplxsysT]{Tough}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+10</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.KII1gWnxIZ8HzmU5]{Wallcrawler}</td><td style=\"text-align: center; height: 17px;\">+20</td></tr></tbody></table>" }, "Prismatic Refraction of Habermas": { "Name": "Prismatic Refraction of Habermas", "Description": "<p>You draw the winds of magic to a central locus and convert them into different forms of energy. All Channelling and Casting Tests within AoE (including yours) are penalised by -1 SL. When the spell expires, the gathered winds of magic are expelled from your hands as harmless, coloured light. You may choose 1 colour of magic that instead becomes a handful of aethyric fluid, adding +1 SL to a single Casting Test of the related Lore. Aethyric fluid evaporates after two Rounds if not used.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Verdant Apotheosis": { "Name": "Verdant Apotheosis", "Description": "<p>You summon vast reserves of <em>Ghyran</em> to restore life to recently slain characters by pulling their souls back through the mortal veil.</p><p>Targets who were slain within the last minute reawaken as from a deep sleep and must Test for exposure to @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption} after witnessing the realm of death. The spell cannot heal Critical Wounds or restore lost limbs, and a decapitated corpse is beyond saving.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Reader of the Past": { "Name": "Reader of the Past", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.8mZJEfg4aVL5zhSE]{Scryer}</p>" }, "Wood Shape": { "Name": "Wood Shape", "Description": "<p>You transform yourself or a willing target into a tree. The target can see and hear normally, and can be damaged by axes, fire, and other attacks that would harm a tree. Unwilling targets can attempt an <strong>Average (+20) Willpower</strong> Test to resist the spell.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Knuckles of Ignominy": { "Name": "Knuckles of Ignominy", "Description": "" }, "Purple Pall of Shyish": { "Name": "Purple Pall of Shyish", "Description": "<p>You pull about you a pall fashioned from fine strands of Shyish. Gain +Willpower Bonus Armour Points on all locations, and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait. For every +2 SL you may increase your Fear rating by 1.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Standard Robes": { "Name": "Standard Robes", "Description": "<p>These costumes are more complex and typically include heavy coats or cloaks and distinctive headwear.</p><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.xxTcTs5H1bmevH2B#wizards-robes]{Wizard's Robes}</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>Before adding this Item to an Actor, rename the Active Effect and replace <strong>Lore</strong> with the appropriate value.</p><p><strong>e.g. </strong><em>To create a robes used by a Bright Wizard, the Active Effect should be named <strong>Standard Robes (Fire)</strong></em></p></blockquote>" }, "Decipher Curse": { "Name": "Decipher Curse", "Description": "<p>You perform a magical investigation into whether an item is cursed. Successfully deciphering a cursed item reveals its secrets: the fact that it is cursed, the details of its boons and banes, and how the curse is triggered. Those who create curses do not like having them deciphered. If you decipher the curse, make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Intelligence</strong> Test. Failure means you suffer @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption} due to spiteful secondary wards worked into the cursed item.</p><p><strong>Note</strong>: Whilst the curse is deciphered it is is still in effect. The @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.qVc0GaUwsUvAvUgW]{Remove Curse} Ritual must be performed to remove the curse.</p>" }, "Scythe of Shyish": { "Name": "Scythe of Shyish", "Description": "<p>You conjure a magical scythe, which can be wielded in combat using the Melee (Polearm) Skill. It acts like a Halberd with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus + 3. Enemies with the Undead Creature Trait do not receive Advantage when Engaged in combat with you. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Flamestorm": { "Name": "Flamestorm", "Description": "<p>You summon a pillar of fire that bursts from the ground. The storm is 2 yards in diameter and 2 yards high. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test, you can increase the storm’s diameter by 1 yard and height by 2 yards. Targets standing where the flames appear suffer <em>magic missile</em> hits with Damage +8 and receive 3 @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions. Additionally, they are thrown outside the storm’s area and receive the @Condition[Prone] Condition. Only those immune to the effects of magical fire can enter the Firestorm’s area. The spell lasts until dispelled or until the next sunrise.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Collapse Construct": { "Name": "Collapse Construct", "Description": "<p>You work to unravel the magical energies holding a construct together. If you successfully cast the spell, make an <strong>Opposed Willpower/Toughness</strong> Test against the construct. If you succeed, the construct becomes inert and lifeless.</p>" }, "Elaborate Robes": { "Name": "Elaborate Robes", "Description": "<p>These costumes are heavy and impractical, often incorporating bulky accessories and reams of cloth woven from magically infused thread. Anyone wearing these robes will be instantly recognised as a wizard.</p><p>@UUID[JournalEntry.x6OdswRIafU9qGYs.JournalEntryPage.xxTcTs5H1bmevH2B#wizards-robes]{Wizard's Robes}</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>Before adding this Item to an Actor, rename the Active Effect and replace <strong>Lore</strong> with the appropriate value.</p><p><strong>e.g. </strong><em>To create a robes used by a Bright Wizard, the Active Effect should be named <strong>Elaborate Robes (Fire)</strong></em></p></blockquote>" }, "Claustrophobia": { "Name": "Claustrophobia", "Description": "<p>You must pass an <strong>Easy (+40) Cool</strong> Test to enter any building or artificial construction. If you fail, receive one @Condition[Broken] Condition.</p>" }, "Polish and Glean": { "Name": "Polish and Glean", "Description": "<p>You clean a glass object to a spotless shine. If the object is a lens or window, it might gain a temporary enchantment bonus. With +2 SL, the glass confers +20 on Lore (Astronomy) observations. With +4 SL, it enhances visual Perception Tests made with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent by +20.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Compel Spirits": { "Name": "Compel Spirits", "Description": "<p>You exert authority over creatures with both the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.tNWrJUOArwfWXsPw]{Ethereal} Traits. Choose one of the following effects:</p><ul><li><p>Command all targets who fail an Opposed Willpower Test to do your bidding. You can order the spirits to flee or fight, but only the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.6jcYMUcwGFVaX4CO]{Death’s Release} spell can put them to rest.</p></li><li><p>Summon @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.GgSxlomoV220kd3G]{Ghosts} equal to your SL. These ghosts are pulled through the mortal veil and are not under your command unless you cast the spell again. Spirit summoning is forbidden by the Amethyst College.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Thorsen’s Thunderstorm": { "Name": "Thorsen’s Thunderstorm", "Description": "<p>You summon a tornado that wreaks violent havoc. Targets within the Area of Effect suffer a <em>magic missile</em> hit with Damage +8. The targets are then blown in a random direction, using the rules under @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.pant6LhZCPn1Jicc]{Let the Four Winds Blow!}. This spell uses the @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.JcEoePfWMZkaFnJX#random-vortices]{random vortex rules}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Project Spirit": { "Name": "Project Spirit", "Description": "<p>You detach your spirit from your body, which remains in a deep sleep. Your spirit is invisible and can move normally. In this form, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.vN4DZ4uZDTNpHyr9]{you} can see and hear but cannot cast spells or communicate. You cannot manipulate material objects but you may pass through solid obstacles such as doors and walls. If you do not return to your body before the spell expires, you awaken with a start and must Test against a @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Hunter’s Hide": { "Name": "Hunter’s Hide", "Description": "<p>You cloak yourself in a shimmering mantle of Ghur. You gain +20 Toughness and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.JQa5DLnTs2SEzRrc]{Dark Vision} and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Traits, as well as the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense (Smell)} Talent.