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Raw Blame History

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"label": "Trappings",
"entries": [
"id": "Abacus",
"name": "Abaque"
"id": "Ale, Keg",
"name": "Cervoise, Tonnelet",
"description": "<p>Capacity 3 gallons. Empty kegs can be refilled for 18d</p>"
"id": "Ale, pint",
"name": "Cervoise, pinte"
"id": "Amulet",
"name": "Amulette"
"id": "Animal Trap",
"name": "Pièges à animal",
"description": "<p>Utilisé pour attraper du gibier ( cf. page 131)</p>"
"id": "Antitoxin Kit",
"name": "Nécessaire anti-poison",
"description": "<p>renferme un petit couteau, des herbes et un bocal des sanguse. Un test de Guérison réussi avec un nécessaire antipoison retire tous les Etats <em>Empoisonné</em<. Le traitement prend au moins deux rounds.</p>"
"id": "Arrow",
"name": "Flèche",
"description": "<p>Empaleuse</p>"
"id": "Backpack",
"name": "Sac à dos",
"description": ""
"id": "Ball",
"name": "Balle"
"id": "Bandage",
"name": "Bandages",
"description": "<p>Un testde Guérison ou de Dextérité réussi retire +1 Etat hémorrgique supplémetaire</p>"
"id": "Barrel",
"name": "Baril",
"description": "<p>Capacité: 145 litres de liquide.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Bastard Sword",
"name": "Epée Batârde",
"description": ""
"id": "Baton ",
"name": "Baton ",
"description": ""
"id": "Bedroll ",
"name": "Sac de couchage ",
"description": "<p>Les Test de Résistance effectués pour résister au foid (cf. page 181) gagnent un bonus de +20 quand vous l'utilisez pour vous reposer.</p>"
"id": "Black Lotus",
"name": "Lotus Noir",
"description": "<p>Cette plante mortelle pousse dans les jungles du Sud, et elle est utilisée pour empoisonner les lames. Les victimes qui subissent au moins 1 Point de Blessure d'une lame recouverte de sa sève subissent immédiatement 2 Etats <em>Empoisonnés</em>. Combattu ave cun <strong>Testde Resistance Cmplexe (-10)</strong></p>"
"id": "Blanket",
"name": "Blanket",
"description": "<p>Les Test de Résistance effectués pour résister au foid (cf. page 181) gagnent un bonus de +20 quand vous l'utilisez pour vous reposer.</p>"
"id": "Blunderbuss",
"name": "Tromblon",
"description": ""
"id": "Boat Hook",
"name": "Crochet",
"description": ""
"id": "Boiled Leather Breastplate",
"name": "Plastron en Cuir Bouilli",
"description": ""
"id": "Bolas",
"name": "Bolas"
"id": "Bolt",
"name": "Carreau",
"description": ""
"id": "Bomb",
"name": "Bombe"
"id": "Book, Apothecary",
"name": "Livre, Apothicaire",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Art",
"name": "Livre, Art",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Cryptography",
"name": "Livre, Cryptographie",
"description": "</p>"
"id": "Book, Engineer",
"name": "Livre, Ingénierie",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Law",
"name": "Livre, Juridique",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Magic",
"name": "Livre, Magick",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Medicine",
"name": "Livre, Médecine",
"description": ""
"id": "Book, Religion",
"name": "Livre, Religion",
"description": ""
"id": "Boots",
"name": "Bottes"
"id": "Bow",
"name": "Arc"
"id": "Bowl",
"name": "Bol",
"description": ""
"id": "Brass Penny",
"name": "Sous de Cuivre",
"description": ""
"id": "Broom",
"name": "Balai",
"description": ""
"id": "Bucket",
"name": "Seau",
"description": ""
"id": "Bugmans XXXXXX Ale, pint ",
"name": "Cervoise de Bugman, pinte ",
