{ "label": "Mutations Supplémentaires", "entries": [ { "id": "Acid Blood", "name": "Sang acide", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.M5QSWOYt2Rbv2yxW]{Corrosive Blood} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Aethyric Leak", "name": "Aethyric Leak", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.qdMbxW09FUoYBzmB]{Witch!} Talent

" }, { "id": "Animalistic Legs", "name": "Jambes Animales", "description": "+1 Movement; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing; difficult (–10) Athletics Test to walk with a normal gait" }, { "id": "Animalistic Psyche", "name": "Esprit Animal", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AGcJl5rHjkyIQBPP]{Bestial} Creature Trait for 1d10 hours if you fail a Test derived from Willpower

" }, { "id": "Beacon of Corruption", "name": "Beacon of Corruption", "description": "

Whenever subject to Psychology, gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xsGbDFqK2qh7lsIj]{Corruption} (Minor) Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Beaked Face", "name": "Beaked Face", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Bear Head", "name": "Tête d'ours", "description": "

+1 Armour Point to the Head; Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +9 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Beast Head", "name": "Tête de bête", "description": "

Roll on the Bestial Heads Table; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Beweaponed Extremities", "name": "Beweaponed Extremities", "description": "Permanently reduce Dexterity to 0. You cannot be disarmed; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Beyond Pain", "name": "Beyond Pain", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.wMwSRDmgiF2IdCJr]{Painless} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Big Ears", "name": "Grandes Oreilles", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Hearing) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Bird's Feet", "name": "Pieds d'Oiseaux", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.rOV2s6PQBBrhpMOv]{Arboreal} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Blank Face", "name": "Blank Face", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Blasphemous Soul", "name": "Blasphemous Soul", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Hatred} (Religion) Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Blasted Mind", "name": "Blasted Mind", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IAWyzDfC286a9MPz]{Immunity to Psychology} Creature Trait for 1d10  Rounds whenever you would take a Broken Condition, afterwards take 1d10 Broken Conditions

" }, { "id": "Boar Head", "name": "Boar Head", "description": "

+1 Armour Point to the Head; @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns (Tusks)} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Breathe Fire", "name": "Breathe Fire", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.uqGxFOEqeurwkAO3]{Breath} 5 Fire Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Bulging Eyes", "name": "Bulging Eyes", "description": "+10 Initiative; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing" }, { "id": "Bull Head", "name": "Bull Head", "description": "

+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Burning Skin", "name": "Burning Skin", "description": "Creatures and objects that physically touch you must pass an Athletics Test or gain 1 Ablaze Condition; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Carapace", "name": "Carapace", "description": "

+1 Armour Point on two random Hit Locations; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Claws", "name": "Claws", "description": "

Hands count as a Creature @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon}of Damage equal to your SB; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Cloud of Flies", "name": "Cloud of Flies", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Corpulent", "name": "Corpulent", "description": "-1 Movement, +5 Strength, +5 Toughness" }, { "id": "Crested Head", "name": "Crested Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.6l3jvIAvrKxt0lA9]{Attractive} Talent when Dealing with Mutants and Beastmen; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Deafening Cry", "name": "Deafening Cry", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Distended Digits", "name": "Distended Digits", "description": "+10 Dexterity; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Dog Head", "name": "Dog Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +5 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Eagle Head", "name": "Eagle Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +4 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Elastic Arms", "name": "Elastic Arms", "description": "You may count any melee weapon as having a Reach up to 2 steps longer" }, { "id": "Emaciated", "name": "Emaciated", "description": "-10 Strength, +5 Agility" }, { "id": "Evil Eye", "name": "Evil Eye", "description": "" }, { "id": "Extra Leg Joints", "name": "Extra Leg Joints", "description": "+5 Agility; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Extra Mouth", "name": "Extra Mouth", "description": "

Roll on the Hit Location table to see where; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Eyestalks", "name": "Eyestalks", "description": "See over/around obstacles; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Fantasist", "name": "Fantasist", "description": "" }, { "id": "Fitful Hatred", "name": "Fitful Hatred", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.aE3pyW20Orvdjzj0]{Hatred} (Target) Creature Trait. Roll on the Fixations Table once per day for the Target

" }, { "id": "Fleshy Tentacle", "name": "Fleshy Tentacle", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4xF7M6ylIiGntekh]{# Tentacles} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Foul Odour", "name": "Foul Odour", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Furred Skin", "name": "Furred Skin", "description": "You no longer suffer the effects of Exposure in cold climates; the effects of Exposure in hot climates are doubled; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Giant Spider Head", "name": "Giant Spider Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venom (Average} Creature Traits, this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Gills", "name": "Gills", "description": "You can breathe underwater; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing" }, { "id": "Glorious Corruption", "name": "Glorious Corruption", "description": "

Gain a Fatigued Condition for every week you go without gaining a Corruption Point, or where you are not responsible for another Character gaining a Corruption Point; lose all Fatigued Conditions if either situation occurs

" }, { "id": "Glowing Skin", "name": "Glowing Skin", "description": "Effective light of a candle; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Goat Head", "name": "Goat Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.BqPZn6q3VHn9HUrW]{Horns} Creature Trait, this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Headless", "name": "Headless", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; Head hits count as misses; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Hopper", "name": "Hopper", "description": "

Your Movement is reduced to 2 and cannot be increase; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.j6v78dnOOdCB6c3d]{Bounce} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Hounds of Despair", "name": "Hounds of Despair", "description": "

Gain the Malaise Symptom for 1d10 hours if you fail a Test Derived from Willpower