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Groundskeeper": { "Name": "Groundskeeper", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.5qc7HEs9akxw0hmR]{Beadle}</p>" }, "Ace of Hammers": { "Name": "Ace of Hammers", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Defiance of Evil</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Melee (Any). Tests made to resist Corruption.</p>" }, "Magister Vigilant": { "Name": "Magister Vigilant", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.XqOkYrrp82Ktyszq]{Magister Vigilant}</p>" }, "Panacea Universalis": { "Name": "Panacea Universalis", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: [[/r 1d10]] rounds</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Moderate</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[6gc]{6 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Temperate Forest</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -10</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -2 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 1 month</p><p>Panacea Universalis is a healing draught of tremendous efficacy. Once the potion takes effect, the drinker recovers three times their Toughness Bonus in Wounds immediately. They also recover from any @Condition[Bleeding] or @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions. Critical Injuries may also be healed — refer to the Panacea Universalis Critical Healing table.</p><table style=\"width: 63.9058%; height: 84px;\" border=\"1\"><tbody><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Critical Injury</strong></td><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Healed on a...</strong></td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\">Minor Broken Bone</td><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Challenging (+0) Endurance</strong> Test</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 16px;\"><td style=\"height: 16px; text-align: center;\">Major Broken Bone</td><td style=\"height: 16px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Difficult (–10) Endurance</strong> Test</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\">Minor Torn Muscle</td><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Easy (+40) Endurance</strong> Test</td></tr><tr style=\"height: 17px;\"><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\">Major Torn Muscle</td><td style=\"height: 17px; text-align: center;\"><strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test</td></tr></tbody></table><p>Multiple Critical Injuries may be healed this way, although Amputations are unfortunately beyond the ability of Panacea Universalis to treat.</p><p>Finally, any diseases are cured on an <strong>Average (+20) Endurance</strong> Test. Roll once per disease if the drinker has more than one.</p>" }, "Barefoot": { "Name": "Barefoot", "Description": "<p>You can’t abide wearing footwear and when you must, all Agility-based Tests suffer from a –2 SL penalty.</p>" }, "I Hear Dead People": { "Name": "I Hear Dead People", "Description": "<p>The voices of the dead follow you everywhere. Most of the time this susurrus is easily ignored but you can choose to focus in on them if you wish by passing a <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test, which may provide helpful insight from the knowledge of the local collective dead. If you Fumble, suffer from @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption}.</p>" }, "Grey Guardian": { "Name": "Grey Guardian", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.7xFrgrOyYX4SVrBL.JournalEntryPage.eZxfheujk03euEN4]{Shadowmancer}</p>" }, "Telepathy": { "Name": "Telepathy", "Description": "<p>Using the spirit-plane, you send a telepathic message to another Amethyst wizard. The Animus Imprisoned spell removes range limitations. Attempts to communicate with other characters are difficult. Characters who receive a telepathic message must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Intuition</strong> Test to understand the message.</p><p>Alternatively, this spell can be used to read the surface thoughts of another Amethyst Wizard. The target can make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Intelligence</strong> Test to notice the attempt, and if detected, can attempt an Opposed Willpower Test to block your intrusion.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Beast Form": { "Name": "Beast Form", "Description": "<p>You infuse your very bones and flesh with <em>Ghur</em>, warping your body into that of a creature. When cast, select a new form from any of the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.3ZynTGhFpgwv6l1n.JournalEntryPage.ahM2hOJnyXcSKrdS]{Beasts of the Reikland} section of the Bestiary. You gain all the creature’s standard Traits except the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} Trait. Furthermore, replace your Movement, Strength, Toughness, Agility, and Dexterity with the creature’s. Recalculate your Wounds. For every +2 SL, you may include 1 of the creature’s Optional Creature Traits.</p><p>While in <em>Beast Form</em>, you look like a normal version of the creature, with amber and brown colouring. You may not speak, cast spells, or attempt to dispel. If you have lost any Wounds when the spell ends, you lose the same number of Wounds when you revert to your true form. You cannot be reduced below 0 Wounds in this way.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Hairy": { "Name": "Hairy", "Description": "<p>You grow thick hair all over your body. When you shave it off, it regrows quickly. You don’t take penalties for Endurance Tests to withstand @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#exposure]{Cold Exposure} if you lack the proper clothing, but you are rather unsightly.</p>" }, "Cold Dead Hand": { "Name": "Cold Dead Hand", "Description": "<p>Your touch is repellent to those not of the Amethyst Order. You suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests where tactile contact is involved.</p>" }, "Aquaphobic": { "Name": "Aquaphobic", "Description": "<p>You must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test to cross any significant body of water or set foot on a boat.</p>" }, "Caress of Laniph": { "Name": "Caress of Laniph", "Description": "<p>As you reach out your hand, it appears withered, even skeletal, drawing <em>Shyish</em> from your target’s corpus. This counts as a <em>magic missile</em> with a Damage of +6 that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armour Points. For every 2 Wounds you inflict with this spell, you may recover 1 Wound up to your maximum Wounds.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Sword of Holding": { "Name": "Sword of Holding", "Description": "" }, "Gilded Cage": { "Name": "Gilded Cage", "Description": "<p>You summon golden bars out of the ground to contain targets within a cage. The bars are half an inch thick and a Character can bend them apart by passing a <strong>Hard (-20) Strength</strong> test or cut them with appropriate tools. Tiny or Little-sized prisoners can squeeze through the 6-inch gaps between bars. Characters outside the cage cannot enter, though weapons and missiles can still pass between the bars. If cast indoors, the cage bursts through walls and ceilings that obstruct its AoE.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Verena": { "Name": "Verena", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Justice, Wisdom</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Charm Tests made to convince a person of the truth. Lore (Any).</p>" }, "Guardian of the Light Order": { "Name": "Guardian of the Light Order", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4hwftTG3PqNnmUfK.JournalEntryPage.L1HMS581Scz2IyCJ]{Hierophant}</p>" }, "Replication of Levorg": { "Name": "Replication of Levorg", "Description": "<p>You conjure any inanimate, non-magical object from thin air. The object’s maximum Encumbrance is 4, however 1 extra Enc can be summoned for every +2 SL. The object functions normally, however a skilled tradesperson can recognise that it is a facsimile. When the spell expires, the object disappears.</p><p>Duration is rolled randomly by the GM, so you cannot predict exactly when the object will disappear.</p><p>Instead of a single object you can summon [[/r 1d10]] Gold coins, plus [[/r 1d10]] coins per +2 SL. This alternative formulation is forbidden by the Gold College.</p><p>The object must be chemically simple, it cannot be used as food, explosives, magical ingredients, alchemical catalysts, and so on.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Captivating Flame": { "Name": "Captivating Flame", "Description": "<p>You cause flames to dance and mesmerise observers. Target a fire source no larger than a torch. One random character who’s looking in the direction of the fire must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or receive 3 @Condition[Stunned] Conditions. Mesmerised characters are oblivious to everything else until they remove all @Condition[Stunned] Conditions gained from this spell. Attacking a Stunned target instantly removes all @Condition[Stunned] Conditions gained from this spell.