"description": "<p>Une chope de cervoise de Burgman compte pour 4 chopes de cervoise normale pour le calcul de l'intexication (cf page 129), et confère une immunité aux Tests de Peur pour 1d10 heures.</p>"
"id": "Bullet and Powder",
"name": "Poudre et Balles",
"description": ""
"id": "Candle",
"name": "Bougie",
"description": "<p>Fourni de la lumière jusqu'à 10 mètres.</p>"
"id": "Canvas Tarp",
"name": "Bâche de toile",
"description": ""
"id": "Cart",
"name": "Charette",
"description": "<p>Un conducteur et animal de trait sont nécessaires.</p>"
"id": "Cask",
"name": "Tonneau",
"description": "<p>Capacité: 45 litres de liquide.</p>"
"id": "Cavalry Hammer",
"name": "Marteau de Cavalerie",
"description": ""
"id": "Chalk",
"name": "Craie",
"description": ""
"id": "Charcoal stick",
"name": "Batonnet de fusain",
"description": ""
"id": "Chicken",
"name": "Poulet"
"id": "Chisel",
"name": "Ciseau",
"description": ""
"id": "Cloak",
"name": "Cape",
"description": "<p>Protège contre les éléments</p>"
"id": "Clothing",
"name": "Vêtement",
"description": ""
"id": "Coach",
"name": "Diligence",
"description": "<p>Nécessite 2 conducteurs et quatre chevaux.</p>"
"id": "Coat",
"name": "Manteau",
"description": "<p>Protège le porteur contre les éléments et le froid extrême ; sans un bon manteau ou similaire, vous recevrez des pénalites pour résister à l'exposition au froid (cf. page 181).</p>"
"id": "Comb",
"name": "Peigne",
"description": ""
"id": "Cooking Pot",
"name": "Marmite",
"description": ""
"id": "Coracle",
"name": "Coracle",
"description": "<p>Les coracles sont de petits bateaux légers qui conviennent pour une personne et peuvent être facilement transportés. Ils sont fait de cuir, ou d'écorce, tendu sur un cadre de bois, et dirigés à l'aide d'une seule rame.</p>"
"id": "Courtly Garb",
"name": "Habit de Cour",
"description": ""
"id": "Crossbow",
"name": "Arbalète",
"description": ""
"id": "Crossbow Pistol",
"name": "Arbalète de Poing"
"id": "Cup",
"name": "Coupe",
"description": ""
"id": "Cutlery",
"name": "Couvert",
"description": ""
"id": "Dagger",
"name": "Dague"
"id": "Dart",
"name": "Fléchette"
"id": "Davrich Lamp",
"name": "Lampe Davrich",
"description": "<p>Une lampe de sureté. Elle abrite une bougie qui emet une lumière vive en présenc de grisou, après 1d10 rounds d'exposition à la lampe, le grisou explosera.</p>"
"id": "Deck of Cards",
"name": "Paquet de cartes",
"description": ""
"id": "Destrier",
"name": "Destrier",
"description": "<p>Cheval entraîné pour la guerre.</p>"
"id": "Dice",
"name": "Dé",
"description": ""
"id": "Digestive Tonic",
"name": "Tonique digestif",
"description": "<p>Octroie +20 aux Tests pour se remettre des maux d'estomacs tels que la Courante galopante ou le FLlux sanglant (cf. page 186).</p>"
"id": "Disguise Kit",
"name": "Nécessaire de déguisement",
"description": "<p>Contient 4 déguisements ainsi que des éléments pour changer d'apparence.</p>"
"id": "Dog collar and lead",
"name": "Collier et laisse"
"id": "Doll",
"name": "Poupée",
"description": ""
"id": "Draught Horse",
"name": "Cheval de guerre léger",
"description": "<p>Cheval entraîné pour la guerre.</p>"
"id": "Ear Pick",
"name": "Ear Pick",
"description": ""
"id": "Earth Root",
"name": "Racine de Terre",
"description": "<p>Annule les effets des bubons de la Peste Noire. De plus, gagnez un bonus de +10 à tous les Tests concernant cette malade. Dose : 1 / jour.</p>"
"id": "Elf Arrow",
"name": "Flèche Elfe",
