{ "name": "J'ai besoin d'un job!", "die" : "1d100", "hide" : true, "multi": [ "Qui", "Quoi", "Pourquoi" ], "rows": [ { "range": { "Who": [ 1, 1 ], "What": [ 1, 1 ], "Why": [ 1, 1 ] }, "Who": { "description": "‘Celui qui s'est enfui’…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour les présenter à un tiers indistinct…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse poursuivre en secret ses odieuses recherches." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 2, 2 ], "What": [ 2, 2 ], "Why": [ 2, 2 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Une catin débauchée avec un faux accent bretonnien…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour les présenter à un tiers indistinct…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse poursuivre en secret ses odieuses recherches." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 3, 3 ], "What": [ 3, 3 ], "Why": [ 3, 3 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Bailli, assailli de toutes parts, portants les couleurs d'un baron local..." }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages se rendent à la taverne locale 'pour attendre ... vous le saurez quand vous le verrez’…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse améliorer sa condition." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 4, 4 ], "What": [ 4, 4 ], "Why": [ 4, 4 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Shalléen bienveillant…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages se rendent à la taverne locale 'pour attendre ... vous le saurez quand vous le verrez’…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse améliorer sa condition." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 5, 5 ], "What": [ 5, 5 ], "Why": [ 5, 5 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un maître-chanteur Havrebas qui sait quelque chose qu'il ne devrait pas…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages se frayent un chemin à travers des étendues sauvages..." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse se venger d'un rival." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 6, 6 ], "What": [ 6, 6 ], "Why": [ 6, 6 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un médecin aux mains sanglantes derrière un masque de Docteur de la Peste…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages se frayent un chemin à travers des étendues sauvages..." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse se venger d'un rival." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 7, 7 ], "What": [ 7, 7 ], "Why": [ 7, 7 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un soldat de métier blasé…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages le fasse évader de prison… " }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse faire quelques bonnes actions dans ce monde avant de mourir." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 8, 8 ], "What": [ 8, 8 ], "Why": [ 8, 8 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un chasseur de primes Nain avec un compte à régler…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages le fasse évader de prison… " }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu'il puisse faire quelques bonnes actions dans ce monde avant de mourir." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 9, 9 ], "What": [ 9, 9 ], "Why": [ 9, 9 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un répurgateur soucieux…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages lui apportent un objet lié au Chaos, sans poser de questions…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour les distraire assez longtemps, le temps de faire quelque chose de bien pire." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 10, 10 ], "What": [ 10, 10 ], "Why": [ 10, 10 ] }, "Who": { "description": "un Agitateur irrascible, agitant des copies de la Glorieuse Révolution du Peuple…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin que les Personnages lui apportent un objet lié au Chaos, sans poser de questions…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour les distraire assez longtemps, le temps de faire quelque chose de bien pire." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 11, 11 ], "What": [ 11, 11 ], "Why": [ 11, 11 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Charlatan charitable vendant des amulettes de Ranald…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour nettoyer sa cave de, disons, de 'rats', juste de 'rats'…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu’il puisse améliorer son futur; et laisser derrière lui son ancienne vie pour le meilleur." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 12, 12 ], "What": [ 12, 12 ], "Why": [ 12, 12 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un ancien amour, en difficulté…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour nettoyer sa cave de, disons, de 'rats', juste de 'rats'…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour qu’il puisse améliorer son futur; et laisser derrière lui son ancienne vie pour le meilleur." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 13, 13 ], "What": [ 13, 13 ], "Why": [ 13, 13 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Pistolier suffisant à l'accent de Nuln…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour livrer une caisse, un baril et des enveloppes scellées à un endroit secret, sans les perdre quoi qu’il sepasse." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour éviter un séjour dans les oubliettes." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 14, 14 ], "What": [ 14, 14 ], "Why": [ 14, 14 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un citoyen moyen, pas du tout douteux…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour livrer une caisse, un baril et des enveloppes scellées à un endroit secret, sans les perdre quoi qu’il sepasse." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour éviter un séjour dans les oubliettes." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 15, 15 ], "What": [ 15, 15 ], "Why": [ 15, 15 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Noble amateur de raterés…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour livrer un paquet à l ’un de ses contacts." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir endosser une nouvelle identité." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 16, 16 ], "What": [ 16, 16 ], "Why": [ 16, 16 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un apothicaire méprisant portant des charmes de Rbya dans les cbeveux…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour livrer un paquet à l ’un de ses contacts." }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir endosser une nouvelle identité." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 17, 17 ], "What": [ 17, 17 ], "Why": [ 17, 17 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un cocher corrompu disciple d'Handrich…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin de détruire quelques preuves incriminantes…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir accomplir le rêve de sa vie." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 18, 18 ], "What": [ 18, 18 ], "Why": [ 18, 18 ] }, "Who": { "description": "un caïd Ogre…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin de détruire quelques preuves incriminantes…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir accomplir le rêve de sa vie." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 19, 19 ], "What": [ 19, 19 ], "Why": [ 19, 19 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un criminel enchaîné, marqué pour le Royaume de Morr…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour discréditer un rival…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir voir le véritable pandémonium." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 20, 20 ], "What": [ 20, 20 ], "Why": [ 20, 20 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Un Artiste débauché embaumant le Lotus Noir de Cathay…" }, "What": { "description": "…a besoin des Personnages pour discréditer un rival…" }, "Why": { "description": "…pour pouvoir voir le véritable pandémonium." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 21, 21 ], "What": [ 21, 21 ], "Why": [ 21, 21 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A deranged rat catcher and their small but vicious dog…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to exhume a corpse from the Garden of Morr…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can win a bet they cannot afford to lose." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 22, 22 ], "What": [ 22, 22 ], "Why": [ 22, 22 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A distraught High Elf artisan…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to exhume a corpse from the Garden of Morr…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can win a bet they cannot afford to lose." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 23, 23 ], "What": [ 23, 23 ], "Why": [ 23, 23 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A drunken Dwarf Slayer…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to fake their death…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can wile away the boring days of their life." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 24, 24 ], "What": [ 24, 24 ], "Why": [ 24, 24 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Dwarf who you inadvisably made a deal with…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to fake their death…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can wile away the boring days of their life." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 25, 25 ], "What": [ 25, 25 ], "Why": [ 25, 25 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A family member in need…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find an Elven Enclave in a nearby wood…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can uncover an unwelcome truth." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 26, 26 ], "What": [ 26, 26 ], "Why": [ 26, 26 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A fiery Sigmarite warrior priest…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find an Elven Enclave in a nearby wood…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can uncover an unwelcome truth." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 27, 27 ], "What": [ 27, 27 ], "Why": [ 27, 27 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A fishmonger with some decidedly fish-like features…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find an heirloom, stolen by a local noble family generations ago…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can test the Characters’ mettle for a bigger job to come." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 28, 28 ], "What": [ 28, 28 ], "Why": [ 28, 28 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A fishmonger’s jilted lover with a strangely glowing necklace…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find an heirloom, stolen by a local noble family generations ago…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can test the Characters’ mettle for a bigger job to come." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 29, 29 ], "What": [ 29, 29 ], "Why": [ 29, 29 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An Ulrican flagellant with an unsettling smile…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find out what that scratching noise in the walls is…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can take all the credit. " } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 30, 30 ], "What": [ 30, 30 ], "Why": [ 30, 30 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A formidable fence who is playing both sides of the Hook and Fish gang war…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find out what that scratching noise in the walls is…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can take all the credit. " } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 31, 31 ], "What": [ 31, 31 ], "Why": [ 31, 31 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Halfling who’s willing to share some secrets about things they have no right to know…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find out where all the local strays have gone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can survive for just one more night." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 32, 32 ], "What": [ 32, 32 ], "Why": [ 32, 32 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A gormless Wood Elf grave robber…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to find out where all the local strays have gone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can survive for just one more night." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 33, 33 ], "What": [ 33, 33 ], "Why": [ 33, 33 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A greedy miner who stole the wrong thing from the wrong Dwarf…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to gather some scandalous information about the Cult of Manaan…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can sell the Characters out, and profit off everyone involved." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 34, 34 ], "What": [ 34, 34 ], "Why": [ 34, 34 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A gregarious guard on the secret payroll of a Cult of Tzeentch…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to gather some scandalous information about the Cult of Manaan…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can sell the Characters out, and profit off everyone involved." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 35, 35 ], "What": [ 35, 35 ], "Why": [ 35, 35 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A grizzled watchman who sees rat-shaped shadows behind every corner…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to get them admittance into the local university…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seem like a hero without doing all the hard work." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 36, 36 ], "What": [ 36, 36 ], "Why": [ 36, 36 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A haggard peddler who stumbled on a terrible Chaos ritual… " }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to get them admittance into the local university…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seem like a hero without doing all the hard work." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 37, 37 ], "What": [ 37, 37 ], "Why": [ 37, 37 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Halfling who you just can’t say no to…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to humour them, for they (obviously unfoundedly) believe a ghost is haunting their home…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seek forgiveness from someone wronged." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 38, 38 ], "What": [ 38, 38 ], "Why": [ 38, 38 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A hawkish Reiksguard knight…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to humour them, for they (obviously unfoundedly) believe a ghost is haunting their home…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seek forgiveness from someone wronged." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 39, 39 ], "What": [ 39, 39 ], "Why": [ 39, 39 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A huffer who has just had the worst day imaginable…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to hunt down a dangerous criminal…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seek absolution from their patron God." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 40, 40 ], "What": [ 40, 40 ], "Why": [ 40, 40 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A jolly chimney sweep covered in Altdorf blackgold…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to hunt down a dangerous criminal…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can seek absolution from their patron God." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 41, 41 ], "What": [ 41, 41 ], "Why": [ 41, 41 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A letter, addressed to you, from an unknown source…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to hunt down a very peculiar plant or animal specimen…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can save a loved one from the chopping block." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 42, 42 ], "What": [ 42, 42 ], "Why": [ 42, 42 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A local ruler with an unpronounceable name…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to hunt down a very peculiar plant or animal specimen…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can save a loved one from the chopping block." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 43, 43 ], "What": [ 43, 43 ], "Why": [ 43, 43 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A long-lost cousin…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to identify a suspected Cultist of Ranald…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can save a loved one from a terrible burden." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 44, 44 ], "What": [ 44, 44 ], "Why": [ 44, 44 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Verenan magistrate and an unjust warrant for your arrest…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to identify a suspected Cultist of Ranald…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can save a loved one from a terrible burden." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 45, 45 ], "What": [ 45, 45 ], "Why": [ 45, 45 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A magnanimous hunter covered head-to-foot in charms and icons…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to infiltrate a rival organisation…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can return to a peaceful life with the family." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 46, 46 ], "What": [ 46, 46 ], "Why": [ 46, 46 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A marvellous engineer from Altdorf…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to infiltrate a rival organisation…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can return to a peaceful life with the family." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 47, 47 ], "What": [ 47, 47 ], "Why": [ 47, 47 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A money-grubbing merchant from Marienburg…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to interrogate a Doomsayer of Morr to uncover an enemy’s greatest weakness…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can prove right a doom saying zealot in the town square." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 48, 48 ], "What": [ 48, 48 ], "Why": [ 48, 48 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A much-maligned beggar with a dove tattooed on her cheek…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to interrogate a Doomsayer of Morr to uncover an enemy’s greatest weakness…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can prove right a doom saying zealot in the town square." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 49, 49 ], "What": [ 49, 49 ], "Why": [ 49, 49 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Myrmidian nun of ill-repute…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to look into a matter of potential mutation…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can protect their loved ones." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 50, 50 ], "What": [ 50, 50 ], "Why": [ 50, 50 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A once formidable foe…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to look into a matter of potential mutation…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can protect their loved ones." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 51, 51 ], "What": [ 51, 51 ], "Why": [ 51, 51 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A pernicious Halfling pit fighter…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to masquerade as bandits (or worse)… " }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can profit from the chaos." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 52, 52 ], "What": [ 52, 52 ], "Why": [ 52, 52 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A pig-headed Ogre protagonist…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to masquerade as bandits (or worse)… " }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can profit from the chaos." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 53, 53 ], "What": [ 53, 53 ], "Why": [ 53, 53 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A rambunctious Strigany riverwoman…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to perform a very specific series of strange actions on the next night that Morrsleib is full…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can pay off a debt." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 54, 54 ], "What": [ 54, 54 ], "Why": [ 54, 54 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A rapscallion of the highest order…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to perform a very specific series of strange actions on the next night that Morrsleib is full…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can pay off a debt." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 55, 55 ], "What": [ 55, 55 ], "Why": [ 55, 55 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A recent friend…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to plant some evidence in the Temple of Myrmidia…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can make enough money to live in luxury for the rest of their life. " } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 56, 56 ], "What": [ 56, 56 ], "Why": [ 56, 56 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A reckless witch flaunting the authority of the Witch Hunters…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to plant some evidence in the Temple of Myrmidia…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can make enough money to live in luxury for the rest of their life. " } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 57, 57 ], "What": [ 57, 57 ], "Why": [ 57, 57 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A renowned bawd from Tilea…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to play a prank on the Cult of Ulric… " }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can lose a bet they’d rather not win." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 58, 58 ], "What": [ 58, 58 ], "Why": [ 58, 58 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A rising Reiklander military official…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to play a prank on the Cult of Ulric… " }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can lose a bet they’d rather not win." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 59, 59 ], "What": [ 59, 59 ], "Why": [ 59, 59 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A riverwarden not one week from retirement…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to pretend to be a ghost, and scare someone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can lessen the heat currently directed at them by a dangerous third party." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 60, 60 ], "What": [ 60, 60 ], "Why": [ 60, 60 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A salubrious Norscan seaman…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to pretend to be a ghost, and scare someone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can lessen the heat currently directed at them by a dangerous third party." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 61, 61 ], "What": [ 61, 61 ], "Why": [ 61, 61 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A sanctimonious hedge witch…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to quietly investigate a murder…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can keep the Characters busy whilst they enact their final terrible plan!" } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 62, 62 ], "What": [ 62, 62 ], "Why": [ 62, 62 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A scheming lawyer from Salzenmund…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to quietly investigate a murder…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can keep the Characters busy whilst they enact their final terrible plan!" } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 63, 63 ], "What": [ 63, 63 ], "Why": [ 63, 63 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A shadowy voice, half-heard through the walls…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to secure them an invitation to the next society ball…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can impress a loved one." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 64, 64 ], "What": [ 64, 64 ], "Why": [ 64, 64 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A shifty smuggler with a shark’s tooth necklace…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to secure them an invitation to the next society ball…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can impress a loved one." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 65, 65 ], "What": [ 65, 65 ], "Why": [ 65, 65 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A sickly scholar who can’t stop itching…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to silence someone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can fulfill a prophecy given to them as a child." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 66, 66 ], "What": [ 66, 66 ], "Why": [ 66, 66 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A skittish Eonir scout who keeps looking over their shoulder…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to silence someone…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can fulfill a prophecy given to them as a child." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 67, 67 ], "What": [ 67, 67 ], "Why": [ 67, 67 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A sly advisor to an Imperial Herald…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to slip behind enemy lines…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can fulfill a dark pact with a daemonic patron." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 68, 68 ], "What": [ 68, 68 ], "Why": [ 68, 68 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A spy disguised as (roll again on Who)…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to slip behind enemy lines…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can fulfill a dark pact with a daemonic patron." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 69, 69 ], "What": [ 69, 69 ], "Why": [ 69, 69 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A starving urchin with a curious birthmark…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to smuggle them out of town…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can frame the Characters for a greater crime." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 70, 70 ], "What": [ 70, 70 ], "Why": [ 70, 70 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A strict servant of the Von Saponatheims…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to smuggle them out of town…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can frame the Characters for a greater crime." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 71, 71 ], "What": [ 71, 71 ], "Why": [ 71, 71 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A stuffy noble with an unwieldy powdered wig…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sour some of the medicine in the Temple of Shallya…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can frame a rival organisation for a heinous crime." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 72, 72 ], "What": [ 72, 72 ], "Why": [ 72, 72 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A surprisingly legitimate mystic with azure-coloured eyes…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sour some of the medicine in the Temple of Shallya…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can frame a rival organisation for a heinous crime." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 73, 73 ], "What": [ 73, 73 ], "Why": [ 73, 73 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A talkative thief with many secrets to spill…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sow discord between the Cultists of Taal and Rhya…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can flee from the long arm of the law." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 74, 74 ], "What": [ 74, 74 ], "Why": [ 74, 74 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A thorough scamp and wastrel, recently washed out of Middenheim…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sow discord between the Cultists of Taal and Rhya…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can flee from the long arm of the law." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 75, 75 ], "What": [ 75, 75 ], "Why": [ 75, 75 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A waif in need…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sow discord between two neighbourhoods…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally start their glorious revolution." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 76, 76 ], "What": [ 76, 76 ], "Why": [ 76, 76 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A whispering in your head, a compulsion…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to sow discord between two neighbourhoods…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally start their glorious revolution." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 77, 77 ], "What": [ 77, 77 ], "Why": [ 77, 77 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A Ghyran wizard of dubious legality…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to spark up a gang war between local criminals…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally leave town, with no loose ends." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 78, 78 ], "What": [ 78, 78 ], "Why": [ 78, 78 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A wizened road warden…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to spark up a gang war between local criminals…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally leave town, with no loose ends." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 79, 79 ], "What": [ 79, 79 ], "Why": [ 79, 79 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A wounded messenger from the Mootland…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to spy on a suspicious neighbour…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally learn the truth of their hidden past." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 80, 80 ], "What": [ 80, 80 ], "Why": [ 80, 80 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An abrasive boatman with a curious knowledge of Estalian swears…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to spy on a suspicious neighbour…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally learn the truth of their hidden past." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 81, 81 ], "What": [ 81, 81 ], "Why": [ 81, 81 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An aggravated newsheet vendor… " }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a barge and deliver it to a hidden cove…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally get the upper hand on, ‘those scum what done for me all these years’." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 82, 82 ], "What": [ 82, 82 ], "Why": [ 82, 82 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An annoying hanger-on…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a barge and deliver it to a hidden cove…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally get the upper hand on, ‘those scum what done for me all these years’." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 83, 83 ], "What": [ 83, 83 ], "Why": [ 83, 83 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An anonymous benefactor… " }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a book from the Temple of Verena…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can elope with their forbidden lover." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 84, 84 ], "What": [ 84, 84 ], "Why": [ 84, 84 ] }, "Who": { "description": "A High Elf who offers much…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a book from the Temple of Verena…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can elope with their forbidden lover." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 85, 85 ], "What": [ 85, 85 ], "Why": [ 85, 85 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An enigmatic entertainer wearing a half-moon mask…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a reliquary from the Temple of Sigmar…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can discredit a doom saying zealot in the town square." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 86, 86 ], "What": [ 86, 86 ], "Why": [ 86, 86 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An envoy from a Far Cathay…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal a reliquary from the Temple of Sigmar…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can discredit a doom saying zealot in the town square." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 87, 87 ], "What": [ 87, 87 ], "Why": [ 87, 87 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An honest wrecker…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal some records from the Temple of Morr…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can catch the eye of a potential employer." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 88, 88 ], "What": [ 88, 88 ], "Why": [ 88, 88 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An investigator who’s onto something…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal some records from the Temple of Morr…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can catch the eye of a potential employer." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 89, 89 ], "What": [ 89, 89 ], "Why": [ 89, 89 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An obnoxious outlaw with a flare for the dramatic…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal something, no questions asked…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can catch the eye of a desired lover." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 90, 90 ], "What": [ 90, 90 ], "Why": [ 90, 90 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An obscenely wealthy patron with too much time on their hands…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal something, no questions asked…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can catch the eye of a desired lover." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 91, 91 ], "What": [ 91, 91 ], "Why": [ 91, 91 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An Ogre who thinks you owe them something (but can’t remember what)…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal trade secrets from a rival…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can bring some laughter to ‘these old bones of mine’." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 92, 92 ], "What": [ 92, 92 ], "Why": [ 92, 92 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An old acquaintance…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to steal trade secrets from a rival…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can bring some laughter to ‘these old bones of mine’." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 93, 93 ], "What": [ 93, 93 ], "Why": [ 93, 93 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An outrageous racketeer with an even more outrageous Bretonnian accent…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to throw a party for a group of attending dignitaries…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can betray their own, selling them out to the highest bidder." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 94, 94 ], "What": [ 94, 94 ], "Why": [ 94, 94 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An overly cautious herbalist in a gown sown with black roses…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to throw a party for a group of attending dignitaries…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can betray their own, selling them out to the highest bidder." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 95, 95 ], "What": [ 95, 95 ], "Why": [ 95, 95 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An overworked (and underpaid) Ogre stevedore…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover a hidden cabal…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can be free of a terrible burden." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 96, 96 ], "What": [ 96, 96 ], "Why": [ 96, 96 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An underworld contact with whom you have a debt to settle…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover a hidden cabal…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can be free of a terrible burden." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 97, 97 ], "What": [ 97, 97 ], "Why": [ 97, 97 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An unjustifiably satisfied townsman with far too many ruffles…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover an artefact of grave power…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so that they can upset the local market, and profit." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 98, 98 ], "What": [ 98, 98 ], "Why": [ 98, 98 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An unobservant warden and his pet raven…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover an artefact of grave power…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so that they can upset the local market, and profit." } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 99, 99 ], "What": [ 99, 99 ], "Why": [ 99, 99 ] }, "Who": { "description": "An unusually knowledgeable villager…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover the truth about an ancient Grudge…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally have the POWER THAT IS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS, MWAHAHAHA!" } }, { "range": { "Who": [ 100, 100 ], "What": [ 100, 100 ], "Why": [ 100, 100 ] }, "Who": { "description": "Someone you thought long dead…" }, "What": { "description": "…needs the Characters to uncover the truth about an ancient Grudge…" }, "Why": { "description": "…so they can finally have the POWER THAT IS RIGHTFULLY THEIRS, MWAHAHAHA!" } } ] }