</p><p>With +2 SL on your Casting Test you may enchant a larger fire, such as a brazier or campfire, which affects 2 random observers. With +4 SL you may enchant a massive fire, such as a pyre or burning building, which affects all observers.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Dying Words": { "Name": "Dying Words", "Description": "<p>Touching the body of a recently departed soul (one that passed away within the last day), you call its soul back briefly. For the spell’s duration, you can communicate with the dead soul, though it cannot take any action other than talking. It is not compelled to answer you, but the dead do not lie. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Choleric": { "Name": "Choleric", "Description": "<p>You incite a target to dislike another individual. The target becomes subject to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.klCJX0mNpXYH5AIx]{Prejudice} against someone of your choice for Willpower Bonus hours. You must name or point to the intended subject of the target’s ire. If the two are friends, the target may resist the spell with an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test.</p><ul><li><p>If you achieve +4 SL on your Casting Test, the target is overcome with wrath and subject to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Q2MCUrG2HppMcvN0]{Animosity} for Willpower Bonus days.</p></li><li><p>If you achieve +8 SL on your Casting Test, the target is consumed by burning vengeance, and subject to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.5hH73j2NgPdsLCZN]{Hatred} for Willpower Bonus weeks.</p></li></ul><p>Until this curse expires or is dispelled, the target follows the normal rules for resisting the effects of Prejudice, Animosity, and Hatred.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Grim Determination": { "Name": "Grim Determination", "Description": "<p>Despite your unhealthy appearance, Shyish fuels your determination to see it to the inevitable end. @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions do not give penalties to Language (Magick) and Channelling Tests.</p>" }, "Pyromancer": { "Name": "Pyromancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.wjJ2wq1bzzON74vV.JournalEntryPage.itwBfr0GHErukQ3E]{Pyromancer}</p>" }, "Kindred of the Hearth": { "Name": "Kindred of the Hearth", "Description": "<p>You summon a minor elemental to defend your camp. You must put your hands into a bonfire, taking 6 Damage minus your Toughness Bonus, to draw forth a small humanoid flame creature with coal-black eyes.</p><p>The elemental has Movement 3, Weapon Skill equal to your Willpower, attacks at Damage +6, and has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait. The elemental cannot stray more than 12 yards from the fire, and you must verbally direct it. Whenever you cast another spell or talk to someone else, it simply stands still. The elemental can only move, attack, and it does not accrue Advantage. If the elemental inflicts Damage on an opponent they also suffer an @Condition[Ablaze] Condition. It cannot be harmed by any means other than being doused with a pint or more of water, which destroys it.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Fellowship Sunderer": { "Name": "Fellowship Sunderer", "Description": "" }, "Forge's Glow": { "Name": "Forge's Glow", "Description": "<p>You glow with the faint radiance of hot metal. This gives off no heat but you suffer –1 SL to sight-based Stealth Tests.</p>" }, "Crown of Flame": { "Name": "Crown of Flame", "Description": "<p>You channel Aqshy into a majestic crown of inspiring fire about your brow. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Trait and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.vCgEAetBMngR53aT]{War Leader} Talent while the spell is active. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test, you may increase your Fear value by 1 or take the War Leader Talent again. Furthermore, gain a +10 bonus on all Channelling and Casting Tests using Aqshy while the spell is in effect.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Orb of Hysh": { "Name": "Orb of Hysh", "Description": "<p>You compress light into solid matter around one object of any size, allowing telekinetic manipulation. You can move, rotate, or lift a maximum weight of Willpower Bonus + SL Encumbrance at a speed equal to your Willpower Bonus. @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.YBVrpUHEjohB1H4f.JournalEntryPage.BU7yhLmMdEyvbfkR#malignant-influences]{Malignant Influences} are safely contained within the orb and Corruption Tests resulting from exposure to the object are reduced by one level.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Wilful Shadow": { "Name": "Wilful Shadow", "Description": "<p>Your shadow does not behave itself, often moving of its own accord. The shifting wrongness of your shadow puts folk ill at ease. Suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests and gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.0hn6UaKq8CoZP2zD]{Menacing} Talent.</p>" }, "Perfect Comprehension": { "Name": "Perfect Comprehension", "Description": "<p>You can understand any language clearly, regardless of whether it’s being spoken, written, or communicated in another way. You can also understand coded or garbled communications. The GM can make exceptions for ancient, obscure languages such as those of the Slann or Old Ones. Dark Tongue is also impossible to understand using the spell. You cannot communicate in unknown languages, only understand them.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Doppelganger": { "Name": "Doppelganger", "Description": "<p>You weave a cloak of <em>Ulgu</em>, assuming the likeness of another humanoid creature with whom you are familiar (as determined by the GM). Your appearance fools anyone without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent, though some may note if your mannerisms are incorrect. Those with @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} must pass a <strong>Difficult (–10) Intuition</strong> Test to notice the disguise.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Pyromania": { "Name": "Pyromania", "Description": "<p>You become agitated when unable to spend some time gazing at a blaze. For each day you fail to observe a crackling fire for at least an hour, the default difficulty of Willpower- and Intelligence-based Tests becomes one step harder, to a maximum of Very Hard (–30). When you can see a fire once again, default difficulty returns to normal.</p>" }, "The Fortress (Reversed)": { "Name": "The Fortress (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Fortitude, Safety</p><p><strong>Related Tests:</strong> Athletics, Climb.</p>" }, "Feed the Fire": { "Name": "Feed the Fire", "Description": "<p>When you are within 4 yards of an @Condition[Ablaze] Condition stack (including your own), it deals +1 Damage.</p>" }, "Wizardling": { "Name": "Wizardling", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.Xsikkjo2hxid0eWR]{Spell Familiar}</p>" }, "Shadowmancer": { "Name": "Shadowmancer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.7xFrgrOyYX4SVrBL.JournalEntryPage.eZxfheujk03euEN4]{Shadowmancer}</p>" }, "Fiery Hair": { "Name": "Fiery Hair", "Description": "<p>Your hair and eyebrows turn a bright, fiery red, and naturally finds itself in the tangled shape of flame. Your hair ignites as you cast spells or if your temper flares. This fire is as hot and bright as any, but you are unaffected.</p>" }, "Mutable Visage": { "Name": "Mutable Visage", "Description": "<p>You alter the appearance of a target. Unwilling targets can resist the spell with an Opposed Willpower Test. Choose one of the following effects:</p><ul><li><p>Increase or reduce attractiveness, adjusting Fellowship by +/-10.</p></li><li><p>The target appears to be dead, even upon close inspection. Senses continue functioning but the target cannot speak or move.</p></li><li><p>The target becomes unrecognisable to people who know them. Willpower tests can be rolled by characters with whom the target wants to re-establish acquaintance.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p>" }, "Withering Heat": { "Name": "Withering Heat", "Description": "<p>You curse your enemies with a desiccating fever. Enemy targets within the Area of Effect receive a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition every round they attempt to run, charge, or flee. Stripping off armour and clothing removes one @Condition[Fatigued] Condition gained in this way. </p><p>Targets who are touched by any fire (even a candle) automatically receive an @Condition[Ablaze] Condition, and suffer extra Damage equal to +SL on your Casting Test from all sources of fire.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Mark of Chamon": { "Name": "Mark of Chamon", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Chamon</em> appears somewhere on your body. Gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.2cv6hhZ57iV6z5Il]{Suffuse with Chamon} Talent.