"description": ""
"id": "Elf Bow",
"name": "Arc Elfique"
"id": "Engineering Marvel",
"name": "Engineering Marvel",
"description": "<p>Only for the exceedingly rich, you commission a work of art from one of the Engineers&rsquo; Guilds, allowing you to completely ignore the loss of an ear, hand, arm, or leg, as steam hisses and machinery clicks in place of blood and muscle. Should you ever receive a Critical Wound to the marvel, it automatically breaks down, and needs to be taken back for costly repair (at least 10% of the base cost, depending upon the nature of the Critical Wound received).</p>"
"id": "Eye patch",
"name": "Cache Oeil",
"description": ""
"id": "Face Powder",
"name": "Poudre pour le visage",
"description": ""
"id": "False Eye",
"name": "Oeil de verre",
"description": ""
"id": "False Leg",
"name": "Fausse jambe",
"description": "<p>Une fausse jambe (ou un faux pied) vous permet d'ignorer 1 Point de Mouvement perdu par la perte de votre membre. De plus, pour 100 XP, vous pouvez récupérer le dernier point de Mouvement perdu, car vous vous entraînez à utiliser votre prothèse, et pour 200XP, vous réaprenez comment utiliser de nouveau <em>Esquive</em></p>"
"id": "Faxtoryll",
"name": "Faxtoryll",
"description": "<p>Retirent les Etats <em>Hémoragiques</em> sans Test de Guérison. Dose : 1 par Blessure Cirtique.</p>"
"id": "Fish Hooks",
"name": "Hameçons",
"description": ""
"id": "Flail",
"name": "Fléau"
"id": "Flask",
"name": "Flasque",
"description": "<p>Capacity: 1 pint of liquid.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Flask of Spirits",
"name": "Flask of Spirits"
"id": "Floor Brush",
"name": "Brosse",
"description": ""
"id": "Foil",
"name": "Foil"
"id": "Food, groceries/day",
"name": "Nourriture, rations/jour",
"description": ""
"id": "Gavel",
"name": "Marteau",
"description": ""
"id": "Gilded Nose",
"name": "Nez doré",
"description": "<p>En général en bois ou céramrique, le terme demeure très utilisé. Vous pouvez ignorer le malus de Sociabilité lorsque vous le portez.</p>"
"id": "Gloves",
"name": "Gants",
"description": ""
"id": "Gold Crown",
"name": "Courone d'Or",
"description": ""
"id": "Grain Flail",
"name": "Fléau à Grain"
"id": "Grappling Hook",
"name": "Grappin",
"description": ""
"id": "Great Axe",
"name": "Grande Hache"
"id": "Guild License",
"name": "License de GuildeGuild License",
"description": ""
"id": "Halberd",
"name": "Hallebarde"
"id": "Hammer",
"name": "Marteau (arme)",
"description": ""
"id": "Hand Mirror",
"name": "Miroir à main",
"description": ""
"id": "Hand Weapon",
"name": "Arme à 1 main",
"description": ""
"id": "Handgun",
"name": "Pistolet",
"description": ""
"id": "Hat",
"name": "Chapeau",
"description": ""
"id": "Healing Draught",
"name": "Potion de Guérison",
"description": "Si vous avez plus de 0 Points de Blessure, récupérez immédiatement (Bonus d'Endurance) Points de Blessure. Dose : 1 par rencontre.</p>"
"id": "Healing Poultice",
"name": "Cataplasme de Guérison",
"description": "<p>Aucune infection mineure issue d'une Blessure Critique lorsqu'appliqué.</p>"
"id": "Heartkill",
"name": "Brise-coeur",
"description": "<p>Ingéré, la mixture mortellt inflige 4 Etats <em>Empoisonné</em>. Combattu avec un <strong>Test de Resistance Complexe (-10)</strong.</p>"
"id": "Heavy Crossbow",
"name": "Arbalète Lourde"
"id": "Hochland Long Rifle",
"name": "Long Fusil d'Hochland",
"description": ""
"id": "Hoe",
"name": "Houe",
"description": ""
