{ "name": "Delirium", "die": "1d10", "hide": true, "rows": [{ "name": "Lucid Interval", "description": "You have a period of blissful calm. Any Conditions you have previously gained from your Delirium are removed.", "range": [1, 2] }, { "name": "Fitful Sleep", "description": "You toss and turn, asleep but not resting. Gain 1 Unconscious for the next hour, and 1 Fatigued Condition for the next 1d10 hours.", "range": [3, 5] }, { "name": "Confusion", "description": "Plagued by weird, distorted visions, you gain one Stunned Condition for the next hour", "range": [6, 9] }, { "name": "Hallucinations", "description": "You see strange and terrifying visions, and must make a Test against Terror 3 every 10 minutes for the next hour. You also gain +1 Stunned Condition for the next 1d10 hours", "range": [10, 10] }] }