</p>" }, "Amber Trance": { "Name": "Amber Trance", "Description": "<p>You transform your target into a statue made of transparent amber. The target can attempt a <strong>Hard (–20) Cool</strong> Test to resist. An amber statue cannot be moved or harmed, not even by diseases or poisons, but it can heal both naturally and magically. The spell ends if the statue is attacked, although the first blow does not inflict damage. Targets retain no memories from their trance.</p><p>A willing target can enter an extended hibernation period that lasts over a full 3-month season, until the equinox or solstice. If you cast the trance upon yourself, the spell cannot end prematurely unless someone dispels it or attacks you.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.<p>" }, "Fantastic Foresight": { "Name": "Fantastic Foresight", "Description": "<p>Your body shimmers as it becomes a link between allied wizards and the celestial spheres. Friendly wizards within the Area of Effect (not including yourself ) may reroll their first failure on all Channelling, Casting, and Dispel Tests. A reverse formulation of this spell is called Solmann’s Discombobulation. Instead of aiding allies, you distract enemy wizards with false prophecies. They roll all Channelling, Casting, and Dispel Tests twice, taking the worst result.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Spell Syphon": { "Name": "Spell Syphon", "Description": "<p>Whenever an enemy successfully casts a spell or uses a magic item to cast a spell, the Blue Scribes can make an Opposed Willpower Test with the caster. If they prevail, roll 1d10 and consult the @Table[spell-syphon]{Spell Syphon Table}</p><p>When the Blue Scribes succeed in a Spell Syphon contest of wills (a roll of 3–10) on the table above, the spellcaster must roll an additional <strong>Very Hard (–30) Cool</strong> Test. If they fail, they gain the @Condition[Unconscious] Condition for [[/r 1d10]] hours and acquire 2 Corruption points.</p>" }, "Succour Magical Servant": { "Name": "Succour Magical Servant", "Description": "<p>You impart magical power to your Familiar or Construct. The magical creature immediately recovers Wounds equal to its Toughness Bonus.</p><p>If you cast this spell with +3 or more SL, the Familiar or Construct may recover double its Toughness Bonus in Wounds.</p>" }, "Starshine": { "Name": "Starshine", "Description": "<p>You draw light from the stars to illuminate the area around you with a soft glow. Invisible targets within the Area of Effect are revealed and darkness (normal and magical) is banished. The spell also reveals concealed creatures and doors. The starlit area moves with you for the duration.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Follow Scent": { "Name": "Follow Scent", "Description": "<p>Your sense of smell becomes heightened and attuned to the natural environment. Gain +20 on Track and Perception Tests that rely on smell, including @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Tests to smell magic. You can smell Corruption and mutation in plants, animals, and animal dung.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Whenever you successfully cast a spell from the Lore of Beasts, you may also gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)} Creature Trait for the next [[/r 1d10]] Rounds.</p><p></p>" }, "Fool’s Gold": { "Name": "Fool’s Gold", "Description": "<p>You weave <em>Chamon</em> into a non-magical object made of metal, fundamentally altering its nature. For the duration of the spell, all metal in the object becomes gold. This is not an illusion: it has transformed into gold. When the spell ends, the item reverts to its original metal. This spell can ruin good weapons, make armour too heavy to wear, and turn lead coins into something more appealing.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Verena (Reversed)": { "Name": "Verena (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Justice, Wisdom</p><p><strong>Related Tests:</strong> Pick Lock, Sleight of Hand, Channelling (Ulgu).</p>" }, "Daemonbane": { "Name": "Daemonbane", "Description": "<p>You summon a blast of Hysh that passes through the border between the Realm of Chaos and the material world. The Casting Test is Opposed by the target’s Willpower. If you win, you obliterate a target with the Daemonic Creature Trait with a blinding white light, sending it back whence it came. If the spell successfully banishes a Daemon, everyone looking at your target, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent, receives +SL @Condition[Blinded] Conditions. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Voice of the Dead": { "Name": "Voice of the Dead", "Description": "<p>Your voice changes to that of an unsettling, hoarse whisper. It becomes a struggle to talk at a clearly audible volume, and impossible to shout. Suffer -1 SL to Casting Tests.</p>" }, "Flaming Hearts": { "Name": "Flaming Hearts", "Description": "<p>Your voice takes on a rich resonance, echoing with Aqshy’s fiery passion. Affected allies lose all Broken and @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions, and gain the Drilled, Fearless, and Stout-hearted Talents. If a target already has one of these Talents, they gain a temporary extra level.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy. <p>" }, "Boar's Musk": { "Name": "Boar's Musk", "Description": "" }, "Skin of Bone and Bark": { "Name": "Skin of Bone and Bark", "Description": "<p>Created by the Weissenberg Four, this is a new form of Colour Magic, with two magisters able to combine their power to cast a single spell. While not technically illegal, several interested parties, including the Cult of Sigmar, strongly insist that it should be.</p><p>The caster’s skin grows rough and hard. The wearer gains +20 Toughness.</p><blockquote class=\"foundry-note\"><p>The CN for this spell needs to be filled in according to the Wind used. 1 for <em><strong>Ghyran </strong>and 3 for <strong>Ghur.</strong> These are to be contributed by two different wizards in the same round.</em></p></blockquote>" }, "Belligerence of the Bloodmarsh": { "Name": "Belligerence of the Bloodmarsh", "Description": "<p>You imbue a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.actors.HKSn8iNSS9WcAuJc]{Fenbeast} with a sense of urgent purpose and hot temper. If it does not already possess it, the Fenbeast gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.hXcfygzujgyMN1uI]{Frenzy} Trait.</p>" }, "Spiral Stair": { "Name": "Spiral Stair", "Description": "<p>You are lifted directly upwards by a misty spiral staircase, to a height of Willpower yards. The stairs’ height can be increased by additional Willpower yards for every +2 SL to a maximum height of 200 yards. While standing on the staircase you receive 3 Armour Points to all locations, and the stairs’ height is added to the distance missile attacks against you must travel. Other Jade Wizards who know this spell can climb the stairs by making a <strong>Challenging (+0) Lore (Magic) </strong>Test, but to everyone else the stairs are insubstantial.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "The Tower (Reversed)": { "Name": "The Tower (Reversed)", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Hubris, Hidden Threat</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Perception.</p>" }, "Steal Life": { "Name": "Steal Life", "Description": "<p>Thin strands of purple mist connect you briefly to your target, who wastes away before your very eyes. This counts as a magic missile with a Damage of +6 that ignores Armour Points and inflicts 1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition. </p><p>Furthermore, you remove all @Condition[Fatigued] Conditions you currently suffer, and may heal yourself up to half the Wounds the target suffers, rounding up. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Axe of Unrelenting Fury": { "Name": "Axe of Unrelenting Fury", "Description": "" }, "The Second Portent of Amul": { "Name": "The Second Portent of Amul", "Description": "<p>You gain +SL Fortune points. For every +2 SL, gain +1 additional Fortune point. Any unused points are lost when the spell ends. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Master Shaman": { "Name": "Master Shaman", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.DND7iNuVrCXgTXki.JournalEntryPage.AzRC4qW92gvO1P8C]{Shaman}</p>" }, "Banishment": { "Name": "Banishment", "Description": "<p>You open your hands and a cleansing halo of Hysh issues forth, affecting all creatures within the Area of Effect whose Toughness is lower than your Willpower. Targets with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} Creature Traits gain the Unstable Creature Trait. If they already have the Unstable Trait, they are reduced to 0 Wounds.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Trickster’s Apprentice": { "Name": "Trickster’s Apprentice", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.7xFrgrOyYX4SVrBL.JournalEntryPage.eZxfheujk03euEN4]{Shadowmancer}</p>" }, "Hardness": { "Name": "Hardness", "Description": "<p>If you take Damage from metal weapons, the 1 Wound minimum rule does not apply.