"id": "Homing Pigeon",
"name": "Pigeon Voyageur"
"id": "Hood",
"name": "Capuchon",
"description": ""
"id": "Hook",
"name": "Crochet",
"description": "<p>Cf. paeg 308</p>"
"id": "Hunting Dog",
"name": "Chien de chasse"
"id": "Improvised Shot and Powder",
"name": "Munitions Improvisées Balles et Poudres",
"description": ""
"id": "Improvised Weapon",
"name": "Arme improvisée",
"description": ""
"id": "Incendiary",
"name": "Molotof"
"id": "Instrument",
"name": "Instrument",
"description": ""
"id": "Javelin",
"name": "Javelot"
"id": "Jewellry",
"name": "Bijoux",
"description": ""
"id": "Jug",
"name": "Cruche",
"description": "<p>Capacité: 4/5 litres de liquide.</p>"
"id": "Key",
"name": "Clé",
"description": ""
"id": "Knife",
"name": "Couteau"
"id": "Knife",
"name": "Couteau",
"description": ""
"id": "Knuckledusters",
"name": "Cestes"
"id": "Lamp Oil",
"name": "Lampe à Huile",
"description": "<p>Contient du combustible pour 4 heures en standard, ou 8 heures avec une flamme faible.</p>"
"id": "Lance",
"name": "Lance",
"description": ""
"id": "Lantern",
"name": "Lanterne",
"description": "<p>Illumine à 20 mètres.</p>"
"id": "Lasso",
"name": "Lasso"
"id": "Lead Bullet",
"name": "Balle de plomb",
"description": ""
"id": "Leaflet",
"name": "Brochure"
"id": "Leather Jack",
"name": "Veste de cuir"
"id": "Leather Jerkin",
"name": "Justaucorps de cuir"
"id": "Leather Leggings",
"name": "Jambières de cuir"
"id": "Leather Skullcap",
"name": "Calotte de cuir"
"id": "Legal Document",
"name": "Document légal",
"description": ""
"id": "Light Warhorse",
"name": "Cheval de guerre léger",
"description": "<p>Cheval entraîner pour la guerre</p>"
"id": "Lock Picks",
"name": "Outil de crochetage",
"description": "<p>Permet de crochert sans malus</p>"
"id": "Longbow",
"name": "Arc long"
"id": "Mad Cap Mushrooms",
"name": "Bonnet de Fou",
"description": "<p>Induisent une Rage Berserk : +10 en Force, +4 Blessures et le Talent <em>Frénésie</em>. Quand l'effet se dissipe, l'utilisateur perd 1d10 Points de Blessure. Si pas peaux-vertes : <strong>Test d'Endurance Intermédiaire</strong> ou contracter une Infection Mineure. Durée: actif tant que mâché plus 2d20 minutes. supplémentaires.</p>"
"id": "Mail Chausses",
"name": "Mail Chausses"
"id": "Mail Coat",
"name": "Mail Coat"
"id": "Mail Coif",
"name": "Mail Coif"
"id": "Mail Shirt",
"name": "Mail Shirt"
"id": "Main Gauche",
"name": "Main Gauche"
"id": "Manacles",
"name": "Manacles",
"description": "<p>Prisoners trying to break out of manacles suffer 1 Wound and must pass a Very Hard (-30) Strength Test.</p>"
"id": "Mandrake Root",
"name": "Mandrake Root",
"description": "<p>This highly-addictive deliriant grows under gallows, and is chewed to keep an unquiet mind still. Users must pass a Willpower Test every Round to perform an Action or a Move (choose one); further, Movement is halved. However, Cool Tests receive a bonus of +20. <strong>Duration</strong>: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes.</p>"
"id": "Map",
"name": "Map"
"id": "Mask",
"name": "Mask",
"description": ""
"id": "Match",
"name": "Match",
"description": ""
"id": "Meal, inn",
"name": "Meal, inn",
"description": ""
"id": "Military Flail",
"name": "Military Flail"
"id": "Monkey",
"name": "Monkey",
"description": "<p>Horse trained for war.</p>"
"id": "Moonflower",
"name": "Moonflower",
