let etiquette = (await fromUuid("Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Item.sYbgpSnRqSZWgwFP")).toObject(); etiquette.name += ` (Followers of Tzeentch)`; let animosity = (await fromUuid("Compendium.wfrp4e-core.items.Item.0VpT5yubw4UL7j6f")).toObject(); animosity.system.specification.value = "Followers of Nurgle"; let roll = await new Roll("ceil(1d10 / 3)").roll(); roll.toMessage(this.script.getChatData()); let mutations = []; let msg = `<p><strong>Mutations Gained</strong></p>` for(let i = 0; i < roll.total; i++) { let item; let uuid; let result; if (i % 2 == 0) { result = await game.wfrp4e.tables.rollTable("mutatemental", {hideDSN: true}, "Tzeentch") } else { result = await game.wfrp4e.tables.rollTable("mutatephys", {hideDSN: true}, "Tzeentch") } uuid = `Compendium.${result.object.documentCollection}.${result.object.documentId}`; item = await fromUuid(uuid); if (item) { msg += `<p>@UUID[${uuid}]{${item.name}}</p>` mutations.push(item.toObject()); } } this.actor.createEmbeddedDocuments("Item", mutations.concat([etiquette, animosity]), {fromEffect : this.effect.id}) this.script.scriptMessage(msg);