</p>" }, "Morr": { "Name": "Morr", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Death, Dreams</p><p><strong>Related Tests</strong>: Intuition</p>" }, "Let the Four Winds Blow!": { "Name": "Let the Four Winds Blow!", "Description": "<p>You call upon air spirits to repel multiple simultaneous threats. Designate 4 random @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.JcEoePfWMZkaFnJX#random-vortices]{vortex spells} or groups of enemies within range. You force each of them directly away from you a number of yards equal to your Willpower Bonus. You can increase the distance by Willpower Bonus yards for every +2 SL on your Casting Test. Enemies that strike a solid obstacle or another character suffer 7 Damage (modified by Toughness Bonus and Armour Points as usual) and stop moving. All targets receive the @Condition[Prone] Condition after coming to a halt.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Create Power Stone": { "Name": "Create Power Stone", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: None</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: At least two apprentices must assist with triangulating the desired Wind of Magic for aethyric deposition. If the ritual takes place at a @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.1nNoPmPeDS1nwkQL#leyline-junctions]{Leyline Junction} or @UUID[JournalEntry.BBMts94CJGZ3wRMi.JournalEntryPage.oH74nHwNltwvZfFw]{Arcane Fulcrum}, the CN is halved.</p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: The spellcaster and their apprentices must spend [[/r d10]] hours in preparation before beginning this ritual.</p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: None. </p><p>The ritual for producing Power Stones is taught only to a select few master wizards and wizard lords in each College of Magic. Power Stones are very difficult and time consuming to produce. After performing this ritual, you create one Power Stone of a type corresponding to the Lore of Magic you work with.</p>" }, "High-minded": { "Name": "High-minded", "Description": "<p>In conversation you seem distracted, tend to look upwards and struggle to articulate specifics. You benefit from +5 Intelligence but suffer from –10 Fellowship.</p>" }, "Cipher": { "Name": "Cipher", "Description": "<p>You become less remarkable. A long nose becomes shorter, a scar less visible. Your face becomes less recognisable and more generic. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.5KP9sOoLSGvj9EXp]{Beneath Notice} Talent.</p>" }, "Shadowsteed": { "Name": "Shadowsteed", "Description": "<p>You summon forth a shadowy steed. The creature’s unnatural flesh is black as midnight, and at times it appears to be both solid and insubstantial. Use the rules for a @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.actors.b1R5sW6lYIViJ2ki]{riding horse}. When the Shadowsteed is out of sunlight, it gains the following Creature Traits: @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.JQa5DLnTs2SEzRrc]{Dark Vision}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.tNWrJUOArwfWXsPw]{Ethereal}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear (1)}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.mDgEMOoJpi8DkRYb]{Magical}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Painless}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OzwDT6kzoLYeeR2d]{Stealthy}, @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.UmxGZRV0Lw3TZ0Kx]{Stride}, and @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Bvd2aZ0gQUXHfCTh]{Ward (9)}.</p><p>Even when insubstantial, Shadowsteeds may be ridden. Riders with the <em>Arcane Magic (Shadow)</em> Talent have a bonus of +20 to Ride Tests to ride a Shadowsteed. Those without the Talent suffer a penalty of –20.</p><p>Shadowsteeds are tireless and do not need to rest. As the first rays of dawn break over the horizon the steeds melt into insubstantial mist. If the spell ends while the Shadowsteed has a rider, the rider suddenly falls and suffers @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.bdfiyhEYtKs7irqc#falling]{falling damage}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Sanctify": { "Name": "Sanctify", "Description": "<p>Inscribing a magical circle, you ward it with <em>Shyish</em>, forming an impenetrable barrier to the Undead. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait cannot enter or leave the circle.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Inscription": { "Name": "Inscription", "Description": "<p>You inscribe a metal surface with words or images simply by passing your hand over it. Every dozen words takes a round to inscribe. If you achieve +2 SL, the inscription may be encoded as a Secret Rune. Another Gold Wizard can reveal a Secret Rune by casting this spell on the inscribed surface, otherwise it’s invisible. Gold Wizards communicate covertly by this method.</p><p>In an emergency, this spell can function as a short-ranged acid spray against enemies wearing metal armour. The spray is a <em>magic missile</em> attack with Damage +2. A successful hit also ruins 1 Armour Point on the hit location if the acid isn’t washed off before 10 rounds.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Mystic Mirror": { "Name": "Mystic Mirror", "Description": "<p>You communicate with a distant target through mirrors or reflective surfaces such as calm water. You must know the target’s name or have met them before. Your reflection becomes visible, and your voice can be heard from within the target’s receiving mirror. Likewise, you can see and hear the target through your mirror. The spell fails if there is no reflective surface within the target’s line of sight — meetings are often prearranged.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Master Hierophant": { "Name": "Master Hierophant", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4hwftTG3PqNnmUfK.JournalEntryPage.L1HMS581Scz2IyCJ]{Hierophant}</p><p></p>" }, "Bow of Bloody Empathy": { "Name": "Bow of Bloody Empathy", "Description": "" }, "Mechanical": { "Name": "Mechanical", "Description": "<p>With your stiff gait and robotic movements, animals see you as an object rather than a creature, and are very uneasy when you approach them. Charm Animal Tests suffer from –2 SL.</p>" }, "Autoluminescent": { "Name": "Autoluminescent", "Description": "<p>You give off a constant glow, making it nearly impossible to conceal your movements. You give off soft light allowing you to see 2 yards in darkness. Further manifestations increase this by 2 yards. This cannot be turned off but becomes much dimmer when sleeping. This does not counteract the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.XOZ2be8puKPwn6t4]{Vulnerability to Darkness} manifestation.</p>" }, "Remove Curse": { "Name": "Remove Curse", "Description": "<p><strong>Ingredients</strong>: The cursed Item.</p><p><strong>Conditions</strong>: The item must be confirmed as a cursed item through a successful @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.dOqRrdaJ8Nbyfiti]{Decipher Curse} spell. </p><p><strong>Sacrifices</strong>: Each Round of Channelling the spellcaster must make an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test or suffer @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption}. </p><p><strong>Consequences</strong>: The ritual fails.</p><p>You may opt to lift the curse, removing all boons and banes from the item. A weapon whose curse has been lifted retains its <em>Magical</em> Quality.</p>" }, "Magma Storm": { "Name": "Magma Storm", "Description": "<p>You ignite the ground and summon a devastating vortex of molten rock. Targets within the Area of Effect receive 2 @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions and suffer a <em>magic missile</em> hit with Damage +12.</p><p>This spell uses the @UUID[JournalEntry.CpVn7Hp5hz7NmpYu.JournalEntryPage.JcEoePfWMZkaFnJX#random-vortices]{Random Vortex}. On any round after the vortex moved 8 yards or less, it produces +1 smaller vortex for every +2 SL (maximum 3). These smaller vortices, each of which is AoE (WPB yards) in size, immediately moves randomly, inflicting +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition and a <em>magic missile</em> hit with Damage +4 and against all targets in their path. Smaller vortices disperse after moving once.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Shining Orbs": { "Name": "Shining Orbs", "Description": "<p>Your eyes burn with agonising pain. Gain 3 @Condition[Blinded] Conditions. Once you regain your sight, your eyes become golden globes. Suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Hands of Karkora": { "Name": "Hands of Karkora", "Description": "<p>Pale hands burst from the ground at your targets’ feet. Targets within the area of effect must make a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test to avoid the hands. Targets caught by the hands are @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.wmA76Q2zJJ9HrkvA#grappling]{Grappled} with a Strength equal to your Willpower.