"description": "<p>This tranquilizer is a dried moss which grows only on leaves in the Laurelorn forest. Elves use Moonflower to treat Black Plague, granting a bonus of +30 to any associated Tests for Elves to resist the disease, otherwise it has no effect on their species. Others can inhale vapors from boiling the moss and if they fail a <strong>Very Hard (30) Willpower</strong> Test will gain an Unconscious Condition; if passed, they receive a bonus of +20 to Cool Tests and gain a Fatigued Condition. Moonflower is used by the most expensive Physicians as an anesthetic. <strong>Duration</strong>: 1d10+5 hours.</p>"
"id": "Mop",
"name": "Mop",
"description": ""
"id": "Mule",
"name": "Mule",
"description": "<p>Horse trained for war.</p>"
"id": "Nails ",
"name": "Nails ",
"description": ""
"id": "Nightshade",
"name": "Nightshade",
"description": "<p>Consuming this herb causes the victim to fall into a deep sleep after 2-3 hours, unless an Endurance Test is passed. A Nightshade slumber lasts 1d10+4 hours. <strong>Dose</strong>: 1 per person.</p>"
"id": "Open Plate Helm",
"name": "Open Plate Helm"
"id": "Paint Brush",
"name": "Paint Brush",
"description": ""
"id": "Pan",
"name": "Pan",
"description": ""
"id": "Parchment/sheet",
"name": "Parchment/sheet"
"id": "Perfume",
"name": "Perfume",
"description": ""
"id": "Pestle & Mortar",
"name": "Pestle & Mortar",
"description": ""
"id": "Pewter Stein",
"name": "Pewter Stein",
"description": "<p>Beer mug/tankard made of pewter</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Pick",
"name": "Pick",
"description": ""
"id": "Pick",
"name": "Pick",
"description": ""
"id": "Pike",
"name": "Pike"
"id": "Pins",
"name": "Pins",
"description": ""
"id": "Pipe and Tobacco",
"name": "Pipe and Tobacco",
"description": ""
"id": "Pistol",
"name": "Pistol",
"description": ""
"id": "Placard",
"name": "Placard",
"description": ""
"id": "Plate",
"name": "Plate",
"description": ""
"id": "Plate Bracers",
"name": "Plate Bracers"
"id": "Plate Breastplate",
"name": "Plate Breastplate"
"id": "Plate Helm",
"name": "Plate Helm"
"id": "Plate Leggings",
"name": "Plate Leggings"
"id": "Pole (3 yards)",
"name": "Pole (3 yards)",
"description": "<p>A long pole used for barging; counts as an @Item[Improvised Weapon]</p>"
"id": "Pony",
"name": "Pony",
"description": "<p>Horse trained for war.</p>"
"id": "Pouch",
"name": "Pouch",
"description": ""
"id": "Quarterstaff",
"name": "Quarterstaff"
"id": "Quill Pen",
"name": "Quill Pen",
"description": ""
"id": "Rags",
"name": "Rags",
"description": ""
"id": "Rake",
"name": "Rake",
"description": ""
"id": "Ranald's Delight",
"name": "Ranald's Delight",
"description": "<p>This highly-addictive stimulant is a synthetic compound made from sulphur, mercury and other elements. Inhaling the powder provides a bonus of +1 to Movement, and +10 to WS, S, T, and Agi. Tis last for 3 hours, after which the user suffers a penalty of 2 Movement and 20 on Weapon Skill, Strength, Toughness, and Agility. <strong>Duration</strong>: 1 day.</p>"
"id": "Rapier",
"name": "Rapier",
"description": ""
"id": "Rations, 1 day",
"name": "Rations, 1 day",
"description": ""
"id": "Reading Lens",
"name": "Reading Lens",
"description": "<p>Glass lenses with handles provide a +20 bonus to Read/Write Tests for deciphering tiny or unintelligible writing. Perception Tests to search for fine details such as secret doors or compartments also receive a +20 bonus</p>"
"id": "Religious Symbol",
"name": "Religious Symbol",
"description": ""
"id": "Repeater Handgun",
"name": "Repeater Handgun",