" }, { "id": "Hurried Masochism", "name": "Hurried Masochism", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.GbDyBCu8ZjDp6dkj]{Belligerent} Creature Trait; you cannot Flee voluntarilly

" }, { "id": "Inhuman Beauty", "name": "Inhuman Beauty", "description": "+10 Fellowship; you do not scar" }, { "id": "Iron Skin", "name": "Iron Skin", "description": "+2 Armour Points to all locations; -10 Agility" }, { "id": "Lingering Foulness", "name": "Lingering Foulness", "description": "

Gain the Nausea Symptom for 1d10  hours after interacting with filth

" }, { "id": "Lolling Tongue", "name": "Lolling Tongue", "description": "-10 to all Language Tests when speaking; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Long Arms", "name": "Long Arms", "description": "If you and your opponent have weapons of the same Reach, your weapon counts as longer; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Long Legs", "name": "Long Legs", "description": "+2 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Long Neck", "name": "Long Neck", "description": "Half of body hits are head hits; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Mindless Wandering", "name": "Mindless Wandering", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait when alone

" }, { "id": "Monstrous Paranoia", "name": "Monstrous Paranoia", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.IPKRMGry6WotuS1G]{Skittish} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Multiple Arms", "name": "Multiple Arms", "description": "

Gain one Free Attack; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Multiple Legs", "name": "Multiple Legs", "description": "+1 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "One Eye", "name": "One Eye", "description": "-20 Ballistic Skill; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing" }, { "id": "Panicked Urgency", "name": "Panicked Urgency", "description": "" }, { "id": "Patchy Feathers", "name": "Patchy Feathers", "description": "

Roll on the Hit Location table twice to see where

" }, { "id": "Pin Head", "name": "Pin Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Pointed Head", "name": "Pointed Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.9GNpAqgsKzxZKJpp]{Stupid} Creature Trait; you cannot wear a helmet; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Rat Head", "name": "Rat Head", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +4 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infected} Creature Traits; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Ravenous Hunger", "name": "Ravenous Hunger", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.xneBqGOs1QS7kfUr]{Hungry} Creature Trait

" }, { "id": "Rearranged Face", "name": "Rearranged Face", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 1 Creature Trait; Characters trying to determine if you are lying suffer a -20 penalty to Intuition; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Rotting Flesh", "name": "Rotting Flesh", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2, and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.V0c3qBU1CMm8bmsW]{Infected} Creature Traits

" }, { "id": "Shifting Colours", "name": "Shifting Colours", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.MVI0lXcg6vvtooAF]{Distracting} Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Short Legs", "name": "Short Legs", "description": "-1 Movement; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Skull Face", "name": "Skull Face", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Snake Head", "name": "Snake Head", "description": "

+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +3 and @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.gFkRm9wS65qe18Xv]{Venom (Average)} Creature Traits; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Spiked Skin", "name": "Spiked Skin", "description": "

Cannot waer armour; +1 Armour Points on all locations; gain a Free Attack (@Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.AtpAudHA4ybXVlWM]{Weapon} +4 Creature Trait) when Charging; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Suckered Hands and Feet", "name": "Suckered Hands and Feet", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.KII1gWnxIZ8HzmU5]{Wallcrawler} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Terrible Phobia", "name": "Terrible Phobia", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.4CMKeDTDrRQZbPIJ]{Afraid} (Target) Creature Trait, rolling on the Fixations Table to determine the Target

" }, { "id": "Thorny Scales", "name": "Thorny Scales", "description": "+1 Armour Points to all locations; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing" }, { "id": "Three Eyes", "name": "Three Eyes", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Vision) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Three Eyes", "name": "Three Eyes", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense} (Vision) Talent; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Thrill Seeker", "name": "Thrill Seeker", "description": "" }, { "id": "Transparent Skin", "name": "Transparent Skin", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pTorrE0l3VybAbtn]{Fear} 2 Creature Trait; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Two Heads", "name": "Two Heads", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.IFKWu98qmWpaSfUi]{Ambidextrous} Talent; this mutation cannot be hidden

" }, { "id": "Uneven Horns", "name": "Uneven Horns", "description": "+1 Armour Points to the Head; counts as a Creature Weapon of Damage equal to your SB; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Unusual Skin", "name": "Unusual Skin", "description": "Odd colour or texture: orange, striped, spotted, warty, etc.; this mutation cannot be hidden" }, { "id": "Warp Frenzy", "name": "Warp Frenzy", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.yRhhOlt18COq4e1q]{Frenzy} Creature Trait; whilst Frenzied, temporarily gain another random physical mutation

" }, { "id": "Webbed Feet", "name": "Webbed Feet", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.sJ3yX1kvzu2hgNq5]{Amphibious} Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Weeping Pus", "name": "Weeping Pus", "description": "Roll on the table to twice to see where" }, { "id": "Whiskered Snout", "name": "Whiskered Snout", "description": "+10 Track; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing" }, { "id": "Wings", "name": "Wings", "description": "

Gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.EO05HX7jql0g605A]{Flight} 60 Creature Trait; this mutation can only be hidden by clothing

" }, { "id": "Wolf Head", "name": "Wolf Head", "description": "

+1 Armour Point to the Head; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.traits.pLW9SVX0TVTYPiPv]{Bite} +6 Creature Trait; gain the @Compendium[wfrp4e.talents.9h82z72XGo9tfgQS]{Acute Sense (Smell)} Talent; this mutation cannot be hidden

" } ] }