</p><p>Alternatively, instead of inflicting damage on subsequent rounds, the hands pull targets underground where they begin to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocate}. In order to use this option the casting wizard must declare their intent to suffocate their target when casting the spell.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Vital Growth": { "Name": "Vital Growth", "Description": "<p>You imbue a single plant or tree with <em>Ghyran</em> causing sudden growth. The target grows to its maximum natural height. You can double the maximum height for +2 SL and an additional round spent in concentration on casting the spell, triple it for +4 SL and two additional rounds of concentration, or quadruple it for +6 SL and three additional rounds of concentration.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Illuminate the Edifice": { "Name": "Illuminate the Edifice", "Description": "<p>You illuminate the interior of a house with daylight. You can illuminate a tower or large manor with +2 SL or a castle with +4 SL. Every enclosed space is filled with light that seeps out through cracks. Daemons and Undead must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Willpower</strong> Test to enter the building. </p><p>If they pass the Test and enter the building, they suffer Damage that ignores their Toughness Bonus and Armour Points equal to the total SL on your Casting Test.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Lord Vigilant": { "Name": "Lord Vigilant", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.XqOkYrrp82Ktyszq]{Magister Vigilant}</p>" }, "Geyser": { "Name": "Geyser", "Description": "<p>You summon a powerful geyser from the earth. Targets within the Area of Effect suffer a <em>magic missile</em> hit with Damage +4, are knocked Willpower Bonus yards in a direction of your choice, and receive the @Condition[Prone] Condition. You can give any single affected target a @Condition[Stunned] Condition for every additional +2 SL. After the geyser erupts, a pool of fresh springwater remains in its place.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Wild Kin of Zandox": { "Name": "Wild Kin of Zandox", "Description": "<p>You summon two guardian hounds made of purple shadow. The hounds cannot be observed directly, but a character who passes a <strong>Hard (–20) Perception</strong> Test can briefly glimpse the hounds as slavering beasts with needle-sharp fangs. On your round, the hounds can attack enemies within 4 yards. Each hound has Weapon Skill 50 and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon (Bite) +8} Trait. Hounds cannot be attacked themselves and do not accrue Advantage.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Wandering Consciousness": { "Name": "Wandering Consciousness", "Description": "<p>You occasionally lose track of where your mind ends and the cosmos begins. You suffer from –5 Initiative.</p>" }, "Hunter's Instincts": { "Name": "Hunter's Instincts", "Description": "<p>You benefit from a bonus of +1 SL when using Outdoor Survival for hunting and fishing.</p>" }, "Regenerate": { "Name": "Regenerate", "Description": "<p>Your target gains the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.SfUUdOGjdYpr3KSR]{Regenerate} Creature Trait.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Armour of Tin": { "Name": "Armour of Tin", "Description": "<p>You cause metal armour to become soft and flimsy. Metal armour worn by anyone within the AoE is reduced by 2 Armour Points on every hit location.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells inflicting Damage ignore Armor Points from metal armor, and inflict bonus Damage equal to the number of Armor Points of metal armor being worn on any Hit Location struck. So, if your spell hit an Arm location protected by 2 Armor Points of metal armor, it would cause an additional +2 Damage and ignore the Armor Points.<p>" }, "Time Amok": { "Name": "Time Amok", "Description": "<p>You alter the flow of time through the tapestry of fate. All friendly characters receive an extra action (but not an extra move). Bonus actions are conducted in initiative order, skipping enemy or neutral characters. When all bonus actions have been resolved, resume initiative with the next character after you, friend or foe.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "The Third Portent of Amul": { "Name": "The Third Portent of Amul", "Description": "<p>You gain +1 Fate point. If you do not use the Fate point before the spell ends, it is lost.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Quicksilver Tears": { "Name": "Quicksilver Tears", "Description": "<p>Your tears and sweat take on the appearance of mercury. They are practically unchanged but quite unsettling.</p>" }, "Choking Shadows": { "Name": "Choking Shadows", "Description": "<p>You wrap shadowy tendrils of <em>Ulgu</em> around your foes’ necks. Assuming they need to breathe, they suffer 1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition, cannot talk, and are subject to rules for @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocation}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Amaranth": { "Name": "Amaranth", "Description": "<p>Your skin takes on a faint purplish hue as you become more resistant to death and corruption. Critical Hit table rolls against you are modified by –10, and you gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.vMYEkrWj0ip6ZOdv]{Resistance (Poison, Disease, and Chaos)} Talent. If you already know these Talents, add +1 level per +2 SL.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Ghyran Face": { "Name": "Ghyran Face", "Description": "<p>Your skin takes on a greenish hue and your eyes turn emerald. You suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Flaming Sword of Rhuin": { "Name": "Flaming Sword of Rhuin", "Description": "<p>You wreathe a sword (a Hand Weapon) in magical flames. The weapon has Damage SB+6 and the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.sLomXnc8R8518cWN.JournalEntryPage.wdXywmb7FBVipOw8#impact]{Impact} Quality. Anyone struck by the blade gains 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition. If wielders do not possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent, and they fumble an attack with the flaming sword, they gain 1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Shadowstep": { "Name": "Shadowstep", "Description": "<p>You create a shadowy portal of <em>Ulgu</em> through the aethyr. You disappear from your current location and immediately appear up to your Willpower yards away. Any enemies you are engaging on your disappearance or reappearance gain the @Condition[Surprised] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Eyes of Volans": { "Name": "Eyes of Volans", "Description": "<p>Your eyes turn white as you perceive the Winds of Magic more clearly than physical reality. You suffer –2 SL on vision-based Perception Tests unless you’re using the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent to read the winds, in which case you gain a +20 bonus. You can see corruption and recognise mutations in humans and other civilised species, but not in plants or animals. A mutation concealed by clothing might still be overlooked. You can tell how many Corruption points a target has, or whether they possess the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.xsGbDFqK2qh7lsIj]{Corrupted} Creature Trait, simply by looking at them.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Winter's Nadir": { "Name": "Winter's Nadir", "Description": "<p>During the months of Ulriczeit and Vorhexen you must make a <strong>Very Easy (+60) Endurance</strong> Test every morning. If you fail, you suffer from a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition.</p>" }, "Lens on the Sky": { "Name": "Lens on the Sky", "Description": "<p>You summon a crystal disc that hovers beside your head and moves with you. Looking through the disc allows you to clearly see objects and creatures up to 3 miles away. The disc also grants +2 SL to Perception Tests that involve long distances. The lens cancels penalties for clouds and fog but not darkness. Using the lens to observe stars grants +2 SL to your next Navigation Test.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Vaunted Transmogrification of Colchis": { "Name": "Vaunted Transmogrification of Colchis", "Description": "<p>You subtly alter material properties within an area, making all characters and surfaces non-flammable. Fires in the area extinguish instantly and @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions are removed. Portable fire sources like torches can be carried into the area, however nothing that was originally affected by the spell takes fire damage. Characters lose this immunity to fire if they leave the AoE.