"description": ""
"id": "Repeater Pistol",
"name": "Repeater Pistol",
"description": ""
"id": "Riding Horse",
"name": "Riding Horse",
"description": "<p>Horse trained for war.</p>"
"id": "River Barge",
"name": "River Barge",
"description": "<p>Three crew are standard.</p>"
"id": "Robes",
"name": "Robes",
"description": ""
"id": "Rock",
"name": "Rock"
"id": "Room, common/night",
"name": "Room, common/night",
"description": "<p>Guests sleeping in common rooms should be wary of thieves.</p>"
"id": "Room, private/night",
"name": "Room, private/night",
"description": "<p>Accommodates 2 guests. Large rooms cost double the price and accommodate 4 guests.</p>"
"id": "Rope, 10 yards",
"name": "Rope, 10 yards",
"description": ""
"id": "Row Boat",
"name": "Row Boat",
"description": "<p>One rower is standard.</p>"
"id": "Sack",
"name": "Sack",
"description": "<p>Requires 1 hand to carry.</p>"
"id": "Sack, Large",
"name": "Sack, Large",
"description": "<p>Requires 1 hand to carry (or 2 hands if full).</p>"
"id": "Saddle and Harness",
"name": "Saddle and Harness"
"id": "Saddlebags",
"name": "Saddlebags",
"description": "<p>Requires 1 hand to carry (or 2 hands if full).</p>"
"id": "Salwort",
"name": "Salwort",
"description": "<p>When held under someones nose, the aroma from a crushed sprig of this herb removes 1 Stunned&nbsp;Condition. <strong>Dose</strong>: 1 per encounter.</p>"
"id": "Saw",
"name": "Saw",
"description": ""
"id": "Scepter",
"name": "Scepter",
"description": "<p>The highest-ranking legal officials carry scepters to indicate their status.</p>"
"id": "Scroll Case",
"name": "Scroll Case",
"description": "<p>Counts as worn when slung over your shoulder.</p>"
"id": "Shield",
"name": "Shield"
"id": "Shield (Buckler)",
"name": "Shield (Buckler)"
"id": "Shield (Large)",
"name": "Shield (Large)"
"id": "Shoes",
"name": "Shoes",
"description": ""
"id": "Shortbow",
"name": "Shortbow"
"id": "Sickle",
"name": "Sickle",
"description": ""
"id": "Signet Ring",
"name": "Signet Ring",
"description": "<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Gold rings with engraved stamps are worn by nobles and guild officials, who use them to imprint heraldry or insignia into sealing wax.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Silver Shilling",
"name": "Silver Shilling",
"description": ""
"id": "Sling",
"name": "Sling"
"id": "Sling Bag",
"name": "Sling Bag",
"description": "<p>Counts as worn when slung over your shoulder.</p>"
"id": "Small shot and Powder",
"name": "Small shot and Powder",
"description": ""
"id": "Spade",
"name": "Spade",
"description": ""
"id": "Spear",
"name": "Spear",
"description": ""
"id": "Spike",
"name": "Spike",
"description": ""
"id": "Spirits, pint",
"name": "Spirits, pint"
"id": "Spit",
"name": "Spit",
"description": "<p>Extracted from Chameleoleeches found in the marshes of the Empire, this extraordinarily powerful hallucinogen brings visions of something deeply desired, such as a lost lover, a dead friend, or a missing child. Called Spit on the streets, its popular with those lost to despair. Upon exposure, you must pass a <strong>Very Hard (30) Toughness</strong> Test or be lost to a fully real fantasy, which is a matter for the GM to handle. <strong>Duration</strong>: 1d10 minutes.</p>"
"id": "Stables/night",
"name": "Stables/night"
"id": "Staff Sling",
"name": "Staff Sling"
"id": "Stamp, engraved",
"name": "Stamp, engraved",
"description": ""
"id": "Stone Bullet",
"name": "Stone Bullet",
"description": ""
"id": "Storm Lantern",
"name": "Storm Lantern",
"description": "<p>Shutters protect the flame from wind, and also enable the light to be directed in a 90&deg; arc or darkened altogether. Provides illumination for 20 yards, or 30 when targeted.</p>"
"id": "Swordbreaker",
"name": "Swordbreaker"
"id": "Tattoo",
"name": "Tattoo",
"description": ""
"id": "Telescope",
"name": "Telescope",
"description": ""
"id": "Tent",
"name": "Tent",
"description": ""
"id": "Throwing Axe",
"name": "Throwing Axe"
"id": "Throwing Knife",
"name": "Throwing Knife"
"id": "Tinderbox",
"name": "Tinderbox",
"description": ""
"id": "Tongs, steel",
"name": "Tongs, steel",
"description": ""
"id": "Trade Tools (Type)",
"name": "Trade Tools (Type)",
"description": "<p><strong>Apothecary</strong>: Tools include pestle and mortar, spoons, jars, and weights and scales. Workshops also include oil burners and shelves full of ingredients.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Artisan</strong>: The potential range of tools used by Artisans is wide.</p>\n<p>Sample packages include:</p>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Carpenter</strong>: Hammer and nails, saw, measuring rod, chalk, and plumb lines. Workshops also include lathes, planes, clamps, and a supply of lumber.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Engraver</strong>: Gravers, punches, wax, acid, hammer, and chisels. Workshops also include dies and presses.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Smith</strong>: Hammer, tongs, punches, swages, bits, and augers. Workshops also include an anvil, furnace, swage block, sledgehammers, and metal ingots.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Other Artisans include: Armorer, Bowyer, Brewer, Candlemaker, Calligrapher, Cartographer, Cobbler, Cook, Cooper, Embalmer, Gem Cutter, Glassblower, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Mason, Painter, Potter, Shipwright, Stoneworker, Tailor, Tanner, Vintner, Weaver, Weaponsmith and Woodcarver.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Artist</strong>: Brushes and paints, hammer and chisels, rasps and files, and scrapers. Workshops also include easels or pedestals and supplies of canvas, parchment, vellum, wood, clay or uncut stone.</p>\n<p><strong>Engineer</strong>: Hourglass, measuring rod, fuse cord, drafting compass, and T-square. Workshops also include pulleys, ropes, and drafting tables.</p>\n<p><strong>Herbalist</strong>: Pestle and mortar, small knives, pruning shears, and gloves. Workshops also include drying racks, strainers, funnels, bowls, and jars.</p>\n<p><strong>Navigator</strong>: Quadrant, astrolabe, charts and compasses, hourglass, and sounding line.</p>\n<p><strong>Physician</strong>: Needles and sutures, bandages, scalpel, vinegar, forceps, and a speculum. Workshops also include anatomical drawings, assorted implements, and a surgery table.&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Tweezers",
"name": "Tweezers",
"description": ""
"id": "Unarmed",
"name": "Unarmed"
"id": "Uniform",
"name": "Uniform",
"description": ""
"id": "Vitality Draught",
"name": "Vitality Draught",
"description": "<p>Drinking this draught instantly removes all Fatigued&nbsp;Conditions.</p>"
"id": "Wagon",
"name": "Wagon",
"description": "<p>One driver and two horses are standard .</p>"
"id": "Walking Cane",
"name": "Walking Cane",