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Disturbing Eyes": { "Name": "Disturbing Eyes", "Description": "<p>Your eyes become grey and swirl with unnatural darkness. You advance the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.x0WMGwuQzReXcQrs]{Night Vision} Talent or gain it if you do not already have it. Suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Lifebloom": { "Name": "Lifebloom", "Description": "<p>You cause <em>Ghyran</em> to flood an area that is blighted or desolate. As examples of the spell’s power you may target either a dry riverbed, well, field, or a domestic animal. If you successfully cast the spell, the target bursts to life:</p><ul><li><p>A dry river begins to flow once again.</p></li><li><p>A dry or polluted well becomes clean and fresh.</p></li><li><p>A planted field, vineyard, or orchard bursts into life, with all its crops immediately reaching full ripeness.</p></li><li><p>A sick or unproductive animal is cured of all diseases and becomes energetic and eager once more.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Mystifying Miasma": { "Name": "Mystifying Miasma", "Description": "<p>You conjure forth a swirling mass of mist shot through with roiling shadow that confounds the senses. Anyone within the mist without the <em>Arcane Magic (Shadows)</em> Talent is affected by the miasma, gaining 1 @Condition[Blinded], @Condition[Deafened], and @Condition[Fatigued] Condition, which remain for the spell’s duration. Affected creatures that attempt to move must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test or gain the @Condition[Prone] Condition.</p><p>If the spell is dispelled, anyone affected by the miasma must make an <strong>Easy (+40) Initiative</strong> Test or gain a @Condition[Stunned] Condition.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Crevasse": { "Name": "Crevasse", "Description": "<p>You open a rumbling crevasse in the ground. The crevasse is 3 yards wide, long, and deep. You can increase the length and depth by +1 yard for every +2 SL to a maximum depth of 10 yards. Targets standing on or adjacent to the crevasse must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Dodge</strong> Test to avoid falling in. Marginal Failures allow targets to grab on to the edge. Horses and vehicles fall automatically. Affected structures might partially collapse. When the spell ends, the crevasse closes and victims inside are crushed for 20 Damage, burying them alive. Buried victims are subject to @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#drowning-and-suffocation]{Suffocation}.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Morrslieb": { "Name": "Morrslieb", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Misfortune, Chaos</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Perception</p>" }, "Taste of Fire": { "Name": "Taste of Fire", "Description": "<p>You elevate food or liquid to a more thermogenic state. Choose one of the following effects:</p><ul><li><p>A pot of food becomes extremely spicy. Eating it requires an <strong>Easy (+40) Endurance</strong> Test to avoid digestive after-effects.</p></li><li><p>A quart-jug of any liquid transforms into strong alcoholic spirits. A hint of the original liquid’s flavour is retained.</p></li><li><p>A pint-flask of any liquid transforms into highly flammable oil, usable in lanterns.</p></li></ul><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Fate’s Fickle Fingers": { "Name": "Fate’s Fickle Fingers", "Description": "<p>All allies within the Area of Effect, excluding those with the <em>Arcane Magic (Heavens)</em> Talent, create a single pool of Fortune points. All may draw on the pool; first come, first served. When the spell ends, you reallocate any remaining Fortune points as fairly as possible.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "Vulnerability to Fire": { "Name": "Vulnerability to Fire", "Description": "<p>When you suffer Damage from @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions, you take +1 Damage.</p>" }, "Earthblood": { "Name": "Earthblood", "Description": "<p>To cast this spell, you must be in direct contact with the earth — either touching it, or standing barefoot. For the duration of the spell, any living creatures in direct contact with the earth within the AoE heal Wounds equal to your Willpower Bonus at the start of every Round. </p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.<p>" }, "Shroud of Invisibility": { "Name": "Shroud of Invisibility", "Description": "<p>You wrap the target in a shroud of <em>Ulgu</em>. The target becomes invisible and cannot be perceived by mundane senses. The spell will automatically fool anyone without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.OEjUvJKi0xmBwbS2]{Second Sight} Talent. Those with the Talent must pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Perception</strong> Test to notice that someone is nearby, though they will not be able to pin down the precise location.</p><p>Targets are still perceptible to the other senses. The spell ends if the target brings attention to themselves by making loud noises or attacking someone.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Channelpath Potion": { "Name": "Channelpath Potion", "Description": "<p><strong>Onset Time</strong>: None</p><p><strong>Volatility</strong>: Major</p><p><strong>Ingredient Cost</strong> @Pay[20gc]{20 GC}</p><p><strong>Ingredient Locale</strong>: Areas of Heavy or Extreme Environmental Saturation</p><p><strong>Ingredient Difficulty</strong>: -10</p><p><strong>Creation Difficulty</strong>: -2 SL</p><p><strong>Creation Time</strong>: 2 months</p><p>The drinker gains a +2 SL bonus to all Channelling Tests. The effect wears off after [[/r 1d10]] minutes.</p>" }, "Purge": { "Name": "Purge", "Description": "<p>You funnel intense flame to burn away corruption in an area. Anything flammable is set alight, and any creatures in the area take +SL @Condition[Ablaze] Conditions. If the location contains a @UUID[JournalEntry.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.115GzWrmkD4viyy5#corrupting-influences]{Corrupting Influence}, such as <em>Dhar</em>, Warpstone, or a Chaos-tainted object, it smoulders and blackens, beginning to burn away. You can maintain this spell in subsequent rounds by passing a <strong>Challenging (+0) Channelling</strong> Test.</p><p>The precise time needed to eliminate the @UUID[JournalEntry.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.115GzWrmkD4viyy5#corrupting-influences]{Corrupting Influence} is determined by the GM. As a rough guideline, a small quantity (smaller than an acorn) of Warpstone, or a minor Chaos-tainted object may require 10 – Willpower Bonus rounds (minimum of 1 round). A fist-sized chunk of Warpstone or a more potent Chaos-tainted object may require double the amount of time. A powerful Chaos artefact may take hours or longer.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict +1 @Condition[Ablaze] Condition on anyone targeted by spells from the Lore of Fire, unless they also possess the Arcane Magic (Fire) Talent. Every Ablaze condition within Willpower Bonus yards adds +10 to attempts to Channel or Cast with Aqshy.</p><p></p>" }, "Stargazer": { "Name": "Stargazer", "Description": "<p>You become agitated when unable to scry the stars. For each night you fail to observe the night sky for at least an hour, the default difficulty of Willpower- and Intelligence-based Tests becomes one step harder, to a maximum of Very Hard (–30). When you can study the heavens once again, default difficulty returns to normal.</p>" }, "Dwellers Below": { "Name": "Dwellers Below", "Description": "<p>You summon hundreds of tiny, shrivelled earth spirits to carry your enemies away. Small hummocks rise from the ground within the AoE, and in each mound a doorway opens. Hordes of spirits pour forth and grab your targets’ legs. Each target must pass a Strength Test or be pulled underground. Mounted targets may use their mount’s Strength for the purpose of this test if they prefer. The spirits do not inflict damage and cannot be harmed.</p><p>Targets that are pulled underground are tormented in a ‘space between worlds’ for [[/r 1d10]] hours. When targets eventually crawl out of a mound, they are covered in soil and worms, and must pass a Test for @Corruption[moderate]{Moderate Exposure to Corruption}. After the spell ends, the spirits flee back beneath the mounds and into the earth.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Receive a +10 bonus to Casting and Channeling rolls when in a rural or wilderness environment. Living creatures — e.g. those without the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits — targeted by Arcane Spells from the Lore of Life have all @Condition[Fatigued] and @Condition[Bleeding] Conditions removed after any other effects have been applied as life magic floods through them. Creatures with the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Trait, on the other hand, suffer additional Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, ignoring Toughness Bonus and Armor Points, if affected by any spell cast with the Lore of Life.</p><p></p>" }, "Prism of Power": { "Name": "Prism of Power", "Description": "<p>@UUID[JournalEntry.