"description": "<p>Polished wooden canes with metal caps are status symbols amongst wealthier townsfolk.</p>"
"id": "Warhammer",
"name": "Warhammer",
"description": ""
"id": "Waterskin",
"name": "Waterskin",
"description": "<p>Counts as worn when slung over your shoulder.</p>"
"id": "Weirdroot",
"name": "Weirdroot",
"description": "<p>One of the most common street-drugs in the Empire, Weirdroot is chewed, bringing a sense of euphoria and pleasant hallucinations, which some suggest may be connected to the Winds of Magic. The drug gives a +10 bonus to Toughness and Willpower Tests, but a penalty of 10 to Agility, Initiative, and Intelligence Tests. <strong>Duration</strong>: Active when chewed plus an additional 1d10×10 minutes.</p>"
"id": "Whip",
"name": "Whip"
"id": "Wine & Spirits, drink",
"name": "Wine & Spirits, drink"
"id": "Wine, bottle",
"name": "Wine, bottle"
"id": "Wooden Teeth",
"name": "Wooden Teeth",
"description": "<p>False Teeth are often beautifully carved and painted, and sometimes a significant improvement to the originals. You ignore all penalties for loss of teeth.</p>"
"id": "Workshop (Type)",
"name": "Workshop (Type)",
"description": "<p><strong>Apothecary</strong>: Tools include pestle and mortar, spoons, jars, and weights and scales. Workshops also include oil burners and shelves full of ingredients.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Artisan</strong>: The potential range of tools used by Artisans is wide.</p>\n<p>Sample packages include:</p>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Carpenter</strong>: Hammer and nails, saw, measuring rod, chalk, and plumb lines. Workshops also include lathes, planes, clamps, and a supply of lumber.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Engraver</strong>: Gravers, punches, wax, acid, hammer, and chisels. Workshops also include dies and presses.</li>\n</ul>\n<ul type=\"disc\">\n<li><strong>Smith</strong>: Hammer, tongs, punches, swages, bits, and augers. Workshops also include an anvil, furnace, swage block, sledgehammers, and metal ingots.</li>\n</ul>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p>Other Artisans include: Armorer, Bowyer, Brewer, Candlemaker, Calligrapher, Cartographer, Cobbler, Cook, Cooper, Embalmer, Gem Cutter, Glassblower, Goldsmith, Gunsmith, Jeweler, Leatherworker, Mason, Painter, Potter, Shipwright, Stoneworker, Tailor, Tanner, Vintner, Weaver, Weaponsmith and Woodcarver.</p>\n<p>&nbsp;</p>\n<p><strong>Artist</strong>: Brushes and paints, hammer and chisels, rasps and files, and scrapers. Workshops also include easels or pedestals and supplies of canvas, parchment, vellum, wood, clay or uncut stone.</p>\n<p><strong>Engineer</strong>: Hourglass, measuring rod, fuse cord, drafting compass, and T-square. Workshops also include pulleys, ropes, and drafting tables.</p>\n<p><strong>Herbalist</strong>: Pestle and mortar, small knives, pruning shears, and gloves. Workshops also include drying racks, strainers, funnels, bowls, and jars.</p>\n<p><strong>Navigator</strong>: Quadrant, astrolabe, charts and compasses, hourglass, and sounding line.</p>\n<p><strong>Physician</strong>: Needles and sutures, bandages, scalpel, vinegar, forceps, and a speculum. Workshops also include anatomical drawings, assorted implements, and a surgery table.&nbsp;</p>"
"id": "Worms",
"name": "Worms"
"id": "Writing Kit",
"name": "Writing Kit",
"description": ""
"id": "Zweihander",
"name": "Zweihander",
"description": ""