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.ew9yY1K70U0wVCjS#prism-of-power]{Prism of Power}</p>" }, "Limbwither": { "Name": "Limbwither", "Description": "<p>You deaden one of your target’s limbs. The limb becomes completely useless for Willpower Bonus minutes and is treated as an @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.WCivInLZrqEtZzF4#amputated-parts]{amputated arm or leg}.</p><p><em>Limbwither</em> can instead be cast as a ward on a gravesite. The first person to despoil the grave within the next year is afflicted with a ‘tomb-robber’s curse’. Roll a random limb for deadening. This curse lasts for Willpower Bonus days.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.</p><p></p>" }, "Mark of Aqshy": { "Name": "Mark of Aqshy", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Aqshy</em> appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.0Xdm4r7l2EwC4fcg]{Suffuse with Aqshy} Talent.</p>" }, "Azure Blades": { "Name": "Azure Blades", "Description": "<p>You are surrounded by a sphere of whirling, razor-sharp blades. Melee opponents suffer 3 hits of 8 Damage on random hit locations, rolled every round on your opponent’s turn. These hits cannot be dodged or parried. Very Long or Massive weapons can outreach the blades. Long weapons attack simultaneously with the blades. Any opponent wielding a shorter weapon must absorb the hits before attacking.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.<p>" }, "Erect the Edifice": { "Name": "Erect the Edifice", "Description": "<p>You raise the ground into a crude wall of packed earth and stone. Exact material composition depends on the area’s terrain. The wall is 5 yards long, 1 yard high, and 6 inches thick. The wall is @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.journals.NS3YGlJQxwTggjRX.JournalEntryPage.wmA76Q2zJJ9HrkvA#combat-difficulty]{Hard Cover}. For every +2 SL, you may spend an extra round adding +5 yards of length or +1 yard of height. Each additional yard of height adds 6 inches of thickness. One aperture (door or window) can be left open in every 2-yard section of wall. Creating a bend or curve in a wall requires +2 SL.</p><p>Multiple castings of this spell can construct a building shell. However, the building will collapse within Willpower Bonus + SL days unless you have either the Lore (Engineering) or Trade (Stoneworker) Skills, or an advisor with one of those Skills who is able to give advice as you cast the spell. This spell cannot excavate basements or create floors and roofs. Carpentry work is required to finish a magically constructed building.</p><p>If using the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-up-in-arms.journals.l0NZFxzG4t0GoIFu]{Artillery and Structures} rules from <strong>Up In Arms</strong> the wall counts as a section of Earthwork.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Grave Stench": { "Name": "Grave Stench", "Description": "<p>You stink of the grave and attract scavengers such as carrion birds. If you are nearby, Impressive Failures or Fumbles by the party in the wilderness might attract larger, more aggressive types of scavengers. You suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests with those who can smell you.</p>" }, "Dazzling Brightness": { "Name": "Dazzling Brightness", "Description": "<p>You create a burst of purest light. Everyone in the affected area receives 1 @Condition[Blinded] Condition unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. Daemons receive 1 @Condition[Stunned] Condition.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.<p>" }, "Cataracts": { "Name": "Cataracts", "Description": "<p>White film covers your eyes. Though you can still see, your stare is unnerving. You suffer –1 SL to all Fellowship-based Tests.</p>" }, "Mark of Azyr": { "Name": "Mark of Azyr", "Description": "<p>The rune of <em>Azyr</em> appears somewhere on your body. You gain the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.items.CkMYRYCLrkMnyVm5]{Suffuse with Azyr} Talent.</p>" }, "Shimmering Cloak": { "Name": "Shimmering Cloak", "Description": "<p>You surround yourself with a protective magical field. Melee and missile attacks against you lose their Damage rating and inflict only SL Wounds. You completely negate all other types of damage (such as that caused by fire, falling, and so on). Magical attacks are unaffected by <em>Shimmering Cloak</em>. You cannot hide while this spell is in effect.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Taste of Death": { "Name": "Taste of Death", "Description": "<p>You make living enemies acutely aware of their own mortality. Your primary target must test for @Corruption[minor]{Minor Exposure to Corruption}, and then pass a <strong>Challenging (+0) Cool</strong> Test or receive an @Condition[Unconscious] Condition. Enemies standing within your Initiative Bonus yards of the primary target must pass an <strong>Average (+20) Cool</strong> Test or receive a @Condition[Stunned] Condition. </p><p>Everyone who fails their Cool Test must also pass a <strong>Easy (+40) Cool</strong> Test or receive a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition and Psychology (Despair). For the next week, victims of Despair receive a @Condition[Fatigued] Condition every morning upon awakening.</p><p>\n\n <b>Lore:</b> Targets afflicted by spells from the Lore of Death are drained of life, enervated, and listless. You may assign +1 @Condition[Fatigued] Condition to any living target affected by a spell from this lore. A target may only ever have a single Fatigued Condition gained in this manner at any one time.<p>" }, "Scryer": { "Name": "Scryer", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.4spGTAnh7qc2JDqY.JournalEntryPage.8mZJEfg4aVL5zhSE]{Scryer}</p><p></p>" }, "Combat Familiar": { "Name": "Combat Familiar", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.PFnvyXX7in5YvVbk.JournalEntryPage.q6buibTm8J7mvxAS]{Combat Familiar}</p>" }, "Speed of Thought": { "Name": "Speed of Thought", "Description": "<p>A lattice of <em>Hysh</em> overlays your mind, allowing you to think rapidly. Gain +20 to Intelligence and Initiative.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> You may inflict one @Condition[Blinded] Condition on those targeted by Lore of Light spells, unless they possess the Arcane Magic (Light) Talent. If a target has the @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.v3uzEthcq0JRar0J]{Daemonic} or @UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.PFTD9gDvRWW9uh5g]{Undead} Creature Traits, spells also inflict an additional hit with Damage equal to your Intelligence Bonus that ignores Toughness Bonus and Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Apprentice Spiriter": { "Name": "Apprentice Spiriter", "Description": "<p>@UUID[Compendium.wfrp4e-wom.journals.hFQtvGpxh0D8Xfcl.JournalEntryPage.i7trRLZo2Pp05UnQ]{Spiriter}</p>" }, "Black Horrors": { "Name": "Black Horrors", "Description": "<p>You summon a ghostly shade to haunt an area of shadow. Shades cause @Fear[1]{Fear (1)} but do not attack. For every +2 SL on your Casting Test you can increase the Fear rating by 1 to a maximum of Fear (4). Once cast, the affected shadow becomes magical and remains shadowed even if illuminated.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> All spells cast from the Lore of Shadows inflicting Damage ignore all non-magical Armor Points.</p><p></p>" }, "Flail of Unsolicited Attention": { "Name": "Flail of Unsolicited Attention", "Description": "" }, "Storm of Shemtek": { "Name": "Storm of Shemtek", "Description": "<p>Your body becomes a lightning rod of arcane power. Eldritch light pours from your eyes and mouth as your body stiffens in a cruciform pose. Lightning bolts equal to 2 × your Initiative Bonus streak from cracks in your body. Each lightning bolt is a <em>magic missile</em> with Damage +6 you can direct at separate targets in front of you.</p><p>You immediately receive a @Condition[Stunned] Condition. Anyone without the <em>Arcane Lore (Heavens)</em> Talent who witnesses the spell must Test against a @Fear[1]{Fear (1)} effect. Storm of Shemtek does not require open sky, because it originates from the Aethyr.</p><p>A safer (but less destructive) variant of this spell calls down Initiative Bonus lightning bolts within a target area of 2 × your Willpower Bonus yards. You are not @Condition[Stunned] and the spell does not cause fear.</p><p><strong>Lore:</strong> Spells causing Damage ignore Armour Points from metal armour, and will arc to all other targets within 2 yards, except those with the Arcane Magic (Heavens) Talent, inflicting hits with a Damage equal to your Willpower Bonus, handled like a magical missile.</p><p></p>" }, "The Fortress": { "Name": "The Fortress", "Description": "<p><strong>Common Meanings: </strong>Fortitude, Safety</p><p><strong>Related Tests: </strong>Melee (Basic) Tests made to oppose attacks.</p>" }, "Feeling A Bit Stiff": { "Name": "Feeling A Bit Stiff", "Description": "<p><em>Chamon</em> accretes on your joints, making movement difficult. Suffer a penalty of -5 to Ag and -1 to Movement.</p>" } } }